FOUND 1943 PENNY I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit Locker Auction / Opening Mystery Boxes / Wars

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oh we have some old coins here for sure Jeremy and George back at it again what the hills are we doing today George today is the last day of the unboxing of the terrain unit it's pure gold its money why would you why would you just cut it off like that because we're almost out of boxes to unbox I guess we better go buy some more storage units we're gonna play this game again win again what's the game knife-throwing maybe I'm trying to let you have the honor there's always some great stuff hidden under the bench there's like ten pieces of tape on this what do you see what I see oh she's taking her gloves off you guys can yell at her not me I see Mickey Mouse okay let's look for a date we've got Walt Disney Productions made in Hong Kong I do not see a date but the arm is opposed as poseable just find an old-school Mickey yeah he pops out it's the old puppets you think that's old-school you should try this Magnum box cassette tape Claire I start rocket just jam out with my with my Walkman tune the whole family out this says I like most people except you and then you push it down you I love give me some love okay look someone stuck a random sword in the ribbon of this you see it on the Walkman headphones there's a wooden box few more did a call to glam up Courtney flow phenyl ambassadors Modena trooper and it's it's empty looks like a cigar box ambassadors look at that there's a portable jigsaw so I'm not sure how you would use a portable jigsaw but there must be oh here you go this had to go onto something if you spin this maybe it went on your drill or something then the blade would go up and down but the blade is broke we're all United States trains okay here is your 3d viewer this one is mother Goose nursery my knowledge do you need a disposable wrist strap what is the disposable wrist strap strap your guess is as good as mine unwrapped over here there you go here's to you have to wrist we've got a Kodak Instamatic I'm ready smile guess what I found another vintage walkman all thank more vintage rollers here pocket pal okay camera arts camera arts Kodak Kodak and we have slides yeah in these types of slides there's a face there's a haunting face and all kinds of slides film and slides this is a big one this is the one this one's labeled store to sort and then nice stuff you love stuff especially when it's nice right cheesy anybody so we got hard cheese eating hope that looks like it's pretty new in the package there me either have you ever played backgammon yes my dad taught me how to play this do you know Johnny Cash did you know that I know that you've sang songs like him on the live stream I have look at this it's like they all real here's for the person who drinks like a fish piano strings and moonlight this is this is old recording stuff here but I just found George M George I just found George on that projector was four slides here's chess I didn't know chess sports could be cute but apparently people this is a cute chess board that's what a cute one that was like the timetables of American history any man can be a father but it takes somebody special to be a daddy 1976 got a little bit of a pirate boat here we should send that the storage option pirate I just found another ship this is the flipper ship Flying Cloud there's some in there okay got it it looks like we found the Democratic Party whoops and just dropped it to whatever this is yeah I just dropped it was another donkey there's the other donkey so apparently this donkey is a broken don't gay primes plugs not sure what that is and I'm I wonder if that could potentially be welded JB welded and and fixed [Music] there's a market saw pretty tracks right only for weirdos here's a New York 1928 wheel pulley by the way that was sarcasm not only weirdos not only weirdos want 8tracks super weirdos want 8tracks as well there's another pulley see the weight there as though it's spin maybe I just found I just found jewelry you tell me see if we got gold definitely have wind but it's definitely blowing definitely all right we're gonna have to take this home and check it we'll take that what's that that's just a piece of steel and here's a stamp here's a stamp which George just found an $1,800 now so oh wait here's a little there's Canadian penny George here's look nice the the red kind with the metal blades in a that kind of why is there always so much of the month left at the end of the money we've got wood letters got some kind of artistic something and clothing does that MOC say what I think it says hubs you starting to label boxes all right let's see what we got whoa we got one of my favorites we got The Hobbit so these are the glass goblets these are really cool yeah we sure have I don't think we actually found them in the box though have we did we okay so there is our win and there we got Strider the Ranger Aragon Gandalf sounds like something just fell oh oh look at that look at that you got the date on the actual light bulb right there so 1971 it more railroad go figure more railroad right there that's the VHS we got ship in a bottle maybe if I if I put a SOS note in a bottle and I I got lost in the world and I threw it into the ocean would you come find me look here's a good sign that's a really good sign these cartridges are I found another good sign we got records you shook me all night long ac/dc that's that's actually that might be worth something we got Carly Simon we got you don't know what you got I don't know who that is that can just jump out again that raccoons become is Howard every single afternoon at the same time that's not good it's not good when raccoons come out and Murray we got the Scott brothers let's see what else we got van Halen you got to be kidding me so this stuff you have to look all of this stuff up and the way you do that obviously is on AV Bay and you look at the souls to see what people are actually paying so this will have to research all of it I would call that a golf ball with a clock guess what else we got over here we got more I bet you can't guess what's in here what happened to your kunai what'd you do to it just two boxes ago these are you in the bathroom break leave it in there do you have to cut something off okay we definitely have records look at that railroad sounds do you think these are all gonna be railroad records Kenny Rogers the carpenter's Alabama now one of our subscribers is actually related to the members of the band and the Alabama really cool I bet you can't guess where she'll is her uncle I remember her uncle for sure Conaway Peter Paul and Mary Wow I bet this I bet this takes some of you guys back let us know which one of these records you still have at home Gold Circle you remember when Gold Circle is in business okay so there is oh there's one of my favorites hello my name is Johnny Cash Grand Old Opry there's some more Alabama so we'll have to go through every single one of these records I think I just saw waiting and Willie so we got country on the side this is more of the smaller records or something here can you grab that yeah these are yep bang records I can't explain it so the McCoys obviously records are making a huge comeback so we have to look every single one of these up we actually have a used record store here in Worcester and I've taken my records to them before and I've waited months for him to get to make me an offer and he just doesn't do anything and so I wouldn't mind selling them to him and him making some profit on them but he just doesn't move forward so what we have to do is we'll have to try and sell these ourselves online which isn't a bad thing let's see we got we got one more box here just take a quick peek at some of them well it looks like we have some sets in here so we got Beethoven electic mix 5 symphonies with the overture 1812 that's my favorite you know we got Alice in Wonderland so we got a huge mix of all the genres here well we'll look all that up online open it up George this box is labeled bus what was that alright we'll find out look oh there's a microphone will you sing sing come on sing us a song George why me too sing us a song you're the gorge sing us a song tonight well we're all in the mood for a melody hello George you make me looking for Jeremy feel oh right I'm right here George I'm I'm right here George George George yeah remember remember when you're mad at somebody what you would do you've done that a couple of times to mean there's a huge planters jar stuff in it let's see what we have here here let me take the camera down a little bit oh you know what that is that is a he mints sticker right there that's Teela that's got to have a little bit of value that's a cheeseburger that's there's nothing more valuable than a cheeseburger my time watch that belong to Amy Amy's property right there let's hold is it real a big a on the edge of a ring with no markings based on this I'm gonna say that a stands for Amy and that was probably Amy's sticker of tila we got no idea what this is anybody know what this is let us know let us know in the comments below I don't know it's an elephant picture oh that's a bookmark this is a bookmark alright George says it's a bookmark would help if I ever read a book after we unbox something we typically go through it a whole lot more in detail and one of the things that we found out with this little phone that George was playing with see this handle here this is a pencil sharpener so we thought it was a little foam but this looks like an antique pencil sharpener really cool made in Japan more purses like we don't have enough yet can I pull some of this other junk out so there's some junk there we got some ultra clear lasting hydration non sticky good stuff I've got another arm sling any video game wires nope oh this is what I need right now I am oh that's better yep much better George is that better oh here might be something tasks oh these are these are binoculars binoculars right here you got a wallet we've got here's a quarter and I don't know I can't even tell the date there here's a quarter in some kind of thing and we've got some old oh we have some old coins here for sure hold on second you got cash to hold a second hold a second hold a second oh no way no way no way no way no way we're gonna go where'd it go there it is 1943 there it is 1943 no no no no no no no no no okay see the difference here look look look see this that's copper this is steel so this is the difference copper this was faded yeah it looks like it looks like well that's how it got excited but that's that's steel so a steel 1943 is worth a penny but here we have a new copper 1940 they'd be worth over a million dollars here we have an 1882 Indian head here's a buffalo nickel from 1936 we've got pure silver we've got a 1908 World War two are the silver nickels they're not pure though 1908 that looks like a dime here is another Liberty dime that's 1926 and these are all greater than its value well that one's no it's silver so definitely greater not much right now but here is a 1943 Liberty and we got one more here look at look how shiny that is I've never seen a nickel that old that shiny and yet so messed up on the other side okay wasn't their Hawaiian one there okay check this out all right we got a silver certificate right here this is it says silver certificate up top so this is not a dollar bill this is silver certificate and 1934 here's another one you got a 57 and we got another 57 that's three okay we got a 2.19 76 and it's stamped April 13th and 1976 and somebody put a 13-cent stamp on I wonder if that was like for like a birthday gift or something and we got one Canadian dollar when they were paper not plastic let's see if we can find a date on here 1973 nice anything else in there some old vintage photos [Music] [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 117,635
Rating: 4.85744 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit guns, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, self storage, 1942 penny, rare coin
Id: sqCBvM0nX2k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 55sec (1615 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 14 2019
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