THEY STOLE MY EGG On The Beach Shelling In Florida / Social Experiment

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haha i just found my first mermaid implant did somebody say shelling yes i did shelling shell lane check out all these shells i'm checking them out are you checking it out so this is everything we found in the past two days from quarrel to shells since we couldn't find the king of shelling on sanibel island i propose george uh in fact nay i say i challenge you to a shelling king or queen challenge to see who can find the biggest the smallest and the most expensive shells here on the beach but wait what if i'm already a queen it would appear i'm winning already the famous tulip shell and the eggshell as a matter of fact the eggshell here we have the chickens with us they're everywhere with us we're gonna set this egg right here on the bench and we're gonna find out if anybody steals our favorite shell let's go shelly bye my sweet little shell i hope to see you later george is getting set up look at this already but that's a live show remember live shelling bad so that one that one goes back what's your strategy to keep my shells far away from your shelves which means she will be on the beach the entire time i'm keeping my shoes and me i'm going in the water let's find out who the shelling king or queen king yeah king is gonna be we were actually here at barefoot beach yesterday and there were some bear things as a matter of fact let's do a little rewind i'm gonna show you what we saw yesterday where are we shelling today barefoot beach preserve but i'm not barefoot right now neither of us are there's somebody over there with a bare butt literally look george over there no okay there really is what i've got to do is get out into the tide oh you found some awesome ones already with my dad's shoes but everything is getting in there there's what i got so far george i love it and i love it i'm headed there he goes this is the unfortunate side effects of red tide good for all the birds not so great for all the fish that one's still breathing at least trying right there right there my friends now that is a rare find that's the difference from well there's george being up on the shore from jeremy getting dirty and wet in the water while you've been sitting on the beach i've been in the beach hello my baby hello my darling hello my georgie george what else did you find stuff um that depends on some good ones what did you find i found an entire oh i ain't done i'm done where you going i ain't done i have an entire plastic bag filled with shells oh really because i got entire pockets oh yeah shell on shell on shell now if i remember correctly these are rarer there are ones that go clockwise in the spiral and counterclockwise and it's probably counterclockwise is the rarer more valuable one of those oh wow it's like a rat race for shells did you good find a good one and ty just brought another one in we are oh that's a full one that's so full we are not we are not going home yet that's another one for me taking the challenge seriously i see i'm taking a five give me a break i'm taking a five story of the tortoise and the hare literally the tortoise might be here because this is a tortoise sanctuary i'm soaking up the sun i need energy i'm getting in the water oh make no mistake it's freezing cold it took me about 12 hours after i got out of the ocean yesterday to warm back up but i can't lose i can't lose again i'm not sure george is going to let a crab count for anything but at least i got crabby today now if i could just find a crabby paddy look at this here i think yeah i think that's quarrel pretty cool if it is that doesn't really count but still looks really cool i always think it's neat to find them when they're actually complete so they're complete just like this that'll be cool that this will go really good remember george and i are going to create a shelling tree a tree that is surrounded with shells oh oh losing everything here there goes my coral a tree that's surrounded by shells on the ranch that we got it's a cool little driller we're right on the edge of the water right now look you find coral shells we better check in with george see what she's found so far interesting i've never seen that kind of shell before what oh that's the kenneth cole kenneth cole shell so that's what you've you've gotten so far you've gotten well i'm working i'm helping your subscribers locate their package okay i just got a phone call all right that's the excuse well then um i'm gonna go and see what else i can find that's what i found so far while you've been uh taking five i'm sure all you shelling kings and queens out there already know this is where we want to be you want to be where the water breaks right on the edge that's where the good stuff is going to be rolling around but it is cold another great spot is right where the water crashes up on the edge think of it as the oceans i'll check that out think of it as the ocean's garbage dump in some ways so most people who shell professionally there's another piece of coral look at that one most people who shell professionally they're out first thing in the morning and they're combing the dry land like george's so it's been picked over but here here every wave brings in something new so all we have to do is just stand and wait and see what the hails comes up next got it look at that what'd you find my strategy is to stay on dry land because there's a lot of gems that wash up on shore how many gems have you found there's one right there look at that perfect condition not bad in perfect condition not bad what about that one right there this one okay either look at that one and that one's all messed up look at that one that one's got a chip out of it look at this one not bad did you see all of this oh my gosh that reminds me of petoskey stones look at this there's a dolphin out there doing flips twists and twirls jumping everywhere let's see if we can get it again oh it was playing it was jumping it was twisting oh man this is what i like shelling at its finest there goes the dolphin last summer i actually had dolphin within feet of me and now i've got florida within feet of me come on baby give me us another jump one more jump come on yeah just playing around now i got one yep look at that there that one's pretty good you always got to make sure it's not live it is not a live shell see how we're on the breaking edge there so that one's pretty nice one there that one's a keeper for sure oh there it is there's another nice piece of coral all right i you know it's not a complete intact piece but it'll look awesome around a base of a tree let's go check up on george on my way to go see george look at that just found i've always called them angel wings not sure that's probably not the appropriate name but uh really cool looking shell pure white real fragile you got to be careful with those ones a big bag of shells you got going yeah so far so good i do like finding these little fellers i did find this and this is my shell scooper that's your pooper gotta use my resources okay i did find an angel wing i just found a giant one of those on the way over nice and then i found a turkey wing you know what that means right what means i'm a bigger angel than you okay we'll let you think that okay i do have a turkey wing in here turkey turkey where are you don't be a job turkey and come out and play oh here it is this is called a turkey wing because it looks like a turkey wing not sure what a jive turkey is but this you'd be a turkey not to move to florida for this my feet are pretty raw this is day three walking on sharp shards of shelling say that five times fast but it's worth it red tide is also at the beaches so it'll make you it'll make you sneeze cough it puts a tickle in your throat the hunt must go on though the hunt must go on george look what i found look at you i found us a new pet what is that well i'm gonna blend in with that is actually a hermit crab a baby one and then they'll find a new shelf so since he's living in the shell he actually stays on the beach so we'll let him beat so all these guys here you almost got your shoes wet all these guys here these are the drillers of the ocean so you can think of them as oil drillers and what they do you see the tops here they'll come in they'll attack other shells and they'll drill inside and eat the animal from inside of the shell after they drill so that one's been drilled from the top that one that one that one and then i found a baby cat call a little one little so far i've got the smallest shell does matter while george hangs out up there what i do i think the best thing for me not having a snorkel and all of that right now which that would be the best just get underwater and find them i stand on the edge i find where the tide is bringing in the shells such as right here okay it's dumping them right up here you can see the tides are bringing them in so i will stand on the edge with my back to the sun as you can see my shadow there and then i can see all the shells and once i see a big one pushed up i run and go grab it to see if i can find anything no luck on a big one so what i'm gonna do i'm gonna put my hand down and we're just gonna see what we can come up with look at that that one there i forget what that one's called whether that's the tulip and oh there's the jive turkey wing we've got now you gotta check these those are pretty look at all of this around me i mean i'm just literally standing in it and grabbing to see what comes up oh there's another tulip see it right there we just found it wow very cool very very cool what you finding did you notice that i rolled my jeans up oh did your feet get wet no it's starting to get a little warm out here finally and we love it did you notice that i have bare feet on barefoot beach pretty appropriate yesterday that one lady wasn't very appropriate she was bare bottom bare bottom girl beach this is barefoot beach she should have been at beer bottom beach i think i just found the tiniest griller shell ever there it be and anybody who wants my palm print for a life of crime there you can photocopy it have fun oh there's another beauty there should be just oh we've got it just in time just washed up yep i think that one's going going under the tree we got a bunch of these we have not found any lightning welts yet but i don't think this is oh george just found a huge scallop i don't think this is the beach for lightning wells we're gonna have to go back to sanibel for lightning welts a mama shell and baby shell i think you're just trying to beat me based on sure volume let me see what's in that bag yeah you're just trying to beat me based on sheer vows i told you all the gems get washed i'm sure no all the gems are in the ocean and they get washed up on shore where's this gem is that another jive turkey that's a giant turkey wing oh what can i get for 25 cents i think oh i got okay i got a couple things and something just floated by me i think that's our first lightning welt not in the best condition but that is yep i got our first lightning well look at that there all right i'm gonna stick around here for a little bit see what else i can come up with if it's spitting good stuff up that one just came up it looks pretty but that one i think that one has a crab in it i can't tell we're gonna have to wash it all right let's wash it no i don't think it's a crab i think it's still alive see there so that one that one goes back out ships ahoy in case you didn't know shelling is a lot of work it's hard work i'm gonna go take another five wait no wait that's what i just found and this one wow shadows are rough out here this one didn't have the top taken out that's got to be worth something very nice i found 12 of those you deserve to get them feet wet you don't want to talk trash like that to my friend george oh right here and i'll catch you and i can shoot in pieces georgia check this out this would have been the daddy show but it's ruined pretty sure that's a giant better days that's a giant lightning well it is man it really is is this your peace offering he's offering snack time yes you are look at this i walked a half mile down the beach so that i could make sure i win and like always she's stalking me george is hot on my trail stalking me trying to pick up my leftovers she ain't gonna win she ain't gonna win this one just rolled up george you see him you see him oh yeah there's this blowhole right there see it right there so he'll open now he's gonna close is he gonna spit at me well like a llama does sometimes they do and they do that to propel themselves in the water so he'll be like see his blowhole right there yeah i see it i didn't realize they had logos yep you won't see you won't find it see over here you don't see it anywhere there do you a little bit of a crack a little mccracken maybe it might be a little mccracken but there it is right there how cool all right he's going back in so this little feller he'll stay here bye-bye there's a halfway decent scale up a little chip on the front there but you know what i got a little chip on the front of my tooth too she isn't finding nothing look at that giant shell behind you you just missed that one oh my goodness that might be my winning shell no that's got a giant chip i touched it i just saw one of the weirdest things i gotta fight oh got it got it got i got it what the hell is that a vertebrae george george look look yeah what is that i don't know but look it kind of opens there oh wow what do you think it is a skeleton of some type of fish remember the sheephead had had teeth like that the sheep's head i think that's a sheephead jaw could be could very well be oh man oh man oh man oh man okay oh look at that we found a ton of these light is an issue out here on the beach we found a ton of these that were dead all right um creature just the shell no creature inside so we call it dead shell so we found a ton of these yesterday this one's solid he is in there i don't know if he's gonna open up and let us see a siphon i'm guessing not but that's see that's the benefit of being right here but these guys we just keep tossing them all back beautiful he'll get bigger and live a happy life what are you finding look at that one it has different shades of red green yellow orange white light tan rainbow scallop sure we can call it that how many you got so far oh look at that you found some blue i found some blue cracks blue crocs ah my feet are so raw so raw but i tried the crocs what happens when you go native really that's what happens you get raw dogs my dog's just raw raw raw here's another great area pushing shells up look there's all kinds of shells i just found this perfect conch shell in there and look there's a bunch more a bunch but let's see if we can actually grab one see what we can get here look at all this it's coming in anywhere and everywhere we just got up here there we go there's that one's kind of faded see what else we got here this area right here is just spitting everything up oh there's another one look at that one look at that one that one's perfect another beautiful shell all right i'm gonna stick around here for a little bit where's george oh there's george i found another beautiful piece of coral now look at this look at the line okay you see the line there i know hard to see when i'm in the way lighting is so difficult out here if you're a youtuber all of this over here this is straight sand line right there all shells so the tides push everything you got to find where the shelling tides are and jump in what you got i'm starting to get a little bit of a farmer's tan i have to roll up my sleeves really when are we going to start farming right now we got to start farming shells instead of the tiger king the shelling king oh yeah it doesn't get much better than this just found this one which seems to be pretty rare in this area on sanibel these are all over the place which we're gonna go to sanibel tomorrow that one is still alive so that one no one gets back in my feet are about dead though do you finally concede are you giving me the win who's the shelling king my lips are getting chapped i'm calling the quits do you see what i see do you see what is not there i knew it even though i'm the shelling king somebody took the prize shell less than 12 hours the eggshell we should run the eggshell test tomorrow on sanibel island too what do you think [Music] sure [Music] you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 34,389
Rating: 4.9148655 out of 5
Keywords: shelling, sanibel island, Florida, barefoot beach, beach combing
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 47sec (1607 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 30 2020
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