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[Music] if you if you love what the hell's type what the hells if you love what they'll talk what the hell yeah if you love what the hell's and you know it's raining the cats and their tails if you love what the heels type what the hell's [Music] if you love what the hails and it's raining enough to support whales if you love what the hells [Music] if you love what the hell's and it's raining more for whales if you love what the hell's type what the hell all right welcome to sunday fun day we got a lot to cover here tonight all kinds of things going on the biggest thing going on is it has been raining in florida since thursday night thursday night the rain started with gigantic storms you like that word gigantic don't you with gigantic storms and it has literally not stopped raining yet there is so much rain now here's the crazy part we're not even in the wet season yet so i think the wet season is going to be a beyond wet season i think it's going to be a moist season that's what i'm thinking right now that is what i'm thinking so uh tonight biggest thing we need to to cover where is george all right let me know in the chat all right let me know in the chat alright i see somebody already said jeremy uh you bad boy what'd you do with her um what are your guesses conkey just said moist we're not in the wet season yet we're just in the moist season here in florida but this moist season has been since thursday night and there's three to four more days of storms it is absolutely insane insane what's going on here in florida as you guys are guessing where george is don't forget to subscribe if you're not subscribed you can subscribe on any of the videos there's typically a red subscribe button right there you can also subscribe in areas i'll probably right down there it says subscribe a lot of times what youtube will do is youtube will scrub their system of any accounts that they feel are spanish okay doesn't mean it's actual spam account but it might have characteristics and they will actually remove you from a subscription of a channel so they've been they they already let us know when that's all going on so what you want to do you want to double check you want to make sure you're subscribed remember it's completely it's totally free 100 free what the heels is free all the knowledge is free all the entertainment is free all the fun is free make sure you subscribe now if you're facebook if you're watching on facebook you want to make sure that you follow what the hails as well so if you're on facebook make sure you hit the follow and you want to follow the what the hell's facebook page but if you're on youtube you want to make sure you subscribe if you're on youtube go to facebook hit the follow if you're on facebook go to youtube hit the subscribe then you're covered both ways you always know you're okay big thing with youtube is hitting that bell icon that says all notifications we get so many messages oh my goodness and i'm missing super chats like crazy already we get so many messages that um that oh i didn't see that your videos were out or things along those lines mick draper just sent 299 mr draper says hail's low thank you mick keep mick in your prayers remember we shared with you last week that the brain tumors are back please continue to pray for her if you would please dvd 299 is she at barbecues all right that is the hails of a good guess i will tell you that i took her to barbecues two two nights ago two nights ago i think the last time she had barbecues was about two nights ago shawna winski just sent five dollars george is at the doctor hope she gets good results all right that's a good guess right there shauna good guest there george is at the doctors we've got robert uh junior hello my honoree young jury dogs nyc brother jeremy and george hope she's okay yep she's doing great absolutely doing great bam thank you so much for the super chat and let me get some other super chats here as well we got a 20 one from tara love you both please propose soon george is one in a million i guarantee you she's one in a billion uh i do not guarantee you of a proposal anytime soon there you go tara thank you so much thank you so much tara appreciate that very very much so all right so the question is where is george let's see what some of you have to say all right uh jake uh at jake ampercon just said first time i'm seeing you live cool it's three o'clock in the middle of the night here it's jake it's three a.m there dude what the hell's are you doing watching a live stream uh let's see we've got peggy says ohio for doctor's appointments and kathy said oh we know george we know george very well she's she's getting sleep she's sleeping uh julie julie says 1900 likes and jeremy will tell you uh we just got a super sticker thank you so much andrew stevens just sent a super sticker thank you we surely truly appreciate it we really do so uh let's see what else we've got here uh laquita thinks that she's with elvis let's face it if there is one possibility yeah her running off with elvis that's probably the biggest and the greatest possibility there is so let's see december we've we came down to florida december january february march april that is five months now she's been without her king that that could be a little rough that that could be a little rough uh so yep there's that possibility as well looks like oh we got something from uh gary riggins is from south africa thanks so much for coming and somebody just asked how's the weather okay here's how the weather is as a matter of fact i just uploaded a couple hours ago uh roberta said george is with her son and somebody else just said she's in the bathroom that is another incredible guess that is another uh wait somebody just said she's with guapo and dunlap just said she's with guapo um she's out collecting her ducks kathy boyd thinks she's out collecting the ducks the ducks are out there but i can assure you there is no way georgia's egyptian egyptians don't swim that woman can't swim there is no way and she does not get in water doesn't matter what kind of water it is where it's from she does not do water um she's not out in the in in with the ducks sandy just sent 9.99 new to the channel i've been binge watching all weekend love you both thank you so much sandy sending you love right back and we got another super chat and did you find bigfoot and i got a big fist for you how's that you're gonna have to wait and see you're gonna have to wait and see and remember to be continued we did have so much fun and there is more for you to see absolutely more for you to see roberta brunswick uh junior just sent five dollars oops i missed it jeremy it's dungery like blue jeans i don't know how to say the blue jeans either so remember george is the one that can read unless it's convenient for her not to be able to read so sometimes george is the one who can read she's not all the time not all the times but uh living with my haunted life just 20 she's taking care of the baby lemurs that would be amazing or you know there always is that be continued and bigfoot might have just found bigfoot might have just found uh someone to propose to so you never know what could happen in those caves silver wheels just sent five dollars better get her a paddle boat baby lemurs my goodness okay so silver wheels has probably already seen a short video that i uploaded so we have what's called youtube stories and that's a 15 second or less video i just hope uh loaded that about i don't know a couple hours ago and that video shows you how much rain there was at that point in time we literally can barely even touch ground right now there's been so much rain it's also on the facebook page what the hell's facebook page so you can find it there too if you haven't seen it yet but it is it is crazy how much rain there is cheryl just sent 4.99 and she says hails low to everyone thank you cheryl thank you so much truly appreciate it hails low to everybody okay uh let me see if i got any more super chats i think oh paul miller paul miller just sent ten dollars hey from the miller family in washington my dad's a coin pusher super fan that's awesome paul tell dad he might be seeing some again soon tammy just sent 4.99 thank you so much tammy thank you i truly appreciate it all right kathy hopkins just sent 299 super sticker you guys got the super chat super sticker wave going tonight wow you guys have all kinds of super chats beverly just sent a five dollar super sticker thank you so much beverly oh all right man i might have to take my i might have to take my gator my gator hoodie off i'm breaking a sweat in here all right sir just sent five dollars you just missed last uh last super chat best wishes for george at her appointments my body feels like it's been through the war as long as you come out victorious service chihuahua thank you so much and we've got more super chats here blaine mash senior just sent 4.99 and then heather skolin just sent 199 thank you so much guys really appreciate everything that you guys do to help support the channel a lot of people a lot of people they um they ask what do super chats go towards and it goes to actually supporting the channel that it helps us to continue to bring great content and entertainment that you enjoy every day all right so let's see where we're at it is barbara 10 super sticker oh my goodness i'm gonna have to call george back just for super chats george get off the toilet i can't keep up with super chats and we got margarita valley four dollar super sticker here we go thank you so much for the super sticker my hand is literally starting to sweat i can't even get the fist on and off i have to take the fist off to actually scroll through your guys's comments which is kind of funny uh mookie pookie says jeremy can actually concentrate tonight what like like i don't like i can't concentrate are you being serious okay uh julia just sent two dollar super sticker okay here we go here we go thank you so much julio and all right if i missed any hopefully i didn't miss any i apologize if we missed any okay so lots of guesses where george is tonight lots of guesses where george is and george all right so first of all we have so much rain gator bait paranormal five dollars jeremy i think you can do a live auction alone yep there's no doubt i could without a problem that's not an issue doing a live auction um been there done that okay so we have we have had rain literally since thursday night thursday was a beautiful absolutely gorgeous day and then thursday night like the skies open like boom i mean it was just crazy so it was really crazy how much rain we were getting and we're not even in the rainy season yet nor do i actually have a cover for the camper so the camper is actually sitting underneath a rather large tree and this style of tree does get dead branches and i knew that when i put the camper there but if you keep in mind everything in florida wow it is burning up i am literally gonna have to turn the ac on i'll be right back right back george george come here they're waiting come on they're waiting and i'm back okay so we have the camper underneath the tree that tree is to give us some perfection or perfection protection from the elements but remember that is only supposed to be a temporary situation so our goal was come down get on the property build the 10 000 square foot warehouse immediately and that should be done by march april that is the craziness of central florida nothing absolutely nothing seems to get done in any kind of timely manner kathy hopkins just sent 4.99 i live vicariously through you too thank you so much kathy so we literally have not broken ground except for us digging holes with shovels and and the hawk smash other than that the building has not progressed at all i literally just sent a message a couple days ago to our general contractor and said hey listen i don't even have the prints yet the architect has not followed up with me and he said all right i'll i will get on the architect this week so that we can finally get things moving so when there's a huge storm coming in and those storms rattle that camper some of you probably understand you know those storms are huge we're 10 minutes from the gulf and and that'll rattle the camper so like thursday night george can sleep through anything georgia literally can fall asleep anywhere during anything without any problem whatsoever it's um it's either a gift or a curse it depends on on what you think it is but uh myself i don't do so well when the the uh the skies are literally opening up on the camper and it's just deafening the rain on the camper so thursday night no sleep friday rained all day in this area friday saturday rained all day in this area on saturday today is sunday we basically had rain all night all morning we got a little break for about an hour or two and then it started raining again like crazy looked at the radar the rain is supposed to rain for another three to four days so george was headed to ohio already because george has a a slew a ton of different uh doctor's appointments and follow-up so and mctaggart sent five dollars your goofball and very proud of it anne thank you so much so george ardy has two months worth of doctor's appointments and family family gatherings and meetings already set up all through may all through june in ohio and so uh with all of this rain and she had already been talking all right you know i'm gonna get on the road a little bit earlier and all of this rain she just basically said the rain's not gonna stop i might as well just get on the road now so she's gonna head up north to ohio and she'll be with her parents up in cleveland and then i've got to stick down here for everything that's going on down here getting the fence up and protecting the boundaries and the borders and you name it obviously i'll be going back up because as many of you already know i have court with the landlord that is on may 10th uh robert just sent 4.99 said i'm a golf hammock right down the road if you're in golf hammock robert you know how much rain we've gotten it is insane and it still has not stopped still hasn't stopped if you peek at the video that uh the story the short that i that i shared earlier you'll see that the ducks are literally swimming in the front yard the backyard the side yard the other side yard the ducks are basically ducks don't have to walk anywhere anymore i mean they literally can swim every location they want to get to which is pretty funny too so george is on her way up north david caldwell sent five dollars rain makes corn corn makes whiskey thank you so much david and bam we don't have any corn here no corn here oh farmer mark says it's raining here now okay so farmer mark is just now getting all the rain it was crazy mark was supposed to come over today and i just text him i text farmer mark and i'm like man it is just not gonna work it's not gonna work we did get just a little bit of a break but it has just been non-stop rain so she's on the road she's headed north she's gonna go hang out with the family and then get all of her appointments in and then we'll meet up again uh once i get up there for court with marilyn remember that day is may 10th that i have court and that's a jury trial that's the first day it could go a whole lot longer than that all right let me get these super chats and we got a 15 super chat tony yes he said i like dodos i like doodles too tony and then i got another one from zoe reeves five dollars send some rain to north dakota we're in a drought here and our desperate need of rain so we got your rain i'm telling you we got so much rain it's wild man hopefully you get the rain that you guys need for the crops because we we've got more than our share right now i don't know exactly what the measurement is right now but this hails of a lot of rain it really is it is a hails of a lot of rain there's so much uh just got another super chat mac mcmillan just sent wait maybe was that it mac mcmillan thanks for showing me uh to use the time stamp and look for the star notes bam you're welcome matt and then we got another one here robert why was i putting time out what did i do wrong robert you didn't do anything wrong that is a youtube uh issue and youtube hasn't fixed it yet so anybody who gets put in timeout you're like oh man i don't know why i'm in timeout don't send us nasty emails because we'll just delete it and we won't pay any attention to it it is a youtube issue it is a youtube issue whatever youtube identified it puts you in timeout nobody else puts you in timeout so don't don't worry about it if you get put in time out it's a youtube issue paul miller sent 10 my family i'd be praying for george's journey in health and your court date keep the faith thank you so much paul i can't keep that fist on it is burning up in here now with you guys with all you know i feel like i'm working out bam hell yeah what is this is this uh billy banks here bam bam all right luis carlos buck 49 super sticker thank you so much truly appreciate it okay so greg says what about your guard piggy of course the other animals on the ranch too everybody's always asking what happens when you go to ohio and we've answered this previously uh what's going to happen with the animals when you go to ohio the same thing that happens with in ohio when we went to florida there are employees employees take care of the issues so when you guys send mail employees send the mail down here when you guys order things on ebay employees ship that all out we don't touch any of that there's no time to do any of that they're employees to take care of everything so everything will be cared for uh if you have a question in your mind and you go what what what what about this what about this what about this there'll be an employee taking care of that service chihuahua sent five dollars and i missed it i missed it uh if you have a hard time keeping up with super chats i love to stream yard with you if you use it and read them in georgia's absence thank you so much for the offer service chihuahua and bam okay let's get to the mail tonight we've got uh we got our hands full with mail and we gotta we gotta get the mail song though first while why george is traveling you know what i get to do the mail song as long as i want tonight stephen wants me to play nirvana bc eagleson 499 hey jeremy positive thoughts and prayers uh winging you in george's way thank you so much thank you [Music] the extended version [Music] i got myself [Music] all right let's see what you guys said you guys have been sending some of the coolest stuff in the world blowing our minds by the way uh the the patches that you guys have sent for robbie i've gotten those to robbie as well louise carla sent five dollars praying george gets good news at the doctors thank you so much we apprec we appreciate it louise thank you and she scheduled all of her appointments uh because our coverage doesn't basically we're not covered in florida we have to go to ohio covered in ohio and all of her doctors you don't wanna you don't want to start your process in ohio with your doctors and then go all right well i'm just gonna go to new doctors in florida you go backwards she must continue to go forwards with the doctors okay we've got more super chats and we are getting the mail i promise uh robert just said whoa i thought i was in trouble for correcting you with dungaree nope you're okay robert thank you so much uh crazy love art sent two dollars i'm down the road innervist love the videos nice crazy love art that's so cool bam you're not far at all we drive through all the time all the time literally all the time okay let me see i got that one i got that one i got that one all right let's get to the mail let's see what we have here all right we got oh eva eve eva flanagan i'll say evil flannigan evil river flat again all right eva has pretty much decorated the entire ranch and um and it doesn't look like she's done yet jeremy uh late birthday gift it is from 1984 funko pops so ghostbusters figure hope you don't have this one have a happy birthday now those who are late uh my birthday was march 30th and let's see oh my goodness how cool is this that is a ghostbuster stay puff and funko pop okay look at that and for those who don't know i love ghostbusters i collect ghostbusters stuff and let's see what we have the top pops off top pops off look at this okay oh look okay stay puft is one of twelve thousand five hundred look at that how cool is that all right let's see what we have in here i have a feeling um oh man that's cool this one is definitely you guys usually either send something for me or for george or for the animals so this one is uh this one definitely goes into the collection thank you so much eva that is extremely cool i love it thank you so much all right we're gonna we gotta we gotta seal this back up keep it protected that's a that's a beautiful collectible right there and let's see did i miss any super chats probably um elizabeth just sent five dollars hope you don't get washed washed away from all the rain thank you so much elizabeth not yet but i have been completely and totally drenched from it all dr zz smith sent 799 love from australia big fan yet i was putting time out too must be my sense of aussie humor we love a good sense of humor don't stop the senses of humor we love that and 4.99 i bought my first storage locker the other day i'm excited for the next one nice t-sobel 47 bought a storage unit for the first time that's really cool all right we got a we got another package here amazon prime let's see what we have here we got a little message george here is a little cute oreo piglet that could use some cuddles from miss crimson litter look at lizard look at that all right george i know you're watching so let's open this up i know you're watching and driving at the same time so you can't comment so let's let's open it up so george can see and here is oh my goodness look at this for george oh my goodness she's gonna love that gonna love that spotted piglet that is so stinking cool wow all right we'll put that right back there for george thank you so much guys okay i think i'm all caught up i think i'm all caught up with super chats okay we got another one here this is from the uk look at that from the uk avery's all instant five dollars thank you jeremy and george for the inspiration we finally got our channel started nice so that is super cool oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa okay this is from oh wait look at this this says coins for chelsea chelsea is my oldest daughter and coins just fell on the table all right let me show you what's going on here so all of the coins that we get the foreign coins go to my oldest daughter chelsea's coin collection i will make sure i'll make sure these get to chelsea who's it from the griffiths the griffiths for all the way for oh my goodness look at this a picture from my daughter ruby h7 love the channel griffin ruby from the uk check that out check that out thank you so much griffin ruby i will absolutely make sure that these coins get to chelsea i'll send them and well you know what i'm not even going to send them in the mail i'm just going to take them when i go in may and so george and i will get him to chelsea then okay we've got more mail we've got tons of mail volunteer uh eight eight five six five zero seven four nine nine eight egypt she went to egypt no i've actually i've offered to take george to egypt uh multiple times she wants nothing to do with it she's never been there before and she absolutely has no no desire to go okay we got another amazon prime here let's see what we got here in the mail and we have we got some notes here we go i know it's not a chicken but we can pretend from mccrimson lizard again look at that there we go oh man i think i know what it is okay i'm gonna have to turn it around in the package so you guys can see it i gotta turn it around in the package you're gonna love it though all right i can already tell you you're gonna love it you know what i'm not gonna turn it around i'm just gonna another patch for the gators for the gator vest the gator scout invest check that out that is cool okay thank you so much very very very thoughtful and very cool i got i've got like boxes stacked up here there is there's stuff literally everywhere here's another box right here looks like we got a we got a skechers box from somebody clear thresh says how's everybody tonight let's oh man check this out this is from kevin patton california he found oh man look at that look at he found a gator puppet look at that he actually found a gator puppet if you really want to know where george is check the pond look at that how cool thank you so much that is really cool okay i'm gonna set that over here as well i got so much over here on the table right now that is awesome and see what else we got here and get cut back up we've got more mail uh concock's wife doreen just said that is the brand new fist pump okay we got a big box over here my goodness all right biggin we got a biggin it is a nine pounds milk bones grain fruit might be gluten free does that mean gluten-free too i'm not sure grain-free free all right let's see what we got here enjoy your gift from nicole and adam perkins check that out i have a feeling this isn't for me and george i have a feeling that's for all the pigs anybody anybody feel the same way that's for the pigs um that has to be for the pigs unless i snack on them my george is gone because we all know i don't know how to cook right okay yeah everybody's going yeah that's definitely for the pigs all right now i've got i've got four more boxes back here guys that's the hills of a lot of boxes um they are all from the same person let's take a look here four boxes all from adam perkins just sent two dollars that's for george jr nice all right george jr the feisty one runs at you and then runs away trying to call a bluff on you that is george that is absolutely george jr right there okay got a letter let's see what we have here uh jeremy george march 17th i'm sending a video collection to you no one in my family wanted them i couldn't think of what to do with them and i know you can sell them in an auction to use to help somebody maybe you can uh by georgia lemur she's a special lady wish i could meet her i think you're very special too you keep me laughing i still think uh i still think you're full of crap jeremy but i love you i love your sense of humor anyways it does it says anyways i hope you make lots of money restoraging the love i don't want anything for myself just help somebody nice this is from alice flippin all right let's see what we got in look at this we've got disney disney see let's see if we have a little mermaid we've got sleeping beauty more disney we got beauty and the beast toy story so it looks like we have four boxes looks like we have four boxes of vhs and dvd thank you so much alice i truly appreciate that oh all right back at it what did i miss i missed the super chat right here rosie's random treasures five dollars he's the new scout leader and needs to be leading the pack through some of the gator videos there you go thank you so much rosie all right uh shawna just sent two dollars unless george puts you in the doghouse there is no dog house there's a chicken coop there is a pig pen and there's the camper there's the house house which i might need to sleep in the house house because this rain is getting out of control but the rain is up to the house the pole barn the pole barn is flooded so the floor of the pole barn is flooded i mean the ground it's florida so everything is sand so you would usually think well you know the sand can just take that all away and it does but it doesn't when you get five inches in a matter of hours and so so there is we're really really saturated with water right now uh rosie just sent another two dollars the gator puppet lols i did it for the lulls all right let's see what else we got going on george got your lulls for sure george got your lulls you you know she's on right now but she's driving she can't she can't she can't chat and drive at the same time all right that's all the mail thank you so much for all the mail honestly though since there's been so much rain we actually haven't been off of the property in a couple days so there might be more mail at the at the post office that we haven't picked up yet so not sure okay what a hails of a week so last last week last sunday uh you got to see that my eye was pretty banged up and this week you got to figure out why my eye was banged up who figured it out what happened who did i get in a fight with and who won let me know in the chat thank you so much pamela lynn you want to send some love right there what the hell's po box 106 worcester ohio four four six nine one so let's see uh marv harris says jeremy get yourself a wetsuit find some find some bones i'm actually thinking about that i went and i checked the creek and that creek is more like a lake right now uh i would find more than bones right now i would probably find all kinds of turtles moccasins um i think it'd be a pretty good fun experience for sure so we'll see what happens all right so people are already telling you all right jeremy got in a fight with a jewelry chest and the jewelry chest one so that is correct what happened and i'm still healing a little bit so wait which side is it would it be or would it be no it's this side i think the black and blue is down it's this side right here so i'm still healing so basically in a nutshell what happened we went to us we went to a normal auction what you would call an estate auction just an absolutely normal option that anybody could go to and um and we saw all kinds of sweet stuff and at an estate auction the person typically has passed away so they're taking all the items that are auctionable and they're usually liquidating it's either the the state or basically the court will will declare that it all has to be auctioned off for the to settle the estate or the family will hire the auctioneer to actually sell it all off brian brain just sent two dollars make a five acre lake out of that pond oh i want a more than a five acre lake it's gonna be bigger than that carla just sent five dollar super sticker thank you so much guys so we went to the estate auction which was awesome and there was such such good stuff so there was coin collection uh paper money collection there was a cast iron bank collection comic collection there was a horse collection there was i mean if you could think of it this individual was collecting it which was really really cool and the best part you guys know this already the jewelry so this this was a two-day estate auction and we didn't make it for the first day okay so the first day uh they had already sold off some of the jewelry in jewelry boxes that's how much this individual was hoarding jewelry which was pretty beneficial for us versus yeah and other people who bought as well so there was one jewelry box that it was an asian design and there's just no way i was going to be able to get it at the price it was going for and then the other box i couldn't believe it i got it for 95 if you watched the video the lady one of the ladies told me oh yeah yesterday a big jewelry box she said i couldn't believe it it was huge it was packed and it was it sold for 95 and here the very first one i got sold for 95 and i was like all right this is going to be this is going to be a good auction uh luis just sent five dollars what was in the mystery box from last sunday night inquiring minds need to know please thank you so much luis that's a good question i don't even louise i don't even know what you're referring to to be honest adam adam perkins but we do so much that it's hard to keep track with everything adam perkins i wish you brought those coins so i could buy on here i bet you do adam uh el porno uh new zealand four dollar super ticket sticker thank you so much appreciate it so we got the first we got the first jewelry box and i was just completely and totally shocked we actually got a jewelry box for 95 which was the same price that the one went for four before robert just had another five dollars can i send my new york motorcycle plates to the outer creek p.o box you can send them to the p.o box with worcester and then everything comes down here so i appreciate it robert there is no there is no official otter creek po box because everything is temporary because uh we're not full-time residents here so you want to you want to send everything to worcester and then it gets to us here and we have no physical address here for the post office either uh so but yeah absolutely you can send the plates and they will go straight up onto the onto the house the outside of the house which is looking so cool really really cool and we got another super chat karen j five dollars be happy for the rain northern ohio is getting snow tuesday wednesday you better tell george you better tell george all right i'll call her right now and say that you said that let's see what she says we'll see what happens i'll call her i'll tell you you snow tuesday and wednesday and thursday i'll we'll see what she says i can't she's running from the rain to the snow now remember she's watching the live so she may not be able to answer and watch at the same time so let's no no couldn't get her couldn't get her but uh she probably already knows because we were already talking about so we're good to go so snow is not a good thing not a good thing at all i might have to bring christian and patients down here get them out of the snow so there we are at the auction we get the the jewelry chest and then as many of you know there's like a 12 year old boy bidding me up on everything now i'm going to tell you something that was not shown in the actual videos in the videos this 12 year old boy is beating me up philippine adventures just sent five dollars i'm sure the niche lady will have a video about the mystery box very oh that's the mystery box okay that is all the niche lady the niche ladies initially you will find that entire video on the niche lady now i understand what the mystery box was it's been a long week and no sleep would rain uh constantly on the camper so and your philippine adventure says you should offer one every auction you might end up doing that so this 12 year old boy which is not a 12 year old boy from what i understand now he has some type of antique shop which is pretty incredible for the age that i think he is 12. um but okay the age that he looks 12 and i'm gonna go out on a limb and say the age that he acts in a bad way not a good way you know robbie and i get together we act like 12 year olds it's a good way uh this guy was was the bad 12. and mark just sent uh mark hunter's just sent five dollars mission the coin missing the coin butcher videos you might be seeing them really soon stay tuned uh george is driving through him so um this kid which again i'm sure he's probably a full adult this kid comes up to me afterwards okay so you see a clip and i'm like man i just got outbid by 12 year old and i'm not recording and afterwards or actually george isn't recording and afterwards this kid comes up to me throwing a tantrum i mean literally throwing a tantrum and he's stomping his foot he's like why did you bid that high and he goes you made me pay retail price and i'm sitting there thinking oh my goodness george turn the camera on please please please turn the camera on and um and but we did not we did not get that um he was throwing a tantrum stomping his foot huffing and puffing why did you bid that high you made me pay retail price why did you want those nicks and pins and um and other things so the 12 year old boy so i i said the same thing i would um i'd say to anybody i said i bid that high because i wanted them i'm pretty sure that's the same reason why you bid that high you wanted them and they stomped off you made me pay retail price and he stomped off i mean it was so awkward and unusual so my my first instinct was when i heard this kid which again he's probably not a kid but kid had a a resale shop of antique store or something i was like man that is that is absolutely awesome man that's so cool being that young and already into the business like that and then when i had an actual social interaction with him afterwards and he was throwing a tantrum i did not think that that was so cool anymore i was just sitting there thinking how in the world is this kid in business even if he is in business and so that was the interaction with them so then comes up the next jewelry chest that jewelry chest i was hoping we were gonna get for roughly around the same price and i it might have been that kid bidding against me we got robert just sent five dollars yep dungeous dogs new york merch and george's elvis vest through the wooster post office love you both if you did you probably didn't actually you probably just went worcester and then the postmaster probably just said um postmasters talked to us multiple times and said hey you got people here continue to call asking for your address we know you don't have one what do i tell them you know you said you tell them we don't have one send it to worcester and so uh they have been nice enough multiple times where people just drop off a package and go what the hells and it ends up in otter creek and they're like uh and they're nice enough to give it to us but everything should go to worcester uh too tall of eight percent five dollars what will happen to all the license plates when the house is demolished the license plate will go into the warehouse and then beverly just sent a five dollar super sticker thank you so much beverly appreciate it guys really do so so then we're bidding on the next jewelry chest and we wanted it we got the first one for such a good deal absolutely wanted the second one but uh it's getting to 95 and then it's higher and higher and higher and higher and then it goes over 200 now keep in mind people's thresholds for bidding are usually even numbers for whatever reason even numbers so even number of 100 and they'll go well it's already at 100. i'm not going to bid 105 or 101 or you know whatever that mental threshold that mental wall most people won't pass over it so so getting it for 95 we figured we'd get it for 95 because next bid was now he was asked for a hundred and he wasn't going to get 100 that was a mental threshold for people so we got to 200 and i was like oh my goodness i can't believe this thing is actually gonna go 200 after i just got the other one for 95 somebody must have saw an expensive piece in there and i don't even remember which one it was now um but we went to 200 205 to 10 215 so 2f 215 and george's jail and sell it but she's seen me do that before like so an auctioneer you know at the storage unit auctions if the auctioneers know that i will bid and i have money two bid um what they'll do is they'll try and draw out the selling of that unit so they'll be like all right i got 100 who you know who give me 150 i got 100 right here who'll give me 150 they'll draw it out and draw it out because they know if somebody bids me up they know if i want the unit i'll keep bidding and so she's seen me do it in the past where the auctioneer tries drawing it out and i just tell the auctioneer sell it i'll go just sell it and and so that what that does is that puts social social pressure on the auctioneer to stop drawing it out and trying to make more money and it puts pressure on them to just go all right jeremy you got it instead of trying to nickel and dime to death to try and get somebody to bid me up so george actually is yelling she yells sell it sell it and he sells it for 215. so we got them all right let's see what we got them for i think it was let's see so we got 215 plus the 95 which is 310 times i think it was 15 buyer premium so plus 310 equal all right so we got both of them for 356 dollars and 50 cents and let's divide that by two so really what we did is we got each one for 178 dollars and 25 cents when it comes right down to it okay so that's what we actually ended up paying per per jewelry chest now it was raining that day as well so we're again we're not in the the rainy season yet here in florida we're only in the moist season but it was rainy that day as well and so normally i would just i would throw that in the back of the truck but the cover on the truck the bed cover that gets a lot of water in it and i knew the tops were going to flip open so i knew the tops were going to flip open and the water gets in the bed of the truck so what i ended up doing is i was like all right these have to go in the back seat of the truck so the one i just laid down and then the other i manhandled and again when you're doing this in the rain all by yourself no help you know i'm manhandling it i'm in the rain i'm trying to open a door i'm trying to not to scratch the truck i've got this whole thing all by myself you know trying to do it all and i i tried to get it and boom it just it took the edge of my nose and it won it basically won and then when i had to get it out i was like oh my goodness can't even get this thing out it was so stuck in there i don't even know how i got it in at that point i was like all right this was crazy that was crazy so we definitely have found uh a good amount of gold and silver mostly silver so far although you will be seeing more and i'm gonna give you a teaser you will be seeing gold so absolutely incredible uh purchase on all of that julie says did it pay off of course it paid off you getting a when you're getting a packed jewelry chest for 178 dollars and 50 cents or 178 and 25 cents whatever it was uh that is an absolute major payoff so if you get enough gold the gold pays for it itself just in the weight of gold spot but you guys have to keep in mind that this costume jewelry a lot of this costume jewelry is is worth a hails of a lot more than the gold so depending on what piece is what age what it's made out of some of these some of these custom jewelry pieces are worth so much more and so while george and i are having a competition going back and forth to find gold and silver the value really isn't in the gold and silver the values actually in costume and so that's the cool part about it but we also know from a youtube point of view that majority of people have no idea what the value is in costume jewelry so to appeal to the masses and that's what we have to do with our youtube videos we have to appeal to the masses so when somebody writes us a nasty message and goes i don't like that you did this i think you should do videos this way well we're not making videos for you we're making videos for you and so our videos have to always appeal to the masses so to appeal the masses we talk about gold and silver versus costume jewelry and the value of the costume jewelry which there is so much cool stuff linda just said i loved that mirror that mirror is so cool it really is it really really is and then people go why don't you guys diamond test well we have a diamond tester but diamond testers um frankly that they really rarely um if you don't have a very very very good diamond tester and ours isn't the best diamond tester in the world you're just better to take it to a drawer and get their opinion versus you trying to screw around with the diamond tester chrissy just sent five dollars canadian the jewelry boxes alone are worth the money i love your videos thank you so much and deborah alum sent five dollars i think she's with her son graduation from boot camp actually uh lots of asked about about georgia's son and i think george has talked about this before on the live streams because of kovid he never got to go to boot camp so joey did not get to go to boot camp whatsoever so joey was was sworn in and then was supposed to go to boot camp covet hit and they went whoa and everything stopped everything and and now joey can't just get back into and just go all right well let's take off where we uh where we where we left off basically what they told them is you have to start all over again which seems so weird to have to get all sworn in again and all that carol matson just sent five dollars keep on keeping on even in the rain there is plenty of rain there is so much rain so so georgia's son actually didn't even get to serve didn't even get to go to boot camp didn't get to do anything because the government shut everything down literally everything down and if he wants to continue to do that he will have to re-enlist be sworn in again the whole process again and at this point he has not done that and at this point he may not even be able to i mean i don't i don't know personally whether uh the government has picked everything back up with that within the listing debbie diva just sent 299. beautiful purple set has to be with the moon absolutely thank you so much uh that set is really really really cool there were a ton of cool pieces in there all right who got to see who got to see us searching for sasquatch saturday because that video that video of the week that is the lowest viewed video of the week and uh was probably one of the funnest of the week because we got to hang out with a lot of great people so did anybody get to watch that video and if not why it's great okay i see some me's me's me's funny me me me i did i did i did i did here's the cool thing about florida okay now we love ohio there are a ton of great things that we love about ohio for me personally i absolutely love ohio fall i love hoodie weather and which makes florida winter incredible as well because you get to wear hoodie all the time so i love ohio fall i love kelly's island lake erie i love i mean i could go on and on and on and on about the things that i love in ohio i love the great friends that we've made whether it be with conkey whether it be with rob second sense whether it be with storage legends uh there are a lot of great people in ohio that we have a ton of fun with jesse with clear thrifts and you just saw alpha and lisa are making their channels well they're getting going and so lots of great things up in ohio but florida has just been thank you so much mary just sent a super sticker boom florida has been like the dream come true no snow i mean it's just been absolutely incredible no snow we've got to make some of the best friends in the world and that was the concern coming down will we be able to make friends and um and now some of you may think well jeremy you've done done a much better job of making enemies with your neighbors remember 95 of these people here in ottawa creek absolutely love us uh we've got people who are saying hey would you like to buy our property would you like to do this would you you know thank you so much for that five percent are always going to hate you no matter what same as youtube same any aspect of your life your work your your circle of friends your acquaintances whatever it's always going to be the same 95 are going to love you 5 are are gonna hate you don't waste your time on the 95 or on the five percent who hate you always put your energy and your efforts in the 95 who love you life will be a whole lot easier so we've been able to actually meet a lot of great people and the first person that we met was savannah over at gatorland and that's because bonnie our super fan connected us with gatorland and with savannah and then savannah connected us with robbie and then with omar and then and then with omar with raptor event it just kind of just keeps on going all over the place we've had a ton of fun there's a lot of great people in florida and my goodness there are a lot a lot of amazing things to actually film in florida you're going to see a lot more of that this week um there's going to be a lot more creativity this week as well in regards to with all the rain fast ed just sent you dollars thank you so much fested love me some melons too eileen just sent buck 99 super sticker thank you so much and caroline just said jeremy will you talk faster i won't talk faster but i will sing faster if you love what the hell's type what the hell's in the chat come on in the chat type it if you love what the hell's todd what the hell if you love what the hell's and you know we got an upgrade for whales thank you peter for the three dollar super sticker if you love what the hell's top what the hell don't miss all the great videos coming this week love you guys
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 44,456
Rating: 4.8811407 out of 5
Id: ukhztnJsn-A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 5sec (3605 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 18 2021
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