Why Are There SO MANY Finding Nemo Ripoffs?

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My teacher played The Reef once when I was in school. It’s not really a ripoff of Finding Nemo, but it still sucked.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/JapaCheeze πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 24 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
what is a sunken ship it's a big boat lying at the bottom of you ship [Music] whenever something becomes popular in media there tends to be impersonators to follow companies and creations that want to cash in and ride that tail code of success for Pixar this happens a lot brave kiara the brave cars the Autobots ratatouille rata toying the people who make these movies have no shame whatsoever and they know exactly what they're doing it's all about the money money money money hell some of these studios purposely wait for Pixar or Disney to release their films and theaters and then cash in on unsuspecting people Oh little Billy told me that he loves that talking car movie I'll buy him this DVD and surprise him grandma I appreciate your generosity but what the actual [ __ ] is this but out of all of the movies that Pixar has created none of them have been ripped off more than Finding Nemo I'm talking about dozens of clones there are so many of them the only other franchise from Pixar that comes close to these levels of plagiarism is cars but even then Finding Nemo isn't clearly the winner well if you want to call that winning so this got me to thinking why is this particular property from Hicks are the one that gets plagiarized the most there has to be a reason yeah it was a financial juggernaut but there are other films from Pixar that have made more money why not target those instead well from what I found out there's quite a few reasons but before we get to those points I need to explain a couple of things first let's start off with a movie that made all of this [ __ ] possible Little Nemo Finding Nemo Finding Nemo is about a fish father and Ellen DeGeneres trying to find a fish son who was kidnapped by Australians that's it that that's the movie the film was written and directed by Andrew Stanton and was released in May of 2003 it was a massive success it almost broke a billion dollars at the worldwide box office the only other films from Pixar to surpass it financially our Toy Story 3 Incredibles 2 and Finding Nemo needless to say it was a smash hit and success of that caliber guaranteed impostors to follow but I don't think anybody imagined that it would be on such an insane scale I dug deep and found a ton of Nemo clones some of them are so bad that they barely qualify as functioning movies let me just add a few more of these here are my standards of what I believe qualifies a movie as a Finding Nemo clone 1 when it follows the same storyline as in Oh No I have to find a missing loved one or find my way home maybe even both to check out our coral reef and clownfish model and 3 when it tries to mimic the title and overall theme of Finding Nemo as in hey we're a fish movie 2 now just because a movie has talking fish doesn't necessarily mean it's stealing from Pixar but the majority of the films I'm mentioning in this video are guilty of that and fall back on Nemo success some more than others like look me in the eye and honest to god tell me that these films were not influenced by Finding Nemo go ahead I'll wait wow I've never seen a fish that looks like you before and what's that little round thing bobbing next in the first movie on my plagiarism list is gonna stir up some controversy but I don't care it needs to be sad Shark Tale yeah this film doesn't share anything directly in common with Finding Nemo outside of being a fish movie but there are some who believe that the film was made so DreamWorks could steal attention away from Hicks are personally I agree with that claim and let me tell you why [Music] like most stories we have to go back to the beginning with the fall of the Roman Empire [Applause] Disney 1994 so there were three guys who were running the show at Disney around this time Frank Wells Jeffrey Katzenberg and Michael Eisner up to this point they've been making a stupid amount of money with all of their amazing animated films one could call this era the Disney renovation unfortunately Frank Wells died in the tragic accident and Katzenberg was like sweet I can get his job now but the night it was like no I don't think so - which Katzenberg was like why did the hell not and I as there was like cuz you're an [ __ ] dude and you're asking for Frank's job right after he died so chill out and then Katzenberg was like chill out how about this I quit and I'm gonna go make my own studio where I can dream about my works I'll think of a name for it later Eisner was like fine get out of here we never needed you get out of here also we're never gonna pay you what we owe and I'm sure that this decision will never have any horrible repercussions Katzenberg then met up with his good friends David Geffen and Spielberg and the formed DreamWorks a studio that would directly compete with Disney so here's where things get tied back into our topic after Toy Story in 1995 picks up began work on the project called bugs to which it would be eventually called a bug's life John Lasseter under the heads of Pixar told Katzenberg about the project to which Katzenberg was like yeah yeah tell me more hold on I got writing this down when's the movie coming out again ants sweet okay ants thank you keep going John tell me more according to Lasseter Katzenberg stole the idea from Pixar and the movie ants was the final product but according to Katzenberg he never stole the idea from Pixar as a film premise was an old concept from Disney called army ants regardless of the story Pixar felt betrayed and saw DreamWorks as a competitor who wanted to exact in john michael eisner and you thought middle school girls are full of drama these business executives take that [ __ ] to the next level you couldn't resist coming to see how far I'd fallen but that was your mistake down came the rain and washed the spider out no you are the spider I am the Sun I dried up all the rain yes bring me the spider to climb up the spout again that brings us back to Shark Tale was the idea stolen from Pixar so DreamWorks can make their own movie personally yeah I think that is the case even though Katzenberg denies it they ripped off a bug's life and then they ripped off Finding Nemo it was their way to spit in the eye of Disney and Pixar nowadays they're much more chilled out but back when they first started wolf were they fighting dirty speaking of dirty let's talk about the rest of these shitty ripoffs there's a lot of them so I'm gonna keep things brief know I might double back on some of these films with separate reviews in the future but no promises all right his ease way home I actually did a separate review for this already but it needs to be mentioned again out of all of the films on this list is his way home is the most shameless how allow me to list the ways the title of the movie the main character having a birth defect an overprotective father a story about finding your way home a story about a father finding his lost child a dead mother fish this movie was made by the asylum those are the folks who make those mach busters and purposely try to disguise themselves as more popular films they suck they're shameless and izzi's way home is utter trash next we have the dolphin story of a dreamer so this movie is about Daniel Alexander dolphin yes that's that's his actual name Daniel Alexander dolphin Daniel is trying to find his purpose in life or is it his porpoise he goes on this big adventure and follows the voice of the sea and at the end of the movie he discovers the meaning of his existence to ride a giant wave and by doing it next we have reef aka shark bait okay so this is a South Korean film that came out in 2006 the story is about this fish named Nemo my bad I meant pie he's just a kid living with his parents but oh no humans catch his mom pond a big fishing net trademarked seriously it's like this movie stole the ending for Finding Nemo but decided to use it as the intro for theirs instead the rest of the movie is just absolute chaos well let me just read the plot description here on Wikipedia Pisces or pi is a five year old orange fish that lives happily with his parents Pike and Piper and the polluted Harbor of Boston Massachusetts this already sucks until a fishing boat scoops them from the sea PI's parents manage to help him escape but cannot escape themselves before PI's parents are taken away Piper tells Polly to promised her he would go live with his aunt however hi soon encounters Troy the meanest toughest tiger shark in the ocean it's like this movie said we want to borrow from Finding Nemo but we gotta hide our tracks how do we do that mm-hmm let's come up with one of the most convoluted fish stories ever written yeah that should do it and let's hire Gimli and Rob Schneider to hell maybe we can even make a sequel after that we have a turtle's tail Sammy's adventure this movie has one of the most unsettling introductions I've ever seen in a children's movie so the film wants to stay accurate to nature and how things go down for sea turtles when they're born spoiler alert it's it's absolutely horrifying as the majority of the baby turtles don't even make it to the sea so I gotta ask whose bright idea was it to feature that in a kids movie it's like the equivalent of a bunch of human toddlers running across a field as it get mauled by grizzly bears and some of the turtles don't even seem to care it's like oh the seagull got me what what can you do also this movie has an environmental message especially in its sequel so get ready to go on a guilt trip humans were strange creatures some made a mess while others cleaned it up that was our first contact with you wouldn't be our last next we have deep honestly it doesn't look terrible but it still drags quite a bit and just like a turtle's tail this film too has an environmental message except on an apocalyptic scale you know how humans destroy the earth and wall-e and then left it well that's basically what happened here except for flooding the world with trash we flooded it with actual water the Nemo thievery comes in when our main character is charged with a quest to find a whale who can save his people so essentially this movie borrows from to Pixar properties then just up and left after that we have sea level aka seafood aka fishing impossible [Music] all right let's get ready to take some shots here Barros visuals and storyboards from Finding Nemo drink environmental message that hits you over the head drink main character that's on a quest to find something that was lost drink and sharks are the villains of the film I thought I thought I could stop them this time you shouldn't blame yourself pump huh well how about that this film doesn't look as bad as the others on the list enik some of the visuals are passable but everything else about this movie brings it down also it just straight-up steals from Finding Nemo you guys using that storyboard no cool we're gonna take it and the final ripoff I wanna mention is fish tails out of all of the options on this list fish tails is the worst I mean their intro looks like a dumber version of that crab dance meme [Music] the dialogue is bad the audio mixing is bad the music is bad all of the visuals are bad the story is bad hella I feel like I can't even call it a story the characters in the first movie just float around looking at live-action shots of ocean life and then the second movie is just a bunch of the characters staring at you as I swim and talk about yet it is awful one of the worst things I've seen in quite some time plus they call themselves an educational film about marine biology but they can't even get the characters that properly represent the creatures and that they are dolphins and whales do not have tail fins that go from side to side they go up and down how can you look me in the eye and tell me facts about the ocean when that's going on [ __ ] you fish tails you absolutely suck the next few things here are a little unorthodox so I'm gonna keep things short and to the point first off depo this guy is the mascot for the Georgia Aquarium and shares a visual style and name that's closely related to Nemo I mean I guess I can forgive the name since it's a play on the word Depot because the Home Depot sponsors the aquarium but like come on come on next there's happy little submarine what happens when you combine two Finding Nemo with cars well this robots on a Sunday [Music] [Applause] lastly there's Kingdom under the sea this one threw me off because I thought it was a ripoff that came out after finding Nemo but from what I read it came out in 1999 so there's only one logical answer Finding Nemo is a thief here Pixar you should be ashamed of yourself honestly the to share very little in common actually this show is Christian and this character is supposed to represent God because why not it is time for you to take refuge hide yourselves inside me you'll be safe from the red tide there's a quick little fun fact X are actually got sued by a guy who said that they stole his idea for Finding Nemo apparently he had his own clownfish story that was created in 1995 and was called a yallop yet parrot pee outlet peed a little impulse on clown sorry I don't know enough friends to say this right the writer said that Pixar copied his idea and used it for Finding Nemo of course Pixar denies this and said that the idea was a hundred percent original ultimately the guy took dizzy to court demanded a share of the profits and lost who would have guessed something's wrong with you really okay so we've talked about the origin of Finding Nemo how it was very successful and how a bunch of other studios have piggybacked on Pixar success but why is Finding Nemo ripped off to such a high degree what makes it the main target for plagiarism and not the rest of Pixar's filmography well I have a couple of reasons why this is the case number one it's easier to animate the characters a question for you all what do you think is easier to copy a human with a walk cycle or a fish that just floats around ding-ding-ding there's your answer obviously Pixar did their homework and try to capture every detail of how fish move around with their fins but many of these other copycats just phoned it in I mean just look for yourself they just magically float around it's like zero gravity I've had fun before this isn't it number two the setting is easier to build just like the first point this one is all about simplicity why try and copy something difficult when you can throw a couple of rocks and plants into some water boom done it's the ocean it's move [Music] number three avoiding copyright laws as you can see from the movies on this list it doesn't take much to tweak an idea and avoid a lawsuit what's that Nemo is about a father fish looking for his son well now it's his daughter and he's not even a fish he's a dolphin that shoots lasers and number four and this is probably the biggest reason of all money yeah big shocker right well it goes a bit deeper than that what I said before Finding Nemo was a huge hit at the movie theaters and made almost a billion dollars worldwide but here's the thing it almost broke a billion dollars and video sales that is insane the only other film to surpass Finding Nemo and overall video sales is the Lion King and even then not buy too much that being said Finding Nemo did break a record and is the highest selling DVD of all time it sold about 40 million copies that's 15 million more than the film that's in the second place so of course all of these copycat studios are going to take to this like a fish to water you watch okay I'm sorry that that's my last pun I promise but seriously if any of these movies could siphon away a fraction of what Finding Nemo made well that's still a ton of money makes a movie about fish make the cover art look like Finding Nemo and then hope that unsuspecting buyers can't tell the difference boom you just got paid yes scummy sons of [ __ ] such big heads such tiny brains so yeah that's why Finding Nemo is one of the most ripped off movies in film history it's popular it's successful and it's very easy to copy I can only imagine that the artist who stole from Pixar we're glad that they only had to animate a fish and not a human being I mean could you imagine how ugly that would look [Music]
Channel: Saberspark
Views: 1,770,889
Rating: 4.8777723 out of 5
Keywords: finding nemo, saberspark, saber, finding nemo ripoffs, pixar ripoffs, ripoffs, rip-offs, clones, bad movies, animation, clone, disney, dreamworks, shark tales, finding nemo rip-offs
Id: uxPXcVmUQ68
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 17sec (1397 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 23 2019
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