What the HELL is Elcano & Magellan? (An OFFENSIVE Controversy)

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πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 19 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Saberspark πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 29 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Lapu Lapu in real life: Badass.

Lapu Lapu in this movie: Gimme your underpants.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/RazorSlazor πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 29 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

This made such a ruckus when we heard it here in the Philippines. We endured so much hardship from years of colonization from the Spaniards, and now it's being portrayed as if they were the good guys and our heroes were the enemies. I didn't even know it already showed on theaters, amd I think that was for the best.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DavidCi_CodeX πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 29 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I'm intrigued

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TheGreatGasMaskMan πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 29 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I'm so glad Magellan isn't associated with us (the Portuguese) anymore. Ugh.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Gum_Skyloard πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 30 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Allready watched

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Guy1404 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 30 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Mel Gibson seal of approval πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/crakkkhead875 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 30 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
this video is brought to you by Ray Khan [Music] back in November of 2019 there was a call-out post on Twitter about a new animated movie from Spain called Elcano and Magellan the first voyage around the world now the main reason why folks were outraged about this movie was due to its poster and how it portrayed historical characters for those who don't know Magellan led a Spanish expedition to the East Indies back in 1519 but instead of going east he took his fleet west and traveled across the Pacific Ocean in the process by mistake he landed in the Philippines and was the first European power to discover the people who live there native people native people who hadn't discovered guns yet cha-ching it's free real estate and that brings us back to the poster looking at it you get the impression that the Europeans are the good guys and that the natives are the bad guys big smile versus angry face but it's extra confusing because the poster acknowledges dela pulip who is an important hero to Filipino culture but they got him standing there like he's the antagonist that's confusing I also love how they have the Battle of Mactan as a selling point for the movie Elcano and Magellan featuring the Battle of Mactan and Don Taylor from the Devil May Cry series Real Talk I completely understand why people were offended by this folks are much more aware nowadays about European powers and how they ravage the world during their days of imperialism back in those days if you were behind on your tech tree and Europe found you well you were basically done for and the Philippines suffered that fate so to give off the impression on your poster that the natives were the villains and the Europeans were the good guys well that's insulting especially since there's a lot more to the actual story there were even rumors that Elcano and Magellan would be banned in the Philippines due to the perceived message of the film but what about the movie itself is it as bad as the poster makes it out to be or is there more to this than we realize I'll tell you this though the companies behind this movie were quick to edit the poster yeah this guy he's the bad guy not the native he's cool lapu-lapu is cool this this Portuguese guy he's always been the bad guy he's the villain please go see our movie still again I want to be fair here you can't judge a movie alone by its poster yes this looks damning and it doesn't inspire much confidence but let's see if al Cano and Magellan is really as bad as the poster makes it out to be hey guys real fast I see the name lapu-lapu as lapu-lapu in this video and I just wanted to give a quick little correction I said it wrong I found out afterwards that it is said lapu-lapu just wanted to acknowledge that I apologize for making that mistake alright let's go okay so who's behind the movie well there were two studios involved with the production I am going to say their names wrong deeply Oh - in studio in okano Dibley Oh tune aie both are from Spain and primarily create you guessed it content for Spanish audiences so I look through their previous work and nothing was familiar to me like that's not too much of a surprise considering that they make their stuff for Spanish people doesn't mean it's inherently bad now it's just stuff that I've never heard of before what the hell is mystical oh I'm gonna have to see this one now the director for Elcano was angel Alonso just like the studio's I have never heard of him before but it looks like this wasn't his first time working with Dibley attune studio but yeah these guys wanted to make a movie about Magellan cuz why not hey for all I know Spain is like really pumped about Magellan like that is their guy even though it's Portuguese part of me wonders if these guys hope to make a fun adventure history movie like the good old days you know the films and shows that celebrated the daring deeds of historical figures I mean just look at Disney and Davy Crockett but those kinds of movies and shows are from a bygone age and I think that people nowadays are a lot more aware of the entire stories and all of the bad stuff that also happened alongside with it which brings us back to Elcano and Magellan people were upset to see a poster like this to see it feature the Europeans in a good light when history tells a different story like Magellan owned slaves he forced natives to convert to Christianity his sailors burned down homes so I completely understand why Filipinos in particular were put off by the poster for this film I mean look at this they're making lapu-lapu looked like one of the villains of this story apparently there were demands to ban this movie in the Philippines but it never went through but I did find an article that said that the National Historical Commission of the Philippines wants to make their own movie from the perspective of the filipino natives real talk that sounds awesome I would love to see a story from the point of view of the tribes those guys actually had a cause they were fighting for their own freedom that is much more interesting than Magellan's arrival again I don't think this movie was flat-out banned in the Philippines but it was not released there either I asked my Filipino Twitter followers if they knew anything about the situation and they said that it's most likely that the distribution for our Cano decided to pull the movie since they were giving bad publicity honestly that makes the most sense these guys really stir the hornet's nest with this one hey Filipino people remember that one time when Spain arrived in your country and eventually ruled it for 333 years against your will well here's a kid movie about it yeah rules alright so what's the movie about well it starts off with a clip that's actually later on in the film and it looks like it's from the perfect storm oh no we've got to get our boat over this wave because our story is epic and we need a reason to make the people in the audience wait and watch the entire film please watch us we're exciting we're not boring at all we then go back to the true start which is in a port in Spain a port that looks a whole lot like the road to El Dorado but you know it's Spain that's forgivable I'll tell you what's not forgivable though how bright the background is look at this it's like dripping and oozing with light it's it's like you're looking into the Sun with all of these shots it's way too bright we are then introduced to our main characters you got al Cano here who by the way looks nothing like his actual self from history look at this guy look at him he looks like an off-brand phlegm writer from tangled down to the color scheme everything and then we meet Magellan who he looks like one of those faces you would see and one of those like mobile games you know what I'm talking about with the like clash of clans look at his face and now look at that am I the only one here seeing similarities how whatever so Magellan is going around town trying to put together a team because he wants to go sail to the East Indies Elcano is there he's getting chased down by the Spanish he's like oh I got a run I got a run around town and in the same fashion as the road to El Dorado and also Esmeralda is here too because you know why not and then Elcano goes to Magellan and he's like hey can I sign up for this voyage I got to get the hell out of town and Magellan's like bro are like the cut of your jib get on board we're also introduced to this Sharptooth look in Portuguese villain and the Portuguese guy is like you can't sail to the east islands because those paths belong to the Portuguese and Magellan's like what tough brother we're going west and you can't do anything about it because you don't own the Western Hemisphere oh you know the world's up for grabs they belong as anybody now and and the Portuguese villain it's like turn it I need to put a spy on Magellan ship to sabotage the journey and report in on stuff and Hugh you there little Smeagol looking Spanish guy get on board you're my eyes and ears go sabotage the trip they can't get to the East Indies by going west I'm pretty sure that's not historically accurate I don't think there was a Portuguese spy on the boat trying to sabotage the journey okay whatever we jumped to Elcano and Magellan and the crew taking off down to South America where they arrived in Rio de Janeiro while there you see how the spy guy is trying to put some discontent into the minds of the captains because it's five boats in total and each boat has a captain and the spies like man doesn't know what he's doing he's going to get us killed and the captains are like yeah we're we're cooler and smarter than this guy it's so weird to see the story take history and like mold it and not really show what was happening because there were mutinies on this voyage but I don't think some random Portuguese spy guy was the catalyst for it if anything maybe the Sailor is dying from scurvy was the reason we can't show that on screen so Magellan and his other five boats they run down the coast of South America there's a mutiny there's one of the bus gets destroyed Magellan's like we are down to four boats oh wait we found this straight that cuts through South America at the Cape of it they go through it they somehow push a boat through a rocky cavern by pushing it through with another boat which I'm like that would break both boats that's a bad idea but it's cartoon physics who cares and then three of the boats get through because historically speaking what are the other boats at that point was like screw this we're going home which i think is what happened I think they gave another boat up and they're like just let them have it whatever the crew then gets to the Pacific Ocean where they're like we'll be through this a couple of days spoiler alert took a couple of months and I was wondering if they would show this part where because on the actual voyage they arrived in Guam and a bunch of drama goes down there but they just skip that they go right to and forgive me if I say this wrong Cebu CEB you sibu and that's where they meet the natives and the Spaniards arriving on the beach wearing their fancy armor being like haha we are here on the name of the Spanish king and we want to talk to whoever's in charge here so Magellan rubs elbows with the local chieftain and this is where things get really stupid like really stupid introducing chieftain guy who looks a lot like the chief from El Dorado I had some folks on Twitter tell me that the actual outfits of the natives here and the Philippines looks more like it's from South America and not the actual cultural clothes of the Filipino people so I don't know any she looked that one up but I wouldn't be surprised if that is the case and then you've got this girl character who comes out of nowhere and she's like I'm the girl character I will help you translate and be your like assistant and it's so interesting how she's on the poster and we don't even see her until like the beginning of the third act it's ridiculous it's it's so dumb how she comes out of nowhere she like it gets angry at Elcano cuz he's like oh man and she's hot and she's like why I oughta well the only ones who sail the oceans I'll give you the directions you need you can find the enemy of my people that way boy they go to a feast and then during the feast the spy guy runs off to another island where he's like I'm going to give these natives my underwear to convince them to kill Magellan and it's like what and and by the way this is the island that lapu-lapu lives on and it's like are you kidding me you have him on the poster but in the actual movie he doesn't even talk you don't even say his name I could have confused him for a background character so what was the significance of lapu-lapu you didn't do anything with them so lapu-lapu and his village take the guy's underwear and then Magellan shows up on the island a fight happens very bad actions dumb Magellan gets killed off-screen the native girl in a Moana esque fashion saves the guys and the Spaniards and okano Elcano is like we got to get the hell out of here they blow up one of the boats that wasn't historically accurate and then Elcano and the remaining Spanish people and the native girl go to the East Indies they arrive they trade they get their spices they then go to dock for supplies and food at a Portuguese port there's some hijinks that happen the evil Portuguese villain shows up with his boat they have a boat fight they win the Spaniards and they're like we did it they then sail off into a storm they get through it and then they arrive back in Spain and that's the movie despite having a battle and marry time crazy adventures this movie was incredibly boring so since I've watched the film I can finally answer the question was this movie historically accurate no no it wasn't they left out a lot of stuff and the things they did include that actually happened we're told in a very boring way when in reality there was much more to it than that so let me tell you all how it really went down let's start with Magellan himself the guy was Portuguese and was born in 1480 his family was somewhat well on but home boy here wanted more he did a bunch of sailing stuff with the Portuguese Navy and gained a reputation for his ventures he also busted his leg in the process and got a permanent limp so at least to the movies credit they got that right because when you see Magellan walk around in the film he has a lamp but Magellan oh no we're starting to fall out of the favor of the King of Portugal along with the other higher-ups he was like hey guys listen Commission's are open I want to sail to these islands and get some spices for you give me some money but King Manuel had him blocked on Twitter Magellan was pissed and instead went to the king of Spain who is cool with financing Magellan's expedition friendship ended with King Manuel now King Charles is my best friend so the king of Spain funded Magellan's expedition west like when you look at the world map the Portuguese controlled the eastern routes to Asia that went around Africa it's hilarious cuz Spain and Portugal signed an agreement called the Treaty of Tordesillas port toward asila forgive me I'm stupid and this was signed in 1494 and it basically said okay here's the line Portugal you get the eastern stuff Spain gets the Western stuff and and like the rest of the world was left out of the equation the rest of the world was standing there like what do we get but Magellan got his resources and set off with 270 men and five boats in 1519 they went across the Atlantic chenΓ© and arrived in Rio de Janeiro they then went south along the coast of the continent trying to find a way through or around it now I cannot overstate how much of a shitshow this expedition was to be fair what they were doing was incredibly difficult and they had very little to go off of but still the amount of things that went wrong made this journey come across as a dark comedy I'll explain they were lost for months the weather was terrible during the winter there was a mutiny led by three ship captains which temporarily led to Magellan losing control of three of his five ships don't worry he got them back oh wait never mind he just lost another one to a storm in South America which they haven't gone around yet oh boy wrong so Magellan and his expedition finally found a strait that led them through South America while going through it the ship called the Sun Antonio said hey screw this we're going back home so now Magellan was down to three ships by November 15 20 ma Jones crew reached the Pacific Ocean and he was like oh thank god we're almost there this should only think about what three or four days to sail across oh oh he was off by quite a bit it did take three though but not days months plus twenty days on top of that and let's just say that these guys were not ready for that long of a voyage thirty sailors died of starvation along the way so the morale on the ships were pretty low but on March 6 1521 the fleet arrived in Guam which was both a godsend and a total disaster well a disaster for the natives so the flight was able to restock on food and water but then the native people went on board the boats and start to take items like knives and riggings in hindsight it's believed that the natives thought that they were trading supplies that they were giving food and water to the sailors in exchange for the stuff that they were taking but the Spanish sailors were like hey what the hell that's our stuff um what do we do about this Oh idea let's go raid their town burn down their homes and take back our stuff isn't that great they were on the verge of death and the Spaniards are like uh no those things mm-hmm those belong to us so you're gonna give them back now after they burned down some innocent people's homes they left to continue their voyage and on March 16th 1521 the remaining fleet finally arrived in the Philippines not their final destination since they wanted the Spice Islands but you know close enough so this is where things get absolutely crazy insane drama that was mainly left out of the movie again why tell this story if you're not going to include the interesting parts okay so Magellan and his crew arrive in the Philippines specifically at the island of Cebu Magellan rule out of his boat and struck up a friendship with the natives he was like hey yo guys ever heard of this one guy called Jesus it's so strange cuz Magellan went out for a trading mission but all of a sudden was like wait hold on I got to convert these guys to Christianity and I'm sure that the natives were just thrilled about that okay but here is when things just go off the rails so like I said Magellan was trying to become friends with the local chiefs and convert them to Christianity one of the leaders named Rajah Humabon was like oh yeah dude I am totally a Christian you even dipped me in that special holy water stuff you know so you know I'm good bro Hey Magellan come here a question can you do me a favor so you see that Island over there yeah there's a guy who lives there named lapu-lapu and guess what he doesn't respect you bro he doesn't respect God so you know what you should do take those fancy guns of yours go show him who's boss and Magellan was like yeah you're right I should I got fancy European guns these guys probably have only Spears I'm gonna go show them what happens when you mess with Europeans and God they were so serious about this relationship that Magellan and Humabon even had a Blood Pact like they were that serious so let's talk about lapu-lapu this absolute Chad he was one of the rulers the island of Mactan and he was not having it with the Spaniards Spain was like hey here's Jesus and lapu-lapu was like no here's a bamboo spear instead and the other chief I mentioned before who my bond was not a fan of lapu-lapu and he wanted Magellan to go over there and take care of the guy it's so funny this Humabon guys like what could I do to use these Europeans to make life easier for me and Magellan didn't even know that he was being played it's kind of hilarious actually and on April 27th 1521 Magellan and his men arrived in Mactan and promptly got their asses kicked lapu-lapu and his crew saw Magellan and realized that he was the final boss like they saw his health bar and they're like oh oh focus fire kill this guy he's the one in charge and with a couple of bamboo sticks and some poison arrows they did Magellan in homeboy was dead the rest of my Jones crew then fell back to Rajah Humabon village and they were like oh my god we lost our fights we're gonna hang out here for a bit longer and let's just say that these Spaniards weren't the most gracious of guests because they were going around raping the local natives and who Mabon wasn't about that he invited them to a feast he was like hey guys eat up definitely make sure you eat your food by the way it's poison and the Spanish guys who are left in charge died because of that at that point the Spaniards are like I don't think we're welcomed here and they put Elcano in charge of the remaining forces and they said let's get the hell out of they had two boats left they took off they finally arrived at the Spice Islands did their trading back and forth and with the last two boats and crew they made the decision Elcano who's in charge of the Victoria will go west he will go through Portuguese water and will try to get back to Spain by going that way the other boat the Trinidad decided to go back through the Pacific that they would go east and go to I think it was Panama but spoiler alert they got sick along the way I think they were shipwrecked for a bit and then they went back to the Spice Islands where the Portuguese were like haha found you you're under arrest so yeah more or less that's the true story of what happened the Magellan had five boats he had 270 men and at the end of the journey only Elcano and his boat and his 18 sailors came back alive so it was a complete [ __ ] show absolutely horrible so many people died they burned down homes they killed the natives they tried to force themselves and their ideologies on the natives it was just a complete disaster now that being said al Cano made it around the world like he was on about that left Spain and went around the world so it wasn't Magellan who was the first man to go around the globe it was al Cano but I should make a little disclaimer here because I discovered that they think the first person to truly go around the world was Magellan's slave he had a slave named Enrique who went on the voyage and Enrica here was from I believe the East Islands so he was from that vicinity when we're not really sure but technically we think that Enrique the slave was the first man to go around the globe because he was born on those islands in that vicinity and that's where he was left because he didn't go back to Spain he was like hey my John's dead I'm gonna stay here and yeah that's the story that's the history a lot of interesting drama bloody awful things that happen that this movie clearly left out can you forgive me oh I suppose so I mean Magellan forgave the land who prankster land ho where where psyche made you look loser good thing there wasn't land or else you'd have to meet the natives with that mustard stain on your shirt what stain ah alright so let's go over my five points first the story like I've been saying over and over and over the most interesting parts of this tale are the dark moments dark moments that were left out of this film like they touch lightly on the mutinies they talk a bit about how people were starving on the boats how there was a bit of a trail on the island though it wasn't accurate who what actually happened there was just a bunch of really neat things that make the story interesting that they didn't even address and I understand why because it's dark but at the same time all the things that were left over like going across the ocean and arriving in Seville well let's just say those moments make the Spanish look a lot better than they actually were oh we're just trading we're just sailing through we accidentally went around the globe and we're just now arriving on this island where we want to make friends it's like you left out so much stuff and that's insulting as far as the story goes with like where we begin where we go how do the characters grow hmm no it was bad I did not like any of the characters none of them none of them had any personality that was worth a damn okano was the hotshot crazy boy who really liked I know that he had a character arc where he became more of a leader but that change wasn't organic it just kind of happened on the spot and at that point the movie was almost over so it didn't feel satisfying Magellan himself was boring reclusive I'm gonna map up the world and it's the map is my hat I guess I don't even know if that's historically accurate I severely doubt it was but even so but Ellen was just this big loud I'm Magellan and I'm going to sail across the ocean do as I say that was his character there was nothing really more to him there was no kindness there was no hunger for the unknown and exploring they gave me nothing to work with and honestly that's the case for the rest of the characters they were one-note characters who were boring and offered nothing to the story it was so incredibly boring I can't say that enough this movie was hard to watch and as far as the climatic part that this poster advertised with the Battle of Mactan Wow so anticlimactic yeah Magellan died here but lapu-lapu who you advertise on your poster did not do much of anything I could have confused him for a background character that's how forgettable he was so why even bring him up to begin with oh and also the pacing of the movie was way too fast it's kind of funny because this movie was boring but there were just moments where it's like we're here we're there cutscene cut here cut there here we go here we go constantly talking always moving there's no moment where we could really breathe and take it all in it was just things happening which again blows my mind because I feel like nothing happened in this film so to have the pacing be as fast paced as it was but yet the story and the characters would be as empty as they were that defies logic what happened and of course as far as being a rip off to El Dorado I see it with the character models I get it with a tone of the movie with them leaving Spain and just the overall sets and everything and the natives but it almost seems like they lightly touched on it but that's about it I wouldn't say it's a shameless ripoff but definitely inspired I can see moments where it's like oh similarities between this film and El Dorado next there's the voice acting so I found this movie online and I was like is this the official version because the dub is awful oh my the English dub is terrible I mean it's like you have Spanish people with accents and there are moments where they talk and they put inflections on words to have a Spanish accent but then they completely drop the accent it's so confusing their delivery was dry and stale nothing felt organic or natural it felt like they were reading a script like there were any performances in this movie with the voice acting where I'm like wow I'm really getting a natural character with what they want to say and how to deliver their lines no none of them none of them had good voice acting it was all bad after that there's the dialogue oooh this dialogue was so clunky and awkward exchanges between characters that felt like I don't know people don't talk this way especially during the mutiny scene when they're going back and forth I'm in charge of this ship what are you doing yeah you're no longer in charge of the ship I know what I'm doing really awkward almost kind of like at a fifth-grade level exchange of dialogue not natural to which we combine it with the voice acting it's completely terrible to have such a bad voice actors delivering such stale and dry dialogue and once more the pacing is fast as I said before so you've got these characters who are constantly talking with this awkward dialogue and they don't stop it's overwhelming it's like oh my god can you all please shut up can we just get an establishing shot or a sweeping shot where there's no talking I just need a moment to not hear you all say anything and it's like nope we've got boring characters who need to say stuff with their pseudo accents and their Awkward exchanges that don't really sell me on anything then there's the editing there's a lot of camera zooms in this movie especially at the beginning zum-zum zum-zum and then there are moments where they just cut scenes and just abruptly move on to the next scene like it's so jarring to go from characters talking on a boat to BAM it's a storm and I know that there are some films that can pull that off where you cut from one extreme to another which kind of jumps your system to get ready for the next action sequence like BAM it's hitting you in the face here we go but here when they do it it just feels abrupt like what just happened where are we what's going on who's that it's confusing and jarring and in my opinion very poorly put together also the music was forgettable I did not care for the music I can't even remember anything about the music it's that forgettable and finally there's the animation this is the only part of the movie that's any good or at least adequate the character designs when I see them I think okay this works it's not perfect but it's stylized it's got some character to the character they're not just generic humanoids they've got extremes about them with their body parts with their faces with the shape of their bodies I think that works it looks a bit like a video game but I'll take this over hyper realism at least this is kind of cartoony and justifies making an animated movie now that being said there are some weird physics effects where I see like the stomach's of these characters jiggle non-stop and there's also other parts of people's bodies who just don't stop jiggling there's also weird physics with the movement of these characters where it feels janky kind of uncanny the way there's no weight to like jumping or running or action sequences with fighting I can feel that the physics of the world feel off like there's no real weight behind them again the animation itself is not downright terrible but it's noticeably bad at times but no for the most part competent so I'll give them that oh and the lighting oh my god the lighting it is so obnoxious way too bright just pouring in just stealing away your attention where you want to see characters talking on screen but you can't even see them you're closing your eye as you're shielding your face from how bright these lights are why are the lights so bright this is way too much it's oversaturated obnoxious look and then when it comes down to like the textures the particle effects the water effects not good like below average not the worst thing ever but not good by any means and it's kind of upsetting actually because in a movie that has to do with sailing boats you would think you'll put more time and invest more effort into making your water effects look good but I see the water it looks like jelly I mean check it out look how gelatinous the water is water does not work this way so yeah when it comes to the overall animation the only stuff that seems competent or above-average to me were the character designs and even then it wasn't like outstanding but everything else was below average or bad alright so how would I improve the movie make it an adult series I'm talking about something on Netflix or HBO or some other streaming site make it a full-fledged adult series doesn't even have to be animated actually I think it would be better as live-action find some good actors to play Elcano and lapu-lapu and Magellan really highlight how difficult this journey was how it pushed the human spirit to the extremes how there was backstabbing mutinies murder all these awful things that to me don't belong in a kid's film and if anything they belong on an adult series where you can take those themes and really do something with it so yeah HBO hit me up I will pitch to you a magellan series Tim Porter twelve part or fifty partner and I can get paid seventeen million dollars per episode and I guarantee you it will be the next Game of Thrones but much better because guess what unlike george RR martin i know how this one ends that's mean so in conclusion Elcano Hema Gellin is a bad movie with an identity problem did it want to be for kids or did it want to be historically accurate or did it want to be both cuz to me it failed on both fronts no don't get me wrong I understand the magnitude of Magellan's expedition and what it accomplished for Humanity hell those guys did something they weren't even expecting to do and it is important to teach people about that journey but this movie did a very poor job at that the marketing gave off the impression that it wanted to recount Magellan's journey in detail the poster mentioned lapu-lapu Hwang Sebastian Elcano the Battle of Mactan events that aren't very well known to most people so for me going into this movie I was like oh ok maybe this film will get into the gritty stuff not sure how they're gonna pull that off while also maintaining a child-friendly rating but you know what I'll give it a chance I mean this movie is an hour and a half long after all but now this movie just wanted to use magellan story cuz it knew it was something that was familiar so it might attract more viewers I mean hell bocahantas a film that is riddled with historical inaccuracies at least acknowledges the aggressive nature of the European settlers that they were there for land and resources but here Magellan they painted in a different light they were like oh it was that guy the the scrawny guy the the spy he's the reason why the natives attacked us because he gave them his underwear and Magellan wasn't trying to convert people to Christianity against their will that that never happened I don't know what you're talking about and to me that is the biggest problem of all by leaving out the offensive stuff like the killing of the natives and forcing them to convert well you're hiding the truth you're hiding how awful this expedition was to the people of Cebu and the movie makes the Spaniards look much better and the natives look much worse that is really messed up so if we're going to tell this story then tell it right and if you're having problems with dark moments then maybe you should ask yourself is it a good idea to make a movie about a dark moment in history and present it to children in a movie cuz guess what folks it wasn't the most interesting parts about Magellan's expedition or the mature parts the betrayals the mutinies fighting over leadership disease starvation battles seeing these sailors go to the extreme to survive and seeing how they react to a foreign culture that doesn't know who they are one that is apprehensive about them coming to their land and some of them who actually fought back against it I want to know more about that stuff not some stupid cartoony spy character who is made up not some silly toned action hero Flynn Rider knockoff or boring Magellan ass character I don't care about those parts give me the real stuff and I know I'm an adult I know I can request that but to present this to a child to give it to a young audience and say that's what happened and present it as fact no that's not right that is it a service so we take out all of the dark stuff which let's be real here are the most interesting moments of this story well all you're left with is a bunch of bull it's not true it's bull hey has this ever happened to you oh no my headphone cords have gotten in the way yet again well have I got a solution for you and it's called ray con earbuds Real Talk guys I love these things and I use them all the time during chores while going for walks while exercising at the gym like all the time and it's such a relief that I don't have to worry about headphone cords anymore my ray gun earbuds are also super stylish and they fit well on my ears too also come with earbud adjustments to get a fit that's perfect for you there's also recharging Ches that's very potent and can get your rake on earbuds to full power four times over on a single charge and best of all rake ons aren't stupid expensive like other brands they're fairly priced and still have a high level of sound quality I have their latest model the everyday 825 and it's their best version yet it has six our playtime seamless bluetooth pairing a rich base to the 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Channel: Saberspark
Views: 1,598,454
Rating: 4.9059405 out of 5
Keywords: elcano and magellan trailer, elcano & magallanes first trip around the world, elcano and magellan, elcano and magellan review, saberspark, saber, filipino, spain, the philippines, history, review, animation, offensive, controversy, what the hell is, what the hell is elcano & magellan
Id: gSDxk1IPuMw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 59sec (2579 seconds)
Published: Fri May 29 2020
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