What the HELL is Homeward? (A Pixar RIPOFF)

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👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Kellan_is_a_dick 📅︎︎ Mar 14 2020 🗫︎ replies

Onward already got a rip-off?

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/R-Llama546 📅︎︎ Apr 03 2020 🗫︎ replies
this video is sponsored by expressvpn I thought that I could escape this one I thought that we all could just look at it and agree that it looks bad and move on but no my stupid self had to go to Twitter and be like Oh should I review this you know jokingly I thought I might get like seven likes 23 favorites that's it no big deal that people wouldn't care about me talking about this on my channel because we all know it's going to be bad but I was wrong you all want me to suffer I mean look at these numbers why are there 10,000 likes for me to review this stuff dear God do you all want me to die well I guess you're getting your wish one who knows maybe it might not be that bad no I'm an elf he's a network fraternity brothers we're in high school you're not really brothers are you this is a setup I'm being Punk'd where are the cameras I'm going to die alright so who made this movie well technically Pixar but the studio behind home word is the asylum for those who don't know these are the guys behind sharknado a bunch of other stupid shark movies Izzy's way home they basically made it a business to rip off other films and make their own dumb versions of it which that genre of film is called a Mach Buster and it is down right shameless the premise of mach busters is to steal away the audience or trick them into watching their own movies oh I like Pacific Rim let's check out this sequel I think Oh God you are in for a bad time well to be fair you were in for a bad time Athene official sequel as well again this stuff is shameless shameless shameless shameless the only upside to these Mach busters is how hilariously bad they can be poor Lloyd light spinner cursed with an orc for a brother I don't take orders from Rockets so who are the key people behind the movie well you have the director Michael Johnson and the writer Aaron whittlin oh it's the same guy who wrote roll man that's it for the origin I don't know what else to say that's it it's from the same heck frauds who make all of this garbage there's nothing really new to add to it it's just a bunch of low tier voice actors and artists and animators and creative directors can't even really call it creative cuz you're stealing an idea it's just bottom of the barrel stuff and there's nothing to it because it is utterly shameless even the poster is misleading you've got these two frog characters who are like barely in the movie why is she T posing and then you got the goth girl over here who looks like off-brand Mavis from Transylvania what why why are they in the poster they're barely in the movie once more and I say with conviction shame on you asylum you are awful whatever your funeral well how about the film itself what's it about well I'll tell you this the folks who made homeward really studied the trailer for onward well what does this trailer have it's got a modern setting with some fantasy creatures so put in a motorbike okay it's so funny how much they tried to emulate the trailer for onward until they had no more trailer to go off of oh no now you actually have to be original somehow what do you do now asylum oh of course garbage well what was I thinking of course it's gonna be garbage I don't need to be body shamed so the story starts off explaining the lore behind the film it's kinda like fellowship in the ring we have a narrator who's like this was what happened before our story began and for homeward we see a bunch of elves working with this ork girl to stop these other evil orcs something about a stone that controls orcs Minds they destroy the stone for some reason there's potted plants soldiers I don't know guys I do not know [Music] and that the good orcs and the elves work together made peace and that was the end of the orc elf war from like two thousand years ago then you will destroy it and free my people you yeah you you uh borrowed a bit from Warcraft didn't you of course you did it's a Siloam they borrow from everybody I'm sorry they steal from everybody wink joint we then jump forward to the present time and follow the main story just like onward this premise is about a fantasy world but in the modern times so the main meat of the story follows Loyd light spinner a high school elf no no we also have another main character his orc adopted brother borrowed light spinner no no no Lloyd hates his brother he wants to get rid of them something about how he's like he's going to ruin my graduation I have to kidnap my brother and get rid of the guy surprise I'm kidnapping you it's amazing that these characters lack so much emotion their faces are so stiff yet I can just detect the utter contempt that Lloyd has for Baro I think he wants to kill him hey did we just leave elf deal so yeah the plan is to take Baro to orc city I'm sorry new orc city hmm and that he would drop his brother off and abandon him there that way Lloyd can come back to school have his graduation go off without any hitch and that's I guess his plan but they go to a pit stop and while there Baro runs into a biker gang of orcs he starts to talk to them he's like yo check it out I got a magic bag of magic which belongs to elves you know we talk about like Oh elves and orcs are now in peace but there's such a gap between like their livelihoods where the elves have magic and live on the good side of town while the orcs live in like trash Ville it's so weird but I digress so you have Baro who gets caught up with these bikers shows them a magic bag and how we can do magic tricks with it which apparently is like oh my god orcs can't do magic how are you doing this and then borrow takes off with the orcs to go back to the orc city boy it is like hey don't go I need to kidnap you which is like dude you're fine he's already leaving so mission accomplished and then Loyd takes off back to elf town by the way please enjoy the theme music for new orc city yes there is a song for the city the virgin New York City [Music] nothing the Chad goblin town [Music] so here's the worst part of the movie the most unforgivable part outside of just existing of course Lloyd is driving back home he is talking to himself about borrow and then out of nowhere he has a change of heart oh I have to go save borrow and just takes off to go find him no biscuits no flashbacks of them having good times no emotional guilt that can convince you that he actually had a change of heart that was sincere nothing out of fear for the parents really which we never even see the parents in the film that make him go I'll be punished if I don't fix this it's just him going ah I gotta say borrow and take off you would think when the main plot is about the relationship between these two brothers who can't see eye-to-eye there would be something of substance to tell the audience oh that's why Lloyd changed his mind even if it was for like a reason that was kind of surface level let him go find borrow let them go on some kind of adventure and get in trouble and help each other out and that's what convinces them to be closer but instead it's like no I gotta go find borrow for some reason I go now why it was so out of nowhere he literally hits the brakes to turn around and change his mind it's just I I hated it I hate it there's no buildup and there's no payoff so borrow goes to New York City he meets this orc war boss of the biker gang you can tell that he's the boss because he's big and wears football pads oh the biggest boss the orc war boss is like okay cool you can do magic I need your help you see those old stones from the beginning of the movie that can mind-control works one isn't a statue in our org city the other one isn't a statue at the elf City your magic can help me penetrate the statues and pull the stones out even though we're told that the stones were destroyed at the start somehow they still function we I don't know I just I just don't know guys I'm it blows my mind I don't understand so borrow being the idiot that he is is like I'll be out okay and he uses magic to help penetrate the statue and get the stone for the war boss who then starts to mind-control the other orcs you follow as I don't he sucks long story short Lloyd and Baro work together with this orc girl and they stopped the war boss they use some kind of like magic slime to freeze the boss which somehow stops the stones from mine controlling the other orcs and that's the movie that's that's the movie it's stupid it's amazing how much this film tried to emulate onward and followed it as much as they could from the trailer until it was time for them to make up their own stuff and they couldn't do it it was awful there was no real significant relationship between the brothers the only thing that really could have worked for me was the divide between orcs and elves where it's like that would have been interesting that orcs would be like hey we don't like to be mistreated because it's been a thousand years and elves have it so good and orcs don't build on that that's interesting talk about like a sewer rights movement for orcs or something but no that's expecting way too much from this film and I should know better by now I should know better than to expect good content or good ideas for anything remotely good at all to come from the asylum you know how he walks first came to be they were elves once taken by the dark powers tortured and mutilated affected alright let's go over my five points first the story like I've said many times already this plot is shameless bottom-of-the-barrel shameless shameless garbage it's insulting to think how pre-emptive this film was where it's like oh there's the onward trailer let's just deliberately rip it off is his way home is shameless troll and is shameless but they're different enough in style and visuals that they can see me distant to the original movies they're trying to rip off like outside of the title they're not that similar here though I mean just look at it that is just stupid I mean of course there's differences but homeward onward elves and works a modern fantasy setting come on guys that is awful and you have the audacity to call yourself artists oh it's not onward it's my own original character homeward I I digress whatever let's talk about the story itself or lack thereof none of the characters are likable none of them not a single one not the main characters not the side characters none of them Lloyd the elf brother is spiteful and angry and short with people he radiates ray and there's nothing redeeming about him Baro is an idiot he's impressionable he does things for selfish reasons for himself he gets people in trouble and then just runs away who wants responsibility not me see ya it actually seems like a worse dynamic of Mac and Dennis from Always Sunny mr. angry guy and mr. idiot getting into trouble but like a thousand times worse tell me about Mac's famous mac and cheese okay I can explain I called it my famous mac and cheese as a joke but then it seemed like you liked it you liked that it was Mac's famous mac and cheese and so I just kept saying it you're the one sitting at Applebee's eating pot stickers all by yourself you're the one that's pathetic and all of the side characters are one-dimensional they don't add anything to the story or girl nothing off-brand Mavis nothing none of them made any kind of impression outside of being awful and that's it they sure do especially brothers I don't know what else to say here the story is just bad it's a bunch of mindless dialogue with unlikable characters following a cheap story that is very boring and the worst part of all is how Lloyd just changes on the spot a moment that could have been sincere a moment that the movie should have been building on was that moment it's like okay let's bridge the gap between people orcs and the elves as a species but use the relationship between these brothers as a micro version of that how they can patch things up and therefore orcs and elves on a macro level could patch things up but what am I saying it's the asylum I can't expect this from them I can't expect good content good ideas good stories to come from these people from the same people who make sharknado 17 the rise of sharks or back again what next there's the voice acting every single voice for this movie was bad every single one why in the hell is that voice coming out of that character you've got a rough and rough work biker why is he being voiced by a 12 year old girl ain't takin no heat from anyone I know of a mature voice actors on YouTube I'll hear their voice real and I'm like that's pretty good you can go places with your voice real and then I listen to the voice acting for this film I just boys my mind grab somebody in the lobby and said hey you want a voice at orc get in here come on we'll give you seven bucks cuz that's what it seems like the only one who is bearable is borrow the guy who voice tomorrow is bearable and I'd imagine that most of these voice actors showed up for like two hours just banged out these lines and that was it we're done here go here's your script can I get any direction for the script oh you're an off-brand wreck-it Ralph pork okay now record go now record we need this by tomorrow so we can finish animating it by the end of the week and guys please I don't understand why do you not have hot filters it's insane to me that within the first five minutes of the movie I hear voice actors and their pops and their voices it shouldn't be that hard to have a pop filter they cost ten dollars on Amazon come on guys get pop filters for your mics the gem of the mountain of course we trust you and to top it off you all have the audacity to put Tom Green's name on the box art when he's in the movie for like five minutes and that's it how misleading I mean it's Tom Green so I don't really care to begin with but like you've got these two main characters back-to-back and you don't even include the voice actor for barb what the hell that's full of lies and deceit talking about the best of the best and yet dazzle me next there's a dialogue I hate it I absolutely hated it this dialogue is so dry and clunky and boring and just so poorly done where you've got these jokes that go on for too long and add nothing to the story Oh as a joke about a character going on for a few minutes talking about something pointless and even the other characters like I get done it's like even the movie self-aware of how dumb it sounds and not even in a cool meta way just a stupid frustrating way like pulling his wallet out of a nap like what napkin holder what is these awkward exchanges add nothing to the plot they add nothing to the comedy I never cracked a smile while watching this film on purpose I laughed at how bad it is but when it comes to deliberate dialogue exchanges between characters and trying to do jokes not a single smile this film is an hour and 20 minutes long but it felt like I was watching a three-hour movie it drags that much hey watch where you're going sorry ma'am ma'am I'm not your grandma what no of course not next there's the editing pacings awful once more the movie drags it drags hard scenes go on for too long some scenes move way too quickly and you have no idea what's going on and then there are moments where you have these characters talking and their audio is being drowned out by background noise or music it's like wait what do you I can't hear you what's going on here and finally there's the animation they struck out every single category every single one let's go down the list first off clipping so much clipping it is everywhere with the mouths with the movement of the bodies with the hair with the clothes it's rampant then there are the character models so uninspired trying to rip off other characters that's just wreck-it Ralph with teeth that's all I see well maybe a little bit of the heavy from tf2 you get high school joker with lloyd I have to hand it to you you went out big comedy is subjective Maury frog lady who has her sunglasses on because she's probably tripping on meds tell you that she sounds like it but my car it has a flat tire oh but my manners I am Sophie Marie Juli orally Angelique and you are what and then just a ton of copy pasting and not even good copy pasting I saw one character whose color on their model didn't even load up and I also notice this the girl her straps on her shirt float over her shoulder you could even see the shadow of the straps on her skin why don't the straps just lay on her skin what's the point what's going on here guys straps don't just hold up on their own they're supposed to like be elastic and on the skin but no they float they float over her shoulders because why the hell not you're slamming your brother the movements awful it's clunky it also Clips like I said before lots of clipping they have arms bending in ways that just defy the laws of anatomy set the bar what are the physics of this world give us something to work with but no instead we've got noodle arms that Bend like rubber hoses from 1930s animation oh oh my the assets in the world are terrible you got these settings that feel empty there never was a moment where I'm like okay this feels fleshed out this is a setting a room outside inside whatever where it feels authentic with how a setting should be in the real world no empty room empty street no people walking around and the assets that they do have built I feel like these are previous assets they already had on file and they just tossed it into the film such as the Nintendo switch why is the Nintendo switch in this movie oh and I would be remiss to not mention the mechanics of the mouths and how it moves look at these rubberband mouths you can see like the skull the bottom jaw sticking out of the lips that oh that's so eerie and uncanny and as I said before the faces despite these rubberband mouths and how it moves there's such a lack of expression for the mouths they don't smile you don't see much outside of like angry eyes when it comes to emotions and that bothers me it's like a puppet talking if anything no like you need to leave me alone for two days so I can graduate in peace and not worry about getting slimed so yeah everything's bad textures lighting design movements hair mechanics the everything everything just absolutely everything sucks now compared this to troll and it's art it's so much better looking than trolling but that's not saying much at all that's like saying wow that was the least painful explosive diarrhea I've ever had oh good for you it's still diarrhea all right so how would I improve this film realistically just don't just don't as in don't make it don't even conceptualize it its existence is an abomination because it represents scummy hack frauds with no creative talent riding the tail codes of people who deserve praise and recognition Pixar made something original Asylum copies it steals from it tries to trick viewers and audiences into watching their own content and the theme of this video is one single word shameless but if I was to seriously improve it I would tell these folks focus on the story of segregation I think that could be interesting a world where the orcs and the elves made peace and then it divided over time where the orcs live in the slums the elves have it good and then the orcs are tired of that and want equal rights but that plot is too good for the asylum and I don't trust them to make anything outside of awful copy-paste movies so that being said I look forward to seeing right - yeah that's not happening sorry I didn't have a photo so I just drew this so in conclusion homeward is a scummy ripoff and offers nothing except for laughing at how bad it is and how low Asylum will go to steal ideas from others whether it be stories names character designs anything that can help them steal attention from better creators it's terrible it's terrible it's terrible don't watch it so a big shout out to this video sponsor expressvpn for a long time I went without a VPN thinking it wasn't necessary good god I was wrong now I know a lot of content creators just go along with a sponsor give it props but I mean this having a VPN is very important and you should have one on your computer and the one that I recommend personally is expressvpn it's an awesome tool that gives you private and more secure access to the Internet it also allows you Kirra connection and it also encrypts your data without slowing your computer down in this day and age online security and privacy is a must and this is a smart way to protect yourself you also get access to server locations and over 90 countries and have full access to a variety of shows and movies that are region locked as of late I've been watching The Adventures of 10/10 on the Australian servers of Netflix Plus expressvpn is the number one VPN service rated by TechRadar it's super intuitive to use and works on multiple devices Windows Android iOS Mac and many others for less than $7 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Channel: Saberspark
Views: 1,623,594
Rating: 4.9629278 out of 5
Keywords: homeward 2020, homeward, asylum homeward, asylum, pixar ripoff, pixar, onward, onward ripoff, ripoff, rip off, saberspark, saber, what the hell is, what the hell is homeward
Id: PrpXpzxNvik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 23sec (1643 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 13 2020
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