What the HELL is Roadside Romeo? (FAILED Foreign Disney Movie)

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Is there any design in that movie that looks decent?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/regane96 📅︎︎ Apr 16 2019 🗫︎ replies
what the hell is this when I mentioned Disney you probably think of this and this and this but what about this this is roadside Romeo a film that was made in India but was produced by Disney and let me tell you folks it has it all bizarre animation ugly characters an incoherent story and whatever the hell this is this is one of the most requested things I've been asked to check out to which I say to you all how dare you but seriously my curiosity was piqued there were people who even said that this film was actually good also I'm a big fan of Disney films I've basically seen them all but they're foreign film department is a bit of a mystery to me so when people told me that this was a Disney movie well I was hooked too bad it's ugly as sin another thing of interest about roadside Romeo is that it was made specifically in India now I know of Bollywood and how crazy those films can be like unapologetically crazy but I barely know anything about their animated content except for Matsu and pot Liu dude I am [ __ ] up their names Matsu pot Liu I'll forgive me I'm such a white guy these guys look those guys right there so I was low-key excited to see what roadside Romeo had to offer to see their cultural spin on a story and these characters [Music] ah yeah I think I had my hopes too high all right so let's talk about the origins of this movie I already mentioned that it had to do with Disney and India but there's a little bit more to it the guy who was in charge of roadside Romeo was dugal Han Suraj he's a big actor in India who also writes produces and directs movies but roadside Romeo would be his first time working on an animated film and also his last but his inspiration for the film was somewhat cute he said he was stuck in traffic and saw some dogs in the city playing in garbage he said that he knew what he wanted his film and his character is to be about trash I mean stray dogs on the trashman Jugal then teamed up with Yash Raj Films and the Walt Disney Company India to produce the movie which was actually kind of a big deal at the time from what I read roadside Romeo would be the first Indian 3d animated film for the country so there was quite a bit riding on this at least enough to get Disney's involvement on the project so the team got to work and in October of 2008 they released roadside Romeo a movie that was the first of its kind for India and represented all of the hopes and dreams of the Indian animation industry it flopped yeah this movie performed poorly at the box office it even had an international release and was shown in the US but even that wasn't enough roadside Romeo was a financial bust and the reviews for the film were even worse critics said that the story was predictable the characters were generic and that the film was overflowing with cliches they're not wrong there was another dog themed movie that came out around this time and it went by the name of bolt it looks superior to this of course to be fair this movie was made by a team of experienced artists but still it's night and day we compare it to roadside Romeo night day night day night day for the record I'm completely in favor of seeing other countries produce animated films that's an excellent way of seeing their perspective on stories and characters due to their culture and upbringing but for roadside Romeo it just doesn't click it has a few of the Bollywood hallmarks but they don't work in favor of the movie if anything it just harms the overall flow of the film and looks really bad [Music] alright let's go over the movie we started off by flying through the clouds as we zoom in onto this mansion and then boom it's song time so this is Romeo our main character and playboy extraordinaire he likes cars fancy foods and girls lots and lots of girls this Anatomy is hard to watch it's like they're dogs but they're not and no matter what position they go with it looks ugly or uncanny so it turns out that Romeo was the dog of a rich family but was thrown out into the streets now he has to fend for himself and he doesn't not like it something that caught my attention is how Romeo speaks in both Hindi and English like he goes back and forth between the two languages and I don't know why anyway such is life Iqbal subculture or do strip well kuch bhi me romeo then meets up with a band of dogs we got big nose buzz cut Katy girl and said for my sage medium what jumped on Kinichi so it turns out that this gang of dogs are actually a bunch of wimps who are trying to act tough so Romeo decides to befriend them by giving them a makeover I like how they showed them off as improved but they don't really look any better like they got some new clothes and that's it so Romeo has the brilliant idea to start up a salon so the dogs can make some money we even get a very bollywood ask song about it [Music] real talk the song is catchy but man the animation is hard to watch I'm not sure but it looks like they use motion capture for the animation but I couldn't find any information to back this up regardless it still looks very uncanny I like how they light this one dog's head on fire and they let it stay on fire for the remainder of the song I appreciate the consistency so at this point were about 20 minutes into the film and you're probably wondering where's the love interest this guy is named Romeo so there has to be a girl character he falls for right well here you go [Music] her name is Leila and she likes to dance on the rooftops with the moon at her back Oh God look at their hair physics so Romeo being the Playboy that he is just cuts right into it and begins dancing with her [Music] a mom there's like two ugly anthro demon dogs dancing on the roof get the gun Romeo being the hopeless romantic that he is goes right for the kill and tries to kiss Layla cuz he's a scumbag fortunately she hits the brakes [Music] real talk Romeo sucks look at all of this bull crap he throws at her to try and get into her pants but but my jumpy danske don't know how much damage a kiss cut there sorry making you look at me I'm not in this man's whole career whoa so it's the next day and we find ourselves back at the hair salon huh we got some Hidden Mickeys in the film we finally get some conflict in the movie as our first antagonist shows up Ken oh he's an underling for this nasty gang leader named Charlie Thomas as AJ this is one ugly-ass dog though his waist is the envy of every Instagram influencer [Music] so Romeo's friends suck up to chanu so they can stay on his good side after all they haven't paid what they owe to Charlie's gang it's essentially the Mafia and extortion no charging pocketing Romeo then shows up and gets really pissed off at the guy he even calls him a cartoon - Romeo freaks out that his friends are giving this guy a free haircut and he decides to beat his ass so much they go huh job can't do a plan nothing Romeo Bugaboo Donkey saamne her DNA paper scram is that unlike Romeo his friends are super afraid of Charlie and his gang and they go off to beg for his forgiveness we then get to meet the main villain of the film and oh I thought Romeo wasn't Pleasant but he's got nothing on Charlie let's just take a moment and look at this guy we got this fat-ass Bulldog who's got like a bike chain around this neck he's got these hipster glasses missing a lens and the guy has disgusting hygiene so here's something that's interesting Charlie has three ninja chicks who work for him he calls them his angels Charlie's Angels and just look at them they don't even look like dogs heartiest out of puddling if stop looking at them Romeo's friends get captured so he decides to go steal some bones from Charlie so he can pay off his bones to Charlie okay works for me so Romeo and his friends escape Charlie's hideout along the way home Romeo breaks off and runs into Lela except this time he has flowers but she does not fall for his empty words gypsy men at the motika met the mother body man he's such that I I think I'm falling in love with you he even almost falls to his death and she straight-up laughs at him Oh Leila you were so close to being my favorite character but then of course she starts to give in to Romeo she tells him that if he truly loves her that he'll show up at her next performance at some Club and then she literally leaves him hanging the pit done but hello to Romeo and his gang head to the club so he can go meet up with Leila we even get a fat joke cuz why not it's at this point in the movie where we finally get to the main plot Romeo likes Laila Charlie likes Laila and he'll kill anybody who crushes on her what a good guy even shows up for every performance of hers at the club yeah maile so Leila's performance begins as her anthro backup girls start to dance along [Music] I cannot get over their weird anthro bodies they do not look good look at her tail it's so high up on her back but Romeo can't keep it in his pants anymore and jumps like 20 feet into the air and lands on stage then he starts to sing and dance along and for some reason everybody else in the audience starts to freak out and have seizures [Music] but the S&M police show up and halt Romeo back to Charlie's hideout how is that hurting you the ropes aren't even that tight we then get this scene where Charlie cries about Laila cuz she doesn't like him but he does all of these things for her but she won't reciprocate the same feelings no I'm not sure if the movie is trying to make me feel bad for him not that it really matters though he's a gross entitled piece of garbage character who thinks very highly of himself he's like one of those guys who sends a dick Peck and gets very confused when he doesn't get a message back you so but you full show me over gonna row me oh then tells Charlie that he can make Laila fall for him that she will be his girlfriend cuz he is good with the ladies allegedly Romeo proving once again that he's an awful person but so is Charlie he even yells at Romeo so loud that he shakes a satellite in orbit after that we get an intermission okay so we cut back to the movie and a classy way by watching a bird poop on the cat Roma's friends tell him that he's an idiot and should leave town or Charlie will kill him but then Leila shows up to the salon and Romeo starts to think with his dick again though to be fair Leila's down to at this point yeah I mean of course so Romeo gives Leila a sexy haircut along to some music and you gotta love the haircut that he gives her it screams middle class soccer mom excuse me may I speak to the manager you messed up my nonfat chai tea latte with light foam we then come across these stray dogs having a barking contest to see who can wake up the most humans ready [Music] I actually like this it's clever and I can see a bunch of street dogs playing this for fun alright movie you get one point we then get another sensual song with Romeo and Leila as Romeo powers up with his high-pitched voice real talk this is a very sensual movie for kids Romeo Laila toss around the word caress and are all up on each other [Music] Romeo almost gets that kiss he wants and puckers up his lips which look a lot like a butthole aki-chan miracle what see Jenna in Romeo's passion he forgot to hook Layla up with Charlie cuz he's a forgetful liar who sucks but then he comes up with a brilliant idea to dress his cat friend up and disguise her as Leila so they could trick charlie not sure what the end game of this plan was but the cat character just rips into him it's actually kind of great behold the only good character in the movie [Music] also let's take a moment to appreciate the onslaught of words that the cat unleashed on Charlie she straight-up verbally eviscerates the guy and the best part she totally gets away with it so Charlie gets upset that Layla turned him down and Romeo finds himself back in the S&M rope again in typical Romeo fashion he lies again and says that Layla will go on a date with Charlie and how does Romeo convince Charlie with a song of course [Music] this hurts this music video really hurts it looks like one of those old commercials that advertise ringtones and of course he's wearing a fedora also shout out to the Angels who are just phoning in their dance moves look at them they're just yeah move my hands this counts right and this song wouldn't be complete without one WTF moment which comes in the form of an imaginary child that Charlie and Leila have so after that song about hooking up Charlie with Leila Romeo immediately runs off to go make out with her but oh no he gets caught in the act by Charlie's minion Bob wait Leila then finds out that Romeo has been lying the entire time and promised her to Charlie which really creeps are out and I do not blame her Tom Mitchell is avada Kia da mucho Suki girlfriend but now okay Lana I can explain I had no choice yes oh no no yes but I can explain ah I'm actually glad that everybody is realizing that Romeo is a horrible guy Leyla then takes off and leaves Romeo and the dust we then get this heart cut to Romeo and his gang running for their lives as Charlie and his angels chased them down who was that that was so random so Charlie's Angels you get it capture Romeo's friends we even get a stupid matrix reference - but of course of course generic love and bad writing are in the air as the angels for some reason fall for these stupid looking dogs [Music] Charlie then corners Romeo has he have a boring-ass fight scene that's mainly them talking smack to each other and telling the other to throw the first punch but oh no the dog catchers show up and Charlie gets cornered by the humans and for no reason whatsoever Romeo decides to save Charlie and basically take a bullet for the guy and I don't understand why Romeo's character at this point has been so selfish and deceitful so why would he do this it came out of nowhere [Music] so now charlie feels bad about Romeo getting captured so he takes off to go save him after a contrived action scene Romeo gets freed from the cage but his poor heart is still broken Laila doesn't love him oh no is it cool yet let's get Ben Anita's like that I especially like this scene in particular because his friend is trying to comfort Romeo with his nonsensical words and rope it was like dude shut the hell up I don't care you know so then we see Romeo leaving town on a train but everybody shows up and tells Romeo that he's forgiven that he can be with Laila so she runs in slow motion to jump on board the train visually this looks awful but Romeo accidentally falls off the train and decides to stay with the group we then get one last outro song and that's it that's the movie but here's something I was not expecting this film has a blooper reel remember how Pixar used to have bloopers and their credits back in the day well they do the same here all right so let's go over my five points first the story the thing that stands out to me the most are the characters every single one of them sucked well except for the kitty she was okay but seriously I did not like anybody else from the cast Romeo was a scheming lustful liar who only wanted to get with Laila charlie was an obnoxious bully who was equally as lustful and twice as grows and then Laila who I had such high hopes for just turned out to be a generic love interest she had some good push back at first but after the club scene it was all downhill [Music] none of the characters motivations worked for me like why did Romeo help Charlie at the end he hated him up to this point and Romeo hasn't shown any moral fiber of why he would help out Charlie it was totally random and out of character and only happened to progress the plot and the plot itself was just dumb and slow seriously this movie drags hard and the pacing is really bad [Music] next there's the voice-acting so this one is kind of hard to judge since it wasn't Hindi there was a review from an Indian critic who said that the voice acting was bad and the music was even worse but I have no way of validating that because I only speak English personally I thought the music was fine but what do I know that there's the dialogue again it's hard for me to judge this since I don't speak Hindi there might be inflections that are lost in the subtitles and I would have no way of knowing but the exchange of lines that I can read come across as clunky like there's a lot of references in this movie to other Indian films and if you don't understand them they just confuse you with what's happening it's already hard enough to keep up but then they pull a random Indian reference and leave me in the dust perhaps Indian viewers can appreciate it but from my point of view it's very confusing next there's the editing it was okay there's the occasional generic sound clip that takes me out of the movie but outside of that there's not much to write home about gotta get those fart jokes in though and finally there's the animation gosh where to start the designs of the characters look rough get it cuz like their dogs and they morph please shut up but seriously I do not like the way they look it kind of falls into that same realm of sheep and wolves where the characters are like pseudo humans and pick when they want to walk upright and use their hands or when they want to run on all fours and for roadside Romeo the characters look ugly in either position they either stand up with screwed up postures or run on their hands and feed with their butts hanging in the air it just it just doesn't work [Music] now to give credit where credit is due I thought that some of the backgrounds in the movie were acceptable but that's about it they basically failed in every other category and these characters fall right into uncanny valley as far as improving the movie goes I would pick a style for the dogs to consistently follow make them anthro humanoids or just dogs not both that would make things easier for the designs of the characters and how they move instead of going back and forth [Music] don't be clip of me not get me it yet get it a bit Heidi I'd be any God for the characters themselves I would personally write Romeo to be much more likable you can let him remain as a playboy but make him a playboy with a heart of gold one who likes to show off but is also helping people on the side maybe instead of lying to steal Leila's love he instead lied to protect her from Charlie at the cost of him not giving her at least that would make his story more enjoyable oh come on Syd a fake kiss [Music] also make Leila more independent now they were close to this at the start but threw it all away in favor of a boring girl character who only exists for the guys to fight over I want to look like your nana romeo spinner oh and for charlie completely revamp him to be a villain who discovers that he isn't in love with Laila that through his escapades with Romeo he discovers that he's in love with him and truly finds himself yeah like this story would ever happen so yeah this movie isn't the worst thing I've ever seen but it's far from good it's more peculiar than anything with a few alterations this film could pass as acceptable I do encourage foreign filmmakers though to keep pursuing animation and allow their culture to shape their stories some of the best animated movies and shows out there were created outside the United States and hopefully India can catch up in due time with over 1.3 billion people living there I can only imagine that someone has a good story to tell just promise me you'll cut back on the sexist stuff and leave the uncanny valley characters behind okay okay thanks India Russia you're next today's video was sponsored by audible so whenever I research a topic I like to get my brain churning by listening to other people speak this can take the form of a podcast or listening to an audiobook and for me I get everything I need on that front from audible on audible you can get access to an incredible selection of audiobooks this includes mysteries thrillers fantasy sci-fi and many more their boasts the largest selection of audiobooks in the world so there's a lot to pick from and with audible originals there's even more to pick from right now I'm listening to it by Stephen King narrated by Steven Weber I love the 2017 movie but my girlfriend told me that the book was much better and had a lot more to it needless to say I'm totally hooked and being able to listen to the story while driving or doing chores saves me lots of time it also inspires me to write my own videos you can listen on any device you want and take it with you wherever you go at the gym at school at work anywhere and as a member you can pick three titles every month one audiobook and two audible originals you can't hear anywhere else so go hit up audible and check out their wide variety of content get started today with a 30 day trial when you go to audible.com slash sabor spark or Tech sabre spark 2 500 500 go get your free trial today [Music]
Channel: Saberspark
Views: 1,886,446
Rating: 4.9346471 out of 5
Keywords: saberspark, saber, what the hell, what the hell is roadside romeo, roadside romeo, disney, animation, review, cartoon review, sponsorship, animated, furry, anthro, india, t-series lol, disney animated movie, failed, fail, foreign
Id: I4cB9CBVddo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 33sec (2073 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2019
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