What the HELL is Son of Aladdin? (The WORST Film on Netflix)

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β€œI was really great in this movie I don’t remember being in”

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/archerassassin8 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 03 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

More like the best movie ever.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/therealbraden πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 04 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies
oh my god we hit the jackpot with this one I present you all son of Aladdin a god-awful movie on Netflix that hundreds of people have asked me to review yeah thanks a lot guys is bad like insanely bad but what makes this movie so interesting is the origin behind it it's so bizarre and confusing first off the movie's original title was son of Aladdin and was released in 2003 then it was called Mustafa and the magician and was re-released in 2016 but get this it is the exact same movie like a shot-for-shot it's like the equivalent of a remastered video game ok so a couple of things first of all this is one of the craziest trailers I've ever seen it's so over the top and also full of lies the actual movie is nowhere near as exciting as this trailer makes it out to be secondly check this out animation movie Oscar race 2017 I actually looked into this and discovered that the guys behind this movie were pushing for it to get a nomination for an Oscar for best animation but there's a small problem the original movie was made in 2003 just because they slapped a new coat of paint on it doesn't mean that they made a new film that it's somehow now worthy of recognition well I guess it does to Netflix Netflix you're greenlit son of Aladdin is such a hot mess and on a ridiculous level the people behind it from India the production studio has called Panza media and the distributor is ksham aru both are notorious for making low-budget crap such as Gulliver and the little little boot high in the Gulliver and the little Putin's but shimmer ooh is a company behind Chiara the brave a film that tried to copy Pixar's brave with a character that was in the movie for like five minutes but honestly I don't expect much from these guys I mean these are the dudes who decided for some reason to have Brendan Fraser's name in their video title despite the fact that he isn't in the movie at all even keep a straight face Brendan Fraser like I said I did my homework about the people behind son of Aladdin and it's such a train wreck here's a quick rundown of what we're dealing with the original movie came out in 2003 and was called son of Aladdin the movie was re-released in 2016 but this time with new character models instead of our main character looking like Josh Peck he now looks like Paul Rudd also jaunt runs in this movie I guess that's where he's been hiding these last few months but here's something that confused me where's the English dub but for the new version apparently there is one but I can't find it and Netflix only offers it subbed and I know that there is a dub cuz shimmer o has a song from the new version on their YouTube channel from 2012 wait what the hell I thought that the movie came out in 2016 oh you know what whatever whatever you know I'm not surprised at this point nothing makes sense I'm just upset that we couldn't find an English version to rip on but your main man saber spark has got your back i painstakingly went through both movies and synched up the visuals from the netflix version with the original audio from the dub version that way we can see this crap in its original glory you're welcome but I discovered a few things from doing this one of those being that the new version on Netflix has a bunch of plot holes there's a song in the original that shows that the main character has grown up but he left that out in the Netflix version so he went from being a baby to instantly being an adult no passage of time whatsoever and that's super confusing as far as my five points go I'm gonna wait until the end of the movie to talk about those just know that this movie easily beats Leo the Lion as the worst movie on Netflix Leo I am so sorry I was wrong about you [Music] so we start off with some castle when we zoom into a cave it looks like wearing some kind of ps1 cutscene we then hear some chanting and we're introduced to the main villain of the movie [Music] did he just say roar [Music] so ZZ throws the sword into the fire and gets an all-powerful staff one that will make him the king of the world but then sword on from high ranges shows up and tells him he's doomed to fail be bad beware mateship for you're not the most powerful man there is one pure of heart that well you just draw you will talk I was expecting this movie to rip off Disney's Aladdin which to be fair it did not but it still ripped off Disney by copying Hercules Hades wants to take over the world but will fail because some kid will grow up and stop him Zizi wants to take over the world but will fail because some kid will grow up and stop him and just like Hades Z Z sends his minion to go kill the kid [Music] [Laughter] dude stop flying around in a circle and just go so we see it light and showed off his new kid who looks a whole lot like a young Bobby hill I love then give you my firstborn son and your future king he is named that in an admirer who those are some rough background characters what's uh what's this guy doing but oh no the bad guy is here and he chases after the baby and his mother the mom runs into a building and tells the old lady in there who she somehow knows to watch her son she then grabs a piece of cloth and think it snatched up by the monster ZZ then gets angry because he can't find the child and turns the mom into a parrot because why not you birdy Aladdin somehow knows where Zizi lives and takes his massive fleet of toy boats to go after him seriously and look at this perspective it makes it look like the ships behind him are tiny Lattin tries to save his wife but gets turned into stone so now both the parents are trapped but that does not matter it is easy he wants the baby so what does he do he goes to town and starts knocking on doors demanding he be given babies whose child is that good luck man but it's all good though you see the child's mom cared so much for the baby and she found a caring loving nanny to watch the child until she's grown okay never mind she's given the kid away look at these characters they look like they're from different movies one is old and detailed while the other is super fat and smooth so we get to a point in the movie that is super strange remember how I said that the Netflix version has the baby instantly growing up in the original version there's a song and my god is it bad the beginning of it sounds like the Thomas the Tank Engine theme but super loud [Music] [Music] and I didn't even mess with this it is like this on YouTube the dancing the blaring music yeah jontron there but the music is cut off and a storm knocks paul rudd jontron and a heat doctor on to the shore where we see this awesome background that's totally not a picture so load up ahead where that is a note there's gotta be somewhere to go the way he's standing in this shot makes him look like that screaming cowboy guy we're then introduced to the princess and her guards but oh no a band of thieves are trying to rob them and so we see one of the most epic battle sequences of all time a lot of the guys who are carrying the princess just drop her off on a rock and run away so the guards are defeated and the princess is in danger oh my god I love her but don't worry Paul Rudd shows up and fights the boss of the bad guys with one of the most Awkward fight scenes in cinematic history the way that these characters awkwardly spaz out makes me think that some of this movie was done via motion capture come on come on come on so the boss is defeated the princess says thank you and Paul rut gets horny and decides to stalk the princess back to her castle I don't like the way he's with her gosh take the princess back to the palace at once take care of this I don't like the way he's looking on her we let meet the king who is grateful that his daughter is safe how did this happen what happened do you guards after that we hard cuts is easy who is still freaking out that Paul Rudd is still alive even though it's been 20 years you may make my husband into a statue and me a parrot but you will not get my son I shall find your son he will kill you the princess then takes her royal guard to the bathhouse and paul rudd follows her you know this guy might be the hero of the movie but he's a real creep look at him sticking into a tree to watch the princess bathe an hour bathing dress [Music] go away we're having a good time enjoy your sauna I don't know what the hell she's wearing but apparently she's naked enough for the guards that be blindfolded we also get some of the most Awkward music that's ever been created but oh no Paul Rudd falls into the bathhouse and everybody freaks out I see the princess is not robbed yet I see you don't see but I do the blindfold you'll be beheaded the princess then runs off and of course our blind lover boy goes after her I mean it's common knowledge that the quickest way to a woman's heart is to watch her bathe hold her hostage go into her bedroom uninvited and then have a sword fight with her using a peacock feather yeah yeah yeah come on come on [Music] point too low a little bit both we then learned that the princess is upset because a bunch of guys are trying to win her hand in marriage obviously she's angry because she has no free will of her own so what does our guy do he tells her that he's gonna go compete for her hand too and then he puts pressure on her to pick him that's wonderful no no I was just thinking that I would come to this thing and when your hand isn't that wonderful isn't it what you will choose me won't you dude she's obviously scared like you should probably slow your roll or you know kiss her I guess you're just so good with the ladies Paul he's like one of those guys who dm's you on Twitter and demands a picture of your boobs [Music] so Paul Rudd being the awesome guy that he is looks for a tailor at night unwantedly goes into a store and gets a new jacket which somehow qualifies him to be a prince now well I look more princely but Paul Rudd decides to run off with some guard and jontron and Pete docter are worried about him so Paul Rudd is thrown into jail for some reason and then his friends show up for some reason and then they form a human ladder to reach the prison window which for some reason is connected to the throne room Lila I'm down here princess Lyla what why what a terrible design flaw wouldn't it smell bad from the prisoners who is this man what he is doing in my prison so the princess here's Paul Rudd and frees him also again for some reason zzs hanging out in the audience because why not he just wanted to go oh and use something for you in the original version of the movie Z Z isn't even in disguise he's just standing there wearing his wizard outfit Vizia bring him up immediately yes your majesty also another reminder Z Z has no idea who Paul Rudd is at this point he just randomly shows up so the princess decides to pick her stalker and her father sends him off on the mission to prove himself he must bring back the water from the river since it dried up okay sounds easy enough and still haven't found any water I could have all gone I don't know but oh no there's a giant monster that's hogging the water all to himself I have no desire to prove my wallet to anyone in such a manner all we seek is what you are water do too new home under rivers mine now it exists to feed me haha you are a fool and you must die you will not get the water from me the battle begins and our brave strong daring hero jumps into action and gets eaten immediately but he finds a magical sword what sword what sword swore he finds a magical sword in the monster and cuts his way out the river returns and he can finally marry the princess that he's done for about 12 hours now ideal people of Z agua it is with most of the pleasure I announce the wedding of my one and one Li the most beautiful the most precious daughter Lila but no we forgot about Z Z and he shows up to fight Paul Rudd and an epic battle for the ages prepare to die mister five you're doing wonderfully Zizi is defeated and goes back to his cave he sends his demon to go steal the princess at the same time Paul Rudd's mom slowly escapes from the cave but then just books it across the sky and somehow finds the princess [Music] the demon shows up he steals the princess the mom parrot turns into stone and then Paul rut heads off to go kill ZZ ZZ ba we then return back to the cave where we have our final showdown bud with a twist ZZ makes paul rudd fight his own father and if he hits his father with his sward he will die why doesn't he just turn around and stab ZZ he's right next to you but know some crazy ricochet happens instead and knocks the staff out of cz hands look at this dude Zizi finally dies and turns into a capri-sun commercial [Applause] take that to zero [Music] Paul Rudd freezes parents and saves the day and that's it the movie is over my father mother I mean seriously it ends pretty abruptly the Netflix version has him sailing in a boat off into the horizon but still that's it it has a pretty quick end which I am NOT against cuz this movie sucks so yeah that son of a Latin and like I said it's a hot mess let's go over my five points about this movie story it was rough the pacing was bad there were plenty of plot holes and there were times where characters just pop out of nowhere editing the audio and sound effects were terrible it rains from being too loud and noisy and not having enough sound at all where scenes would be awkwardly quiet despite what was going on now to be fair the subversion on Netflix has better sound but the original English dub is trash dialogue awkward that's how I would describe it moments where the characters were talk but not really have any exchange or conversation the characters also have a bad habit of talking over each other Oh trouble is your friend in trouble that was one not easiest main voice acting this might be the most poorly voice movie I've ever seen the subversion is much better audio wise but the dub oh my god it's loud it's quiet it's clunky and it doesn't have a smooth flow basically it's awful I mean you got a villain who says rarr look like a dinosaur rawr and finally the animation do I have to say anything just look for yourself [Music] in conclusion this is the worst thing I've ever seen on Netflix and I don't understand why they have it on their site you can argue that kids might watch the movie but then that would require them to read and I doubt that most kids want to do that while watching cartoons I mean at least Leo the Lion was somewhat Kartini and might grab the attention of some viewers oh my god I'm using Leo the Lion as a positive example but what's happening to me but the most pitiful thing to me is how the people behind this film are so dead set on getting this corpse of a movie nominated for an Oscar it is not going to happen I'd show clips of them saying this but it was on their homepage and guess what their website is down but wouldn't that be something if son of Aladdin actually won Best Animated Feature God be with us God be with us all hey guys thanks for watching the video if you liked it give it a like and sub for more future videos also a shout out to all of my supporters on patreon if you want to support my content go hit up the link in the description all right thanks again for watching and I'll see you guys next time [Music]
Channel: Saberspark
Views: 1,215,650
Rating: 4.9619608 out of 5
Keywords: saberspark, saber, son of aladdin, worst, worst movie on netflix, worst film on netflix, netflix, worst netflix movie, leo the lion, mustafa and the magician, mustafa, what the hell is sosn of aladdin, what the hell, disney, aladdin, animation, bad movie, bad animated movie, review, animated review
Id: 6pyt0j-Fw6M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 36sec (1656 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 02 2018
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