What the HELL is Let's Go Ape? (An Uncanny Valley NIGHTMARE)

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πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/hoover1267 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 16 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Saberspark πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 16 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Brother. The Heavy Flamer is not enough.


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/1spook πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 17 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I think this movie was about the first human but instead , it became an uncanny movie

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TRLGuy πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 17 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

The let’s watch just got blocked by Pathe. This is Ronal all over again...

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Drowzeeking04 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 21 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
the face of the pipet species basically shut your stupid mouth and died already [Music] I've been watching bad movies for years now and I've seen some pretty weird stuff Josh won the Promised Land trawl and gave his pond to name a few and I truly thought that I saw the worst of it that nothing out there can come close to these levels of ugliness [Applause] I was wrong this is it folks this just might be the strangest movie I've ever seen it is so uncanny just look at it like I get it it's a prehistoric ancestor and it's supposed to look kind of human but not really human but they went way too far this movie is the living definition of uncanny valley I've been disgusted by ugly character designs before but never disturbed it's like a horror movie could you imagine walking home at night and see one of these demon monkeys pelvic thrusts towards you it's the stuff of nightmares all right so who made this mess more like who didn't make this mess seriously the intro part that rolls out the studio credits takes forever and the list on IMDB is even worse there's like 16 different Studios that worked on this project just know that the main company is this French distribution production company called pace films which in typical me fashion I'm probably saying wrong this company has been making films for a long time I think they've been on the scene since like the early 20th century so the movie itself which was released in 2015 it is based on a story called evolution man a book by Rory Lewis from 1960 there are so many different games for this movie it was evolution man how I ate my father why I did not eat my father but I guess animal kingdom let's go eight is the one that they settled on for English audiences because you know animals it's even more heartbreaking when you realize that one of the producers was the same guy who worked on Ernest and Celestine the secret of towels and the triplets of bevelle those are amazing movies and French animation is like comparable to top-tier American and Japanese stuff but not this time this movie is like Ice Age meets the Croods Meets The Lion King meets Avatar meets Avatar meets brain aneurysm and as you can probably guess this movie was a complete flop at the box office just absolutely devastating and here's something that I discovered like the day before I recorded the French version includes stuff that actually tells a better story not a great story but a better story for example the English version left out that the mom died that the kid broke his hand because of the wolf that thanless Kong and the witch doctor are teaming up to keep Edward out of the village you know plot so all of these important plot points were removed in the English version why to violence I guess maybe it scared kids what what I'm saying is what plot this movie did have originally was butchered in the English version and that is unacceptable this makes the movie that much worse it could have been better not great but better instead they removed it they literally removed the most important parts of the movie in order to not scare children what the hell and I'm not making this up like I am so a hundred percent being real with you all so I get a let's watch with my friends before recording and writing for the video there's a part where the dad character is killed and one of his sons it takes him up into the tree and I jokingly say well I'm taking this body so I can eat it which again I was joking about well guess what in the French version I tried to eat him I'm gonna go eat this now [Laughter] I guess that's why they call the movie why I did not eat my father it just blows my mind I cannot wait to share how absurd this movie is with you all you're gonna be having night terrors for the next few weeks you see these dancing monkeys yeah you're gonna be singing that in the corner of your bedroom at night with your sleep paralysis and these monkey lips alright so let's talk about the movie it starts off with this terrifying clan of monkeys as they convulse and dance around I thought they were summoning a chaos God at first nope its motion capture which to be fair can be good at times but not here not at all nothing to worry about we'll be back what is well this is like the main reason why this movie falls into uncanny valley especially with the phases so what we have here is a birthing ceremony and we get to meet all the great characters such as buff monkey ugly monkey and nervous monkey and like I said before this is the English dub that's why the lips are off sync and the audio doesn't really match up let's watch the lip sync okay so the birthing ceremony is for the King's babies but I was not ready for how they looked like not ready at all I was thinking maybe it might be like a baby gorilla or something like the size of a human baby but a nope instead they're like these tiny monkey fetuses or feet fetuses fetus feets Hawai I don't know what the plural of fetus is as you can tell I don't really say it too often fetuses we'll go with that and what is this dialogue it's me whenever I see a tiny kitty cat so the witchdoctor goes full on 300 and tells the king that he should throw away his second child which isn't really the second child it's actually his firstborn so that means the weaker child is the heir to the throne and we can't have that so how do they get rid of this ugly baby by throwing them off a tree and feed them to wolves when the boy was born he was inspected if it been smaller puny would have been discarded so some crazy nonsense happens and the baby survives you think it's rescued by the Squidward looking monkey so Squidward monkey becomes the new dad and we even get a Lion King transition as these two grow up with each other so this is one of the most interesting parts about the movie something you'll notice in this film because it's impossible not to notice is that the main character Edward likes to put his hand in his pants oh by the way he has pants but a loincloth looking underwear thing but there's a reason for this yeah the character breaks his arm and that's why I guess the character puts his hand in his pants so here's why the character actually has his hands and his pants apparently it's paying homage to the guy who directed the movie and did the motion capture for the character his name is Dubois the boos Dubois whatever the boys so the guy's name was the boys and I guess the actor hurt his hand in real life and hides it away in his pockets all the time so it's something that that particular actor does so they did the same thing for the character which is kind of strange not trying to sound like an ass but most people on an international scale will not know who this guy is they won't know that oh it's this actor and that's why the character puts his hands in his pants look I get that they're trying to pay homage but it doesn't work all I see is our main character with his hand on his junk the entire time and it drives me crazy oh it drives me nuts I've been hate this movie guys so you know what's even worse than that though the characters talking no no no I thought he said [ __ ] but that's why I thought I heard he said plucking your butt but for the life of me I thought he said I'm not gonna [ __ ] your butt no no no ok another thing about this movie that I noticed is the physics of the film the physics are everywhere I get it it's a cartoon world it's animated physics are supposed to be kind of wonky but it it really makes sense here there are moments where the character is like launched 20 50 feet in the air and I don't really know how they did it and then there are moments where the characters fall like a hundred feet onto the ground and survive and there's a reason why this bothers me in particular but I'll explain it here in a bet so it turns out that Edward is smarter than the rest of the monkeys but that's not saying much his adopted dad is named Yaga and he's dumb as a rock but right now I asked you all what is this bill missing what's the one thing that would make this movie amazing at this very moment shut up I'll tell you monkey Quidditch along to the music of bangarang [Applause] so this monkey boy is the buff baby from the start and he's the future king of the clan thank you for the bonus all right strap in for some of the weirdest dialogue ever exchanged in a movie yeah I'm wondering the same thing we then cut away from this scene and go back to Edward and YAG hanging outside of their home and they're talking about something called the White Mountain and how it's some kind of mysterious paradise but things change direction quickly as the tribe falls in love with Edward and his inventions even the king is on board with it but Thanos Kong who looked a lot like Josh Brolin is against it so is the witch doctor cuz like she looks evil so she's probably evil it's like a game who's the villain that did that that uh who is it who could it be is it her this kid or the demon monkey from [ __ ] hell and this is where the plot just goes crazy all right I'm gonna do this fast hold on tight the King begins to love Edward and his inventions the village starts to like him too the witch doctor then gets angry and runs off to summon did the magical swarm of locusts the locust then attack the village during the chaos the King falls like ten feet and lands on a rock the village blames Edward and say that he tried to kill the king the King survives and then Thanos Kong shoves Edward off the tree that's that's a lot of stuff that happened also this is the scene that pisses me off about the physics this guy fell 100 feet this guy felt like ten feet and that somehow made people think that he died also way to rip off Mufasa so Edward finds himself in the combined world of Ice Age and the Croods there's even a bit of Avatar The Last Airbender thrown into it the turtle ostrich dokay we then get this bizarre scene where Edward runs on his legs for the first time ever and he runs away from a bunch of wolves this scene in particular reminds me so much of the Croods [Music] so you're probably wondering how can it get any crazier armadillo - rhinoceros boom that's how the Rhinos stampede and roll up and start to crash into the tree but daddy Kong jumps into action and uses his super-strength that apparently he has to save Edwards life but again we got a steal from The Lion King and daddy Kong dies it is so much like Mufasa just look at this scene come on dad get up it's me a monkey son crikey I'm a sniper from tf2 now he's a touching story once upon a time you died the end so at this point you're probably wondering how can this get any stranger No thank you for asking how about a monkey version of the MLK speech tornado just a storm comes out of nowhere kills two of the characters brings another character out of nowhere and by the way you can tell that this girl character again who comes out of nowhere and a storm is the love interest because music oh and her name is Lucy too so Edward and Lucy are on their own by the way I thought that YAG was killed during the storm which he isn't it's actually so much worse like Edward just straight up ditches YAG this guy who saved his life who nurtured him who brought him up to be one-handed monkey just blown off by I got [ __ ] to chase gotta go later and we never see AG again well we see him again but it's stupid as hell but this other monkey the the weird nervous monkey yeah he's dead never see him again bye so Edward and Lucy are on their own and run all over the land and after a while they eventually grow on each other oh man check out those sexy monkey lips oh yeah that that's what my ancestors were all about luck plump luscious monkey lips yes please what is this movie this is so disturbing like straight out of uncanny valley hell [Music] and if you don't hate our main character already let me seal the deal for you by his own Proclamation he's a nice guy you can really tell by how sweet he is to her here we go now it's crying and how he treats her with the utmost respect and you really got to admire how he's very cautious of her personal space so after all of this BS which by the way we're like I think 40 minutes into the film by now we finally get a plot what we get one of those in this movie no way so the village is afraid of change but Edward encourages it he said that they should come down from the tree and live their best lives and you know what that means oh it is song time time passes and it's been about a year since they went to the ground and we see Edward and his village become more advanced meanwhile that knows Kong who is now the king of the tree refuses to come down to the ground and instead stays with his wife who's got like this Karen esque haircut I need to speak to the monkey manager thank you thank you I'm sorry I can't get over how much this guy looks like Thanos so what now what do you do when the trees all to yourself I rest gonna eat a banana oh and guess who's pregnant no not him yeah yeah her oh can you hear me yo moved it moved so again it's been about a year and the witch doctor gets pissed off so what does she do she sends her swarm of magic bugs to destroy the new village the clan then gets angry and decide to go back to the tree and kill the witch [Music] so this crazy pandemonium goes down we're like the villagers are throwing fire everywhere and the tree starts to leak out this SAP and something happens that was the last thing I expected from this movie the tree explodes and the witch was in the tree so she's dead now bye don't really know what you were about but you're dead now so the home is now destroyed and nobody has nowhere to go and we're then talks to his brother and they decide to become a family and work together but where do they go where can they call home remember those white mountains that they mentioned once and never again there you go just go there no build up to it's more like an afterthought to the white mounts a week oh it's insane how much of this movie has nothing going on and then all of a sudden everything happens at once the pacing is so bad I will show you who's the master you'll see if I'm the master or not so they make their way to the Great Valley they arrive and that's the movie like literally that's the movie it's over oh and uh yags there so I guess he went there whenever Edward ditched him they have this loving embrace and reunite though I'm gonna be real with you if I was young I'd be like oh look who it is it's my friend who just completely ditched me on the ground surrounded by predators you're a piece of garbage I don't want to talk to you leave me alone leave me alone don't talk to me and you can't [ __ ] my butt bye no no no all right let's go over my five points first the story this is like a worse version of the Croods because in the Croods you see the characters actually grow and have arcs and develop here there's none of that most of the characters remain the same except for like Santos Kong and the change that you do see with like the villagers it's more out of necessity than actual development it's like do we change because we're supposed to so we can be better or do we do it because we want to eat food and not die the characters don't feel authentic and that's because it's very little at stake here why should I care about these characters I don't even like them maybe make it to where the tree is a very important part of their society and that leaving it would be forbidden or something but we don't get that there's no commitment to it and then you have characters who just disappear the characters are volatile they're ugly and our main hero is one of the worst he's supposed to be comic relief but it doesn't work for me and for some reason you got these two characters who look the exact same I don't even know why they exist why do you need two of them you even get rid of one of them it's just weird to me I don't get it and nothing of value is lost next there's a voice acting oh man this was rough so I watched the French dub and it is much better maybe it's because I can't understand what they're saying really but compared to the English dub it's superior there were times in the English dub where the characters just keep talking and talking and talking and talking and shut up dear God shut then there's a dialogue so there are some very bizarre exchanges between characters in this movie the pacing is very weird it'll go from being super slow to being rapid-fire I don't know if they're trying to be silly and this was some kind of comedy thing but it does not work for me sometimes they went way too fast and I couldn't keep up with what was going on after that there's the editing why is the music so loud there were moments where I had to turn down the volume it was hurting my ears and during the music I couldn't hear what the characters were saying there were also times where the movie kept moving from cut to cut - cut - cut slow down give me an establishing shot just slow down and why the hell is bangerang in this movie more like banana ring and finally the animation you know I think motion capture when done right can be fantastic like look what Andy Serkis did with Smeagol and then with Caesar with Planet of the Apes when motion capture is done right it can be amazing but not here not at all it's just bad it's just so add it's like the movie couldn't make up its mind if it wanted to be cartoony or realistic because at some points its goofy and weird and kind of cartoony like Wiley coyote or something but then there are other moments where the camera is like right in the face of the character and you can see all of like their skin cells and their luscious monkey lips and and it's no now to be fair there are some good particle effects in this movie and the fur looks pretty good too there is talent that went into this movie but the story and the general direction of it was wasted also let me say it once more for the people in the back the faces of the characters are so creepy I thought that like the Polar Express was bad or Mars Needs Moms but this movie is so much worse again there are some bright sides to the animation you got great lighting and there's some actual good shots in this movie but overall the visuals are pretty bad and they're a big turn-off of why I would want to watch this movie ever again alright so how do we improve the movie yeah it's simple just watch the Croods that's it just watch the Croods it's a better movie it already exists and here's the thing though the Croods isn't even that good of a movie like it's passable which really is a testament to how bad let's go ape is the motion capture doesn't do it for me just scrap that you don't need that you could have avoided the arm thing for the main character if you didn't do motion capture but you did so yeah the Kurds that's the answer that's how you make this movie better never not be afraid no overall this movie sucked I was truly hoping for something that would fall into the realm of weird bad you know something that's kind of bizarre and goofy but still fun to watch but the characters the story the pacing the editing the voice acting it all brings it down the last thing I was expecting was a story that was worse than the visuals that blows my mind so yeah animal kingdom let's go ape aka evolution man okay piece of garbage is absolutely terrible and it will be the source of my nightmares for the foreseeable future don't watch it hey I got a sponsor for reviewing this nightmarish film so a big shout-out to Skillshare Skillshare is an online learning community with thousands of classes covering tons of topics this includes animation illustration creative writing and much much more with the Premium Membership you get unlimited access to high-quality classes from experts from various fields it's a fantastic way to learn and sharpen your skills without having to spend a ton of money back an annual subscription is less than ten dollars a month and it's super accessible too personally I get a lot of questions from aspiring youtubers who ask me where they can go to learn about making videos I recommend checking out the film and video category on Skillshare there are a lot of classes that can teach you a thing or two such as do-it-yourself cinematography by rhyme booth so hit up the link in the description and get a two month free trial by using my Sieber smart code go check it out for yourself and get your start on Skillshare today hey it's the end of the video again and I just want to say thank you for watching this one like I said this is probably the weirdest thing I've seen I know I say that a lot this one is easily the most uncanny and the fact that there is so much money put into this movie just it doesn't help it it makes things worse yeah I think this film might be holding a special spot for the foreseeable future but if you like the video subscribe to the channel I do videos like this every week hit me up on Twitter and if you want to support me on patreon that link is down below too so thanks again for watching the video and I'll see you all next time [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 1,625,547
Rating: 4.9440069 out of 5
Keywords: saberspark, saber, what the hell is let's go ape, let's go ape, uncanny valley, uncanny, animation, weird, ugly, evolution man, bad animated movie, animal kingdom
Id: V0Ce9yFyOs0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 39sec (1839 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 16 2019
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