Exposing FAKE Christians (Kanye west, Faith Healers)

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father I command those Devils of blindness to come out of this man I command in Jesus name those Devils are blindness to leave this man in Jesus Holy Name spirit fall upon this man heal this man and now introducing the top Marvel hero who won't bow noses but what wait who are you I make see um boo I'm gonna do Marvel comic what's going on I'm ready to fight let's go let's do this I have literally never heard of you wait you really don't know who I am I accompanied and cared for Medusa when she fled from Adeline what's your power animal form see similar to Beast Boy but I'm better because I'm marbled and not DC you see the chip fitted up in my car in the kitty do you secure the bag you know it's a new day which means a new topic is going to offend people just by the title shout out to the people who actually don't watch the video on a video platform anyway we are talking about religion hi guys welcome back to my channel and if you are new here welcome as well my name is Michele McDaniel I am a personal trainer proud mommy of a pug it's theater nerd kid turned grown-up cosplayer we are cosplaying as a Marvel character called Mickey a character I have never heard of and I just kind of found her on Google randomly and I was like we're gonna cosplay her going through one of the pink wig and here we are muscles and all so we're not just going to just do have on Christians what I'm talking about today can happen in all religion and pretty much what I want to talk about is the people that use their religion to make money off full neural or people who claim to be this all-powerful being called by God to help the human race what would you do right there I'm looking right at you what would you do if I told you that there are people on this earth these people walk among us that can heal cancer if you are blind they can help you see if you are hard-of-hearing aka deaf well it's your lucky day because with just a small touch or slap in the face you'll be cancer-free see or hear again but before we start watching these super human beings that were sent by God to help cure people and help people for just a small little fee of a donation at the end of their service who can cure some pretty serious illnesses that doctors surgeons can't even cure Kanye West has found the Lord you consider yourself to be a Christian music artist no I'm just a Christian everything Kanye West is now a full-blown Christian he is changing everything in his household there's no more TV in the kids room little North is not allowed to wear makeup anymore according to Kim K that sparked a huge fight between the couple I'm personally not against that I don't have kids but if I had a little girl and she probably would want to wear makeup because she sees mommy dressing up which I would she dressed up occasionally you know costumes whatnot just having fun what little girl didn't do that but according to what I read it seems like she get the little girl wears makeup to like events and they go to events all the time so it'll be interesting to hear your guys's opinion about that so I cognate even announced at the 2019 fast company Innovation Festival that he's suggesting that he may legally change his name to Christian genius billionaire Kanye West I might legally change my name to genius billionaire Kanye West for a year until cool Christian genius you can make fun of me I'm a genius I'm the voice of a generation billionaire I mean I personally love when Christians are just religious people brag about how much of a genius they are and how much money they have it really shows how humble they are especially if they're gonna change their name to have genius and billionaire at the front of the name that people actually know them by genius but Congrats honey on this new love for your Lord and Savior I'm sure you're totally not trying to get attention imma let you finish but Beyonce have one of the best videos of all time this is obviously genuine okay so some of you are not religious people some of you actually quite a bit of you have said that you have never even gone to church like religion is just not in your family and grew up with real lives and you don't really know anything about Skyy daddy up here so for the people who don't know did you know there are people pastors who lead churches and how they're following that they have been chosen by Sky Daddy himself and have the power given from the Lord to turn various liquids so this is Flip into another liquid for them that we're thinking that this one is juice if you can look at that well it looks like apple juice that is not I want to prove to you with the flame that we'll been here that it evident enough for you to have faith that in the Book of Luke 1:37 nothing insupportable with God or in this case some type of healing pineapple juice so I'm finding it end up with juice the weight is upon it Nana bhai only how is it there's a lot of fumes huh but I don't have in a sight of it if you're fine yes yes pineapple juice and we know this because the pastor had this random guy come up there and say that it's pineapple juice so we know it's true and like I said it's not just a random pineapple juice from bonds it's healing pineapple juice oh I think it's supposed to help this woman fix whatever is going on here okay I'm not really sure what's going on the whole crowd seems to have caught whatever she has is it sweet nice how is it oh is it is it nice there are people on this earth able to heal serious illnesses through touch so this guy for instance heals people through Jesus kicks somebody Jesus Jesus himself is just working through the back kick yeah he's finding the perfect spot for those kicks there are people who we are just us commoners we are just not worthy I can cure some of this the most painful diseases are just faith father I command those Devils of blindness to come out of this man I command in Jesus name those Devils of blindness to leave this man in jesus holy names spirit fall upon this man single man can just believe that he will heal you and right there on stage which is broadcasted on live television where he asks for donations performs are right in front of our eyes I went in and had the surgery done the first coming it didn't work the great surgeon had just done the job you heard it from that people it's a miracle somebody shot Holland some of these people will even saw what the devil out of you this is honestly great therapy for him every week on the day that he heals people he can just think it's frustration out on the members and then mask as healing so I came across a guy who did a whole series that exposed pastors or people who claim to have these powers and I wanted to watch it with you guys so pretty much a couple guys go into this project to expose churches and how they kind of just use people who are very vulnerable and you know Jesus is their thing and they will do anything for Jesus and his you know hand-picked elite people who have these certain powers and how they the pastor's use these vulnerable people for profit any of them are here to seek a release from the harsh economic realities if these people were not getting their very boost by now they would have stopped today miracle preaching is the shortest path to wealth in Nigeria preachers and heads of churches have joined the runs of Nigeria's wealthiest a study boy himself has a palatial home on a private jet among other luxury items so one of them is posing as a pastor he just wanted to you know experience what this church was all about this doesn't feel right one of these places the Church of these shows promotes faith healing the thought of this person just asking Jesus to just remove the devil blindness out of said person I come on this hearing to be restored to be restored now it's pretty amazing so let's get in on this one of these places we've been told about a well-known local faith healer called pastor Shawn just a quick note right at the start I noticed that there is a big ol spongebob in the front of the building and spongebob happens to be my Lord and Savior so we know it's gonna be good turn up unannounced to meet him where he's guesting at a small service in the unlikely venue of a children's nursery Pastor James asks Pastor Shawn and his host if he and the camera crew can stay and luckily they agreed so people get very into these type of things I've been to a couple out of a kid and it is intense not my thing I went when I was like seven or eight and I was scared but also very intrigued as to what is going on seems like a very welcoming guy and very passionate about gay people he pulls up a random guy [Music] this man says is partially deaf in one ear apparently you can't speak just shakes his head posture Shawn is quick to express as a more major affliction with Destin touch and his finger dug up in this man's other ear in the video explains that the pastor's said that he's going to stick his finger in this man's ear because he wants to prove to everyone that this guy after he heals him is hearing through the ear that he can't normally hear from so we're just gonna plug this one up because he obviously won't hear a man that is screaming it has a microphone right behind his head but they start screaming reopen the pastor screaming it the crowd is screaming it we're screaming it you say Jesus [Music] to prove the man's death air had been healed pastor Shawn had him face away so he couldn't lip read and had his assistant block his good ear but from this camera angle you can see that the man's good ear isn't being blocked at all so even though he could probably still hear him there's a microphone he's screaming into this microphone they still pretty much cheated and didn't even block his good ear faith must have been low with this one so this man who can supposedly hear falls to the ground and the crowd is going wild [Music] miraculous healing has just been performed right in front of their eyes right in front of our eyes who the hell wouldn't believe this so not only can this guy help people who are deaf but you can also help improve your mobility and your flexibility this lady couldn't touch her toes is nearly able to touch her toes after spending years with a spinal problem and now she can do the whole healing ceremony lasted for four hours the pastor is sweaty and wiped out I mean come on you guys that's a lot of Holy Ghost energy being extracted out of this man I'm guessing it's very similar to the anime fairy children they used too much magic power and then they're just done both very similar both very very real we all know that sir Jesus so the very sweaty posture goes to the back after this very insightful healing ceremony where I only heard that being gay is wrong he doesn't care what Oprah says and then he performed obvious realistic true healings from the power of his fingertips I mean the sermon was four hours and the video that they took was very short so I'm almost positive that he at least read from the Bible and putting some positivity I couldn't have possibly been just a lot of yelling and telling everybody that they're wrong but then at the end it's time to collect the money you guys know the money so that you know you can keep the church going and the pastor can keep performing these healings that cost a lot of money for him to do this how to make some type of profit so he's able to keep healing people like the Deaf man who is also the man collecting all of the money when encouraged to do so the congregation are very happy to hand over their cash which is collected by the man who was healed of his deafness [Music] because he's not in on this scam at all so pretty much the man that was sitting in on the sermon so that he had never experienced anything like that before the energy was intense he surveyed it seems like the whole for our sermon meant to be more entertaining and to just cause some type of emotional reaction from the members so that they'd be more inclined to give their money at the end of the sermon so fast much ethnicity I feel bad for my inspire basically but the business of their profession is to get as much money out of people as possible they should be talking about faith and love and it's always about money members are very encouraged to give to God and of course people who love God are going to want to give anything that they have to God and make him happy to prove their Christianity or just you know whatever religion that they are I just thought it was very interesting that Kanye was talking about he is a genius Christian billionaire reminded me of all the pastors that think very highly of themselves there are many pastors that are millionaires because of these healings that they promote for profit in general from the donations of the people and the people give these donations because they feel obligated to because they love the Lord so much and what two good people do they give to the Lord bitty hands as a pastor who was known for his public healings and his net worth is 42 million dollars he's never healed anyone it's all a scam and it's ridiculous and I just wanted to kind of give my opinion on it because that bothers me so much I have no problem with people who are religious or if you're very much into your religion I think that's awesome I grew up in a Christian household but we weren't one of those like intense Christians I guess you could call it we never went to church my mom just kind of forced us to listen to the Bible every single day for 30 minutes as she read I mean I was a listening very much because can you blame me I was what eight years old all I wanted to do was play Pokemon and I find people that think that they can just heal from the touch or their faith or just speaking it to the sky ridiculous Jesus and if you have any ridiculous things videos events that you want me to react to you make sure to leave it in the comment section anyway thank you so much for watching if you want more of me and mixi check me out on Instagram and Twitter I left it down below links below for your convenience make sure to check out my last video it's a whole 30 minute video dressed as Blair White and on that note I have to go make sure that people know that I am for a Marvel just because I'm a side character doesn't mean I can't whoop some butt bye guys you see the chip in my car in the kitty do you secure the bike I get the
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 85,138
Rating: 4.8762059 out of 5
Keywords: Exposing fake christians, christianity, faith healers, Faith Healers Tricks Exposed! - Miracles For Sale, fake faith healing, epose, exposing faith, religion, exposing religion, kanye west, kanye west jesus is king, jesus is king, kanye west sunday service, michelle, mcdaniel, faith healing debunked, faith healing bible, church, faith healing leg growing
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 33sec (993 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 17 2019
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