Body Posi Panda "Kids Shouldn't Count Calories." [Responding To Fat Chicks ]

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[Music] what he is a snack and you look like he could be the sweetest little morsel - you see the jumping on fit in my car love kitty I feel secure the bag I get up you see the drippy unfitted my karma kitty secured a bike welcome to my channel my sauce will probably it fit you it is Dragon Ball Z week and I just had to show Android 21 some love because she's pink typical chick I know - she loves sweets and so do I Android 21 has the unique ability of observing people's techniques and learning them instantly sort of like majin buu she has no power cat as she can continue eating warriors to power up the longer she goes without eating the more she rages and gets angry so I'm pretty much Android 21 anyway my name is michelle mcdaniel I am a pug mom personal trainer and cosplayer who loves to talk to the Internet so in today's episode of responding to fat chicks there is a little twist we are responding to body-positive influencer body posi Panda but I'm gonna tell you the things that I agree with her on so let's get started the concept of revenge body is trash and I agree with this I know you guys love that show revenge body but I always never really understood the whole revenge body type thing even before it was this popular show I always hated the whole Oh break up well I'm gonna get a fabulous body and show them what they're missing I mean if whoever didn't want you before all of a sudden one of you because you have a nice body wouldn't that be kind of bad and a little insulting oh you know what I just lied to you guys I did do that revenge body type thing when I was a lot younger and I was going through a breakup with exactly the guy that I was supposed to tell you a story about the time that I dated a fact individual I was supposed to give you that story time like six months ago whoops but after he dropped my ass I was like watch I'm gonna get abs I'm gonna get all the muscles and do competitions and get first place and I got a lot of first places and overalls and guess what happened chubby guy proposed that we should be freek buddies because I had a nice body and he only likes me for my body he still didn't value me as a person but look at me now hi my ex chubby partner I'm a lot weirder so yeah so I totally agree that the idea of this revenge body is just ridiculous are we going through a breakup and just trying to find things to distract you and just eat healthier I'm all for it but trying to get a certain body to prove something to someone who doesn't want you probably not the best option because you're most likely not going to get what you want at the end let's say you are going on hold on your schedule be on the beach when you are there you know that you're not actually just an object for other people to pass judgment on you're not an ornament you're not a piece of art hanging up in a museum you are a living breathing being you are whole you deserve to be there and you are there for you you know you're there to make memories you're there to experience things you're not actually there to be a spectacle II pleasing to other people so I need a video about this a long long long long time ago but I completely agree with this one as well if you want to wear a bikini and you are 300 pounds I personally believe that you should wear that bikini I have a lot of clients that say oh no no no I'm not wearing a bikini because nobody wants to see this body guess what when I wear a bikini and I go on the beach I get quite a bit of looks looking at me like I am disgusting and that I shouldn't be wearing a bikini or they're just irritated to see me in a bikini but if you think that's gonna change when you lose weight it won't you can't make everybody happy and your body's not going to please everybody but that would be a very hard task to do unless you have the dragon ball and since I have this and I will get all the other ones it won't happen I personally think that people should wear things that complement their bodies because you wouldn't want clothes that just make them look even better and/or fit them well but if you like something and that's what you like freaking just wear it because even when you look good people are still going to say that you looked bad it's just subjective when I started getting muscular I had a couple of friends who I ate just kidding or am i that decided to tell me that because I don't have the most feminine body anymore I shouldn't wear spaghetti straps dresses because dresses are very feminine and I am not very feminine guess who pretty much never wear sleeves and her normal clothes her alien clothes or her Russ's this Android if you feel comfortable wearing no matter how much weight you lose no matter how much weight you gain no matter what type of body you have someone is going to have a personal opinion about the way that you choose to dress oh my god I love your skirt where did you get it vintage so adorable hmm that is the ugliest effing skirt I've ever seen so you may as well say them and wear it you know obviously their intentions are to get kids eating more healthily but for me personally I believe that calorie counting teaching children to see food as numbers isn't necessarily the best way to do that I believe more in teaching children to value food for how it makes their bodies feel does it make you energized does it make you a bit sluggish and not kind of branding anything as bad or sinful or any kind of moral judgment because every time we kind of put food into a moral category of good or bad we unconsciously translate that to ourselves we are good or bad when we eat it and I just don't think kids should be feeling like they are good or bad as people depending on what they eat I mean it's great to encourage them to see nutritious food in a positive light I don't think that is calorie counting especially as someone who latched on to calories so so early and had her whole mind taken over by numbers I died agree I completely agree with her I really don't feel that kids should be micromanaging their calories I believe if we teach kids from a young age the quality of their foods and what foods are healthy and what foods we should probably just limit because they aren't the best would set them up to not have to micromanage their calories when they get older I really wish that I grew up like that and got taught the quality of food and not to eat too much sugar and etc etc because I didn't notice when I was putting on weight and then boom it just kind of happened when in reality it just happened over time I just never noticed and my time I did notice I was already fat and I never ate a vegetable unless it was covered in Velveeta cheese so I had to learn a whole new lifestyle as an adult and that sucks so I completely looked at I agreed with that I got a question a couple weeks ago asking do you ever like fine body-positive influencers that you like or do you like agree with some of their stances and I actually agree with quite a bit of their stances I see where they're coming from because I was having myself so I know what the feeling is do not feel accepted or not feel prettier you know all that other kind of stuff and I wanted to show you guys a couple things that I do agree with them on at least body-positive Handa in particular and there's quite a bit of things with body pocket Canada that I do agree with and a quite a bit of time ago actually made a video about her and she ended up blocking me which I understand my title are intense and I'm sure as an influencer she gets quite a bit of hate but it was kind of unfortunate because I do feel like I can vibe with her and have a pretty you know a neutral at least conversation without screaming and yelling and this and that because she seems like a goofy girl with a very cute accent and what you wearing and I'm always down for that she says some pretty good things I'm sure there's stuff that I definitely do not agree with her on but there are some things that I do agree with her on and I just wanted to share it with you guys hope you guys enjoyed this video I hope you enjoyed Android 21 I hope you guys enjoyed me eating junk food I bought it specifically for this video pickle chips are not that bad I'm not sure why I picked these out of everything but that's what I chose I feel like if I got Hot Cheetos I would eat all of them on camera and you wouldn't even have this video just me eating hot cheetos anyway let me know in the comments section if you agreed with body puzzie panda in this video or if you didn't agree and why I really appreciate you guys for watching and I definitely appreciate everyone who hits that subscribe button and I also appreciate you standing so close to the camera if you don't subscribe you'll be next you see the champion fit in my car love kitty I secure the bag you see the gasket goes wrong yokes questioning my those rights
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 103,049
Rating: 4.9885912 out of 5
Keywords: body positivity, body positive, body shaming, kids shouldnt count calories, body positivity vs fitness, fat acceptance, kids and weightloss, respsonding to fat chicks, michelle, mcdaniel, lose weight, fat shaming, my thoughts will probably offend you, my thoughts will probably offend you calories
Id: dRttnIYZNA8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 4sec (544 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 09 2019
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