Which car is best at floating in GTA 5?

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all right we're checking out the only game where the better a car floats the faster my will to live sinks it's GTA we want to find out which vehicle a GTA floats the best and so Alex has put together a brand new challenge by utilizing the watery salty death fluid that surrounds me as a Floridian Alex has put together a series of difficult challenges in order to test which vehicle in GTA can deal with water the best and the way Alex said he designed this is each event can only be beaten by one single vehicle once we find the vehicle that wins the challenge that's it we'll know that that's the one that gets the point sometimes the vehicles will have to climb the water like a demented salmon sometimes the vehicle is left to push things in the water because that makes a ton of sense and sometimes it's just a matter of which one doesn't drown you he's given us these different floating failures to use but as always only one can be the winner let's do this God I want this thing to win just one time Mighty yeah I never feel that way every time I climb into this thing it's a one-way ticket to thinking about uninstallation which floating car can swim Upstream faster ah yes here we get to see that that was kind of cool we get to see the GTA vehicle in its native habitat swimming Upstream in order to spawn it also gave me a certain timeline I know I know there was like 10 seconds or something I don't really remember because I wasn't paying good enough attention I clearly didn't do it fast enough because I don't think this should be there can I just cheat this can I legitimately just crawl around this and like climb up this wall you put it too high in you Alex let it not be said though that I won't potential Affair Shake okay the sherp couldn't do it let's find out if flow can nothing quite like piloting a vehicle named after the progressive girl now I have a feeling this is gonna do incredibly well because it's got an engine and then it has a second engine it's kind of like cheating see it has two engines it has a car engine and then it has a boat engine and it got pretty close I want to try this one more time yeah I wanted to see if I could line it up on the uh the start of the board precisely if you can get the wheels on a little bit of the rocks and stuff like that you can definitely get some more speed that's very futuristic of you Alex now this car is an interesting Contender because it doesn't just float it swims I also love the fact that this thing swims Upstream like a salmon and Alex made it salmon color it's like a salmon colored vehicle it does not do this quick at all though I think the shirt was faster all right onto the bathtub shaped ATV heart jet ski part ATV all disappointment oh oh wow okay this is legitimately fast hey oh we found the best one okay I would have never guessed and in case you're wondering real quick no that tank thing is not going to be able to be the ATV in a timed event like that which floating car drives faster in shallow water okay that's unique so now it's not really about trying to you know boat somewhere it's about just getting through a puddle well a really large puddle all right so 20 seconds the the gate drops we're flying around the Pelicans are looking at me sideways thinking about all of the fuel and oil I'm probably leaking into their habitat yeah well guess what okay this is for science okay this is a test we're trying to determine oh you put slow down circles on the outside I thought they were just boundaries oh you can't go this way it's like underneath the bridge okay I'm nowhere near a close-up what's a checkpoint I'm gonna try this one more time the reason why is because I just want to try it if we turn it into its jet ski version it feels a lot faster in the water as a jet ski the only thing is the Turning is really wide in its jet ski form but you can turn back into the wheels okay so probably about a hundred feet away from the end I'm just giving it one last try I wanted a perfect run with the jet ski and no all right slick this could be your day in the sun well it's like Florida so technically it's everyone's day in the sun in fact there's so much sun that the sun will probably murder you before anything else does with the wheels down just using this like a normal car it's pretty fast it's not bad again it doesn't turn really well all right so now we're gonna try in its boat formation so is this better is this no this is a hundred times worse this is a terrible idea I think it's just dragging on the ground yeah it's just dragging on the sand okay this is your opportunity to do anything besides burn diesel fuel and make me regret choosing you as a car hey okay top speed isn't great but turning is very easy you can kind of squeeze past all these you see the barrier isn't up yet but I have a feeling I'm not even going to get underneath the bridge before I am now in case you were like oh great maybe the tank had a speed that you didn't consider yeah okay hold on 20 seconds shallow water that is way too clear to be water okay if I woke up in Florida and say it's all water of this Clarity 100 I would think I was dead there is no way that there is a place on the west coast of Florida with water like this with a bridge nearby this thing wasn't even close it may have done worse than the shirt now I'm gonna go ahead and say that this truck boat probably has the best opportunity of doing oh my god oh wow this is this is way faster than I thought it was I was gonna say it has the tires and the floaty barrels so it kind of has a little bit of everything can I just go on the no the Slowdown Circle reaches all the way up the mountain if it wasn't for my innate desire to try and end my character's lifespan I think we probably would have made it so I need to squeeze these turns and not do it like that I might still make this one this one's gonna be the hardest turn because if you hit that slow down Circle there's no way to complete this but look at how close we got oh wow I almost made it that was like a second off if we run this perfectly if we get a hundred percent on this run I think that this will make it to the end the other thing is the hitbox is a little bit wider than you think because of the barrels so if the barrels hit something it counts oh this is it we got it we're gonna have it we're gonna have it yeah does it count Alex I'm not I'm not dead yet I'm still alive and I touched it it counts right so just in case that wouldn't have counted I wanted to give myself another perfect run and there we go checkpoint which floating car pushes objects better okay it's like the strong man competition just like the wish version of it so now we have to push a bowling ball up a ramp it looks like will this have the mass to push the bowling ball now in order to push the bowling ball you must hit the ball car okay I'm gonna hit the ball low and strong and shoot it as well but he gave me a gun so I don't know if like if it's required that I use this or what so they have to push it up the ramp and then I don't know if it's supposed to stand here or you just eat it aside or what but now there's two buoys that we're going to have to push past so can you get oh oh wow oh I don't think this thing is strong enough to get through the two buoys it's like a crowded elevator they're both just smashed against the wall slowing everything down this is less a question of can I do it in time and more of a question of can it do it at all I love that while I'm trying to do this there's just a random guy who's brought his boat up next to me and then he's just following me okay so can the truck do it no it cannot oh this is your time Mighty it's green it's like the Hulk okay the Hulk of vehicles I really don't know how strong this thing is at pushing stuff I know it's kind of a pain to drive in every single challenge I've ever done with it and it's honestly terrible at pushing could this get this bowling ball to the end yes probably do I feel like sitting here and dealing with the slow monotonous Agony of moving this bowling ball one inch a minute no I don't this must be what it feels like to be a disappointed father the shirt's gonna be like but Dad it's my birthday here's your birthday present son is there some free swimming lessons for you now this is an opportunity for the tank to shine 25 seconds which floating car pushes this the best I think we're finally gonna see oh yeah here we go you can do it doing okay it's kind of scary that the truck probably did the best so far the only problem is the truck couldn't get past the buoys I don't know if this thing has the speed and the weight to be better oh it couldn't make it to the uh it couldn't make it to the wall before it popped up I'm trying this one more time just to make sure I couldn't make it happen and no I can't I wanted to go one last time I feel like if I get okay that was really lucky I was gonna say if I can get a really good first push like where I climb up on top of the bowling ball I think we could probably shave an extra two or three seconds off of our run time this might make it I I might be able to get this ball past the hey just barely by about half a second so now it doesn't matter the time that it takes it more just matters can it Force its way through the buoys oh and by the way this is what you get for being a lookie Lou alright so can it get through the buoys oh my God well um it wasn't so much can it get through the buoys as it just like Tarzan swung over the buoys now I just have to make sure that I don't get yeedily deeded by the I I can't believe I timed it like that I didn't know it teleported checkpoint okay so now we have three different vehicles with points which floating car can swim faster okay very normal how fast does it swim uh probably not really fast this doesn't really strike me as a speed skater this more strikes me as a bulldozer that just has a bunch of children's inner tubes tied to it what am I looking at this like a wave pool generator you got going on here Alex whoa okay that's kind of interesting the weird thing about this is once it uses up all of its forward momentum it is really slow it is awful this thing is like the tortoise in the tortoise and the hair like in the beginning the tortoise has a bunch of methamphetamine that it's been using but once that's out it is just torticey again so now you have to are they wearing cowboy hats why it's like a bunch of Texas Ranger on a jet ski also they are moving way faster than I think jet skis move look at that look at the acceleration they have whoa so it definitely can get through the jet skis right like getting through the jet skis is not a big deal now you might get heated biting I was gonna say you might get eaten by the uh the windmills but somehow I have I'm just dodging all of them this is incredible I I got all three and I didn't I didn't slow down or anything that was a one try Dodge so after you do all of this I wanted to see if I could jump on this wall because the barrier's already down we can't beat this this challenge in this vehicle I'm gonna try the winner of event number two because I think this is pretty fast in the water I don't know if it's as fast as the sea do but it's okay uh you know what it's faster when there's ground for it to utilize too when it has the perfect mixture of ground and water this thing I think is unbeatable but in just the water I don't think there's any way for us to get to the end I still want to know what this Dyson like death bladed fan is that he's decided to put here as well now the other real question is how does it deal getting slapped across the mouth by a light speed going jet ski let's find out uh it it slows it down like it'll slow it down almost all the way so this is definitely not the vehicle for this challenge all right this is a tough one we're going to see if the ATV can do it I'm not gonna lie when someone makes a YouTube video and it says I bought the cheapest Sea-Doo on on Amazon this is what I picture it to look like it looks like a child's toy that's been turned into a legitimate vehicle that you can drive around but it only costs 800 on Amazon or something so far easily the best thing we've driven for Speed and it's not close I just have to make sure I don't get murdered by the other jet skis how could all of you turn on me like this I think we're gonna make it oh yeah there's like no way I can get hit by one of the windmills too because it's so small so now it's mostly a matter of how do I get past the wall I mean we do have our gun so I can do that oh no on the bottom I totally was gonna make this all right we're going again I just need to make sure I get past that last part perfectly with the gun I need to aim like down and then up sounds like I'm trying to do a Street Fighter 2 maneuver or something oh God oh no and when you get hit you lose all your speed and it's it swung this thing around like 360 degrees I'm kind of surprised that I yep that's all I was waiting for I was gonna say I'm surprised I haven't gotten dismounted from it also helmets aren't really that effective when the thing that you're getting into an accident with is going like 900 miles an hour all right so we're gonna go kind of at an angle here there we go sweep across then go kind of toward the middle perfect okay now as long as I don't mess up and get hit by one of the windmills we dodged all those I had to make sure that I shoot the plywood perfectly man I had to do this quite a few times to get the pattern stand squat duck down through there you go checkpoint which floating car can squeeze in between two tugboats better how is that a competition how is that a competitive event I love how out of everything Alex could have tested about these it was what can squeeze through a tugboat better that's what came to mind probably this because of how what I was trying to say is probably the ATV because of how small it is but I am going to try the other stuff first let me say to yourself what are you doing I'm testing to see if the tugboats were flammable they are not all right 15 seconds can it squeeze between two tug boats armored vehicle go ah oh no it can't in fact it wow this thing drives faster upside down then it drives right side up how weird is that all right come on APC don't let me down you gotta be able to do this you have the power you have to wait you have the determination you have a chance wow okay all right and oh just barely I'm trying this again just to make sure I can't maybe cut oh yeah I can't cut a few more seconds off of my time it's doing it we did it okay now I gotta Wonder can anything else get past the tugboats which floating car is more Unsinkable a belly flopping event for a special car specials in quotation so is this the loser like the the most unimpressive vehicle of all the choices is gonna be the sharp isn't it because it never wins anything so what you have to jump and land in front of the arrow and then get hammered down into the water or something great it's like playing human Skee-Ball all right we're gonna back this thing up get as much area as we can big jump and ow oh what the [ __ ] if you fail you teleport back to the top that's interesting I want to see if I can Arc this thing there we go huh did he put a I think he may have put in a teleportation device over the entire ring except for where the arrow is so maybe you have to be able to jump right in front of the arrow I don't know how I can get some extra distance with this like try and roll it sideways now okay I've gotten as much distance as I could get with this thing and it just can't fly far enough now you have not won anything yet oh salmon colored sad vehicle so we shall give you the opportunity to score a point big speed door open because that's how we do things safety's an afterthought around here oh it can definitely get the distance reported back to the beginning [Music] oh hold on I think I know what's happening I think if the vehicle goes down a certain distance it teleports back so we're truly trying to find out which stays closest to the surface of the water after it belly flops I mean I'm gonna try it one more time getting as close as I can to the arrow yep I brought this thing down here outside of the challenge so I could see what Alex had done look at this gigantic Minefield of teleporters all right now the aqua Blazer here could probably clinch the wind if it was able to do this and huh so it goes down too far too I'm gonna double check I'm gonna kind of lean back a little bit Yeah teleports right away how about the truck all right truck says oh this is a nice jump wow I'm gonna get right on the Arrow no okay so finally I assume for the first time in its career the shirt does something because it floats super hard okay so I guess I guess I have to like line this up and then I didn't do it I think you have to land it literally right at the arrow watch how about to the left of the arrow a little bit this has got to be it right like you're not trolling me are you Alex there we go okay and I think what happens is that big arm has a teleporter on the end and so if you touch the teleporter when it swings around and slaps you I think you get to go to the next part of the board so let's go under this up against the wall and then yeah yeah it won an event for the first down oh what a consolation prize this is like getting a medal for coming in 80th Place which floating car can Surface faster after you've drowned which car can pull its way back upward 45 seconds is that like how long until I run out of breath and die count down to sadness and oh whoa what the so what what is this there's a UFO down here with me that's nice so the water oh okay so then the water turns back on and it depends on how long this thing takes to rise all the way back up to the top since it has no way to speed this ascent it's really bad like even if I use the tires look at it it doesn't go really any faster maybe it goes a little bit faster but this is still terrible I'd rather be getting probed right now because I at this point I would be drowning and there is still a long way to go to get to the service what happens when you fail do I just have to stay underwater forever one of one of the the classic nightmares that I've had before was the ice that oh my God that's what it is he's put a giant wall and you stay buried in the water forever ah ah thank you very much Alex for backhanding me across the face with one of my phobias this has gotta do it right the reason why I say is this has a way to jettison itself through the water that is if the the pressure down here doesn't Crush my vehicle first which it approached Crush depth so it is definitely possible oh I think it messed up my vehicle really bad it does still work uh it doesn't work great and it doesn't work super fast but maybe we can get to the top before I'm stuck down here forever in my head I thought this thing was way faster underwater I guess that's what the tests are for to make sure that my disappointment is truly solidified in the world of floating GTA Vehicles it did not make it also we're violently peeing oil all over the bed of the uh the ocean here all right truck boat water turns off truck boat Falls big distance drop now how will this do I don't know I really don't know how fast this thing goes to the surface with its giant canisters that are on it uh it does have the engine so it gets a little bit of both it's got its engine to push it upward which really doesn't seem to be doing too much and then it has the fact that it floats really well now it now what the other thing we can do is drive on the wall there because it does have four-wheel drive so the tires will kind of catch on the wall yeah and allow us to drive up the wall that's why I get there this might get there it's gonna be really close Oh weird my gun is stuck in the wall all right maybe the APC has something it can do well you know finally are you able to do anything this is so much float it just kind of free falls to the surface of the water if you notice you know it spins completely out of control driving this thing is an absolute nightmare under here I do not think that we are going to get to the service before the barrier comes down no not even close all right ATV now the are you kidding me right now I think so my blood is inside of my ah come on the aqua Blazer has a legitimate opportunity to do this you know we'll transform and then just rock it upward and hope this works you can see this thing goes at a 90 degree angle it is going straight up you kind of have to hold the the stick down in order to keep yourself leaned all the way back I don't know we might only get to where the truck was it's gonna be close nope still getting murdered okay so I've done this multiple times now the one thing I've learned is that you need to make sure when you hit the ground that you stay on this you know whether it's like kind of like rolling down the side of a hill or something with the tires but then you don't get launched off it and then if you twitch yourself when you're climbing you get a little bit of extra speed like you kind of twitch to the left or the right thing and it can just barely make it right there the floor came in and we just barely got to the surface so that means that the aqua Blazer takes another one of the events that means we have a winner well my mom told me I should drink more water and it almost killed me anyway folks hope he does episode GTA till next time stay foxy much love
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 1,508,394
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: JaSSRy6Hn9o
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Length: 24min 39sec (1479 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 30 2023
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