Which car has the best brakes in GTA 5?

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all right we're checking out the only game where when I slam on the brakes I slam on my drive to survive it's GTA we want to find out which vehicle in GTA has the best brakes and so it's time for a brand new challenge we are going to put all these cars up against what is effectively the Olympics of full contact brake testing we're talking downhill braks and aerial brakes and speed brakes typically I end up driving so fast that I give myself brain damage but today we're going to try and stop and then subsequently get brain damage all of these different vehicles have brakes in order to try and stop before they became part of this board but it didn't work and so only one can make it to the end let's do this say hello to Incline breaking on grass so we have a epic number of what do I do here oh oh it disappears so what's in here can you you oh oh God I never thought I would be part of the break test I oh that's a windmill Dodge the windmill over the board down the mountain side pull the parachute and I'm fine not gonna lie this is quite the board that you put together a God so we have an absurd number of cars to test here and I'm not going to lie some of the meme cars I think are going to perform very well when does this thing go away oh there we go are going to perform very well cuz normally you'd say to yourself well how's a bike going to be able to beat any of these challenges but a bike should have fantastic brakes considering you know all the other cars have so much speed one once again the step child that is the sharp fails to do anything I'm giving it one more try just to see like maybe I can kind of turn it sideways and stop that way ow yeah this isn't going to work we're going to need a different car okay now normally this would be incredibly stupid but there is no way we're not going to make it past this challenge with this I can even go right through the little cage he's made all right so go onto the teleport pad teleporter teleports you and breaks on the vapid are oh the problem is I don't have any vehicle weight so the thing just ends up turning sideways so I have an idea I got stuck down here but the vapid can just climb its way out and I think I might be able to jump over the windmill hold on hold on you can see that he put in some of these uh these anti-che measures right here but watch I think we'll be able to jump over this ah it's too steep all right I want to give this one more try I'm using the patented just us your head method here where I just crumple the car on its roof and hope that that stops IT midnight pumping you say climb our way back up now you got to watch because man got it hold on we're going to make this happen now so now we're going to aim upward just a little bit because I don't want to get this thing turning ah no okay the vapid was unreason ably delicate so the breakes not good how about this though oh yeah America just projectile vomited all over power baby are you ready oh ready there it is okay all right brakes feel brakes feel terrible I think this car weighs way too much ow parents are like how did you do on your science test I got a 45 a back can't oh what oh I thought it missed me I I missed the backhand and I got the forehand let's try a legit vehicle now I you would think this has great breaking right fantastic superar in fact if I had a guess I would imagine a superar would be the winner at the end of all of this so stop it stop it stop man no that's unbelievable I would have thought that an electric car would have done pretty well I mean not like the electricity has anything to do with the brakes I don't think but but you figure oh God come on stop maybe the technology would make a difference all right I think we're approaching this all wrong you ready for this strap oh it it put you forward anyway I thought I could go in in Reverse oh wow H we did it all right cool so we found one that gets past the first challenge that's nice so does the teleporter oh the teleporter moves I think I can wall right out of this hold on I might I might be able to fix my mistake here if you're seeing this I was unable to fix my mistake and for some reason I've tried it multiple times now I cannot get a break like I got that last time how about the Jeep this is a terrible vehicle like the worse the vehicle is the better it should do because we're trying to have no forward momentum like as little as possible I'm going to get I'm going to get beaten in the teeth right now it's like the more America I strapped to any of these vehicles the worse the brakes are how come safety is not an important part of driving hi dear put on The Brak waiting for the boosts taking the boosts in the face sideways didn't make any difference at all this is a weird idea I have I just want to see if it makes any difference if you do it in first person mode do you have better brakes the answer is no check this out you ready for this who here doesn't think this bike's going to make it this bike's 100% going to make it I guarantee it you ready you ready watch this uh-huh yeah oh man who would have thought that the bike would be the very first one to complete this challenge okay so teleporter goes down we grab the teleporter there we go we're on to the next challenge now with the bicycle all right what's next reverse breaking on incline with weight with weight huh okay hold on for 15 seconds like stay inside the circle for 15 seconds or what I'm waiting I don't oh there we go okay so you have to do the what is uh what is oh oh oh my God no it's a blender oh I missed huh I hadn't really thought about that but the bicycle can just kind of sneak on through like that so oh there's a teleporter so the idea is I assume you're supposed to stop that gigantic container with the power of your brakes and then back up and hit the teleporter without getting smacked by the twin turbine where's the teleporter at I got double tapped I'm going to land right next to my bike okay so I learned something the teleporter only comes down one time so if you miss that teleporter you have to do it all over again I have tried doing this with the bike like six more times and I just fold now every single time okay I've got a strat I've got a strat you ready ready watch this watch this oh hold on hold on yes yes screw you Alex oh give my teleporter where my teleporter at oh the bike's going to complete a second yes wait what happened where wait did it just teleport my bike but not me you kidding me oh come on okay I think I had the right idea the problem is is that the bike can't do very much besides go slow so when it comes to weight and stuff it's not going to make it but how about six wheels this should make it so I just realized something that is now very very concerning the license plate on this vehicle says no brakes surely it must have brakes you might say nope not at all I don't think this thing is slowing down at all all right let's burn it we're doing the Open Wheel F1 Style Racing the wood is red we are a go oh yeah oh yeah easy stop right there that's what I'm talking about this should do fantastic now I don't know how good it's going to do trying to hold a big piece of weight up but we're going to get there we go all right give me the weight go power agility torque oh God okay maybe if I turn sideways a little bit oh that windmill just ripped my clothes off I might be able to cheat and get the no not at all come on BBE come on you can do it oh you know what rubbing on the side of the course might give me additional stopping power or I thought it would it's really not giving me any additional stopping power I guess the thing that I've learned trying to do this with the Open Wheel car is that this car can definitely stop itself very good with its brakes if it cannot stop any other entity attached to it now I don't think that the quad has a chance I might be able to cheat the second board with this but I just want to see if the brakes are good enough to even get past the first board when your license plate says trauma the answer is no actually the answer might be yes never mind the answer is yes I guess I just didn't break hard enough last time the brakes aren't great it's still kind of sliding down the hill but it's sliding down slow enough to the part where I can get the checkpoint will it be able to stop the wait I'm going to go ahead and say probably oh God this is a lot worse than I thought oh no oh I am eating the suspension and it tastes like regret let us never speak of this all right the side by side won the last challenge I think it should do pretty good on the break challenge I know that the side by side has strong brakes look at that all right give me my teleporter oh God no no no no no no no no no it's right there come on you can do it you can do it you can do it you cannot do it I was wrong I should have never had any faith in you I'm just kidding I have all the Faith In You full man how come my first there we go I was going to say my first break job felt a lot better than this most recent one what is that is that a bird in the way bird I I don't know if I can stop it time man yeah you run well you fly it's got some weight it's got some power it might get it I don't know uh I'm getting pushed down pretty fast oh this is bad yeah not enough brake power back to the power cars baby Ferrari I'm paying a lot for the vehicle did you put any of my money into the brakes apparently they did ooh oh yeah this is some of the best breaking we've had burn some rubber go through the teleporter no big deal now do we have enough power to stop the crate okay H it still feels like nothing can stop this thing even with even with all of the breaking and traction we're still getting beat and now I'm urinating oil all over the ground oh hold on hold on hold oh my God hold on I have an idea I have an idea I have an idea yeah oh there's my bitee uh and I think I broke the rear axle of this car that's okay though it made it full acceleration breaking on Ice okay so now we're doing surfaces I like it break at the red line oh we got like the Tron Arrow here sweet all right so you the W oh the W key is stuck oh it is okay I have no control right now I can't I it accelerates no matter what okay and then I can break after I get past no way I can break after I get past the line also if you notice what's kind of cool I don't know if that's built into the script or what but it repaired my car in order to do that challenge like it auto repaired it when the W key got stuck so realistically I got super Lucky in order to even get past this challenge with this car and replicating it is going to be almost impossible so this car cannot complete this okay how about something right in the middle something with a lot of beef but some decent wheels too all right braking capabilities I can kind of wiggle it a little bit trying to no the breaking capabilities are terrible back to supercars squeal that sounds terrible my favorite color is lemon lime sadness uh breakes are oh oh brakes are oh my God that is as close as you can possibly want to come look at this okay the brakes do work though we got past the first challenge with this does it have the power to stop oh wow okay this is easily the slowest we have got this thing to move it is moving us but check this out check this out I think we have the weight and the braking right now to get this I think we have it yeah okay so now we have completed all the challenges so far perfectly with this vehicle real quick just because I'm curious this I want to see if we can keep going with the bicycle like what if the bicycle wins this the W key will get stuck does it even matter I'm going 25 miles an hour I guess 27 28 that's pretty fast oh okay so there's a fail safe built into this challenge the Wall comes up the red line is a wall it says it's a red line but really it's a wall that comes up from the ground and if you don't go fast enough you can't get past it in the first place all right we'll use a real car I'm ready to roll let's do this come on yeah here we go right go I could probably could have put the bike in the middle of the roadway to slow down the car right so it gets up to about 90 slam on the brakes no it cannot stop quick enough on an icy surface I'm going to take this door with me to use my ankle to take this door with me my ankle thanks you for your patronage I want to try this one more time and I know it can go through all these other challenges to get to that last challenge pretty easy look at this every time all right here's the Strat when we get past the red line we're going to hammer this thing come on ah okay so I figured if I just held down on the break the whole time it would start breaking right away and I could stop in time I cannot all right we're moving back over to a big car loaded got stacked some money okay should give me plenty of traction to break first breaking test how does it feel gray it feels like pain I had to double check and the answer is still absolutely not hold on he says now this is interesting cuz this is halfway between a bicycle okay and a car I and I can just go straight through the cage so I don't even care no problem breaking breaks are insane on this thing now again the main issue here is going to be the oh my God the main issue here is going to be the weight right cuz it's not going to be able to stop the weight but I don't know if I can get up in time I might be able to get this thing no I can't all right trust me on this trust me on this here we go here we go here we go all right we're going to we're going to go and then we're going to bail out at the last second on the left there we are okay turn around full 360 and once the teleporter comes up we can grab it nice so now how does this do on Ice okay lots of acceleration 50 60 70 80 we have a pretty good speed and then slam on it oh yeah easy still had half of the roadway left on Ice motorcycle's where it's at grab the teleporter midair breaking why why would you need to test that how do you break in midair oh my God what is that how long is this board I don't know oh my God okay so you're driving I'm going 150 M hour you're ramping oh it's a Slowdown Circle this is going to hurt really bad I stuck The Landing okay so I had to come down here to look at this I guess you ramp off this and you need to land on that platform which means I need to use this slowdown stick up here somehow almost like a Launchpad now the cool part is pretty much I'm getting really good at cheating this spot and the ice I can do one time every single time with tons of distance left so you may be saying great how are you going to use that as a launch P with a Slowdown stick or Circle if you jump it oh I can't get there though I don't I don't have enough height all right we're going to try a different car real fast okay and good enough Breaking what up was going to say is if you lean your car forward on a slow down Circle it'll Propel you it will actually launch you instead of slow you down grab the check point no big deal stopping the weight is also pretty easy because you can kind of turn this thing sideways and it slows down plenty in order for the teleporter to come up and then you can grab it and there we go how does it do On Ice I'm honestly not sure should do okay though if I had to guess I'm going to say that we're easily going to be able to stop probably with like a good 20 30 ft left I was wrong I was so wrong oh one more time hit it wow okay I guess we can't stop in time all right listen I have an idea so the W key is stuck but I can still drive so if I drive I do lose just a couple of miles an hour and that is enough for us to complete this challenge but now the question is will this work for midair breaking 120 130 140 150 big jump Lean Forward uh I didn't lean far enough I don't think the snow breaking I can get every time okay once we launch we're going to need to lean way more forward Way Forward there it is there it is that's a good oh I boosted too hard oh no oh I missed the ramp oh God all right now I have an idea I can climb up this so we might be able to to get some good distance going back up this incline and then race on down and jump off see we can go all the way up here now the question is is this the distance made so that you can't get enough height and it looks like it is wow how about fail safe proofing line it up get ready forward leano okay that might be that's too much again all right that was wrong we need to we need to lean forward less so maybe like here uh oh oh oh my god wow no no no that was so perfect that was like the most perfect amount of boosting I could get in this vehicle but now though I will say I have an idea of about how much I need to boost there look at that look at it oh might be too much hold on we might be good no no it's right there Captain's lock attempt number 480 I have killed about 6,000 Birds hold on hold on yes All right now I need to make sure I go perfectly straight and don't overshoot it oh oh oh my God if he had not put that slowdown Circle there I would have probably flipped my desk but we got it which means now it's time for 669 mph breaking why why you had to put it in didn't you you had to make it 669 mph breaking the acceleration will disengage when the car reaches 669 M an hour got it all right Tron Arrow turns into a booster boosts you I have no control right now I cannot stop this thing from accelerating 500 600 669 so what do I do can I oh my god well so am I allowed to start breaking once I reach 60 69 or how how does this even work fortunately I'm getting pretty good oh I just cared myself as I was saying I'm getting pretty good at getting to this point okay 300 I'm going to try and slam on the brakes the second can't we get to 669 and see if that works so 669 okay go oh you can stop oh oh oh God I'm fine there is a lot of gry still plays left on the underside of this bridge right now okay there has to be a way to do this like I have to break but I have to break enough to where I can dodge the bridge and then is that a windmill this is just a random windmill chilling out in the middle of the board too so if you hit the bridge at all you get ejected from the car K 669 slam on the brakes still too fast so this is really odd to say I've gotten to the point where I've timed the braks really good this thing cannot break enough going 669 M an hour it's done so well so far and I I just I can't believe it but it cannot break in time okay we got three cars left um I have in my head what I think has to be the one to do it and it's going to be the joger going down the hill how does it do I know it does really good in fact I'm pretty sure this is the other vehicle besides the side by side that can stop easily when it's going down the hill so first challenge no problem easy to be get the teleporter how is it with weight no problem it can almost move the weight back up the hill so it does go slow enough to the point where I can easily get this checkpoint as well Boop how does it stop on ice this I have no idea I'm going to go ahead and say pretty good because I think I remember using this on one of our surfaces challenges yeah and it doesn't go very fast its top speed is not great I can't say I've ever tried it in midair breaking either we need to get at least 150 about to clear this hole so hopefully oh yeah okay it gets Tons of Speed going downhill and the aerody dnics isn't bad but I think I aimed it up too far forward okay hold on I think I'm doing this wrong I think I need to lean much more forward like uh I think it's even more hold on so watch I'm going to get this almost 90° like that there we go I knew there's a Sweet Spot somewhere and then big jump line it up with the Slowdown Circle easy win on that challenge all right 669 mph go one 100 come on 2 3 4 5 6 669 slam on the brakes oh yeah oh yeah big big breakes big breaks big breaks a we just need a little bit of extra breaking I think we can get it if maybe we we switch the car around a little bit okay all right here's the plan the second we're allowed to start breaking we're going to have to like very light input all right break not yet not yet now light input light input back and forth very slight yeah it can do it the drer can out o oh it's ramp okay I break before the 669 mph sent me off the board and that means that we have a winner well the brak's break and now my back's going to break anyway folks episode of GTA till next time stay foxy much love
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 1,738,387
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: DP5ibadpTvs
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Length: 25min 2sec (1502 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 22 2023
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