When you run at light speed

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all right we're checking out the only game where you can run so fast that you caused the time space to Continuum to fold in on itself it's tap tap run as you can see with our very tight shorts and potatoes sack like oh wow okay potato sack like shoes we are slow we are not skilled enough yet to be a true Runner but like all of these games the numbers I assume just get completely unrealistic to the point where you are encircling the entire universe with your speed see if we look here our speed right now is 1.01 you know what that is rookie speed it's not light speed that's the only thing I'm accepting what did I achieve I got a play time does this mean I can buy a new haircut usually the first thing you want to do I found is buy a haircut oh I could buy I could buy 11 haircuts give me all the haircuts I got an a haircut right off the bat congratulations you now have a bandana and you are 39 times the man you used to be don't ask me how or why I don't understand it either so what do you upgrade oh it's just your speed from 1.04 to 1.05 sure actually give me a lot of that okay just just hold that down okay uh speed is all right our boy goes up in levels kind of fast I like how instead of critical we have Sprint that's the critical ability the only thing it does is make it look like I'm trying to eat the front of the treadmill all right do I have to like beat people to death with my speed okay real quick I have to imagine something I love how it goes from a human animal and then we're not even up against people anymore it's just a vehicle at that point The Courier looks fairly skilled you can see by his lack of shaving his face that he takes this very very seriously he's taking it kind of seriously he's also like 18 inches taller than me this isn't fair how come he gets to Sprint all right I vastly underestimated the 60 year old guy in the Walmart outfit I had to see apparently if I could beat a 50 meter run in 30 seconds uh yes yes I I can it's close but it's possible all right Daddy needs a new pair of shoes stamina recovery I love how now I'm up to 66 meters a second I'm so fast I just outrun my stamina immediately I need to get a bunch of money so I can change this yeah let's uh let's bring that up a little bit there we go get a better hat I can get a better haircut why can't I get a better pair of pants oh I think that the pants comes with the costume okay now I'm legitimately starting to gain stamina I love it obviously we're already into the A's of money making why wouldn't we be how fast do we go at this point 82 meters a second sounds like we should pump that up oh my God Hey where's that Courier at I'm gonna run past this guy so fast it's gonna skin him alive okay there you go uh 50 meters in about uh one billionth of a second not bad who's next biker so he's a biker but we're running this is kind of an odd hey and so quickly it pulled all of the molecules off of his body uh I get more upgrades I guess oh I just I just pooped out a treasure chest that's exciting uh yeah give me all the achievements Dollar Store Rambo running hard on the golden treadmill this is so odd I want this treadmill permanently why can't I buy this treadmill oh running machine is there a better one gold distance 50 okay how do I oh can I keep putting this up oh you have to beat the challenges and it goes up you got it Thief all right thieves are used to running from the police thieves are now used to losing horribly 100 meter challenge how fast can we do it not even one second 500 meter challenge will it take longer than one second yes it took two 500 meters in two seconds a kilometer kilometer and I don't know probably like three or four seconds four seconds yeah put that up to a kilometer there we go okay uh I don't know what runner's high is but his eyes are bulging out of his skull I think his head's gonna explode oh thank God I thought he was going to die yeah more of this so that we can buy better hair double A times 97. I guess I can spend some of the 462 A's I have yo I suppose I can start getting my Sprint probability up too already nine percent yeah 300 Sprint very good as you can see I've managed to upgrade to the next level of treadmill I still don't have the gold treadmill I only get it for a short time I love the gold treadmill so much though I want this I love how the bag of gold is sitting there daunting you so come on Gray come on all right how fast can we do five kilometers ah well about two seconds so yeah we're getting a little bit faster 10 kilometers am I eventually going to have to run around the entire planet because I assume what do we do I'm overshooting it just to stop it takes me a kilometer police officer for those of you about to die We Salute You Goodbye all right speed is now 602 meters honey honey I'm sure you're a nice girl goodbye foreign I mean she did okay she got almost to the halfway point Bruce run I wonder who that's supposed to be I mean run and Lee both have oh wow they both have three letters so it kind of makes sense oh my Sprint just completely took over the game he wasn't close he it went from neck and neck to him being a hundred kilometers behind me 50 kilometers this could be a serious run okay probably gonna take me a full like 10 seconds to go 50 kilometers look at this oh it's gonna take me over 10 seconds to go 50 kilometers don't mind me just have to run on my golden treadmill for a moment the least realistic thing about this game is that the character never falls and cracks his head open on the treadmill which I think is far more common what are the relics what is this how does this ring make me run faster this doesn't make any sense the ray guns or whatever I guess I kind of get but what is this behold my new double a shirt which looks really uncomfortable it looks like I'm wearing some sort of corduroy patterned wool shirt more sprinting say hello to athlete he has no name he needs no name he lives on speed and Gatorade okay all right he's pretty fast only problem is when I start to uh when I start to Sprint he kind of doesn't stand a chance if you notice he's 16 kilometers behind me catching up a little bit up never mind 20 kilometers behind me 25 kilometers behind me I may have one slightly all right we're into the bees of money generation I love that we now run in kilometers per second I don't know who you are but you're worth a lot of bees my speed is legendary okay you may not know this but I just defeated athlete athlete who none of us know I have no idea wow he has a hundred kilometers ahead of me I think I may have to uh I'm happy to go back to the drawing board here and maybe seeing yourself by getting an s-tier haircut what does this I look like I just came out of social studies class ah braids all right human get ready because I look like Malfoy from Harry Potter he's 180 kilometers behind me that's it gets a bag of gold you can do it get the bag of gold 100 kilometer challenge 100 kilometers in four seconds my total run distance is over 9 000 kilometers as of three two one all right Griffith hope you got lightning in your shoes because you're gonna need it oh oh never mind oh it's closed well it's kind of close every once in a while I only get a hundred kilometers ahead all right 500 kilometer challenge how long will it take huh 500 kilometers and what do you think like six seconds oh the money oh my God the money we are now at the 1 000. kilometer challenge pretty soon I will be running around the entire circumference of the earth this took a little while this is almost half of my team done again oh yeah they got me they got me like an iPad on my treadmill now it's giving me all the information about my body it's like how are you that's right if your heart rate isn't also going the speed of light you're not trying hard enough get ready for the horror oh the double s to your haircut what am I am I wearing a pilgrim hat all right we do have the s-tier shoes now I can't believe this I actually have to upgrade my stamina recovery oh in order to get my stamina recovery up I need a better shirt and possibly a less tight pair of pants you say nuts sure you got it this is the last human I have to defeat in foot combat wow this cat this cat is faster than the fastest human in the world I'd be fine with this if it was like a leopard or a tiger but it's like a mangy house cat I gotta get the Sprint level up even though I love that it's 666 I need to keep upgrading this into the thousands 400 kilometers a second I'm up against the most depressed bear in all the animal kingdom done all right 5 000 kilometer Challenge and how fast can I go 5 000 oh my God more kilometers more kilometers oh completed watching how fast he gains his speed is So Glorious we're now getting money in Seas uh yeah I guess we have a couple of bucks to do some upgrades that might as well right oh let's see here yeah more stamina recovery that sounds good my Sprint probability that's almost at 35 there we go now we are up against an act don't you disappoint me tiger we are running across the entirety of the Savannah the tiger just got destroyed he's 3A Behind Me Kangaroo how come the animals are losing their will to live like this kangaroo does not want to be here at all this kangaroo is like what day is it man oh wow okay the kangaroo is uh oh okay I I can't believe it the kangaroo just murdered me this is flat out unacceptable I must run faster better shirt oh it's not really a shirt I'm wearing an entire suit this is just an odd combination of clothing on this character I don't even know what to say it looks so unusual it's got like the pilgrim hat like a businessman uniform and then a pair of slip-ons don't ask what I'm wearing I I have no clue I really don't know just trying a new challenge here wanted to see how quickly we could beat it pretty quick 10 akm challenge we are now going 1100 kilometers a second all right kangaroo listen I need you to work with me here and by work with me I mean I need you to fall down and break both of your ankles that is amazing that it was only because of my insane sprinting I managed to beat the kangaroo Greyhound that's Santa's Little Helper from The Simpsons if you beat me in this race you may have one piece of food and that has to last you for the next 380 years because you're a greyhound and that's it's about their dietary needs well it's not really needs it's kind of just what they're given money is God 58 kilometer challenge no problem all right ostrich I got good news and I got bad news the good news is I love ostriches the bad news is if you don't beat me your owner's probably gonna cook you that is a big ostrich actually that's probably life-size probably the appropriate size of ostrich the ostriches it's like the bullet train of animals my God I can tell in order to beat this thing I'm gonna need an R to your haircut R to your shoes an R tier pair of underwear oh I'm in Squid game now legit I'm now running 3 700 kilometers a second I have longed for this day ostrich that's right sit out ostrich I never thought I would have to bad mouth a bird money 100 C per step this is now how fast I go the game was like how much math would you like to describe your speed and I was like yes all right lion going head to head this is the close run oh this is a close challenge right here oh the line could come back at any time look at him he's sticking deep he's trying super hard his life is on the line if he doesn't win him and all of his people will probably be eradicated and no more Lions will walk upon the Earth because he just lost now I just barely won that that means that the next creature it's uh there's no way I'm gonna win so now I have to go even faster horse there's only two other animals left this is the angriest looking horse I've ever seen in the history of animals that horse looks like it hates me my family human race and it is very very fast all right we are going to need a lot more sprinting percentages see the eyes bulging out of the skull the iPad over here is like stop you're gonna die the time has come for the Double R that is how fast I am now I go 2A every second no big deal all right horse I remember what you did to me in the last match you're about to get turned into glue oh yeah okay it's unbelievable horse is incredible how come the horse gets to go to the speed of light in this world Pronghorn is that like an antelope it was like a disinterested Antelope right Antelope how fast do you get oh oh you've got a little bit of sprinting too you don't come here don't you do it don't you do it Antelope no I hadn't done a challenge in a while so I thought I would that was the 100 a kilometer run 500 a run and uh done in about five seconds we're getting 2.7 000 C per step we are now fast this is pretty fast I run 508 kilometers basically every second listen up Pronghorn I don't even run from point A to point B I just open up a wormhole now okay and teleport there that's what happens pronghorn defeated 108 kilometer run no big deal listen a lot of prep work goes into beating the last animal it's probably something stupid it's probably like a Cappy bar or something that'd be fantastic five thousand a kilometers done in eight seconds each step is now worth 4D oh it's legit it's a cheetah all right nerd oh oh no oh the Cheetahs pretty fast not gonna lie I may need a little bit more training Runners High okay he's uh he's like 3 000 planets between me and him I'm running at five a now like it has to be good enough right you know what hold on let me pump this up even more I'm up against the superhero of cheetahs oh yeah you know how there's Vegeta I'm up against Vegeta oh god oh no no no no come on you can do this ah I need to go a little bit more upgrades all the upgrades speed I have Run 1 billion kilometers okay my God how much faster do you need me to go 15 a all right cheetah do me a favor I need you to stumble and break your ankles all four of them [Music] oh radically yes thank you God I never thought I would have to run 1 billion kilometers anyway post over to this episode of tap tap run to the next time say foxy a much love
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 2,306,849
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: bhU_9VM6Bkk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 27sec (1047 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 15 2023
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