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today we're busting 1 000 myths in 24 hours we spent the last six months finding the most extreme myths and in this video we're gonna be busting all of those myths starting with kind of super sized glue trap catch a human to test this myth we have a thousand pounds of rodent glue here and this is what happens when something small gets caught in it what oh my gosh oh my God and now we're gonna see if it's sticky enough to catch a human before we actually go the person who makes it the farthest wins two thousand dollars three two one oh my God guys it's ripping my clap oh my God give me the balls oh my God all right so I'm gonna try jumping [Music] I'm going to try a different method behind me I am one thrust man even though we softened it up for Sean I would say that Smith confirmed can a helmet really protect you from a fog well we're going 100 feet into Eric to test that Miss three two one oh my God that's definitely myth busted because look the head came off just like it would in real life right the next myth is a watermelon can't bounce off a trampoline oh who put the U-Haul there so right now we're gonna be busting a few underwater maps and the first one is Coke and Mentos reaction does not work underwater that's crazy you can't drink anything underwater you can't eat anything under water oh no oh that's horrible man that's bad love you chips give me that one right there this one go right there oh yeah so we're at Disneyland right now and we're gonna be busting a few minutes and the first myth is bringing a horse into the theme park if you want my manager to come out and talk to you about it you can talk to him okay I really wanted my pony they didn't let me bring in the Little Pony so myth bust it you can separate the yolk from the egg white using a water bottle oh and that actually leads us to our next myth that you can cook an egg instantly using a whole box of matches okay [Music] that's so cool and the egg is cooking too now that's breakfast sir oh you can actually eat this over easy this is over easy eggs there's a myth that Disneyland pumps out sweet smells to lure people into their candy shop it smells like candy well it actually does smell like candy it makes me a little hungry should we go to the candy shop hey a very common myth is school water fountains have bacteria that make you sick and we have a water tester to see if the water is safe to drink so if it's any color other than clear that it means that it's unsafe to drink oh wait I don't know if you guys can see it the water isn't fully clear it's a little bit yellow which means it has high levels of chlorine and bacteria in it so if you guys are still in school then I would highly recommend staying away from the water fountains and bringing in your own water is it true that uh Walt Disney's bodies pirate preserved in Disneyland no it's not true no there's nothing down here is frozen or cremated nothing what about the Matterhorn the basketball yeah that's true it's inside the Matterhorn yes so now we're going to be busting a few myths about pets and the first one is all Dalmatians have exactly 101 spots after a whole hour of counting that's actually myth busted because he has spots the next myth is tapes are smarter than dogs and we're going to be doing a series of tests to see which animal is smarter ah good boy sit sit oh my God oh my God sit jump good girl oh good girl well that Smith confirmed because the dog wasn't able to jump pigs will scream if you picked him up this one's actually myth busted because you have to pick them up correctly if you pick them up like this they will scream and that's because they have no necks so we're already really tired and we need energy because we have so many more minutes to bust and apparently all energy drinks work the same we have five different energy drinks here that we're all gonna try to see which one works the best subscribe all right so we're going to check back on how we all feel later the next myth is dropping Pennies from a high altitude and kill someone all right well luckily that's myth busted wait lay back down let's do the bowling ball one on Tanner [Music] all right Tanner pick Sean up [Music] oh my god oh that was really easy right because the next Miss we're busting is it's impossible to pick someone up while tilting your head up now try it again [Music] last minute confirmed now let's see Sean pick up Tanner I'm giving them balls no it's impossible to talk while inhaling one upstairs ever since a new YouTube update it's impossible to like And subscribe at the same time okay here we go oh that was so close is it possible for me but maybe not for some of you guys try it we're in the middle of the desert right now and the next myth is you can drink water from a cactus all right now let's see if there's any water inside oh there is a little bit look a little bit oh there's water there is a good amount of water inside a cactus can't drip apart two books that are intertwined I actually can't I can't I can't yeah according to the movies a book can protect you from a stab wound dude that actually works it's protecting it last time we tested if 100 balloons would make me float now we're gonna test it on a small dog three two one go [Music] yo what the hell what are y'all doing we're showing you it was Tanner's idea and I guess that's confirmed I mean the next myth is Mentos only works on coke and we actually have four different sodas here and we're gonna check to see which one gives us the best reaction huh whoa oh definitely bigger so far yeah I came out so Diet Coke has the biggest reaction which means myth confirmed it's impossible to drink an entire Coke without burping I don't think that's true but we're gonna find out oh my oh god oh dude I gotta change clothes so we're back at the pole and the next myth we're busting is you can't breathe underwater ah holy crap guys I'm fully submerged under the water it's working it's actually working oh my God and now the next myth is you can't light a match Underwater All right so I have a box of matches with me and I'm gonna see if I can light this underwater as you guys can see it only works for a brief second because it sucked out all the oxygen making it very hard for me to breathe you can supposedly shoot your way through a locked door but it's actually a lot easier and safer to kick your way through a locked door what was that oh it's just like that door myth busted with enough adrenaline you can pick up a car oh I say we ought to try it let's go what oh my God that was like a foot if you mix water with cornstarch you can turn the water into a solid oh my god oh this is so cool if you touch it you can go underneath the water right but apparently if you punch it it's solid wow see how deep it is but look if I punch it it just it just goes on a surface [Music] there's a myth that you can replace your bike tires with duct tape and Sean you're gonna ride this bike and test that myth for us oh my God it's working it's working but it's not the fastest though there's literally no tires on this bike it's just all duct tape so it's not really practical but mid confirmed one thumb tack will pop a balloon like this but multiple thumb tacks won't pop a balloon oh wait why why is it important wow that means I'd be able to do this right helium will make your voice higher CCC no no no what your voice deeper [Music] yeah last time we tested a myth if a bowling ball is indestructible except this time we're testing it from twice the height three two in case you guys are wondering what's inside a volleyball here it is there's also a myth that safes are indestructible three two one in case you guys want to break into a safe that was how the sound of a snap as your fingers hitting your palm not your fingers rubbing together try it what oh did you know that no yeah what yeah right there now try to snap without it hitting your palm there's no sound I don't know that so there's a myth that you can't walk through the dry food and we're gonna go test it out hello did you already have a car oh I'm not allowing order through here no you have to go to the lobby okay alrighty so I guess that's myth confirmed there's a myth that if you fill up an entire cup with water and put a card over it it won't spill no matter what do it again how is that possible I actually didn't want it to work I guess that's myth confirmed you can charge a Tesla using a watermelon yep like that just like that then hey wait this was a gas car it would be a full tank oh here we go here we go look at that moment of truth foreign if it was working it would light up green so this is myth busted now we have to buy a new charger so there's a myth at McDonald's if you order fries without salt it'll come out fresher so we ordered fries with salt and without salt and we're going to compare the two very salty bowls yeah it's not warm at all the unsalted oh my God way crispier what the heck they came straight out of the oven wait they're hot oh they're good oh my God so I guess that's myth confirmed there's a myth that if you pull off a tablecloth fast enough nothing on a table will move and we're actually going to test this myth with the world's fastest car three two [Music] two hours later [Applause] well it didn't break so there's a myth that you actually lose weight after you poop so this is my weight before 200 pounds and this is how much I weigh after the poop wait what I gained two pounds a very common myth is ghosts exist and actually two in every five people believe this and we actually confirmed to Smith in her last video where we survived 100 hours at the real Conjuring house the next myth is loudsparks don't smell [Laughter] no no I think that's myth busted pigs love bats all right let's find out oh I'm pretty I'm pretty sure that's myth busted now we're gonna see if puppies left that come on what he's swimming okay all right I'm pretty sure that's awesome if you microwave two grapes together it can create plasma Moment of Truth oh my God now that Smith confirmed a frozen grape will instantly freeze a cold cup of water oh my gosh do you guys see this that's a piece of ice it's freezing so the middle is water but look all around it is ice I'm gonna pick it up for you guys that's cool it just instant instant Pros huh [Applause] wow that is some cold water so our friends are actually short of bed which brings us to the next myth that you can make a bed out of balloons cups all right time to test it out what wait it's actually not popping and you guys might be wondering why Tanner's on this and that's because he's supposed to admit that sleeping on the table gives you bad luck so before I actually go to sleep I'm gonna bust one more myth yawning is contagious so here why don't you guys have a yawn with me [Music] so it's the next morning and we're all really tired so the first myth we're testing is water wakes you up better than coffee and it looks like this is myth confirmed apparently you can empty a water bottle Faster by swirling it or using a straw [Music] oh my god oh mine first swirling it is the quickest the straw ones the second quickest and the slowest is pouring it out normally apparently this is the correct way to eat chicken oh yeah oh my God oh my God look at this so there's a myth that duct tape can fix a boat hole we cut a hole in this kayak and we're gonna duct tape it and test it out so you got it yup yup okay dude you're good all right I think it's working all right guys I'll see you guys next video dude it's actually working Tanner so that's Miss confirmed it's impossible to escape with choke hold and I'm gonna bust that myth right now all you have to do is jump in there and kick like this wait wait It's gotta work wait one more time so there's a Smith that ever since I've gained weight I can't dunk anymore and I'm gonna put that to the test right now it's impossible to have a conversation while skydiving what's this there's a myth that you can make almond milk by just blending almond nuts anyone want to try it all right that does not look like almond milk that looks more like almond butter that's because it's missing an ingredient [Music] that's MythBusters and I bust it too there's a movie myth that it's possible to curl someone up using one arm and I'm gonna test that myth on Sean no I got any shot okay ready three two one stop laughs so I guess that Smith confirmed Pop Rocks combined with soda can kill you that's a lot of pop rock oh my God we can all say that no no no no you're fine the next myth is it's impossible to karate chop through a cinder block oh the reason it didn't work for you guys is because there's a scientific way all right you can't even chop through bread with that I can hit it again I'm gonna break if Alex sits on it it's impossible to escape a straight jacket all right Sean good luck okay go come on Sean I need my hand go I need my head come on Sean try harder oh my god do I get something by Escape yes Sean you got to play with yourself wait I think that might have motivated him well that's myth busted because we should have known that a straight jacket wouldn't work on someone like Sean farting on a flame will feed the fire didn't work oh dude I guess you could say that Smith confirmed there's a myth that McDonald's burgers and Twinkies don't go bad and we've actually had this burger and this Twinkie and these bags for the past month and right now we're gonna see how bad they are oh my God right off the bat it's like hard oh my god oh there's mold on the cheese now let's take a look at the twinkie the twinkie is still kind of moist okay [Music] it looks like these are still fresh so that's myth confirmed apparently you can solve a Rubik's Cube using the same four moves five times so you go up twice one two now right twice two up twice one two now right twice one two okay now repeat it five times that was a waste of time the next myth is cracking your joints causes arthritis oh the good one oh that's myth busted because the only thing that caused was instant relief so earlier we had five different energy drinks to see if they would all work the same and how do you guys feel I'm so tired same I'm tired I feel pretty good and I had the Red Bull there's actually a scientific reason behind that the caffeine ratios but I don't care but guys I'll keep it short myth busted subscribers are richer hello are you a subscriber okay well more devices because of that we wanted to give you a thousand dollars is that okay she gets a thousand dollars she gets a thousand too because we busted all those myths we only have one myth for you to bust and that is this video won't get a million likes click here to watch our last video [Music]
Channel: Stokes Twins
Views: 36,801,302
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: myths, mythbusters, busting myths, busting 1000 myths, movie myths, busting 100 myths, busting 200 myths, science, Stokes Twins, Ben Azelart, Lexi Rivera, Brent Rivera, Jeremy Hutchins, lexi hensler, pierson, andrew davila, dom brack, sofie dossi, kat hixson, Amp World, amp, David Dobrik, Morgz, MrBeast, logan paul, James Charles, Faze Rug, Alex Warren, Lizzy Capri, Carter Sharer, Preston, unspeakable, airrack, Ryan trahan, preston, Jordan matter, dhar man, sidemen, sam and colby
Id: 9PNpRQYMhas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 10sec (1390 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 09 2022
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