GTA but Chaos Happens Every 10 Seconds

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All right, we're checking out the only game where every 10 seconds I'm seriously going to consider uninstalling. It's GTA. We wanted to create the most insane Chaos experience in GTA, and so Alex has a brand new board. He's modified the Chaos Mod, so now it happens every 10 seconds along with various other special Chaos pieces he's put in. There's 10 checkpoints in all over the map and he's given me certain vehicles and items in order to get to each one. He says the only way to finish the entire board is to embrace the Chaos, so let's do this. This is what the world looks like before total Chaos ensues. The Chaos has now ensued. You know what? I'm just going to let it happen. I'm going to let this first one happen because it's too in-- Airstrike inbound, invisible vehicles. [laughs] We see where we have to go. There's a giant arrow way off in the distance and the idea is is that-- Oh my God, 10 second Chaos is really bad. Oh my God, what? [laughs] It's a black hole. This couldn't be a worse start into a Chaos Mod. I love that I have times two animation speed, so I almost can run fast enough to stay away from the black hole except the entirety of the map has been pulled into one concentric point. You can see all the vehicles just converging. Okay, but this is good because I'm kind of in control. Never mind. I am not even slightly in control. My body is right-- Oh, my. Invert current velocity. I can't even fall to the ground. I just need to get into the water, so I can begin the challenge. There. [laughs] I hit the ground. I teleported to a vehicle while I'm dead. Oh, 10 second Chaos is going to be a trip. Okay, I'm back at the beginning. It's fine though. We're going to be all right. I seem to enjoy getting teleported around the map a lot, so what I'm going to do-- [laughs] Oh, God, no. [grunts] I'm in a car with Jesus right now. My hope is I can just make it to the ground before the Chaos Mod yeets me into a blee-- What is this? Oh, okay, so now he's given me a parachute. Well, that's nice. That would have been an item that'd be good to have when I started the map. Spawn Jealous Jimmy. Define Jealous Jimmy. Oh, Jealous Jimmy has a hand-- He's got a machine gun. All right, I had too much Florida Man Coffee, but it-- Did I just crash or--? Oh, okay, so fake crash. [laughs] Florida Man Coffee will help us complete this mission because it allows you to jump insane distances which is nice. Ouch. [chuckles] 0.5 game speed. How come my head is so bouncy? Airstrike inbound. Please no. Don't do it. Don't do this to me. Don't do this to me again. Let me get inside of this-- Yes. No. Oh, God. Oh, normal day in paradise when my W key is stuck. Oh, it killed the engine of every vehicle. Oh, why? Why? Oh, wait. Oh, yes. Oh, this is the stuff. This is what we need. Here's what we're going to do. As soon as gravity is-- Is this a fake crash or is this a real crash? This is a fake crash, right? I feel like this is a fake crash right now. Tell me it's fake. Yes, okay. What we're going to do is when the gravity stops, we've got our parachute, so now, we can parachute to the next checkpoint. Here we go. Here we go. Perfect. All right, Ragdoll parachute is on. What? You owe $5 to an alien. Oh, the alien's not going to do anything about that because I have a parachute and he doesn't. Here's your $5 back, by the way. Gravity field. Whoa. Why? Oh, God. Oh, there's a seagull stuck to me. [screams] Hey, everyone, I got good news and I got bad news. The good news is tanks are on sale. The bad news is my mom's car is on fire and has no tires. This is right now what I am-- [grunts] We're going to do this. We're going to do this. Just trust me, okay? We haven't even gotten the first checkpoint yet, but I'll never give up. I don't care what it takes. Now, unfortunately, the honking, the horn is stuck on all the vehicles which is driving me insane. Oh, hey, Jesus. How you doing? Oh, you're going to get me killed, aren't you? Yes. All right. We're getting close to the arrow. As soon as the-- [grunts] Oh, the low gravity means my tires won't catch the ground. Your desktop is getting abused. I know. I'm getting abused. [screams] What? What is this? On-demand TV. There's like an eight-bit GTA I'm playing now. It's GTA, but all the assets got reclaimed. More Gray. More me what? Oh, it's just me again. Now, there's two of me. That's great because one of me can be the navigator and the other me can be the driver. I cannot think of what could possibly go wrong with two of me in one car. Look at this. Oh, that guy is fine. It may have looked like I hit him at about 70 miles an hour. He fell. He tripped. There wasn't even a car that did that. Why is there whale in the middle of the board? Oh, no. I love that I'm getting an airstrike of whales right now. We have no sky. Oh, the gravity field, haven't seen that in a little while. Oh, yes. Oh, this is great. This is wonderful. I'm at my farthest area right now too and we have slippery vehicles because why wouldn't we? The gravity field is about to turn off. That's great. I just got barbecued inside of my own car, that's bad. Heaven rejects you. Where is the arrow? Oh, I'm at the opposite end of the entire map. Really? I don't want to be in this car. Oh, spinning camera. I am so dead right now. You know what? Just hit me. Just hit me with a car. Just end this, please. Why do y'all keep slowing down? Oh, actually, you know what? I'm going to take your car. Out of the way. [laughs] Oh, God. I wasn't going to make you guys sit and see that spinning screen at it. Come on, I got hit by a, what is this? Is that a windmill? Why is it always the windmills? Oh, I've got a Dodge. Oh, this means that this is going to be the winning run. You're on the news, Gray. That's why I'm here. I'm going to do something to actually be on the news. All you people get to feel what my life is like. Times 10 engine speed? Oh, yes. Oh, we're rolling. Oh my God. Zach loves zooming. Zach is my editor for you. I'm right here. I'm at the checkpoint. Just let me have it. Oh, so close, I can't do this with the zooming. Okay, here we go. There's no zooming. It's snow, it's fine. Oh, no. Come on, I'm right there. [laughs] I'm right here. I can't see anything. Oh, my life is just torture. Okay, here we go, here we go, here we go. No. No. Oh, sticks the landing? People really dislike me and apparently, I'm on LSD. I am so close to getting this checkpoint it is driving me nuts and my desktop is getting abused. I can barely see. Oh, the checkpoint's very clear. That's all I need to know. This is the combo. Low gravity plus the ramp jam into checkpoint. Thank God. Oh, and it's a good day for meteors. Now you can't see it, but right ahead of me, there is an arrow and that's our next checkpoint. I'm just going to drive straight. I feel like I'm going in the right direction. It sounds like a lot of water. I restarted back at the checkpoint just to clear all of the insanity and we did get a car here. Fire your stylist. Oh, Lord. Alex has given us a car to use, so that's pretty sweet. There's a buggy. Times two animation is okay. That is an all right Chaos item. $5 to the alien, also okay. This is like 10 seconds well spent right here. Heads go boom. That's terrible, so now I want to make sure that I don't touch a single human being, which is very difficult for me because that's what they do. Oh, Lord. Oh, Lord. Oh, no. Oh, driving on [?] Yeeted. Cops think you're suss. I always suss. There's not a moment in this game where I'm not sorry. I guess that's true, where I'm not sorry that I downloaded GTA for the first time way back, but there's not a time where, oh, I'm almost there, where I'm not being hunted by someone in this game. Where did everything go? Whoa, okay, this is bad. I know where I need to drive. I know it's in this direction. Now I don't know what to do once I get there. Tires go pop. Of course, they do. I guess I don't need this anymore. Don't mind me, I was just running into the side of some concrete. Boom. Boom where? What is this? Oh, I see the checkpoint. It's in the middle of a maze. [screams] No, [beep]. I need to impress upon you what I've been through to get to this point right now. I'm in the maze. What the--? What is this? What's that? People really dislike you, Gray. Oh, I'm inside the maze. Oh my God. The checkpoint is in here somewhere. Oh, it's me. Why do I hate myself? No, I caused my own distress. I'm my own worst enemy. That's kind of true. I'm inside of the maze and I'm getting abused by cats because I can't tie my shoes and the cats just keep spawning all over me. Now, I do love cats, so that is okay. You're going to notice there is a lot of bodies just chilling out over here. This is what I've had to go through in order to eventually maybe-- Yay. Oh, for God sake. Oh, hold on. I have a parachute. It's fine. Oh, this is happening. This is happening right now. Yes. No, not save the whales. I swear to God, if a whale falls on me and murder-- Oh my God, we have a checkpoint. Oh, it's a teleport. Whoa, hi. I didn't know that would teleport me somewhere. Where's the next one? Okay, so whales are still falling everywhere. There's the next arrow. Hope you've gotten an umbrella. Is it going to rain? Is it going to rainwater or is it going to rain fire? Oh, it's going to rain vehicles. Of course, it is because it's Chaos. Now it is raining whales and vehicles. On the plus side, though, this means I'm going to get a vehicle, which is great. My names GrayStillPlays, I'm commandeering your vehicle. Oh, apparently I'm not commandeering your vehicle. Oh, Grand Theft Auto was canceled, that would be why. Oh, whoa. Want to join a gang? No, but I will take your gang vehicle. Excuse me, good sir. You guys may not be able to tell because it's invisible. I'm in the gang vehicle right now. You'll have to just take my word for it. You'll get to see it in a second if I don't vomit all over my computer screen. What's with the whales? Okay, the whales are still raining, but it is all right. We haven't had too many terrible-- Lock player inside a vehicle. You know what? Fine, I'm okay with that. The longer I can stay inside of this vehicle and potentially protect myself-- Aww, not the airstrike. Oh, Maybe I can use this whale as protection. Fortunately, the airstrike has not targeted me well at all, so I've managed to get through without blowing up. On the plus side, everything is rainbow right now. You get to have that sensational feeling of having your retina slowly pushed, aw, slowly pushed out the back of your skull. Oh, the zombie apocalypse. Excuse me, other Gray. The zombie apocalypse, well, that's nice. Don't know why everything's exploding behind me. Not going to ask any questions, I'm just going to keep driving this car. I was going the wrong way. Here we go. Where is it? Oh, it's right here. Aw. No, not the gang. Stop it. Is that the end of the pier? Hold on, I got to take out the rest of this gang. Out of the car through the cow. Oh my God. Weather in Florida be like, oh, no. What is this? I can't make it through the door. It's Hurricane Alex. I need to find a vehicle. Whoa. Oh, God. What I was was trying to say is I need a vehicle that I can put inside of this area so I can use it to jump on top of and get to the top of that pier over there, [laughs] but it's targeted away. All right, I'm going to move-- Oh, boy. Everyone out of the way. I've got bad news for you guys. Everything just got teleported to me and now we're all on fire together. I'd like to say to you that I'm going to survive this. [laughs] I knew it was only just a matter of time [laughs]. Okay, I managed to get an ATV. There. Oh my God, thank you. Oh, let this happen. Checkpoint. Find the next checkpoint at the dam. Okay. All right, now he's given us an Aqua Blazer, which is cool. The dam, you have to follow all the way around, then it hooks to the right and it should be over there somewhere. Wow, look at this. It's crazy, isn't it? Just GrayStillPlays slowly drinking salt water, a lot of salt water while there's also on-demand TV going on. I'm on the road. I'm getting stung by bees relentlessly. I'm on the Aqua Blazer. Things could be worse. Yes, there it is, okay. Come on, Chaos, don't give me something crazy. Just give me something normal. No. Oh, fake teleport. Oh, thank you, God. I almost swallowed my mouse. Oh, this is happening. No, not Floridian weather. Please, Florida don't do it. Give everyone a mini-gun. Oh, I guess that includes me. Where is it? I'm right where the arrow is. It's pointing down, so it should be right here. Oh, I'm in a car. Oh, it's a ledge. Oh, maybe it's down level. Hold on, I have an idea. I'm in the water. It is GTA 2 with full acceleration. This isn't that bad though. All right, so I have to go-- Oh, it's the checkpoint. It is down here. It was down this level. Don't you dare. Virtual reality, you're going to do this to me right now? You have no idea what's happening right now. There is a gravity sphere. I mean, virtual reality. Oh, wow, I'm still alive, this is incredible. Just go down, teleport everything in a player, but it's all right, I've been protected. We have a checkpoint. Everyone is a sinner, everyone loves strawberry jam. Oh, the deer murdered me. You've got to be kidding me. Meaty Bits, we were bros. You turned on me. At least I got to the checkpoint. Okay, so this is where this checkpoint puts us, and this is the vehicle Alex is giving me. There's the arrow. What the--? Why? Why am I stomping my own deer? Meaty Bits, technically, you murdered me, so I guess it's only fair. Oh. Okay, so everyone hates me, including Meaty Bits the deer. I'm going to turn you into venison, I swear to God. Okay, Meaty Bits should be nice in a second, and there, we're good, right? You're fine? Yes, we're fine. I love how freakishly fast he is. Maybe it's just perspective since I'm riding a deer to victory, it just feels fast. Improvised weaponry. Man, Meaty Bits, you are a really good luck. Tanks are on sale. Oh, Meaty Bits, I'm sorry, man. He's like, "It's fine. No big deal. I've had 10 tons of machinery drop on me before, it's not really a big deal." Super fast motorcycle could be worse. Here we go. Okay, next Chaos is let's add cops. I could still deal with that. Oh, this is like a personal record for getting a checkpoint right here. I've only experienced a handful of deaths at this point. Oh, it looks like a pretty easy checkpoint too. Minions. I'm super tiny, Gray. Get on the train to reach the next checkpoint. Beat everyone. I'm right here, you better not run me over. I will go ballistic right now. Right, I just need to-- Oh my God, there we go, checkpoint. We've got five checkpoints done, and now it says I need to use the train in order to get to the next area. Oh, I turned the train into gold, that's interesting. Whoa, hi. Back on the train. Everything's hot pink now GrayStillPlays style, I love it. Enough is enough. Great, I am losing the will to live. I've got good news and I've got bad news. I got on the train, I got to the area where the thing is, but because spinning props activated, it messed up the prop that's holding that, the checkpoint. [laughter] I need to figure out a way to get there. My plan right now is to maybe fly a plane through it or maybe jump, and then I can parachute through it or something. Oh, actually, hold on. Oh. Oh. Oh, I don't need the plane. I don't need the plane at all. I need to do this while the portal gun is still active. This is an amazing Chaos thing. Oh, yes. Oh, where is it? Oh, right there. Yes. Oh my God, oh, we have a checkpoint with the portal gun. Next checkpoint is, oh, I can see it. Can you see it right there? The little edge of the arrow up into the left? Here, hold on. I got to get away from Jealous Jimmy before he shoots me to death. Just trust me, we're going the right direction. If you didn't see it, it's over this mountain. Now I can't show you because there's [?] come on. [laughs] This game legit does not want me to show you where the next checkpoint is. This is so cursed. It's creepy. Look at it, it's a little mini Gray on the motorcycle. I think if we get off the tracks, and then we take this road up, this should be close to the next checkpoint. Oh my God, a portal gun again, hold on. Whoa. Oh, what is this? Oh, I can't use the portal gun, everything is upside down. You have no idea how long I was waiting for this. It said mercenaries and I was like, "Give them to me." You know what? On second thought, you could take your mercenaries back. Just tripping inside the colorful world on a motorcycle. Oh, hey, there we go. Okay, so at the top of the mountain over there. Oh, there it is. I'm so close. I think I almost got murdered by a meteor. Oh, it's inverted gravity. This could be okay. Oh my God, double meteors. I've got a parachute. As long as I don't get bludgeoned by a meteor, I should be okay. Once we get to the top, again, we're going to jump off the motorcycle, I've got the parachute. Here we go. Just got to aim up. Vehicles have no gravity, that's fine. I'm not in the vehicle, everything's fine. We're going to pull our chute right by here, and then nice landing. Perfect. Oh, yes, there's a checkpoint. Whoa. You can actually see me walking to the edge. Oh, the first person, have that checkpoint. There are three more checkpoints left. This is what the inside of my teeth look like. All right, I found out where the next checkpoint is. Let me see if I can cover some distance. Also, totally a random hot pink boat chilling out over here. I love it. Chaos Mod player trying to survive. "He won't survive," mod contributors say. You're right, I haven't survived many, many times. Give me the boat. Don't mind me. GrayStillPlays the mini pirate just trucking my way down the river here. Nevermind. Let me tell you guys just for a second how impossible-- Oh, it's on an island. I was going to say how impossible it is to do this challenge with a delayed camera. Is there like a boat or something I can use to get out there? Pretty sure I can open up my parachute. Yes, you know what? Let's not try. Very controlled fall right there from GrayStillPlays. Luckily, I was already covered in strawberry jams so you really can't tell how bad that just was.[chuckles] There's a lot of sinning going on here. A lot of sinning. I think it's this way. Basically, 180 degrees maybe, right over here somewhere. Okay, I was kind of right. I was going sort of the right direction. Killer clowns, don't you dare. Can they teleport inside of the vehicle or do they just go into the water and then drown? I know this looks like I'm carrying around two barbecued people in the back of my boat. I am, I really don't have the mercenary spawn in the water. Oh, $5 to an alien. Get out of the way. The arrows above me, so inside this shack? Hey, where's the checkpoint? Whoa. Okay. You know what? I'm sorry I asked. Oh my God, there's tanks everywhere. Are we all friends here? We're all friends, tanks? Yes, the tanks don't seem me to hate-- Oh, I hate you so much. Aw, I need to borrow your tank. [screams] Oh, it's inside the house. Oh, the door doesn't work. How do you get inside? It's so close and yet so far. [music] Okay, let this work. Oh, it works, checkpoint. Search Paleto Bay for a checkpoint. Permanent Chaos Second Amendment. Second Amendment. Oh. Oh, yes. Give us this day our daily yeet. Whoa. Okay, I can save this. Hold on. Oh, yes. Okay, this is turning out to be fantastic. Listen, it's snowing, you don't need this boat anyway. You want to stay inside here, you can, or you can just bail, that's fine too. There's only two checkpoints left, and Tropic Thunder, otherwise known as GrayStillPlays is on the case with an airstrike trying to murder him. Oh, there we go. What happened? Oh, a U-turn. I saw it. It's right over here. Look, arrow, straight ahead. I don't know how it's pointing right upward. That's not good, but this is the direction we have to go. Now, inverted gravity is in fact very, very bad for me. I'm going to end up hitting a seagull in a boat. [chuckles] Oh, I can steer this thing. Good day for meteors. Oh, great, I'm going up toward the sky and the meteors are coming down toward me. Gravity is done, so all we have to do is just stick this landing. Here we go. Aw. Stuck the landing. I need to get to this jet ski, but there's no sprint and no jump, and so this is absolute torture right now. Oh, honk boosting. Oh, yes. Go. Yeet and no. You can still use it though because of the boost. I never thought I would ever get to use a-- Oh, sideways gravity. I was going to say I never thought I would get to use-- Oh, it's right over there. I'm getting out. We can survive this as long as I Ragdoll enough-- Oh my God, everything is turning off. I'm so far away from it now. I never thought I would get to use a jet ski without any water, so it's amazing. If I can just parachute my way through the LSD, we're going to be just fine. Did you see what full acceleration just did to that kid on his bicycle? Look at the bicycles. [screams] Parachute. I think I have finally found the checkpoint and if you think about it, it makes sense. I think what happened is some of the props got inverted, so the arrow was pointing upward. Check this out. If you remember what's here, we got the Second Amendment as our permanent ability. The checkpoint is inside of the second-- Whoa. Okay, the whole store is on fire and I'm pretty sure everyone within a 30 mile radius is dead, which means I get to go insi-- Really? Of course, the fire is right on my groin. It is baking my groin right now. Don't even think about it. Anyway, checkpoint. Whoa, okay. That was a teleport. One checkpoint left. Oh. Oh my God, it's the end. I need to get up this mountain somehow. Sorry, you can get your grocery some other day. Everyone has a minigun, but everyone's also sliding so they can't really do anything. They're just sliding around. Heads turn into windmills. Oh, that's interesting. All right, through the fence, through the other fence, climbing the mountain. Climbing the mountain. Oh, yes. Oh, we're almost there. What? What is this? Am I pooping fire? Why? Why am I farting fire? Oh, rocket man. Do I have enough time to pull a parachute? Yes, I do. Okay. As long as I can survive, that's fine. Whoa. Walk on water? What just happened? There's no water from-- Whoa. What is going on? I keep getting pulled upward. Make it stop. I just want to hit the ground without dying. [screams] Now I'm sliding all the way back down the mountain. Yes, if I can get up there, there's another arrow. I guess that's where I'm suppose to get to, and then I parachute off and go through the final checkpoint. Got it. Tanks are on sale. You know what I could really use? A plane. This area may or may not trigger a certain Chaos. Like what? This is the prop. That's where I need to get to. I got all the way to the top of this mountain and the area triggered that Chaos? It's permanent spinning props, which means I need to get through this or I have to do the whole mountain all over again, but I am totally missing it. I've been thinking about this the wrong way. We're not trying to get the checkpoint. The only thing I need to get is the arrow technically. Here, so what we're going to do is nice and slow, nice and slow, nice and slow. Oh, my heart rate is really high right now. Land on the arrow. Okay. Oh my God, yes. Oh, I need to outrun the arrow. Oh, the arrow keeps moving underneath me. This is real bad. I need to get to the center of the arrow where the trajectory is different. Here's what we're going to do. I'm going to wait, I'm going to go over to the side. The arrow's going to run under me, and then I can outrun the arrow then. I legit can't cheat this. I have to go through the checkpoint. The cool part is now, the only Chaos I get is the spinning prop, so getting to the top of the mountain is fine. I can keep trying. Yes, we have winner. Oh, it doesn't matter that I died, we have winner finally. Today I learned that 10 seconds of Chaos is worth 10 years off the end of my life. Hey, folks, this episode of GTA. Till the next time, stay foxy. Much love.
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 2,428,639
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: simulation games, graystillplays, gray still plays, greystillplays, simulator, and this happened, gta 5, gta 5 caylus, gta 5 mods, jelly gta 5, strongest man gta 5, kwebblekop gta 5, gameplay, funny, gaming, game, moments, games, walkthrough, comedy, challenge, playthrough, fun, entertainment, gta, gta v, grand theft auto, grand theft auto 5, gta 5 mod, GTA but, chaos mod, gta 5 chaos mod, mods, chaos, best mod gta v, gta 5 chaos, gta v chaos mod, chaos happens, every 10 seconds, gta but
Id: oh58rDICpeI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 19sec (1699 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 22 2023
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