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All right, we're checking out the only game where you can drive so fast that your tires literally evaporate, it's GTA. There's been instances of cars jumping across the entire map, but map crater Alex wanted to do something a little bit different, so now in order to get across the-- really? 666 miles now? In order to get across the map, we have to complete these challenges that will unlock-- That's the actual moon, by the way, that will unlock different-- What is this? Unlock different cars so that we can get further and further. Whoa. Oh, I think you have to hit the stop sticks to land on this platform. Okay, that's cool. All right, very first challenge, land on stop stick somehow going-- The devil's number in speed, which is fine now, he also mentioned-- I just noticed the plate on the back is also 666. Alex said that eventually the cars will get so fast that the tires will disappear, just evaporate off of the car because of how fast they're going, so I'm really looking forward to that. Lean back, right there, perfect. Okay. What does that say? Stay on solid green gray. All right. I'm on the green, what does that do? It didn't actually do anything. I don't know a few seconds later. I didn't actually know what was going on like it said, and then there's a little guy over here that says start the script. I'm guessing I was supposed to do this first and then go on the green. The script is started. Is it working or? I'm going to get on the green just because I don't trust Alex. I feel like I should be here. Oh, God. Okay, I guess script one started. There's a floor. Am I supposed to stay on the green again? There's no green, there's no green anywhere. There's no green. Please don't tell a lie. How am I supposed to do anything here? Maybe the board doesn't-- no. Oh, there is green. Where was the green at? What I actually learned was each time I managed to get through one of those green spheres like beat a little challenge, I actually do unlock a brand-new car. They're like up super high, but when I come back, the one that is unlocked will be lowered, the pedestal will be lowered and I can actually grab it. We have the Avengers of the Flappy Bird, I feel like there's some copyright infringement going on here, but I didn't make the car. All right, so is this one faster or slower than the last one? 310 it's slower. Does it have more aerodynamics? I still have all my tires. I am not yet satisfied, but that's okay because, apparently, one way or the other, you are able to flap. Go. I don't think I'm going to make it. What was the point of this car? I was totally lied to with the flappy car, it doesn't do anything. We got to unlock the next car. I'm assuming that was just made to be like a troll car Alex put that there just to ruin my life slightly, just like he put the green in the next part of the script. I don't even know where. It's underneath or something. How am I supposed to know where it is. All right. Oh, I may have overshot this. Oh, God. Okay, this one's looking real good. I can taste the rainbow and the rainbow tastes like blood. All right, activate the script, go on the green, got it. Script is activated. Get on the green. With a beautiful Tokyo Drift, I almost killed myself right there by drifting a little bit too hard. Now this drops, it says unlock. That is how you unlock the cars. I unlocked that car, now we're on a new area and there's green somewhere, but it's like it's underneath the actual platform. I don't know if I can look-there's no way to look under the platform, I would have to learn, oh, it's on the side, it's on the side. Oh, my God. Oh, God it's right there. Drop down this version and I think it was close to the blue sphere, it was on this side? Yes, it was. Go on to the green, I got plenty of time now as long as I don't slide-off. I had to keep pumping the gas a little bit to actually stay on this thing. I got to unlock hold on. I got t make sure I get this. One millionth times the charm. Got the unlock. At the very least, I have the next car, so I have to keep finding the green. What is this? What is this? It's like a little flower. That's not solid green. What's solid green over here? This is perfect. It was a lie, it was green on the bottom and now it's pink, you troll. The green is actually a tightrope. All right, it's okay, though, because I've unlocked the next moon car. Sorry, that car's actually been really good to me. I feel bad that I just ran over its head, basically. No, no, does this mean I'm going to keep my tires? I mean, it seems pretty fast. I actually have to slow down a little bit, because I'm afraid I'm just going to go flying over the side of the ramp. Okay. One, 200. That feels good, 300, 400, 500. This one stops at right about 500. I think I can actually make the platform, though, with this car. I think probably the last three cars are going to be the most ridiculous, so lean forward. If you ever want to get a little bit further, by the way, in a big car jump like this. If you tilt your nose down, you can actually get more distance. This is not going to do it. That means that we need more unlocks. That's fine. At least I have this car, the 666 Car to get me back to the original platform. First set of green. Easy. Next green. Also easy, mostly because I remember where it is now. At least I don't have to work on the unlock this time. I can just get here. Last set of green. I think it's a tightrope, but there's a-- There's actually a green-- Are you kidding me right now, Alex? [laughs] Okay. Oh, God. I hope I have enough time. Oh please. Yes. [laughs] How about that? Get trolled. All right, so now-Ooh, a little flip there. I like it. Perfect landing. I did unlock a new car. What is this? I know what this is. Hold on. I have an idea. I'll bet it's on this other side of the wall. What you have to do, yes, you got to do a little bank. That is pretty time sensitive, but we did get a new car. This looks fast. Here we go. Now I know in the beginning it's like a 300 mile-an-hour car and a 500 mile-an-hour car. This one has rockets on it. Obviously, it has to be way faster. Better be better than my 666 God. Oh, God. Oh, Whoa, whoa, whoa. I'm not going to lie. Car's not very safe. Not really sure. I think that the tires aren't evaporating, but I think what's happening is they're turning into a gelatin. Oh, God, I can't. I'm almost slipping every two seconds. I can't go any faster because I can't-- I was going to say, I can't go any faster because I can't keep the car straight. I'm not even really sure how fast that car truly is, but I am not trying to beat this thing in that car. That and I want to know how fast they get in the end. I do want to unlock all the rest of them. How many boards have I had to do so far? This is board number four. Okay, then we're here, then this falls. It's unlock three. That's the one we've gotten. Then you do the full flip and loop onto the ground, all four tires land. This one you have to be fast because you do not have time to mess around, so just go flip and then-- Oh, I'm not going to make it. Oh, God. I'm not going to make it. I'm not going to make it. This thing has to be on it tires. No, no, no. Are you ready? Nice and sweet. Now that was pretty good. Right here, we're going to get a nice unlock, it's directly below me. Unlock four, and then so this is weird. The green is here, but it's -. Hold on. Oh, what? How am I supposed to-- that's really fast. It's on a boost, so you can't just-- Oh, I have an idea. This one's sweet. All right. Let me line this up. It feels like it handles a little bit better too. Oh, nice interior. Not a lot of space for groceries, but to be fair if I got like a carton of egg they'd be scrambled by the time I got them home. All right. Line up and then go. More, more. Oh, God. [screams] What? I think we got up to 700 miles an hour. Oh, I still have tires. All right. What I'm going to do is I'm going to lean back because I don't know what I hit before 700 miles an hour. Oh, my God. What? Maybe I'm going too fast. There's no such thing. What would be the point? 600, 700. Oh, I landed. Oh. [laughs] Oh, I'm going to make it. I'm going to try anyway. [laughs] Oh nice, clean 300 miles an hour. We are not going to make it to the platform. Let me have this 800 miles an hour. I am going sideways. I am now doing a full 360. This is bad. I actually went right over the platform. We're slowly getting there. Oh, a pool. So close. Okay, I actually am getting closer and closer to jumping the entire map. This is the perfect car. That's why this came first. You have to use this one. I'm going to die. What I was trying to say is you have to use this one to land on the platform, then do all these challenges. It's really the only one that kind of like fits into that whole of being able to go just far enough to land on the platform. Hold on. This takes a little concentration to be back over, and then we're going to do a full swoop around. Perfect. Now, we're going to go down and we're going to go straight and what I'm going to do is, there's a boost there, so it's trying to troll you, but I'm going to try and get there and slam on the brakes like now. Yes. Come on, baby. This is the time. Drop down. I actually have to stop way before I think I would. We're going to stop now. Yes. Got it. Unlock. Windmills. I'm going to try and get this. Okay, you go over the half-pipe. The half-pipe disappears. The half-pipe is timed just like the other ones. Okay. This one is the one. Almost. It's actually called Almost. I like the paint scheme. It's got like green-vile tires. All right. Are you ready? The tires are actually spinning out. Oh, my God. 500, 600. Oh, my God, 700, 800, 869, not really. I'm going right over the platform at this point. This one cannot get to the platform. This one goes over the platform. I'm going to like the base of Mount Tilia. There's the moon. Can I get over the water? I think I'm going to get over the water. Like land over the trail. This is going to be a nice, soft landing, and by nice, soft landing I mean it's going to really hurt. Back to the original 666 car. Okay, this disappears. Down. Over on the side, grapple it. I feel like I'm going to die. I don't actually need to get that unlocked. I'm going to get it anyways just because it's there. I guess it's just kind of pointless now because I already have the car. Okay, this one is over here. I almost forgot. Nice little tight rope over here. Perfect. Line it up and hit the brake for about here. Flip. Perfect. Oh, God. [laughs] How about that? I can't mess this up. That was such a good save I need to fix this. I need to make this work. Stop. Yes. No, give me the ground. Give me the ground. That was so good. Come on. I can wiggle it and stay on here. It's fine. It's fine. I can wiggle it. Yes. Okay, so I got down here that one other time. I actually haven't been here since that, and I got to do this now. I need to do this now. Go. I am the master of the year. Nothing can-- I hate my life. I hate my life so much right now. Let this happen, just let this happen. I've been hit by both of these windmills. Yes. Okay. Let me get the unlock. I don't care if it kills me. There. I got the unlock. I can land on this. What is this? Solid green. There's solid green everywhere. Those are kind of green What color of green? Go up here? No. You have to go off to the side. That's not good. It's okay though. I got a new car right here. [laughs] Real quick. I don't know if you saw it. The second I got in the car the tires vanished. This car has so much torque that if I just even slightly press the gas, the tires disappear. It's called YOLO. It is YOLO time. 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1,000. Yes. [laughs] Oh, my God, there's one more car left. I think I might be able to jump the map, but I can't jump the entire planet in it. I have to be able to jump the planet. Oh, I can get just to the edge of the map on this one. Over a thousand miles an hour, but we've got to unlock the one last car. I have been desperately trying to figure out where I'm supposed to go. What is this? There's green all over the place. Which one-- Maybe I can see it. Maybe I can see it. I can't pan up high enough, and down, and into the half pipe for the big yeety time. Make sure to miss all of the wind. There's these, whatever that is. That's blue. There's a green one here. It's got a blue stripe on it. That's not even a colored one. Then there's this. I'm just driving around to see which one stays. The board disappeared, where is it? Hold on. I think I just saw something, so real quick. I think I know what the deal is with this board. It says, "Stay on the solid green-gray," so watch. This one's solid green. I've done it. I've managed to get-- But it disappears. Hold on. You need to understand, too, simply to show you something like how something I figured it out, I actually have to do this entire board all over again. Oh, I almost got totally jacked. Drop down, got to do this right away. It's not the solid green-gray. Oh, my God, I almost died just then. It's the solid green-gray, as in the color is gray, not me, Gray, and there's one gray spot right here. [chuckles] Watch, I saw it. This is the part that stayed on. Let me barely get on this. There. See, I told you. I knew it. This is going to unlock the final car. Yes. [chuckles] Yes. Oh, infinite boost. Now, the time has come to not just jump the map but to leave this plane of existence. Are you ready? [shouting] Now, wait for it because you have to keep going in order to make this work. You've got to aim it just right. Of course, the tires evaporated, which we all assume they would. You got to aim it just right. You got to wait until the clouds disappear. You got to do this in order to see the greatness, in order to watch the incredible thing happen. Then you have to go through the stratosphere clouds there. Then you have to slowly start watching as the sky box disappears. We're at 5,500 miles an hour. [chuckles] Then wait for it, wait for it, aim up, and-- [laughs] Then you lose the car. Well, I wanted to jump the map and I actually jumped the plane of reality. Anyway, foks, hope you enjoyed this episode of GTA. Until the next time, stay foxy and much love.
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 6,309,067
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: simulation games, graystillplays, gray still plays, greystillplays, simulator, and this happened, gta 5, gta 5 mods, game, gameplay, funny, gta 5 funny mods, gaming, gta, gta v, grand theft auto 5, caylus gta 5, jelly gta 5, gta 5 choice, gta 5 hacked, grand theft auto v, gta challenge, gta custom races, gta 5 jump, gta 5 races, jumping moon ramp, world fastest car, fastest car gta 5, in gta 5
Id: zWoDQpxCp2I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 46sec (1126 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 31 2022
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