Cars vs Longest Jumps in GTA 5

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all right we're checking out the only game where the farther I jump the farther I go from the realm of Sanity it's GTA we want to put cars in GTA up against jump challenges and so Alex has created a brand new board with artistic Flair and the power of the devil he has fashioned together all of these different obstacles where in order to complete them you have to do enormous jumps sometimes you're jumping over things sometimes you're jumping through things the stalking windmills are back because that's great and of course you can't have jumps without thumbnail holes so I'm gonna have to deal with that as well Alex has given us all these different cars to choose from but as always only one can make it to the end let's do this Alex has given us the mile per hour gauge today that's exciting welcome to the Chiliad jump we're going to be using my parents station wagon that I grew up in as a Young Man 1969. completely random date I'm sure Alex 69 has nothing to do with anything important does it this is a very large jump so I'm is going to kind of assume what I'm supposed to be doing here I imagine I'm supposed to be jumping over the blimp or am I supposed to be I have no idea so 137 miles an hour oh maybe under the blimp there we go that's not a big deal we're gonna go ahead and Ricochet oh my God there's a landing pad down here I kind of made it with this thing I can't believe it oh yeah oh this look at the armor on this car I know this from first hand experience all the time we used to have to you know drive through Atlanta that's right you go to the Newark Airport and this thing and for whatever reason people just leave you alone uh it is okay we're gonna go ahead and Bank just underneath and Ricochet off the top of the mountain no big deal I can't I keep kind of pulling it to the right though we need to get a little bit more to the left and we can land this sticks The Landing if you want to hear about ridiculous things like the drive to Newark from me you can join the membership part of the channel where there's all kinds of Secret videos that only Legends and above get access to there's over 110 of these videos custom emojis merch benefits and custom emo jams as well okay I'm not gonna lie trying to bank a car off of the top of a mountain is probably not what Alex envisioned when he made this jump I think realistically I need to just jump it I assume I'm supposed to get over the mountain in its entirety and then land on the landing pad is this any faster oh there's a lot faster 153 that's what I'm talking about underneath the blimp I'm still kissing the top of the mountain why is that does this thing have more wind resistance or something you know what it doesn't have pain resistance ow I do appreciate that it has been repainted with the channel colors though delicious pink and white so important fajitas okay so this is if I lean farther downward can I get more no not at all don't mind me I'm just trying to see if I can cheat this somehow oh my God how many jumps are there all right it's gonna be fine it's gonna be fun this was not fine spoiler alert all right just one more try come on baby baby okay I still can't get over this mountain you let me down number 27 so you may fall down this mountain did I just drop kick that door oh this tree broke my fault and my lower back I have no idea why Alex put this here I mean it's probably just a meme car but uh it's got a spoiler on the whistle it's got a spoiler on the back so maybe that means it's secretly very fast ah it's got a little bit of pickup doesn't it all right what's your Top Speed 110 120 20 that's about it I think that we are I don't even know if I can get over this building nope I'm just gonna go through the front door of the building I'm just being thorough being there's gonna be a pile of disappointment all the way at the bottom of this place oh I am really out okay maybe I'll just thought I was gonna end up with a car we're getting it out of the way it says try as well so I can't not do it since Alex put that there once he gets up to 150 miles an hour almost absolutely no aerodynamics at all this thing cannot get air it can push rocks down mountains though and then follow the Rock and then kill itself I have a helmet on I'm Like a helmeted Bird I love to start my morning chewing on rusted bars trying to keep me out of different facilities all right way slander I know you're not specifically very fast but every time you go off a jump you seem to get a lot of air so maybe this is a real thing that happens about 145 man I vastly overestimated all the vehicle's ability to jump I know you're like great why are you lining the grill of that vehicle up with those tourists oh no reason okay this looks legit we need a car with speed evil okay Satan is inside of the engine there's cars that have fuel injectors this has Satan injectors okay the devil injectors wow oh my God it didn't get faster than all the other cars but man the aerodynamics are fantastic I say aerodynamics it's more about just how high it jumps so about 150 yeah look at the height oh now I kind of understand you have to get past the blimp when it turns so we're gonna land it we're gonna land it like 20 feet short come on all right here's the plan I'm gonna lean this thing Way Forward big forward lean right now look at that bigfo looking at the nose okay I think that would have worked though I think the lead would work out of all the places I could have landed I landed on a bunch of dirt bikes a knee check right normally doctors would charge you for that I'm trying to learn how to time this I think if I go when it's sideways it should be straight oh no it's just back sideways again all right new plan we're gonna time this or we we have time this for when it was straight on the start yeah see and then it pulls around okay close not yet not yet not yet and now I never thought that the very first challenge of this would be so infuriating and okay good lean come on maybe let me have this let me have this yeah oh yeah oh yeah here we go here we go I needed to lean more actually you know what I've had enough of the devil if this is the very first challenge I need a car that's going to be able to make that jump no problem because it's only gonna get worse fave oh okay this is your favorite Alex go 152 a bell I did not line this up correctly at all okay so from what I've seen you can start with the back end of the blimp or the front end of the blimp toward you and that should be perfect yeah here we go here we go oh yeah oh that's big height that's big distance look at it this will be our first full true Landing oh I missed whatever that was I feel like I probably should have read that because it could have been important you know what let's just keep going it's fine what is this well I guess I guess I do need to read it because I have no idea what the red and the blue means oh one time oh this is no problem now oh yeah I'm like a bird I'm like a bird that can only kind of fly for short distances let me try and stop this I'm totally lost control of the car that's all right we can save this backward forward full flip 360. Vin Diesel no big deal don't really have the best hill climbing tires but it's okay gender reveal party jump the gender reveal for what my Agony is not so much a gender it's more of a flavor I think I've said it before my Agony is kind of like a salted caramel you know it tastes delicious but you don't really want to rub it into your eyes or anything like that do I just pick a color I guess I picked pink right because that's the that's the channel colors all right I mean I don't see any traps all right all the way to the top full speed maximum downward Force I'm a lefty we're picking the left-hand side I'm kind of moving over to the right so it really in the end didn't matter what I picked all right well I go whoa the pig didn't well the pig did explode but it only exploded once all right hold on I now I need to know so I'm gonna try and bank this over to the left again and hopefully it doesn't oh what happened there whatever that car okay there the last jump was really weird it was like part of the uh jump murdered my car whoa the pink flavored paint just ripped part of my bumper off that car is more streamlined now anyway multiple moist jumps that's disturbing we're talking about like Florida Everglades moist or how do you oh wow this is this is way steeper than I gave it credit for can I jump across the river it was like a barge oh just on methamphetamine doing donuts in the middle that's weird whatever I have no idea what you're supposed to do here so we're gonna do what I always do which is just wing it and hope that I'm right so let me line this up so we're not flying over the hum so there's two platforms and then you have to jump over a boat and then you have to jump over another boat all right so I want to line this up to get the most possible down Force we can get so like it there okay here we go here we go here we go keep it keep it centered big jump lean forward to close the gap I didn't get enough distance getting to this point is not a big deal anymore and what I found out was the the pink exploders have a lot of explosions and the blue one only has one explosion man I'm still sure all right we're gonna need a different car I'm not gonna say that this car is a good idea but Alex did leave in the Boost so maybe this is the thing that will help me close those huge gaps uh 145 wow this thing flies like a brick of sadness okay op that's gotta be good right overpowered nice and light it seems like the lighter the vehicle the more distance it gets if it's combined with the right amount of speed and this has the jump and this has to boost and this has the guns on top don't know if that's valuable or not well I guess I can blast the balloons oh wow oh this thing flies great hold on this is gonna be able to do it this is going to be able to do it 160 down the ramp I may have gone too fast wow I oh I underestimated how fast this thing is all right I got the blimps lined up now you ready forward lean I jumped over the blimp oh just for posterity no big deal sticks The Landing and then yeah it is and then oh that's that's what I was talking about how there's a lot of explosions uh on the pink side maybe if I lean further forward this is weird it it's got great text and and jump height but it doesn't have the distance I'm not gonna lie I'm learning a lot about these cars a back flip there we go how do I get so much distance on this jump and I can't get past the the gender reveal party or whatever he calls it all right I'm gonna wander to the blue side here we're gonna boost as many times we got to 165. we lean it forward this has gotta clear it yeah yeah there we go so you kind of put the nose back at first and then you put the nose forward and you can get a little extra distance nice hey op vehicle how much do you like moisture the car's like not very much the last time I was moist I ended up drowning to death yeah you and me both oh this is happening here we go yeah oh God now that I know that it can make the barge we're gonna run it we're gonna run it yeah big jump I have the smokestack oh well what do I do now I'm like stuck on the transport ship there's only one option and my only option is to jump off the back and drown I learned something terrible this isn't just about the distance I need to keep my momentum going or I am not going to be able to make these so I have to land this and then go off of this other jump while I still have all my momentum why you gotta bring moisture into this Alex okay and there we go there we go there we go yeah this is all about the landing position look at that no it shot me off to the side okay hold on this is mine this is mine we landed it we got a little bit of area to get some speed and we have our boost so all I have to do is make it over this boat get ready get me now good six The Landing that's okay the hood sacrificed itself so that we may live oh the op car is doing great what else you got for me Alex that that did not just say what I oh my God it says thumbnail hole okay thumbnail hold jump you got it oh my God is that the whole look at the distance to get to the thumbnail hole oh my God you tested this right this right like I'm uh not just gonna wing this am I I have I have no idea what I'm supposed to do so let's hope I'm close I'm not wow well you know I was off to the right but I was pretty close oh okay so I'm getting the height let's go oh that's low I can already tell every time I have to jump these boats but ah I was gonna say I'm getting pretty good at it you know I might just need a different car okay let's use a super car all right boom vehicle z2o here we go honestly it's not as fast as I would have thought it is considering we hit 165 or something before and this thing just barely gets to 150. okay okay that's good that's good here we go perfect perfectly lined up does it have the forward momentum to clear this Gap no I'm just making sure I it wasn't me not leaning forward far enough that's a big forward lean barely kisses by the blimp I think that the forward lean's gonna do it either that was a game of inches it was so close I could taste it and since the landing platform is yellow it tastes like banana cream pie come on come on come on come on come on come on nah I'm not giving up this thing has to be able to do this I am this boy I am night I'm at a 90 degree angle with a ground that's how much forward lean I'm using it can't do it I wanted to try one last time and now it's running me over my car is literally trying to murder me that was a terrible idea let's try a different Supercar this one's blue and it's electric that means something because oh my God this thing's got some pickup because electric has lots of torque okay well the top speed isn't very good though it definitely has the acceleration and wow I I'm not even wasting my time oh God and put it this rock and I left my DNA on it forever okay you are literally My Last Hope endure like endure pain yes I do no joke there is so much of my blood at the top of Mount Chiliad if someone goes over there with a with like a black light they're gonna go blind from the amount of DNA that's all over there okay oh yeah it's not super fast um ooh ah hold on a second that's a God good distance but I was way off to the left so this is weird to describe this thing jumps very straight what I mean is when you leave the platform look at this the direction that you go it just follows it perfectly okay perfect lineup a little over to the right a little over to the left hopefully that that tiny adjustment I made does not screw me over oh oh oh yeah it did this looks good it doesn't I know it doesn't look good it looks like I'm gonna die but just trust me it's look at that perfect middle Landing triple Corkscrew onto the tires total control triple Axel all right that's like a 9.7 on the score card for figure skating oh I uh I scraped up my license plate that's not awesome 130 141 150 160 170. so the longer the platform is that you get oh man it got smashed over to the right the longer of a distance you get to drive the faster it goes I still want as much speed as possible and I want to kind of go a little bit to the left we hit the bottom like that okay so now that tiny adjustment is going to keep us in the middle see look at it yeah got both of them let me line this up this looks pretty good okay big jump forward lean I mean we got it this is easy easy distance I just need to land it straight I love explode whoa whoa oh my okay oh did I get all of them I think I got all of them I didn't plan on doing that also my bumper is Holding On by the tiniest piece of Gorilla Tape okay looks well over to the right now that looks good uh yeah if we land it I don't think that we need to keep all oh god well I was gonna say I don't think that we need to keep all the momentum oh yeah [Music] oh God okay this run feels really good I wouldn't normally ah yeah oh my God I was gonna say I wouldn't normally try and keep that as one run but we were so on the money with that jump I figured we might as well just keep the momentum all right so right about now this should be fine oh no why are we still here [Music] just to suffer I've been at this for a while you do have to do this in one shot with this car sticks The Landing jump it keep it straight and then jump it there you go that's how you do it one shot total Precision thumbnail hole probably gonna make me uninstall GTA this is more about how many panels back I need to start this jump so I can learn where to wow oh yeah whenever it takes no I'm getting closer every single time I do this I got this is it yeah oh wow I've got a migraine from doing that that's right did you hear the double thumbnail look up you're kidding right like it's not actually two thumbnail holes is it it's not oh I can already see it there is there is a legitimate thumbnail hole behind this thumbnail hole why why would you do this my Bumper's falling off it kind of looks like my car is talking to me it's like No Gray don't listen we came this far we're not giving up now I don't know I'm gonna start from the top panel I'm gonna start my acceleration from the top panel that's nice and straight oh my god oh that was great okay this can be done moisture oh God I'm gonna be doing that again jumps up moisture okay that looks good keep it straight oh God my back tires yeah yeah thumbnail hole now as weird as it sounds the amount of times I have had to do this thumbnail hole look at it you have no idea oh I never thought I would upgrade that skill the devil's gonna be like well great looks like you put all of your points in thumbnail hole penetration yep and ah and I took them all from intelligence there's not much left in this car Captain's locked double thumbnail hole attempt number four thousand it still plagues me taste my sadness boom as you tired not great you know what else isn't great my sanity alignment that's not so so yes yes no no no no no I got to the end but there's a giant space between the thumbnail hold the platform come on if I can do it once I can't do anything again swish oh my God give me a checkpoint Alex uh what did I say that was a lot of text and I'm very scared to go back and look at this but I have a feeling if I don't I'm not going to complete this straight Gap Jump Plus double stalking windmills since you loved it so much no no no well there they are like two hungry sharks waiting for a taste of gray still plays flesh do you see them do you see them following me hold on hold on we're gonna hold on oh don't you worry I'm gonna beat it for real are you ready I just barely caught my bumper okay I have a plan getting to this point has actually become some odd somewhat trivial but I can't get the rest of the distance come on baby okay I've been at this for a while there's no way we can do this with the normal speed the car has I've got to curb boost this I know it can do it come on I just need to dodge the whip I just need to dodge the windmills what's better than one heat-seeking Tower of spitting Agony it's two yes my door well I jumped through the holes and now my brain's gonna jump out of my skull let me folks open this episode of GTA till next time stay foxy a much love
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 2,158,349
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: simulation games, graystillplays, gray still plays, greystillplays, simulator, and this happened, gta 5, gta 5 caylus, gta 5 mods, jelly gta 5, gameplay, funny, gaming, game, games, comedy, challenge, gta, gta v, grand theft auto, grand theft auto 5, gta 5 mod, GTA but, mods, best mod gta v, longest jump gta 5, cars vs dips, dips gta 5, tallest ramp gta 5, gta 5 longest jumps, gta longest jumps, grand theft auto v, cars vs longest jumps in gta 5, longest jumps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 43sec (1543 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 07 2023
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