Trying your insane GTA 5 ideas

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all right we're checking out the only game where the more people comment the more I get to feel unending trauma it's GTA strap in because this video is going to be insane we have taken comments that people have made over time and have made them into boards and challenges say hello to that one guy that won't stop commenting about mountain lions is C4 so the challenge is it's impossible to hit a mountain lion with a C4 while you're midair on a Shinobi motorcycle that's a whole mouthful we've got our sticky bomb we've got our motorcycle we've got our mountain lion doing I really don't know what mountain lions do in their spare time but I'm pretty sure he's on top of yeah there he is we've got our mountain lion and I have to hit him while jumping across this Chasm on the motorcycle first Challenge and I can already tell I'm going to hate myself here we go okay how far does oh wow I way overestimated that listen I don't really have a lot of builtup muscle memory Mar trying to murder mountain lions with C4 while I'm flying through the air I've got to toss this thing behind me can I just cheat this can I can I get the C4 there's no way it it can't even get halfway across this jump why would you comment this why there's no reason God my knee caps I needed those for I don't really know what I'm using them for really They're just causing me more pain okay the worst part is the mountain lion moves like you couldn't make him a static mountain lion oh I got dded why did you have to make this board right on top of all the fencing I love all right well hold on we could still make this work nope I love trauma backward oh that that could be good no that was probably my closest one it got on the platform listen I can you just lay down and die I would normally feel bad but this mountain lion has killed me countless times I literally cannot stop hitting fences after I miss the mountain line it is one of the sure things in life I finally landed the jump not that it matters can I hit him from here don't worry we're going to do it legit but part of me wondered if I could cheat it just give it to me a one time I'm not giving up Mountain line you have to die for the cause otherwise I'm going I'm never going to make it to the second comment oh the mount line has sacrificed himself for the continuation of the YouTube comment challenge got him bottle run in GTA I feel like we need a happy wheel style bottle run in GTA okay I'm going to hate you now too aren't I jakar so I have ridden on bottles before never a motorcycle I don't think hold on I have to do this oh that was close I have driven on a b bottles before I don't think I've ever done it on a motorcycle and not while they're facing upward I mean I guess we'll just send it and see what happens okay ooh huh so if I pop backward I get yeed off so I think what we're going to do there we go here we go oh oh my god oh I'm sorry I had to look at the plane oh my curiosity got the better of me I look backward it costed me everything oh i' I've got the pattern though I know just how much of this Mo this is going to hurt what I was going to say is I know just how much of this motorcycle to kind of lean backward and forward for the most part it works uh it works all the time 50% of the time I don't even know what that means also I just realized where my motorcycle is don't ask I don't get answer how did I get what the okay oh my motorcycle is possessed by the devil well that's nice I'll tell you normally you pay extra for a possessed motorcycle all right come on I'm going for a new PB here oh yeah oh yeah oh you kind of drift over to the left and the right that's the other issue I do like that every time I F I end up in the Citrus Groves that was a terrible start line it up and straight here we go ow the bars ah yes the old 1600's way of gaining immunity to tetus by constantly exposing yourself to tetus all right come on here we go go yes yes this I saved it on one side but then you drift to the other side it's really weird to describe but but it's almost like driving on Ice going to try for almost maximum speed entering this I had no idea that bottle runs in GTA were so F no come on come on baby no my teeth like three fours of them are now inside of that one bottle someone's going to end up choking on them is there one normal comment in all of these comments can't we just have oh hold on oh yeah oh yeah no okay it's a new PB I'm not going to give up I don't care oh yes yes oh my God I big sa it's the save of a lifetime I'm the best in the way like I know what's going to happen when I say that phrase but the fact that it legit happens every time never ceases to amaze me I am in the bottle now I can just drown inside of alcoholism come on baby I'm so close okay that's a new personal best I'm almost there this is legitimately 10 times worse than trying to hit the mountain line with C4 and that's saying something this is a good run oh we're pretty hold on this is it yes we got a checkpoint baby thank you God oh landed right on the hay bales totally plan that luckily there's concrete cinder there's like cinder blocks mixed into the ha B hey hey where you going we going to do you going to do a bottle run don't do it I just did it stop doing the bottle run stop it see what happens that's what happens man that's what happens when you try and do a bottle run in GTA I know all about it and now that guy's dead math wall rides by Paul the Texas wall rides where you have to solve math problems while wall riding why why would you do this oh God the car is go n at least it's a good car e to slow down time for 3 seconds three times oh that's cool I got a little power up nice so first one 69 + 69 20 uh8 so it's 1 plus I don't okay I think it's 138 don't make me do math while I'm trying to control the car and also remember to use the power up I'm just seeing if I could cheat yeah it's 138 100% listen you would cheat on your math test I cheat on my math wall ride next time you have a problem in school just tell him listen great cheats on the math wall rides okay and he's it's his job he's working okay cool so that worked 69 time 69 I have no idea I don't know now you might be like gray why don't you pull out a piece of paper and solve the solve the math problem that's not how we do things around here we do things by trial and error so I'm just going to pick uh all right what do we got 69 * 69 I do have my slowdown ability I got three uses so uh it's not going to be 669 it's got to be the 4,000 now the only thing is while I can slow down time it doesn't really help my turning capability at all so I have to make sure no that I go into the turn in the correct position already also this wall ride is not that easy oh God I'm not going to make it there these little wall ribbons are kind of thin I only have maybe half again the size of the car in order to do these oh oh little bit of chassis slide never hurt anybody all right come up low pull it up high and it's going to be 4761 100% got it told you what do we got now like 169 * 69 what is this 666 - 69 five uh 5 something 59 something I think it's 597 yeah the top one slow down pull it up top again we don't get a lot of uh oh no we don't get a ton of turning power so you really do have to be right on the money when you come out of your transfer Okay so first spiral onto a wall ride no big deal going to go up high 4761 then the ribbon and we're going to want to come up high again so come out stick up high another wall ribbon and then we have what is this 666 divided by divided by I don't know like 10 9 point something I have no clue so if you if the 69 is first it's going to be a fraction okay 4,000 no big deal I'm getting I can kind of one time all the way up to here and now it's just I need to last long enough to see what the answers are so now man that spiral is kind of tough cuz you come into it with a lot of speed all right I need to downgrade my speed coming into that spiral okay the only idea I can think of is I'm going to take it off the acceleration earlier and see if we can go into this with even less speed so now no acceleration no acceleration good 6.9 2.8 9.6 9.6 oh it was I was right I knew it was 9 something and we have another checkpoint I love math except when my car comes back and runs me over so this one is rolls reversed gray makes the board and Alex plays it so check this out this is way more elaborate than it needed to be Alex doesn't trust me to make a board at all so you have to get the gun from this guy by asking him nicely who and now Alex has given me the forge gun in order to put a board together with pieces that he allows me to use this is the board that I need to make these are the pieces I'm allowed to use and Alex because he's insane has programmed himself in the game to drive the vehicle and I have to get him all the way to the end while also dodging all of the different traps and problems that's like the most meta thing for him to do what does this do oh it brings you to the end so this is where he needs to go in the end through that checkpoint there I can't move these but I can move all of these so what does the purple circle do I have uh oh oh my God okay so it deletes everything and then Alex starts driving step in the circle grab the pieces and then do I know oh wow okay so first piece is good second piece need to have him Dodge the windmill okay I get it this is awesome hold on third piece oh we're running it okay and then I need God it's the problem is the timing of all this turn it sideways he gets to do the ramp he hits the slow sticks I got nuked by the wind turbine now you know how it feels now you know how it feels I should have everything put together because I can move this stuff before I even start the board the problem is there's none of pieces so I can bring this and then turn it like corner it like this lower him so he doesn't man I still missed I need to lower him so he doesn't hit the wind turbine okay take this turn it sideways I need the Slowdown sticks I actually need him to hit those slowdown sticks because that's what keeps him from hitting the wind turbine so once he gets past it grab this turn it around like so and then make him fall on top of it connect it a no no no yes nice okay he connects onto the god this is this is very no I want to the I want through the teleporter this is so agonizing I can still catch him now okay this is all good now grab the piece behind him what happened okay I think we got it I think we're going to have it here I think we're going to have it so hits the slow down sticks oh it's just it's just like luck when he doesn't hit that that wind turbine move this over here okay everything's connected this piece will get him to the have to flip it oh come on come on that's perfect that's going to do it he's going to get there it's going to work come on straighten it out yeah oh it's like trying to Wrangle a cat sweet okay so I get the vehicle back and now we can continue sorry buddy uh what is oh I have to do a jump first for some reason I I don't know why it just there hasn't been a ramp in a while oh there's a checkpoint hey checkpoint oh we got a Triple Decker sad sandwich here snake stairs threepiece combo change car every 10 seconds I guess it was 30 but we mve that down to 10 saw blade windmill saw blade windmill oh no and then a story board so all three of those things are going to be there help Stan get to the hell's bar okay howdy ah my old old buddy's Dan why don't you hop in we have to line this up or does he he getting in uh oh okay I wasn't sure I if I had to line that up or what so we have to get to the bar I'm getting shot at by fireworks by what give me back my car so I'm fighting against Alex now what are the little oh wow he already blasted the wastelander it's already on fire what are these little things that are inside of the uh the jetpacks run over the minions and the car changes oh what a mess this is because you never know what car you're going to get sometimes I I got like a stretch limo trying to go over these stairs and half of this stuff can't make it over the stairs at all and you've got you got Alex teleporting every once in a while he's got the yeus gun in his hand or whatever and I'm also getting shot at con constantly by fireworks now the only good part is it seems like every time I pick a new car it like regenerates so there's no damage what's also funny is every time it starts up a new car it resets the radio or something so there's like a radio station each time that comes up oh I just had a car that could legitimately climb some stairs oh it's not a yei gun it's a uh like a I got a boat what am I supposed to do with this I don't get a random car it's like random anything I got a blip what a mess this entire challenges oh God no ooh sticks The Landing it's get out of the way go away I think it's the EMP gun he has the uh the EMP gun oh here we go oh yeah yeah we got the jump capability and everything come on baby get up there yes we are slowly completing the challenge slowly but surely the the challenge is messed up can you kill these guys oh they're little Alex's they're little tiny versions of him like half size they're inside gigantic jetpacks now Stan said run them over oh you can push them off well that that makes things a lot easier also I don't know if you can see it right now but in the distance in the distance there's the uh windmill Buzz saw of Super Death okay we're we're almost to the top of this just total are you kidding me I got a boat again I can't get there I'm two steps away from just making it to the top of this mountain of Agony I'm right there just give give me something okay this is good this is good I was going to say any car well almost any car will do it perfect so now we slide it on down nice and controlled the issue becomes if I get something really weird around these Corners it could make my oh god oh no it was too heavy oh it's too heavy no that's what I was talking about back to the St says back to the beginning ah I know exactly how you feel so you can knock these guys off so that you don't have to deal with them all the time that's kind of cool all right we should get a new car here in a couple seconds well all right I set new car you know new boat I can't even Dodge St get back in the car St get in the car get in can you want to take your time you want to keep taking your time yeah that's what happens see what happens when you take your time open the door and get in we have a sense of urgency here okay the door of the vehicle gets blown off every single time too stop giving me super cars give me a Jeep or something give me a truck all right ready we should have a new car in a couple seconds okay SUV yes good not a lot of weight doing good lost to bumper It's fine I've got more uh no not good I mean oh hold on hold on we're running it we're running it oh I got I got empd but we got pretty far with the monster truck so that was really cool that was the first time I've gotten the monster truck come on let's have monster truck Mark 2 uh this can still work alcohol isn't mobile go giant box truck box truck is pretty high it's actually quite lifted so it's not fast but it does go up the stairs oh oh oh this is terrible the back end of this vehicle can't clear the stairs so I'm I'm perpetually stuck until this changes okay it's very eye bleedy I can feel my neurons getting abused by the colors of this vehicle can I get a more static colored well that is the most that is it went literally from the craziest colored vehicle to just a a gray car what is the worst car you could possibly get in order to complete the challenge it is a motor cycle could have been a lot worse oh yeah oh hold on tight Satan we're doing it we're running it it's working okay to a normal car oh yeah I'm getting lucky right now this is awesome I'm going to get swapped one more time so hopefully it's not something stupid but we are yeah good good what happens if I get hit by the blade of Destiny is it is it real bad or what I kind of want to know hold on I I got to do it okay this can tank a hit do it oh god oh it hit me off the platform wow the saw blade is amazing a few hours later okay I just need really I just need to go past it are you kidding me the saw blade just hit the military truck across the board trust me okay yeah yeah this is good I was going to say I could have gotten a lot of different choices for a vehicle and the one it gave me was not good gave me one of the worst possible options but now we're getting lucky I'm doing a little bit of drifting we're okay as long as I don't get a boat or something oh God there we go bloop it on down Surfboard on top looking F no I couldn't stop the jet ski you kidding me oh oh my God just I should have I should oh no oh god oh don't go off to the side just you know what I'm just going to stay here I was going to say the problem is if I got stuck in like off the ground too far that would have been so bad easy we're doing good everything is okay through the saw blade I need to I need to watch out here time this right Satan pops back in so it's no big deal we get him to the bar so oh he steps out okay so he gets out and oh want to grab a beer not today Satan he just walks away sorry I had to look at the Majesty of the bar that he made but after a ton of Agony we have complete did the comments and that means that we have a winner I think we just took being abused by YouTube comments to a whole new level anyway folks hope you enjoy this episode of GTA till next time stay foxy much love
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 452,519
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: graystillplays, and this happened, gta 5, gta 5 caylus, gta 5 mods, jelly gta 5, gaming, challenge, gta, gta v, grand theft auto, grand theft auto 5, gta 5 mod, GTA but, mods, best mod gta v, grand theft auto v, testing cars gta 5, in gta 5, in gta, speirstheamazinghd gta 5, caylus gta 5, cars vs, cars vs gta 5, gta 5 youtube comments, comments become a challenge, challenge in gta 5, youtube comments gta 5
Id: ht9781_omBk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 10sec (1390 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 31 2024
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