Crossing GTA 5 in a straight line but chaos happens every 30 seconds

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all right we're checking out the only game we're trying to travel in a straight line will probably make you go insane it's GTA we want to try and cross the entire GTA map in a perfectly straight line while the chaos mod was going and so it's time for a brand new challenge I've been given these boundaries that go in a straight line across the entire map and I have to stay inside of them and get from the beginning to the end I can use any of the vehicles that come to me to try and go through them or over them but I can't go around them to make things even worse every 30 seconds a custom fuel chaos mod will be spilling sadism on me all the time I've got to do it before my computer crashes or I just lose the will to live let's do this this is where I begin at the edge of the sea right in front of a giant fence so as you can tell I do get some area to work with here in the size of these boundaries but the chaos mod has already begun and I don't think that this fence is destructible it is not very first chaos is combo time and cattle guns whoa ah yes the kitten Blaster oh that cat landed on his feet you sir get to survive the one cat that deserves to be a cat what happens if you go outside of the boundaries they never really explain to me oh okay yeah nothing like being set on fire while vomiting cat Shake It Up stop with the chaos I'm dead already I was trying to figure out how to get around this thing for a while there's a door there's legit a door that says no TR trp passing it's not locked or anything it's just open whatever oh Predator Vision this is going to make things so good for me you know would be really great if someone could try to run me over so I could take their car from them lock player inside vehicle jokes on you I still don't have a vehicle meanwhile the police have already locked onto my position that's great remember how I said I don't have a vehicle I could have one but everyone is maintaining a safe distance from me and I don't know why honk boosting you alert Ed the guards I think that the guards have already been alerted there is a lot of guards on me so this is going to be absurdly difficult because not only do I have to try and avoid all this stuff and get blasted by chaos all the time but I need to stay inside these boundaries okay just I want one car can I just like barely get around the boundary and it's okay no you can't go around the boundary at all not even to the edge of it Vehicles shoot rockets that seems fair get out of the car please I'm not going to lie that how is this out of oh it is out of bounds just another day in GTA when you have a a gun that vomits out Flames [Applause] yes well uh I was doing okay I was staying inside of the bounds until I got sideways gravity and now I'm burning while flying out of bounds violently and somehow I'm still alive oh all all of us are oh God my spinal column come on some days I tell myself that I have finally done the most ridiculous thing I could do in GTA can I go around this fence oh that's still in bounds sweet now the fact that I've only gotten a quar mile from the starting position of this Challenge and it's taken me this long makes me realize that this is probably my new worst fear what in God's name did he this whoa okay hold on I think we may have just found our ticket out of here out of everything I could have gotten vehicle wise a purple colored Joker plane is just what the doctor ordered now the question is do I have enough Runway to get this thing off the ground excuse me sorry he's fine everyone he's fine I know it looked bad but he's okay oh yeah you only need to get up to a I'm trying to get around this building and it's still out of bounds okay we're we're this is working cars be flying chaos has not murdered us yet I'm going to have to find a way to go over this building because I can't go around it but if the cars fly maybe I can use this car to get over the building all right how how well does the car fly that's my question well the car flying is about to be over now anyway Vehicles shoot rockets that does not help me get over the building I was thinking maybe I could utilize the van to jump on top of the roof and then I can get through it that way screw you Alex what is the bonus for screw you Al oh woo oh hold on hold on hold hold I guess there's probably some instances yes in the challenge where there's no way to get around stuff unless you can get over it so you kind of have to wait until you get something like screw you Alex although reverse gravity would also work totally fine for doing this but this works well screw you Alex I'll take it that God is on top of the building from here I could navigate my way to the edge and then over it the question is how do I get down without killing myself that is a really large drop I think I can parachute this oh okay all right we're getting there force field is blowing up all of the fencing that's great oh force field is making this easy finally we're starting to get some real distance in this I'm kind of back where I was I have the opportunity now finally to get a car again only this time you know choose a real better car while the scooter brothers are all trying to murder me with their $300 scooters get out of the way lady cars go boom Oh car but mine apparently engines are overrated are you kidding me first all the vehicles explode now the engine is going on this thing oh here we go here we go okay I see it I see it I see it every single car almost I've stolen at this point has been terrible for the for the purpose of trying to complete the challenge but all the vehicles are locked now so I'm kind of stuck with this thing I mean to be fair it is doing fairly well we are we are getting oh if I go out of bounds in a vehicle I don't get set on fire the vehicle get sets on fire hold on does that mean oh I can live well until the vehicle explodes I didn't know that okay here's the Strat we're going to have an opportunity when we go out of bounds to at least know that we can't go there and still survive as long as we're inside of a car so I've got to stay inside of a vehicle as much as possible and I've got about 5 seconds before something terrible happens 3 2 1 no running or jumping indoors that's fine oh what am I supposed to do here the boundary is blocking the entire roadway I can't go around it I'm so tired yes I am this is real okay I think I can jump this well I can't jump it if I if I have narcolepsy but once I'm done doing that I can jump it okay I think if I go to the very edge I can jump on this pillar there we go yes okay sweet sorry sorry Vehicles explode on impact oh God so this is terrible who needs gravity me why would you do this not now I finally got a vehicle yeah whoa hold on get out we're in oh yeah now we're set oh God hold on hold on hold hold hold on hold on let me go around this let's go on the road here as long as there's not a skyscraper in the way now we can just blast our way through all the problems yeah finally out of the way plebs gr still Place coming through Vehicles explode on impact I mean they explode when I shoot them with a Turret as well you go Yeet uh okay okay I have been yeed I didn't expect to get yeed quite so high can I stick this Landing ow well kind of now I just need to use the turret to bounce bounce myself back onto my Treads there we go no problem oh I'm out of no no the Tank's out of bounds I got yeated out of bounds run get out of the way stop no come on I don't want to join a gang the gang just shot me in the stum oh okay well that changes everything I was going to say not doing great but now there's exploding zombies all over my pth they're behind me they're in front of me they're literally all around me and I just got blasted by the police no this challenge is insanity the challenge is complete and utter Insanity right now break boosting is going on and so the entire area has gone completely nuts there is Just Cars swirling into the stratosphere people are blowing up violently it's like an f30 tornado all I can do is hide behind this wall all right I've been doing this the wrong way we oh well vehicles have no gravity there is a checkpoint right up this hill my plan was to get a motorcycle and use that to get to the checkpoint but obviously there's no gravity so that has become oh my God whoa all right weather in Florida be like oh my God make the Batman [Laughter] stop hold on uh hold on this might this might be our ticket so once the gravity comes back hold on here we go I just need to get to the checkpoint I need to skydive to the checkpoint oh we're doing it this is happening right now watch this watch this yes oh yeah oh we're rolling it pull the pull the shoot now if I can just kind of get over or around this building ow how do I get on top of this so I can get that checkpoint cuz the guy won't climb it and I can't grab the wall all right here's the plan grab a vehicle park the vehicle right next to this get on top of the vehicle that should get me the wall oh my God please don't give me anything insane for this chaos but it's okay cuz we have our first checkpoint times 10 vehicle engine speed because the world needed that out of all of the different chaoses that could have happened that would real are you kidding me I finally get a vehicle and all the tires get poed it's like the chaos mod knows I'm going to end up doing this entire Challenge on foot you need to walk more I am walking what do you want from me I love how this random poodle is just chasing after this car violently I'm tired of walking get out if gray were president I've got the Magneto force field of FIB agents they don't really do very much other than scare everyone away but it is pretty F did I just get yeated into a wall and it insta killed me are you kidding the Yeet ability sends you upward and since I couldn't fly Upward at 1,000 M an hour it sent me straight into the ceiling of the concrete which then killed me I know everyone cars out of bounds don't worry I'm prepared for this there you go everyone's a ghost again are you kidding me all right I got good news and I got bad news I'm still alive I'm still a ghost I have to find a way to get over this building I have to hope that if I take these stairs all the way up there's some way for me to jump on top of the roof because I can't get around this building this building is whoa okay hey that just tried to murder me a lot a no no you couldn't have given me like I don't know it's like a four-door or an Su so now all the cars are drive bying me yeah just keep shooting two one no God this is a [ __ ] I've got a subscriber meeting and all of my subscribers came but then they all ran away because I'm wielding a gun so I have no idea I have no idea how I'm supposed to get on top of the roof but I have an idea we're going to kind of like crazy parkour this and then from here we're going to wonder if I can jump on the wall there we go okay sweet it was either that or the AC unit but that got us on top of the B well guess I'm just going to lay here for a while there we go so now we can jump can I land this without dying yeah this is fine there we go all right chaos in three two who okay the ye might be okay as long as I get my parachute out perfect now we'll go ahead and swing this around that covered a little bit of distance because of the Yeet so the Yeet helped slightly there now it also broke both of my fur just then which doesn't help my cause but that was pretty cool I mean sounds stupid but getting over that little Hill was infuriatingly difficult I'm going to be jumping a mountain of fences to try and find my way around all these different houses without going out of bounds that was the most unenthusiastic scream that someone was about to be carjacked I've ever heard in my life that was like the oh no that you get when they run out of tomatoes at the supermarket or something that lady was like oh no well we're about to get another chaos GTA 6 okay this is a problem cuz now I can't see the boundaries I kind of know that the boundary is this direction but I also kind of want to just stay in one place until this is over but I think we're going to be okay I'm pretty sure I'm still within the boundary yeah we're good rainy with a Chance of meteors one of them is trying to slow trying to roll on top of me and take my wallet over here oh my God that was the close clest a human can come to a medor right I finally got into the pool after all this time I can't enjoy it because it's raining meteorites all around me how do I get around this Cliffside I need like a motorcycle or a dirt bike or something you may be asking yourself great you driving a fence yep sure am driving a fence typical day in GTA with the chaos mod don't worry about it everything's going to be okay problem is I can't really tell where the dimension of the car is I wanted to use this car to try and get up the cliff side but it's like the worst car to attempt to do this in stop with all the sports cars give me like a rally car or something okay I had to God what I was going to say I was going to wait until the binoculars were over to show you guys because it's so difficult to see you're going to the Moon gr after I got Rocket Man ah ah hold on this is good this is good this is good there it got us to the top of that little Hill no don't you dare slide all the way back down thank you God no for God's sake come oh this is what I should have had long ago oh God finally a motorcycle with Speed and Agility and a complete lack of understanding get what we're supposed to accomplish here now I can't blame it all on the motorcycle part of it is because you know it's also jumping every couple of feet don't mind me everyone professional uh Bush observation crew oh no oh God this is why I never eat and play GTA because you never know when something like this is going to happen I'll be right back all I needed was to be responsible for a huge number of people projectile vomiting all synchronized at their computer screen I'd rather not do that now can the motorcycle make it up this nearly sheer Cliff base it can do it just in such a failure of a way as to make me truly hate myself all right all I need is a little bit more speed okay I guess that rock isn't fully formed much like my brain on the plus side not only did we manage to stay inside of the not only did we manage to stay inside of the boundaries but we also got a new PB going on the problem is I have no idea where I'm driving right now oh god oh yeah this is exactly how GTA was meant to be played throw a grenade that was a perfect toss blow up the gate right there we're going to Yeet ourselves into the water because water is so where did everything [Music] go so wait did I uh did I technically go outside of the the boundaries cuz I don't know where they are there are no boundaries okay they disappeared too so technically I'm not outside of the boundary that's what I'm going to say we'll find out when everything comes back in if I'm on fire nope I'm still inside the boundaries there goes gravity oh God no oh oh oh oh oh hold on oh this is it this is the one here we go we are going to parachute our way to Monumental Victory on the plus side we got through all of that Insanity so now it's a lot of rural stuff for us to go through and we are getting crazy height as long as I can still see the boundaries here we go oh oh I'm I'm pooping fire thank God I would hate to I would hate to get some sort of constipation while I'm this high in the air all right Skydive time oh yeah oh yeah look at the distance look at the speed this is like the most distance I've covered in this challenge yet and it's all because of part of the challenge itself hey it right in the middle of the pylons grab the parachute sticks The Landing there you go how about that you know what would be great another checkpoint fortunately I don't have to worry about anyone trying try to jump me because all of the nearby pets apparently got obliterated only one thing got annihilated oh my God hold on I don't care anymore oh please God okay I've got like 15 seconds to get this before the next level of chaos happens and I think we're going to get it and we have a checkpoint ah sweet cherry pie right next to uh what is going on over here how do I always walk hey how come he turned to me and shoot me like one look at him he's like H maybe I'll kill that guy in the pink uniform I'm going to sit here and I'm going to wait to see what the next level of chaos is just to whoa oh my God I almost got hit by a car that flew past me like a pingpong ball I can't take cover it becomes very difficult for me to articulate when the entire planet around me is whoa blowing up hey cool oh yeah oh this is hot here we go oh God never mind oh I shouldn't have gotten the drift mobile do not go outside the pylons uh you know what sure just take a little of a shortcut right here through Nature's bread basket and big turn this has the worst traction of any car driving this is a lot like ice skating wild J out of bounds okay hold on ah there's a a meteorite I got a problem because if I get out the entire floor is on fire so I was trying to get to a place where the ground wasn't on fire to jump out and I never I never made it now you may be like great why is there a dead guy and a motorcycle sitting next to you don't worry both of these things were there when I when I got when I responded okay that guy tripped and fell on some bullets happens all the time Sticks to Landing now dirt bike is probably what I should have gotten way back when because it can hug the ground instead of just sliding everywhere and making me feel bad a random deer there's a lot of deer over here that's some sort of deer apocalypse also everyone's a CER apparently things have been very smooth so far and so it makes me concerned about what this next chaos is going to be breads are breads OU heads are brainless as is gray I Had a Brain once but most of it got left on that rock it's bright in Florida today Yep this is what it feels like that right there is why all of us wear sunglasses 24 hours a day because you can either wear the sunglasses or you can feel what it's like for your corneas to get Polished by the radioactive nature of the ultraviolet sunbeams hitting you it's your favorite what is that what is that oh my God no I'm out of bounds aren't I well I'm also dead cuzz it's a black hole I'm the best in the world play dead stop playing play that means you're faking it this one killed me so um yes there is a lot of bunnies that have been gone inside of my gravity sphere oh this is so magical it's like an emergency food supply just following me come here all of the Woodland creatures are coming with me [Music] you too uhoh ow I lost all of my deers makes me feel bad anytime I see stay down anytime I see a dirt bike we are 100% taking the dirt bike Vehicles shoot Rockets oh cool feels kind of weird shooting a rocket out of a dirt bike but I mean I'll take it who out there is left clicking besides me there should be no reason any of you traffic people are left clicking okay stop that right here's the plan we're going to go to this side yeah there we go that'll keep us inside of bounds strawberry jam on sale yes the favorite preferred Jam of any GTA player classic for some reason very metallic tasting strawberry jam well there's not really a good way for me to do this I I guess I'm swimming what could go wrong besides possibly a aimbot Pez no one's probably going to shoot me while I'm swimming I should be okay as long as I don't get attacked by a shark or a carnivorous manate or something like that you never know manatees could end up you know I don't know having a taste for human flesh you know what I mean like wa whoa global warming the entire sea got gulped in one shot it's all gone I guess I can use my motorcycle again no not the we to everything go again I can't see that's great I'm going to have global warming just long enough for it to not do anything because I can't see what I'm where I am oh there's the water back I don't know if I'm drowning right now or not because uh I really don't know the location of that character guess I'll find out in about uh 3 seconds oh o okay can you guys swim for me like you know how people do everything for the president how about you guys I don't really feel like doing that oh you're all just going to drown huh I guess uh self-preservation is overrated I do appreciate how the FIB are all just cloned one guy just the same guy over and over again about to have chaos in another 3 seconds hopefully it's not too bad oh it's bad nothing quite like swimming inside of a hurricane I will tell you if you get the opportunity do not do this because you're going to die but don't ask me why I know swimming inside of a pool when there's a hurricane going on on is very therapeutic it's probably also unbelievably dangerous but uh got to take your reduction in anxiety whenever you can get it spawn angry chimp how well does the angry chimp swim I got bad news I can't swim any further oh God just get to the surface man get to the surface now this may look like a scene that you're not exactly used to you know stopping a vehicle with a plane just uh just trust me on this okay this this is all for a purpose don't you try and take me out of this car I don't even want your truck I want your boat I'm going to have the truck back when I'm done I hate that I managed to catch the plane right on the roof of the truck trying to do a 37o turn in this thing while I have a gigantic boat trailered in the back is driving me crazy all right check this out here's the Strat we're going to drive into the water we're going to sink the truck because I honestly don't care boat comes off yes oh this is going to work do not float outside of bounds I swear to God yes no oh oh it's just invisible okay it's fine I'm going to be Wonder womaning this boat yeah oh this is normal nothing quite like watching a random Florida man jet ski his rectum across the waterways of Florida common sight to see got to stay inside of the boundaries gray oh well the boat came back the boat is now useless but the boat got me 3/4 of the way there and that's all I really needed unfortunately when the water comes back I'm going to have to swim all the way up so I'm going to see real fast if I can get through all of the muck here and reach the shore which I absolutely can nice just enough to get my feet wet now I have to scale somehow a sheer Cliff face and fortunately there is a small Road over here and I happen to know that a lot of quads and dirt bikes go through this road so we're just going to have to hijack one unfortunately Peds also go boom so now I have to watch out that I don't blow them up and then blow up the quad okay tractor is not it this truck is not it will you not do your police thing right in front of me is he is he is he really getting caught inside of a police chase the guy on the motorcycle that I want to steal dude drive away all right well don't drive away now because I'm ragd dolling no don't go the other direction are you kidding me all right listen it's a land stalker okay so maybe uh hands up I can't drive my hands up you kidding me the PS don't go boom anymore so I can get rid of this guy take his dirt bike and now we're rolling you know at 10 m an hour but it still counts oh this is happening this is happening right now we are crossing the entire what is with the invisible Vehicles got double tapped with that now just about okay we're still doing good I've got a nice Pathway to the next set of pylons everything is okay I've got more chaos in about 3 seconds but hopefully it won't be anything too bad don't be speeding gr ah nothing quite like getting locked at 35 M an hour or whatever that well we're not going that fast anyway cuz we're trying to climb the mountain so you know what whatever just making sure that I'm inside of the oh God it got to turn a little bit there we go inside the boundaries still doing good yeah GTA 6 on PS4 be looking like oh God I love that the none of the textures make any sense this is uh this feels just like playing all the different Indie Games I play all my time playing those has prepared me for GTA 6 on the PS4 don't you worry ooh screw you Alex we're doing well so I don't even need to use the screw you Alex right now this is the farthest that I've gotten in this challenge un molested at this point now I can use the screw you Alex a little bit though Spider-Man up the side of the mountain gray one bullet mags oh well I've got I mean I got no one to shoot anyway I have been parkouring up the side of this hill for a while I don't think I can do it on my feet I need something to be able to climb this okay not running or jumping completely screws me double the gray so which one's which one's the real me are they both me am I the original gray or is that the original gray this is a weird Paradox I feel like I want to kill the other guy because I hate the fact that he knows everything I know you're too dangerous to be left alive but my w key is stuck so I can't do anything about it right now ow no well you know it would be great if the game put me inside of the other me right now but I don't think that's going to happen in case any of you are wondering it did not happen the game did not put me inside of the other main that sounds terrible you know what I mean all right dirt bikers gray still takes your stuff as H hey uh Hey Jesus if you go outside the boundaries you are not going to be happy about it I don't know is is Jesus fireproof he's definitely a terrible driver whoa hi oh hitchhiking I br Jesus with me I love that I got this as my hitchhiking vehicle this makes me feel so good this is the lucky run right here 100% we're sending it right now oh what can go wrong what can go wrong your PC can't handle it no more well the console experience isn't great but it's still allowing me to climb the hill that's nice I'm just climbing the hill now at 15fps it's that FPS amount where you know that it's terrible but there's also you know it's just enough to keep you playing you're also not really fulfilled by how you're getting to play the game all right and break boosting oh oh yeah oh my God that did not work how I intended it to hey hey stop well I got the cat gun doesn't help me at all but just knowing that it's there for me like a good neighbor makes me very very satisfied go my kittens everywhere I go I shall leave a trail of kittens so that everyone knows that gry still plays was here oh chaos mod please don't screw me Aimbot Peds totally fine I have been trying nonstop to get up the side of this mountain with everything I can possibly think of I am not getting the good chaos items that would enable me to do this just reversing gravity or pretty pretty much anything would do it and I just haven't gotten it in forever so I've taken it to the point where I am trying to drive this thing sideways while I'm getting railroaded by police helicopters I want your helicopter land over here ow no Make It Rain Portal guns baby go yes this is what I have waited for oh God I'm right there oh I'm right there I'm right oh God my portal gun's gone but it's okay oh oh oh no don't screw this up great oh yes check wo oh my God where is the end anyone who came here to see the sights I'm really sorry you're all going to die I have a forest field and I can't control it at all I'm also leaking now so there's that why are these pylons sideways what are you trying to make my job harder we're not going to try and roll down this hill we're not going to try and do anything weird I'm going to jump and we're going to go ahead and Skydive this here we go oh yeah you need driving lessons no I don't who needs to drive it all oh this is the stuff this is the stuff nice and smooth nice and slow look at how well we're I can go over or under this I really don't want to fre plant in oh my God no what happened LOL I just got murdered by the by the pylons so I don't know if you saw it 100% that was rigged I'm pretty sure that an extra chaos happened just to screw me oh oh just to screw me over hold on we can still make this work because it loled right as I was going through the pylon and I got doubled up on on chaos stuff and the pylon killed me if you do this to me again I will never forgive you so what is this what happened what did I just get yeed into a yeet I did I got yeed while being yeed I got dual eated hold on oh yeah and we have hey I can't grab it somebody give me a car somebody give me a car anyone do not do not kill me while I'm trying to do this not the gravity sphere I can't get anything with gra here off you have no idea how infuriating this is to not be able to get a single vehicle I'm blind and I hate myself for the 1,000 time I'm going to bike this you know why because I'm an idiot whoa okay the free car thing is not helping anyone stop raining cars from the sky please I don't want to get hit by someone's hatchback while I'm trying to beat this challenge so I guess that is the penalty that I have to take for thinking I can Skydive the rest of the board is that oh whoa is the end of the jeez the end of the board is sitting like 30 ft up in the air oh no what do you know just me at the top of Mount Chiliad again all right trust me on this we're going to skydive that guy punched me while I was jumping are you serious what is the timing on that I didn't even know that you could punch someone while they're free falling in midair love my new haircut now I can still do a free fall from this rock up here my plan is I'm going to skydive through the end I'm not going to use a car because honestly the potential to grab a car and have it blow up on me is way too high so we're going to get to the edge of this rock maybe over here here we go I should yeah this this should give me enough free fall jump okay oh God yep forward momentum forward momentum gray that's the stuff oh we got plenty of forward momentum we're good we're good now I know where it is I've landed skydiving on top of single Pixel structures at this point on the MythBusters videos so I know I can hit this aim it at the top of your head top of your head like you're wearing a hat and we have a winner well instead of running across the map I should have slept in my bed hey folks hope this episode of GTA till the next time stay fox stay much love
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 1,629,322
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: graystillplays, and this happened, gta 5, gta 5 caylus, gta 5 mods, jelly gta 5, gaming, challenge, gta, gta v, grand theft auto, grand theft auto 5, gta 5 mod, GTA but, mods, best mod gta v, grand theft auto v, testing cars gta 5, in gta 5, in gta, speirstheamazinghd gta 5, caylus gta 5, crossing the map in gta 5, crossing gta 5 in a, crossing gta 5 in a straight line, chaos happens every 30 seconds, chaos mod, chaos mod gta 5, every 30 seconds, every 60 seconds
Id: HVg-C3rdkbQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 55sec (2215 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 27 2023
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