Cars vs left turns in GTA 5

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all right we're checking out the only game where you could take turns so sharp they will literally come through your computer screen and cut you it's GTA welcome to L turns but you don't know when to turn SO waiting do you hear how this board works obviously I'm assuming I get 7 Seconds to tr okay so that's why you don't know when to turn so each vehicle as I Fall to my death has a girl assigned to the vehicle this girl right here says that she can break any man and that's probably true because when we crashed I'm pretty sure I just broke by skull so picking the girl brings you to the vehicle that's assigned to that girl but the girls themselves have special abilities so now I don't have to be alone in my torture but I also need to figure out what special powerups from the girls can help me beat the board on top of all that I need three different girls to finish the board which means I'm going to need three cars as you can imagine at this moment being broken as a human was probably just put in as a troll you took an L I didn't expect being broken as a human human being would have helped me to complete the challenge and I was absolutely right I can break things this is not the car that I would have expected for breaking things I love that this car says I can break things but it's just help on the license plate listen I know the last one said that it could break like me as a person maybe this one can break the board there's other things that can be broken besides my soul you know such as uh like records could be breaking uh expectations or something a big oh there you go broke my expectation I cannot believe that the mom car completed that and now we're on icy L turn see this car is like I don't need your help so now we have 7 seconds again okay but now I assume the L is just that much more impossible to make because it's made of ice also do you notice that there is a completely rotating l in the distance I love how literal the board creation got to the point where the L's are just full alphabet Oh wow okay this is way slipperier than I had anticipated you can drift this but I don't even know how long I need to start turning wow I started way ahead of time and I still plummet to my death okay we're going to go and like halfway we're going to do a hard turn oh barely almost got there you know what's great is I don't have to eat the dashboard alone this lady gets to Feast upon the dashboard as well that was my best turn and I'm still not close hey lady could you shift more of your weight over to the right at least it didn't make it so that the p is belittling me as I drive I know they could have I'm surprised they don't speak okay I have a strat we're going to try something so I'm going to oh my God I oh hey big save just barely what I was going to say I'm going to try and jump the Gap remember how I said this car is meant to break things if that means like cheating I don't think there's an invisible wall here no there's not if I do this enough times I'm almost sure I can get this and cheat this entire board come on baby you can do it oh my God I'm on one wheel I'm on I'm on one wheel how how that was kind of amazing going to lie probably spending more time cheating the board than I would have spent if I just you know buckled up and did it legitimately I've gotten so close though and now I just it's more of the a it's more of the principle of the thing I don't want to give up come on no all right ow oh my god oh it fell on my back hold on I'm here to give you some help since you were asking for it now the help may be in the shape of a grenade don't you worry okay so this girl says I'm good at off-roading all right off-roading girl have a seat get ready for death I will say I do like her outfit color choices it kind of makes sense that off-roading would be the answer since we're on ice so I'm assuming this car has really good traction or it's a Titanic lion I'm just going to hate myself for the next 25 minutes what are you kidding me I did take the L I took the L right to the mouth I don't think I've ever beaten a board as non precisely as well I guess I've never not beaten a board there we go as precisely as that this thing can just barely do it but it does do it I see L turn all right how does it feel uh oh it definitely slows down a lot faster the turn is better hey hey how you feeling she's like like a have a concussion yeah me too on the plus side I will say this car's dashboard looks very comfortable so if you're eating it repeatedly maybe it's not that bad hey this is way harder than I previously anticipated I have no idea how I'm going to be able to beat this all right here's the plan I there we go I'm getting more T I could do this 100% I can do this I'm getting more time than I think to do this nice and peaceful in our entry into the Turn full sideways pull big drift there you go that's how you do it off-roading for the w baby and that brings us to rotating L turn do you have to wall ride it no that's amazing it fits underneath a perfect little cut out there oh and then it connects and then you have to jump onto the roadway I think you need to get on the prop wait until it goes almost fully Upward at like a 90° angle and then jump onto the other side of the prop I think I'm going to try and make this the way it looks like it's supposed to be done done so you're running run run run and then pull off to the side wall ride this yeah there's no way it's so far away you're not even close to completing it I landed on top of a roof okay are you ready for this Insanity you ready for this so go go go go go oh my God okay and then stick The Landing oh I just need to I needed to be the other direction so I need to get on this when we don't have the L and then land on the portion with the L okay so wait for it wait for it now and then land it go up come on baby no I'm losing traction no that's definitely the way though I need to go right at the very moment I probably could have went earlier I might still get it hold on we can still do this we can still do this here we go here we here we go big jump can't forward watch this it's going to work it's going to work land it oh no oh God no oh epic save not today Satan yes yes yes please stop please stop yeah got it oh my God that is really cool that's a very cool trap slipped my mind L turns we go down and then we have a like a pattern over here on the right is this the is this what I should be going for or what I'm supposed to be avoiding I can't tell I don't know I guess we'll find oh there we go I guess we'll find out so okay I know what this is now so the yellow circles are slow down sticks and you have to avoid the yellow circles oh and they are just everywhere and it's timed I jumped out of the car they are all of those circles are in line with all of the circles under underneath the board okay I think I got it muscle memory is feeling strong I say I've got it but realistically I could just write it on a piece of paper next to me and kind of follow my own scribbl so we're going to go inside then we're going to go inside then we're going to pull it okay I guess I missed one actually even missing one can I still get this no okay this is almost a perfect run I still need to shave off a second okay I'm going to see if I can get inside there we go inside even more than I am then you come outside go between the two slow down circles and still can't get it okay I'm going to jump this that's how we're going to do it I've hit the other two outside circles way too many times I think this car could just jump the Gap so we're going to pull outside I can follow a little bit of my tracks then we're going to go inside inside and we're just going to jump this Gap you ready Jump The Gap that's how you do it perfect time ging full 360 no big deal girl friends Crossroads L turns oh is this where you need the three different cars cuz there's three different like achievements you have to unlock multiple choice L turns unfinished L turn I mean more types of L turns can we shove in here festive L turns but you can't open red gifts ooh let's do the unfinished one this one seems the easiest right is it timed or oh okay so do you just jump there's a guy uh okay I can't what the what in God's name see there's like a a road being birthed out of that other road the road is closed you are lying there's another road hidden beneath the road yeah see there's a piece of the road there has to be one of the girls that has telekinesis or something I'll bet you have to lift the road and move it to the other side of the oh this is cool he put a uh there's a ramp here so you can leave oh I like that all right how about the festive L turns does a car catch on fire if you touch the red ones or do they like break like glass I'm assuming oh they fall that might not be so bad you might be able to outrun the falling presents we'll check what this does not timed again I don't see where the uh am I supposed to choose like a different direction or does it matter I'm surprised I haven't gotten orbitally stried by now this is this is very very concerning anytime I'm not murdered I got to check something okay yeah I knew it I knew something seemed too easy notice how the grenade went through the ground so all this is real is this fake okay that way is that way is real is that way fake that way is real huh so both these are real how about that okay a few Soul crushing hours later doing this for a while I learned something really concerning there is no way to beat this all three roads that go to the end have a spot where it's missing so that you can't possibly complete the challenge there's probably a girl that can do something about the fact that there's no there's no way to beat this yeah there's there's there's missing pieces on all three different ways to get to the end okay again this is good at off-roading we're going to try it on presents are you ready okay yeah it's easily fast enough to oh my god oh no I'm right there don't you take this from me ah would you look at that it's a pile of bad choices that everyone's getting for Christmas all right we're going to try this again I'm going to try and Bank the turn so we're going to go and then drift it I got popped up and I could not drift it okay new plan I need to get to here because those two presents are an island of safety in a world of absolute agony so if I go and then I stop oh oh the one red gift didn't fall I don't know why maybe I didn't touch it pardon that sounds weird maybe I didn't drive on it hard enough or something I really don't know either way that worked we got across the gifts okay so now choose a gift but pick a wrong gift and you'll learn what bttb stands for I know what btdb stands for in case anyone's wondering it stands for back to the beginning so which gift is the right gift well it says don't pick any red gifts so it's not going to be a red gift obviously some of the gifts have red ribbon on them some of the gifts are red ooh this is one of the very few gray gifts like a gift that's literally gray for gry still plays I'm going to try gray it's got to be right no well that was was not the red gift you know what it's probably reverse psychology it's probably the most red gift there is I'll bet he would do that to me absolutely right it's the red gift right right a God I'm good at picking gifts now I finally understand what this girl superpower is and oh this is a pretty decent car I guess I don't know why you would equivalate this to picking gifts but whatever I also love how the kindergarten employee has a great dress code although I guess to be fair it doesn't say that she's a teacher maybe she uh I don't know maybe she's a construction engineer present yeah now I get it I've done these challenges now so many times that I can one time most of them that was kind of close though to be fair though this also assumes that the present car can do stuff like the icy road with no problem and I don't know it it turns okay I'm going have to shave off another second we're going to move off to the right slightly big pull and and just a little bit of three-wheel in it there we go made it Frosty this is probably my favorite challenge it's so satisfying jumping off one side of the challenge landing on the other side of the challenge and then straightening things out and getting onto the roadway also the acceleration on this car is oh my god did I just screw myself no got it wow okay the acceleration on this car is way better than I thought now for the Slowdown circle area great car to have nice and fast big jump first time Jump across all of the presents with with the present car all right now does the girl magnetize me to the right gift okay so it takes a while she teleports out of the car and she has a text box and it says the smallest boxes hide the most valuable gifts so there's three types of boxes there's the giant great value boxes there's like the medium siiz like level two boxes and then the tiny tiny boxes now from here there's two choices that it could probably be the car is green and there's a green box this is also the only other time that you see a gray box and that is the right box so I was like what does it even mean that you can move this box look across the street the entire roadway moves when you hit this thing there's an invisible wall here so the Box can't go flying off of the area you push the box and the roadway gets connected across the street that is the most elaborate thing I think I've had to do in GTA if I didn't see it glitching out in the background just messing around I don't think I've ever would have figured this out so I can attract any man what would this be used for I'm good at directions I got the I know what the good at directions one is I have an idea what this one is used for though I yes gone in 69 seconds so if you remember oh yeah if you remember the RO wow oh my God I just barely made that the road was closed in that three-way area but it was closed by a guy saying that it was closed and there was a chunk of the road levitating underneath the rest of the road I'll bet that she pulls that guy like she brings him to you and then you can move the road oh and I found a little shortcut for this for cars that are especially fast are you ready for this you ready for this y you ready oh oh oh I oh my God I almost didn't make it but yeah that's the shortcut okay so bring her all the way over to the closed Road area and aha I hey baby what's your number okay this is exactly what I was I kind of thought he would come toward me look at the road yeah yeah okay so so now it's like a d Jenga puzzle so does the road stay here or does it go back away okay so the road can stay there you just have to bring the vehicle all the way to the edge where the barrier is so now we know how to make the road extend we just have to figure out how to get rid of the barrier and I think I know how God I can't shake this guy it's like a heat seeking missile so what you can do is start this by going back into the script and you can outrun this first barrier watch look at that and and then it takes a second to come up and now the final ingredient is to remove this barrier with the arrow uh and that's going to be the no wait I know how to do it I'm good at directions this girl is how you're going to do it all right so that gives us the oh it's the uh side by side something that's happening is as I'm driving she's giving me directions turn right all of these directions wow this thing is incredible on the icy area all of the directions mean nothing right now but I'll bet these directions are how you complete that weird area where all of the uh choices appear to not connect I I assume what you have to do is you have to do it in the exact order and you will be able to connect that area sticks The Landing no big deal almost get out completely full 360 total control jump off the side got it okay this is what she's for when you hit the okay thank God so you hit the scrip straight right okay then make a left uh-huh right so you have to do exactly what she says turn right I assume right yeah I was going to say I can't really go any other way uh definitely left well I shouldn't say that it's possible that there's a little hidden area right a little hidden area that's invisible uh right again okay go left this is working 100% this is this is what you're supposed to do take a right okay straight through the windmill oh right oh God and now you owe me $100 so is there a ground there or what was it because I had her that there's a ground I'm pretty sure there wasn't a ground back here before Oh no there is no ground look it's gone again I have no idea what this girl special power is it's possible she lets me drive what in God's name just happened there you know what her special power is she's clearly the devil I don't even I don't want to I'm not going to ask any questions so for $100 well worth it uh oh this guy's a red arrow so I guess murder him does it move the is it moving the thing all the way at the end there yeah it does okay so that gets rid of the barrier I feel bad not fully killing him though so you got to go off there we are and so this means that after completing oh her script restarts every time I started a new challenge after completing all of this ridiculous lessness over and over ooh I do have to beat this in time you know what hold on I have an idea can I just jump the wall take this car now I don't owe that girl $100 because she's going to get stuck back there forever and I think I can just complete it like this and we have a winner yeah well I did a bunch of L turns and it bent my IQ into a pretel anyway folks hope you enjoy this episode of GTA till next time stay foxy much love
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 369,080
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: graystillplays, and this happened, gta 5, gta 5 caylus, gta 5 mods, jelly gta 5, gaming, challenge, gta, gta v, grand theft auto, grand theft auto 5, gta 5 mod, GTA but, mods, best mod gta v, grand theft auto v, testing cars gta 5, in gta 5, in gta, speirstheamazinghd gta 5, caylus gta 5, cars vs, cars vs gta 5, 90 degree turns, cars vs turns, cars vs 90 degree turns
Id: __8ojSAkD8w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 25sec (1225 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 05 2024
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