1000% run speed but chaos happens every minute in GTA 5

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all right we're checking out the only game we're running faster just means I run into the wall of pain harder it's GTA welcome to sad decrepit gray we're starting off this challenge with our speed being decreased by half so how this works is throughout this map there's all these checkpoints that are scattered and with each checkpoint I get my speed gets upgraded more and more until it eventually gets to 1,000% I can't use any vehicles to help me because if I get on them they just nope away also I made the wrong tweet ow oh I didn't know that making the wrong tweet gets you punched in the face although I guess oh no so now I'm I'm like drunken and I'm epically old and slow right now this is fantastic I need to get to the first checkpoint while moving about 3 m an hour stop attacking me I have a bad back give me a break now if jesus takes the wheel is he allowed to drive me he is not so me going into any vehicle just gets rid of the vehicle immediately now fortunately I do fall down at normal speed so gravity is going to help me out a lot while I'm running so slow oh I love rolling downhills look at that look at the distance I just covered I covered more distance falling down this hill than I ever would have done by running oh God so now I'm inside of a vehicle I get noed out luckily it didn't kill me I'm glad I didn't run me right into a rock or something because I probably would have died immediately so this kind of stuff is going to be extra annoying to me that's a lot of Str Jam laying on the ground over there I wonder what happened oh invisible Vehicles if I can't see the vehicle do it does it count part of me wanted to tackle that deer to the ground and ride the deer because I'm not sure of a deer is considered aew hey gravity SCH mavity wonderful now I assume that my parachuting is of normal speed so this is good because this is one of the few chaoses that is going to legitimately help us because now we can just Skydive to be fair running the entire way would be absolutely traumatic let's take it slow I'm already taking it slow I don't need to take it any slower please God a terminal velocity can't come quick enough this is awful this is like waiting for Christmas and it's January right now it's basically never going to come I have my parachute on my back I am intentionally diving my head at the ground I just did a uturn the one thing that could screw me over ended up happening it's okay we're fine we're doing oh come on I never are you kidding me right now what I was going to say before I got mauled by a mountain lion is I never thought that I would have gone so slow that it would crash the game falling down this hill is the all right maybe not I was going to say it's the Strat because it helps you go that much faster oh I died right into Jesus's arms that's hilarious Jesus did indeed Take the Wheel so I have to Skyrim down this because now I'm not so sure I can make the tumble Dead Eye that doesn't help me at all well I guess it does if there's ow ow oh god oh yeah yep just use your face to pad the fall perfect oh there goes both of my shoulder blades dislocating wasn't using those anyway dead ey is not going to help me unless another mountain lion tries to immediately murder me I all it allows me to do is look down my sights even slower cute little gray so now I'm I'm even smaller does that make me slower oh God that's a big fall spawn friendly alien that alien is not friendly the alien is trying to murder me ow the alien is now murdering me I am being murdered directly by the alien please stop hitting me in the back oh my God he just murdered tons of people this is fantastic yes everyone be my shield defend friend me I love how I can do anything bad in this world and everyone hates me for it like send out a bad tweet oh my God I don't have sprinting or jumping I have to walk like this God I can do anything in this game like even put in a bad tweet and people will try to murder me this alien is effectively destroying the lives of everyone around me and no one cares oh first person well at least I'm running faster I guess ow what what my skull got removed from my body it's like inside the ground all right I've got a strat I've got a strat you ready hold on hold oh God I can't see anything ah I don't know if I'm I don't know if I'm on the on the mountain or what oh waa I got a new Strat I got a better Strat I got a better Strat yes oh my God it's working if I can't walk very fast I'll just use the train oh it's perfect this is great this is this is cutting so much time off of our run that right there is perfect that probably took like 6 minutes off of our run right now we still have quite a distance just because we can't move very fast but we're going to get there that train coming along just barely murdering me was Karma finally throwing me a b ho oh this is awesome oh I'm like the less smart version of Magneto oh yeah I only have one superpower and it's ruining all of your lives that's it I can't really say it's magnetism it's kind of just sadism it's like a it's like a dollar store version of sadism I guess it's just Dumber oh yeah we're getting no I don't want to eat please God please God no God no oh I survive oh yeah if you eat you don't die see you should never be afraid to y there's a checkpoint oh my god I've got I've got chaos coming oh I've got like 5 Seconds 5 4 3 2 1 oh flip all vehicles that's totally fine cuz we have a checkpoint all right so our very first boost is increased speed by three times I guess that's like 300% so what does it feel like well compared to where oh yeah oh compared to where we were it feels great minig guns are on sale well the problem is the minigun makes you run so slow that I don't want to have it out what are you guys doing oh everyone just has a minigun I love that the dude is just holding it like he's holding a coffee he's just kind of swinging it around he's like yeah I went to the market the other day I picked out this minigun for $5.99 hey Siri how do you spell death if anyone has Siri in their house right now and they're listening to this without a headset I'm sorry how are you cows doing you're not thinking about murdering me when this first uh when this first chaos when this first chaos comes up are you I guess I'm pass all the cows now all right chaos it's just a scratch oh that's the uh that's the bake sale the strawberry jam bake sale going on over there PS are brainless that's not too bad they weren't that smart to begin with I mean I'm not that smart to begin with so really we're all just back to where we started at I have been so lucky so far with the chaos that I feel like something really bad is going to happen in the next 5 seconds or I could just trip over my own shoelaces that's fine too Prop Hunt that's not that bad either running faster in life is a lot less safe because I'm already tripping I'm already tripping all the time ah yes the aftermath of an experiment gone wrong how true it is the experiment of crossing the entire map at a higher and higher run speed what was I thinking the only thing this is doing is making me hate my life as usual on the plus side it is very easy to dodge traffic because like whoa oh a come on I could have gotten a plane all right the next checkpoint is in sight we are getting fairly close except now we can't Sprint you want to know how far I've gotten since I started walking about 50 ft I don't know if the speed is doing the crashing to me or what but I need to show you something this is where we are right now oh it's so good look at this kid over here that is the most spectacular break dancing I've ever seen in my life oh it was Majestic why oh God how am I still alive this is fine right now I want you all to know everything is okay everything is good we are going to survive this we are going to live uh I might be on fire I'm not really sure what's happening now I am being DD Ted by a John Deere and I'm also on fire while a bunch of monkeys dance on me while they too are on fire oh my fire went out huh I'm fireproof i' I finally become full [Applause] Floridian oh okay well I can't use the cars anyway so since I can't have you no one can please let me get this next checkpoint no go into the water gr go into the water the water is safe oh the water is not safe at all okay I had no oh god oh I had no idea it was this I I had this is a bad idea this is a terrible idea well you know it is a bad idea but it's not as bad of an idea as it would have been if I stayed on the on dry land I would be dead by now 100% the water gives me a little bit of a cushion to get mutilated and we survived it oh no I don't get the a no I almost had my parachute open it's skating season I don't know what that means does is there no friction is that what happened I have no idea oh they're skating oh that is that is very interesting this is what gaming was like back in 1991 another the gravity sphere oh you know what you'll get to checkpoint with me how about that we're both going to get the checkpoint well you're going to get bludgeoned against that pillar but I'm going to get the checkpoint checkpoint okay so now we're at 500% speed and 500% speed is pretty good we're starting to get to the point where I'm almost as fast as a real vehicle now again the big issue here is I want to make sure that super hot oh okay that's not a big deal I want to make sure that I'm not getting to the point where I'm jumping off of cliffs or anything but because it's going to just straight up murder me I'll just straight up die from the speed at this point who drank the water does it matter totally fine oh yeah this is good oh we're covering good distance right now we've got our next checkpoint in sight hold on is this is this considered a car or like does it I don't feel so good and yeah okay pretty much all vehicles do not work you're not going to run me over are you wo that got real close man don't mind me just aimbotting everyone in like the tri state area it's fine everything is okay you're sweet I'm pretty sure I'm getting murder mured by deadly bees ow stop it oh not again oh you're on the news don't you screw me oh that's fine got our sweet cheat Cod did you put the checkpoint inside of the prison how are you supposed to get in all of the guards aim byot insta kill you from the guard Tower just about and I don't have a car minimal damage yeah I don't think minimal damage is going to stop me from instant dying unless minimal damage means I take one hit point of damage per bullet again I am running fast enough to the point where I'm also tripping over my feet all the time no I don't want to say hello I want to say goodbye I got made the wrong tweet but I it doubled up somehow and I also have it skating season so there's all these PS getting out they're just one frame animating all around me it's glorious all right what do you got for me I'm real good at rag doing press jump in vehicle isn't going to do anything for me so will the gate open the gate will not open can I go around the gate rapid fire also doesn't help me what am I supposed to do oh hold on oh God okay oh there's a lot less safe than I had previously anticipated I am so sorry please don't oh okay it's fine we can do this we can do this just shake and move shake and move sh someone wants to say hello what who what is oh someone's a black hole no no don't you do this to me oh no I get to watch myself getting shot in the rectum in super slow motion I'm trying to take out all of the guards because Now's the Time I've got I've got enough time to aim up get my sights on them and just start pouring in bullets but where's this guy at what does he on a coffee break oh super jump is that I don't I I don't know if the super jump killed me or getting shot before I hit the ground killed me fighting guards raining whales normal day in GTA ow okay social distancing Okay so super jump oh that was so much easier than it needed to be oh I got the checkpoint I got shot through it ah Griefer Jesus just went flying I was going to say that was so much easier I think the way he set it up was if you come from the right angle you get the super jump and then you're supposed to just jump over the gate and get the checkpoint I'm trying to enter it like Solid Snake speed is increased by 10 so now we're at 1,00 speed and I have invincibility oh god oh the in ability is gone that's a problem this running is so janky oh I'll tell you running this fast you would think it's a great superpower not really it is just awful on your knees so basically what you can do come on open the gate open the gate oh what I was trying to say is what you can do is there is a position inside of the base that you can run into to get invincibility it just Auto spawns invincibility so hold on let me let me Dead Eye this there we go it it helps me to get through the doors because I'm running so fast I can't control my character anymore due to the sheer speed that I'm running at I'm starting to hit stuff and do damage to myself too that's a problem okay we're out we're almost there just like another gate no oh this is going to work this is going to work hold on oh oh come on come on baby it's so hard to run like this cuz you can't really slow down that's the problem okay just just shoot out the windows shoot out the windows and then we're going to ye us out and you hey super jump spawns we found the invincibility and the super jump spot as well so at least I could combine them to get out of there one time and I still have my RPG which is awesome I'm going to tell you right now I cannot stop once I'm running running it is very very difficult so ow I need to make sure that I don't instakill Myself by running into someone or something because I think if I do it's going to murder them and probably murder me especially without invincibility anymore PS drive by player they can't catch me this is awesome for the first time ever the speed is legitimately helping me I love it once we get to the top of the mountain I might be able to do a big jump I almost out ran the rocket I am outr running the rocket oh big action roll super speed action rolls look at that right there whales out of the way no big deal oh my God I hit that guy he got hit by like a cannon what happened there ow I guess this is what happens when you fall into the ground at 1,000% run speed the ground hurts a lot rapid fire RPG hold on my God this is hilarious jumping and losing control while I'm running this fast is a recipe for awful disaster all right we're doing good I just need to I just need to watch out okay we who God we can do a little running there we go nice easy running look at that roll right there beautiful roll watch out for the fence gray Okay jump over the fence I don't want to lose both of my kneecaps on the fence okay that's really bad when that happens it impacting anything in this game while I'm going this fast right now is a it's oh God no oh no no we're okay we're all right I got a Teleport gun the teleport gun is obviously going to get me immediately killed also did you notice that guy behind me is groin got severed by that road sign that was awful out of the way both those guys are dead okay oh this is happening here we go here we go here we go here we go yes oh yes we're almost there chaos [Music] do not going to lie was not expecting to fall over my own shoelaces and insta die right there not what I thought was going to happen everyone is going to burn and pay for their transgressions based upon what I just had to go through see that right there you too you had to die for what happened to me all right I want I want retribution what does that do what's what do what is it a black hole is it another black hole it's not all right I don't see any black holes I'm not getting lifted off the ground we're going to be fine here we go we're we're right there we're right there for the love of God we got about 10 seconds before before chaos happens but I'm moving super fast ow oh I didn't that's interesting whatever we have a checkpoint don't ask speed increased by 69 you kidding me is this a real thing this a real thing that's happening right now oh oh I'm so sorry I you know what I'm not sorry you all deserve it I get super jump as well that's kind of cool listen I might need their money all right I had to take it you never oh my God okay 69 time speed is no joke that is really far away yeah we're running we're running to the point where I can't do anything anymore uh effectively it's almost like just instant teleporting from place to place I don't really run I just kind of float see oh God all right good action roll we're fine you kind of have to pulse the run I think the water will save me yeah we're good oh God I even swim at super speed oh waa ow oh all vehicles hon that's okay all right we're going to try and jump off of this and kind of catch some air there we go yeah we we'll we'll cover a little bit of distance just from the sheer amount of air that we're getting from time to time okay yep we're doing it we're going we're taking the roadway right now and we're still alive we're still alive I can't believe ow ow stop you know the Earth hugging me is a lot less good than you would think ah Mother Nature abuse I I love it arms in the air everyone you're going to kill me with something else you got a chaos in 2 seconds coming up I couldn't get my parachute out in time um the gravity thing happened oh I got the Invincible this is a really good combo hold on hold on we might be good we might be good we we're not good we're not I can't control this why can I not control this fall for God's sakes what is going on what is happening why is it because of my invincibility well that was terrible I'm Just landing on rooftop to Rooftop I'm like a terrible ninja spinning Peds so oh the dog is what is dodgeball I am not able if you can dodge a car you can dodge a ball what happened there please don't do that to me again all right we're fine we're fine we're just going to run the midd of traffic ow I just ran into the side of a that recycling truck just ran over my groin and now it's running over the rest of my body I was using that dump truck I'll have you know don't touch me I'll run through you at light speed yeah how'd it feel anyone else want some anyone else yeah I think so I'm Invincible we're making some distance right now I'm kind of doing this as if though I was a car since I am literally just faster than any vehicle and then we're going to jump and we're GNA oh I oh uh is this a fake teleport is this fake this is not fake I got a minigun oh yeah super run is making this real easy ow I just face plant in every single wall so I'm uh not Quake earth oh the Quake Earth really isn't that bad when you're indoors see what happens when you're inside of a nice strong structure there's a lot of damage happening to this building I think those are human heads causing the cracks in the side of the cement I hear a lot of explosions outside I can't wait to open the door and find out how things are looking all right minimal damage I think we finally reached the ground floor and hello no not doing it just keep going just keep going Ray just go go go go go go go go go where am I going where where's the thing I have no idea where I'm trying to get to I'm just doy doing around tanks okay let me get to like a high point so I can at least see what I'm trying to do oh my knee oh I was using that I did learn where the end is so what we're going to so what we're going to do we're we're going to it's right over there I don't know if you can see it's way in the distance to the right a little bit we're going to aim Up and Hold on God oh I got invincibility hold on come on just launch it launch it yep whatever that works that's good enough and land in the water land in the water well I have invisibility so it kind of doesn't matter super fast swim this is working this isn't the way I hope this would work but I'm swimming in the air I'm [Laughter] levitating okay we're almost there we're almost there I just need to swim downward I need to gravity has a day off today are you kidding me come on that's okay that's okay all it's going to do hold on it's going to make the win even more epic because when gravity runs out oh I'm falling but I can't see where I'm going because of the news teleporter M it's just sending me all around the pl it's just a total random areas for God's sakes no no where it's right there just let me no it's on the plan on the plan no D I literally have the worst luck in the universe it's okay though oh there's a there there's a ramp okay let's line this up we got to line this up chaos don't you do this to me Karm again oh my God oh God no and we have a winner I ran so fast I hit the water and died anyway folks hope you enjoy this episode of GTA till next time stay Fox St much love
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 509,784
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: graystillplays, and this happened, gta 5, gta 5 caylus, gta 5 mods, jelly gta 5, gaming, challenge, gta, gta v, grand theft auto, grand theft auto 5, gta 5 mod, GTA but, mods, best mod gta v, grand theft auto v, testing cars gta 5, in gta 5, in gta, speirstheamazinghd gta 5, caylus gta 5, crossing the map in gta 5, crossing gta 5 in a, chaos happens every 30 seconds, chaos mod, chaos mod gta 5, every minute, chaos mod speed run, speed run gta 5
Id: Gh7bUNPsruI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 4sec (1504 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 27 2024
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