Every time I crash horsepower increases in GTA 5

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today I'm going to be robbing stores in GTA 5 but every time I crash my car gets faster well here we are pulling up the first store we're gonna Rob in the world's slowest car I mean look at this it's just smoking oh this is gonna be painful all right let's make this quick hey get your hands up man right now oh right now okay okay take me to the safe take me to the safe I need the money make sure you do call the cops by the way grab a gun yes yep definitely oh see oh okay okay hurry up are you a game in so I got thank you thank you oh ten thousand nice all right man hey I'll catch you later dude okay what a nice guy hello 9-1-1 huh I think it was just robbed he thinks that poor dude all right let's see oh I forgot that it smoked you know it's kind of like a James Bond car with a little bit of smoke on it it's only doing 28 my oh no I was more focused on the smoke this is bad hey you hey what's up trash car come here don't be rude sir all right some of us don't have police money oh I almost crashed where'd you get that from the junkyard oh wow you're just following two books you bought it with full of jokes today yeah that's why I'm robbing a store sir listen listen I'm doing 28 miles per hour can you guys maybe not whoa rig going on over here yeah there's a it's a parade I'm gonna listen I need a new car so just stand back a little bit oh this is so hard to get that car from Goodwill oh you guys are so funny listen some of us don't make as much as police all right so just stop judging me I gotta crash here we go hold on hold on hold down here a different deal is this a little bit quicker oh yeah not really it's got 100 horsepower what it says the horsepower the license plate that's actually it's crap to a bigger piece of crap you guys are rude Hey listen this car's for sale if you guys want to buy it it's got the for sale sticker right on the front there seven thousand dollars it could be yours honestly you could pay me to not buy that no that's just rude actually you know we went from 28 miles per hour to like 40. this is pretty good it is kind of like a parade though is it a parade for you being poor that was funny man yeah trying to raise some money here to get a new car I could start you were gonna fund me on my phone you could yeah that'd be great if you could do that right now actually um I'm gonna lose my mind oh good this is this is too slow I need to I need to crash again here we go oh wow somehow Walmart Houdini has made his car worse you're so rude dude this is a little bit faster oh yeah we're doing like 50 almost 50 miles per hour 44 miles per hour look at the wheels they're about to fall off shoot what do you got your whole house up there on top of your car this is my whole house man you know what I I was gonna crash into him but I'm gonna crash over here instead yeah so now you got the soccer mom yeah what are you doing oh that's way better come on that's all pull it over I'm not a Karen where's your supervisor oh hi Emma Karen oh you would want my supervisor oh yeah oh oh man I don't know how I'm gonna get away from this I'm can you pick up my kids from soccer practice oh that's just they're not even funny anymore that's just rude I'm not always on the opposite lane to cry come on guys yeah I'm Selena traffic with a car that's got 200 horsepower and it's a it's a mom mom van nothing wrong with that though also I'm pretty sure someone slashed the tires look at the cut marks on the tires that's not good none of this is good pull over immediately nice one of them wrecked this is good where am I going I don't know actually I'm on a highway that and I can only do 60 miles per hour so I'm not going anywhere no there's a there's a police bike behind you too man don't be don't be stupid We Gotta Throw This one in freezing don't throw me in prison everything's fine here we're good we could be better slow down right now that's that's the speed up it's frustrating me that's really funny that you say I should go slower than I am I mean I've literally I've got 200 horsepower right now man please very odd that you know how much horsepower your vehicle has yeah yeah can you read the plate look at that oh you can't read sorry my bad I've got to come up with something really crafty here because all I can do is 60 miles per hour so let's see if I go this way there is somewhere that oh I've got an idea it works 60 of the time every time where is it straight down here I think and then to the right did I take the wrong turn I can't remember oh I wish I knew where I was going maybe it's this way yeah there's TVs in the back yeah definitely man 60 miles per hour has never felt so slow right sir but here we go it needs to be present I'm not going to prison you're not taking me alive you're not taking me alive what is this oh oh don't hit me oh please 211 horsepower there's no way they don't know it's me I'm not even looking back there I'm not gonna look back wow we can go 63 miles per hour what yeah he went that way everybody yep I'm just normal traffic here Excuse me yes no problem officer never mind that worked great I was about to complain about how slow this car is and how hard it is to get away from the cops but soon enough we're gonna have the fastest car in the world and it's not gonna be a problem I'm just gonna have to focus on not crashing that one I'm so excited I've actually been wanting to Rob this place for a while oh the biker gang watch out um it's right here they normally have like a bunch of nice cars out front yeah they do look at that so they must have a lot of money in here right hey buddy hey how are you doing okay okay cool no need for violence where do you keep the money okay it's in the office come on hurry up all day no need for violence man come on yeah okay let's go yep get the money get the money okay okay put the safe I swear put the code in what is it one two three four I bet open it up hey you don't need to worry about that one yeah there we go yeah thank you it's all my business yeah yeah give me right here get out of here I'm leaving I got what I wanted you better not call the cops hello 9-1-1 no no no go yeah go go she's got robbed wait a minute I think this car actually does like 63 miles per hour so we might be good we're never good with it oh no what the okay pull it over no I'm I'm great thanks I've I've got the my did you say please yeah no man that's I'm not pulling over I'm sad that's a nice cop at least he's not making fun of me right 63 miles per hour does feel a lot faster than 60 miles per hour am I being serious no of course thank you oh them's the jokes I get it that wasn't a compliment what oh that's just rude man oh cop like that's not good oh those cops almost ran them over that was hilarious uh uh I uh okay wait a minute wait a minute I'm not pulling over this car does 63 miles per hour I'm not driving like a maniac I can only do 63 miles per hour if I crash this thing maybe the next car will be a little bit oh that's not good oh dead end huh where are you gonna go I'm gonna go this way don't stop me no how about ball that was almost terrible I gotta I gotta see how fast the next car is let's do it right here let's do it oh wait a minute this is actually really good 285 horsepower that's not good is it good I can't tell yo yeah 70 we're doing 80 miles per hour let's go dude that's much better than 60 right I'm not the best at night oh no huh smell something smells like rice coming out the exhaust pipe oh I get it yeah ricer huh that's so funny sir yeah you're really funny the faster car huh no I I couldn't I thought it was going to be faster and it's just not this is not good yeah it's it's kind of a piece of junk I'm not gonna lie it it looks cool I've got a terrible idea that might just work come on right here oh wow yeah they saw me I was gonna say this might work it's not gonna work this is terrible what if I go through the fog here just like this oh okay they can still see me oh I can't see anything either oh that's not good am I gonna be able to get out down here [Music] 295 horsepower come on dude your fart Cannon for another fart can no no it's a haunted graveyard that's what happened ah come on this is so stupid how fast does this go let's see dog and another cop this is amazing I mean everything's going wrong at the moment uh 80 80 miles per hour no way that's really good 91. oh all right well can't wait to get to a faster car I'm just telling you that right now you know it's kind of like a challenge though to see if I can get away from them in a slow vehicle like this I mean they their bikes probably do like 200 miles per hour and this does yeah you know not that I'm good let me take this right oh I got a good idea I got a good idea no I don't yes I do great idea terrible idea there's no way out is there a way out hey officer how you doing yep I'm just gonna go this way you guys have a great time at the fountain back there oh that didn't work at all come on dude that's gonna be your last I've got I've got anything you hear me yeah that was no I don't hear you man sorry I've gotta think of something here you better slow it down right now I slow it down I can only do 80 miles per hour let's see oh that was sick that was really cool try to stop oh I'm gonna stop no I'm not stopping oh thank you for opening that cut it off I don't know what to do I'm so scared right now this is actually kind of a good car I don't want to lose it but it I'm gonna go right I have another idea I'm taking this left right here and then I'm gonna take this right huh well it's gonna be my face is gonna have red paint on it what are you saying man oh blood all right yeah oh right here and oh I don't think I can make that please oh I did I like butter that was amazing Polo wow he didn't get angry that's funny I'm gonna take this lift oh yeah so slick with all your drifts thank you I am very slick cat Watch Out Mr cat so many animals walking around dogs cats pigs behind me uh did you hear that officer is funny I need to be more careful taking jumps like that oh you're gonna get me killed on this bike whoa that cop lost it back there what that was amazing I need to make that happen more often I've got a really stupid idea that might just work not again here we go did that work that kind of worked that was the weirdest thing I've ever done in my life 310 horsepower hey hey we're kind of moving up there in a little bit is this a fast and furious Honda Civic oh that's really cool all right it is extremely slow though so it doesn't matter how cool it is 300 horsepower is 300 horsepower we got to keep it going come on I have a great idea for another place to Rob it's this insurance company right here and it's always busy I don't know why you know maybe people just need insurance why am I questioning it just walk in here like I own the place and then I'm gonna take all the money they have probably a lot right now everybody hands up don't you move don't you move hey oh man hey give me that watch give me the watch take it off give me it I need it pick the watch okay go back there and get all the money you have right now okay so you're gonna end up like that TV hurry up all right everybody else in here oh all right the old guy left never mind yeah you better not call the cops that's what I'm saying all right he's got why I'm calling the cops oh good great hey hurry up with that money where you at oh where is it give me it give it give me a shall we have man how much 50 000 all right thanks man you stay back there now don't don't come after me come on quickly let you know cops are on the way yo this car sucks dude it takes so long to even start oh I hear a siren nope it was probably the gunshot that did it definitely the gunshots I'm not even gonna look behind me I'm gonna look I'm looking oh yeah not good okay you ain't going nowhere that doesn't make any sense man front wheel drive doesn't mean anything I've got 310 horsepower officer leave me alone all right cops or so whoa what good terrible for me right now slow you're you're slow but when it comes to like math in English yeah the only thing hey the only thing you're good at is physical and gym class I don't know I'm sorry I didn't mean it how many cops are there man come on man pull over I'm not pulling over here what nowhere what is with this cop in front wheel drive I don't understand it hates front-wheel drive cars it's very weird it was a big favor what just pull over the side of the road oh you can work this out oh my God Marco that cop just it crashed again oh that's Terr oh good the police station's right there too what we don't got to sit here and do this I know you got a nice fast car it's not fast I'm going 90 miles per hour right now sir that's it 94 I guess listen all right you got a slow car that's fine okay pull over and we can talk no see you're rude to me I was gonna pull over now I'm not you know what I am gonna do though this right here when you're gonna crash your car yeah and get a better one look at look at that 325 horsepower it's not a superpower it's a curse great power comes great responsibility uh I'm not a superhero I'm just a Transformer kind of you can be a superhero but you have to imp what I have to watch to finish it man what do I have to do embrace the power and use it for good I can't I'm sorry I've got to Rob things oh wow you know what we're doing 103 miles per hour right now this is amazing clearly we're not fast enough though clearly man I thought it would have used your power to get something that isn't a two-wheel front drive what is up with this guy in front wheel drive cars it doesn't make any sense uh-oh not good oh nice oh I'm good I'm good oh my God I don't think you're good man this is a really nice car what are we at now 395 horsepower hey you know it couldn't give me anything like 500 or 400 horsepower just had to had to leave me at 3.95 huh that's good it is I like that a lot man your car is too fast I was just per hour man it's man it's really fast yeah so fast handles really well oh oh it's gonna get a lot better oh man I'm excited I'm so excited is that a Supra yeah yes it is a Supra yeah I hate Supra oh good wow this is just cops everywhere again how I just lost them dude I can't get over how cool this car is pull it over Pikachu oh wow that was a Pokemon joke it's really funny how about I go left ooh yes good idea left and then straight yes my driving's amazing that's why you hate it dude we're only doing 103 miles per hour right now they could barely keep up with us this is really good I don't want to crash this car I mean it's gonna get that means the next car is going to be even faster maybe I do want to crash it do I kind of no no I like this one I think I like it so much just because it handles so well look at this 450 horsepower let's go oh this thing does not turn ing my way out of my way oh yeah this is fast oh it's like I said it does not turn at all home it doesn't turn at all that's fine oh how oh wow 120 miles per hour huh that's it really for all this are you serious I guess it's only 450 horsepower [Applause] does this do wheelies too I think it does um oh now oh what they got a police Ferrari after me bro my car's not even that fast what uh well I mean that makes sense it looks fast though it's just not it's it's only thought you've never seen me again oh my God that scared me yes I remember you I got a little upgrade yeah me too yeah yeah you remember you called me poor who's the poor one now um oh nice yeah Lamborghini I'm in a power not a Lamborghini all right this isn't it's not a competition everybody all right to stop oh my that doesn't make any sense that doesn't take it over first that car almost to my son oh great yeah I mean I'd like that yeah learn how to drive dummy oh I guess I won the competition oh how did I crash right there I can't drive this car I don't know how I didn't just crash like four times oh is that a very bad bad man I have not leave me alone this thing would be so much better if it drove huh that poor insurance company I didn't do any of those that's all that's all false I didn't Rob any of those places if this thing could turn it would be amazing I'm doing 120 right now swallow the key ew what that's zesty bro well what do I do I don't know oh oh that's not good oh 500 horsepower huh that's not bad we're getting up there out of the crime what you do the time no no I'm not I'm not gonna do the time get it again gotta get a car with the same color your uniform yeah I am what nice though same color as my uniform what does that even mean you're the Walmart Entertainer your Walmart oh you're really rude man wow this is a fast car what are we at oh 600 horsepower already let's go Shelby oh man 200 what do we do 137 little tricks are for kids oh wow you've got to be kidding me I'll be back oh dude this car is amazing I like this a lot oh do I want to crash it kind of do I like it yeah it's pretty good right here nice yes caught up in traffic oh oh yeah there's a a police Mini Cooper is keeping up with me okay I don't like I don't like this car anymore oh so this maxes out at about 130. oh no he's back I took me yep I remember you I definitely do how did you ever lost control of that thing because it's uh oh you've got to be kidding me I will lost you again please please dude I am such a good girl oh boy I'm not gonna be lost get out of my way man that dude's insane that's a crazy cop [Music] go no well I mean I wish I had a monster you know what why am I staying on the road right now here we go oh I shouldn't be going off-road he's literally in a monster truck that's so stupid yeah no that's really dumb oh that was close he hit me no what a dumb question did he hit me if he hit me I wouldn't be in this car still dummy I'm sorry I I shouldn't be so stupid I I should know better by now I really should I'm gonna go right oh oh now you're really matching your uniform what uniform is that huh a prison uniform I'm in a Mercedes man leave me alone all right wow this thing's fast 620 horsepower no no no why would you look at that now you got your uniform for when you get out of prison what what does that even mean McDonald's employee of the month oh it does it really looks like the McDonald's car that's hilarious oh this is fast though whoa 100 okay hold on wait a minute what are we working with 640 horsepower I'm gonna take you down you're not taking anything down oh look at that huh what what happened I'm not even gonna question it that dude is really annoying so that's fine I don't even care this car is nice I like the new Corvettes 150 miles per hour oh that's it just tops out on 150 miles per hour dude I want to hit 200 miles per hour come on we are probably gonna break that 200 mile per hour goal here soon we just need some more cops that's all so I'm gonna Rob this uh this coffee shop right here it's a nice spot that's what I dive deep into literature I really everybody goodies heads up stop moving stop moving hey hey hey give me the money in the safe right now come on you're gonna have to go through me give me the money in the safe right now go don't mind him he's fine he'll be all right open that up open it up open it up you remember I was born I don't even know who you are man oh thanks 200 really yeah we got man all right well just make sure you call the cops all right okay good thanks all by life what I've been picked on walk God that was a lot of damage I just did for 200 and probably upset a lot of people I hear an ambulance or a cop I can't tell what I hear but I hear oh no what is that unit come on is that a Ford GT cop car oh no what you did there rad that crashes coffee shop shut down oh my God he's not making any sense are you are you drunk sir are you drink I drunk okay 185. oh 85 huh a little sleepy are you oh no I'm actually did he just crash he might have crashed that's a Ferrari behind me as well bro they've got the heat cars out on us that's not good oh well they they're gonna need them we're about to be going Stupid Fast maybe not in this you know what I'm gonna oh what is this where is the cargo this is amazing this is a McLaren 750 horsepower it's a criminal oh yeah get the criminal huh I don't think you guys are gonna be getting anything look at this oh 165 miles per hour so close how do we not crash right there oh my God this is amazing I thought I was done I thought that was the end of us oh this handle's nice we're starting to get into the nice cars now everybody well you know what I was gonna say this is where the fun begins but the cops are behind us with literal supercars that have police lights on top of them how am I supposed to oh that's a Ferrari and a Lamborghini and there's five people trying to get you what no oh oh my God what is that called what is this this is amazing oh I know this car wow this well oh this is really fast too hold on 150 164 170 almost 180 miles per hour what is this 800 horsepower I can't even read that license plate was it 800 horsepower oh my God I don't want to crash this car please don't crash this thing come on we gotta use it you better stem now you better stop little baby man come on come on where are you going what two ew you wear a diaper because you're old come on now nothing wrong with that there's nothing diaper in your face when I get you oh I thought I smelled something ew it's disgusting bro go this way oh yeah right this car doesn't handle the best I'm not gonna lie it's a oh oh my God what was that you know what I'm gonna take this on the highway I'm like the best idea I'm sorry it goes It goes 180 miles per hour I think and it's got 800 horsepower yeah I hit you up there in the front don't you hit me oh this way right here let's open it up oh yeah there's no way they're keeping up with me on here oh they're keeping up with me on here oh no oh my that car almost cut me off and then just then just lift hopefully it was the old guy he's really weird I've got probably like the best idea or the worst idea I can't really tell so far this might be the worst oh yeah it's bad I don't want to crash this car because it belongs to a group of really cool people uh let's see head on into traffic just like this and then I'm gonna turn just like this not stopping nope sucks for you I'm going this way and then there should be a spot right up here uh can I get this yes don't crash like a glove oh no oh they're hitting it too see it's it doesn't matter if they crash they can crash all they want if I crash I lose this amazing car I mean it does only do 180 miles per hour I do need the 200 I don't know I've got that one cop still stuck behind me bro it's and it's terrible too because he's gonna radio insane oh this is where he is this is where he is it's like come on dude where can I go around here I can go right and then the left maybe ooh oh dude the old Switcheroo on him just like this hey oh oh don't you get tired of speeding old man I'm not old what what do you say it's rude come on come on no don't hit that signs are my worst enemies right now that's no no no no no no no no no no what the what is wrong with that dude this is really fast we might be at 200 miles per hour let's see are we no 170 come on come on it's got to be a faster right what are we at for a horse a thousand horsepower oh my God yes yes yes I love this oh yeah oh I need to get on a highway that's what we need to do Highway time oh you know what right here that's perfect there's a jump let's hit it oh there's cars oh oh oh no just kidding I don't hit that there's pylons in the way excuse me everybody pardon me I'm coming down here don't hit me that was close there we go and come on I'm just gonna hammer down I don't even care if I crash at this point it's got to be close right what are we at it's a thousand horsepower like I came out of nowhere Highway where is there a highway I just I honestly just passed it didn't I oh you know what I'm gonna do right here through the old just like this yeah please don't still be behind me huh I can get rid of you pretty easily watch this there's so many cops here we go right here and hit the jump okay oh no careful what Bugatti beat it that's so cool this is gonna be very fast Bugattis are like some of the fastest vehicles in the world you better stab your Bugatti what color is your Bugatti I'm not stopping my Bugatti my Bugatti's very fast just like this oh yeah here we go get out of the way get out of the way please oh that was close I need to see how fast this is oh this car is fast let's see let's see 187 already dude that's amazing I don't even know how much horsepower this thing has oh I need a straight highway I don't know how I'm not crashing right now how have I not crashed that's a great question thank you I ask myself that every day here we go is that all it does is 187. ah we still haven't hit the 200 man I'm I'm so upset there's no way this doesn't do 200 is that like a H come on dude it's actually upsetting 187 I'm about to just I'm gonna crash this thing just to crash it that's what I'm gonna do right now because I hate it and I want a faster vehicle right here this should be fine yeah that's nice little cotton candy Bugatti all right don't let It Go Don't Let it go what do you mean it I'm a Bugatti well this is I'm not smoking I quit 35 years ago oh bro this is a really hard car to control doing 130 up through the Canyons here we go here we go yep about my Tempo being old do you hear me youngster up there I didn't say anything man I know nope didn't say anything oh yeah we got this no problem here oh taking that turns hard oh yeah wait till I get to the straightaway man just wait that's all you gotta do oh boy oh please don't be a car please don't be a car please I was gonna say don't be a car there's a bike there yeah there we go look at this and then I go right oh I thought I took a little shortcut what it's up to you that all right I don't know how he did that oh he must have jumped the hill see I can't take risky stunts like that man it's just like I'm good anyways 1500 horsepower oh my oh through gear dude this is fast this is fast the I don't know how to back up how do you even control this um right so I think we're probably oh yeah we're already over 200 miles per hour oh this is good this isn't even the fastest one it can't be I need a highway I need a highway right now all right here we go here we go straight straight yep and then I'm gonna take this turn I'm gonna plop myself down on the highway right here yes just like butter and then I'm gonna let's see I got there's got to be at least 300 right oh oh I don't like traffic I'm gonna tell you that right now that's one thing about me but yeah this easily does 300. oh boy I've got an idea that might work oh she's like this here we go oh this car is too fast I I did not ever think I would say that but oh I don't know what I just really liked that that was that was probably the coolest thing I've ever done in my entire life oh yeah um oh oh this is amazing this is a little rocket car I I need I need faster I need Highway this needs a lot of road I don't have enough Highway here oh this is not good wait um straight away where would a straightaway be oh this way yep let's go come on oh dude I think it's like broke we're doing 300 we're doing 400. what is this fourth four thousand four hundred forty four horsepower and it's got two jet engines in the back of it all right now wow all right there we go let's just see I got an idea um supposed to go this way right here oh my bro I'm not even touching the gas pedal we're doing 400 miles per hour hold on right here and then take this left just like this this is either gonna be my best idea ever or the worst let's see oh see you later cops oh the worst the worst
Channel: SpeirsTheAmazingHD
Views: 3,281,686
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: speirstheamazinghd, gta 5 funny moments, gta 5, gta, in gta 5, gta 5 rp, stealing cars, grand theft auto 5, stealing gta 5, stealing cars gta 5, fastest car, fastest car gta 5, gta 5 roleplay, trolling, roleplay, trolling cops, roleplay server trolling, gta v roleplay, gta v rp trolling, gta5 roleplay, gta 5 trolling, gta 5 roleplay funny, funny roleplay moments, grand theft auto roleplay, grand theft auto 5 roleplay, horsepower increases, hp increases, hp gta 5
Id: F5tVm8lz4p8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 34sec (1954 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 19 2023
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