Which car has the best acceleration in GTA 5?

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all right we're checking out the only game where the faster a car accelerates the faster my heart rate decelerates it's GTA which car has the best acceleration under extremely ridiculous circumstances test number one which car can outrun the glass this could also be titled which car doesn't immediately get you murdered okay seems pretty simple we have a long strip of glass so how much uh okay I was going to say how much runup do I get to try and get over the glass the extra Wall comes up immediately you get no space so this is pure acceleration whether or not you can outrun the glass can any of these outrun the glass that seems ridiculous I want to make sure that wasn't a fluke so we're going to back it up line it up and drive straight into an early grave got about halfway on that one yeah there is no way let's go for some smaller amounts of win resistance not that it matters at all L we talking about like loser is that what this is should I even try this car so how it works is there's all these different events and each car that completes the event will get a point and then the car the most points in the end will have the most potent acceleration in all the universe however I don't know if any car could get past the first event I wasn't sure that we could do worse on the glass I was wrong I'm fine everything's fine I'm gray let's try a gray car neon you're a liar there's wa God okay the acceleration on this thing is pretty insane all right need car don't let me down you completely let me down I need a very specific combination here I need a car with a lot of acceleration but one that's also very light I need like a diet car even if I peel out here I get well I got a little bit further hey everyone how y all doing boom sorry I'm just bowling for Peds I oh okay the fact that that dude stayed on that motorcycle that is the most powerful biker in the entire universe I'm running out of ideas let's try the arena car the arena car is really heavy due to all the armor plating but it has a boost so maybe the Boost will help it complete the glass no this glass is kicking my rectum are you ready oh uh no all right we picked the gray car I'm going to pick something that makes my irises bleed let's try this sad sad I want that as my license plate I don't mean in the game I mean in life I want the sad license plate now maximum amount of distance which is a whole like 2 in oh hey hold on we might be on to something here please let the sad mobile get a point it's all I want for Christmas I know Christmas is very far away right now but so was the potential of completing this very first challenge this got the best I got like 2/3 of the way there one time all right let's go oh oh yeah one point for Iris violence now ascending 40° acceleration test off the line huh I'm not going to lie 40° looks a lot steeper up close I see you put a nice windmill at the top okay so it teleports you onto the challenge then you get blooped down to this and then I guess you just start and you see if you can I was going to say accelerate up to 40° I can't even climb it in this car it can't accelerate at 40° at all the only thing I'm doing right now is murdering a lot of rubber oh and what's kind of cool also is when you get a checkpoint it unlocks the next section so you can go right to it all right who wants to join The Winner Circle we tried a gray car let's try a tan car it's called maybe that's good enough for me so go through the unlock all right engine sounds powerful it could happen let's back up to the edge go oh yeah oh this is happening this is a real thing oh yeah ah oh my God you have to make that jump so I guess that's how it determines whether or not you've accelerated fast enough up that hill so this can climb the hill but there's no way this thing is going to accelerate enough to make that jump I'm halfway there on this that strawberry jam pile was there before I before I got here this has a boost so maybe it can do it all right line it up and okay without the Boost nothing with the Boost nothing this thing gets everything and it can't get anywhere I can barely Slide the back end out on this 40° angle so this is terrible it can't do anything I tried it immediately after getting teleported it just slides back down to the beginning you're the type of car that needs a lot of hand grenades for your birthday I can tell all right great cars going for a point I do kind of want the gray car to get a point okay hey that's pretty good acceleration 63 M an hour off the top of the jump and pretty close going to try one more time lean it a little bit downward see if we can extend our jump ah right about at the tree everyone knows everything is faster in first person 50 60 63 again I don't know if you get more distance jumping in first person not at all hey hey I'm here to buy some fruit the guy's like you can have the fruit I'm out of here oh this seems legit just from driving this around the acceleration on this thing feels really good like off the line so bring it down and punch it 340 50 oh my God 70 80 mes an hour we're going to clear this we're going to clear this no problem and sticks The Landing with a point good job number 14 so now we have mid-range acceleration on wet ice that's very specific acceleration testing ah this looks unsafe so I guess you get 13 seconds to cross the ice is that a hand that hand coming up from the ice yep that is oh there's a hand holding up the 13 I didn't notice that okay I guess uh thank you for giving your life for the uh the cause of the challenge I was curious if these little snow bricks could get kicked over looks like no all right go into the hot pocket behold the pocket of Destiny Okay uh oh and there's slowdown Circle so that's what it meant by mid-range you have to oh my god oh Lord oh this is awful God I have to do this in 13 seconds are you kidding me is there any way for me to cheat this okay I wasn't even close on that attempt I want to give it one more shot so man the back end just flies out with no input I'm talking like oh God the tiniest input I'm not even halfway there I'm kind of getting the hang of this the problem is staying fast enough to get it to the end basically what you have to do is you have to take your foot off of the accelerator constantly while you're sweeping between all of the different slow down circles and you can get kind of close let's try the big l loser Lambo whatever okay okay uh how's it feel on the ice not great it's like really wide God it's like trying to drive a really expensive pancake but the pancake has also been abusing Crisco or something that's pretty good hey uh if I can get that last one maybe I can make it I'm not going to lie it takes a lot of focus but fortunately all I have to do is follow my truck my tire tracks so uh I mean I made it so we're going to try the Grey mobile over here also respectfully known as neon this one is pretty responsive to Turning like it turns really good it turns so good that I hit that one slowdown Circle thinking I was I had a lot more space to work with I'll tell you them slow down circles will come out of nowhere punch you in the face and take your wallet there we go oh yeah you can see compared to my previous tracks on the ice how well this thing can do getting close all right sad going for it you have my favorite license plate sad I know you can [Music] do yeah this is uh it's not just sad it's bad compared to the to the you know neon car this is we're this is a big step back can this do it maybe maybe can do everything not really sure they seem to think maybe he's good enough ooh okay oh yeah oh yeah good oh good y wow I think if I shave another tenth of a second off I can get there all right baby let's do it here we go and very little input very little input this here we go this is the oh this feels good this feels good this feels good got it point for the tan vehicle otherwise known as maybe maybe it was yes all right so we got a three-way tie right now and that brings us to push test with Amplified acceleration what is Amplified acceleration just going to give me like a little boost was this like the the presents for the children it's all your donated Toys for Tots I've got to shove it down a gigantic Corridor okay so get on the circle this drops and now you have 9 seconds to push the present what in God's name oh the nine comes back up oh I probably have to go into the circle to get the power up all right so is it on am I hair long enough do I oh my god oh wow holy Jesus I went so fast I I tried to bail out and save myself but I was about 2 seconds too late all right with the Amplified acceleration go all right well at least I can move the presence now oh yeah oh we're going to we're going to vomit these presents at the children what did you kids ask for for Christmas just like bricks all the children are like yes I would like lead for Christmas this year you got it two tons of lead coming right up and no not close all right we need something with some weight give it the acceleration boost and the acceleration boost is pretty juicy I wonder if it Buffs up my actual boost ability like the real boost that you can use uh does it feel any faster not really feels kind of the same to be honest with you got got right about to the same area too I don't know kids I don't think I don't think any of the children are going to get happiness for Christmas although to be fair even if they did get their presents just going to have a bunch of impact marks in them all right L this is your time to shine the kids are going to be like why does it look like my Lego set has been in a car accident it has actually it's been in several car accidents like 50 getting closer I feel like we got closer that time all right L if anyone can do it it probably isn't you but we're going to give you a shot just like every other car the big thing is you don't want to scrape on the side of the walls with a car you lose a lot of speed if you do great car go oh yeah oh neon car where have you been all my life you can do it you can do it yeah the great car gets a point so for the first time that I can remember we now have a fourway tie in case you're wondering I'm trying to get this present inside of the present hole I don't know what else to call this because it's the only way there we go for me to jump and get through the teleporter Circle all right there we go that should line it up I only get one chance at this so I really don't want to screw this up and have to do this part of the board over again so let's straighten this up uh yeah it looks good and yeah all right section five unlocked that means the section five is going to be the tiebreaker I decided to start with maybe because maybe has been yes so our last challenge is best acceleration in water four cars with one point but only one of them can reign supreme 7.5 seconds and obviously I can't really cheat this because the issue is that this wall I assume is prohibiting me to yeah he's backed it right up against the ramp all right 7 point oh wow 7.5 seconds how close can you get also random windmill wouldn't want that to ruin my life not fast in water the acceleration on maybe is is terrible sad I've got high hopes for sad baby well I'm also going to like peel it out before it starts hopefully it can gain a little bit of extra speed and sad can't make it either so I'm going to try something different I'm going to try a different Strat I'm going to curb boost this I'm going to Cur boost it and see if that gets us anywhere I don't really think it will because it's water all right is The Flash about to go back to jail come on oel lot it's pretty fast 70 mil an hour in the water not bad still just barely doesn't get there though there's no obstacles here so there's not a lot I can do to shave off time so this is really a good indicator on who can make this and who can't can anyone do this oh please be the gray car behold the most powerful color in all the world 75 76 7 oh my God hold on I almost got there I think I can shave off a tenth of a second so the one thing I didn't do there we go was roll the tires have the tires rolling the second the Wall comes down and oh I shaved all up time that means we have a winner boom well I accelerated straight to death anyway folks hope you enjoy this episode of GTA till next time see foxy much love
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 682,027
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: graystillplays, and this happened, gta 5, gta 5 caylus, gta 5 mods, jelly gta 5, gaming, challenge, gta, gta v, grand theft auto, grand theft auto 5, gta 5 mod, GTA but, mods, best mod gta v, grand theft auto v, testing cars gta 5, in gta 5, in gta, speirstheamazinghd gta 5, caylus gta 5, cars vs, cars vs gta 5, best acceleration, best acceleration in gta 5, car acceleration, which car has the best acceleration in gta 5
Id: 2v5CGNlgeXs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 17sec (857 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 03 2024
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