$1 vs $1,000 Mega Ramp in GTA 5

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all right we're checking out the only game we're spending my money in order to have random people make me bored makes me spend time in regret it's GTA people have reached out to me wh to make boards and so it's time we're going to be checking out a $1 a $10 a $100 and a $1,000 ramp challenge ramp number one the $1 ramp oh this is absolutely Jank tastic this is by sausage not not normal sausage it's sa a s a g e sausage I love how there's just a random assortment of cars and just random ramps everywhere some of them are just levitating in the air some of them are over here by where the the cars are spawned in whether or not you have done this on purpose sausage you have given me the appropriate $1 feel I was wondering where the checkpoint even was I yes you can make the checkpoint bigger although I guess technically the size of this checkpoint is its own challenge a random ramp all the way over on the left pointing off into nowhere I assume that's not for anything what's funny is the $1 challenge here is kind of difficult because I need to figure out exactly how much speed I want in order to not overshoot the checkpoint and the absolutely Dreadful method that the entirety of this ramp was made means that it's impossible to stay straight on it I'm not going to lie you've given me my $1 is worth all right we'll try the uh the pink mobile over here so I can't was that a troll or did you mess that up is there a random speed up strip on the spawn area okay so you can barely see the speed up but there's God there's text over here for ahaaa so this this definitely has to be a troll what I was going to say is you would fit your that the off-road vehicle with its suspension oh yeah this is way better okay so we overshot it we can do this easy all right nice and slow we're going to hold back a little bit on sending it and and checkpoint there we go on to the $10 ramp this is the $10 ramp by Tim V $10 ramp made out of hey you might have to do it a few times why is the might have to do it in all violent cap locks uh okay so this looks like a legitimate ramp he has lined it up correctly and it goes into a breakaway wall area that I assume I have to bust through all the vehicles are lined up nicely we're really starting to increase the value of the board here obvously this never does anything well so I have to try it first I do love the Techno digital cow paint job on this thing sharp rolling down the hay it should absorb all of the weird hay kind of bumps very easily and you get a little bit of speed rolling on down with it the oh god oh the cow's fine everyone it's okay for a moment there I thought I had harmed a sad cow but the cow is totally fine what I was was going to say is the sherp can probably jump this distance as slow as it is ah and we get to see the checkpoint so there really is a checkpoint here part of me did wonder if the entire board was a gigantic lie and there was no checkpoint in the first place at least the cow doesn't respawn in the uh in the area so big jump and the sherp can just barely kiss the bottom of the Breakaway boards it's less of a kiss and more of a slap I really want to just see if I can get a little bit more air at the Bottom by just a little bit more lean man I can't even get this thing to reach oh if only there was a big mud pit maybe this thing would do well okay this is garbage I did finally break some of the boards though you sit down here and think about what you've done I can't even hurt it because my baseball bat is just bouncing off of the Massive Tires all right much faster car look now the cow has responded why does it or whatever would you put the cow on a timer what is going on now I want to know what's up with this random cow big jump that's what I'm talking about this thing's like a missile the board is somewhat of a thumbnail hole challenge too because after we God after we bust out the ply board I have to go through the entire Barn I mean I might as well try the superar you gave me spoilers mean fast all right lined up uh drives pretty good on the AY I think it's because it drive so fast ye is oh quad triple flip onto the skull just like I planned I wish that you would have put some hay bales at the bottom for me to land on I think we got really Tim my big my big request is more hay additional hay I want to stop hitting my head on very hard objects I know that's basically the entirety of my life in GTA but I can at least ask for it right I got to lean this thing over to the right form there we go ooh hey okay I I kind of want to double thumbnail hold this you ready like this slice of bread R the toaster there it is checkpoint baby under to the $100 board okay this is very concerning not just the name of the $100 board which is tight RPP thumbnail mega ramp but the person who made it is hnd D ltn which if I'm understanding that correctly is short for hand lotion so hand lotion has given us a lot of options but one is bright pink now at this point I have been assured that these Ram challeng have been tested I could have been lied to you never know but that's what they said thumbnail tight rope ramp challenge windmills I see at the bottom down there there's something kind of phasing what was was that a pulsing thing or was that a render issue I have no idea what's going on down there this is this ramp is very tight ropey oh yeah uh oh he's got little bumps on here okay oh wow okay I can tell this this is going to be a legit challenge so you have have to watch when you're going on the ramp just kind of lean a little bit there we go no big deal got almost a uh like a cheater kind of board area I think we can still make this ramp not very well and then you have a okay so you have to go through the tower while the windmill is going and I'm pretty sure there's some kind of pulsating wall that appear yeah there's a red pulsating wall that appears there too kind of want to jump up here to see what I'm dealing with by using the windmill staying on this thing is not easy man it's that last one that gets you if I can stay on this just one time come on baby right in the middle I don't need a ton of speed I just need it to not kill me patience agility a lack of control oh hold on oh no no don't you do it I always chassis Slide the bottom we're getting this one time at this point I don't care what it takes now it's a personal challenge I have there we go there we go here we go here we go and a big jump hey all I wanted to do was get to the end of that ramp with this vehicle all right let's try something small see if this has enough speed going down the ramp and we might be able to make it through all it will hurt oh we got license plates going on now that's what you get for your $100 these days get a boatload of Agony and some custom plates this thing is narrow enough to easily go between all the challenging Parts like this look at that does there is a little bit of turn there on the bottom big jump and forward lean nice that was pretty close for a first try this also gives us a chance to see exactly what is going on up here all right so we have a have to get this thing out of the way go away God this thing landed right in the way I don't believe it I I can't get around this thing there we go all right so I might be able to I just want to check I wonder if I can make this jump it doesn't look like there's much of a degrade in the height but maybe I could pop the front of this enough hold on no but that's where the end is all right nice and smooth nice and easy I almost died just then the input is very sensitive on this thing going downhill big forward Le I got to make it through in one shot or we're not going to have the speed to make that Gap ow I just got crushed it is now sitting on my arm I need that arm for for reasons okay as centered as possible Right on the center line jump oh this is good a I needed another 6 feet in the air I think it might be possible with this thing I don't know I'm getting closer every single time I have entered the canal of pain all right I do want to try a different car though so we're going to try this oh my God oh my God no that was so perfect I was going to say I don't know if this car is thin enough to get through all the challenges but it's very responsive and it absolutely is oh my God I can almost go over the tower okay you ready you ready for this we're we're going to try and go over it we're going to try and go over it Ed big launch Grand bit I was trying to ramp the uh the little uh you know ice cream cone topper there all right you ready for this you watching this watch this easy left middle very light input look at that didn't even touch any of the challenges big jump lighter on the acceleration still too much oh my are you kidding me oh there's a I get it it's meant so you can't go over I think it's invisible and he just puts it in in view every couple seconds all right I want try this one more time ah I'm getting close I know I keep saying one more time I just really want to try and get it through that tiny hole it sounded really bad but you know what I mean there didn't even use the acceleration all right legit this is my last try for real on this car so I've got it lined up like perfectly though look at this lineup job a all right we'll try a different car okay this is sweet it's a tight fit but that's exactly what we want it we it's good it's going to just trust me it's probably going to work oh wow the alignment on the steering in this thing is incredible I made it into the hole ah for the first time I guess it's not really the first time since the uh the ATV did do it but it's the first time with a non ATV vehicle I think I might be able to bank this thing through the entire challenge like twist it okay it is a tight fit but I think it'll work this is straight I kind of caned it in fact I'm kind of surprised that $100 only bought me one windmill okay pull it over to the oh oh my God no don't you down that's the first time that we made it all the way through the tower though so it can be done and muscle memory is starting to get pretty good come on rub some oil on it it'll slide right through yes1 board completed checkpoint on to the $1,000 board the time has come for me to hate myself it is the $1,000 board obviously this is by Alex called the $1,000 Carousel ramp it only takes 32 seconds how hard can it be that is the sound of a title that makes me say I'm in danger in a high pitch voice fortunately I've been given a decent car with which to ruin my life Royal so I've noticed standing up here that the entire prop moves the whole thing which means that I what is what does that mean oh my God okay so that means that you have to do four ramps simultaneously oh my god oh I landed on that guy you did it you won the Publisher's Clearing house where are you going come back it's a100 million check if you survive so I've been chilling out up here for a while trying to understand which ramp is the winning ramp what what ramp do you end with in order to complete the challenge so this ramp just goes right into the ground so this does nothing this ramp does have a ramp so it goes up but it's halfway through the ground every I don't know how long like 8 seconds or so the ramps change and you have to be in the right place on the ramp otherwise you don't get to keep progressing so like right here I'm on the ramp and now there's a hole oh my god there like Trio of tight ropes so what I need to learn oh this is it okay look at this this is the ramp that you want in the end I'm just checking to see if the pink ramp can be used anywhere else and it can't over on that side it goes completely through the ground on this side it goes halfway through the the buildings so you can't use it there you have to do a loop oh you have to go through the loop somehow I could chassis grind it okay we're going to start not on this ramp we're going to start on the next ramp so that by the time we're yeah here so the idea is by the time the first ramp the pink ramp comes around here we go I'm going to jump oh hey I think I was supposed to jump that because that allows me to get over that Gap I think I need to be faster we want this ramp to be the ramp that comes around when when we're done so that means we're going to have to leave wait for it wait now go go go go go go go don't hit these ramps because it'll screw everything up you have to dodge these and then a big jump oh landed I am I supposed to go through the loop or there's like a wall there so oh wow I'm really confused this ramp is insane I love that I can say build me a $1,000 ramp and Alex you be like no I'll build I'll build you four $250 ramps I wait for it and crank it dodging the ramps and the little mobile ramps isn't that hard they move very very strictly so I'm going to try and go through the loop going through this Loop is impossible it's you so I'm doing the loop at high speed downward while the ground underneath me is moving I know I have to hit that ramp I feel like the if you do the ramp there's a little channel that the ramp puts you into hit this good if we go through the ramp if I could stay on it there's a channel that you go into I feel like that channel leads into I don't know like the devil it must some layer of the underworld big jump hit the okay almost got there oh now I got to see it so the channel goes into a tight rope and it's really the only way to get into the straightness that you need for this tight rope hey hold on I might be doing well i' never mind now there's I'm screwed now I'm going to hit the ground and die big jump stick The Landing into the loop very minor left hand input onto the ground in the channel ow so I have to stop a little bit otherwise I'm going to hit that wall and getting ejected out of the car I assume that's why the word stop is there on the plus side now I get to hit the underside of this ramp and then die even more I'm going to land in my car I'm going to land in my car got it this is for sure the hardest ramp I've ever done in my life well to be fair normal ramps don't have impossible challenges embedded in them ours typically do but this challenge is even more impossible than the typical impossible challenge this is when you start adding extra zeros after oh yeah after the one oh ho hey after the 100 in the where do you go now oh oh it's fake the left hand is fake you lied to me this is not a oh my God ah kind of saved it oh not really maybe I can straighten this out and go on the nope that is a DA but yeah this is this is oh my God no any mess up this is the 1,000% impossible ramp I'm going to try and not do that and just oh he put invisible wall there I can't even cheat your Insanity you put invisible wall on a carousel of quad ramps you kidding me I'm not going to lie after the effort that was put into the creation of this thing I didn't think that he would also put in invisible walls to stop me from cheating okay that's got to oh my God uh okay so it's not left you have to go all the way over to the right and then I don't know the middle is it is it good did I do it no it's the left if there is a wrong way to do something here I'm pretty sure I've done it the license plate says Royal uh the only thing this has been so far is a royal pain in the rectum okay there we go there SL no nice hold on hold on we got it we're going to have it oh God please let me have this uh I'm left no oh you need to go halfway across before the extension occurs this is a brutal challenge this is uh this is probably one of the most insane challenges I think I've had in a while like the amount of physical pain that I'm feeling right now I can't give you an an adequate taste it's somewhere around salted caramel or something so I need to go fast here we need to hit this at all almost full speed it's the only way to be able to extension I'm still not there so I need to do this and basically I need to almost hit that stop platform as in I I need to hit that stop platform just barely like touch it I don't think I don't think I'm going to get it now I need to be closer to the stop I'm pretty sure that's what that is because if I'm I don't know like 100 ft well maybe 50 ft closer to that yeah see I get almost get there I'm right there I tasted it literally it it went into my mouth okay between the Middle epic oh my God epic Dodge big jump this needs to be perfect effectively so around the ramp now keep some of the acceleration going down that looked good okay we were close to the stop sign that's what you need that's what that's what you need that's what you need yes oh my God please don't scroll me out of this let this happen and we have a winner yeah oh that was amazingly satisfying anyway folks hope you enjoy this episode of GTA till the next time stay foxy muchal love
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 339,630
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: grand theft auto 5, graystillplays, gta, gta 5, gta 5 challenge, gta 5 hacked, gta 5 jump, gta 5 races, gta challenge, gta custom races, gta v, gta v challenge, gta v choice, gta v hacked, gta v jump, gta v races, legend, pro, in gta 5, gta 5 mods, jelly gta 5, caylus gta 5, fiverr gta, fiverr meme, $1 vs $1000 gta 5, graystillplays gta 5, gta graystillplays, fiverr ramps, $1 mega ramp, $1000000 mega ramp, gray gta 5
Id: adfrnQ6siqw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 40sec (1180 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 07 2024
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