when you let a kid use a crossbow

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all right so we're checking out the only game where you can be sure that balls and swords will absolutely come into contact with one another it's happy wheels that's right you've seen sword throws and you've seen ball throws now we have sword ball throws today is an episode about how to be a savage there's nothing more savage than a sword wearing some balls or a are you your balls wearing a sword also do my balls have flowers tattooed on them seriously that's okay i was made for ball throwing shh like i said it was made for ball throwing there we go all right okay i didn't really need that wow i pretty much just screwed myself over huh i'm usually pretty good at juggling balls but right now wouldn't [Music] yes wait before i go to the next level i just wanted to know i wanted to know what the plus one question mark was we're not done until we get that i like how susie here is like knighting little tom hardy he's like neil as tom hardy and arise sir tom hardy you've been knighted now you two can be together forever actually i'm kind of curious because happy wheels is one of those games where people's bodies just spontaneously rip apart of their own volition let me see if i can you know knight the rest of these individuals here or just throw them to their death i like how all i did was make this guy have a seat he's like well after getting attacked by a lion my leg is kind of sore get sordid i am amazing i managed to stab this man in his head and his scrotum and these two stabbings together created an angle that made it so he didn't fall off of his pedestal i've actually killed two sets of people and they haven't fallen alright hold on there harrison i don't know if i could do this to you as well oh sorry tom i didn't mean i already got you one time i didn't mean that second one though damn it i've got too many swords here hold on let me just clear some of these off oh god thanks for catching that with your head tom all right we're going for the long throw this is embarrassingly there's a few more swords here laying around problem is there's so damn many together all right whatever triple sword i think the worst part about this is now i have to deal with these balls again okay it's in my chest but i'm still all right there we go finally oh oh thanks for bringing my severed body and some of my organs down to the second phase of this it looks like there's a freaking third phase that'll teach me to wonder what the question mark is first try i'm taking this ball with me no these balls are mine they belong to me damn it ow now just fall already good all right hit you in the balls slide down why is there more me and i'm like the mr smith of freaking happy wheels god yanking myself down this tube that's like i'm trying to poop my entire body out there we go oh it's a spike fall on almost every board i end up with a sword up my ass but that time i really felt it supposedly this is a bottle run of increasing savagery don't worry little tom today i'm gonna teach you how to be a man first you need a mustache then you need a pair of shorts that are way too short and then you beat those bottles like an aged salami let us go yes do it tom you can do it without a neck i didn't have a neck when i was your age got it it's not a day with gray until i get bottles in places they're not supposed to be why is there one like right here this is like when you're peeing in a stall and it barely dribbles out and ends up on the rim i mean is it really that hard to is that hard to get or wow all right this level might end up being a little bit more of a pain in my ass than i previously anticipated got it i don't know if this means i'm really good or really bad i still want that hacker designation there's hard it's my secret captain i'm always hard well i just found out what the question mark does when you get a bottle on there in case you're wondering it makes your tongue come out of your anus oh the impossible baby i feel like there's always extra wiener points when you get it on the top like this omg yay i got the win this board is called the shredder i wonder why it's called the shredder i think i know why now oh god it's okay my daughter is still alive as long as one of us survives it counts okay somehow my my daughter's head fell off all right little juvenile here's the plan you're gonna go first i'm sure you'll be fine okay he lost a leg he lost an arm what the hell impossible all right all right little susie you're next get the hell in there oh god oh i messed up wait hold on this is good i made myself do yoga just then so by all right broke myself in half way more than i than i wanted to oh no my son he made it all the way down to the bottom until my bike tire he was like mommy look at me i did it okay new plan here we're gonna just real slow damn it okay it's fine i'll protect my daughter all right little susie just just jump no don't rip your legs off jump off of the bike oh now you ripped your arms off as well i guess as long as your torso is in one piece this still counts as a win she's like look mom i can do the wave really good now all right just one more time i i know he can do this okay nice maybe if we go backwards okay my daughter is still alive she's very uncomfortable but she's still alive okay now she's less alive oh no oh i'm still alive my arms my arms still work yes [Music] all right here we go i just i really gotta slow myself down that's the problem oh my son and i are gonna do this together all right never mind i'm gonna do it alone i just got hit with a lot of blood i'm not really sure whose it is here we go all right susie you're the last one nice job honey she's like but i didn't do anything mom i know and you did it great good old spike fall first shot here we go [Music] called it all you have to do here is dodge the homing mines [Music] see that's that was a good example of not dodging the homing mines all right let's try that again all right big jump one more time oh back flip okay one of the homing mines went up my ass but i'm still alive never mind i fell to my death okay i just gotta run out come on are you done okay i think it's done oh god no yes i got blown up into the last coin i just had to sacrifice an arm for it anyone can do i hate it when my son's head falls off anyone can do a bottle run but not everyone can do a 45 degree angle bottle run hell yes i gave that bottle run everything literally everything i think even in the end my heart exploded out of my torso this is called the ultimate level you must show that you are the most savage being in all the world by being able to beat literally everything it's like sword ball but worse first i must prove i'm god now i can beat this level [Music] okay it's a bad day when i'm getting the impossible before i get to the next level oh i did it rope swing oh [ __ ] i can fly great rope swing into a rocket oh piss save replay no my head got ripped off freaking boards of pain in my ass i'm getting really good at going to the next level though god this truly is the ultimate board the ultimate pain in my ass okay here we go ray rope swing do the full flip don't get your legs caught on that go down here grab this oh don't grab it too hard now there we go grab it nice and light get ready because you gotta throw your body one two three son of a bit a few hours later okay there perfect no no no no no no no yes oh my god ultimate map you can chuck my 50 year old richard nixon weiner this map is just called gray still plays why is there a button called gray still plays mode i feel like the fact that there's a small moon just kind of looming above these two people has something to do with this [Music] hey my daughter's still alive oh she's a little injured now i am kind of curious though click to shoot what there's no like gun or any [Music] oh click to drop i was gonna say it didn't actually do anything it just took a minute kimberly are you is that woman's face resting on your head she's like i always wanted to be pretty there's another gray still plays board i feel like this board is specifically made to kill me in very very painful ways i know this because there's a backing of swords with a ton of harpoons pointed at my son click here for hell define hell good hell what is wrong with you guess i'm doing this alone later timmy [Music] how am i supposed to make it through that okay we're gonna have to do this like real fast all right maybe if i do like a barrel roll [Music] that moment when you barrel roll so hard that your neck snaps okay yes no i finally got past the timmy's what the hell there was like an extra spike strip down there fight your way i didn't mean to do that maybe i don't need him for this oh my god there's a blade in my balls i feel like part of me won maybe not that part this sword in my groin will protect me this this board is truly savagery yes finally hey little tom hardy you okay he's like my right foot is i have literally placed as many objects as possible in one spot until it stopped breaking the game this is for you gray give me my goddamn bud light you got it [Music] goddammit [Music] all right supposedly this is the most savage ball throw that there is i i can see why because because just touching the balls gets you freaking demolished damn it no okay just need to get the ball yes i got the ball in both spots now [Music] i got my eardrums blown out for my accomplishment this is called the gunslinger do you know what it is [Music] i almost got killed by a man's brain i'm not gonna lie part of me has always wanted to use a laser guided crossbow can you hit the land mine god damn right anyway i think that's enough savagery for one day anyway folks hope you enjoyed this episode of happy wheels till next time stay foxy much love
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 4,636,704
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Simulation Games, graystillplays, gray still plays, greystillplays, simulator, and this happened, tycoon funny, simulator funny moments, funny clips, funny moments, bad life choices game, funny simulator, simulation games, mobile game, stickman fight, stickman game, stickman games, happy wheels, happy wheels funny, happy wheels gameplay, happy wheels 2020, happy wheels banned levels, happy wheels levels, happy wheels don't move, harpoon jump
Id: tTAdGMdVcl4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 33sec (813 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 08 2020
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