I completed the 99.9% impossible bottle throw challenge and this happened

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all right so we're checking out the only game where a normal day will probably involve you urinating broken glass it's happy wheels this was called grey's normal level it says a normal happy wheels level you're lying to me aren't you all right no way out the back the only thing i can pray to god is that what the [ __ ] what the hell so i thought i was gonna get the opportunity to go across a canyon but i couldn't even do that now the giblets of my leg are getting stuck inside of my segway [Music] i wonder if i can legitimately get across this like now it physically stops you we don't need legs where we're going oh i did it why are we still here [Music] just to suffer i think that there's something very important to mention here this isn't a normal happy wheels level this is a normal gray still plays happy wheels level you bastards and your fake flanks how many more of these do i help my god last time i was kidding about the 10 000 fake flags clearly someone took me at my word i don't even know where i'm going whoa jesus there's not much left in my body can i go this way is it a giant lie ah no all right well whatever spike fall it is this is gonna hurt okay fake spike fall [Music] lose both legs over the bottles up the fakeness through here lose my other leg at this point this is a terrible start to my day okay i've got both legs although one of them is slightly missing but this is still pretty good never mind i only have one light now come on baby no my shoes screwed everything up okay got both legs over the bottles piss okay both legs here down through dodge why do my legs hate me so i'm not giving up until i win yes i don't care if you take my head as long as i take the victory in my last moments before i began vomiting up my own tongue i got to at least hear the sound of the lucky charms guy ejaculating all over me this is an axe run the fact that i try and provide a little bit of flavor text for the board gave me one of the secret endings i'm guessing anyway there's three endings i suspect holy penis am i still no i'm not i suspect one of the endings is down here it's more a matter of just trying to survive the ball ha ha who's the what this game is the devil oh which the devil what was left of my torso why are there axes just spawning randomly all right it's time to get the final ending you have to drive across the axes i don't even know if i could do this on this bike i might have to get my father in son combo oh maybe i can do it on this bike damn it all right get rid of all my children so there's less weight a little long fall ow hell dad you've been through a lot with your son i know if anyone can do this you can your death won't be in vain son [Music] the blade runner ending this is called grace still plays hell i like how it says deposit your child but one of my children already has a battle axe going through her skull i'm guessing the other one's supposed to go i screwed that up hello to the hall of hell there will be very hard obstacles to overcome great level one spiny spiky things oh this is great they're sentient okay up you go oh my god [Music] at least a part of my son will be with me always all right oh oh ow it's in my chest it is in my chest and it doesn't feel good maximum heat all right how about if i dodge hold on level two nothing where's level three i'm waiting for a freaking moon or something to fall on top of me okay through here glass rain not today out okay this glass rain is gonna be a pain in my ass having to watch my son get eated down at me time and time again is very very scary kill the tom hardy's i guess now is a good time to see exactly what this does oh it just opens the thing there what does the red one do that's like a domino of brains i'm still alive i am wearing my son's intestine [Music] they're in my anus outsmarted the glass rain all right we've got to kill the tom hardy's run over a couple heads are you a normal person or a crazy ass first off just had to clean things up a bit this is tough it's a lot like uh the princess bride because i don't know if they knew that i would pick this and so i should pick this i'll just be honest [Music] now i need to know what the hell a normal person is princess bride it was welcome everyone to the gray still blaze bottle flip it always has to be one of these the reason that i'm doing this one there's really only one reason because there's an area called the holy pocket i've always wanted to go to the holy pocket let's do this nope ah the holy pocket is protected no problem ow if there's one thing i'm good at it's penetrating protective areas i i don't even know the holy pocket i picture it being like a hot pocket just a lot more godly the timmy ring [Music] [Laughter] yes also gray will find a way i just bottle flipped a leg now there is an area up here that is a bunch of question marks so i kind of have to know well you ask how and i raise you agony i appreciate that my one bottle is on top of the other bottle so little that it looks like it's david blaining i got one of timmy's limbs into the uh okay that was another one i wanted to get we have an organ in the holy pocket and an organ yes i mean you said i would find a way standing on balls is like the one thing i'm good at there it is that was kind of the last thing that i legitimately wanted to get this is called grace still plays turbo i'm slightly concerned because i really don't know what to expect here i can only hope that something's going to catch me okay good holy jesus what the hell how am i supposed to catch the end platform now i'm allowed to pick anyone here so i guess i didn't have to go with them i'm still alive [Music] you lying [ __ ] where am i supposed to go okay i'm gonna try and edge my way up here now unfortunately my son's brain is kind of getting in the way oh no i'm being i'm being sucked down crap it's a pretty satanic board you've created [Music] i don't actually know how i won but it's gotten to the point where none of this makes sense anyway so i'll just take the victory when i can get it ballistics test every once in a while i like a nice don't move just because it allows my heart rate to go slightly back to normal this is called gray still pain this is called gray still plays pain too they've said that everything has been too easy for me why would you say this okay go down here nice ah this is potentially beatable okay [Music] oh i'm here why no i've died i guess i'm like a sad porcupine damn you i can fly got it part of me was waiting for these little bladey things to suddenly turn into angry tasmanian devils and try and rip my heart out of my rectum this is called grave still plays glass too i remember the glass one it made me wish i was dead i'm sure this will make me wish i was dead twice but there's still plenty of flying blood for some reason from the sky for the impossible area go down here click here for instant death okay is that a toilet okay so i guess i have to complete the normal area first and then we'll do the impossible area instead of giving you more speed i'm giving the glass more speed okay now we will start off easy yeah it was pretty easy i've already maxed out the rotational speed but i can increase the momentum by increasing the length yeah i love increasing the length as well all right click here to see the source of the blood i've been very curious this whole time there's just pieces of man oh my god it's santa how festive santa's actually helping me get through all this thank you santa there is a piece of glass in my wiener okay got it all right ramp off the dead santa oh did you see what it did to santa's foot all right it's fine we'll do this the right way no santas full speed ahead one two my son's head just exploded three i better not let that hit me in the face okay did i just lose part of my intestine oh that's just my son's intestines it's fine then all right okay now things are getting kind of hard oh okay things are getting to the point where i'm really not sure exactly how i'm supposed to beat them but i did it i love how every time i go through one of the glass i'm losing more and more limbs okay i think i have a plan here the problem is trying to do this without my head exploding all right if i do this on a jump there we go hey now you just want your you just want to touch it oh god there goes my other arm still alive [Music] okay so how impossible is the impossible airing seriously i just want you to die welcome you have voluntarily fallen into my trap this section is truly impossible i've tried it many times but i'm unable to make it i know you will though because your grace still plays first things first you know i had to check to see if i get out of here right go through here all right oh i think i see where i screwed this up all right so you have to activate the boost okay let's see what happens if you just go straight through it i mean my body parts made it i have an idea now anytime you guys make me these boards and you don't give me specific instructions i have to assume that i'm allowed to do whatever i want in order to complete this so tom do me a favor buddy just go oh hold on yep activate the boost and let him clear up some of the glass get in there buddy yeah all right here we go tom didn't do [ __ ] okay new plan i may be able to break some of the glass if i utilize the child seat instead all right well we didn't need your brain for this all i really needed was the child seat and yeet okay i didn't really hear any glass break but i'm gonna pray to god that did something i did absolutely nothing okay new plan i just lost both of my arms in one shot okay activate the boost i'm gonna send my bike in first ow okay it is possible i think i can lay on my stomach and get there did you see the piece of glass that ran me through all of it okay ass first ouch nothing's impossible if you believe [Music] oh i made it to the end i can do this all right now luckily i ripped my leg off somehow so i think i can use it as a ramp i can use my leg as a freaking ladder my severed leg you didn't think i would actually give up did you ab exercises um exercises i'll never give up [Music] thank you jesus i'm not gonna lie raising up the little pedestal here turned to be a real pain in my ass this is called the gray still blaze impossible jump i swear to god don't go down the damn hole well since you asked nicely let's go children i'm thinking i'm still alive that should have killed you if it didn't stop now i'm doing it what you didn't realize is that if i squeeze in here in just the right way i can actually slow down and get past this kind of stuff like this poop i was actually really curious what was down here so i decided to go down here with pogo guy okay apparently i need to make sure i miss that [Music] okay what'd this say here's the finish line but you have to crawl oh really winning let's get real though i need to know what this jumped oh my god what this jump does i cannot believe that i made it through that i just want to mention something not only did i do it the annoying way i did it the impossible way to this is called gray still plays falls it says you can't win you must not know how mothers do spike falls all right now after losing your child immediately and both of your arms okay that was a little bit worse than i thought i can still do this all right go like this slow slow slow boom and i'm still alive welcome to the world's longest jet run i can't really say i've done that many jet runs and now i know why all right now i think the key here is to lightly caress the jets lightly caress them i'm used to really bearing down on the bottles but the jets you don't need so much effort penis okay they weren't kidding when they said this was long ow my heart got removed from my body like i was jet running for a good 30 seconds before this is ridiculous [Laughter] welcome to the impossible jet wall it's said to be impossible first i have to get rid of my son all right jump over the jets oh the jets multiplying this one all right i can see where the certain level of impossibility comes from now all right out all right now whenever you lose your arms in a jet run that's usually a good thing okay lawnmower guy still alive helicopter man okay jump oh my arms there's so much blood in this level all right helicopter man okay that was the never mind my brain is on my bicycle seat there's a rocket in my balls and i can't get rid of it whatever we're doing this with a ball rocket no we're not okay this jet wall is pretty is pretty tough actually get there okay i'm at steve okay the irresponsible dad one is one that i'm going to have to try and jump over i can already tell got it i believe oh my wiener oh i made it it tried to blow me up at the end but i still this is a heat level been a long time since i've tried for maximum eating and why that's not good enough get there all right now while he may be impaled by four different blades we got really close to winning i think if we arc upward a little bit like this yeah hey we won he's like i beg to differ i guess today we prove that children can indeed fly and we hope you enjoyed this episode of happy wheels till the next time stay foxy much
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 4,093,109
Rating: 4.9352636 out of 5
Keywords: Simulation Games, graystillplays, gray still plays, greystillplays, simulator, and this happened, tycoon funny, simulator funny moments, funny clips, funny moments, bad life choices game, funny simulator, simulation games, mobile game, stickman fight, stickman game, stickman games, happy wheels, happy wheels funny, happy wheels gameplay, happy wheels 2020, happy wheels banned levels, harpoon jump, bottle flip, extreme spike fall, spike fall, spike fall happy wheels
Id: OyxPtXRtyCw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 50sec (1130 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 16 2020
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