i broke an infinite number of bones and this happened

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all right so we're checking out the only game where you get to experience first person what it's like to go into a wood chipper head first it's take me to dead you also get to do all this while google translate belittles you take me to dead is a new play on the bone breaking stick man style of games in that it's fully 3d it has a first person mode and like one of the very first stages is you falling into a giant human grinder like not just one there's like four layers of them you may be seeing yourself but gray could it possibly get any worse god damn right again whenever you have maps like fun balloons doomsday black hole zigzag saws dead wall and the hell i know that we have to see how many bones we can break there has to be a way of course to break the game and get unlimited bones and thus we must find it together and like i said you get to experience everything there's even a cinematic camera because who wouldn't want to see someone's leg get wrapped around their neck and choked to death with it so on top of all this there's obviously all the different vehicles that you can get and then on top of that there's all the different props that you can get you know props like arrow launchers and saws i'm actually gonna get the steam because i want to put it everywhere this game was foolish for giving me this many places to put this down jesus they just keep going all right now we're all gonna get to see exactly what it's like actually what are the different ways i can get in this seat oh no i want to see my death coming also this is the first game where you get a busty girl stick figure all right i know the first question that everyone is going to ask if you look down can you see your boobs [Music] apparently all right baby let's do this and of course you can eject from your seat you can look all around as well come on baby i want to get as many bones as possible i had gotten 7 300 as my best score just screwing around what am i caught inside of this damn it hold on i see i need the cinematic camera to understand exactly where i went wrong right about here i feel is an excellent jump that you can see both the skull and the pelvis being ripped in half multiple times five thousand points six thousand points all right we're getting closer you know we need a better vehicle motorbike sounds stupid enough we both know there's a way to break at least a thousand bones in this game go my child go to victory does she actually scream in horror when she jumps off of the motorcycle i'm pretty sure she does holy [ __ ] 10 000 points oh yeah you hear that you hear that crunching sound that's the sound of a young stick figure soul leaving her body mom we're not done yet best part is too you can switch between the different cameras i think i may have already oh i thought i may have already found ultimate infinite scores 727 votes the fact that there is a dismember score makes me real hopeful for this game yates yep that is definitely the death whale of a person that knows that her time is up we're only at 7 600 points though where the hell are you are you stuck in between like three different blenders yep she sure is so the steam works exactly like i hoped it would it basically holds you up in the air so you can get repeatedly beaten don't mind me i'm just gonna rest here all right hold on we have to find out if anything is better than these how about arrow launcher the stick figures like jokes on you grey i'm bulletproof yeah guess what i'm not using bullets where the arrows at oh jesus the arrow launchers are amazing get hit with arrows 50 times oh look at her body might as well keep it going well the arrows are substantially better than the steam it seems like i'm just seeing if i if i like get to see the arrows coming in the first person hopefully no one gets all motion sound of the bones breaking when you're in the first person is awful jesus all i can see is make it stop at 7 000 for the bone breaking score this time still no dismemberments though hold on we need to try that you're not having fun until a stick figure loses an appendage saw i'm gonna leave some arrows down there as well i got shot all the way to the wall i'm guessing we have to move on to fun balloons i have enough coins after all what the hell are these i know they say fun balloons but why do i feel like i'm not about to have any fun what the hell happened to my legs oh you actually get to see the bones that are being broken it turns into a legitimate skeleton each time i mean i i i guess i'll get the car how fast is the car i don't think it's a matter of how fast it is i it's not really balls there are giant eggs what other poses oh hold on there we go this is exactly where you're supposed to be when driving a vehicle take it from gray especially when it's not my ass that's on the line i think the car fell on top of me too that was a terrible score hold on i think the problem here is i need something to juggle me into the balls put a bunch of steam down i'm caught inside oh god i'm caught inside of the railing of my own jeep jesus ow oh oh god oh oh that's okay i'm fine i just wanted to see what other ways you can hold on [Music] yay never gotten to see my spine go through my throat before these scenes are already so good i'm kind of curious what the hell is like now this is doom day it has rocking pendulums in it i like this board already i'm invincible [Music] ow i think i'm just gonna stay on the motorcycle this time hopefully i can that's what i wanted i was gonna say hopefully i can just hit the pendulum's head first yeah what the hell let's throw some tnt down here nothing can go wrong where the hell what what happened i was nowhere near the tnt the tnt prematurely ejaculated let's try that again it's possible that what it's blowing up i was gonna say is my motorcycle i don't know how the hell i did that ice wasn't really what i had intended come on arrows give it to me oh yeah uh it's just it's better than going to a piercing parlor come on roll your happy ass down those stairs there's still arrows left this is such a bad position to start off for this bed this is not a normal bed pose this is not a normal bed pose either honestly both of these are extremely bad but i guess i'll accept this one all right full jump made it to the bottom at least i like how you get points for doing full flips i'm not leaving my bed i don't want to go to school first person cam you can actually feel her teeth getting knocked out of her body right there i finally have enough to buy black hole okay so it looks like it's pendulums into what the hell is that over there is that like a snow blower there's an overview button oh it's much worse than a snowblower well there's only one way to find out exactly how bad it is yeet oh i just needed myself off the board damn it let's try and not make a sudden turn oh those things can legitimately knock you over i'm gonna need something a bit more robust than my motorcycle for once all right car you get gas mileage but hopefully you can make it through the balls [Music] you're fired uh yeah give me all the saws and then some steam can you please stop running me over with my own car oh yeah the only problem is you get caught on this side over here and there's no more blendy things all right so the plan is you have to ejaculate yourself early i never i don't think i've ever gotten into so many damn motorcycle accidents in all my life i'm just trying to make it to the blades for god's sakes you can steer in different directions my god come on make it make it make it ah come on all right screw this i'm buying a sports car i feel like speed is the necessity to get us through here it is you didn't let me down sports car well done i'm getting spanked on my ass uh i feel like this is the right way to drive this vehicle i like how you can still eject yourself from here somehow oh oh god hells to the yes come on 9 800 come on 11 000 juggler back up there perfect yep don't want her slipping out now oh i exchanged this with the arrows launcher look at the height you can get from it oh i went off the board yes infinite wait so if you can just go off the board hold on can i can i point this thing all the way to the end over here all right go like this drive eject come on go off the board damn it fall off the board good i mean we might as well go all the way and buy the most expensive vehicle is that tnt in the back of the truck why wouldn't it be hopefully this allows me to get some substantial air okay it is not tnt why would you leave the house without tnt in your damn never mind it's tnt oh god what the hell was that i think i may have broken a lot of bones there yeah 5900 man i'm getting really good at flying off the board you know what let's just go with all arrow launchers oh i wasn't sure if i could make it through but i did i'm gonna go flying off the board in the other direction this time all right we got to keep going zigzag saws flying off the board isn't good enough we have to find a way to ping pong through death for life also i've completed a ton of quests oh this looks safe oh i'm actually stuck the vehicle is too thick all right fall down here get blown up sunbathe you know what go ahead take the motorbike but drive this be right into the damn grinders i never thought it'd be so hard to hit a bunch of blades i think i found my new favorite board because this one can legitimately rip people in half and you get the hell juggled out of you i think i just lost all of my limbs my body got ripped to pieces 43 000 score not too bad 12 088 bone breaking score i love my car i'll never leave you behind just kidding so when you do the cinematic which part does it zoom in on if you get ripped into pieces in fact if you're in the first person and you get ripped into pieces what is it center on just your skull i guess it's time to i was gonna say i guess it's time to find out i have no idea where my body is it's just a leg that's all that's left yeah these arrows aren't up my ass far enough could you get them in there farther please thank you don't mind me just getting juggled on these balls here oh the balls are so good they really take all the kinks out of my back yeah 4300 bone breaking but i i still feel like we can do better give me the balls yes oh they're so good you get to see them face to face it's not too often that you get a game that allows you to truly experience what it's like to have all of your spinal column rearranged by a bunch of violent balls so i opened up a board called the hell which uh is still not the best board yet and i found out that you can also unlock a santa stick figure so i figured we would join him in bringing joy to all the little children why are the arrows only going for the balls god they're like ball seeking arrows come on santa this is all the kids can get a nice laugh don't go flying off the board now i'm trying to hide under the car it's not working wow these balls are really scoring me some points all right we're going for the big one kong skull island you better not let me down i decided to buy this vespa as well just to see what it's like apparently it's very fragile i'm desperately trying to see if i can get right in the center there so i can get caught on that blade i think i can get a ton of points it's just a pain in the ass it's like trying to get a hole in one in a freaking golf course only instead of a golf ball i'm using santa claus oh my god my body just got ripped in half all that's left are my legs my torso went flying into the next realm prepare yourself santa we don't need legs where we're going how the hell did you manage this all right first person [Music] it looked like we had hit the ground i don't really know what happened afterward oh we got our best score in first person all right cinematic view skull island go all right may have been a a knee contusion there perhaps uh shannon's still in one piece though so honestly it's not really that bad 26 000 points on that too and we're riding our wheel in our groin i finally got off this board too all you have to do is you gotta get that explosion just right wait for it wait for it damn it there it is that should get me off i mean off the ball you know what i mean well half of me is here half of me is here can you guess what happened what happened is i went down this course in a freaking office chair i thought it could only turn out well and i was completely right i made it inside yes oh my god finally it's taking so long i love driver's head just kidding oh my god it's a home run well hope you all enjoyed this episode take me to dead till the next time stay foxy much love
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 1,173,607
Rating: 4.9462819 out of 5
Keywords: Simulation Games, graystillplays, gray still plays, greystillplays, simulator, and this happened, tycoon funny, simulator funny moments, funny clips, funny moments, bad choices, bad life choices game, all endings, funny ending, funny simulator, simulation games, mobile game, stickman fight, stickman game, stickman games, funny stickman, funny stickman fight, stickman jail, funny escape, sandbox games, ragdoll game, physics game, physics simulator
Id: 8jUlR4_JlB0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 43sec (943 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 02 2020
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