Five Nights at Freddy's: Security Breach - Part 9

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[Music] hi god i was muted i do that every time i never forget to unmute when i'm streaming hi hello my name is markiplier and welcome back to five nights at freddy's oh boy nothing was wrong with you i'm just an idiot this is where if i was editing this i would pause the video and talk about what a giant fool i am however i have five nights at freddy's to play yeah i know i know guys i know i'm very dumb i get that i understand that and i'm fine with that i've accepted this about myself so if everyone is here which i'm assuming i'm gonna just go for it um but before i do going back to where i was before what i'm gonna do hour 11 p.m wait oh okay i was about to say that that didn't make any sense at all so what i'm gonna do is i'm actually going to start it a little bit before because i know that the time is going to go no matter what what i want to do is i want to get that security office done before all of the golf stuff and i'm thinking i'm thinking that if i do that that'll be a little easier on me you know what i mean it might still go to six a.m and then make me go to the front of the place which is fine i'm okay with that but hopefully it means that i'll have less to do after i can't save which is the big problem so i'm going to go back to 5 a.m it was like 5 50 or something like that and i'm gonna go all the way until i get to some place uh the whatever it was i don't even remember what it was what was it what was it i have no idea but okay let me go up the main elevator uh yeah freddie is not there yet i'm ready so i'm gonna go up the main elevator i'm gonna go up to that security office let me just make sure maybe maybe it's not even a mission here office office ah no there it is so it's still here as an objective so if i can get this done maybe i'll have a little bit of a better time at this yeah hello everybody thank you so much yes i was dumb yes it is fine okay and yes this is live so hello everybody yep i'm good and and i did see all the comments of a lot of people saying oh you can shoot the security bots now i've tried that before i've tried that and it didn't work so if i shoot a security bot right now and it works i'm going to be so mad because i did that and it didn't work so if it magically works you know i just don't know what i'm gonna do i tried it a long time ago when i first got the gun and i was like whoa don't work i guess that's fine whatever but if it works i swear i'm gonna be so mad i'm gonna be so mad c c c c c see it does nothing unless i missed which is also possible because my aim was pretty terrible there but it don't work i don't think it worked anyway it didn't work there therefore it never works everybody shut up it's fine see i'll try again on this goober i gotta get him like right now see it don't it don't work run please oh my god run please c c c in the eyes yeah how am i gonna hit him directly in the eyes i didn't have to hit anything else in the eyes so it don't work you know it just it works on you why does it work on you what's the point of that unless i'm not getting them in the eyes which frankly that's a bit of a ridiculous requirement with no reticle it's like impossible to hit that target from where it is so anyway i'm gonna go to this maybe it works on these guys or something i don't know get my charge back or whatever hey shut up all right so i'm going to with the camera okay i don't have the camera have you guys not been paying attention the entire time that i've been playing this game i don't have it i got the laser and even when i went to monty golf and got the camera i was not able to utilize the camera because it just didn't work all right i'm setting on my camera so i know which ones i need to press so this one this one and this one okay see the problem is with doing this like it's not like this is terribly hard but it is a thing where i don't necessarily know what i'm dealing with because i'm all sight reading it you know what i mean so i have to see it for the first time no matter what press three oh i'm pressing three guess what i don't have it and i did that before when i got the camera maybe later it'll be fine you with your advice this is why you don't get a privilege to speak all right so i'm watching very careful what is that over there i don't know what that is what's going on it's like a all right where are you going buddy where are you going where are you going pal so this like now that i've done this before and i know how it goes it's not going to be that bad i'm hoping so you're going that way so i'm going to position myself right here can i if i have to get that close to it okay did we just have a mommy pop out there i'm just gonna wait and see okay what are you doing just checking to see if monty's gonna pop out oh my god there's a behind entrance is there a behind i don't have a camera back there i don't have a camera back there how did you sneak up on me oh that is that is some meanness all right then if that's how we're gonna be hey pal yeah you're still beautiful sure okay see it's much more manageable it's much more manageable if i know what i'm dealing with this does feel classic five nights at freddy's though uh-huh sure you're only trying to help me well this is awfully nice of them i could just close the doors from here on out and i'd what what i'm so confused what just happened okay seems fine hello monty i don't like that whatever that is okay it's fine okay you're done i i hate i just need a little work done uh-huh well everything is behaving normally why are you hiding from me okay see there we go i got that perfect excellent so i got the prize counter security cameras what does that even mean what does that even mean and it didn't go to 6am which maybe time will only move forward when i get that last piece which means that i could save right now i can save i'm going to make a new slot i have saved wouldn't you know it oh what a magical experience being able to save okay i saved so now i just go to the prize counter wherever that is here oh oh my god good thing i saved working perfectly good thing i saved it's a damn good thing i saved then right it's a damn good thing okay this is great this is great this is fantastic because now i can go i can't go to monty golf just yet because i don't have the party pass for that and there's no other way to get in there i can only get that towards the end of the game all right that's good so let me just go in why are you in there where are you in there i'm not seeing you oh you're there interesting interesting okay this is fine you know what i'm sorry what happened i don't know but there must be something important in here because why else would they have me come in here right why are you hiding from me honestly i have no idea okay so what could possibly be in the prize counter area that i needed to get i see nothing i see a whole lot of nothing survive until freddy i did that but it doesn't say i did that okay all right that's fine good um there's an elevator here i don't know where the elevator would go is it accessible nope okay so i can't go in that elevator those are out of order that's open over there where is roxy oh there is roxy there is roxy roxy is there rocks he's there we're fine what is oh that's strange so i'm here wherever here is interesting probably just like another collectible or something i doubt that they're going to give me another party pass or something like that emergency exit well awfully convenient that that's closed off really appreciate that okay grab the security badge i thought i did i grabbed it first thing pretty sure could it be more lore more drawing look at him he's adorable wow well that was eventful and rewarding okay but it doesn't matter because i'm gonna go back to the office and just double check that i got the security you can't see it's not fair he must be cheating you can't hide forever totally fine because she's blind okay good good good okay i'm gonna head back to the office real quick just double check i don't think that there's anything else over there there might be something else over here but where i can't quite tell there's not really like an objective or something and i can't get through well i can get through there where does that go why are you hiding oh oh monty here why are you why are you hanging out with your pinatas over there what is that all about where'd this go whoa what is this what the hell is this well this is terrifying what i have no idea where i am oh tampering with fazbear automated staff will result in suspension of your membership wait warning tampering with fazbear automated staff will result in suspension of your membership you worked they just don't play an animation tampering with fazbear automated staff will result in suspension of your membership so it works it works it just doesn't but i do have to hit him like right in the eye but also what what what what okay i did get it okay i did get that okay that's fine that's totally fine that's a hundred percent a-okay i'm just gonna save again wait they have a no there's a targeting thing in oh i don't understand you why would it not be on my default [Music] okay all right all right oh man oh man oh man what is the point of this legend it doesn't work i i don't know anymore i don't know anymore guys but it's fine it's totally fine so what i need to do now is to is to uh i need to see if there's any other security office because i only have level seven and level seven is not quite good enough well you don't work whatever that's fine level seven isn't quite good enough to what i need to get uh like the highest level of security which is level 10. so there's three other places i know there's one in monty golf i definitely got the one in laser tag let me go out to the atrium that'll help then i'll be able to see wham god i don't know why those aren't making the noises they did before back of the head don't work that's fine i'm gonna go back out to the atrium i definitely didn't get anything from the bowling alley a little laggy here that's fine i think if i walk by a charging station it'll also recharge but let me double check nah it don't work that's my flashlight and i'm good okay there was something back here i know there was a prize right here okay oh okay okay okay fizzy fast i bet if i get all those like my sprint upgrades or something no spoilers in chat i bet you all are spoiling me heavily but no spoilers i don't need any help i don't need any assistance i'm great at this game and i'm a good gamer in general i love gaming come here show me your eyeballs show me them peepers okay i have terrible shot even if i have the reticle whoa you know what never needed it didn't need it anyway didn't even need it pampering with fazbear automated stuff okay so i got the security office there the prize counter i did that i don't even know why i needed to do that but i did that um let me get a good look at this place so that's monty golf but i can't get in there until i get the party pass kids cove what's kid's cove have i been to kids cove i don't know if i've been to kids cove i did fazer blast i did roxy raceway i already got a lot of the early ones so i'm betting it's in places that i have not been before there might be one in bonnie bowl there might there might be one in bonnie bowl that i missed so let me go back to bonnie bowl hmm interesting also it says there's a level four where in the hell is there level four ooh the fast kade goes to level four that's right and i did get a security badge from in there that's the fazcade the dance party where we never actually saw freddy dance wham tampering with fazbear automated staff will result in suspension of your membership man this targeting thing who'd have thought being able to see where you aim when tampering with fazbear automated staff will result in suspension and remember hampering with fazbear will result in suspension what's over there is there's something over there yeah i'm just gonna go straight up to uh the bowling alley and just go there there's no level 10 i don't believe you i don't believe you i do not believe i refuse to believe [Music] no it didn't allow me to bring freddie up to the uh the the arcade the dance party i wish it were so i tried desperately whoa good thing they're blind okay i don't know if there's gonna be a security office in here or i don't know if i've already got it yeah yeah i think they patched it out so that freddie no longer can open uh your memory automated yeah i don't think freddie can open those doors anymore it was kind of like a bug they didn't like that so they didn't they didn't keep that up here no that's right there's probably a way to get back behind the bowling no there's nothing over there and it's just that down there and that's just the bathroom over there maybe there isn't one here it's entirely possible yeah i know i'm just like killing time until i actually go and do the damn thing with freddy getting outside and all that but i'm just looking around i'm just looking around okay there's definitely no security office over here ooh i wonder though if like if it'll let me i know i don't have the objective for it but if i go down to the daycare to the the theater the theater under the theater of your membership in the daycare i wonder if i go there now if i can get that item then i wouldn't have to worry about possibly screwing that section up because that would that was uh that was close in there so if i can avoid having to do that again i will take it i will gladly take it because it wasn't really like an objective that it told me to go down and get that thing it was just like a note that i found for the maze so that i could flip the maze properly oh god you guys might have to sit through me fiddling with the maze i literally cut out 25 minutes of me fiddling with that maze that's why i was so aggravated when they almost got me because there was just like so much there being freddie bunny he doesn't need to be there he doesn't need to be there shut your faces shush your faces i don't need anybody anywhere except for me and this gun maybe apparently not come on get him oh my god all right guys look listen listen i'm uh i'm getting used to i was so used to no scoping it that having this targeting thing is fine fine you know what fine we're here to be completionist about it oh the lore you guys and your lore you know you're spoiled for the lore you guys knew non-stop jabbering about the lore oh the lord you know you and your incessant need for the lore what do you think i do you think i'm matpat do you think that's who i am no i'm here to play i let the plebs like him figure out the meaning behind everything all i do is charge forward into the darkness because that's who i am that's what i do i am the king here i have the crown i say what goes and i'm only doing this because i say it's happening so all of you sit back and don't even try to appreciate the magnificence that is my mind got him can't say i didn't got him he didn't catch me therefore i got him all right hey freddie see they obey they don't even care they don't even try they're too afraid of me all right well he's here i wonder if i bring him over here if something will happen interesting well would you look at this [Music] [Applause] gregory what are you doing i cannot see i am your friend why though gregory what are you doing uh [Laughter] he doesn't want to let me in anymore i'm just too mean to him he's really mad at me he's not gonna let me in oh man yeah no he don't want to let me in anymore all right freddy fine i can't get it all right you too you want some of this yeah that's what i thought now that i know to go for the eyes wham what are you doing there what are you doing warning tampering with fazbear automated staff will result in suspension of your membership all right so why i cannot see i don't know why that's funny to me oh actually i know exactly why it's hilarious okay so i now that i've wasted time listening to you and you're in ain't blathering about bloody bring freddie to the bowling alley there's nothing there's nothing and you have no idea what you're talking about so that's the last time that i'm gonna listen to you guys you don't know what you're doing let me handle things from now on why don't you i know you're not really a hands-on kind of viewer why don't you sit back and let an expert take over all right no no freddie's mad at me he don't want to let me in anymore no no no no freddie you don't want to let me in anymore i made him mad so i've officially broken that part of it it's all good guys it's all good it's all good don't even worry about it don't even worry about it don't worry your pretty little heads [Music] see i don't like the the zap in the eye strategy it makes things too easy i'm all for uh the the thrill of it i like the the the bobbing and the weaving feels like tampering with fazbear automated staff will result in suspension remember warning tampering with fazbear automated staff will result in suspension of your membership are you still mad at me he's still mad at me i might have broken i might have broken him freak i might have really broken i think i think i might have broken him i think i did hmm oh that's unfortunate for me don't even think about it no oh i can't run well this is unfortunate not fair he must be cheating must be must be cheating oh this is super unfortunate anyway all right i'm gonna go save now now that it's thoroughly broken it's okay it's okay it's okay guys all right um daycare that's right that's where i was going i forgot what i was doing i've gone the complete opposite direction of where i'm going i'm just uh having so much fun isn't there another path over here i think it's either here or yeah so i think this will get me back i believe it's dork i can't see he's dork here uh maybe maybe i think possibly yes yeah definitely well i wonder if what if i zap myself with this aha i've fixed him perfectly fixed now done i can't get out of him i can't get out of him which means that if i take him to the dance arcade he'll be he'll have to [Laughter] it's a perfect plan oh boy i really did i am the best as really laggy i am see this is why i wear the crown it's because no one can play these games like i can i'm like neo i see the code that lies between the textures and the walls i see it all as you never could my eyes are more open than ever before i tamper with the fabric of this reality and everyone is just my plaything my puppet if you will i'm pulling the strings here why don't you why don't you go and just wait what why why don't you just go and relax and let me have my own little dance party with freddie i can't press the button oh i can get out oh i can get out well you're coming with me to the dance floor my friend you're gonna dance i don't know if he was able to get here and i think it just kicked me out because he was like i'm not supposed to be here you're gonna dance buddy you're gonna dance this guy's gonna dance this guy's gonna dance i'm gonna make him dance oh i can't get him now okay that's fine i want to see him dance please tell me you can dance please i'm begging you i'm begging you now that he's usable now i fixed him see this is what i was saying i know this game is so well donated will result in suspension of your money oh hell freddy please freddie freddie please freddie freddie do it do it freddy come on he's here the music is bopping freddy please dance freddie come on come on freddy it's time freddy come on freddy please dance for me well anyway this guy's here so that's nice let me shoot him in the eyes that didn't work all right freddy well your programming error doesn't seem to work anymore so uh well that's a damn shame all right i hope you guys understand that now that i have you trapped here i am going to just dick around for about 10 hours now and all you can do is watch also amy got me a christmas present it's a mouse pad so that's not my mouse but thank you amy you're the best oh [Music] all right i'm going back to bonnie bowl okay yeah yeah i gotcha i know that there's a lot of bugs right there's a lot of bugs but at the same time i didn't have a bad time with it i mean yeah it was aggravating at points but and i'm not done with it right i know i'm not done with the game uh but it's one of those things where it has charm no matter what because of the universe that it is and what it's trying to do i think it's like more ambitious than it was able to execute on but that doesn't mean it's bad like yeah there are bugs but it hasn't really prevented me from playing the game and it hasn't made me stop wanting to play the game you know so there's there's just like a lot to it that i enjoy and and for all of my aggravations i never at any point was like i don't like this game where'd he go it is it is charming and it is fun and at times it is incredibly scary because she's there you are okay so i'm gonna i'm gonna get in him before i enter this place okay calm down there buddy i know you're excited so yeah it's like for all of its bugs and all of its quirks i just thoroughly like it all right so i'm in freddy in the bonnie bowl i'm looking at this guy i'm over here now my power is about to run out which means that i'm going to die hello i do not come up here anymore i miss him well that was nice but i already knew that i already knew that bonnie was gone and all freddie would be all boo-hoo about it because he's a big bubble-blowing baby that's just tampering with this is their automated stuff that was not oh poor freddie oh whatever whatever a poor waste of my time that's what i'm talking about i know bonnie's not here right now it's fine we all know that bonnie is better than monty that's apparent and obvious that is incredibly dad freddie's a pet freddy's like a like a stupid dog freddy's a real real uh unintelligent pet and uh that's about as far as the relationship goes you get called superstar one time and you just let it go right to your head nah freddy uh freddy's um freddy's not too bright let's just put it that way whoa speaking of not too they uh they're scared of me they're too afraid they can't handle what i'm offering how did i get saved back i haven't hit 6am yet so that is how i am able to save uh the arcade god or the the daycare you guys need to stop distracting me i'm doing official markiplier business here very authentic very official very you wouldn't understand it's really above your pay grade knowing what uh goes on in this brain the genius that oozes out of me is just so more than you could handle so don't even bother just uh sit back and relax you're on like freddy's level of intelligence meanwhile i'm up here with like me intelligence you wouldn't be able to handle what i'm offering why don't you just go i'm sorry stay please i'm sorry i apologize it really like i get on a live stream and i don't know what happens to me i just i have an outlet for all of my frustration and it's you guys and i just i just can't help myself wham boom i just can't help myself it just is all right i'm just doing this so that i can get the power i'm not gonna hide in freddy because i'm not a coward i'm just gonna allow him to join me on this journey so that i can uh let my own magnificence shine i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry you're great you're a superstar hey you're my superstar got him works every time like a charm eating out of the palm of my hand oh god that's their automated style tampering then automated staff will result all right okay okay okay okay okay okay okay you guys won't ever catch me being nice ever again i wouldn't dream of it i wouldn't dare i couldn't possibly is there a security office in here probably tampering with fast there on a membrane of your result in suspension of your membership okay i'm willing to bet that i can get this thing because why wouldn't i right it's not like they're gonna despawn that item or something like that probably whoa that was you orbited way sooner than i thought you would well good thing i saved where are you oh you're right behind me that's problem i meant to go up the stairs oh listen you don't have to he listens to reason he does not listen to reason distraction why is moon mad why is moon mad all right it's fine guys it's fine look didn't i tell you how amazing and handsome i was tampering with fazbear automated staff will reward him of your membership suspension of this membership i was looking the wrong way guys it turns out i was looking the wrong way freddy get your ass over here ready where's freddy freddy redman fritzer freddy boy ready boy friend man oh you guys just lovely there he is there he is ready get your butt down here get your big metal butt down here i better be pretty ready there he is come here boy come here come here come here oh who's a good freddy oh that's a good boy that's a good boy all right let's see well convenient safe glad i have this here and i'm able to utilize it and it looks like the item that i need is right there hmm interesting do i not even need the party pass oh i forgot about that whole deal hi bud hey lemmy and you i forgot about the whole deal with the you can't hurt me i'm in freddy i forgot about the whole deal with the vent after you go in the vent do you just fight monty and then you go down to the gulf area then you just go then you just go welcome to freddy fazbear's fazbear theater now enjoy the comedy stylings of staff why is it saying that now stat bot you lied to me you lied don't lie but i think am i crazy yes answers yes so much yes but also i have good ideas i'm auntie hey what's going on buddy hey working hard hardly working yes a lap all right yeah you keep it up there pal you keep it up there keep the spirits up ah man you hurt my hand on that ass yeah have you been doing the jazzercise the mazer size i know you always keeping up anyway it's time to go i gotta go i gotta go guys i gotta go you didn't see nothing usually i would cut all this nonsense out you shush all right so what i'm gonna do now is i'm gonna go see if i can take care of uh monty before even getting in golf because if i'm not mistaken i have a path to go there unless i'm some kind of crazy probably not probably not [Music] maybe i have no idea [Music] ah i'm actually so much happier that this is going this way than it was that i thought it was gonna be i thought it was going to be like an arduous journey of trial and error error with like with like hours in between each attempt i thought it was going to be like unbelievably arduous and difficult this is fun this is what i love about this game this is like i'm just running around doing my thing having fun zapping eyeballs oh bamboo boy bam you're lucky you're not lucky anymore they don't want to mess i'm wondering if actually like am i actually hitting them in their body and then they can't scan me anymore but they keep moving for some reason pampering with fazbear automated staff will result in suspension of your membership oh i don't have that right right i don't ow wait oh right okay all right i get it okay i do need the party pass because i get the party pass four mazer size in the golf area okay fine tampering with fashion stuff will result in suspension of your memory fine fine it's fine it's fine fine bam okay so what i'm gonna do now is i think it's time to i don't know if there's anything else that i can do just yet i've been to the fascade i've been to the prize counter i got that i've been to bonnie bowl no that's that area over there i haven't been there yet but i'll be there i don't i don't think there's anything else i can do because i can't get to the mazer size controls yet because i can't get in there i don't have a party pass yet that's already done i don't know why that's still doing the thing maybe i bugged that out upgrade freddy mystery mix that's done okay that's done done done done okay i think it's time to do the arduous thing that i just said i didn't have to do it's time it's time everybody it's time it's time to go get this done oh hey roxy no no no no no well you missed me so kind of stupid on your part anyway all right see around pal see you around friend all right so i'm gonna go upgrade freddy i'm not gonna screw that up i'm gonna save right here i'm gonna go down there and then yeah that'll be it i think i think let me just double check there's got to be something else right there's got to be something else that i could do princess quest i do remember that yeah there was something about princess quest i i found princess quest too i was a machine somewhere in the building actually i could see this yeah i found princess quest 2 that was in the the arcade and the other one no that was a there was a different game monty golf arcade it was in the daycare right it was yeah it was okay that's something to do because i'd rather do all of this nonsense with the exploring around you know when i can save that's what i would rather do tampering with so let me go to the daycare again suspension of your membership and try that out because i have a funny feeling i i knew that there was something up with the princess quest like why have a specific note for that right why have a specific note there's got to be something with those arcade games i didn't know what you could do with the arcades before but there's got to be something to do with that arcade game right so there's got to be something to do i think anyway [Music] okay [Music] it's in roxy raceway wait was it i remember seeing it there was it there okay i'm trusting you on this one i'm trusting you but this is the last time that i'm gonna trust you this is the last time i'm gonna trust you it's the last time and then i'm turning chat off and i'm not even gonna look at you i'm not even gonna listen to you i'm not gonna not even give you a bit of attention all right no no no no i'm not even looking at chad anymore i never do anyway your thoughts interfere with my genius so i'm going to make do okay nah right so i think uh the raceway over there roxy is just being annoying i think i left yeah i have this here might as well grab these things that i can find while i can find them oh that's useful don't know what that's for but it's useful maybe all right so somewhere in the raceway is another arcade game oh my god all right thank you wait what oh i gotta go up for it that's right because it's all broken down okay so i'm going here you've interfered enough haven't you done enough the answer is no you have not because you haven't listened to distractible yet hey there's a link down in the description that goes to my podcast with my good friends bob and wade where we have a great time just chatting about utter nonsense and [ __ ] for about an hour at a time you're gonna love it click the link in the description below that says listen to distractible pick your favorite podcasts and streaming site and go check it out see this is the benefit of live streams you can't skip this you gotta you can't escape it you can't escape me all right anyway i'm going here nah nah hush your faces ha shop you hush i don't want to hear none of it oh there's something in the information over there i didn't go over there go to which is a questionable website that probably exists definitely 100 certainly exists where is the raceway where am i ah this is it but i don't have i don't have an icon anymore but that's fine who needs it okay so there probably is something down here in one of these side rooms to the garage maybe uh there was like a present here that i found i don't know if there's anything else yeah i found that one okay it says there's another room right there i finally have my my icon again there's another room like back around that corner let me try that like around here other side of the stairs oh it's like chained off interesting what's back there huh maybe there's something maybe it's not probably not though no just a bunch of laundry bins some radioactive chemical barrels stuff like that oh there's something over here oh out of order okay interesting oh hey bell what are you doing there no no no tampering with fazbear automated staff will result in suspension of your membership huh well this is odd i feel like there would be something here there's a helmet there but i don't think that's something no i feel like there would be something here never stop smiling no hang in there i am shut up oh this thing oh he's coming here he's common got it roxy's weakness find a brick oh oh of course of course ah [Music] oh suddenly runner over with a car you say i will take that into great hand and thought of that hmm what a unique idea i see i see warning tampering with fazbear automated staff will result in suspension of your membership okay okay okay all right so i'm not seeing anything here i don't know of anything over there i don't know what's going on here there anywhere i don't even know if i can get up there anymore but that would be another area i think i might be blocked off no yes yes no yes that's blocked off maybe there's another way to get up there hmm i doubt it get zapped all right don't get zapped all right i'll miss every shot that was a warning don't make me get serious go under nah okay so i can't go up there this way was just back where i absolutely annihilated roxy and uh i don't think there's anything else here no that just goes down that's where i got out of the area there [Music] okay nothing here you guys are saying the salon like i know what that means oh the salon yeah of course the salon i don't know what that is oh definitely 100 know what that is i've definitely been there and have that knowledge see not all of us just look up other videos to get the answers some of us actually enjoy the game and play it thoroughly and the thrill of the hunt is the only thing that they we need to continue on our journey to greatness but no you look it up on a wiki site or another guide or something like that no you don't know you don't have the stones necessary to dig deep and search for the truth and see it with your own naked eyes while you're also naked i am naked right now you don't understand you don't understand true commitment to the truth and finding it you have no idea anyway all right i'm gonna go i'll see all around here this was a big waste of my life what a useless pile of nothing okay all right let's do a thing let's actually be proactive about this i'm thinking of a number between one and a hundred and if you guess it correctly i will give you a hug so start guessing oh someone's getting close not quite i'll try again oh good guess good guess but no ah you almost had that one it was very close no no no no not that one not that one no good guess though good guess yeah oh you'd think that you'd think it would be that number but funnily enough no no no no no no oh there's a charging thing here all right keep going you're almost out of time you better get your guesses in or you don't want to miss out on the hug oh almost there you almost got it ah time's up oh i'm sorry guys time is up i apologize oh you were so close you were right there oh no no no i'm not going to tell you the number i'm not going to tell you the number but you were close you were real close yeah you were this close away from it you almost got it though hey you may not get a hug but you know what you do get you get to listen to a great podcast called distractible it's one that i made with my good friends bob you can listen to it on any of your favorite podcasting sites spotify apple podcast the other ones why don't you go check it out that's a good consolation prize if you ask me almost as good as getting that hug maybe even better you know listening to it is like having your ears hugged by me anyway congratulations i am lagging a lot i'm back now literally uh youtube didn't like me the i i the collective groaning of everyone after that was so loud that it shook the internet and you wasn't able to keep up with any of it i think i'm back now anyway all right yeah yeah yeah i know lag yeah yeah yeah all right so can i slide in freddy can freddie slide down here freddie you wanna freddie you wanna go for a slide you wanna go for a slide pal doll so close that's fine guys it's fine don't worry about it it's totally fine hush security oh hi security um audio's cutting out but it's not muted it's i have no idea what is it what does it sound like hang on one second hmm no idea what is it what is the sound that's fine it just needed to catch up a bit you guys you guys and your your just refresh or whatever it's fine anyway that was so worth it so worth going down that slide i'm so glad i did that but anyway i'm gonna go downstairs um because i think there actually is there's like a back area here i know there's a lot of goodies here that i have not obtained but i'm not worried about that right now i'll worry about that if i have to worry about that not and not any moment sooner okay yeah if you're having issues uh yeah my internet like is hiccuping but it's fine just uh restart refresh the browser what is going on there i don't know why that's there uh yeah there's this whole back area here what is this what is going on there what is that that's not the basement because the theater's over there and that leads yeah that leads down there what is this what's this area hang on it's like behind these bathrooms i don't know if there's any way to get in there no a golden toilet guys guys it's a golden it's a golden toilet guys guys the truth of the lord really reaching now okay so not there maybe through the gift shop how do you get no that's the top entrance to the theater that's not what i'm looking for this just leads back here i don't think that there's anything there yeah i don't think so but whatever oh yeah that was that old poster that i found and then lost because i died before i could when i couldn't save and it was all useless yeah how do you get back there that's interesting maybe one of those rooms up there does have a back way hmm maybe i don't think so that's a tv hmm i'm not seeing any way to get back there but anyway you guys said that there was princess quest 2 here somewhere but i'm not seeing it warning tampering with fazbear automated staff will result in suspension of your membership i don't remember seeing it on my journey here before zoom in on the map how how i wish i could you know i wish i could i've never been able to figure out how to do that you know never really never really got that one i you know i would love to zoom in on this map this map doesn't have as much functionality as i would have thought but alas i must persevere regardless one second come back come on i got you before come on come on come on there we go off ready mask great well here's the behind the ticket counter that doesn't hear all right yeah whatever who needs it i don't think it would be over here now enjoy the comedy i don't know i don't know i don't know i don't know who's got time for that not me okay i'm gonna stop putting around i'm gonna stop putting around time to get serious what's over here i don't think i've ever been over here markiplier is matpat maybe in another universe maybe maybe but in this one i just play who put some generators hello what did i get what i got bb world game has been acting up customers have complained that it starts to glitch over time i headed to the theater to fix it and now it's gone i never saw a move request so it should still be somewhere ah i guess i'll check again after the company meeting interesting there's no record of a pq3 arcade yet there is a cabinet tucked away in phasor blast won't work though princess quest three sometimes i hear it in attract mode but i've never seen a single image displayed too creepy leave it where it is at least until i play one and two ah ha ha ha ha ha ha okay so there was a some heavy cables there was a princess quest one here does that mean it got moved down to the basement where all those animatronics are and if so it would have been really useful if i'd looked for it before i got all those red light green light the squid game robots uh activated so maybe there's no lag in my mic you gotta restart refresh if it's lagging you have to refresh it's the only way about it because everything seems normal to normal to me and if i listen to myself refresh it's the only way yeah exactly so if you're having trouble please refresh and it should sync all back up for you immediately i don't know if for certain it's gonna work out this way i'm thinking let me just grab this i'm thinking that if it were anywhere in this place it would definitely be down below that is a pretty small patrol window okay damn it tampering with fazbear automated i know this probably isn't going to be good for me but alas at least i have saves here warning tampering with fazbear automated staff will result in suspension of your membership now are you guys still down here but you're still done okay you're you're sleeping down there you guys are sleeping that's good i don't see any arcade cabin there some backup generators to put into the children's play tubes you know for uh breathing can i get in there no damn that would be fun caution safety glasses required why but why though but why maybe down here somewhere this back room no whoa that stain looks weird i don't remember seeing it down here before i feel like i would have seen an arcade but i guess i oh that's weird i guess i didn't really look too carefully everywhere it's entirely possible but not entirely plausible no i definitely didn't see it down here that's okay yeah nothing okay so it's not down here i've officially eliminated that as a possibility so where could it be i know there's a princess maker or princess quest in uh [Music] in uh the the dj hallway where the giant thing was like exploding down the hallway at me where everything was collapsing yeah i know there's that i don't know if that was princess quest one or princess quest uh two i thought it was two i think it was two wasn't it yeah that was princess quest two that was two so i've looked through here and all these places that was two that was definitely two i do know that and it said that there was a princess quest one here at some point but it got moved which means that it would probably be in the back room of some other place somewhere else i just don't know where you keep saying roxy's salon i don't know where roxy's salon is i've never seen a roxy's salon you say roxy's raceway i was just in there and then you kept saying salon i don't know what any of that means also it's very warm in here so i'm going to crack the window i apologize in any way noisy oh my goodness okay so i got power there i don't need to be ready right now yeah it it also could be a thing that i can't get to them because i don't have the last upgrade for freddy which i can't get until i get the other party pass unless there's some other secret way into the golf course but i don't think there is besides because this is the golf course i no is that the golf course it might be i don't know uh there's no other way into the golf course besides the vent system in mazer size i don't believe anything what is this level three level three i think that's the golf course yeah it is it is that's the golf course that's definitely the golf course so i think i got a i gotta bite the bullet it's time to make life difficult for myself but it's okay because i'm good at this game and i'm i'm okay it's all good it's all good i can do this because one i'm gonna do this i have i don't need to go to the theater for the the the the maze pass i go right into monty's golf course i do all that nonsense yadda yadda yee bitty ubity hibbetty hobbity boom the salon is next to the raceway don't tell me these things don't say things like that that gets my hope up you don't want my hobo don't get my hope up i don't think i can can i get to it though that's the thing because there are like chain-link fences right all right i'm gonna check one more time because i thoroughly comb that whole place and i couldn't find anything you said next to roxy's raceway you said next to yes you can okay all right i'm trusting you but if i if you if you're wrong about this if you're wrong about this i'm gonna literally punch you in your nose when you sleep so you better be careful you better be sure this is gonna happen to you you better watch out you better not cry i know when you're sleeping why is this one yellow why is this one not accessible the golden pram it's the golden pram everyone the lore all right whatever but go is there another door are you telling me that there is another door telling me that there is another door here where i currently am is that what you're telling me is that what you're telling me because then it's not in roxy's raceway is it it's not in the raceway interesting looks like someone is getting punched in the teeth while you sleep hope you sleep well tonight because a punch is in store for you oh ah oh look at this never seen this before in my life huh funny this new area really interesting here really interesting stuff hmm fascinating all right i'll be right there i i know it's probably over there but i'm just exploring this area or have i been here before i did go here no yes no i don't remember did i yes i think maybe possibly i definitely did can i get through there huh no wide blockades even think about it you can't see nothing oh hello bam hello i don't think i've been here before have i been here before wham tampering with fazbear automated staff will result in suspension of your membership uh-huh oh there it is hang on one second hold on hold on more important things this definitely important message i did it i did what you wanted i beat parts one and two why won't you turn on what else is there tell me i don't know man i don't know okay so wait let me save just in case like this is gonna be a game over thing where's the save station and why would i check the map it would never tell me gotta be a savior right oh handy hey that's handy warning tampering with fazbear server will result in suspension of your mouse the last time i saved i don't even remember oh yeah there are a lot of you warning tampering with fazbear automated staff will result there's no save here membership where's the save there's no save there's no save there's no save ah whatever it can't have been that long i'm gonna go for it first drive tampering with fast fare automated staff will look at me extension of your membership oh [ __ ] okay well what's the last time i said it doesn't matter it's fine i'm not worried you worried yeah i'm not worried it's all good all right oh [Music] oh what the hell is this interesting interesting fascinating fascinating what can i do i can't do anything oh it's left click because of course it is how nice interesting oh uh okay that's a little weird man this whoop hey pal hey you don't need to do that all right this is whiskey oh it's on my head i'm fine all right easy enough [Music] oh a small key this must be oh this must open something of well that's a problem i hate that that's not good well i'm just gonna mosey on over this way don't mind me say pals i must do ow my nog how's my all right okay hey pals how you doing why does it feel like the binding of isaac all right well yeah well don't mind me lighting up the place well you're you guys are kind of quick oh god no not like this not like this don't don't don't [Music] nailed it i am the greatest come to me ah easy scrubs terrible terrible terrible you're all terrible well i can't get over there oh there's lag i don't know my internet sucks here i apologize if there's lag oh oh that is a problem and dodging weave oh god well can't find any other light to light okay that's a problem this is indeed a problem this is what you would call a problem is there a light here anywhere anywhere any light will do i would love a light that's not a light but i'll take it that's health good light light light no light no light no lights no light no light lights are not light no no light oh there's no lights i just needed to go okay wait before i do anything this looks like a code okay i feel strange stronger there's definitely a code okay this is definitely one two this looks like it has one missing so i'm willing to bet this is three this would be four then nope oh i was wrong okay one two three uh okay nope okay i bet this ah then this would be four and this would be fine okay that was easy okay good this looks weird a strange key i wonder what it opens maybe that strange door that i just saw over here oh wow this looks good uh okay oh great i can't read that um oh i'm back okay all right well i did that that's good so now i go do princess quest two right warning tampering right bear automated staff that's what i do suspension of your membership warning tampering with you i definitely will result in suspension of your membership all right okay easy enough yeah it's probably something to do with um i don't know the lore i'll make conclusions later you guys don't spoil nothing i'm not even looking at chat anymore because it don't matter i'm gonna go play princess quest 2 which i believe was in the fascade not this way it was in like the uh the dance party way in the back of that thing was princess quest 2. i did find princess quest 3 at some point i don't think i don't think i remember where specifically though but i know that i saw it because i remember seeing him be like oh look princess quest three that's interesting i know i saw it at some point i know i did hey i can save wow look at me look at me all right so let's go find the second one which was up here oh well he's bugged out it don't matter oh what freddy did you break the elevator for me did you break the elevator come over here step away from the elevator there we go okay i don't think he was supposed to be able to come up here and i somehow broke him into here yeah all right so when i do this one and i beat this one handily easily because there's amateur level stuff here then we're going to get another piece of lore and then we can start to piece it all together but i'm willing to bet that there's other arcade games because that's what this was talking about there was like csf chica feeding frenzy there's other games to play and you gotta play them all probably before you'll get to princess quest three that's the tricky bit well all right that just doesn't work anymore oh do you now oh do you now oh you do now oh you actually do okay uh hey there's no need there's no need oh boy oh boy oh yeah chica you're still here no oh god you don't slow down why don't you hang on now and wait wait wait okay we're good probably good probably fine we're probably fine probably fine let's see i'm super glad i'm doing this while i can save sure would be stressful if i wasn't able to do that oh i'm out of laser okay let me get this save in here hi hi friend all right save in here and then easy peasy easy breezy pizza easy peasy breezy let's oh what the hell flip flop cop weird okay whatever i don't even think i could get through that even if i had the claw upgrade oh freddie is here hey fred how you doing pal you stick around just in case i got a funny feeling something bad's gonna happen okay princess quest 2 easy enough enter oh you are alive that is good take the sword of light and go well at least i can fight back all right whoa hi y'all come at me bruce no no all right well this is easier yeah yeah yeah wow okay maybe not oh three hits to kill him chump level stuff easy peasy oh wow how nice if only i didn't get hurt i stopped as much as people might think i'm not as up on the lore of five nights at freddy's as people might think but i do know some things right i know that at some point like in relation to [Music] baby from sister location there was a whole thing about the daughter and i'm wondering if that's who this princess is in this game right something about that yeah the lore i let the the others do the oh god bullet hell all right well maybe i can kill these guys i can yes i can oh god ow okay okay that's enough out of you that's enough out of you that's enough out of you that's enough out of you that's out that's enough out okay okay you there we go uh one more uh everyone just wants to play with me there we go all right anymore anyone else anyone else want to tussle with the muscle all right so that's open there but what's over here i see okay ow god you suck not today i gotta i gotta gauge the distance on the sword because it's very small out and let's step on some geometry there bam okay what am i playing ah rogue legacy here what is this feeling my heart grew three sizes this day yeah oh no come on i know it's gonna get dicier as i go on come on i know this isn't terribly difficult but bear with me i'm just trying to be methodical and careful so that i don't have to do it again because i'm tired of replaying things and also i remember i did find an arcade game for chica's feeding frenzy in the bakery there was like this bakery that had the big cupcake oven i went in there and i did see that i forget what episode that was but it was a while back when i was just exploring around so there's got to be something there that you do after you play these two because it must be you play these two and then there's more right that's what it must be it must be thus what is over here oh no that's the way i came okay right yeah if if the audio is lagged out just uh refresh the browser it'll all sync back up no i came from that way so maybe i didn't go that way let me see what's up here first oh no this is the beginning area huh well i have the key am i done why is that red oh interesting okay uh that wasn't too difficult i don't don't don't don't don't don't don't i'm waiting for it to get like super bullet hell and have like 10 000 of these all shooting at once oh now oh not my nog thank you very much damn you damn you all if you're confused as to what's happening yes this is still security breach if you're just joining me i just so happen to be doing some side stuff while i can still save i'm probably gonna help me unlock the true ending or whatnot i heard something over here oh it must have been this okay handy more health but why must be for the scrubs who are bad at this game i know if these shadows have anything to do with bonnie being decommissioned i wonder if it all has to do with bonnie being decommissioned like what's with the bunnies that's what i gotta ask myself is like what's with the ah here we go i see i see i see interesting okay fascinating huh all right puzzle oh i just gotta do it one at a time oh interesting wait how does that help me how does that help me wait how does it help me [Music] hold on no one tell me no one tell me okay that moves both of them this moves just this one so is this what it's supposed to be no oh all right family congratulations your quest is done time to sleep oh well what about this door oh oh why was she in a security office that probably if i was able to go back in my brain and look at it was probably the same office as five nights at freddy's one what was that all about hello the law ring the lore alarms everyone bring the lore alarms all right okay so we got that lore which is good i love lore we all love lore who doesn't love lore you know what else is good for lore distractible it's my podcast with bob and waves link's in the description if you don't click on the link and listen to it i will find you and hunt you down and make you listen i'll do it i'll do it okay so are you coming this way so now that i have that i think there is definitely something to do with the other arcade games that i've found and have messages about like chica's feeding frenzy which is in the bakery or whatever it is oh don't get me it's in like the bakery or something right i'm fine cause gregory's secretly a robot not really human after all yeah so i'm gonna go i'm gonna go look at that i don't really remember where it is but i'm gonna go try to find that so that hopefully i can have some kind of a guess of whether or not that's correct because i have these messages these messages of like um cheeks feeding frenzy in the bakery won't turn off keeps running there's no way bbworld uh headed here to fix this now it's gone okay so it's not there anymore check after the company meeting why is monty golf arcade in the mini golf course makes absolutely no sense it seems to work okay otherwise so that's in the mini golf course i can't get there yet but at least i know where roughly where the feeding frenzy game is i think it was um i think it was like accessible down one of the hallways that i went i don't really remember which one or where i was going but it was when i was lost and i went down a hallway and i didn't know where i was and i kind of just went in circles but maybe ah you're all right stop complaining um was it down that hallway it might have been down this hallway this hallway this one this one maybe no it's out of order do you get here how do you get here how do you get here no idea hmm i don't even know where that goes don't don't you're gonna get zapped warning tampering with fazbear automated staff will result in a look at the map remember because okay that doesn't go anywhere apparently that's completely closed off which is fine that's the arcade upstairs there's probably something up there to be perfectly honest but i'm not gonna look there just yet okay how do i get down i need to get down i need to get down where's the down where's it down here's the down okay so i go here come on oh let me do a sweet move at least fine you looking and pointing tampering with the fazbear automated staff will result in suspension that leads to that cove thing that there's no other entrance here there's a way back through these doors seem to be out of order apparently are they actually yes they are i thought that was way back here hmm wasn't there i was able to get back here yeah i know vani's room i can't get there shush shush your face i'm not going for princess quest three shush you don't know what you're talking about because you don't understand my genius i'm sorry are you the king of five nights at freddy's i didn't think so me i will take over from here allow me to show you the magnificence that is the things that i am capable of doing which is so many incredible things all right anyway yeah yeah yeah yeah that's not what i'm going for you uh you wouldn't understand the steps that is required to really appreciate this [Music] that's okay i i get it you know i understand i understand i can put myself in your shoes i know i'm going the complete wrong way but i'm just trying to find where the hell this other place was okay so yeah where did i go to get to that thing i don't even remember where was that i don't think it was down here i i really don't think it was connecting down here but i'm just exploring because i feel like it where does this go this goes to that like broken down cafeteria what was this all about this was strange when i first came here i was very confused because it just seemed like a completely ramshackled destroyed don't ask why animatronics why animatronics i'm asking yeah but why did monty just go on a rampage down here or did something else happen entirely must have been something else that went down here i know this is where i found like the golden chica so it's like super lower place like extreme lore 100 lore can get down here at least i don't know if he has any insight here oh stupid yeah i already got this i don't know if there'd be anything else here and i don't see like an arcade cabinet or something so i think i'm good here this is clear okay so check that off the list i don't think that there's anything else that would be down there where does this go where am i oh it's the this is the last place that i want to be i definitely oh okay okay yeah there's definitely nothing here and i don't want to be here because i hate this place forever i hate this place forever so that's what this was i see and that popped out here of all places it did but why if this didn't let me go back up am i crazy i am i am absolutely crazy i am 100 crazy okay and then there's a chain-link fence here that i can slash through but i've been here before i've been there before and there was something back there there was i remember i remember now i remember i remember there was something back here there was there was something that peaked to my interest that raised an eyebrow there was not there nothing what was it back here that peaked my interest and why nope it's all the laundry room never mind i'm an idiot i am wrong and this is stupid and i shouldn't be here and why would i be here in the first place maybe something back there cold storage this is where i was trying to find the generator to shut chica down okay i don't think this is gonna help me much but it is here okay nothing else all right we're good here i think i've cleared the whole area i think i can get out of here so that's exactly what i'm gonna do okay okay okay i can cross all of this off the list now for good so i need to find where the hell that bakery was i have no idea that's so strange that i can't even remember where that was [Music] yeah i know i need the claws for a lot of things there's probably some areas that are just completely inaccessible without me getting those claws so i think it might be time for me to finally do that hmm interesting is there's something over there i don't think so no nothing nothing over there but there might be something over here through here other side of this place huh ah out of order okay fine fine you win you win okay i'm just gonna go for it it's time i've putzed around enough i've lolly gagged it's time to upgrade freddie get to the end so that i can go into the golf course get the claws and then i won't be bashing my head against the wall trying to find things that i may not be able to find i'm not nowhere where are you nowhere nowhere and i'm pretty sure at this point in the game that i'm good enough that i won't die randomly from the craziest stuff unless i'm very dumb i don't think i can do anything at all so i'm gonna save here run freddy all the way back to the entrance stay in the place continue onwards and then get monty broke to [ __ ] and back and then finally let me just make sure freddy has full charge he do he do you do he do you do okay he do he do he do 540 long 540 let me go save here because from this point on this will be the last time that i'm able to save i know that for a fact but i don't think that i'm going to die again because i'm pretty sure that i have everything that i need okay okay welcome to parts and service preparing for upgrade procedure now if i can just not die on this side of the cylinder once i get the claws i'm not worried about failing right you begin by removing freddie's face freddie's nose to remove skull housing if you press the nose too soon it will fail you which is good to know carefully detach the ocular connector all right i'm actually going to click them right you guys are helping me remember right you better that's why you're here pressure's on everybody pressure's on great plug the replacement eyes into the open eye sockets well done reattach the ocular connector wires it is time to close the faceplate commence testing phase all right we're good we're good this is easy this is the easy part no stress it's amazing how different the pressure is when i know from now on that it's like game over if i died and i know i have not died this entire time like i'm aware of that okay yeah i know that i know that uh like i haven't died this entire time maybe maybe i have once but i don't think i have because i've literally been goofing around and that's how always out is when i'm relaxed and i'm no stressed no problem never a problem in the world i'm having a hard time adjusting uh-huh you look different to me different i can see movement through the walls really i didn't know roxy could see through walls he's on roxy's eyes yeah there was an accident in the raceway is she okay well nothing seems to stop the daycare attendant is loose one last time uh-huh that's great oh i didn't charge my flashlight that's fine come on freddy these eyes are amazing there are wondrous colors and objects i never knew existed nothing can hide from me now nothing get over here freddy oh what oh it's not letting me go up this oh you [ __ ] oh you [ __ ] is it now maybe that was the bug i could have sworn that before i was able to go right up oh you a hole you a hole you a hole you a-hole oh that's annoying that's very annoying all right but i know the way the i know the other way back i can make it i think it's always gotta do some it's always gotta mess with me somehow but it's no problem it's all fine i can make it it's just a little bit of a longer way it's fun it's totally fine [Music] [Music] god that takes so long all right let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go again let's go gang this way i don't know okay easy peasy easy peasy easy peasy i haven't seen moon man i know he's gonna pop up at any moment it's weird not having moon man here oh god six minutes come on well six quote unquote minutes time stands still for so long it's like being in the north pole in the polar express all right just got to get to the elevator bam boom i'm out easy peasy easy peasy easy peasy easy easy peasy stay with me easy peasy everybody it's easy and it's peasy it's peasy easy it's easy peasy easy peasy peas are easy the easiest peas you've ever seen easy peasy easy peasy easy peas okay no no no it's not no it's not yeah good night do you know what time it is uh the doors are open why are you still here easy people do you plan on moving in or you just want a job maybe join the internship program you would make a great security guard gregory i think you deserve a reward go check the main stage no [Music] here's a piece of easy peasy easy piece of the piece of ease and these pieces these pieces of piece of ease in the pieces and the these peas and peas are easy easy peasy baby easy peasy the peas is the easiest easiest i will come back soon actually i'm not going to leave so shush shishman's shishman's easy peas no i cannot exit this facility of course you can come on we can hide you somewhere without a recharge station my systems would shut down within an hour it is a safety precaution it is my design this is where i must stay do not return it will never be safe i will miss you freddie if i leave now nothing will change will it there will be more disappearances ah yes i am afraid that is correct it is correct gregory you have a choice to make i know i'm staying thank you for the past i'll take this i am glad i found this party pass there are areas we have not investigated you're running away superstar thank you i will lead the way if you let me go i'm gonna go i've already done the vanity ending what are you talking about go watch my videos you're not real fans if you don't know that i've already done it you guys don't understand the magnificence that is my ability to play this game i am unmatched there is no equal when it comes to me and my abilities it's incredible really outstanding anyway like favorite confidence crime whatever his favoriting even still a thing on i've asked that before i've never double checked i don't think it is well maybe it is no idea if you get like youtube premium i think you can download them at least whatever it's not important i've got something to investigate over in monty golf monty i have a bone to pick with you oh god oh i have to be careful now i actually have to be careful death is permanent i mean death is permanent in other cases too but i'm just saying in this particular case therefore would be quite permanent for me that i would have to redo it which i know isn't exactly permanent but let's not split hairs here it's all fine it was down this way that's where it was it was this way on everybody i've got a mission i remember now i remember i remember now i remember i remember now everybody hold on warning tampering with fazbear automated staff will result in suspension of your membership right here this is it this is the place where it all began warning tampering with fazbear automated staff will result in suspension of your membership right here it was here chica's feeding frenzy was right here don't you remember everybody it was right here right here and there's nothing i can do with it so whatever i guess i can't actually do anything with that but that was fun at least i knew that it was there just had to make sure that i wasn't crazy which i'm not warning tampering with fazbear automated staff will result it's all good it's all fine it's all fine it's all fine it's all fine guys don't worry about that now i go to the golf course and then when i'm at the golf course i can do something i can't play golf i know that but i'll be able to do something hey take a party pass there you go bill all right thank you more elevators to wait on [Music] yeah i'm gonna get uh i'm gonna get the uh [Music] [Music] all right so we're going here i can't say i need to go back whoa hey pal those guys seem a bit more forgiving than they have in the past i don't know why okay oh level 10 right wait whoa not me no you are a douchebag you're a curious you might want to look around that innocence that's the black light upgrade oh my god are you kidding me oh my god and you're blind oh you're blind you're blind you're blind they know you are here get the security upgrade and get out size it's fine got everything i needed everything's totally fine we're not gonna talk about what just happened we're not gonna talk about it we're not gonna what's this use the camera flash to stun the other animatronics warning tampering with fazbear automated staff will result in suspension of your membership what a relaxing game what a lovely day lovely time with lovely people okay now why why don't oh you do not do not don't why why would you do this why are you like this why are you like this stop being like this are you serious all right we're all good hey we made it good great all's good that can end good well that was low stress and great it's amazing how once i uh can't save anymore everything just goes weird strange strangest things happen anyway three oh look at i swear i pressed three before when i first got it and it did not work i swear to you i pressed three before and it didn't work i swear i swear i pressed three before and it did not work but now it works great good that's exactly what i wanted to happen i wanted it to be that way good okay so now that i have this i'm gonna go up to mazer size and then i'm gonna rearrange the maze so i can go into the vent and then i'm gonna do the final uh monty confrontation and then i'm gonna be able to uh kill him and then i'll be able to uh take his hands and then all we'll be right in the world and everything's gonna be totally fine what does this button do let me see how this works come here bam did that work did that does that work do i charge this in here did that work it didn't work it worked it didn't work it worked it worked it didn't work warning tampering with bath bear automated steps the eyes are hard work off the welcome while you eat sign up for a membership pass today super cool discounts on pizza nachos these buttons change the maze i don't know for those of you who are saying like you can save after six i can't i can't i can't no i cannot okay so what we're gonna do is we're gonna do this real quick like we're gonna be done in a flash i already know what i need i need this one over there that's in row four from top to bottom so i just need four to go down no not five four twice and i moved that up there and now i need to switch it over to lefty ready mode and then i need to move one over left boink please tell me that was one nope i pressed some other button i think three yep okay now that is there and that should be yes now that is accessible so now this took me forever just to figure out how this thing works so i need to move uh i could probably move yeah what if i move that blue over so i move two to the right two goes to the right then there's a path goes down there that's there let's move three uh so i wonder if i move this over with that open that up no that would not open yeah what if i move three to the left please be this one thank you three over left okay that that's still blocked off there move one over one more not four okay oh wait a minute what no stop don't do this to me not like this what happened why did that that was open previously why would that be that way don't do that don't don't do that to me don't do that to me why would that have done that why would ford undo what you did why did that maybe i maybe i'm thinking about this wrong did i hit two one accident i must have hit two on accident yes i must i did i hit two on accident somehow i'm not crazy i'm not crazy what did i hit three okay good we're good that's moving this chunk so i need i need three on the verts see this is all the stuff that i cut out that you get to see not that button okay what is moving this is three i need to move oh no that's fine that's good okay now you go okay that goes there is that a path is that a path that's not a path because that's not there i need to three on the horizontally to go this way oh come on now over one more aha yep okay we got it definitely got it i got it why did i get it i don't know i like gunning it their eyes have just become infinitely harder to hit i don't know why but they did so there leads to the is golf catwalks i believe there is a control panel for the maze around here somewhere oh okay i need to get this one out of there so i'm gonna move it over one more i'm gonna switch i'm gonna move it up no i'm going to move this down because i'm going to replace it with no i can't replace it with that one i'm going to replace it with this one oh my god i hate i hate this i don't know why but my brain just can't do it it's hold on because i'm moving this down now i don't think that broke anything there because that's still a clear path down there i'm moving this here i don't need that one i need that one would also block me off all of these would block me off why do they all block me off these are all the worst ones to possibly have why are they there i don't know but whatever maybe i could just go in the other door maybe i could just do that what if i just do that there's two doors why wouldn't i just is it open i can't tell why like is it open no but that's fine because i'll move it over one more oh we'll be right in the world because i can go you open you're open okay you're open where are you tampering with fazbear automated staff will result in suspension of your membership oh good it's all good i think i go this way in this way and this way in this way and up here and through here and then up through and then suddenly i'm in the vet and i gotta go slanty into him okay we're good now we just beat this boss level first try like i did before we get the claw upgrade put them in like i did before wouldn't you know it we got everything we need just like that can't save that's fine okay this is fine welcome to the party buddy welcome to the party it's gonna be a good time now that you're here thank you just uh be nice rock and roll you'll never be bonding you'll literally never be as good as bonnie [Music] easy okay i think i missed like all of those shots for some reason don't know why nope oh it broke [Music] no thank you i don't want any where did he go oh god oh god no no i could have shot all this okay just a few more i could have just shot him i don't know why i didn't whoa where are you going hi bud hey big guy okay all right so you want to be it's fine oh one i'm probably whoa hey pal let me just get that last one yes there it is okay okay and monty um hey how do you feel about falls from great heights okay we're fine and easy all right here we go easy peasy okay all right we're good there we're all good thank you i forget how did i get out of here again it's our back way goes the back way oh i gotta collect the claws that's right and then i do what exactly oh right go up here for the vent that's what it was is there gonna be a music man in this vent i can't remember if there was i have a feeling there was i'm good oh okay good good good all right okay i hear you guys you annoying spamming [ __ ] i hear you you are talking about bugging the game out you're talking about cr you're talking about cheating and there's one thing that i've never been more disappointed in you for than suggesting that i an honorable gamer should cheat how dare you how you know what how dare you suggest that i would stoop to the level of cheating do you understand how that would disgrace me and who i am as a person as a human being you should look in the mirror and you should take a long hard look at yourself forever suggesting even the idea of cheating this is the moment where there are no saves that is what this moment is about so why don't you just go away take a breather and never come at me suggesting to cheat in an experience ever again i will not have it i will not have it in this house i will not have it you should be ashamed of yourself because i am ashamed of you now what was it you were saying that i had to do again something about roxy raceway that i had to go back are you saying something about roxy raceway i think i remember i had to i left something at roxy raceway i think i remember i think i remember that i had to go back there for some reason i think uh princess quest three was in roxy right if i remember correctly i remember i think i remember correctly that there was uh definitely definitely 100 something back there that i needed and quick i needed it like now oh man good thing i remembered that thing that i needed which i definitely needed 100 i needed that so i'm just gonna go back there real quick and get it oh man [Music] anyway just got a real quick i think i left my car keys over there or something just gotta [Music] all right so i have the claws i just need to put in the upgrade and then i'll be good i'll be good oh roxy raceway is where you cheat oh i don't want to go back there then i i don't want to go there yeah no i'm not going to do that i really i legitimately am not because i do like the experience how it feels when there's like no turning back there's something about that you know that that's what it that's what made the hard modes feel hard and i i don't know if this one has a real hard mode if this is technically the hard mode playing with no saves like that's what it is you know that that's what it is and that's that's kind of like the whole point so that's what i'm gonna do um let me go upgrade freddy now but i have that oh i'm gonna go down through here i'm gonna go down the central thing and i'm not gonna screw up the upgrade i didn't before i don't know why i would but i'm not gonna screw up the upgrade and i'm gonna get going you know i'm not gonna i'm not gonna do that i'm not ashamed of anyone that does cheat it's fine like use whatever advantage but uh i'm challenging myself you know i gotta say i got some kind of some kind of skill left in these old really oh this is bugged man do i gotta take the elevator down is like roxy's elevator down is that what i gotta do probably oh maybe it's the thing where if i haven't gone in like a recharge station for some reason somehow that like unbugs things sometimes sir it says there's one like over there oh yeah right i know where that one is yeah let me do the thing where i slap myself in there yeah hold on hold on hold on hold on now hold on hold on hold on there hold on there's one like right here i thought there was isn't it was that one right here am i crazy wasn't there one right here here was another one recharge station yes yes okay yes and also this is how i get back to roxy's elevator so i'll just take that it'll be quicker anyway all right bada bing i know i should just be riding in freddy but at this point i've done without for so long and he's so slow i just can't stand it i just can't stand it also he smells bad smells like old blood and rusty nails in there it's it's unpleasant you know it's unpleasant it's like the fresh air of not being stuffed inside an animator we spent all this time playing all these games trying to avoid being stuffed in an animatronic and now all of you guys are just like yeah let me in dad i'mma hop in no no no way no way no how no way no how no way no how no how like comment and subscribe if you're enjoying yourself in this experience good that's great i'm guessing of a number between one and a thousand if you guess it correctly i will give you two dollars guess now [Music] preparing for upgrade procedure you may now enter the protective cylinder oh you're close you're close you're close by opening the arm you almost got it all right everyone shut up i gotta concentrate you keep guessing you keep guessing you better keep guessing the contest will end after i'm done did you match the pattern correctly okay that's done click on the claws to pull them out of the casing bam great now place the new armature into the forearm casing with the new armature inserted reconnect the colored wires great job now close the casing good job now use the testing console to run diagnostics and complete the procedure do oh you didn't guess it oh man time's up guys i finished sorry you were so close you were so close ah man the number was like one number away oh god man i'm sorry i'm sorry you won't get the two dollars but that was a close one you really did you the effort was great i'm proud of you where did you get these parts i'd rather not say how fortunate i should now be able to smash through the cyclone fences around the building the way monty does exactly like he did exactly like he did okay so now freddy has all of the upgrades all the upgrades all the upgrades and that's wonderful because now we can smash through gates which is also wonderful now the question is where do we need to go because i have eight security batches i'm willing to bet that i need like 10 somehow but i just got to figure out where to go first there the first place that i'm gonna look into the first place i'm gonna look into is i know in the like basement area over yonder way there was a chain-link fence down there it's like in the earliest part of the game i'm gonna go down there i think that there's like there was a chain link fence down there i just don't know if it's actually like important all right he's full charge so he should be fine for the journey but i'm gonna do it mostly on the foot just because i'm not a [ __ ] and i'm i'm brave and i don't need to worry about dying because i'm so goddamn skilled at this game and i don't think that there's any security bots down there anyway never mind friday this freaking idiot oh hi sorry i wasn't talking about you who you talking about not talking about you okay let's go downstairs all right good job buddy what where am i oh interesting fascinating they've ready nice claws this is gold why do i feel like i've i got that one before already why do i feel like i had though hey let me look uh not here i have an actual inventory golden freddy chica roxy monty i have all of them i mean it looks like i got the whole collection what does that mean though why was this one hidden i don't know if there's anything that's supposed to be done about that i got flashlight upgrades i got lots of fizzy fast i'm missing the chica fizzy fast i don't know where that is but i'm missing that one also don't know what those do interesting clothes just don't show up apparently hmm interesting okay fascinating well good job freddy there might be another oh don't warning tampering with fazbear automated staff will result in suspension of your membership don't okay it's not it's fine that one's just stuck it's fine i'm not worried why because i'm brave okay now was there another gate down here i'm not 100 that yes thank you for that right the chica screen right of course thank you let's go oh what is this weird weird comedy mask oh yeah that's hilarious this looks familiar wait wasn't this this was a wasn't this something in uh help wanted wasn't this a level in help wanted literally like the dolls of the vr game i believe it was i believe it was i believe it was let me just check my map real quick where does this go aha very good oh freddy your services are required won't you come here and give this a good scratch all right we'll do it together as a team wham all right thank you for that can you there seem to be well oh perfect perfect it's okay freddy this is my stop please let me out thank you pal thank you friend ah good whatever this is missing what's missing bonnie is seen leaving his green room in rock star row heading east towards the atrium 2 40 a.m bonnie enters the east arcade 4 12 a.m bonnie enters monty golf that's interesting hi freddy that's very interesting i doubt that means that he's still there that probably has to do with why he was decommissioned in the first place but that's still very interesting that that was hidden behind that literally a gate that i couldn't get unless i'd been to monty golf very interesting oh freddy freddie please another one monty killed yeah maybe you know you might be right this looks scary monty may have killed bonnie whoa what am i looking at what am i looking at what what what what what the hell is this oh good that's great what is this supposed to be okay that's creepy don't know why this is here and i don't want to know why okay thanks that's nightmare fuel all right excuse me freddy you're in the way here something over here yes okay yay foxy haven't seen foxy i'm not sure who i like better foxy or roxy but miss having foxy around are you mourning warning tampering with fazbear automated staff will result in suspension of your membership it says you can go down that way but i don't think there's any way to go down there huh unless there's a way that you get in from the back but i don't know we'll see we'll see i think this is the end of the stairwell so i don't think there's anything else to do there this stairwell went up and it went to the front atrium area oh freddy [Music] thanks pal you know just how to help you know just how to help thank you very much for that thank you very much oh there's another one ah too yes good good freddy be a dear and tear this fence down for me please thank you thank you [Music] wham uh-huh oh fascinating where is this what is this wait a minute this also looks familiar from another game a moon figure oh good this also looks familiar why does it look familiar there's a lot of stuff from the vr game that might have also made its way into this game you know what i mean it feels like that anyway huh oh did it was that here oh that looks close hold on one second everybody let me just charge up make sure i don't lose too much power where is that is that the end of that hallway but i can't get to that hallway i don't think i can climb up that can i there's no way why are you being so creepy do not warning tampering with fast fair automated staff will result in suspension of your membership nah maybe maybe probably not though how did i do it before okay okay no no way i'm gonna get myself stuck and it'll be game over and i don't want to do that why did you come running from all the way down there that is weird huh what is down there friend why did you come a running oh what the hell hi okay bye all right anyway okay i don't know i don't think that's accessible right now i'm just gonna carry on let's all go to the lobby oh it was a longer journey to the lobby than i remember okay but there might be other doors that can be bashed open over here too probably ready i get i'm just looking to see if there's any collectibles around here that i missed there's that poster but i don't think it's actually on this level i think it's somewhere else this however is here oh what's this ah there are more there are many more that's right because monty came crashing through that doorway a while ago that would have already been open interesting glam freddy blush beautiful he came bashing through this ah how did he not get through this freddy bam thank you buddy thank you pal oh god oh god oh god okay ready almost buddy you not quite keep trying ready freddy ready excuse me okay thank you all right and then wham this is where this is i see what what what what is that what am i hearing on the other side of that what in the hell the hell it's there but you can't see it alone in the dark i found the key what are you doing sorry pal [Music] exotic butters oh wow exotic butters this is the ending of sister location wow requires item okay interesting there's an item that i need to use this some kind of like tape i'm guessing or like a radio of some kind okay man there were a lot of secrets just in this area hi pal where's your head crazy okay all right weird yeah all of it was like hidden just in this first hallway that you went through and just coming back here again there's like endless things to open up it's kind of weird actually this is the other side of that i don't even know weird see this is what makes the game really interesting like really interesting i don't think you can get through this can you like it's it's a lot of it's a lot of cool stuff that's all just right here i just had a thought but i don't know yet hang on one second i had a think thought a new wrinkle formed in my brain hold on hmm what if where am i where did this send me up i don't remember coming through all of this before i thought it was a more direct route to the top okay oh no no oh come on i go all this way i guess that's why you couldn't come back oh weird this doesn't open anymore well i guess i gotta go the long way back which is unfortunate but okay that's strange weird really whoa open the door freddy open the door open the door open the door yes oh i s i'm gonna cheat through because i'm gonna get in here with him he's oh wow that's weird that's like a heart what if i hop out am i through oh that's an interesting trick oh that is an interesting trick oh that is a very interesting trick oh that is an extremely interesting trick now that's rick that is indeed a trick and here i am oh interesting fascinating good i'm ready well well well no no no no no i didn't cheat i didn't cheat i didn't cheat uh the game should have been built better to prevent my incredible gameplay it's not my fault that i'm playing at such a high level that the game can't keep up it's a burden to be this good at games as i am as thus let me is we that i do you know how hard it is to find a game that can be an appropriate challenge for me is downright impossible sometimes but last time i suppose of you no matter what can't let it get the best of me not that anything can [Music] anyway time to continue on this adventure although i already know how it's going to end i can't get through that all right anyway whatever cheating's cool come on guys come on please please don't get caught right now i think i saw another gift in here yes i did all right so now what i need oh the fizzy fazz i do i run faster do i run longer is this like a stamina up i have no idea whatever it's probably good for me but i got all the fizzy fast now cool also messages what is false alarm a local police officer came by tonight he said he was responding to an emergency call from someone inside the pizza plex there is no way that is possible i was the only one here and i certainly didn't make any outside calls he wanted to look around but i sent him away just another prank call all right so you say friend vanessa so you say all right credit ready we need to get you charged up soon i think there's one in the daycare that'd be easy enough i'm just scanning around real quick up yep i missed a couple oh no i would have gotten these already but wait what the hell no i definitely got that one because that one is that one is uh that's the magnet that i used on the machine on the other side i found the free gift uh it's a crappy mr hippo fridge magnet lame i am sorry gregory i am truly sorry so sorry okay well that is so let me just triple check and speed pop there we go where are we going buddy where are we going buddy all right man i mean i missed so many of these i miss so many god how did i oh where is that oh i know where that is that's that's awful okay sorry lag my internet's crap i know guys i know i know it's coming back it's back just refresh if it's if you can't hear me properly just refresh it'll come back hold on please panic panic more scream louder panic everybody panic scream it's chaos it's calamity scream panic run for the hills it's lag it's lag all right whatever was there anything in the daycare that could be open opened by the claws i don't remember any there might have been something was there anything here i mean i still wonder how to get back there because that's a mystery yeah i don't know what that's about i don't even remember the shape of that room being anything but there it is yeah i don't think so maybe back that way oh maybe it is back that way oh yeah the one back there okay all right all right hold on hold on hold on hold on gotta figure out what's back behind that gate what nothing's behind that gate because it's out of order all right so that is not helpful i know that there's a ton of collectibles in here let me just use my division or roxy okay there's three four no that's open one two three four things that i needed to get that i did not get where is that where is that where is that what is it worth getting good i might as well you know i might as well just double check everything to make sure that there wasn't a door here that i was supposed to go through tampering with fazbear automated staff will reward him suspending of your master their [Music] well i could have saved myself some time by not doing that but i didn't um i think it was this one or the next one i know if i was just in freddy this wouldn't be a problem but i'm not okay that's a problem now i now have a problem freddy get over here get your ass ass here ass here now on the double on the double listen guys i just i just don't like being inside for ready i'm just gonna say it just don't like being inside freddy this is just the way it is i don't know what to tell you other than that that's just what it is okay no i'm look i'm also looking to see if there's like any uh side doors here that are like well oh my god goodness gracious i could just get in freddy i could i know i could i have the capability to do that i know that's within my power and yet i don't i don't know why i'm not sure but i don't freddie come here come here boy all right okay so i got that one wait no i got that one okay there was one in here how did i miss that i'm so incredibly dumb that i can't see this thing right in front of my face okay we're good we're good we're good we're good i keep jump scaring myself because i think i'm going to do something stupid die but there's no way that i could do that because everything is totally fine what is over there i don't even think i can get there can i i don't think i can how would i get over there what is over there how do you get over there what how do you get over there as long as freddy's fat ass could jump because i don't think i can give him the play area anymore because moon man's such an [ __ ] that he won't let me i don't even know where that was pointing where was that pointing weird no okay all right i know there was nothing down in the basement because i checked that already and i saw that there was nothing so there's nothing over there there's nothing here there was nothing in this arcade i don't think anyway yeah definitely nothing in the arcade okay i think we're all set here uh the poster in the theater all right all right you've peaked my interest you've peaked my interest i'm interested i'm curious let's see what is the deal that poster there on the other side over there that poster there is that the poster you're talking about if i do the same thing i did on the one down below is that gonna do the thing damn you this not that hello ready ready no i think it would i think it would do the thing where it had an outline like it did before otherwise you know what's back here no that just leads back to there oh god don't run out of power and kill me do not run out of power and kill me don't do it ugh what's it downstairs cardboard characters what are you talking about what are you talking about speak clearly use your words what are you talking about there's nothing here there's nothing i need to find the characters from the pokemon kind of what kind of obscure ass minigame would that be these guys oh whoa oh oh i see only i had more charge huh no i don't remember what was on the poster whoa the hell oh no oh no you don't oh no you don't oh no you oh no freddy is oh no what was that what happened are you activated are you [ __ ] activated no you're not don't dick with me i don't think i've been up here wait where's here what's here why is this up here what's the point of this disappointing any of this okay all right well that gave me a fright okay i'm gonna go back and look at the picture the poster and then come back unless they're all down here in different places but i don't even remember what the poster looked like so i'm gonna go back and take a gland or and then come back downstairs warning tampering with fazbear automated staff will result in suspension of your membership aha okay pirate okay chica that i've seen i've seen these before the chica mermaid weird interesting i don't think that there was another one of these guys down there but the chica mermaid is out in the atrium and that guy i think i've seen in like the the phaser blast little back room there something just so happens to be my time that's interesting and if i have to go back to the basement because i missed one there that's fine i'm not too worried about that that's at least relatively nearby okay okay that was a fruitful adventure lad guys panic scream scream at the top of your lungs panic it's the lag the leg all right we're doing good guys we're doing good we're doing good we're doing very good refresh if you've got audio problems that's totally fine we're doing good we're doing real good temperature automated and dispensing of your membership oh wait was that it no that was not it there's got to be more there's got to be more right there's got to be more there's more i know there's more okay all right okay i'm gonna continue on come back to that later because i i i i have seen those other characters before and i think it's like i gotta get old so i don't have all of them so i'm not gonna go back it's not open yet i gotta do other things no i it wasn't done it wasn't done guys it wasn't done i know it wasn't done 100 was not done [Music] that the lack of 80s very funny very funny hilarious actually oh my god the elephant takes so long okay so now we're back here what we need to do is we need to do something we've got a lot of ground to cover yeah the problem is there's so much place and i don't know exactly what needs to be clawed open what needs to be done i'm not 100 sure about all those things because there's a lot of things that i could potentially do i just don't know what needs to be done like and there's some places that are like clawed open that i could already access so that i can kind of eliminate was there anything in the prize counter there was something it said about going to the prize counter for some reason it wanted me to go to the prize counter like real bad but i just don't remember what it was there was nothing in the bonnie bowl i know that i don't think that there was actually anything in in the dance area i don't think so anyway let me check the superstar kid because that's at least one place that i haven't thoroughly explored mazer size definitely didn't i know that didn't unless it definitely did and i'm just dumb it's entirely possible and eventually yes i will go to fox's raceway but not for the reasons that you want me to go you cheaters i want to go somewhere else i'm going to go here i want to explore this area nothing there nothing there nothing there okay nothing there this is a bathroom what's behind there why are you so slow hurry up there you are tampering with fazbear automated staff will result in suspension of your membership why are you patrolling this bathroom who did that no i say no warning tampering with the fazbear automated staff will result in suspension of your membership no no it won't no i don't think that there's anything here because i doubt unless that like somewhere in here is like the balloon boy world or whatever it is it might be in here but i don't have the patience to look for that there's no way that i'm gonna look for that i would have to comb through every single inch of this place warning tampering with fazbear automated staff will result in suspension of your membership oh my god are you kidding me are you serious oh god ah this is the tunnel back to the prize counter well then i didn't even need to go this way i just needed to get to the prize area i don't think that there's anything in the prize area either yeah there was nothing here unless let me get freddy really i can't have freddy back here why give me one good reason give me one good reason this is a bunch of baloney a bunch of baloney it's a bunch of baloney i'm finally behind the counter that's going to do me any good not that i know why i would need to in the first place nothing back here and then nothing over here and this just leads back out okay so this was a big waste of time i didn't need to come here at all but that's fine that's the nature of the game i explore where i need to go when i fail when i need to fail oh that went the wrong way oops oh my god they got the slowest security guard in the world [Music] there we go all right so i know there's another cutout for that poster thing i don't know what the poster thing is about but i know that there's another cutout down here in i think in there right yeah i see it i see it i see it i see it i see it i see it if you don't see it look harder it's right back there in this like children's cove area whatever it's called there that one if i take a picture of that and the eye glows and that means it's another part of the poster that's the only time that i've seen that one is it though maybe there's another one maybe i'm wrong about that i might be wrong i might be stupid i might be i might just be guys guys i might just be stupid wow i'm stupid i'm dumb i didn't do it right freddy help no freddie please i don't know of any way to get like the level 10 pass i don't even know how you could maybe i should go into the golf area because i've never really been able to explore a lot of the gulf area i kind of was always in and out but i'm wondering i'm wondering if there's some things back here that's lurking i know i've seen those other cutouts somewhere else but i think it was it's always in like some back room or someplace some side room that i've never seen before yeah i'm gonna get to roxy's raceway i'm gonna get there eventually but i'm i'm combing through the building uh looking for secrets in case it wasn't obvious i'm trying to be methodical and thorough in my investigation friday whoa freddie hi hey pal how you doing good to see you let's go for a venture let's see there's a lot of stuff here that i've missed hello officer how are you doing good to see you keep up the good work okay something down there this would be a pretty fun golf course i got it this would be pretty nice gator grub no i've already been there something up here i believe at some point in the past i've gotten this thing but oh why holy crap don't you do nothing no one's really been coming after me when they do those things i got an entire go-kart i got an entire go-kart guys i didn't even need anything else i didn't even need anything all right let's see you got that one one other thing over there i don't get over there how do i get there oh gregory this is such fun i love a ball pit you're a real superstar okay am i back okay it really uh my internet is getting like less stable by the second i have no idea what's going on this is very bizarre uh but you know i uh i'm committed to this what is this where's there a slide leads down there what okay all right hey how you doing i'm back uh let me go charge up i know there's a charger right here if it works i hope it does let me charge up and then um i think i got everything i needed here and i don't think that there was anything in the back that had like things that i could open up yeah refresh if you're if you're all kinds of turbulated just give it a good old refresh and that should sort it out kind of think right there's something else going on something else to do here is something else oh did i oh i i don't remember if i got the things here before or after i died because i remember i died getting all these things on the time i went and got all these things i don't know if i kept them though did i get them oh i did not get them goddamn that was before i died okay oh the golden sun what does that mean there's a golden moon is that what that is i know i've already gotten that one but i guess there are more golden figurines to be had hello can i have this please thank you the moon plush not the golden moon plush that's the only two i'm here i'm stuck oh god there we go okay okay i missed one over there god damn it i'm an idiot how did i miss that one i was like right there i know i tried it i tried it i tried oh oh i see ah interesting interesting i see fascinating the lore the lore everyone the lord i don't think that there's another one over here i think that this might be i'm talking about the cutout not this necessarily what i'm looking at right now there was also one that was in the brush back here if i remember yes yes i should have been looking for these a bit more carefully before because then i wouldn't have to backtrack so much but it is fine i'll be all right i will survive i don't know if there were another or any other paths back here that needed to be scratched open i think most of the places that would be scratched would probably be in the back tunnels or underground areas and i think this just leads back to the atrium yeah this leads back here which is not where i need to be but let me double check it and just take a gander with freddy real quick somewhere back there somewhere back there freddy thank you you didn't literally have to run all the way from where you were before you could have teleported but that's okay i forgive you okay there's something unopened there ah let's find out what it is most of those are opened opened open that's unopened this is unopened oh how did i this is the oh how did i miss this how the hell did i miss this i don't know this was oh whoa collect where what am i looking at what am i collecting i don't see anything what are you talking about here ah all right then right the other idea that i had there was something else here hold on everybody hold on to your butts hold on to your butts doesn't say level 10 anymore hold on your butts it was there the cd okay these aren't part of it no these aren't the ones i don't need those was there a cutout that was back in the cutout area back there there might have been it's pretty wide coverage if it wasn't bam ah sorry about sorry bill didn't mean to i apologize where does this go oh where the hell does this go oh this is just the rehearsal area oh you don't think there was anything back there but there probably is i should probably go there and i should probably check it out but i don't really want to yeah i'm not gonna do it i'm not gonna do that yeah i'm not gonna do that this is where the freddy cutout is is it are you sure where i just was oh oh i knew i should go back there i knew that was a test that was a test to see if you were up to my normal level of commitment and attention to detail that i obviously am right of course it's back there of course it is i knew it i always suspected it in fact i knew for a fact it was back there 100 the entire time because i'm so goddamn smart and so goddamn good at this all right whatever i'm gonna stop being all egotistical officially now i'm never gonna be egotistical again and i swear i always keep my promises always forever i've never not kept a promise in my entire life that's amazingly ah it was here so the only one left is the bonnie one right what are you doing back here right there's a bonnie the bun no not back here not back there no way not back there there was a bonnie one wasn't it like in phasor blast it was like that back room in the back ass of phaser blast right wasn't it i think i remember seeing maybe it wasn't that one bonnie at the end of arcade hallway i'll trust you on it i'll trust you i'm trusting you on it okay i'm trusting you on that i'm gonna go there and then i go all the way back to the daycare and then i'll go all the way back all right i'll do it i'll do it for you i'll do it uh let me charge radio it was in our kit right there was an arcade machine in monty golf i knew that there was something going on there but i'll get to that in a moment i'll get to that in a moment i'll get to that in a moment i'll get to that in just a hot second i got other business to attend to oh he's so slow that i really don't want to have to wait how about i miss present there he's just so slow yeah yeah i got you i'm hearing you i'm hearing you loud and clear i got you i'm hearing you i'm hearing you loud and i got you i got you you're gonna see the lore this probably isn't gonna lead to any kind of an ending but it's gonna be another secret room that took way too long to get to and we'll be barely rewarding for what the effort was but i'll do it i hear ya i hear you i don't remember seeing a bonnie cut out back there but you're probably right you're probably absolutely right you're probably 100 absolutely right yeah i just got to figure out where it is by the way there's a link in the description that will take you to distractible it's a podcast that bob wade and i have made i think you're going to enjoy it if you want to have a laugh just go listen to it what's it gonna do kill you well it's free it doesn't even cost anything it's free it's content you like bob and way don't you i thought you liked them i guess not oh you are here ready for oh you are here i didn't know you were here all right i'm gonna i'm gonna ride him up because i'm not risking this area because i know that chica is still up there and there's a present back there apparently i'll get that on the way out i'm not risking anything now i've come so far and if i die at this point i'm gonna be so mad chica's just like permanently here that's just where she is now which is comforting to know that people just are consistent like that don't know why though but it makes it good because i don't have to worry about her being anywhere else at least oh it sucks up so much power to get through here all right thank you thank you thank you freddie you're such a delight appreciate you all right so somewhere back here there's a cut out it might be all the way at the end of the hallway yeah i haven't seen much bonnie so it would stand out i think anyway maybe maybe not i do not know um man it's like i should have gone golfing when i first did it oh he is there well that would be all of them right i've already played princess quest 2 so i don't need to do that so should be good now right that should have been all the characters i don't think that there was anything else that's all for i think so i go back to the daycare i go through all that stuff and i'm good to go right i'm not going to ride freddie back because i just don't have enough power and he's going to kill me if i pop into my know he will i'm just going to zap chica i'm just a zapper not risking not risking it i always say that right before i die but i'm not risking it not this time where you going that's right where's she where is she whoa my god god damn you no where where oh no um um gregory you have a choice to make the door is open well we saw her hideout right and phaserblast maybe we could catch her there if she thinks i escaped maybe we can surprise her yes come let us end this i'm trying to skip it's not letting me skip i can't i can't let oh my god i want to skip you gave me the option and yeah it's not here you said skip and it's not skipping i guess just another thing that doesn't quite work the way it's supposed to oh my god oh my god i just i'm so what is even happening where am i i don't have the camera i don't have anything i lost so much the reason i'm going here is because i know that princess quest iii is in vanna's room and i think i go to vanity's room here what what what what yeah no it's it's just one of those things where it's like god i'm trying to be so careful and chica spawns on top of me and that kills me saw her hide out right that's what does it like maybe that's so unfair don't surprise her i'm fine if my skill is bad and i intentionally do something that's wrong and it messes up and i still can't skip this like i'm fine period very good very good very fine i'm fine but i'm fine but it's like come on why would you have a situation where you could have something like that happen like i was right ah i wasn't careless that's the other thing i wasn't careless i was looking around like oh where is chica i know the chica's there and just right i just cannot overstate this concept are you coming right for me i don't know i just i'm fine i'm good i am so good i'm do you think you're better than me yeah apparently i don't know maybe oh still just you it's fine though i got all those golden things i got all the drinks i got everything it's fine tampering with fazbear automated staff will result in suspension of your membership oh look it's chica surprise you didn't spawn right on top of me that would have been in character okay right so i'm going here for a different reason than just getting this ending it's because this is here right princess quest three so at least this is something that i can do right yo fascinating oh back here interesting oh my god i do not have a lot of health here please don't nope out please don't oh god oh i'm out of um what oh okay weird whatever all right it's fine it's fine it's fine maybe i'll just run out nope that's not an option i'm stuck help i'm dead apparently no it's fine it's fine fine i'm good at games let me go down see what's in here yeah it's just hard to gauge the range on this thing because it does have some range i just don't know where it is okay okay i'm i'm tuning it in i've got it right on the edge of the sword okay better better better better better okay so what's in here oh it is the pizzeria okay there's a lock there it's not really a door am i to argue oh oh oh oh oh oh they're like oh no hi welcome back it's fine the lag is over it's it's all good now we're all happy and fine and i'm trying to figure out how to go here this seems like the uh there was a five nights at freddy's vr maze that i went through a while back that had foxy stalking you it's kind of reminiscent of that hello oh something's not right um no yeah something's not right that's a little weird why did i get that it's a lag of 21. hey you got that right yeah they're right pal all right i'm i think i'm done here i don't know what else there could be but i have a mask oh how nice good good thing i have a tendency to explore dark areas that no one else would actually go to but i do because i'm insane i don't typically hop on a conveyor first thing oh i'll get on the conveyor then okay we're just gonna ignore that i'm not gonna pay attention to that why would we zap hi hello okay what is this feeling a strength oh god what are you doing what are you doing okay so there's some kind of convoluted conveyor system but why oh well that reversed them great good oh oh interesting oh ah do i have to somehow get there at the same time no okay all right something is not right no something is not right here what's with all the bunnies why is bonnie missing what is with any of this why is it all like this why does it all come down to princess quest 2 and 3 which is what i'm currently playing why is chica looking at me like that what are you looking at it's all fine it's all fine probably yeah these aren't keys though i don't think oh oh yeah that's right that's through here i don't think i can touch that i can touch it strange key i wonder what it opens i don't oh oh my god go away go away hey go away stop it is going to be a bullet hell i'm a crawl that's right i can take you listen i'm if i could fight chica like fist fight not my dog my dog is sweet and she would definitely beat me up but chica the animatronic in this game five nights at freddy's security breach i would oh wasn't that the door from the end of help wanted as well the lock and key door whoa [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the end of five nights at freddy's security breach hmm i could yeah i saw the three stars there too i thought three stars so that's it i could probably make a lot of guesses about what the story is but i don't know enough about like the backstory of five nights at freddy's i've never read any of the books or things like that and there's a lot of people out there on youtube that have done in-depth lore views and stuff like that you know the matpats and other folks of the world and i know that that's probably not the true ending i know that i'm 100 certain of that that's fine i get that however i just want to wrap this up here because i don't want to go through two and a half hours of crawling through tunnels to get everything that i just got again to go through just to get that true ending um it'd be great if it was like a challenge like you know it was tough and something that i could really skill-based beat that's fine i just don't want to i i got my enjoyment out of it through the crawling and the exploring and stuff like that and this was satisfying enough and i knew that this was here that i could do this i i'm happy that i was able to get those saves in with the other stuff first before i got to this point and got here um let me get to the end of the credits because i don't know if there's gonna be something at the end of the credits now there wasn't before because obviously it wasn't a real ending um but i would say that this is probably the good ending but the good ending is never the true ending of anything um and i'm not gonna leave just yet because i do want to like wrap up my thoughts about this game and like what it is and five nights at freddy's and where it stands right now i know it's not the ending i know i know it's not i'd say i'd say that was like it's unending it's not the ending whatever i get it there's a lot more secrets and there's a lot more puzzles and there's a lot of stuff for people that are really really really into finding that kind of stuff and if i ever do it again which i might i might still do another one i would definitely do that whatever exploit i was talking about but going to roxy's raceway and getting like the save to actually come back because i know i know i know i'm i'm getting there i'm getting there hold on hold your horses hold on if if everyone is able to be quiet in chat for one minute i will reveal the truth of the bite of 87 but only if you're able to hold your mouths closed and your fingers closed for just one minute oh look at that [Music] that's lovely that's lovely that's lovely oh guess you couldn't stop talk it's all good guys it's all good i'll tell you the truth of the bite of 87 at another day anyway i'm actually all out of time and i'm tired and it's too warm in this room and i think i'm gonna call it for now because it would just take me way too long to get back to where i was now that doesn't mean that i'm done i want to be very clear that doesn't mean that i'm done with this i may or may not do another stream tomorrow where i actually try to do it or i'll make another video about it i don't know but i need to take a break i'm hungry i'm gonna do that but i do want to wrap up like my thoughts about the game and some things that i i think i'm piecing together about my experience and it's what i was saying there before as frustrated as i can get it doesn't mean that i dislike the game because there is like love put into a lot of the corners of this game there's not a lot of polish in some places and the experience overall feels a little disconnected and i was talking about it before how it almost seems like there's another game that was here originally and it didn't come fully true and a lot of the game's funness actually does come from kind of like going around and exploring the whole thing and i'd like to think that the game used to be you just go around the whole place exploring finding things all these mini games and stuff were here but the timing system actually was spaced out like you only had six hours to do it and every hour like at the end of our hour was like a crisis that happened so it was it was i believe it was something like that but that doesn't matter i do enjoy this and i think the experience is very good um i will however do all of the endings that's something that you can guarantee for me i'm not a quitter i'm not a quitter if there's one thing that i'm not it's quitter and i already want to go at it again but i just don't have time to do another two and a half hours of it so thank you everybody so much for watching i really appreciate you being here this was a fun time uh hopefully my internet is a little better next time if i do do another stream i will let you know or you will see a video pop up thank you take care of yourselves take care of each other and there's a link in the description for distractible it's so funny we have such a good time people have listened to it they love it go give it a try link is in the description hey check out it's my clothing i'd be wearing it right now but it's super hot in this room and i'm like basically dying whatever so thank you links are down there thank you everybody so much for watching i'll be back tomorrow with more of this don't you worry your pretty little hat and as always i will see you in the next video bye-bye bye guys bye goodbye farewell goodbye
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 32,857,953
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: five nights at freddys security breach, fnaf, markiplier, markiplier security breach, markiplier five nights at freddy's, five nights at freddy's, part 2, gaming, gameplay, playthrough, reactions, screaming, jump scares, freddy, chica, bonnie, golden freddy, vanessa, vanny, bunny, secrets, endoskeleton, endo skeleton, roxy, monty, roxanne, golden chica, withered, music man, ending
Id: nByMYn4st1A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 211min 38sec (12698 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 26 2021
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