i took school bullying to UNREALISTIC extremes

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all right so we're checking out the only game where a trip to go meet e.t with your son will end up with someone's arm inserted in someone else's butt it's happy wheels this may seem like a perfect time for some father-son bonding but honestly the only bonding i ever see in happy wheels is when someone's head is inserted in another man's torso cavity we die together son you can see the moon and the stars looking so bright as i attempt to keep my child alive so that he may meet e.t for the first time although i guess i'm the only one going to be meeting e.t yup never mind neither of us get to see the lovable alien oh maybe my torso and my disembodied head can slide to the no maybe not i was gonna say that we could be together but then my bicycle ran me over and exploded my brain you're doing this on purpose aren't you little tom he's the only one left piloting the bicycle i swear to god i'm here to meet e.t god damn it i don't care what it takes we're both gonna survive tom right now he's like you're a liar daddy sometimes i feel like this is what hell is like it's just like going through these stupid impossible challenges over and over and over again okay we're still both surviving i just have to make sure that i don't get my head ripped from my body this there it is yes flying past the moon e.t baby we're coming home oh i can't stop myself from falling off the platform since school's starting back up i thought i'd uh invite everyone to a nice bus drive here i feel like this is a pretty accurate representation of exactly what it's like to drive the school bus uh it's been a little bit of time since i did but i definitely remember tons of people being severed in half and body also remember everyone eat healthy this is one of those levels that's basically a giant lie it's called low budget level it's like being given a knife so you can stab yourself but your knife is made of lies here watch [Music] okay i didn't actually think that that knife was real oh no no it's it's slowly sliding farther up my butt why is this happening there we go i'm free only a third of my colon was left on that katana we'll be fine epic parkour i feel like i could find a way to screw this up hold on okay this is what i'm talking about see how it's a lie you can't even land on the damn minds i found the one thing on the entire level that could potentially kill me can justin bieber kill me no he cannot are any of you even real oh you are this lady's like help me up you got it madam the first time i've ever done the worm across a bottle run all right little kimberly today you're going to learn how to kill my ex-husband's new wife she may look like me and ask you to call her mommy but she's a lying thought load the crossbow okay uh-huh is that a mine that's going to fire the crossbow bolt kimberly what do we yell whenever we hit the golf ball and she's like four that's correct would i have to detonate this thing myself can my child do it instead she has to learn somehow hold on let me see if i can get her over there that did not work actually you know what son hold on let me let me give you the opportunity to to try this out yeah there we go oh crap oh god oh no he's he's changing the trajectory of the crossbow bolt hold on let me see if i can get your sister there we go i told you that in happy wheels at some point someone's head would be going up someone else's ass i was kind of right it's just her head is going up her own ass right as i say that i feel like i need to legitimately try and win this correctly it's a very dangerous crossbow if i didn't have my son in front of me i may have gotten hurt welcome everyone to the jetpack run there's the easy way and the hard way i need no easiness in my life of course my balls are currently thinking differently okay this is good because now if i can rip my spine out of my lower body i'll have half as much area to get caught on the swords a few moments later that didn't really work as i had anticipated damn it we're gonna do this the hard way all right lost maybe one testicle there but it's okay oh yeah we're doing it i always knew that fly rhymed with dye for a reason man things get really tight in here god it's like flappy birds but a million times worse don't mind me i'm just roasting hot dogs got it yes i would give this two and a half stars because only half of me reached the finish line this is the thing i'm best at in this world it's bottle flipping double bottle flip ready [Music] mlg all i wanted was the god of holes i finally got it welcome to ball fall the entire purpose is to lose as many limbs as possible by the time you hit the ground so that you're just a floating torso ready go i still have all of my limbs this is very dissatisfying gotta get some more there we go i was gonna say i just need to get more speed okay i think that was an arm i don't know because it's currently strangling me now you want to start swinging here like this see you let go full flip okay there we go army and a leg there's nothing i love more than a good spike fall come children we'll defeat this together okay we'll we'll defeat this slightly separated all right we'll defeat this in about 7 000 different pieces all right kids you know what we're going to do this one at a time you go first oh crap okay again one at a time there first and second i thought maybe my son had made it he did not you know my son had done so well right until i hit him with the bicycle all right maybe we'll all go down together i won solely because my child got caught on the right side spikes and saved me see being a parent is great anytime i see the word impossible in a bottle flip i can't stop until i get there i'm already op [Music] no i was robbed they call me bottle you son of a [ __ ] yes i've beheaded a man with a scimitar coming out of my ass nothing's impossible welcome everyone to the glitch in the matrix the matrix just kicked my ass all right matrix just gotta kind of bend it like there all right took one up the ass but i think i might still be okay now you may be seeing yourself gray from this position it looks like your brain is exploding out of your cranium it's just your low resolution that makes it look like that come on old man ah why always in the ass i'll use my bottle to protect me alcoholism finally did something good okay wait for it wait for it use the bottle i'm alive i didn't need those legs anyway well well see someone pretty [ __ ] is you guys your guys pretty i just read impossible english and i see a guy pooping this has to be a fantastic board let us jog along with young tom hardy what the hell happened the guy get killed by the shadow of gumby all right little tom today we're going to have a short excursion about the hardships of life now tom if you didn't know a ninja's job is to get super pissed off and shove lubricated frisbees down the throats of their aggressors that was the limpest killing i have ever seen in my life the katana is still trying to stab this man but it's failing so poorly tom's like daddy you lied to me you shut your mouth alright let me see if i can get this man to die a little bit better this time the answer is no it's funny because he just dies of disappointment what the hell is this this is like one of those instances where little tom is like i know what i want for christmas daddy and the father's like what and he's like vengeance i noticed there's two harpoons just chilling out up there oh i'm sorry there's like five harpoons just chilling out of there are they gonna like shoot down or i guess it's just made to be ominous ah here's one where you must choose who lives and who dies a robber robbed a bank and a cop is about to shoot him i like that he's basically going to shoot him with a bent tootsie roll i mean do i have to pick one or can i pick both can absolutely pick ball the only thing that sucks is the concussive blast of the one guy dying save the other guy guy is running from his neighbor because his dog pooped in his yard how is the neighbor gonna die what is the ax gonna turn on him [Music] what the hell is that like an angry pair of garden shears oh my god i was gonna ask where his torso went but one piece fell over here i mean i'm i don't know i might as well see if [Music] i was gonna say i might as well see if i could kill the guy too this looks so wrong they are in a sword fight left guy right guy well i'm a lefty which means the left guy gets to die welcome everyone to bring your child to work day now i know you may be saying to yourself but gray this looks like a fairly dangerous workplace surely your son may end up dying i know being a father is hard and this guy's freaking tired of it all right little tom let me show you why you should stay in school god made it i wasn't sure i could actually get over that hump there with my child one of my co-workers is like stop what are you doing getting rid of my child support payments get out of the way slow my ass slow equals death speed up keep going [Applause] galloway trash cans [Music] all right now i got rid of some extra weight see this was bring your child to work day but it's it for me it's leave your child at work day oh man you just barely make these jumps what the hell was that that must have been my son after he was left at work for like 30 years this is an eye exam you know the glaucoma test where they fire the puff of air at your eye this is what it always feels like to me this is the longest spike fall ever made clearly the person all the way at the bottom will be grace still plays right oh get there okay very timidly there we go that's that's that's gonna be not it at all just a little tap just the slightest tap right there screw you saitama all i want to know is what's at the bottom we don't need segways where we're going that might have been like the best thing i ever did i'm just getting rid of superfluous limbs to see if it'll make this any easier on me so close my segway made it oh my spinal column might actually get there too hell yes that was like 10 straight seconds of falling i never felt so happy to die in all my life this is called earn to die as long as i have my helmet i'll be fine there all right there goes the helmet and my leg there goes my other leg things are starting to look pretty bad here oh wait we're doing we're doing good press space to shoot it's a lot easier said than done because my arm is disconnected from my body go baby kill zombies no zombie balls will survive on my watch they call me the zombinator i'm actually still alive my one arm is still moving it's like fondling this random zombie over here all right now i have my hands legitimately on the wheel here should be fine i just got to watch out for this nice all right just destroy the zombie pyramid i like how i have a couple of hitchhikers in here with me that zombie has a knife all right there was one head left i couldn't have that after all oh no the zombies have employed rocketry [Music] full flip there's always one you're a wizard harry gemini testicloso get your head off my wand they call this the melting chamber i'm not really sure what gets melted this is a very long and arduous process to ruin the life of one single man nothing happened the melting sequences started he hasn't melted at all never mind this level is called grace still plays dies i wonder how appropriate it is pretty appropriate this is called gray won't play i'm not a sadist i just like testing the boundaries of the physics of the human body anytime i see a gigantic line of tom hardy's prepared for me with minds laying everywhere and an area that says this might cause lag and possible game crash i have to click it tell me what [Music] you weren't kidding about the game crash i feel like this is a pretty accurate representation of what it's like to bring your child to the batting cages i do want to get to the end of this tip go slow that's like the thing i'm worst at in this world all right just kind of tap it you know what i mean pressy and get in the you got it get in there old man get your ass in there nice i'm sure nothing here could go wrong i can fly hi where's my landing pad there it is did i win [Music] oh i found the real secret to winning i think all my children are now prepared adequately for the upcoming school year i'll be typing in gray still plays in the search area from now on to see what kind of levels there are so if you want to make me some feel free i'll see if i can play them the more horrible they are the better chances they have of ending up in the episode folks till next time stay foxy much love yeah i'm coming oh [ __ ] me so i get asked for this all the time i have partnered up with makeshift in order to create the very first custom spleens plush it does not come with the flower of course it's flower come on guys they did an incredible job it has a bell the bow the eyes the fantastic tail her 240 degree vision the ears we're offering this right now starting the day august 28 2020. if you want your own you've got to follow the link in the description you can order it from the website you can finally adopt your own spleens today
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 2,102,243
Rating: 4.9512286 out of 5
Keywords: Simulation Games, graystillplays, gray still plays, greystillplays, simulator, and this happened, tycoon funny, simulator funny moments, funny clips, funny moments, bad life choices game, funny simulator, simulation games, mobile game, stickman fight, stickman game, stickman games, happy wheels, happy wheels funny, \happy wheels gameplay, happy wheels 2020, happy wheels banned levels, happy wheels levels, happy wheels don't move, harpoon jump, happy wheels gameplay
Id: nrGQW__AhSg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 6sec (966 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 29 2020
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