When EVOLUTION GOES WRONG in The Eternal Cylinder

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oh hey everybody i'm blitz welcome to a weirdest game of 2021 this one's called the eternal cylinder where this giant cylinder is rolling across the world and we have to evolve to survive in this strange game this is not a sponsored video but if you did want to buy this game on the epic store make sure you use the link down below in the video description or the code blitz for the affiliate like link thing whatever it is anyway let's get into the game we're going to load up the first chapter look at the little guy he's right here oh look at us oh we're adorable in the weirdest kind of creepiest way yeah oh my aha oh look he just landed just landed in a nest is that how mating of the tribum works he's pushing his way out of the egg go little dude and here we are i guess what is that thing what oh we're in the nest whoa the cylinder is literally right there oh there we are oh oh my oh something inside okay run run i like running running is my favorite we're just moving we're just look at us look at how weird we are why are we so weird looking i know don't crash the big eternal cylinders coming to eat me i gotta jump jump and jump and leg i can do it i can do it oh no it's right behind me go and then i'll parkour oh no don't step in lava okay swimming is not good for us so we don't really have webbed feet i think oh look at this where do i go now i'm just kind of stuck oh great well i mean could we just hide down here and the eternal cylinder just rolls over top of us is that what happens um oh okay i don't know maybe i should try to find a way out like up here can i get out of here crushing the great cylinder had stopped wow it was safe here for a little while yeah we'll just hide out how quickly it learned to use its legs and oh and it's trunk oh i could gather things like little mushrooms not so much look at us remember there's there's two different types of mushrooms what are these things whoa what was that no bonesy thing don't eat me what are you doing hey oh it just pooped give me that thing okay choose the materials you've collected and if i hit see what happens do i eat it i eat it i'm totally shoving oh what's happening to him trip him just when he was starting to get used to his legs sleeping legs food from the jump nice now i'm even weirder what are these things can i have that oh shoot anything from your inventory try shooting water at the flying bugs okay one and then i am not making any comments about what i'm doing right now i want to eat can i eat the bugs oh what is this hey hey you whoa come here fish give me your fish i'm gonna i'm gonna spit water at you no i'm just gonna eat you okay can i evolve again oh um oh oh this game already what happens if i eat the flying thing can i evolve yet again hey hey dude come here i gotta i gotta drizzle my water juice on you i don't see where they i need another one can i eat these things oh flowers they're mushrooms everything's a mushroom oh hey oh i can roll whoa what is that big weird thing oh hello it light or basically light to the creature next to it it's so shiny oh no what is that next for the grass growing on the old one's head there's an old one oh it's a dead one a trebum why is he so big trebum this game is weird it knew the older trebum had carried this light for a long okay do i get the light it could have stayed here to learn many old things but the cylinder would not allow oh the cylinder is moving again that's nice why is it moving so much can i eat the old one in a void run run would not stop this oh what are these things i need you hey hey hey i need to eat you give me you oh that's peeing oh there we go what and yeah that's weird okay so i gotta go to the cylinder thing about look at me i can jump and roll oh so that i get it so this is like a little platform i got to get up here and then nice oh i want to go touch that giant egg please don't break it oh it's alive that's not an egg that's a mouth what is that um oh it's got eyes egg ick run away leave go i just like every step i take in this game there's something else that's weirder and stranger okay that's stopping memories while the tower stood hey that would be safe i want to eat you the power of the eternal cylinder was contained i spit mushrooms at your face what happens if i eat the mushrooms i'm just gonna like plow down a bunch of mushrooms where were the others oh here's one speaking of it can i eat the egg a young friend had found an egg a tremendous egg with one of his siblings inside i feel bad for them egg had been abandoned i got you friends could still be made to hatch here let's put you in here as needed was or maybe i'll just throw you in the furnace there you go there you go bud yeah he's gonna survive oh he's alive hey what are these things do i need to feed him i feel like his mom now hey hey bud where are you hey little dude oh it's gurgle that's an amazing name i like you here eat a mushroom dude oh he's trying to oh you need a new another one here i know oh no that is their food hey where'd it go i don't like that it's following me i'm a little bit scared here eat this eat that oh it did it did it what does it do to you it's like an eggplant a white eggplant let's eat it and go [Laughter] they're just awkward and does it know how to roll with me what is this i want it okay give me that oh that's sucking me up now it's like a music making machine and there's hulk smash nope that didn't work okay there's one of the mouth things where'd my friend go gorgeous where are you bud well i guess we're being back to extinct now oh there he is hey dude shiny blue area it beckons me maybe this was a bad thing to do i don't know i'm gonna just goomba stop it okay spit this thing at it number five and i didn't do anything what happens if i eat one of those oh i'm vibrating did i wow a trunk make a sound it'll startle or frighten i'm gonna activate that mutation whoa here are you a violent tree i don't like you let's go back to the water oh i should maybe get some more water i want to get wings here nope we got to spit at it there you go drop your little ball thing wow come here bud hey oh this is health i think oh vibrating again do i get wings nope i think it's just health points yes this is not the right there's old things and ping pong oh i see i see the light the light and there's the mouth eye can i go through it oh no hey hey don't eat my friend here oh no no no no whoa whoa vogue woe has died no oh now i'm the baby one oh evolutionary what is this whoa oh it's vomiting ish this is i don't i don't know about this game man these things are hey i don't know what's going on right now here i need to gather your parts and eat everything i'm just gonna eat everything oh what's that oh this is the thing that gave me the loudmouth guy give me you yes there you go yeah no [Laughter] yes there we go that's what i tried doing in multi guy oh it was you hey it was you you're the one that gave me the storage trunk come into my mouth hole yes vibration time okay i want this one i want you give me your flippers give me flippers give me swimmy parts oh i can't evolve with it all right ready evolution time what's it gonna give me oh it could be another egg here oh yeah flippy foot i make them drop their stuff oh there's the egg yes i found it how did i not see that before uh oh how do i get it ready float no i'm gonna try to jump on there a pow yes come here give me my egg put it into the oven hey it hatched a new family member grudge i like his name can i switch like if i take this thing and then i shoot it at him maybe he'll eat it hey bud there you go eat that no i know you're looking at it i need you to eat this fish here eat it oh there it goes is it gonna evolve now oh i didn't give it the right one hey ate the fish there you go nope it doesn't want to eat the fish oh but if i hit q it works no that was that's mine need that back got it nice i'm figuring things out evolution time very good i totally want to go try to scare this thing hey hey oh i wonder if i could pop its backside no i just spit my junk at it what does this thing do what is it oh i need three to continue okay can i eat you how about if i scare you on your show oh what the world how do i have three now come on dude this door i have no idea how we got three well this was the guy this was our our first guy oh neat okay enter the elder cave it sounds dangerous oh look they're dancing how adorable in a weird like adorable way can i eat the cave paintings i can this game gets weirder and weirder every minute now that gives me more water back i guess oh i want to go in there so bad maybe i can spit something at it here let's try this nope can i go in that little hole i got to do something with this okay if i just push it interact oh it broke i just broke it the orange to the treble whoa okay oh it opened the door it was as if a memory had been stored inside it waiting for someone to absorb it this is the red cube then and as soon as this knowledge had entered their minds the tribune realized that there was a great library of information away in the web of their memories okay i like this oh it keeps it keeps getting more and more we just keep spraying it everyone's spraying it give me that i don't know what it does but i need it six and then if i hit c do i evolve again um he's doing something [Laughter] oh wow that opens up the secret gate of secretness this is groomo the elder hello friend he looks old is he gonna die if it dies can i eat it okay you need to stay alive i'm a square now but i love you i love you grandfather look at me i'm the new elder now wait how can a square roll oh no but the elder had urged them to go forward suddenly they felt the weight of their many tasks i feel bad we will cover you with water buddy are you going to be all right here i'll scare you gregor he needs something i gave him something i like him now gregolo gregolo he's my new friend i'm going to be gregory i want to be him look at me i'm gregolo now actually i really like this skin on him okay we've done it friends we have square boy we got the tick and like regular dude i love it i just need to like level him up a little just a little bit at a time there we go he's shaking yes we got the horton boy oh awakening the cylinder exiting the blue energy dome that radiates in the tower you activate awaken the eternal cylinder warning not all towers have the same radius protection uh oh oh no oh what is that what is that i don't even know what that is i don't like it though i don't like it at all so if i move to that next area then things get in trouble i'll just eat this real quick we can't go in the water yes another storage boy come here friend got you oh what is that whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa bro scared away i do not like that thing no no i think i scared it no stay away come here fish oh oh no i'm out of energy fishy boy is coming bow nice oh did you see that move that was pro skills i want webbed feet on you good i got web feet so if i actually move out of this will the tower come at me i think so oh yeah yep this is going to do everything it's destruction hopefully it kills that thing come on little dude i don't even know where the next tower is but i see the red line and i feel like all of this area is just going to get obliterated by the cylinder now there's bad things that want to eat me and another giant mouth guy don't you dare don't you dare body slam those those are my friends i have made it to the tower oh my word that is so intimidating that giant cylinder like coming around forever oh is it gonna crush that thing oh oh whoa okay oh that was crazy did it live did the mouth guy oh oh what is this hey i got it i can use it to evolve what's he gonna do now oh did i poop i feel like oh what did i do water processor mutation constantly processed ingredients found in inventory slots transforming them into water okay whatever we're excited by this discovery but this process would not extract any nutrients so you still have to eat they would have to use it carefully ah and wisely whoa oh i look weird now okay i gotta switch no no no no no no girl did i just call him grogu where's my inventory button that is not for you right now dude so does that turn them into the troops it looks so strange i definitely want more oh there's another turn all right bud there you go so if we don't have water areas then we can use that guy to make us water the trepum found themselves got it almost as lost as they had been in the beginning to keep carrying the light they held within them something stir in their memories uh-huh there was a great power in this place whatever it is i'm gonna eat this something from the days when even the elders were young i feel like perhaps yeah it could have hit them we're gonna totally eat this i'm going to lose my storage guy but i don't care i should have given it to the small one oh oh skin girl patch grasslake which attracts sac flies hey sac flies they do they are attracted to me oh there's there's like eight of them above my head here grogu everything's grow good today i just need to spit we'll spit the spice or the one okay here go there there you go i sprayed them down i can do another one i want to eat this with this guy oh no wrong one nice four and we'll take that i should have it's amazing i should have put it on the square boy okay what's this thing it looks shiny i'm gonna totally eat that fairy guy hey oh what'd i do what's going on here we have to we have to attract the the floaty bugs and then that's gonna do something with that humanoid with three legs other jumping sounds are fantastic too i don't know what those are but i need them in my life oh oh what'd i do what did i do i touched it okay a log perhaps it could help them there was great power in this place something from the days when even the elders were young and the stranger's temple the trip and felt something stirring their memories to keep carrying the light they hadn't them i know that thank you okay it was a map i unlocked a map that's all it was and on this map a location had been marked oh i did it they understood correctly there was some manner of serpent a guardian oh this thing a greater being of some god it's somehow linked to a safe haven could they find refuge there maybe their ancestors must have created this map what is this thing for a reason i don't know what it is i can't even eat it it's just crystals all right whatever evidently there were water-based creatures these guys like drinking the juice there you go groggy is not smart enough why is everything named grogu all right let's get out of here how do i get out of the cave can i get out of the cave now what is that thing what manner of strength what is that behind the cylinder deeply unsettled deeply obviously i would be too there's a big creepy crawly thing on the other side i was curious look at this hey i want to feed him to find out no no no no come here little crunchy guy hey mouth thing weird crazy mouth thing catch oh hey it worked kind of i'm gonna do it again hopefully it doesn't eat any of my friends where'd it go where is it at where'd the rollie oh can i have that i totally want that shell in my life i want a shell back no that was so mean of you why would he do that to me what did i ever do to him run away run away come on is this something i can eat oh these guys they got the jumpy legs give me that do i does everyone have jumpy legs now oh no no no no we all need jumpy legs hey you jumpy legs there we go we need square boy with jumpy legs too and i'm feeling like the evolutionary master right now that one's got literally a jumpy thing in his butt right now okay give me you we'll see if i can get one more hey give me oh yes i needed that in my life oh no no no no oh dumb here eat this quick and now i can do this nice i did it i did it everyone's got jumpy legs nice okay we have one more roll to do right to that cylinder uh i think we'll be okay i don't like this though because that structure is after me again and there's creepy things behind it again and i guess there's creepy things in front of us too oh don't go down there that looks like a death pit of everything i've ever seen of death pits okay there's still big giant shells i gotta run oh man that cylinder is on the way these things are attacking something that's not cool what did they ever do okay it doesn't matter because they're gonna get rolled over ah come on oh those trees are different trees are different we got the big green gas sack over there and there's the snail bro oh that sound is getting so close to me ha i've done it i've done it i made it please everyone else join me yay go team that is so creepy crazy she's ripping oh that tree just broke and went over it come follow me look at they're oh that they just got crushed no run little dude don't come up here though oh oh i feel so bad oh it just got popped wow what a cool game anyway guys that's gonna do it for today's the first video of the eternal cylinder let me know if you would like to see more of this crazy wild game and we'll see you next time keep your stick on the ice i'd also like to thank ben ellen hagen dicky james paulo bunny autodave eagle arc whippet good seraphin x dez bogger maxer zarnoff noah collingwood jason mcfarland deegan paul longstone and ralph as well as the rest of the patreon supporters and everyone who has clicked that join button down below and become a channel member
Channel: Blitz
Views: 1,240,924
Rating: 4.9378872 out of 5
Keywords: blitz, the eternal cylinder, the eternal cylinder game, the eternal cylinder gameplay, evolution, evolving, evolved, eternal cylinder, eternal cylinder game, eternal cylinder gameplay, ep 1, part 1, eternal cylinder part 1, spore, games like spore
Id: qtf52FsK5x0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 44sec (1424 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 04 2021
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