KING of the CRAB ARMY!- Feed and Grow Fish Gameplay

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hey everybody I'm let's welcome back to more feed and grow fish I thought today would be a fun day to try out the crustaceans but they aren't in the regular single-player game are they like they might have there were settings right how do you get those again no that's not the right one video graphics controls how do you do this ah crab madness there it is ocean so there's different types of crabs we can play with like the crab the pirate crab the magic rabbit I have to get the king crab up to level 10 so I can grow any crab up to it that'd be fun to maybe try the Pirates crab again today he's free to play he also likes alcoholism which is bad I mean it's a pirate so yeah they don't know work but we have to grow a crab grow a crab maybe it's just regular crap should we try the regular crabs and unlock the king crab I think we'll try alright scrappy time hey oh grid done that done I need that oh my word this is ridiculous everyone's after it oh you just everyone just ate my food everybody ate my food you dudes oh great level 10 crab this is gonna be painful but I can get it I can do it as those is that shrimp nope it's just flickers of my imagination we I like the little jump flutter thing oh and I got the crab attack yes yes these would be the week of crabs on my channel because they do a Gordon video on the crabs - I think that's later today I think so hey I have to look at my schedule but I think I did it for later today after 8 minutes of wandering I finally found breakfast gobble gobble couple Paula 13 experience these guys level up quickly it seems like haha gobble gobble gobble gobble gobble he's kind of fun I like him I want to be the king-crab game crap oh you're those nerds down there there he destroyed a goldfish Oh almost goldfish got away though haha oh hello I want that I want that oh you little monster I'm gonna eat I'm gonna need the starfish all by myself WEEE oh wait where is the starfish have armor hey level 3 yes I like his little feeding animation - do do do do boob okay ready get set and chop ready is that it oh I got it man I got so many butts here a hey watch it beat ha ha think his little fingers going for us hey that's awesome ok let's go eat this one you're mine mine mine mine mine got it oh he's supposed to have some sort of special - I forget what that was the oh I got a detective toys no no you little dork that was that was my starfish Hey I leveled up achievement unlocked what giant crab girl crab to level five go away achievement screen I can't see anything I'm gonna get eaten by a dinosaur oh oh you've eaten my friend I'm not accepting this huh Oh Shubh and I might actually die no I'm not I am destroying a fish this is my fish nobody else is allowed to eat my fish because it's my first wait house worth a lot of XP and we need this up 29 leveled up again level up again whew okay jump oh I'm stuck stuck there we go oh right what are we having here hello fish ha ha ha almost tonight I don't think I can get them maybe I might sit right here I can attack something going overhead Oh aah hey I got one I got I got one nope come back here oh crap oh I can't attack the crab okay that was fun I need to do that more except I need to actually kill one oh just attacking them all attacking all the fish now I have legged to an eight chance of winning here oh this one aha oh I got one I got one yes I had a fish I ate a fish I was worth thirty XP it's better to go eat a starfish and junk elsa forgot that the crabs could walk outside on lent because they have legs not fins hey we're doing it we need a coconut yeah mom we have a coconut escape Oh reminds me of that there's a VR game that's really fun just like this if you you play as like a survivor on an island and there's little crab friend you have ah another starfish for me to devour this isn't our to hit level 10 up not at all coke - I'll come back here I'm gonna eat you you don't even know about me hey why is there agreement oh wait you can attack the green fit what is a green crab all about he had really hard - hey I can eat him where was a green crab I don't remember seeing green crabs huh cool oh well fish right my face ah no hey stuck I'm gonna eat the king oh hey he was making eggs oh he doesn't do that much damage I would to be all those eggs just grew up really quick this must be precursor oh he's gonna kill me he is then I will respawn as the king anything he's got a little scepter oh yeah you killed me oh you murdered me look at that rolling all over oh and the other egg hatched wow so now I can become the king crab so this does allow me to crab spawn huh 25 XP spawns a small cute crab when the crab hatches it will join your army please take care of it and then we have the crab leader oh it's the green crab leader when you meet a green crab it will join your army follow you around and offend you with your lives okay let's try it Hey okay I am the king crab king crab olders oh hello hello other crabs join my army beep are you dead I think those are dead hey you dork that's my food oh he's gonna bite me he bites really hard please die please don't don't oh I got a ton of XP no wonder I couldn't kill myself I couldn't kill the king there we go oh I can eat the big pieces nice hey hello red crab you're not on my team I will eat you usually you have ten head points oh it was good hello blue fish everything this is like a good feeding spot Wow 1.9 damage I'm not doing anything to these guys but I found free meat somewhere else amazing okay where was I when I try to eat myself where was I I'm the king crab king crab looks pretty cool I like him I don't have a scepter though where's my scepter at I wonder if I can ever get big enough to kill the great white I don't know I'm going down though another red crab hey red crab come back here ah I think that's what this guy is kind of just a cannibal crab I'm gonna use them that way anyway we okay go somewhere else starfish ah - damage - starfish not that much good experience though another red crab let's go get him red crab red crab ah get dead yes he's dead already that was good hey it's a green crab he's alive yet okay take out the red one ah I'm gonna eat your food and then I eat you hey we got an army yeah already eat that and then I'll come back here and eat this good let's go get the green one hey buddy buddy buddy buddy buddy boy got him yeah do it okay whoa whoa whoa text that's my food - don't eat it all I'm gonna eat this thing maybe it'll call that other guy over nope it's my friend coming with he is he's just lower red-crab boy got him uh yellow crab a bullcrap a bullcrap cannibal capable what is it credit cannibal oh there's one up here what does the cannibal crab called is it a credible oh crap incredible hey my dude how are you you're dumb you stuck on a rock you deserve beatin I kind of like being outside the map I should climb a tree they don't even know about me oh yes Oh two little chops and he disappeared can I go climb a tree I want to do that cuz grab a bull here got you a nice if there was something else out here like squirrels you crabs eat squirrels probably not I would I am climbing I am a tree I'm climbing it I am I am the tree nope I'm not able to climb but something's going on weird I'm floating in the space we here we go there's no better way to protect my eggs than right here oh I actually lose level don't you dare eat my crab friends they're gonna be your cousin's Steve and Bill don't you dare eat them nuzzle them treat them nice yes come on hatch hatch my little minions how do you hatch oh shoot don't attack him no those are my eggs wait well not here is this uh is this an idea on how to level up oh it costs 25 experience to hatch him but you get 30 experience for eating them oh it's kicking it's good we got a baby crab hey buddy how are you okay let's go to the water Oh red dot we must go down we must go down to the red dot it calls us it calls us deeply deeper into the ocean I feel like this is the red dot when there's eggs are these my eggs hey wait a minute is this another brand oh this is another color this is another color of crabs oh oh no oh they're hatching they're all hatching give me that yes let's break it my minions give me that I want it in my mouth thank you thank you thank you oh we have like this Civil War of crabs happening here except it's not really civil whoa gadzooks Batman that's a grouper that just ate my dude okay the grouper just devoured my guy break that up so I'll eat it all for you thank you uh-oh break it up break it up yeah just break it thank you you're not allowed to eat it that's only for people oh boy here comes here comes a fish dodo dodo don't eat me don't eat me okay I think I'll get to kill him you just he just ate my kid oh I must I must avenge my bloodline I had 107 experience we're fine he's eventually gonna get bored and try to swim away oh there goes I killed him nope he's not dead yet oh why is this day forever I think you got him okay no I just can't let him escape yes where you get a big meat chunk out of them in an hour after a breakup did my shell just heal I think it is healing yep it healed okay we got a big meat chunk we're gonna have to break this up now is there anything else to eat here nope it's just a big meat chunk I'm riding it it's like a surfboard oh I broke it okay bull meat you're gonna break the meat up again Wow okay that one broke good okay we're gonna break these up now there it is there it is leveled up oh that dude is just like 15 babies worth of up stuff okay where did the crabs go where they had no I was gonna eat them it took me oh no they are okay I had to pick them off one at a time Oh eight damage yeah we'll just drag one away yes oh no run away run away run away it doesn't know but oh oh great oh great not good bet oh okay eat eat everything eat everything no I need to eat faster than they do so I can heal up and level up yes yes oh boy forget this alone hey I was working my plan is working my plan is working he's hatching more eggs I need okay they're dead they're dead okay eat it eat it eat me stop why did me dork it hurts I think it killed him nope I killed him his eggs yes yes yes hahaha oh by your children I will be better than you oh hey hey yes I got him in my sights now I got you in my sights okay Oh bad king bad king bad other king you just killed your own egg you're really bad King I would never do that kidding of course I'd I've done that already stop pooping on eggs or I'm gonna do it and then what are you gonna do for yourself oh no is gonna eat my eggs I don't know what Jegs are which not good okay what happens if you kill the king do you okay if we got more high those are my eggs you're not allowed to eat eggs I don't know which ones are mine though okay fine I'll eat my own eggs I'll be good there it is there we go there we go okay I think I've done it I think I've done it you aren't allowed to live okay things are hatching it's bad eggs bad eggs FedEx bad eggs bad eggs are hatching I got it give me that meat there it is hahaha ah the king crab reign supreme hey grouper ah oh I'm double the size of your last friend now how do you like this double the damage you know you're biting me it hurts I don't like it those eggs are rolling around 200 attack my minions don't get eaten though no don't don't get eaten oh this was bring me a bad idea okay give me give me your oh yes we're jumping on him I think they did it I think they did it did we kill him we're dead eat that carrion I get the scepter I got a scepter yeah as a king crab defeat the evil king crab and take his scepter that's awesome obey me red peasant obey me or get devoured he didn't obey me I didn't really give him a chance either oh hello hello fellow red crab I am a red crab actually goldfish I am a goldfish - we're all he got away red crab give me that you don't need that hey fish oh nice so you need to fish taking a crawl through here oh hey gob gummed up rear fish Oh can't devour you I can with some stabby okay ready get set and poop on an army of crabs we're gonna poop out so many of them it's gonna be a gigantic army of crabs and then we're gonna go lay waste the entire server worth of fish he leveled down that doesn't matter it doesn't matter when you have friends okay eat you here hold on hey eat you quick I need to make you into eggs I need it hold on I need to make you nigs - well fine we got two more eggs out of that guy and got you Oh shark hello shark can I make eggs Oh to you aren't you soon in my army oh boy this is gonna be a little bit overwhelming others shirk shirk you want to see my eggs I'm not gonna let him not gonna let him these are my eggs my eggs told you twice all their belts in a round now can't jump oh there we go okay starting to hatch look at him oh come on my army come on minions let's go eat a tiger shark ha ha oh yes oh my word they were ripping him apart get him get him minions get him oh he's dead he's dead already I don't think he killed anyone that's awesome I can't even reach him whoa meat explosions I'm gonna eat everything I can oh that's sound - that's amazing they're just eating I can't even get in there okay we got to break this one down metal dudes there you go break it we need to feed need to feed it oh hey I got some meat yay okay this way this way mo dudes oh okay we got to go onto the ocean follow me follow the leader do we have enough I don't know if we have enough okay on the count of three I want everyone to jump all right no some of you jumped early that's okay one two three oh whoa whoa that's the what happened I don't understand what just happened let's try this king crab thing out uno mas time oh that's Spanish for one more time and I don't know Spanish so I don't even know what I said are you guys I didn't think I did say one more one more than I made up a word oh hey hey get down here get down here it bugs no nasty monsters Oh shark shark attack shark Zach Oh Oh get that one hey get this shirt it's shirt get the shirt oh it's attacking me attacking me boys take it out take out the Hammerhead Oh level one can we take down to hammerhead I think so I also want to get that meat oh he's biting me so hard I don't like this okay he's almost dead he's gotta be yes he's dead he's dead he's dead Jim we just ride his life quick that meat is so tempting hey you guys destroy him for a second I had to go I got hold up hold up here and I gotta go get this thank you okay oh hello red crab nice of you to join our fray oh don't you dare leave hey nice job I'm gonna eat some of that I had 29 XP hopefully we can get up at higher level here oh we got a little army above us to you so this is good that we managed to destroy oh this is what I want right here uh-huh bad little bad little blue fish okay there we go there we go there we go I gotta eat I gotta eat everything I can eat oh they're destroying it so well proud of you I'm proud of your minions hey Oh they'd love eating eating fish this is perfect - hey those things just bit me there we go Oh No oh no oh my got like four of them attack him attack him super hard there we go yes this is a decent way to level up is to fish you're too dumb to realize that we're gonna eat them all and then I could just eat the meat like that and then as soon as the fish come in oh oh we got another crap you got another crap alright maybe these are my babies from before are you a green one - you are hello green crab army where's my scepter though that's what I really want to know I want to know where my crab scepter is hello hi there Oh mister hey good job by dudes wow these guys have a brain of the road look at this look at this mess we are so good at this school feeding thing there it is give me some of that give me some of that meat Oh got another one another - another - got it oh I didn't get any of that one that's okay that's okay we are armored and we have we have fingers to grab things that's what we need good yes hey that was pretty good pretty good cleanup I'm impressed let's just see if we can stay away from the great weight this time that was really unfortunate I hear something swimming above us I don't know what it is let's go down how many guys do we got one or the others go oh they're taking out an eel sorry I didn't know that I'll help though cuz I want to eat your food me there's another one they don't know about haha mine okay then we go down deep into the ocean floor oh he's upside down you'll be okay come this way my dudes here we're going deep oh they just found something I have to wait for a little bit I want to get the big fish are you guys eating up there Oh another eel or two okay can I sneak my way over I don't know oh hi kid nice Hey just in time for some sandwiches nice okay let's go get that one can I jump up I'll bring it back hey that's what I do that's what I do I'm family a family friendly fish feeding frenzy for fish stuff okay ready Get Set jump oh I need a jump up there yeah I got it okay come on down guys let's go over the edge oh I don't want to get the groupers cuz my guys are low level yet oh they didn't eat they did those things were invisible and my guys found him oh oh I don't like this guy hey I'm need this you guys attack him I'm gonna eat the meat quick hold up it'll be alright oh look at all this yes yes now you can eat the big chunks perfect alright level seven it is this is when we attack and destroy the army oh the ocean here we go just some fish be some fish I know we're attacking things it's okay oh okay we're all right we're okay look at this see everything's okay hey uh-huh bad bad Barracuda oh wow I should maybe make like a hundred more eggs here spend a little time you read one you're not allowed my life but I don't want my guys to attack them either okay well that's good hey hey oh oh a grouper it's like my only natural enemy right now come this way let's see it little thing still oh what a mess the groupers coming right for us no no this way this way my friends this way no no Robert oh okay this was not a good attack oh I got a hammer heads and stuff too the Hammerhead is there this guy's just eaten my entire army we're all gone except for me we were working so well together we were a team a band of brothers okay so the bottom of the ocean has turned out to be a pretty good spot to farm things too like sharks shark and those little armored fish too I forget what they're called uh-oh they have no chance to survive again we're gonna eat them all and I did hatch it in like three more eggs so I'm gonna get a couple more now does this seems to be a good idea to have some friends around Oh especially when the sharks are here because they're so bad oh I think I just broke an egg whoops oh yes see now you guys eat them up well have other fish come in Hey oh it works so effectively then we just eat all the other food we leave meat here and everyone just comes in and devours it and then we just eat the other things it works it works as long as the great white doesn't show up if it does that I get set now not supposed to bite me I was supposed to bite you with my cause see it works really well I'm already level 11 so no time really lost hey trilobite showed up so I'm gonna try to crawl in this barrel I can do that I'm gonna load it full of eggs hey yes yes we're gonna have a like an explosion coming out of the barrel and I can protect it really well I think I'm getting pushed out though get back in here get back in here we're it'll load the barrel full of eggs it'll be fantastic level down it's like powering down but by losing power I gained power okay we're gonna go down down I don't even know there's so many eggs and you know let's just go down to level 11 here and oh look at all those eggs okay can I get out of here I need to get out of here Oh I might have to wait oh great there I've made it out oh look at that hey what I need to do is turn around take a screenshot the pirate king the king crab here we go okay ready get set oh no exit left that's not good I just don't want anything to go in there and devour them all that would be bad news oh they're gonna start hatching hey yes watch the explosion no oh my word explosions we we are unstoppable our force well except the great white and maybe a grouper but other than that we are unstoppable nobody will be allowed to let's go get that tiger shark yes my minions let's go let's move oh look at them all that is awesome I don't know where the scepter went I'm still a little bit sad about that here we go oh they just they found something ah okay little crab wings go what is it what are baby crabs called grabblings prevalence crab patties deep fried crab boil crab it's a mess oh yes I love it yeah I need to I need to maybe get as much routier as I can oh I'm not even gonna get any this is I'm not gonna be able to level much anymore because my my minions are eating everything you guys need to eat that great give me some of that hey hey Oh grouper grouper attacked a grouper before he eats us all attack the grouper before t2 so I think we did it I'm still chewing on us no rip them apart rip them apart okay he's you went dirt bono hey I got some food finally Wow I wonder how many he ate a big grouper what oh my word give me some of that meat uh I didn't even get any food anymore does it work are we good everyone good to go come on children let's go find something else to devour listen to that sound oh okay I guess we found some barracudas hey wait those red dots nope I thought I saw red dots that would indicate that's just blood yeah we'll come up here see if we can get this guy ha are you doing it oh they're trying to get that fish that's floating up to the surface now I got a little I got a little sandwich all aboard great they can't they're stuck we're stuck in a dumb loop oh well it's not good they coming up Oh looks like they're coming up finally hey how are you I see you two show up well puffer fish this will be interesting a time boys especially since we have a spawn point here Wow everyone's just kind of floating around everywhere that they can do a lot of damage of thing whoa whoa they're popping they're exploding Oh give me this yay oh when they blow up everyone explodes out of the way that's amazing Wow get there oh he does a lot of damage - oh that was awesome oh we got some dead ones we got some dead babies come on my friends let's jump down I want to get the bowring there just see if we can take him out Dunkel so Oh kill him you just ate one of our friends he had a death penalty hey let's go down there's the Dunkel don't gloss this I need to get Mick oh there's another one need to get in a good position so I can unleash my friends on them I'm actually stuck right now okay take out this buffer that worked I like how he explodes and everyone goes with it okay I need to oh they're over there attacking him still everyone's down here shoot Oh No yo no I'm in a bad position oh no oh no is right I'm gonna lose it again now let's see if my minions could take care of him I don't know if they can I think he might just chop through a mall at least we're in spectate mode oh wow he's eating him all my family this is what you did to us he actually doesn't mind that much I think if I were to get his tail we could have done it it might actually still get it cuz there's a lot of them shopping still well they did it they've done it let's wait for the me explosion all right guys that'll wrap it up for today's video of the king crab I hope you've enjoyed it all the clownfish maybe we should play the count fish again he's kind of funny okay thanks for watching keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time there's my dead corpse it's so sad [Music] [Music]
Channel: Blitz
Views: 1,677,384
Rating: 4.8677192 out of 5
Keywords: feed and grow fish, feed and grow fish game, feed and grow fish gameplay, feed and grow gameplay, gameplay, funny, ocean, wildlife, 2018, shark, great white, fish simulator, fish feed and grow, giant shark, megalodon shark, ocean game, animals, nature, feed and grow, feed and grow fish piranha, feed and grow fish map, fishing, fishing game, fishing videos, fishing challenge, august2018, crab, crabs
Id: UNw8YDTs3I0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 0sec (1740 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 20 2018
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