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everyone down here from that time a mine come welcome back to another video where today we are going back in time quite away it doesn't feel like an old game but it is and we are playing a spawn a fun I'm over playing it a long long time ago when it came out just put it on the Steam sale I don't know if it's still on sale but go and check that out and we're gonna hop straight into this now we need to choose one of these planets and then I'll go and explain the game so let's choose well that one looks pretty cool that one's got like molten lava through the middle of it so let's choose this one and what this game is it's pretty much you start from a cell then you create a little cell and then you need it to kind of evolve into your own crazy creature and then you inhabit your own world it's pretty crazy and it's really awesome and I thought we could have some fun with it so let's click sell stage and do we want to eat plants or meat what should we eat I think meats a little bit cooler choose a theme no theme right now we're just gonna go with this car looks like Mike Wazowski right there but let's check let's go carry on go too easy on me to name our planet this just refresh all these Moulton let's name it we should name it craigers let's name it create craigers and here we go with some magical animation and our cell be born look how fantastic this looks oh my goodness it looks beautiful is that the Sun Oh what is that massive meteorite thing I think this is where we're going to be born what are we going to look like we kind of have a preview of what we look like but we need to evolve it and we need to evolve it fast look at this crazy animation that our world is looking awesome it's got red water guys red water everywhere oh wow here we go let's have a look shall we let's be creative right now in this little kind of boggy watery area and we're not in the red water I don't think so we're in the blue water here we go here's our little creature look out cute ears welcome to the tide pool throughout school the choices you make impact your future as a cell your mission is to eat grow and evolve grow is measured on the progress bar below so I kind of know this already we pretty much need to eat all of the pink bits and then when we get bigger we can eat other stuff but see this guy none we're numb you straight up buddy come here come here right now come in here there we go popped it right open oh geez does it aggressive on it we've got quite good maneuverability with this guy and the more we level up the more stuff we can create so we've eaten floating the owl because grow could us grow we are now a little bit bigger can we take on this guy's a little bit too big stab no don't eat me don't eat I'm sorry I'm sorry don't eat me please buddy but it was he's really angry at me right now I don't think we're quick enough to get away come on go let's leave let's leave them alone leave them alone right now it's true this guy up none there we go so we need to kind of eat all these pink parts and we should be able to evolve ow I do not need to pick on those big guys let's just eat all the food and get out of here Oh other cells for that guys massive other cells and meaty of it so the key to finding new parts each part has unique abilities so this it's a spike let's go and collect the spike come on buddy come over here can we collect this spike there we go so no yet we now have a new part that we can add to our cell and I'm gonna go and collect a few of them and then we'll go into the cell crater and we'll call a mate and then create an amazing cell give me a few seconds oh we are getting as through this I'm not anymore yet why I think I'm getting to by the biggest stage or one of the biggest cells and then it just elevates me to where there's giants absolute Giants I'm gonna carry on trying to find this food and level up come here nom nom there we go well then let's call them mates we're about halfway through the process my mate is over here how you do in who is it no stay away from me no no don't suck out my insides what are you doing that's gross I found my mate over here there we go oh my god I almost got eaten from the inside out that's gross alright let's let's create our cell we need to add more eyes one eye when I is not enough okay and we've got a new part to add as well here we go you can change modes you can paint them it looks really cool right then so we've got a jaw the front I want to add yeah I want to add some spikes should we add a big spike or just one let's add two look at that nice click and drag the background to rotate that doesn't really help too much does it howdy eyes can we add to this oh there's a lot a button I of BDI or there's a lot of eyes on here remember one eye is not enough and you've got like a certain amount of DNA points you can spend as well oh my goodness that is pretty gross let's put let's put them here there we go look at that guy he's amazing oh we can also do this as well look at that oh we kind of ruined it kind of ruined it let's make him fatter at the front and skinnier at the back so he's looking a little bit aerodynamic well we can make the eyes bigger as well nice there we go that's our little friend for now let's paint him up what should we choose about zebra stripes we've got spots let's try a few of these out so what the zebra stripes look like that looks pretty cool if we do it in light blue yeah that looks pretty cool actually what are the ones can we have we've got bigger spots more stripes less stripes I think we're gonna name our species as well what can our species be called Oh No there we go it's called Trey or I did you get it did he get it terrible joke let's go back into the cell pool and be able to eat some more Munchie Munchie guys I need to unlock more parts though hunt cells will break over meteor shards I look at this guy he's going for it now you've got so many eyes is ridiculous oh oh that guy ran straight into a snow leader float leave us alone please oh no I'm running into everyone right now no I didn't mean it I didn't mean a piece of touch wiki I think he got attacked by our spikes actually that's a really good really good place to put spikes by accident we can munch these smaller guys and I think that'll be better actually so that's gonna swim over here he's kind of slow really slow now I've made him too fat he's overweight I made an overweight cell already we're doomed from the start other guys got electric oh no oh no stay away from that guy why have I not found any more parts yet have I not been eating enough people look at this guy's got like oh how do I got I got zapped just now look at that guy's I hate him yes I found something come here come here we've got our we unlocked the electrocute I think I have to eat people that have things that I don't let's go and try this in a minute I was another one of us look at Wray Wray hey hey buddy are you doing another tray all right that's awesome give me that food though please Thanks we need to find a guy that's got like something that you don't this guy kind of has something else who runs at me who signs at me I think I need to add some more tentacles come here zap there we go nice think I need to add some more tentacles to this guy I think I want to do that right now because it's a bit slow right then let's call a mate shall we mate is over here oh there's a meteor here wait a sec no no that's a meteor right there why are there meteors in the water anyway one might ask the question right let's be born again and add some more or we've got more flick-flick Phil Geller let's add some more flagella shall we I think I'm gonna add them here oh yeah look at that that's got to be better surely we've got six left yeah I don't think we need anything else the traoré has evolved slightly let's see if it speeds up a little bit hopefully it does be born again tray all right here we go yes ultimate speed oh the guy who's coming through very quickly I don't think he has anything that we need oh oh no no no no run away run away look at that speed Oh another tray all right quick take him instead of me nom nom nom nom there we go the best thing about it is if you find someone who's smaller than nope nope nope nope nope it's hard being a cell it's pretty hard being a cell ELISA meteor here let's go here I was gonna say Oh then as soon as you get bigger you can actually eat the smaller things which is kind of funny we just unlocked a spit poison which is oh I didn't see that guy there how did how did I not see that guy that was huge so now we can eat these little bugs Oh No Oh get away from me No oh no I'm gonna die right this is the seat this up quick we need some help come on Trey alright help me hello Trey all right he's massive big and sell is difficult Oh another meteorite what's it gonna unlock go on show me show me boom we got oh we got some new things that we can use to turn and stuff that could be handy let's call em mates and do that shall we where's our mates over here come in mate come here mate come here where's where is she she I guess well they just cells right now so don't really have male or female oh no it's ha ha ha it just killed my mate what the hell is your problem gonna eat you bro why did you do that so upsetting oh we got like shells up in here as well now I need a new mate it's got eaten alive the love of my life has got eaten alive in front of me come here come here she's a lot bigger than me anyway let's make a new one with faster turning ability which about to add like the fins to the side and I think we've got ourselves a pretty good-looking cell I don't know about you so we've got poison or we've got silly cilia uh we need one more we just need to eat one more piece of thing and then we can we can um we can upgrade sorry I just wasted a little bit of mating time let's go and eat some stuff oh no look we've got a challenger see that we're not turning fast enough to eat other people stay away from me stay away from me look we got 15 now stay away get away from my backside I'm not quick enough get away get away get away I'm gonna eat things and destroy you I'm bigger than you now Punk come here I'm gonna eat you oh no he's hurting me he's hurting me quick get away get away from him he's literally gonna eat you up right oh yes I killed him with my spikes beautiful that's what you get bro that's what you get right there and this should be our last kind of evolution before we reach the next stage I'm excited this is going really well it's a really fun game actually I forgot how fun this game was and there's so much to it is what I think it's pretty long oh yeah that finishes it off that's perfect the tray or I is amazing if we not got the leopard Sprint's on it yet laughs its Sprint's as height spots and prints are that's nice let's go for this color yes perfect beautiful traoré it's a beautiful beautiful creature I'm not going to lie to you right then let's test this bad boy out oh look at those signing skills look at that look at that he's going for it let's go and hunt down some punk shall we Oh pop someone else this guy is still chasing me back off I need this come here there we go we got oh it Jets there you go get out of here I am gonna munch you look at that the turning skills have come into action we've got a jet now which adds more speed but I think we need to add up some DNA points first right win to the big leagues now let's take this big guy down nom there we go we did it oh nice quick eight eight eight before before we die before we die quick oh no I got hit by a spike I never thought it would be so difficult to be a cell num got it straight away I think we're almost there the Jets got to be expensive because it looks pretty cool nan Tim let's go to mate one more time and create our tray or I into its ultimate form the ultimate forms right then because we can sell how can we tell the speed so creature needs eyes I have no idea what's going on here I think it's telling you the movement so it's got three so if we take off one of these and add only 25 what we take off another one of these so we only have one speed now we've got three again but that looks cooler well does it or does it we need four more to be able to get some more flagellar up in here I really think we need some flagella I don't think I've ever said day in my life right then back into the cell Paul and hopefully we can save up for some flagella let's are we are fast still look at this the turning is exquisite exquisite I tell you look at this guy nom you from behind come here always fast oh he's super fast I need 15 don't we oh hey there's another trail right another trailer over here we're surviving to the max that guy's super fast can I make the jet bigger like so it's huge no stay away oh oh we evolving Oh what's this oh my god Egret brain it grew a brain congratulations you're on to the path of sentience no idea what that word means when it comes to swinging in sludge will you roll the pole when you're ready stretch your legs into big wide open select the advanced button I think I want to just I don't really know evolve legs and go ahead should we just go for it I cannot wait one more time what's going to here let me just upgrade one more time I just want to make I just want to add some pledge Ella up in here of course and then we'll go into creating ourselves some legs to make sure to take traoré to the next level very nice I'm liking that let's put Israel its trademark stripes Arden now we should be an absolute beast in the water absolute beast yeah look at that speed nice right then that's what do I need to click was it this advanced the creature here we go this time I show the history of the actions you've taken during your life of the cell you have established a trait which doing unique abilities that affect your future generations which path my chosen oh god what have I chosen it shows how we've evolved this is amazing we've gotten to straight-up carnivore we could have been an omnivore I didn't realize but there we go trait 5 meats we killed five cells killed amar we killed amar well two billion two hundred million thousand years so what let's see how we evolved finish the cell sage and clamber to the planet's surface all of these sounds make me feel really heroic and like I've completed something go by God we can give it legs and give a legs here we go this is Trey all right right we have only got 50 we can only give it like one set of legs brawny soros fat seller or thunder calf they all had the same thing I think Thunder calf looks the best Oh God he's cute oh my God he's so cute look at him I think I need to evolve his eyes more the front of his face avoids not be able to see there we go and they just go like 360 vision there we go and I don't know I didn't mean to do that I need to just move this I hear perfect now we've got a way to kind of move in like 360s if you know look at that he's looking aggressive and ready to go we've got oh wow this is cool right let's add oh we call this we can add now and we can have him look like a dinosaur that's got growths or we can have the canalis oh this is better this one's better right here look at that yes looking fantastic what else can we do it could be paying I think this looks the best we can also go and change each individual part but I think he looks awesome the way is this is alternate some colors that looks fine here we go traoré is going to roam the world oh my god there he goes look ah swimming up to the surface we've already to the in creature stage Wow there we go this is super epic look at him look this is the red water we were talking about earlier [Music] it's so cute there he goes oh hey they all go try alright go beautiful look at this forest it's epic so epic guy looks like a swamp biome from minecraft it is the beginning of a new day and for you a whole new strange and wondrous world air fills your lungs as you stretch into your limbs in your new home dry lad the race to evolve has begun welcome to land I am now creatures finded are surrounded by nest mates to evolve you will need to meet the other species and earn DNA that means we have to kill them right and in DNA moves your progress bar let's take a look here we go skip the tutorial because you don't need to see that look at tray or I Troy your eyes I guess ok I'm shaking so cute left click to move ah I feel amazing right now get off the stick look he's not fully evolved yet guys don't worry he's stuck on a stick right then so in the top left we have a thing a objective it says you're a carnivore hunt prey and find a new part to evolve these are our nest buddies what's this over here what could we do with this Oh are they arms is this an arm click the mating call button to find a mate and enter the creature creator I think we just found arms guys that's pretty cool you haven't got graspers I don't think he's ready for arms just yet but we don't need to either we need to go and find you even make enemies or you kind of make friends with the others so let's go and find some other guys and maybe kill one because I think I think that needs to be done Oh an enemy camp camp I don't know if we can do well without arms but let's try shall we I don't either notice their way why did you eat fruit right this is it oh no oh oh no he didn't like that he didn't like that at all what is this guy this is an alpha score pony ax pretty cute look at that tail pretty epic who's this you men a new species Friend or Foe set your stance get ready to sing or snarl oh God which we do click on the green button to make friends or the red button to make dinner or we've made it a special ability raging roar oh I scared him oh look at that yes raging roar I'm gonna have to kill him I'm gonna have to kill him come here you punk I'm gonna eat you bro I'm gonna eat you I'm a you there we go the fight is on I think we can take this guy down really easily wait do it do it sing down taken down I think I'm doing it right we've got charged as well why is there weird sounds coming from here it sounds like a donkey win we've got our first win to the victor a briga bay a bringer brain a bigger brain we got grasses as well now I'm gonna eat this bad boy come here you punk nom nom nom yes I just keep eating him how much can I eat him I'm just gonna keep there he goes there he goes he's off right then I guess we should our hunt to score pony oh so I need two more score ponies to be able to eat them to be able to get the new the new objective but I want to go and evolve Trey or I once more thinking might give him like a little bit of a tail make him stand up a little bit and give him arms most importantly I think I might have enough DNA for that although there's another enemies here were these King King utz King Utz he's up with a cold anyway let's go home it's kind of clicked I don't know if this is the best way nice with back in business guys look at him shaking his booty look at that shake his booty right let's involve once more I think I'm gonna leave it there and then we'll decide what to do in a possible future video sports awesome lay the egg buddy lay that egg ah so cute the leg look how happy he is haha test-drive trial creature before returning to the planets all right we got arms guys Wow they are ex Ben SIV what can we take off to kind of add some arms these eyes I think I've taken up a lot we don't need these anymore do we now we don't need those I don't know if we need the the thruster IVA but we've only got 23 so I might have to leave the arms till next time oh these are cool it's a cool right we need about 50 to add more stuff but we can play around with making him longer and bend him rounded and stuff right let's make him a bit longer oh oh where is he going right I think we should have like maybe a little bit less than that this is gonna cook oh look at that the froster maybe we should move the froster to take this off and then put spikes on the back we want double spikes burr oh no we want a single spike and then we can add probably too short for an arm if we lose an eye we can add arms we've got deltoids meetings or slack wrists meetings I guess are we two beasts oh he's a beast look at him I want to kind of make his arms a little bit shorter though can I do that yeah there we go actually that's having like monkey style ah yes he's looking good can I make him taller let's make him a little bit taller there we go move his body up a little bit alright evolved it's evolved right now oh that looks cool as well ah this is the best game ever sad she is right then this is what we've got so far let's take him for a test drive shall we and see if he walks okay oh it looks alright look at this as she walks around like a beauty what can you do happy dance this is this is glorious he's so cute so cute anyway I think this is gonna pretty much leave it for today's episode we just need to add I think it's all done actually I want to keep the same colors let's just go back into here and I think this is going to end it for today's video I have had so much fun with this game already if it's still on the Steam sale then go and get it it only cost me like five pounds which is I guess about 10 dollars ish maybe a little bit more and there we got we've evolved once more here he is to learn charge what are you doing why are you so happy we move oh there we go is involved oh yeah look at these up it's ready to bash anyone else amazing so thank you so much watching guys if you want to see some more Spore and follow the the evolution of the Trail War I there and please do hit that like button I've had so much fun with this so far have a little singsong those things honk we do that jump oh we can jump as well nice alright then thank you so much watching guides we do enjoy it again please do people like on to another episode of Spore very very soon so much fun definitely recommend the game and if it happens to be the first video you seen by me then please do subscribe and join team TDM today for daily minecraft videos and also other games as well just likes for here so thanks again for watching and I will see you all next time good [Music]
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 8,829,909
Rating: 4.9166274 out of 5
Keywords: Spore (Video Game), mod, review, spotlight, showcase, panda, shears, forge, modloader, risugami, custom, adventure, map, thediamondminecart, commentary, creeper, minecart, porkchop, lets, play, live, zombie, spider, skeleton, archer, xbox, arcade, quest, diamond, rails, tnt, multiplayer, gameplay, torch, biome, sword, game, moon, testificate, video, pc, free, playthrough, enchanting, server, mining, ore, yt:quality=high, spore gameplay, Personal Computer (Video Game Platform), montage, Video Game (Industry)
Id: 77Ig0iVr_cM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 28sec (1468 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 24 2014
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