DESTROYING CIVILIZATION With Giant Volcanoes in Worldbox

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oh hey everybody i'm blitz welcome back to a game called world box don't mind me i'm just sacrificing a bunch of humans to the volcano this will be a fun video but no we don't want to play on this tiny little world do we we want to play on this one yeah that looks perfect i told you it would be perfect welcome back to america we are missing two different states those are okay they don't really matter too much i'm kidding we need the volcanic islands of hawaii out here and i don't know can i just make snow and alaska yes this is alaska alaska is full of snowmen people yeah just snowmans that's all alaska has on it snowman anyway today what i was gonna do i thought it would be fun to go through and take humans and then we can populate each state with a hundred units of a different faction and see who would be the victor to the victor go the spoils so that should be somewhere around 4 900 units right did i do math right 4 000 i don't know so if i pause the game i get my trusty rusty auto clicker repeat 100 times and press buttons then we can very very quickly populate the entirety of the united states with little tiny human colonies you can have people i feel like oprah and you get people and you get people is that enough i do it montana is montana state good that's beautiful look at them spreading out they're like yay we're alive for a little bit anyway i also want to change the world laws a little bit nobody gets hungry the monsters aren't peaceful no no no no and uh we need to know dying of old age yeah that should be good kingdoms will send settlers to establish new buildings and villages and kingdoms can declare wars and treaties yep so we have 5178 people somehow i seem to have messed up that number but that's okay and then the population here in colorado they're like nah bro we don't even want to make a state so if i change the setting oh look they made some oh oh they already split they've already split oh there's so many more cities than i wanted oh that is not oh okay there's the leg everyone loves and enjoys oh yes california is nicely populated look at arkansas down here they got lots of cool things happening maybe if the game doesn't crash now i do want to turn on the borders button too so we can see what's been populated and what hasn't that looks good so we also have the rule if a city gets over a hundred people we get to nuke it so that happens if the city i mean i might this might actually just crash my entire computer which is fine i mean that's when you win the game right if your computer crashes blue screens then you lose your save file that doesn't happen this week all right so let's just go ahead and turn off some effects drop the graphics down a little bit yeah that'll work maybe maybe they'll get like more than 2 fps then or not that's cool too okay well i didn't see this before but we already have a population 221 so you get to be reverse volunteers for nuclear missiles just a cute little atom bomb powerful bomb from the sky i kind of feel bad because in these smaller states everyone just kind of settled in the same spot that doesn't matter whatever state this is gets nuked ready here comes sometime whenever it loads in yay there it is everyone clap for the nuke i'm so excited i always like nuking things oh look at rhode island it doesn't even have a city yet neither does delaware okay that was a little bigger than i expected which makes me happy inside oh look at all the people they can't swim that one can oh that made it so much less leggy makes me happy next we get to nuke detroit so evidently doing that with a hundred people crashes the game pretty quickly wow i put in way too many pushes so let's see again what happens if i turn on where's the button for the humans at door to go thank you game there it is okay village names oh look alaska already exists oh there's a bunch more cities i forgot to put snowmen up in alaska activate okay we got 50 snowmen that should be fun there we go okay same deal if somebody hits a hundred population it gets nuked the biggest civilization at the end of the game wins wow look at this one they will go in pro mode what is it with this area wow they just have nowhere else to build there's just like there's so much gold here i'd love it i probably put in too much gold yeah i did oops i had to make sure the world laws are good yeah yeah nobody needs hunger yeah old age yep we're good all right now go faster not gonna lie it's kind of satisfying looking at that all of the cities building up and some of these names are cool look finn ishii's it's actually a real name of a town in north dakota i'm kidding it's not there's no towns in north dakota oh this is nice wigaloo over here wigaloo is not the kingdom it's just another town where'd it go wigaloo where are you there you are which city which country are you part of this one you must be part of that country are we having fighting yet is there civil wars happening that was the whole idea for this you guys also said if i open up the settings button and then go into the settings button i can click on the hamburger whoa i don't even know what that does i i got sparkles that's cool um i did it good job team do we have anyone with 100 yet oh it's so close i feel really bad because it's a really good colony maybe i should let it continue interesting it looks like assetto has been taken over by this country or this one took over that one i kind of want to turn these off and just see how much of the us is settled wow we're actually consolidating a lot over here and look at this faction well that's pretty cool so some of the factions are actually growing and i figured the midwest and the west wouldn't have anything there because there's no trees in salt desert oh look a little battle's happening there's like literally one warrior here oh they're just beating the snot out of each other yeah that's the hatfield mccoy's right over here in the kentucky line oh yeah this is a straight-up war now hey oh they just killed a giant it's kind of hard too because they're all human so you don't know which colors which and i didn't put elves in i wanted to put elves somewhere they don't need to though oh no they're breaking down the houses the world age is literally 33 years and there's already giant wars happening this is gonna go well i hope they keep themselves in check because i'm definitely gonna snap people out of existence when the world hits 5000 population and if you think i was joking nope literally there's the uh there's the infinity coin it removes half the creatures in the world yeah that's gonna be fun okay so i might have lied i might not found out snap these guys because the wars are still starting so i'm thinking the population is going to drop down pretty soon and my computer can barely run it so that's fine oh there's a war happening we need to go we need to scroll in and look yeah that's a pretty major battle for this size population there's just beating the snot out of that giant i feel bad like i want to give that giant a protective shield but i don't want to interfere with the world i am their creator i think the entire city of chaffona has come over here to merid and they're just chasing around the people and just beating them to a pope they don't have any weapons or anything yet but there's a lot of them [Music] and now they're going to go up to this city yeah they're just going to break down the houses or they're going to go inside and make babies i haven't decided what they're going to do yet and marrod is about gone oh that's i mean kind of sad in a way yeah and then they instantly put up a new city there okay so that's a good faction war looks like we're about to get another war yep the this white group really just picked on the wrong dudes they're coming in oh wow so this building got destroyed i wonder which side is which and it seems like they start going to war if a certain amount of their borders are connected oh it just turned pink i guess we know what just happened they killed they must have killed the king of that faction and got their land interesting let's take a look at our last skins oh they're all done we need more alaskans and there we go did i what did i do why did it explode oh look boats oh they're getting frozen by the abominable snowmen yikes do they die or they just get frozen um i don't know but i feel like they need an acid volcano ah who knew acid kills snowmen and humans they just built a city right on top of it and all the snowmen are like nah bro that's not okay so it's everybody's favorite time than us time gabe's getting too laggy time to go away oh wait wait wait whoa oh it deleted them already hey game runs so much better wow i just deleted entire civilizations this button looks fun i don't even know what it does madness creatures will become mad and start to fight with each other you know what i need to do for that have a giant battle with the cactuses yeah we're gonna make that happen and then we're gonna make a mad yep so all of these cactus plants they're gonna come to life and they're gonna just have a giant cactus battle royale yay it's exciting they're just beating the snot on each other it's great they know cactus is gonna attack the cactus battle royale and then we'll give them bubble shields just so they get attacking each other more because that's exciting and then i will smite them with volcano powers oh yeah cactuses are on fire can cactuses start on fire since you're in the desert and stuff come on just blow up the cactuses yes yes uh-oh don't crash the game again i promise it won't be okay next time it's okay nobody lives there anyway also nobody lives down in hawaii that's why i'm making a giant llama geyser here if i just spam the lightning bolt yeah it's oh maybe i shouldn't maybe i shouldn't just spam it every 10 milliseconds okay that's enough that's enough did i blow up the volcanoes with my live lava volcano no it looks like they're still there that's nice it's over 5000 population again i literally just erased half of them i really just want to see this war first oh it just turned red and now it's going to turn whatever color that is wait what that's another city oh i didn't realize that was another city whoops this small little country right here uh in the southern arkansas they only have like warriors or somebody's constantly battling them i'm not exactly sure what's happening with it or maybe they're getting invaded by a different civilization i don't know oh yeah they're totally getting invaded hey it wasn't a nice boarding party it was a murder party oops and they're just going after the children no save the kids save them i should just strike them all with lightning i should oh that'd be so much fun i don't know where they're from though so oh there's only two people left it's gotta be this faction they're about to get nuked you know i really thought some of these coastal cities were gonna start building up some ships and stuff and then they would just trade with other countries doing it but no there's there's like very few ships the only one that i've really found is the uh the great minnesotan navy yeah there's there's actually ships here in the the sea of canada uh-huh yep and i think there's one way over here or maybe they died it could have died i kind of thanos this area yeah oh wow they wait hold up what's going on over here the humans have colonized alaska i thought all of the snowmen took care of it i know they're actually living there making like teepees and stuff that's amazing this king's name is wawa king wawa he's got a sword that's about it where is he still down here yeah dude dude's just chopping down a berry bush right now he doesn't know he doesn't have to eat that's because he's only 24 years old yeah he hasn't happy kids either kind of get busy dude do you want your kingdom survive so let's let this run for like an hour and see what changes hopefully the population kind of stays stable oh yeah so check it out there's a ton of people in this little civilization right here like that's the biggest state i think there is uh this one over here grew pretty big and there was a city that was close to a hundred there it is the cachao i think we need to kind of start eliminating things yeah we're gonna infinity coin so maybe twice should i do it twice oh there it goes okay three thousand gone it's no longer perfectly balanced okay we'll hit that one more time there we go and then that'll bring it down to like 1500 which is doable and manageable for me beautiful nice so we got 1900 things left it's not so laggy we need a dragon we're gonna have um up here let's start up here oh no the uh the alaskans died it's kind of sad we'll see how long a dragon can wreak havoc on the world yes there he goes i wonder if i zoom out what's he doing i'm just kind of floating around a little bit i like the idea of bears too should we put in a buttload of bears bears like eating things um didn't they just reintroduce grizzlies into california i think so oh shoot auto clicker was kind of broken we just have an endless stream of bears now headed into california yes go my bearish people go [Music] um they're just chasing them down all these bears are super hungry speaking of hungry let's change the rules of the world hunger everyone needs it and people can die from old age oh wow the bears just killed out the entire bay area or is our dragon boy at dragon i don't even know maybe he died i didn't hear fireworks though what is this conway game of life a sillier automation with simpler rules what does that say brings the destruction and fun i don't know what that does let's try that on what used to be hawaii oh what's the difference between doing that and the like the virus thing what is it doing because there's the virus like we can we can put the tuber in the world tumor is also flammable oh this deletes everything yikes okay we have we have green versus purple does green eat purple it might oh this builds they put in the water [Music] it builds land so what destroys the other builds it's kind of cool let's see what happens with that start things on fire oh my god okay we're gonna we're gonna make a swath of fire right through the center of the country like right where the mississippi river could be no we'll just go straight up and down right here [Music] okay it's working sort of i need to actually pause it there we go spread that fire spread that fire this might crash the game it's spreading kind of sort of working and while i'm at it i'm just going to give every state a volcano guys why not i feel like every state deserves a volcano some of the boring states need some sort of tourist attraction i'm gonna put a volcano right in the middle of them yeah totally kansas needs one for sure spread spread my volcanoes oh oh i saw the dragon here he is he made it all the way to tennessee dragon you're the only ten i see huh yeah dragons are fun oh that looks satisfying doesn't it lots of fire volcanoes everywhere oh wow tennessee is almost entirely on fire because dragon boy here but these houses must be relatively fireproof not that one though let's just put in a whole bunch of volcanoes yes it's beautiful yeah that looks good how many volcanoes gonna fit on the us like a million that's probably gonna lag the game down a lot that's okay we need it for the volcano's sake look they're so exciting this time of year somehow there's people still alive not up here though there's too many volcanoes per state up in like this area that's fine we don't really need people up here anyway i feel like mauro here needs to get fried you ready i'm kind of excited for this ready fireworks yes go my volcano friend it's working look at that is spirit can you imagine having a volcano that spews that much ash and stuff into the air i don't even know if it's still working the game's just chugging around so badly i guess it is it's my auto clicker going it's kind of that's really exciting oh no people are disappearing from morrow wow this is a negative frame right here uh welcome to the powerpoint presentation today we're gonna learn how to kill all of humanity with volcanoes do you imagine looking out your window like living in pennsylvania and you're like huh my friends up there there there's a giant volcano how terrifying would that be like big yikes they're rebuilding i can't do it i can't eliminate them i feel like we have to take this up a step we have to take it up a notch we'll just napalm bomb everything yes there it is is that gonna work am i napalming bombing things maybe hello oh there we go it's gonna disappear now oh that's a really cool sound too i like this game sounds i should probably increase the size of the damage oh that's better goodbye civilization it was nice knowing you that'll do it that'll definitely how are there people still alive they can't they can't are the houses like did they make bomb shelters anti-blitz bomb shelters oh no they're disappearing the houses people are going away but there's still some alive how the world is this working we must do it again we must there we go oh this is a beautiful sound like seriously i just napalm bombed them all and they're still alive i don't get it we need to have like one person alive that'd be fun something's very satisfying about watching it spread across the u.s like that isn't that cool let's start it again and then down we go up and then back and forth and back and forth that is amazing like let's not do this in real life ever please thank you but it looks really cool in game doesn't it i hope someone's still alive after this there you go yes that's so cool okay is anyone still like what how are there that many people are still alive you know how they're alive they're all jumping in the ocean because they're on fire that's what they're doing they're running to the ocean when they catch on fire and they're just jumping in you know what that calls for uh-huh we need piranhas go piranha boys you've been unleashed help me exterminate the human population that should help these guys down here just enjoying the beach typical day in socal until their sharks come in somehow it looks like hawaii has turned into us uh alaska i almost said australia that would have been weird the population is slowly climbing again seriously how are you still doing this who's up here in addialapia there's two people here what what are you guys eating they're just all hanging out on these islands [Laughter] and then there's the kids coming out of the houses all the adults are out here on the islands because they didn't get burnt and somehow there's more kids being made what bears that's the only option for this go bears go good so the bears are out here they're doing their thing and then the piranhas are on the islands good well done bear people i also don't know where my dragon friend went we need to find a new one here you go dragonborn yeah these are all kids they're all the things that were inside the house when i carpet bombed it all right bears for days i do think the interesting thing though is that there's still some pretty big factions like these greens are one faction that's one faction that's pretty cool like not gonna lie hey this one comes all the way across here and then these three are together and then these are like oh that's one but this is all one that's cool so even though we destroyed civilization mostly i mean let's be honest there's only 400 379 people left that we still did a pretty good job so that's going to end the video thanks for watching bye i'd also like to thank ben ellen hagen dickie james palo bunny autodave eagle arc whip it good seraphin x dez bogger maxer zarnoff noah collingwood jason mcfarland deegan paul longstone and ralph as well as the rest of the patreon supporters and everyone who has clicked that join button down below and become a channel member
Channel: Blitz
Views: 183,871
Rating: 4.9517665 out of 5
Keywords: blitz, worldbox, world box, destroying the world, worldbox game, worldbox gameplay, world box gameplay, super worldbox, worldbox update, worldbox god simulator
Id: JHfvIO41vq4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 16sec (1276 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 06 2021
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