Evolving The Strongest Tribe Ever in Spore Galactic Adventures

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okay look it's spor o'clock again welcome back to the galaxy I'm blitz your galactic tour guide for this misadventure and to the bad world of evolution check that out that's a guy and here he is with his trophy from the last video that's right we killed some of the epic dudes and I love it this mouth is so cool like a little shark mouth we got this bit oh there's the other one I'm gonna eat it to gain its strength yes devour it done it oh wow I just moved its head everyone in my group is so excited and so happy and I think it's time to evolve once again so let's hit this button advanced to tribal stage action says his creatures earned another trait that defines your species the new abilities awaits you in the tribal stage wow we have destroyed a lot of stuff were very heavy into the predator stage uh-huh yeah I lost it oz - packmember whoopsies and we made something extinct then we made something else extinct and then something else got extinct and then this one got extinct but we got big brain so that's awesome and now it's time to do something else I don't actually know what we do should we make a bipedal should we make up oh that sounds kind of fun actually it kind of does can we can we make you stand up that's not right how do you make how do you make a dude stand up oh you pull that down no way and then if I pull this up oh and then we're gonna have to delete oh my word this is getting scary this is getting really scared now that I is gonna have to migrate forward Wow okay that's uh I didn't know you could make this thing even creepier than it was before so that's interesting gonna have to move the horns forward - I think yeah yes and arms down should we make these like regular arms and I did think this in the last video - that these little arms kept getting smaller and smaller so I think I'm just gonna get rid of them we're gonna lose two of our arms but now now this guy looks amazing okay we're moving this up can I just move that up yes there's only two hands that I don't have I don't think I really need them either because we've got like the best ones here it looks like this has charged for but this one's got charged five the elegant hats so maybe we get rid of those oh you didn't like me taking his horns off let's put these on instead there you go is that better that make you feel better about yourself we need to make them larger oh they grow that's kind of cool should I turn it I want to turn it a little bit yes we got a moose actually why is it called an elk when it's really moose antlers I'm trying to optimize all of this stuff it looks like my social skills are still really bad you guys want me to make it like really social oh I don't know why the entire idea is to make everything in the universe extinct about ourselves but I can put this thing on which gives me charming skills or should I do these instead no those are dumb oh and now I remember why I had the extra arms so maybe if I remove these does that do anything let's check ok that removes this one what is this one strike do these have strike oh they do but it's not level 5 ok we'll try this and now I have posed level 3 nice did I make his yes bulging biceps dude he's been lifting he's been lifting look at his armpit arms their legs armpit legs need to go back a little bit there we go he likes his new physique look at that smile so I think I could actually remove this melt and put them on that one gives me a higher singing ability oh this might not been right that actually looks kind of cool I like that let's make it a little smaller it would be nice to get an additional strike too so I think this one yeah strike five or should I put these things out definitely on the tail Oh perfect I like it I like it I think he's actually really really strong plus we have a little bit more room to add things in the future if we unlock anything else I don't remember I think that this might be the final time we get to evolve him I don't remember though oh no way no way there's a camera mode in here oh that's so much easier than what I was doing with trying to make screen shots I had no idea okay what is all these a spin no I don't want that can I change these whoa look the trees are made or two eyeballs it's awesome it looks just like him Wow I like that I like all the little green things actually stayed green oh no no I don't like that one look at the baby one he's so cute what's this one why would everyone feel like he needs a fresh paint job too Oh what is happening to your arms dude that wasn't cool don't stretch like that buddy nope that's hideous what are you doing that would hurt so bad now he's no bye no it looks really cool except it's not that cool oh look at him now I love that one I love maybe I could get a little bit higher on the legs that would be kind of cool yeah there we go yeah there we go I like it that's unis pajamas go to hit now I'll be honest I don't quite remember what the tribal stage entails I don't really know but oh he's picked up the stick he's like yes I love sticks hopefully he eats it oh it's gonna make fire oh he's gonna make fire he's gonna he's doing it oh oh there goes come on buddy you can do it oh my is so excited or he just threw the stick in the air ah alright this is did he knock himself out what in the world yeah what do you look Hey he's got an idea oh there we go use it like a match perfect you found sulfur and stuff Wow oh now he's got a demon stem how did that magically happen you're about to enter the tribal stage okay now they're building houses with a roof over your head and fire at your fingertips you enter the age of hand tools and drum bees but be aware soon rival tribes will forward across the cuckoo Opie village vigilant you guys really want me to like be friendly with other things progress bar uh-huh ally you're a conqueror tribes to advance your own tribe yes oh is this can I conquer this thing can i oh we got a plan things Oh what I get to play dolls now where's this dude what what is all this stuff oh it is to get hats a mask oh I forgot I forgot these things give like extra skills yeah comment and social dang so I think I've got everything good on him I think so I don't I don't quite know I don't remember all this goes like I said so we need to we need to gather meat yes we need to gather meet these guys meet these guys are smaller elephant turd nuggets no that's from my old series we're gonna eat them we're gonna eat the tert Nuggets oh no I mean that's oh we spit out of all I forgot that we had spit on our body slab from space gather that meat my dudes you guys did do it right-click or left crit oh right click it is yes that's the meat right there those are the last things I've made in my last series of the game the turd nuggets it looks so neat I love them click on the hut to make a baby oh oh it's gonna be so cute when he grows up to be something hideous Oh hey little guy you're so nice looking I've found fire bombs can our guy use fire bombs on him oh no your fire bombed yourself that was dumb of you what'd I do now what are these guys where do they come from me those are my old dudes what is going on rival tribe a rival tribe of my own guys the uninvolved ones those monsters oh my Jews are really good at making war with everything that moves yes we are oh I like them already just destroy the output there we go there we go I just made a tribe go extinct that was worth it okay I steal the eggs there you go collect all that food nice work friends hopefully nobody comes in and tries stealing food from me as I make more babies these are my old my old ones I think I got to go kill him they're already smacking each other oh man they're actually pretty difficult Wow smacking each other and laughing about it okay they're my kind of friends should I be friends with them should I be friends with my enemies frenemies we're going in with a socialist ants let's just talk to him oh they look like Tie Fighters or x-wings x-wings don't they flat to the ground that's how he wanted to make them but don't worry I'm the further advanced straight I'm flying over here you don't know they do have wings hi there I'll respond with instruments to Rio we don't have instruments okay they don't like me that me kill'em yeah joke's on you oh that was the chieftain okay this is good news we're so much bigger for so much buffer we got a bigger stick than they do it's just an all-out brawl of a war but I gotta claim their territory as mine fire Bob chime yes that'll do the trick I knocked myself out I almost killed the chieftain by firebombing him what does this one do I can set traps oh okay and brown village is destroyed we did it we have achieved our evolutional dominance and we got some cool parts out of it nice how's this what happens now oh we got a totem all right destroy the brown village your totem grows and new tools and outfits have been looted from the Fallen tribe yay oh and our GP gets bigger - nice oh do we get a new do we get a new house I think we did what is that noise sir space mail aliens oh I don't get to found this one okay I need you guys to come home I think I'd be scared if I saw these flying elk moose beasts on the way over this guy's like what's going on elfin necky and now we're having a mare you party that's great merit mariachi party oh what's this oh I want to kill that food and healing that's what I need let's put these in here oh no this dude's a firestarter I don't like things that start fires yeah not allowing you to live smack in hard oh wow am I gonna die I don't like to die there we go kill the other one nice fellas we must protect the land father's where are you going oh it's a farmer interesting okay everyone we need you to heal I was straight up destroying the smash burgers right now whoa those things look hideous I loved him here everyone gather the food and bring it home we have expansions to do rainer spotted oh no they're not oh oh no they're not what is that thing why is it so big an epic no way this isn't good my dude is an epic now that's how you know you did something right in this game okay not allowing the Raiders to live oh there's a total Raiders what in the world why are there so many Raiders right now you don't worry though we're not gonna let them live past second grade Oh their evolution wasn't final I'm so much bigger than them eat this watch the ax links I need weapons wow it shot me with it with my own spit I think we've successfully repelled it can I eat them now gonna eat them to gain your strength I hope so each my friends that's how they heal up by squatting down and putting their hands up in the air a little bit weird just I mean a lot a bit weird where's the fishing yet is there fishing over here oh I saw a fish jumping nice okay fishermen and then ah beautiful I'm gonna do two fishing right now and I'm gonna make two more babies and buy two I really mean three like all the eggs just poops out of the building is like surprised a baby's been born mission successful babies are alive how's the fishing going oh they are catching the fish I would not want to mess with these guys fishing no says I the first fish is arriving back at home we don't have to dominate the other species we can just have fish nice that's eight eight per time good what does this mean maracas I don't want maracas I just want weapons that's what I really want all right we'll take the new guys and you guys will get weapons oh yeah my jam fam can I give my leader a weapon too does he get one no not quite all right so three fishermen and three x-men that sounds good that just means it's time you to raid the purple people oh there's a lot of them these guys look crazy okay let's go in do you know what cow raps it's time for you to get raided here we go stone axes are here wait what oh you're going after those guys they're farming in the trees oh no we're scaring everyone else off no way we're doing it all I forgot out there dorky hats that was awesome nice work nice work come over here the spearmen we're gonna take the spearmen out to begin with oh so much damage just with the spit here we go all-out war time and we're gonna firebomb oh yeah that's gonna dominate yes fire bombs for days yeah we got a load we got a low health guy I think it's gonna be okay though oh we lost one one down everyone focus fire focus fire everything will go better especially if we take out the sick ones first yeah the sequence like that one he's done okay focus fire over here oh this one's lower this one's Lord we'll kill him first yes yes and another one bites the dust and another one false and Oh wild animals are coming to steal my food that's that good quick return home my flock my minions where are they is that these things you you want to steal my food why would you want to do that hahaha oh wow you're done you are so done that was the worst idea in the history bad ideas my friend Oh No there was a baby that was two babies born Oh No so sorry little guys I'm so sorry I wonder if I could have adopted him and raised him as my own I don't think he had the right mouthparts though time to make him extinct do it do it no no they're trying to attack me what happens if I make them extinct let's just please run away with their mouths up in the air screaming yes we got more free stuff and/or totem grows one step higher oh no they just died over here they're like locusts flying through the air isn't that awesome what can I build now can I upgrade oh I can upgrade to throwing spears I need this right here okay so we get a three with throwing spears and two with axes oh then I can upgrade from level to combat up to level four combat oh yes Oh level five combat I need this I put up my nose that's just stupid there we go I had to give him some extra things to make him stronger but it works I think I'm not sure maybe they look awesome now I'm proud of that I'm happy with that Oh looks so cool so me we have devastation to commit on another group here if I click on these guys we can go attack another group hmm should we go this cyan what I think the answer is yes cuz they're not even really here right now oh it's the same ones it's my same people what are these ones why are they all why are they all my old evolutions of myself I want to see what those traps do I think that'd be kind of fun to do look at the giant cows they're awesome oh there's an epic one of me that's so cool look at that thing umm I didn't I didn't want to attack but I'll just leave a trap Haley put that down and then we're gonna go home we're gonna go home and see what happens I'm sorry I didn't mean to ouch would you stop eating me Oh get out of here dude my dude leave Leave okay the cow help me cow they killed my chief did they kill back the coat it was the coast fault no no no no wild animals are trying to steal my food this is not a good day to be alive I think they stole my food I think they took the trap what do they kill the cow what did the cow ever do to you guys this will be the last time they ever attacked my chieftain you know we're I mean business we're not flying this time we're just running in oh they're like I've got big brain ideas and I says no you don't oh wow okay that was cool already there you go there we go okay I need you I need you like in the middle of them yeah that'd be cool it will fire bottom is that's even a better idea you're on fire Bob are you gonna fire bomb that was the worst fire bomb ever Wow I already lost two guys are you kidding me my old evolution is stronger than myself Retreat retreat oh they're gonna kill my chief and again he's poisoned oh my these little these little answer me are you gonna do a counter attack that'd be kind of Awesome they are gonna counter-attack this is not good this is how evolution ends right here my nudes quick produce more more babies oh this is not good so uh they just ran into our base in conquered us there's another one oh no oh no please don't light things on fire please don't light things on fire this was a bad time to counter-attack my troops are getting stronger you guys made a bad bad mistake made a bad mistake oh no I lost one oh he died oh wow there's multiples here I didn't even see these yes repel the enemies repel the invaders oh please no die please don't die please don't die nice you made it live with forehead points oh there's only two this time that's good cuz they rated me it's time to end them dude's going to hide in his tent must get rid of the fire started all we stunned him he's so done he's so dead it's what you get always attacking me from inside it's a surprise to Jack we never expected the Spanish Inquisition we need a group up and attack one thing at a time all look they're all stunned oh that's a terrible idea for them surprise firebomb right on their chieftain nice get it they're all dead now we will destroy their captain chief tenting village center guy whatever that's called yes it's dead it is dead we've done it that's three of five needed Oh more parts tada more totem Oh a catch growing bigger does that mean we can have more people I think so what is that why is there like flying green stuff whoa that's nice tribe continues to advance your hub head up hope that word has upgraded again now grow your tribe to maximum potential of 12 members oh yeah oh that's nice more babies Oh beautiful tribe Oh beautiful tribe we must end a not so beautiful tribe attack everyone attack this one right here this one focus fire nice we're just gonna keep clicking on individual ones I think that was done ok chieftains next we just lost our chieftain it died but I killed theirs and it died well done Oh another one just flew in another one just flew in again oh this might not be as good as I hoped it would be we're gonna lose that guy hey they're leaving trap Tim organized chaos no that one dad all they're doing another war against these things why would you do that in the middle of a big battle you dummies you dummies you single-handedly let me win quick kill it and that destroys everything yes attack oh I can level up again flaming torches yes what is that why is there why is there a spaceship can I kill it can I kill it don't you dare abduct my chieftain I would have volunteered last time but you didn't want me where are you going mister gorks whoa-oh we just destroyed the village that's good news oh yeah more parts can I can I destroy it I want to kill that thing I want to kill it please don't abduct my stuff no right now everyone home leave me alone leave me alone spaceship I've unlocked the healing tool I don't even know what that means but I want it Oh healing rods would you please leave me alone spaceship of doom please leave me alone we're just humbled farming merchants living in a satisfactory world everyone just wants to catch more fish his tribe of dorks have leveled up we've got all 12 of them and it is time my friends time for global domination oh boy this tribe actually looks legit too bad we're gonna burn it down all they have healing rods I forgot about those I should probably you know what should probably make them it'd be a good idea there we go double the healing rods double the fun that's the great men in the statement a blitz mint gum let's go this way it's time to destroy I need my own flavor of gum that'd be awesome okay I guess we just go after him we should put the to healing guys in the back and I should use you just to start torching things here we go yes world domination always gonna burn everything up that's gonna be great there you go oh wow okay maybe it was it wasn't as great as I had hoped oh this guy's getting dominated already attack back oh they flanked they flanked us there's so many of them why are there so many of them okay take this one out right here I need my healers to do their job taking the fight outside of the camp so they aren't gonna heal let's take this one out I'm Moroccan or the axilla ng action would be a good idea keep them stunned there you go there you go my healing is not going as planned I keep its throwing them so that's good news do they have healers here's another fire starter well done healers well done we've lost to one healer and the act or the firestarter guy run and attack the spear guy yeah that'll work I don't care about the hatchlings or the Moroccan man kill this guy oh really yeah oh he's dead he's dead I think it just kind of stable in hope there we go cuz that one yeah he disappeared is it bad that we leave the chieftain for last we just destroy everything else I think that's probably not a good thing but he deserves it he just smack him smack him smack him oh no healer men heal this guy we did it we did it nice work attack this now okay so I didn't realize how bad these healers are it's really really slow oh we did it we killed them we killed them I guess we didn't need a healer that was terrible destroyed the orange village your totem is complete you can advance to the Civilization stage now well done we did it we can found our first city Oh everyone is so happy and now that we've made the universe extinct of all additional life-forms I think in the next video we will advance to the civilization stage that was fun I'm not my favorite of them so far but I think that I think it's a good transition to going into the sieve stage shelf thanks Roger bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: Blitz
Views: 489,757
Rating: 4.9365077 out of 5
Keywords: Blitz, Blitzkriegsler, spore, spore game, spore gameplay, playthrough, walkthrough, lets play, simulator game, gameplay, funny, spore ep 1, let's play, game, spore 2, spore (video game), feb2020, lets play spore, video game, spore mod, spore creation, galactic adventures
Id: X1OC0w8QxLs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 38sec (1238 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 24 2020
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