I Built A HYPERSONIC 737 And This Happened in Kerbal Space Program

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oh hey everybody i'm blitz welcome to a game called kerbal space program so there's a few games that i've never played that are really amazing indie games it came out sometime in the mid 2010s um and kerbal is one of them it's a game i've always wanted to learn i've always wanted to play and well we're going to do that today we're going to start the game yeah moon or bust it's probably going to be a lot of the the busting part so i'm just going to go sandbox mode here because well the rest of it i i not yet not not yet and well we'll just make it default name uh it's beautiful my space center i've got it oh that looks so cool like it looks like straight out of 2015 doesn't it yeah i love kerbal already and i don't even know what to do so there's one thing i don't know um that's how to build rockets i've never been on a rocket i've never actually seen a rocket but i have been on airplanes and i thought to myself i said self why don't we try to make a 737 and get to space i don't know if it'll work but i mean we can try it right and you know the one thing with 737s is they have like a bunch of area for seating and well frankly we don't need that we can just use lots and lots and lots and lots of fuel instead because we don't really need people and by lots of fuel i mean these things are long planes so why not just make it super long right so does that look long enough it kind of looks long enough how's that look i think that looks pretty cool i better put an arrow damn aerodynamic nose cone on here uh-huh just maybe like this like that okay just click and put it right can you just can i just do it like crap don't want i don't even know what parent means no don't go over there come back no just shoot come on stop it there we go that looks nice so far kind of all right let's get some landing gear on here first uh wings we need wings before landing gear all right so let's pop some wings on here somewhere i don't know slightly ahead of center of mass something like that that might be good we don't need you gotta find the right wings here i think these are starting to look pretty good maybe a little bit bigger i don't know i mean it doesn't have to be perfectly a 737 does it well maybe i should use the big space plane tail fin instead uh that could be better yeah then i can actually rudder it uh-oh uh-huh and then like that oh hot tank we got rudders and a tail fin oh yes i only want one though can we just not do the symmetry and we'll just make it middle um clicky there we go no it's upside down would you not thank you finally about time that looks pretty cool hot dang i mean that looks i've i've been on an airplane that looks like an airplane now i got to put landing gear on yeah very large landing gear is that what we that's maybe too big how about just large large stuff that's not bad okay we need this behind the front uh not not quite you don't have to do that dude you know what let's just put those maybe on the wings nah we'll go with it all right and we'll take you down to the ground a little uh-huh not under the ground but like right at the ground level okay so i know we don't have any engines on here yet i just gotta take it to the launch station yeah don't worry has no remote control or manned command module it won't be controllable that's fine oh yeah we can clear the runway too uh jeb you can be my pilot good job team go oh oh it's actually stable sort of hot dig look at us it's not broken yet it's driving on its own it doesn't have literally no engines but like that's success oh it's beautiful kind of slap that bad boy on the bottom somewhere here try to anyway i just one gigantic turbo fan all right underneath probably would help if i put the the spinning part in the front too whoops there those things are a little bit maybe too large for these wigs but those are the biggest wings i've found maybe there's bigger ones i'm not sure i will put a little one of these guys on the back all right jeb and bill and bob and valentina you guys will be on board the first maiden flight of this catastrophe that's what i should name it the i like it that's a great name for a ship oh oh she's landed she's on the ground okay sas works okay um those things oh they are kind of working that's cool how do i how do i make it go all the the wingy boys the wingy boys are flopping that's nice i feel like those are backwards that's okay maybe i hear noises liquid feels going down nothing's spinning so i think i have a slight problem that all of these fuel tanks are just seriously too much weight that's what i assume anyway these are liquid fuel and i have a i think that's liquid maybe that's not liquid i don't know there's too many types of fuel like these things that's a liquid fuel engine and this is liquid fuel so that's rocket fuel fuse lodge and is that a rocket engine i assume so it looks like one maybe i should switch all this to liquid fuel i really just want to put this thing on the back because it's gigantic but i don't think it'll work quite right yeah i mean it looks cool and even at warp a hundred thousand it's not moving anywhere so maybe i should throttle up yes yes yes oh boy we've got we've got power we've got those look so cool is that thing working back here uh uh yeah we got thrust there oh yes wait wait wait wait why are we doing no no no no no no no stay flat buddy stay flat stay flat and pull up pull up pull up don't go no no no no no no no no up up in the air up in the air up in the air no no no no no no up in the air um um get off the ground dude get off the ground oh look at that i have a cheap space flight i mean man oh no no no no no no up up up up up look at his face yay i mean hey there's stuff they survived i couldn't i could have pulled the landing gear up i could have done that i'm pretty excited i i had first success that actually worked pretty well until the time where it kind of blew up attempt number two is going i mean it's going it's going pull up no no oh no oh oh no oh that was that was not as good as attempt one but look things are still alive okay we got 75 meters per second i'm gonna try to pull up oh i need i need more flappy boys wait what why are some of these up and summer down um um um okay landing gear go up i guess these things are my problem because those look right back there new wings new wings try it out i still think this is broken because these are going down and that's going up oh are those heating up from being in the jet i think so oh no oh no oh no hey hey we got flight for 37 seconds it didn't blow up though that's good news no no no no no no no that happened i kind of feel like i need more thrust i don't know why but i'm gonna just put some more thrusty boy on here that looks good lots of engines in the back i i mean what could possibly go wrong right throttle one hundred percent power one hundred percent oh that sounds good that sounds real good speeds increasing speeds going up very nicely i wonder how fast my fuel supply is going down it doesn't look terrible oh no we're hitting bumps we're hitting bumps something is totally off come on come on i made it to the end of the runway oh i'm in the air i'm in the air retract landing gear go landing gear go oh no no no no no no no no no up up up up up up up uh oh we're not going up we're not going up i'm going up i'm not going up i'm going up i've got human space flight purple space plane oh look at us go okay we're going faster mode oh boy no no no no no no no no no no don't go faster oh i like it it actually functioned which i'm kind of excited about all right so the real question is do i need more thrust and i think the answer is yes so if i put on a bunch of solid solid fuel boosters on here oh yeah let's do the symmetry mode that could be good just right up there it's probably going to burn off these back ones but that's fine okay we gotta try it launch oh they were all i should have had those only on the first stage whatever it'll work oh man go surf is it okay um it's working it's working it's not working it's not no no no no no that's all fuel that's really explosive uh hey look they're so excited they're like yay we live somehow you know i have another big brain idea if i couple this right to the side like that oh this almost looks like a uh what are those things called the space shuttles yeah and then i can put you down here oh oh look at this this is an idea and a half and i'll do that over here too yeah okay okay this is good so stage one i only want you guys to be stage zero and then i'll move all of these down to here all right i like it so stage one goes which are those gigantic thrusters and then it'll decouple maybe i might need to strut it or something i think it's going to be really weak and then all of these are going to go afterwards after it's up into space the blitastrophy is going to be amazing oh well i mean it kind of worked you know we're not uh yeah those couplers aren't strong enough i guess that sucks go go i want you to fly okay so instead of two let's just try one snap to the bottom middle that could work please don't break please don't break please don't break please don't break it's not breaking it's not breaking oh yes oh yes it's kind of working oh no it's not working anymore maybe i just need to duct tape everything together nicely just kind of strap it all together i think that could do the trick even duct tape the wings on because they're kind of floppy i'm not gonna lie oh oh it's it's stable uh oh never mind it's not stable and go oh it blew up uh oh uh oh i hear noises i don't think that's quite right there big fella when in doubt apply more duct tape it's not breaking or we're a little bit front heavy i think that's okay though let's see oh oh no way okay flaps are going up oh oh no no no no no no come back here oh balls that's pretty amazing though those are going very well well we've managed skid space flight without uh can i just follow it i wanna no no no no no track i wanted i wanted to track that okay i'm gonna turn on sas maybe our pilots can do something right maybe it's stabilizing it it's stabilizing this is amazing this is straight up amazing that solid fuel we're already going 150 meters per second oh yes oh yes okay liftoff we got we got liftoff no no no no i lifted off too hard that's gliding upside down into the water nice all right sas on let it kind of stabilize a little bit and activate good very good very good i like this so i learned that i don't need to hit s so hard to pull up i'm kind of impressed with myself i'm not going to lie get ready ready can i go slower no i can't it ready just a little bit a little bit oh oh hot dang oh oh oh oh go oh no there we go liquid fuel throttle it up throttle it up yes yes yes higher go faster look at their faces i feel like my symmetry is slightly off something oh no no no no oh no no no no no no no no no no no no okay okay we got this we got this this is so excited right now i'm upside down i don't want to be upside down um there we go right the wrongs oh no i just gotta get into space i'm gonna add more wings i don't know what it does but i like the idea of adding more wings because i think it looks cool okay good more wings make it make it like a space rocket man yeah okay we'll try this again you ready fellas let's go there is something very satisfying about the way that looks giant fireball coming out of the back end of it it's being stabilized i didn't turn on sas now [Laughter] increase duct tape increase duct tape quantities you know i have a feeling that i can just start all of the engines at once let's start the wing ones um with it i think that's a good idea i will leave the other ones for a later time okay i think that might work that way everything is kind of on we'll give it like half throttle and then we can activate that might work yeah they're working okay good so we have a little bit of throttle turn on the sas good good good good we're gonna turn it a little now turn a little up up up up up up up up up up up up up up up up up up oh no no no no it's still there okay more more space bar go no no no no no no not like this okay throttle increase i wish i could be on that when in doubt add more thrusters we'll put some up here in the front right up here oh i mean two and we'll do the little boys just the shrimpy dudes because they're cute like who wouldn't want a handful of them on their airplane if you're saying you then you're wrong you want them i trust me you want them still a little front heavy doesn't matter does not matter one bit yes yes maximum speed get that sas going you know i could just make this launch vertically would that be a better idea okay here we go launching lodging we're going up in the air we're going up in the air oh yes oh it's amazing it is straight up amazing okay a little bit more in the air good i'm gonna turn on the throttle now oh yes oh that's that is straight up incredible the solid fuel is almost empty i can't believe i've done it all it took is like the entire earth's worth of solid fuel man okay we're 2 000 meters above ground i love it increase vertical distance okay almost down to fuel it's almost out of fuel and we're going to decouple everything i mean i turned it into a stray rocket didn't i oh that's so awesome it worked it finally worked okay ready oh hey wait get out of here get out of here no no no no you're not supposed to come with me to space it didn't decouple oh i think i did i get into orbit not quite no no no no okay we got to try that one more time i feel like if i just get it up straight into the moon right away it'll work also i don't know why that last one didn't decouple i really don't know but i do want to add more thrusters like it'd be fun right here we go even more thrusters and i guess activate look at all of that okay and then i can i can throttle up i just want to go up as soon as i can oh we gotta turn sas on that helps me big time there we go throttling up throttling up throttling up throttling up we're doing it okay yes oh okay it's working it's it's working i'm going up i got tons of fuel left i feel like these might not have been a great addition i think i just accidentally made the space shuttle like some corrupted version of the space shuttle more vertical distance you gotta flap it oh no um okay it's going backwards i think oh no we did a barrel roll skip okay straight it out no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no okay we're gonna decouple everything i did it come on stabilize stabilize audrey you can do it no wait wait wait engineer i don't have any pilots that's my problem wait it's going come on staple it out stabilize it although we're plummeting fast okay one more time one more time and three two one activate sas on good everything's just scorching itself i don't really care we're going up we're going into space space mode wow i have clean takeoff everything's great these guys are loving it he's having so much fun and i just want no no no no no no not like that all right here we go wow it's immediately taking off by itself i don't know if that's a good thing throttle it up okay we have immediate takeoff wait no no no not backwards takeoff uh huh yeah there's the problem there's the problem it will turn out sas on the beginning this time okay it's all wiggly and wavy i don't know if those do anything those might be hurting me i really don't care right now activate i love it i love everything about this except the part where it doesn't work right i kind of love that too though you're not gonna lie get up there get up into space get up is i'm i'm going we're going okay i can't go too fast because these will break but i'm going to increase the throttle there we go there we go now we can go straight up oh it's looking good it's looking good i'm still in the atmosphere only for a little bit longer though please just keep me vertical too much bottom thrust all right so i messed with the staging a little bit ah this could work i'm gonna go a half throttle to begin with what's happening is like the center of thrust is too high and it's going backwards so we'll see yes oh it looks so good it looks amazing okay here we go now we're gonna lift up lift up in space in space very good very good i like it i very much like it that looks so stinking cool doesn't it oh let's detract the landing gear of course why didn't we do that earlier look at that speed 300 meters per second we're going up uh oh we got to keep it oh boy okay let's um i think it's okay okay detach those activate the next group oh look at blitz he's got the staging down sort of we're gonna run out of fuel somewhere else oh it's going back over okay reduce throttle increase throttle reduce throttle no no no no no no no no and that sucks oh i did pretty good for my first attempt did i do good for my first attempt i feel like i did i feel like everything went well yeah everything's going great it's perfect i love it [Laughter] yay well done thanks for watching keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time i'd also like to thank ben ellen hagen dickie james paolo bunny autodave eagle arc whip it good seraphin x dez bogger maxer zarnoff noah collingwood jason mcfarland deegan paul longstone and ralph as well as the rest of the patreon supporters and everyone who has clicked that join button down below and become a channel member
Channel: Blitz
Views: 524,150
Rating: 4.9302607 out of 5
Keywords: blitz, kerbal space program, kerbal space program (video game), ksp, kerbal space program explosion, kerbal space program accident, kerbal space program rocket, march2019
Id: lxIfMj-FGoo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 8sec (1268 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 08 2021
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