The HUMAN MACHINE Is The WORST THING EVER in The Eternal Cylinder

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oh hey everybody i'm blitz welcome back to the eternal cylinder look at that gigantic trebum behind us this guy has found the secrets of floating he's got a geyser and he wants us to find another one or something if you watched the last video you probably know that if you haven't check out the playlist to see some more sadness and fear filled the trebum's hearts as they left the eldest cave man i did feel bad about living the only path to salvation was full of uncertainty and they could not forget the thing they had seen lurking behind the cylinder yeah i can't really forget that thing either because that was quite nasty and then we can exit the cave so i did have to replay that whole cave sequence because i kind of forgot to save it after i left but if you remember we got to see behind the cylinder and that's kind of what the goal is now is to get behind the cylinder i don't know if that's possible i've never seen this mysterious tree the elves i haven't either is that it right there maybe they would have to keep moving forward and hope it lays somewhere ahead i don't know which way forward it is i think that's probably the back of the choice okay the cylinder the eternal one that's following us now you guys might remember too that we got this guy right here who likes to munch up all of the crystals which is a good thing i think but he gives us lots of this stuff i don't even know what that stuff is and some of our dudes do not have the gas masks on i think it's just that one yeah the gas mask what is that thing in the distance there what is that there's so many weird things in this game i also did find a new thing here the amber eye i don't know what it does but i think i'm going to give it to gurgle because gurgle doesn't have anything going on in his life so let's see what the amber eye does for him what kind of evolution do we get now oh he's switching out yeah uh third eye use station to look for specific ingredients by taking them oh that's cool awesome oh cool earthier i like that straight up has the third eyeball okay so if i get out of here i have to roll to that next cylinder stop i think i think that's the objective maybe ah it's gonna roll after us all right we're just gonna do it i'm cold now i'm cold i don't like being cold do i do i go to a different way that's warm i totally want to feed this thing ah no no no crunch it oh it eats it good job melty boy i don't like you anyway okay we're gonna stay out of the cold zone we're gonna stay out of frozone and then we're gonna come up here there's a lot of rolly balls anything else scary and deadly looking yeah we're good everyone's fine let's do this we're rolling straight to it oh no we gotta get i got one one of these guys has webby legs i gotta make sure i get the right one horn mode horn mode oh no oh no run away oh hulk smash who's got the webby feet you have the webby feet okay go go wait what i don't think this is the way i'm supposed to go i don't think this is right i'm gonna drown and that cylinder is so close okay so maybe we do have to go to the cold zone that's gonna hurt escape escaping the cylinder we died so what is this over here there's a glowy thing i like glowy things do i go through there i might let's go around it what is that the music is like oh it's so happy and then it's probably just gonna kill me and take everything from my life i mean i'm gonna go touch it you have to touch it because there's safe files i can reload let's do this okay uh-huh i don't know what this does but i want it interact hello blue sphere of happiness cloud tribe reveal shrine okay store oh i can store them like pokemon i can i can put you i don't know if i want that when the trevor stepped on the stranger oh it's scribbler oh i can get you back a memory of long ago i miss you oh my leadership okay that's good i'm glad i can get him back because i do miss him what is that thing it's like a fur it's got weird leggy things okay i gotta totally try to go through the snow zone here and rolling time oh was that mad i don't know if he was a mad widow or not but i do know it's cold here so i'm taking health damage things are scary sounding i just need to get to that thing oh oh oh oh oh i hear the cylinder what is that okay those things are fine roll okay i made it out of the cold zone which is good that's super good and am i gonna make it in oh yeah i'm totally gonna make it in very good okay so i i just turned that on uh let's eat the mushroom because that long distance travel really makes me hungry oh no not at that thing what is that what is that thing no no no no no oh no sir this is not time i can't blow steam now because i don't have that right mouth oh it's barfing on me what is that big flying creature though what is that thing that just crunched a rock dude you're so illegal right now okay but the voice and their memories encourage them as a root and rock i don't want to go in that thing over there too changing thanks for changing by step okay they were getting closer nice i just need to eat every little plant on the ground now what is that what was that was that a shadow oh there's an egg i don't really need an egg but this guy looks sweet look at that he's like brown and stuff so i found another one of these i'm gonna climb into the shrine i don't even know what this place is for but there's a lot of good stuff here oh yeah this gives me upgrades and stuff increases maximum health i think i can do that nice wow that was hardly anything okay oh there's there's things behind it did you see that the gemstones minerals i'm stuck yeah there's minerals up there give me those oh yeah so much ore this will give me so much dna points or whatever it's called i don't even know what it's called yay increased leadership now i can get grogu back all right so what it's next step i gotta find that weird thing i'm also stuck here we go i went far behind me all that way i need to try out this way now oh here's a hole incoming nice this is what i was hoping for yes so many shiny things loud noises whoa and a ton of ore yes even better oh what is that i just found something okay who wants it i feel like rogue wants it and by grogu i mean this guy i don't even know what that thing does but i totally want to eat that give me that okay uh touch that button okay what happened what am i getting whoa oh entomophila's skin attracts sacrifice okay we had this one before that's cool so out of the cave i go i got a lot of good resources there i still not exactly sure if there's anything else exciting here i feel like i should explore some more but these guys are so creepy and there's dead bones here i mean bones usually dead if you see them if they don't see them uh you probably should go to the doctor okay run away he's gonna eat me and all of my friends is this an egg it is an egg i wish i could take it but i don't have any use for it right now i could do leadership but no okay i need another tower that's close oh hot dang where is the wall there's something pink over there did you see that maybe that's that uh teleporting guy or the the spaceship guy oh no um okay i think we're just gonna go straight for that tower now i'm gonna eat there's some food okay we're good he can't follow me down here all right let's do this rolling time oh what is that oh those are jumpy legs okay go i got oh oh there's the pink thing i kind of want to touch it i'm going in whoa whoa i'm getting sucked up into the ufo guy wait what this isn't bad is it bad i don't know if it's bad it's probably bad bad things i need to spit water at it i can't oh okay uh you hear him go wee that's kind of cool i like it but now i don't think i'm gonna make it to the tower help help run away oh balls that tower's a long ways away next time i shouldn't get eaten by a ufo okay i gotta go in oh good thing i got the sniffer nose wait if i'm way underground can the thing still eat me oh yeah i'm gonna totally get run over oh what is that i need that i don't even know what it was i need oh that's the i don't remember oh no i messed it up peek get up there get up there go go go go go go go no no no no no no no no no crush time oh no hey that's kind of cool accessibility options i'll keep doing it as i am right now though maybe i should go around the giant pit of death but instead of crawling into the giant pit of death that's a good plan i like good plants good plants are better than bad plants that is such an ominous feeling like hearing that roar of that thing behind you it is so crazy and the music's like burm you're gonna die we're gonna eat you bro bro i love it all right i made it to the thingy which is good i can go explore a little bit now oh that thing is so fast flat earth confirmed it's rolling but at least i'm slightly protected now uh oh no no there's giant things that are what are those i don't like this what is that oh that's the storage mason thing hey give me you i need storage yes get out of the water so i can eat that hey fly the fly is attracted to that guy's hair oh it's crawling over what was this monster what is that danger ick was this one of the cylinder servants the ones the elder had worn [Music] terrified the trevor yeah not just the treble but the blitz voice on their memories seemed frightened of it what is that thing and then somehow the trevor why am i going towards the name it was called the mathematician oh the mathematician oh then there's there's those things oh it's got look at this right leg oh that's so weird i don't like this i'm what do i do i can't go into the water because they don't know how to swim right no no no no no no gotta stay away from anything moving no no one's stopped okay we probably should grab some food because that's what we're good at now here my vacuum cleaner storage machine good job vacuum storage machine no no no no no no you can't see me please don't see me please don't see me no no no no no no okay i really want to know what these things are i don't want to know what the mathematician does what is this what's going on here oh oh what is that oh those are gems okay the mathematician vanished as quickly as he had appeared back to to what i don't want to go back there anymore hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey i feel like we're gonna get crushed if that thing rolls over me so we're not gonna do that oh it's a half pipe bro ready look at me look at me i'm in the x games oh yeah that's terrifying no no no no all you dummies why were you sitting there what are these things oh those are all the egg things little rolly guys oh poor friends i don't mind getting all that free stuff though free stuff more free stuff i hear these guys crying like ow oh that one's still alive he's like hi no no don't go that way don't go that way dude oh he's all right he'll be okay there's some poop rolling down here oh what's on his head oh this one just get right over again i need that i need do you need that do you need that give me this i wonder if this is the thing that i just picked up inorganic energy sources i wonder if that's the thing that made this guy happen uh i don't know who to give it to you i guess you can take it drink it drink it eat it eat it does it turn you into a smelt or two yeah that wasn't worth it we have two of them no oh oh okay that was painful do i have any health things i don't why don't i have any health berries i successfully navigated the tunnel of weirdness and collected all of the fun stuff inside now we must try to figure out how to get out of here i did it okay that was excellent stay away from yellow sphere and red thing everything should be good then oh it's another egg i kind of want one i need another storage unit what is this place i don't know what it is but i like it it looks like a playground playgrounds are my favorite is that another oh that's another third eye thing oh wow okay so i dropped the egg yeah and then i can pick up that third eye lap out okay maybe we can spit water up there come on get it out get it over there all right i don't know how to get up there i did see something cool when i was over there though yep right down to the end of the tunnel yes it's a hatchery for our new egg i'm gonna turn him into some sort of weird creature i almost feel bad for him never mind he's already a weird creature gog whoop welcome bro let's do this let's roll out of here autobots roll out oh oh is this the fruit finally the weeping tree yes that the elder had told me oh the ones up top we needed the ripe fruit was floating out of reach and the others were enclosed in a hard shell they would have to find a way it's easy as only if the game had giant rolling things in this level to tell us how to crack it open there you go and in the hole there we go i think yeah those get cracked very nice crack them open for me friend it's not really cracking it very well oh oh shoot that guy just scared me okay yeah is it i cracking so no no no no no no sorry friends get out of the way get dorks it's like a pistachio give me this you guys aren't the smartest are you yeah follow me there you go no at least it doesn't do much damage but i did get two of them so let's try to eat one of these up and see what happens oh yes yes oh no oh no i lost my storage unit you are the chosen one that's so weird it's like what did i do to deserve this oh he can float the air as well it's so awkward do i have any water foods yeah i need to eat some of these okay so i made it up to the edge i want to go up on this playground here just to see if there's any like hidden secret stuff up here because there very well could be there's another egg too wow okay do i see anything on the first floor i don't know i'll just jump in i just i just want to go down the slide can i go on the slide now yeah there's nothing here it's really neat though what is that thing oh that's the oh that's the the downed beast whoa the down beast has a a thing in it like it's been it's been killed that was the god thing from before right okay gog whoop it's your destiny uh should i give you jumpy legs do i have jumpy legs i don't have any additional ones here what do you get oh health okay it's kind of nice but i can float now i can sting like a butterfly and float like a bee ready and wait what got a glitch in the matrix ready okay look at this look at this i'm going up and over i'm moving up and over that's incredible i don't even i don't even know what i'm doing right now and it's oh what did i do even with the ability to float overcoming the cylinder would have to be done very carefully what they needed was a geyser that was well positioned close to the cylinder i like that one when it's lazy oh that's so cool or their plan never work okay so i've pulled back over it and meanwhile they would try not to think about what sort of monster could kill one of the flying circles yeah that's kind of kind of sketch right there all right so i gotta fly into this thing across the way um i don't like this i'm so scared ah am i on the guys right now am i flying i feel like am i in the geyser oh i don't feel like i'm in the geyser so i'm not actually doing anything interesting the geyser's different oh now i am okay so if in the if i'm in the geyser i float automatically yeah like that oh that thing wants to take me out of the geyser no i'm geysering right now is this just a geyser tutorial oh yeah so i go from one to the next and then there's the big scary guy that wants to eat me again right all right i made it whoo hey trouble just fell off the edge all right let's do it again and now the cylinder is rolling and i have to figure out a way to get over it and dodge the big scary acid spitting monster of death oh my word you won't even let me come in here for a second bro like for real stop vomiting on me thank you hey get out of here get out of here good thing about being around and rolly is you can round and roll i didn't i did it i got the thing i got the thing i was supposed to get and now i feel like there's going to be geysers yes there's the guys are right here for me i want to see that big scary thing get rolling over there it is there it is it's running oh just got crushed this is so scary right now i'm gonna go backwards oh that better stop it okay it stopped it we're gonna do it i'm gonna go over this thing the octopus octopus thing i don't even know what that is octopus ostrich okay i'm going i'm going backwards over top of the cylinder um is it working is it is it i'm on it do i die i'm not dead i'm not dead i made it on the cylinder i made it what's behind the cylinder oh i gotta do it oh man oh man there's nothing back here except death and destruction and wondering ah and this thing that i'm gonna eat oh that was the floaty guy okay wow is there other foods i can eat oh oh no no no no okay um um um look at his eyes i don't even know what to do look at those legs it's so creepy that's magician i don't oh it's sucking me in it's sucking me into its portal of whatever thank you for playing wait what was that it hold up no wait a second that was weird is that really the end of it is that is that like round one and then there's gonna be another update sometime soon i hope so but i'll let you guys think of what's going on with it i think i won the game maybe not i don't know so uh it turns out that i've been playing a beta not a an actual full full-on game so reach the end of the beta and we will see what happens when the game comes out on release i'm not sure when that date is but uh we'll be playing it as soon as i can so thanks for watching keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time i'd also like to thank ben ellen hagen dickie james apollo bunny autodave eagle arc whip it good seraphin x dez bogger maxer zarnoff noah calling one jason mcfarland deegan paul longstone and ralph as well as the rest of the patreon supporters and everyone who has clicked that join button down below and become a channel member
Channel: Blitz
Views: 777,042
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz
Id: 15H1Iy_RvaE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 57sec (1317 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 10 2021
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