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oh look at me i'm blitz the little penguin welcome we're gonna try to fly today except i don't know how to fly i just kind of tipped over so probably it would be a good idea if i bought a coil to jump on that sounds fun and then i'll stand on that coil and jump up in the air because penguins can't actually fly i think i haven't tested that in real life mainly because i've never actually held a penguin oh look at that i reached 15 is that a unit of height like congratulations you made 15 by flying what happens if i upgrade the coil i could also buy stages like a balloon let's do that and upgrading the coil oh fifteen dollars is fifteen hundred feet i can understand that so jump if i hit two thousand do i get twenty dollars oh i got twenty six dollars that must mean i went two thousand six hundred feet i continue upgrading the coil this is a good idea and more balloon now i can really jump high why do i have a balloon in my legs that's kind of weird but a new world record i like this strategy upgrading balloons and coils all day that way i can jump super high with giant balloons on my pants oh and hit a paper airplane in the air but i got 46 dollars now which allows me to buy an even bigger coil so i can jump even higher so i can get even more money and use that to buy an even bigger coil so i can jump even higher so i can get more money and upgrade my balloon i think you're starting to understand the trend here get money buy upgrade jump higher and then my coil is all the way leveled up and i can jump super high look a fellow bird look at me i can fly too even though i'm a penguin and also my balloon is fully leveled up i'm feeling like we're starting to understand the penguin space program so the real question is what kind of boost should i get should i buy fins or spin or a dodger i don't even know what that means but i like it f1 bell nozzle that's like a rocket engine how about pressurized gas it was burrito night last night so we now have balloons and gas oh oh we can fly really high that's amazing look at us go i'm still going hot dang i feel like i should have bought that a long time ago so after a few really good jumps i could level up the pressurized gas tank all the way to maximum so i can hit birds in orbit and get buzzed by paper airplanes nice ten thousand k is that like a hundred dollars did i make a hundred dollars by flying at the 10 000 in the air i did 129 hot dang so now what do i get to do i've leveled everything up i guess i'll probably just buy a crate or an ejector seat that sounds fun i really don't know what an ejector seat does but i needed it in my life do i get flung out into space after everything's done oh okay it just flung me it tossed me and then i can fly even higher interesting and i get a new best altitude and air time and speed that was a good run feeling like upgrading this probably isn't the best idea so what kind of other stages can i get a rocket a rocket propelled seat that sounds dangerous let's see if dangerous was the right thing okay what is the how do i how do i get the rocket to go i want the rocket to explode oh there it is oh nice this is working really good wow and then plus i get flung out of the ejector seat at some point oh flappy bird get out of my way yes gotta go fast i don't even know what i did but i did so good at it ooh 256 dollars for altitude that was fantastic do i upgrade the ejector seat or my rocket rocket lots of rocket juice right up into the air we go let that balloon get fizzled out i'm kind of disappointed it's not making the high-pitched balloon squeaky noise that usually happens when you pinch a ball but at least my rocket is going to hit 20 000 yes let me get high whoa that was fantastic i did so well oh hello fellow bird more money more rockets flying with the wind seems like a good idea but i don't know if it's going to get me a new high score the answer is yes it did which allows me to buy bigger rockets oh that looks nice and an ejector seat upgrade fantastic also i feel like i've said fantastic a lot i'm apologizing for that right now and i won't say fantastic again isn't it fantastic how much higher can a penguin go 25 000 yes oh that nice little boost up a little bit higher that was good 808 i need to increase my oh oh my ejector seat now i can buy something else an rpg wait a pulse bet a pulse jet i feel like rpg is the right answer but maybe i should save up to buy a shuttle reactor those are also a lot of money so let's just buy the pulse jet because an ejector seat with a pulse jet sounds great now we're just gonna pilot our way through the wind avoiding the birds nicely that was it oh okay avoiding the paper airplanes and the real airplanes keep on going up into space space time more airplanes now how does this pulse jet i hit a bird should we make an emergency landing oh another airplane okay goodbye where's oh there we go the pulse jet it's another rocket i feel like i've gone really high up in the air this time and then we get ejected nice gotta go fast it's sonic fast he looks fun 1 200 do i upgrade this even more or by pulse jet even more pulse jet always the pulse jet so far so good i haven't hit anything on my way to space oh okay i hit my first kite that's all right i there's the airplane we didn't need him and oh boy i avoided that burn somehow that was beautiful boing we get an extra thousand feet by just like riding on the back of my my booster seat starting to feel like upgrading my pulse jets probably really inexpensive an idea that's not paying off for itself but every time i'm getting significant upgrades i totally just passed 43 000 which is an entirely new record which levels me up my pulse jet even more and then i get rocketed again oh that would have been 45 000 if it wasn't for the hang gliding penguin okay i know i know it's time to upgrade my injector seat only once no there's that mythical 45 000 ooh and another rocket bonus almost to 50. but now i can buy that objector upgrade and ooh that is nice right there mini helpers multi rockets we need to get that f1 bell nozzle but these mini helpers sound a lot of fun so i'm gonna get those and then upgrade them a little bit i don't even know what they do but i think there's just like mini penguins that hang on with me oh they got little boosters on them that's kind of neat and then they fly off okay maybe they weren't the best idea oh come on why do i have to hit everything on my way to space there's the 50 000 mark oh bounce me up yes yes hello hang glider grab me 54k that was a really good run but i'll be honest i don't really like these mini helpers so i'm going to send them back to the penguin orphanage yeah we'll sell those that'll be perfect can i i wanted to sell you can i can i sell you why can't i sell them you know what let's sell this there we go and we'll get something different like better rockets i look fun no that does look fun yes miniature rockets oh we're going so fast i did like this idea this was a really big brain idea oh nope oh we just totally smoked bird for a nice 55 000. it almost makes me want to sell my balloon and get something even more fun like the banshee i don't know what a batshi does but i like it oh we're going too fast if we max out down here or go too fast we don't get benefit off of everything that was definitely the way to go oh that was definitely the way to go a new flight record over 65 000 but we are going to send these mini helpers back to that penguin orphanage and get maybe the fins the multi-rockets multi rockets are good i didn't know what a dodger did i just accidentally bought it oh double tap left to right strafe that sounds fun more benchy now i can dodge any space debris if i need to although i really haven't needed to [Music] oh there we go just see that little dodge that was a good one uh-huh and oh no i can also upgrade my launcher why didn't i think to upgrade my launcher russian roulette explosives power cannon alien bait alien bait or a nuke reactor oh boy i need 4 736 dollars now you know for a game that was made in like 1984 and my powerful computer still has problems running it yep oh but i am going to pass 60 000 feet which is really nice would you stop being laggy penguins don't really need that much power to get to space i promise and come on come on come on get the springy boy over 70 000 yes 72 000. oh hello carry i can switch out the multi-rockets for the f1 belt nozzle and upgrade my fins because i don't like those dodgers very much and now i feel like i have a true airplane okay maximum speed that's excellent so let's switch out that coil for this beautiful nuke reactor down here alien bait sounds fun too but there's just something about being stuck inside a nuke reactor when it goes meltdown mode launching myself in a space that sounds like a really really fun thing to do 25 000 and i haven't even used my specials yet and neither of my rockets have been used or nearly 50 000 feet up into the air rocket stage one is complete at 64 000. we passed the previous record with two thirds of the fuel remaining 85 86 87 88 game froze uh oh oh no oop avoided that that was a good old midwestern open there oh no oh no we flow too high the game blew up thankfully the game saved and i can get rocket up into space again passing eighty five thousand ninety thousand ninety five thousand come on break oh hundred break a hundred yes we broke a hundred and now we're flying even higher don't get hit by the helicopter little buddy no i missed it nice that is so satisfying i can buy it i can buy a space shuttle a nuke powered space shuttle i have to for science purposes if i can't get to space with a nuke powered rocket shuttle i don't know what would take me there yes go little manchester get some boosters ooh i like this although the banshee's kind of slow oh no we're going backwards we're going backwards oh abort mission abort no doubt about mission hit the rocket booster oh boy oh boy crazy we're finally going up in the air my dudes on second thought buying this wasn't a great idea okay what's it do now after we're all out of energy do i get to do i get to boost i don't get to boost again i don't get another jumpy boy why do i want a rocket for totally selling that buying my ejector seat back upgrading this guy all the way and then slapping some more money into my bell nozzle into fins 104 000 kind of want to buy the shuttle reactor i'm not going to lie i don't know what it does but it seems like a good idea okay it's a giant missile it was a good idea oh get out of my way flappy bird we're going to the moon i kind of like this upgrade oh stay away from the missiles 106. that's a new record that's a new record 108 nice i'm going to do this because the game gave it to me for free reduce gravity by 50 we're trying it we're gonna do it we're gonna get like way up into space the float of fire i should have taken double money when i did that too i don't know why i didn't oh my i'm already 30 000 in the air and i haven't even done anything yet we're 60 000 up and my shuttle engine hasn't gone out yet okay we're gonna use this as a stage boost in between and now the rocket thrusters are going oh i just hit a banana by biplane why is what that didn't even make sense hey nice almost a hundred thousand i think we can do it can we make it to space i don't know what space level is not gonna lie i have no idea where space actually is in this game oh that was a really bad crash no that was also a really bad goal balls this would have been the chosen one okay ready we're gonna get ejected seated out and whoop and then we have our jet engine nice above the blimps above 143 145 there's a a big airplane 150 000 oh he had the 747 no that was a new record mainly because i cheated but that gives me enough money to upgrade my this thing twice three times okay just about nearly got as high just traditionally than i did with the cheat on so that's cool i wonder if this is the one that'll do it because i upgraded my rocket thruster to like a straight up like shuttle and it's working oh i'm not even hitting anything because i bought repulsors instead of wings too i have a feeling we're going to get very close nope nope nope to the edge of space with this one except we hit a chinook helicopter which probably derailed us a a lot nope stay away banana no not another chinook oh okay you know this plan it was going well there's so many helicopters in space why are there so many helicopters up here and fling me nice oh i don't have wings anymore that's okay i don't really need those oh helicopter i'm okay everything's okay everything's gonna be fine and we didn't get nearly as high as we did before that's stupid we got ourselves a new record right here yes 151 was our previous best 155 i like this going up into space with just like suit powered rockets it's working oh 163 that's huge which is a brand new record with brand new airtime record and more bonus earnings so cool that gives me ten thousand dollars i can use that to upgrade my this thing or the nukes i can do nukes twice does that change the way the nuke power plant looks not really oh why am i going upside down 170. oh and he said like oh okay not gonna lie this shuttle is stupidly overpowered 125 000 no 125 000 feet into the air and i didn't even use stage two yet like how good is that only problem is way out here in space there are so many objects that are really big that you can crash into and it really sucks okay 160 oh no oh that was so much energy we lost okay ready fling me okay good and little booster man no no there's a fiery fiery one i don't like you 175 180 come on keep going keep going [Music] 183 more shuttle increase fin thing give me the double the cash and that this one oh the erninator i don't know why a game like this has premium credits but i'm gonna make so much money and i'm going so fast okay so the space little stage ended at 130 000. i'm definitely going to make it out of the atmosphere rocking stage is cashed out at 1646 and now we get the other boosters as long as i don't get hit by any meteors or anything stupid like blimps a little buddy you can make it you can make it space penguin oh that was a bowling ball okay ready flick me yes yes oh better thrusters i like this i like this i think i can do it i think i can do it i think i can do it 186 reaching space reaching space come on come on no no so the good news is that it made 22 000 which means i can upgrade my nuke and this one oh max level space reactor i want you to be max level 2 so it can be friends but no this is totally gonna launch is way out of orbit and yes nuclear power space shuttle i love it stage one done at 153 oh no reaching space in 10 000 units of space time oh i'm gonna get there i am still gonna get there this time oh no i hit him i hit something yes yes i made it into space i was learning to fly three i had a lot of fun with it and i hope you did too so keep your stick on the ice we will get you next time and i'd like to thank everyone who signed up on patreon including ben ellen hagen dickie james apollo bunny auto dave eagle arc whippet good seraphin x des bogger maxer zarnoff legacy jason mcfarlane deegan paul longstone and ralph and everyone who has clicked that join button down below to become a youtube channel member
Channel: Blitz
Views: 615,126
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: learn to fly 3, learn to fly, penguin, flash game, learn to fly flash game, learn to fly 3 flash game, Blitz, penguin flash game, penguin fly, flash games
Id: 5kI5IxuNsn4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 30sec (990 seconds)
Published: Sun May 02 2021
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