When You Evolve To The Best Flying Animal Ever in FlyOrDie.io

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oh hey there do you remember back like 2016 when IO games where all the hot buzz and they were amazing and there was a ton of them and they're really cool to play well we're playing a new one today called fly or die die oh and I think has might enjoy it so let's try it out and see how big of a flying animal we can be a check this out I just find a giant stack of poop oh yes what what better way to start your life than being a fly going on some sort of pig poop oh and now I'm a butterfly hot dang that's awesome did I find flowers oh look three flowers I'm gonna totally eat all of them and that dude it's named poopy man Wow get out of my life you know I don't want to get away from you I don't like you get out here in our just camp out connection to eat me I don't know oh hey I'm a mosquito now oh I can I can totally go and eat that that pig that was over here that made its poop it's like gone full circle now hey-oh eat it I'm gonna eat it oh I just touched it I touched it can I make it fly Oh hahaha that's awesome hey dude little little piggy come here honey Oh I had a totally eat you I'm gonna totally eat all of your life it's a worm that was kind of cool all right what do we get next oh what's this a wasp ick oh I just touched a bird hey c'mere gamer boy I'm gonna eat you I'm gonna oh you're gonna hide in the flour I can go flower mode again I guess we're just hanging on on the flowers oh there's those little blueberries in that Bush that's cool what is that thing they're like a flying gremlin thing it was awesome I need to find more of those Oh what am i dragonfly now oh hey I give you a little ladybug hey little dude I'm gonna eat you is that hurt probably and there's there's a different book is mine my ladybug mine mine mine mine no those are seagulls water levels low water level what kind of madness is this well there's some water hey did I just immerse myself directly in it oh I do nice Hey oh look oh I could totally trick the fly though he doesn't even know he's gonna get beat everybody America get Rick Rick just get him a mouthful I grabbed him oh he's so dead I'm just destroying his life oh I hate him okay give me this I need that little thing the ladybug give me the ladybug all right what's next what do we get get out of my way need to eat this dragonfly I'm a pigeon flip it I can eat acorns bread and worms there's the pterodactyl what hey oh I found bread in the cave that's awesome I'm going in we're going deep down into the cave I need oh wow I need water though maybe it's not a good idea to be a subterranean pigeon like I'm feeling I'm feel like I'm playing Mario up in here go my way mouse there we go and what do I get to be next come on eat that bread oh oh so close oh there's more bread pain do you like oh there's water in there oh that dude gonna eat me I get out of here okay I'm a duck I'm a duck ducks eat worms I need to get out of here I need a water this duck this duck needs a pond there we go right there what is that thing I'm gonna eat it can I eat it can I eat it I want to eat it oh I can't eat it no no wormy no no that's my word my word I need to eat that get in my mouth get in my mouth were bow touched it nope nope nope mine yes oh that's great I'm gonna go again I'm gonna go get more bread into cave hi I'm a duck get a cave going up your bread I think bread like bread is the natural enemy of all Ducks we must eat all of it in our life Anton all that was a lot of food thanks no my oh he got it no enter nickname you're very original on spelling there I'm just gonna sit on top of this bread I feel like it'd be very dangerous in this cave if you were something that ate Birds or the opposite now I'm bird what do I eat now I eat berries again okay can't eat those yet I can't eat flies well there's water in here I like this I like this place splash oh there's a new cave hey new cake new guy a hello bat low get on my way bat yeah my way you're like bat or the cave is much safer place to be oh except that's probably not great that does that a big spider is there gonna be a big spider down here so like end game boss big spiders because that'd be awesome oh oh I don't like that oh he left good is this gonna level me up is this da home a parrot hot dang what a parents eat more bananas and other bread stuff I can hang out down here in the caves it's time to go explore look there's all I ate that nice I stole it from nerado man this above-ground area like no joke there are so many animals hanging out in here it's crazy emo no no that's fine oh I get so hard for it what is that thing it's not what is that thing that's a dragon supervisor just like one of the leaders dude third place and there's a crocodile Wow and those guys getting eaten in the pond no the grim reaper what others pumpkins this is amazing please tell me something wholesome is here to the left I just want to eat a wholesome foods not like butterflies instead no not dolls I'll be a bee get away from me out all there this is what are her desires here yes nice raw cherries oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no count drac oh I can't eat stars can we be like a spaceship alright oxygen up here by the moon whoops what is down here what is that there's like fire no no this is angel this is mine I was gonna eat that where you did oh yes you did all that hard work now I'm gonna eat it aha and share did a bad idea to be down here and in a green fire with coffins I'm gonna go on a limb and say yes big hikes oh I'm out of here wow I guess it's back to the cave dwelling life for me come on eat that bread ah one more bread loaf there we go oh look at me I'm like Ingrid what am i I don't know am I like a heron and Egret I can eat fish frogs and worms I want to eat bread some more oh hey look a big bowl okay so let's go find some fish frogs or whatever worms now hey there's a worm wonder what eats me that's my worm you dork nugget see I told Jose mine there's a kitty cat another kitty oh fish frogs and worms where are you Sara Fisher there's a fish yeah I want to eat that can I eat the fish I'm gonna totally eat that fish oh I got it I think there's frogs totally in my frogs my frog my frog yeah scared ears dibbsy boil the Grim Reaper back I'm not going near him whoa a castle I don't think there's gonna be frogs in the castle maybe the princess frog oh there's one Oh sharks yes Oh get outta my way butterfly oh no I got out of here oh no no no yeah yeah yeah all right I'm cool up there sharks are cool shark bro don't eat me don't even get out of here I can't eat the dead fish on shore oh it's actually okay he doesn't care about me too much please be a worm oh that dudes really low on health I wish I could eat him and put her out of his misery you know I don't know I haven't played this game that much to know but I'm wondering if you spawn into the animal and the biome that you are like deep god I all had that where you can spawn in two different biomes wonder if this one's similar I want to eat that I can still have the chance no I can there we go I came a bird I like being a bird can I eat pigeons nope I still I still get teeth I still get to eat bread I am not sure why I thought I was past the bread eating stage although some flowers were so annoying look at all these I'm gonna eat all of these maybe there we go is this one do it what do I get to be next Oh Pelican ok I I only can even fish now okay okay we gotta go back to the water not that pond depth with this pun definitely this pond and go and go go this is my fish my fish okay get let's get out of here let's go to the ocean far to the right all of it those guys can't even no that's good wonder what can eat me probably like the gremlin things bigger than me probably the shark and haha water okay goes fine everything's good I'm gonna eat that fish eat that fish yeah that it got it and then this one [Laughter] jerky brawl was Dantley that was awesome and we're gonna do it again this is sharks you dumb dive we're diving deep deep deep deep dot IO and then I don't think they actually attack Oh is that a bird I wonder just a singular bird I'm it's such good at diving the best diving burden is through your best diving bird I just eat this one then I get to level up again what am I now I'm a turkey that's actually a pretty good turkey noise I'm impressed with myself I'm a snake I'm gonna eat a snake turkeys love eating snakes the thing Oh dirty my dirty no other turkeys want to eat this thing and how much XP are you worth quite a lot actually what happens if we go far to the right I don't even know what's over here I dunno it's kind of weird that that pyramid went all the way to space though whoa hey check this out cool almond is so eat this bug hey hey hey come here hey nope I got my way there we go oh he's go back in it shoot Oh be a dinosaur things one of the easiest things I just got to do his body slam my feet on the ground to find a worm just do that over and over and I level up not good not good ah snort killed me hey I just wrote a dragon fly to its death oh it's back stay away from the bat ah body slam all that's in the water nope turkeys don't like to swim yeah body slam did I find a worm oh I didn't slam hard enough you have a slam jam not maybe there's no worms in the sand I'm totally gonna eat this big danger noodle though please danger noodle level me to the master level Oh bad Oh dump I need to I need to find a worm up in the business oh come on I just need to hit the ground right yeah there's nowhere for another danger noodle fall you slither right into my belly oh I bet I can be a seagull after this I only eat mice too interesting okay here we go Batman if I do my math right I only need six more that bird is eating cats always it coming up for me it's coming up for me he's coming up for me abort mission oh boy super important Oh get out of here oh I made it I made it I'm free I'm what's that it's at the move worst part about this is I need a beat like oh he's going back it's going back oh yeah nope nope find him oh you want to dance oh hey you're going that way I'm gonna go the other way you can't touch this I'm so much battier than you okay I need to eat water like drink it probably not eat it that hurt and splash and up and down this monster I hate him already a totally phone like the secret place to eat everything except when you're big like we want to get away from whatever that thing is I don't like it oh hey bird get I gotta eat fish again man what I do like about this game this is now they've been playing it for a while is that you can actually like level up without having to kill other people as opposed to like deep dot IO and and mope like the best way to level up is by eating people this was kind of solve that problem where you can just kind of have fun and fly around you don't happy things if you don't want to so real talk - seagulls really eat starfish I feel like the answer to that is no I've never seen a seagull eatest I guess they probably could there to eat everything that was by far the easiest level oh except pretty run into a shark on your way out of the water get out of here oh I didn't even think that go faster go faster go faster yeah a blackbird blackbird singing in the dead of night now bad bird Wow Oh what is this egg can I eat it I want to touch it can I touch the egg does that turn me into like a dinosaur or to touch it I can't do anything could I push it off the edge nope you can't do anything with it me a woodpecker I didn't know oh I can't eat the woodpecker nevermind not so neat anymore I was gonna go in this cave man there's a weird thing in there can't go in the cave oh hello hey I didn't know you were here john cena you guys think it's the real john cena i kind of doubt it but it's just a beep name then help i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna drown i'm gonna drown all there's that weird fishing oh i'm gonna air drown what does it call suffocate think you know in the water kidding huh oh nice I could ride a pelican oh oh no Grim Reaper get out of here oh what a head him I like this boss patek sure it's awesome I'm here pigeon oh you're so in trouble come here pigeon oh we got two of us where the whole swarm of bees I was I was hate you dorks that's mine Oh choppers done choppers done for he's done oh no no no I got him yes Oh what are you doing flying in here buddy no nope nope nope nope nope nope hello human can I have a ride oh did I get I don't think I got the points for that Oh Biff well here is in trouble oh okay oh hey I want to eat that thing can I eat that thing I want to eat him honey I totally want it this is buying this time you poisoned him no no no no get down there are you monsters I'm gonna totally eat a parent uh-oh oh yes okay you know you why are you hanging out on top of me that dude just fed himself to me bruh bruh calm oh oh oh you see that I can only dead fish no hey there's one that was a fun I like being the lost ported thing oh well is a good fight I'm gonna just go down in the water I want to drown this guy because that sounds fun actually he can breathe water cuz he's a bird of water and can't breathe it but it makes sense you guys know what I'm talking about no no no not you in here oh yeah eat up eat up eat up Gert eat him I want that guy gone he's been clogging up a fish coop who I turned into an owl I can he can I eat the cat yet no mouse frogs and junk not the snakes all should be able to eat snakes with mice should I go in there I think I'm gonna go in here oh your god oh my god him I got him I got him he's gonna fly all the way to the top I'm gonna stick them and I'm gonna be ran a perfect position perfect position to eat them oh no I'm out of position I'm out of position oh now I'm in I'm good position now oh it's a flight of the ages and he'll play me what am I now I'm a moon bird I guess I'm sort of shield oh no what's a diet oh okay so I can eat pigeons oh I can eat that thing his name's poop head that's really convenient like you're really oh oh not boom okay okay boomer but you know where's everyone still alive I need to eat something like a pigeon like a pigeon volt he's gonna die now I did die Oh Cup it's so hard to eat things in this game because you have to click to go up and die but stay away from that thing I don't like him i trapped one oh no no no I guess I'm just gonna eat off your foot I just ate a foot hello Oh dirty my Gerty you think the developers would have put something in to block gigantic strings of text that's kind of funny I love it okay it's a big this big that should love with me upper no bad bad oh okay I'm good I'm good I thought he was gonna eat it I got it all I didn't quite level me up but this boomer will oh oh no no no I got to fly it no oh come on oh it's so hard no click it off my screen got him this time Oh what our nose is touched I need to eat him I need to eat oh I got this I got this Oh dirty what am I now I'm a falcon totally gonna hang out in this cave because this is where I hung out with all the pigeons and stuff and then this guy he's just stuck up here Oh dirty got him stuck oh really what I'm stuck I'm stuck in here yeah eat eat all that bread so I can be free thank you that was the that was a 100 IQ move oh oh oh really this is where this is blitz is killin spot here dude not a good spot to be and I just eat you foot I think I just ate you okay this cave is dirty cool feel bad omen eagle now I leveled up without knowing it nice Birds four days Bert all that guy just leveled that's awesome I'm gonna eat him because he just leveled the Eagles really like oh hey you look bigger bad I go to like when I go to a restaurant that I've never been to before and there's like a thousand things on the menu I just sit there and stare at it for like 20 minutes trying to figure out what I want to eat and that's exactly what's happening right now do so many luscious things to put my mouthful and I don't even know what to eat there how about pigeons ah all this guy's so much in trouble all those dirty moves and then I'll eat a cat that sounds terrible why would you want to eat a cat and I'll eat another cat when I turn into this time oh I can eat piglets pull up a penguin and what is that other thing I admit I've never seen those I don't even know what what do I do go deep in the cave penguins that would be in cold zone is there a cold zone let's go all the way to the left in the sea there's an ice castle over here what's in the ice castle whoa-ho-ho-ho Yeti I'm Sam squid just got to go for it and just eat all the hamsters down in the cave if I was something that I could eat a Hawks or owls or whatever these things are you better believe I'd be hanging out in these caves I counted my way piques my chance to shine I got a penguin got it was dude down here is just gonna go ham just watch okay there's a bat net awesome and I think the next one oh my word no no no bad bad bad oh oh I'm so dead oh I made it oh okay bad bad idea oh I need a good oh my word there's big things outside I need to level up I need to level up I need to level up before they eat me okay get it get it it's a hamster my wise old edge of a barn owl I have found an escape route part of the caves oh I hope it's this way I hope my escape route goes this way I think it my hey oh I made it out alive can I eat pigs now like I need a pig that's cool is that a fireball is that seriously a fire pull up bad Jenny I'll have fire ball hit him what what caused a fire ball do I want to know what caused the fire ball oh I just caught a turkey oh I didn't even know about me hey no it's awesome I should go neck pain I should go oh I got mister eat down there just destroyed a heart yeah he's big all this duck doesn't know what's gonna happen to him either i trapped oh matrix oh you leveled up I got it I got a speed boost Oh dirty that was awesome I don't like matrix over here I don't I gotta get out of here he's just taking care of the mosquitoes pow he can eat the mosquitoes whoa there's a gigantic spider underground that's so cool so this cat should put me over there - so this guy right here nope might eat any minute we'll just be quiet Oh Zack Zack tech oh I'm a raven I'm a raven I got mad bat in my Raven I am what do I get to eat dead fish that sounds great because there's lots of it around here they know like Ravens like to go underground but this is kind of cool there's a lot of food here to eat just I'm pretty good I say too because it's not going super dark down here yeah Oh a little bit scared oh there's a worm I like worms worms a good thing I can't see anything then help whoa what is that that was like a Phoenix or something all that little odo Oh bad alligator and I'll just sit on this one for a little bit I don't think he cares panco got it a little pterodactyl look at that thing I want to be one of those come on penguin spawn come on penguin spot well I got a stay with him come on penguins bond come on penguins fun come on fish spawn anyone anyone want to get eaten right now penguin fish all right fish I want that penguin ah that was my penguin that's why they went out they were both my penguin I was waiting for them I even named them there we go fish whoa can I eat the like you need the Owls I can eat the elves I can eat the Owls oh you're supposed to sub tube lid that's what you're supposed to do a mr. owl all my bad bat I'm a mad bat can I see oh I can see underground super good to get oh I just can't fly very well there we go no no no you're not allowed out of here got him got him oh come on other I can I'll let you eat them no no I need I need water oh there it is there - yes yes that dude gonna go down in there are you gonna go down you're gonna go down in the cave I dare you I dare you to I wish you could OOP is it cuz it cuz I dared you know there's a turkey I need it why is everything sub to someone else no kit need to eat you sub to blitz I got him oh this is gonna be good oh he's so fast in the caves it's a it's a chase oh that was a critical hit I'll just need the Moses dead that seems more fun right now oh I got him stuck I got him stuck in the ground I clip through you hey come back here come back here oh oh oh you're in a rage are ya I know what you're doing I know where you're going you're not allowed out of here yours you know where do you want to go you know try to level up that's okay so I can eat your next level - oh I know this way it's harder starting to get out ha oh no he made it oh he didn't make it you got him he's working I just found a pigeon in the cave he tasted like chocolate Oh major ooh oh I think I'm gonna catch him I think I'm gonna catch up the inside ceiling he's done you see it's that ceiling he's done ha yes ha ha ha ha I chased him to outer space and I'm top 10 now eat oh there's a zombie over there that looks cool eyes all hanging out real stuff Oh i trapped a pelican in the cave I don't know what it was doing in there that wasn't very smart of it oh I just started pterodactyl oh hey look hey mommy how are you nice of you to stop by what can I eat I can only eat fruit from trees that's all the way to the right side of the map that's kind of annoying but uh but pterodactyls ate fish instead of fruit really cuz if their mouths are like fish eating mouths doesn't make a stupid cloud in my way they take it back about never wanting to be one of these so I might do I take back what I said about ever wanted to be a pterodactyl right hon this is this is rough flight around trying to eat weird fruit tree things at least these yellow avocados they're like 1,300 points each which is awesome this is like a free level and then I think I gotta grow up into the big potato doctor I do hey come here I want on dude this awesome at the dinosaur look rare for dinosaur I didn't even eat me that's amazing Oh giant chunk a meat hot dang that was awesome I need more meat in my life cooling this duck and his friend mr. bat and his friend mr. Daniels nope never mind dinosaurs friendly this bro kid eat crocodile I just want to see what's all the way to the right ear I've never been over here zip dinosaur land oh that's a dinosaur skeleton if I've ever seen one or volcano that's cool I don't know if I like being over here I'm a little bit scared what's this I don't know so one side of the map super cold the other side's like lava forest of death I want to go down there but I'm not because I'm too big here it goes here it goes first crocodile bike cop oh this is awesome yes please give me a ton of pretty much hi are you just feeding yourself to me phantom that's a little weird I needed how much experience you give me for 1,400 1040 got it oh I didn't tick fast enough so as a large monster this is the best spot in the game that I have found to farm things just a little bit away everyone spawns here and then you can just eat up because this is like the only watering hole and everyone's like hey water and stuff and then you can beat a fantastic dope and go Joe you gotta let it soak for a little bit then there's always something in there oh we got out and then you set your trap and you land back in it oh nothing was there this time no look at me it turned into a weird swamp monster i poisoned that thing okay how does this work I don't I don't actually I can eat pretty much everything including dead fish okay so I know dead fish spawn right here oh this guy's so in trouble I'll help ya good job hani'll whoa there's diamond down there wish I could go get that except I just have to sit right here waiting for fish to spawn hi there hi there are you gonna eat me oh-ho no set on fire hot dang I didn't know he can attack me please squish oh this is not good he's on me oh I got a splash again this is not good okay go go go wait stay away he's faster than me he's faster than me I got it I can't I can't get away how am I gonna get away this is bad Oh dodge duck dive and weep boo oh I got him speed oh he doesn't know about me now okay if I just do this and then we'll come back whoop oh no oh no Bob don't keep digging earlier you know you're yes I've made it I have left his life hello everyone nice of you to show up in my dropping pit of death down here hello night oh that was just what you didn't want to know how am I supposed to eat things they seriously how am I supposed to eat things if everything just flies away from me and then they get poisoned and junk I'm just need frogs that's all I could eat just frogs gross no I can't even eat alligators anymore but you're just to the right now you know those funny Oh gonna get it I don't know if I got that I think he got him I can tell why this guy's got a dejected look on his face this is the worst one of the game hot dang is this thing boring to play yeah I just gave up you swam to the bottom quarter like nope I'm okay look how long it takes me to kill a single woodpecker it takes forever and always getting poison that douches poison themselves it was dumped oh okay hello yep I touched you now you're poison now I'm stuck in the hole I think that's what I should do is just poison everything and then make him swim back in that water and then touch him again see it worked he did it yeah go team and my team I made myself oh oh no oh ho Phoenix now on fire Oh get out of the fire get out of my life I don't like this I think I trapped one I think I got him I think I think I think he's gonna right he's gonna have air long before I do okay and I need a brief and I need to get out of the water you door there you go yeah that's not gonna work I can't trap at sea breathing animal oh look a bird in there woodpecker land I just gonna just slime it up there we go it's still not done hey touched it oh come on I just need bro I just need oh there's a fish oh there's a fish and fishing over on the other side too come on oh so close I mean 600 700 nice feet did it get it did I get it come on come on touch it one more yes what is this thing oh I like it what is the Duke was it do I eat rocks I literally eat rocks and I just clicked out my mom I eat rocks guys I found a rock Wow okay so this isn't as bad as I thought it was gonna be that'll take like six weeks to do and bingo 5000 X beat I literally I'm being three rocks here then I get to become a demonic egg layer which sounds horrible is that like a chest burster oh look you eat oh I got to go to this get out of my life no dragon how are you I ate the dinosaur yet I totally want to eat the dinosaur can I have to dine it where is the dinosaur Oh any there it is I can't eat it oh I found one I just passed it hey come back here eat it [Music] don't you dare this is mine Bob get out of my life yes I ate it that was 2600 I need to do that ten more times what's deep down in the cave of Secrets oh no oh I don't like that thing I don't think no no oh wait I get water from the lava it's cool whoa whoa I just leveled up that's awesome now I get to me whatever this thing is a bet Batman okay I don't want to eat other things other than this but I don't want to rock all the way back face oh no I did it now I'm one of these guys I can't eat uh oh I can't eat the Yeti and and something else I didn't understand what it is I can eat big things now oh okay eat this thing no of course not hmm we're gonna go raise some havoc can't eat him hey yep I finally passed him that's awesome where did he get eaten by something hold up a second I set it on fire how long does it take to kill something with this oh my word this is gonna be painful so I tell you what guys we've made it to a level where I'm feeling I'm feeling confident in what we've done because it's been like 1 hour and 50 minutes of do it oh hello he blocked me it's been an hour and 50 minutes of this so you're gonna have to let me know if you'll like through this game if you did I'm gonna record it when it's not 2:45 in the morning and we will play it again I would like to become the dragon and see some of these other things but I do want to kill the Yeti are at my dudes so here's the deal I've been recording this video for right about an hour and 54 minutes right now not it not to count seconds and this guy does like no damage I can set him on fire and he still flies off almost entirely unharmed so what I'm gonna do is we're gonna fly over here to the left and we're gonna kill the Yeti because well frankly we can and it sounds like amazing idea oh there it is hahaha oh yeah this is gonna be my kill I promise it'll be my kill oh don't you dare all 5,200 yes I have won the day I have won the day and if you guys like this video if you want me to play much more of it then well let me know down below in the comments that's right now I'm not gonna sit here for another two hours because it's almost one o'clock in the morning and I don't really want to go to bed so if you want to see more let me know down below and we'll see you next time bye [Music]
Channel: Blitz
Views: 910,171
Rating: 4.8993449 out of 5
Keywords: blitz, flyordie, flyordie io, flyordie.io, fly or die, .io games, flyordie.io evolution, flyordie.io gameplay, flyordie.io new, flyordie.io level, flyordie.io highest, flyordie.io strongest, flyordie all evolutions, flyordie blitz, flyordie.io boss, io game, io games, jan2020
Id: d55mlrky7bk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 12sec (1752 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 21 2020
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