Destroying The World With A NECROMANCER INVASION in Super Worldbox

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does anybody remember this game it's called world box i played it like last week but you might not know that the game got updated there's a bunch of cool things um like check this out the evil mage is the fighter of the white mage let's put the evil mage over here uh-huh i don't even know and then we'll put the white mage here oh look they actually whoa oh no it's swimming oh that's cool i like this and what is this the necromancer champion of the skelly man wait what where'd the evil mage go did the white wizard win did did gandalf get his stat no he's on fire now um yeah that's well then no more no more wizards but we have an evil snowman wait they spread snow that's cool i thought the cold ones did that i guess the he's like in charge of the evil snowman okay i think i like this update already i haven't even explored the whole thing yet oh we don't have any more bumps but we can use a big nuke on these ones yay so what do you think shall we create a brand new world should we make a huge one a gigantic map a gigantic map with like i don't know just like a couple small islands a random shapes i like random shapes triangles are my favorite shape and i'll drop down the water level to 10. i guess that was default no we don't want small we want huge yes oh that looks good i like this we can set up a bunch of civilizations i'm feeling like we need roughly 100 humans on this island 100 elves over here let's pop in 100 dwarves right on top of this beehive and we're going to do something fun and put 50 orcs up here and then 50 orcs down here and probably you know 50 skeletons on this side and 50 zombies down here now my question for you is can zombies swim can skeletons swim the champion the necromancer is the champion of the skeleton so we're going to put the necromancer up on this island we're going to put a uh the white mage down here we're going to put the snowmen we're going to put five here with a cold one girl and then we're gonna put um these ones have oh yeah they're there where do we put yeah we'll put the the other evil mage over here cool so oh look sea turtles living shield on tiny legs we need a hundred of those go turtle bros go swim i hope they swim it'd be sad if a turtle drowned i wonder if the turtles fight piranhas let's see oh no the front is eat my turtle friends that was terrible decision but we do have some cool civilizations happening now and i'm hoping that the bad guys like stay on their islands of course we are going to change the world laws nobody needs hunger and the monsters aren't going to be peaceful no other way yeah random events grow trees la la la perfect i like this oh old age we're an eternal day job we don't want things to die from old age that's against the rules nope we just want them to burn everything down why is there a fire over here humans you you were the chosen race oh look the building was on fire get them why where are they going oh no are they fighting no they're just chopping on the tree why is everything on fire oh it's because the mage came down here to burn things you're supposed to stay on your island dude look he's running around burning oh no wait i have to use my god power give you a bubble shield you will be okay ha can't touch me now oh never mind died well i think the humans are gonna have a short time living at least the snow bros are having fun over here we got the what are you what are you hey you what are you oh no are you the cold one you're spreading snow and christmas cheer in places you aren't supposed to i totally feel like this island needs a volcano just because it'll look better and everything's on fire anyway fine you guys need help all day long i'll just make your grass come back is that what you really want do you want bigger rain is that how this goes you really want lots of rain in your life i am benevolent i am the benevolent leader of the human population the last time i'll ever say that oh yeah the necromancer bro is hanging out with the skellies that's so cool i love it hopefully they don't fight the zombies do you fellas the dwarfs need some rocks i will give them rocks rocks are good for dwarves and there's just a couple of humans that are marooned over here on this deserted island what are you guys doing they're just hanging out because you've chosen the path of stupidity you shall be bubble shielded you will never die now what else can i do what is that the flame tower i need a flame tower somewhere why is this still on fire why is everything on fire and blitz said let the fire be gone and the fire oh yes probably because they made a volcano here yeah duh i use my brain sometimes we'll just make sure that gets totally closed off whoa lightning just struck somewhere it wasn't me i promise no bad fire what is that lightning from i don't even know right now i wish i could see it happen oh the piranhas are still bad okay looks like the volcano has been entirely surrounded with the rim i think we're good there oh they got boats already how cool is that you guys are dumb we need to give them land to grow on and then water nope that's not water and then water to grow on the land beautiful and then i will give them trees and plants and stuff it'll be fun whoops i i meant to put water on that to put that fire out the humans or the elves just got roasted by something it's probably what i heard the lightning bolt from but i gave him a bunch of food like seriously would you guys stop causing fires that's my job oh this is unique look the boat is going to the human land and then it's coming back over here to ork country they're trading i didn't know they could trade a bunch of traders up in here so everything seems pretty peaceful now let's go ahead and like change the time to go five times faster and then we got fire again come on fire oh no something is destroying this boat what is even breaking here why is the boat being is it driving in the shore what's happening i'm going to inspect you buddy mcboat face it has two passengers and a chicken hey now i don't even know what's happening to it what was on this island i feel like it should be on oh the piranhas maybe did it find piranhas it made it away it escaped and went back home this is so much more vibrant with all of the boats in the game that's really cool they're not even making wars right now can i turn the wars off no they can't declare war that's good i like this update things aren't breaking immediately i totally feel like this calls for more turtles this can be turtle country look it has a little pinky on it i don't even know what that does but i got a pinky now oh look at the turtles oh you can just select things aha hello what's your name turtle turtle turtle's name is sindh neat i like you turtle you shall get a bubble shield with your friends and you will be my turtles and this will be the island of turtle land because the humans here are dumb and they don't know how to make cities whoa that was a firework what happened i wish i knew what all these noises were or where it was what is that that's a big building this island is almost entirely populated and the boats are still getting attacked by piranhas where do my turtles go they're still hanging out yeah they're on little islands they're like i love this place there's so many places for me to do things that i don't even know turtles do like eggs and stuff eat fish oh there is a war that they were shooting here look they're firing on the boats look at him go they're trying to break the boat oh i would break that one too yeah first boat okay does the necromancer here does he get to play with the zombies too looks like there's some zombies wandering around they aren't having problems with each other this is interesting they do want to battle watch when they they're gonna attack that boat never mind yeah they attacked the boat huh that's pretty cool i feel like we need to blow up an island here just so we can uh yeah open it a little bit turtle bros i'm i'm excavating sorry nope that didn't work maybe napalm bomb will do the trick how does roasted turtle taste anyway okay that didn't work how about a bigger bum please turtles don't live here oh good i think i just opened it up that boat looked like a swan that must be part of the elvish people boat there we go opened up a nice area that looks great if i was a turtle i would live here good turtle oh i have crabs too good job oh they buried itself in the sand this needs to be crabby island there you go nice crabs live here ooh we have some external expansion happening these islands are being created and the boat just got eaten by piranhas that happened and this boat's getting eaten by piranhas too stupid boats you think they'd have some anti-piranha plating or something but this is a very good test what happens if i make a necromancer down here in this island does it make more skeletons does it raise them from the dead it does hey where are you going i didn't tell you you could go over there skeletons yay this might have been a bad idea i kind of like that city you know what you're dead what are you what are you you're another one hot dang where'd you come from maybe it was the same one is it gone now i guess the necromancer came back i don't even know how he got here i thought i hit him with a meteor does that not work all right so there's a bit of a problem there is no emotion across islands i know i open that up but we gotta close it we gotta close this down yep keep expanding your cities that's the only way we can make true war and we'll get rid of this mountain range because well it's us and we're gonna close this up a little bit too yeah that way all three of these civilizations can grow together and have a giant melee battle yay it's always fun with whoa look at all the arrows i just created a giant war and i'm so excited you know what would make this even better is another necromancer where are they necromancer where'd you go i miss you already he's going to be the one who really profits whoa how dang they're destroying him like crazy oh he killed my necromancer all he wanted to do was make a bunch of skellies no they're just going to brutally stab him oh yeah there's a skelly oh no i like having necromancers everywhere this is a huge battle wow and these guys are like i'm getting away flee and this boat should be up here blasting with cannons and stuff but no they don't know how to do that yet wow at the invasion they are so strong why didn't you go invade the tree people nobody likes the tree people anyway there's just this steady stream of ants coming down here ready to take out the humans i had no idea that the dwarves were so mad at humans and now they're gonna take out the boat because they populated crab island that's like the last remaining group of humans just sitting out here at crab island yeah no joke that's like literally all of the warriors they're just hanging out here as the humans get decimated well fine if you bring your warriors over there we need the bears on this side of the world go bears attack this is a nice plague the plague of bears i love it you know what else makes bears better neck romance bears skelly bears all the bears are dead that wasn't nearly as fun as i thought oh my word these dwarves men they've pretty much killed all of the humans give me a necromancer to summon the dead or to die really quickly there they go he's bringing him up nope he's just getting hit by the humans at crab island what a dumb necromancer oh man this is this is an interesting turn of the events the dwarves have come in here with a population of 33 already and the elves have claimed human country with a population of 18. humans are almost gone i feel like i have to do something about that but the only thing i know to do is to bring up this over here but i don't want the humans to get destroyed so let's make a little one of these right over to here and then we'll also bring it up this way oh wow that was the last of the humans i just saw the dwarves take them out yikes they're so strong right now be a shame if the barbarians were to come from the south and barbarians i mean these guys blitz bless the reigns down in blitz to opia that was terrible i apologize i'll never do that again ever in my life okay i initially wanted them to go this way but now we can just make an island this way because the humans are gone they die humans are dead makes me sad do you feel dead i feel kind of dead right now only non-humans dislike this video there's another battle happening somewhere i feel like it's the dwarves and the elves yep it totally is these guys are mean [Music] what did they ever do to deserve this they're gonna be turned all into skeletons necromanced skeletons it'll be exciting i'm feeling the need to connect these civilizations oh no i destroyed the boat factory that's too bad oh they're not at a war with each other that's even more bad they will be we will build up an army an army of chickens and by chickens i mean skeletons as far as i know skeletons can't swim in real life mainly because they don't have muscles i don't know how they walk but whatever and connect the soil and connect the soil and i'm going to take them over here i want to bring them all the way up so i'm going to do that hopefully the snowman people don't care come on necromancer do your things we will have two necromancers leave the skeleton army hopefully they bring them up north and destroy things because that'll be funny oh wow so the orcs and the dwarves have an alliance this is like lord of the rings gone really wrong and they're gonna wipe out the rest of the elves which would be probably a good thing in lord of the rings i'm not gonna lie i'm kidding i'm kidding so this right here is the last city of the elves yep it's not gonna last very long i don't think unless i give them bubbles go my elvish friends keep the bubbles of life it'll supply you life life juice keep living keep living oh wow that one's big why did you get so big are you are you a giant uh you're agile a minor and no you're weak you have a great hammer that's kind of cool i feel like you should be a giant maybe you are a giant oh he is a giant that's so cool we got a giant elf up in here he's just destroying everything because he's got a bubble shield uh-oh why do all the dwarves have bubble shields now they're just gonna fight their bubbles it's going to be like a game of ping pong or something oh the elves are dead that happened my elven giant is gone and now it is the dwarves first two factions orcs and the zombie army i can't wait for them to go up here oh these guys are so mad at all of the boats they're having so much fun reminds me of pirates of the caribbean i wish there could be a skeleton faction with skeleton bones we could name it davey jones how cool would that be you guys seriously need to move and do something with your lives because the dwarves are coming in hot uh oh another war has begun yes the orcs and the dwarfs oh this is a big one wow i wonder who's more powerful there's a giant oh do you see how big he is right there here i'm gonna click on you little dude there he is ray is his name savage restores health over time you can't be the giant i feel like i need to be on the orcs side but that's not fun orcs are oh you're so big that's so cool yeah you're a giant too that's so neat i would not want to get messed up with a giant barbarian orc they just push him into the water now he's swimming away where is he going he's gonna get run over by a boat oh no he's getting sniped he's getting sniped no giant bros gone oh they are going crazy these dwarves are insane i have an idea it might be a bad idea but it could be a good one and it's like hit em all with the meteorite we just wipe out the majority of their army i think it'll be a good thing there's so many more and they're all on fire running around screaming oh here let's turn to cloudy and snowy yeah we're gonna make snow over the barbarians because for reasons it looks cool i think and then we're gonna make a tornado because snow tornadoes are theoretically possible but they can't exist i don't know why i did that maybe oh look at all the people in it there's a bunch of dwarves being sucked up into the tornado which makes it exciting yay it's like the world's worst amusement park ride they're a grow button can i grow it bigger can i strike it with lightning does that make it grow bigger let's split it in half wait do it again yay oh that if you bless it then it turns right let's give it some divine light oh that erased it here hit that one nope that erased it too let's do another one real quick well that's a big old tornado we're gonna give it a curse we're gonna curse the tornado oh that makes it even better yay go bigger tornado bro destroy the barbarians that it already got destroyed look at the baby tornado oh it's so cute everyone's returning home from the battle up north with a water spout like tossing people whoa never mind giant tornado bro okay can you just go away now can i put a bubble on you i want to put a bubble on you i can't we'll bubble up people tornado bubble go into your follow shelter all right that was fun tornado but you got to go away i did it i got an achievement for baby tornadoes this was a bad idea the baby tornadoes are not what i expected okay they're gone and it looks like there's another war about to begin whoa there is a war happening i think the doors might actually be matched for once or not maybe not they're fighting on crab island again okay let's use some divine powers we are going to bless all of the orcs every one of them because we can't let the dwarves win all of the orcs get a blessing from i think that makes them stronger and cool things happen and everyone gets shield bubbles too and that be something you're just hanging out watching tv all of a sudden a bubble shines up around you and then you see a dwarf in your bedroom with a big sword axe thing you're like oh that hurts then everyone dies you know it's fun playing with audio clickers and volcanoes yay oh my word i almost feel bad i didn't really want the orcs to blow up like that but i just sprayed lava all over the main island whoops here quick put the raid out rain juice put the rain on there yeah now we've prevented the orc through the dwarves from never mind they're still coming in fighting don't walk on the lava there's a game like that interesting it looks like the necromancer's been having some fun a city was trying to be planted down here they're trying to build into the snow too whoa i think that's what happens when a necromancer dies so i've created the ultimate volcano it's full of gold and other things maybe the dwarves will come and populate it this is interesting too both of these there's like two colonies and necromancers that are hanging out down here on this island i really want to unleash them i think we're going to we'll just connect the land and maybe over time they'll migrate look at that who's this guy who are you are you the leader you're a minor giant agile honest wise and crippled oh he used to be an adventurer like me wow adamantine helmet these guys got adamantine and mithril i thought that was the same thing no wonder the dwarves are so strong i need to know who your king is view the king of the kingdom wow okay purple stuff great helmet of terror what this is cool i didn't know the game went in the super backstory like this i need to know where you are my dude where is that you are you the king are you king gropo gopro i don't know where the king is oh probably somewhere yeah the king somewhere right in there i should nuke him i feel bad feel real bad hey these guys need to go up here here build up there it'll be fine i promise yeah i feel bad that the barbarians are just dying the dwarves have defeated everything oh man this is going to be a such a massacre when it gets down here there's 236 people in this town that's huge oh there's 279 there wow the dwarfs are just greedy monsters a counter attack yay counter attack was foiled it didn't really do well uh oh this is interesting oh the dwarves are coming down and attacking the necromancers including the giant and these guys are too busy just worried about destroying that boat to know that their island is in jeopardy but they do have a lot of fun destroying boats 700 damage a bunch of arrows sticking into the side of it oh here we go they've done it now they've angered the the barbarian horde the skeleton horde and we got even more skellies that's cool okay you want to watch something fun if we do this right here we're gonna unlock the skeletal horde here there's a big old pile of necromancers and skilly bros i got a hundred necromancers in this just waiting for them to kind of expand out this one's like hey i wanna go have some fun yay war has begun war has begun oh yeah this war is going to go very well wow and especially with the necromancers being able to re-summon oh look at oh that giant just got wrecked but they are so cool i like seeing the giants that boat what happened to the boat i made a cow that was fun one of the necromancers made it over here and died instantly they're still fighting there's been a lot of skeletons that are coming up and this group down here is pretty sizably strong i think there is a tool where i can pick things up in the game and drop them somewhere else right oh that's the sound of a dead necromancer i feel like the dwarves are finally starting to get weakened i feel like they are because they keep turning into skeletons and then they're fighting for my army oh skelly bro art iton immortal can't die from mold age and weightless interesting a broken sword no wonder you guys aren't very good in battle a steel spear i wonder if they can pick up other things necromancer's staff of doom that was my nickname in high school what is this a human bomb that's a giant a giant slow mining skeleton it doesn't have anything in its inventory but it still looks pretty cool all the necromancers are now up here they've all come in wow they're just chucking things like crazy i don't think anything's gonna be able to stop these guys they keep settling too would you guys just stop settling the world admit defeat sauron's gonna take over i really wanna turn the trees into people too the ants are gonna come oh no well i thought they would be on the team of the evil side evidently not what about the houses are the houses on the team of the evil side i feel bad because the dwarves worked hard to massacre everyone now they're just fighting their houses the houses are just flying around this is great wow look at all the necromancers it doesn't seem like there's too much going on for skeletons there are a few skeletons being born though like i just saw that one red some oh there they were over here yes it could be fun to have a skeleton house wouldn't it oh also um hey oh they just killed the dragon i summoned a dragon in the skill in the in here because it would be fun dragons are always fun except they're pretty weak i guess once they just fly into an area whoa whoa look at this war happening dragonborn here he's he's having fun like being a dragon and stuff no just getting hit by arrows oh if he goes right over that city and burns it no he just dies what why would you die and that was a bad place to make dead oh wow necromancers are making work happen up here there's like eight skeletons and a single necromancer that have just come up in here and taken out half of the civilization how'd you like to be surrounded by this many necromancers i think the answer is yes i don't know what the question was but i don't know why the answer would be yes oh look at all these people oh it's like splash damage too oh they all got turned into skeletons that was awesome some of these skeletons have giant hammers oh wow that was cool immortal weightless minor strong attractive wise and cursed that is not the qualifications of a skeleton in my opinion but that city's pretty much gone now am i snowman people of the north they're having fun too they're pretty squishy oh they turned them into ice how amazing is that we need a a cold one too i don't even know what a cold one does but i like them and we might as well pop in an evil mage down here are you gonna be on the right team here bud no he's totally not on the right team and he's totally dead in like a matter of 18 seconds so this city used to have nearly 300 people in it and it's down to 131 because of the the necromancer invasion so let's do this the right way and spawn in 500 necromancers right on top of the city and see what happens to it and now oh oh they are summoning so many zombies look at all those skeletons oh that's incredible yay go team i'm so excited this is better than dropping nukes on everything it's interesting too that they don't need dead people to turn up skeletons they just bring skeletons from the ground what is this guy doing oh he was shooting arrows and he just died oh that is so awesome looking throwing bones and junk yeah they still have their necromancer steps to doom that's so cool bring more skeletons bring more skeletons wish i could have skeleton bears oh wow it just turned to the blue faction it must have had a civil war or the king must have died that's kind of where the king was hanging out wasn't it see if i can find the king he's got a huge hammer must be a squeaky toy because it's made out of lightweight material oh he's way down here the dude's dude abandoned hope you're the wrong side of the world not gonna lie that's a pretty damaging spread right there and this was a fortified city of the dwarves oh there's one more up here there there was one more up here he's gonna go away pretty soon oh he just killed a necromancer what what he has eight kills oh he's got a silver sar hammer of doom what i wonder if he can i wonder if he can take out the necromancer oh just summoned in some skeletons too oh he just killed the necromancer this guy deserves to have his own kingdom all those skeletons are on that island that's amazing there's a bunch over here too but that doesn't matter he's going in for the kill doesn't matter though because civilization's gone what's happening up here what are they fighting is there infighting happening uh oh we got a skeleton sniper and a necromancer swimming up here there's no chance that steve wins get up there steve uh oh um yeah he's gone now poor guy he needed a bubble shield oh wow civilization's almost gone oh and their king is just a lowly peasant now too what is this they made a statue to the crabs i didn't know that was possible we should probably destroy it with a nuke because that makes it fun oh you broke it before i could nuke it well that was the end of the doors now we just get to erase the barbarians for fun orcs whatever they're called and probably clean up the map because there's a lot of necromancers we don't want those to escape in real life this is gonna be messy this is gonna be real messy oh my poor computer that's way too many star bombers at a time we need to double it oh my word i can't do anything well that was fun keeper stick on the ice we'll catch you next time i'd also like to thank ben ellen hagen dickie james apollo bunny autodave eagle arc whip it good seraphin x dez bogger maxer zarnoff noah collingwood jason mcfarland deegan paul longstone and ralph as well as the rest of the patreon supporters and everyone who has clicked that join button down below and become a channel member i'm not even kidding there was one orc that survived literally no idea how cod decided to win i guess he did a 360 no scope and like wow there's there's like one little little two little islands left over that didn't get nuked and the rest is gone okay so that's the end of the video bye
Channel: Blitz
Views: 299,211
Rating: 4.9359121 out of 5
Keywords: blitz, worldbox, world box, destroying the world, worldbox game, worldbox gameplay, world box gameplay, super worldbox, worldbox update, worldbox god simulator
Id: Ty-sXAwsrJE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 28sec (1768 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 26 2021
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