I EVOLVED HUMANS With Animal DNA And This Happened in Genomon

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every once in a while there's a game that comes around that's just strange and out there this one's called gentleman there's a demo on steam right now that i'm playing and it looks like a lot of fun because you make genetic monsters i always like genetic and evolution games and i'm blitz welcome to this video let's have some fun creating some genetic monsters sounds sounds great ah like a little helicopter and look there's all sorts of critters okay this is a this is a rat i'm gonna pick it up that's definitely a rat i don't like rats by the way they're kind of gross and they have diseases and stuff like bubonic plague but i have in my backpack now oh is there anything else here i mean i don't oh there's something i saw something move it's another rat i'm gonna eat it ah got you looks like a dog squeaky toy doesn't it let's put that in the backpack too all right so this game is all about can i collect that one i don't think i can collect this monster hi irene oh there i cannot tell you how excited i am to finally meet you seriously it's just been me and like a million rats on this island for i don't know how many days i'm irene i'm sure your uncle's executor what excuse me they got dark fast uh oh just he died doing a love science wow i'm guessing the executor of the will not executor of his life and your uncle gave me this to tell you you wanted me to build yourself a nice lap oh thanks uncle steve i just made up a name so it's probably your real name is kevin let's see we have the message board greetings i'm sorry i didn't get to say goodbye i left you in good hands with irene that's too many words victor was his name so we have research here we can build walls there is also oh not available yet the genome library i don't have any genome progress i need that i need to rename my genome okay so let's open up my backpack we have a rat in here hey come back here so evidently i just have to buy walls i'm going to buy a bunch of those after i research them do it i did it very good go me now i can build them i can build myself a house i can put my rat friends in what is that sandwich i like sandwiches all right let's put a floor down first and then we'll pop up some walls yeah oh i gotta build six walls okay three we'll build a two by three house so that's what they wanted me to build i don't know why but i'm going to collect another rat gotcha all right irene what do you got to tell me perfect fusion of form and function thank you i get more money for everything i like this game now we have all these rats what should we do with them i don't know we could eat them uh-huh we could or use the dna extractor embryo splicer this sounds good this is what i like right here but i have to research things first dna extracted actually i just got the researches cool so can i build these now let's see oh okay we have devices here so oh that looks like a power output and i can rotate it okay that's the front not a power output and the other one is the dna extractor splicer is that the right one that looks the same there that looks nice you can't do that without a viable human embryo wait what you didn't even notice me putting an embryo in your backpack it's i'm quiet and quick like a rat this lady's creepy but a viable human embryo has been slipped into my backpack okay what are you gonna tell me next dna extract is pretty simple actually you put your animal in there turn it on and voila just like that you've got dna the animals hard don't hardly feel a thing it's okay the process is actually excruciatingly painful but if it's only for like a super short amount of time this lady's dark make sure you have a rat in your hand and approach the machine can i put you in the machine and never look in their eyes harvest one of those rats for its dna splice the dna with an embryo then come see me wait what okay i'm gonna go get another one man rat embryo that's my goal is to create a man rat hybrid i got it i got one i got a rat i'm gonna grab two of them haha they don't even know they don't even know about me so i gotta take one out of my backpack oh i got a lot of them oh no hey pick it up hey hey there it goes there you go okay if i attach it oh activate oh no poor little squeakers he doesn't feel a thing though the lady told me that hey we just turned it straight into dna all right and i bet i put that over here yeah so the question is do i take the human embryo and put it on here too that's something you probably never say okay it only accepts animals that's good can i put you over here and then activate i can this gets creepy why am i combining rat in human dna i don't know why but i'm going to do it again it's working this is this is jurassic park gone wrong i did it creepy lady i have your pet thing it's for you i'm gonna attach it to you never mind just drop my embryo on the ground oh look a recombinant dna give birth to the perfect rat human hybrid or what we call a genome on i did it i got more money i feel like that's bad i see that look on your face don't worry we're 400 miles away from the nearest internationally recognized nation state while this sort of work may be ethically questionable we're well out of anyone's legal jurisdiction yikes get to research and build a genome on incubator and genome lab i will gladly do that mission completed okay so i need to build this lab uh-huh an incubator thing my house is really not that great so now i need to turn the man rat into here into this one the incubator all right little dude go have fun i'm gonna attach you and we're gonna grow you up this is weird this is really weird it's creepy it's growing though so we've got that going for us yikes what am i doing i'm so sort of weird mad scientist speaking of which give me more of that oh where'd it go there it is what are you doing little dude this is like the worst adventure of chuck e cheese ever i'm gonna speak to it where wind come from master it is you oh he knows this why i have to battle what i got a man rat okay then we did it um better than genome the better the aggressions on other genome wait what get to the helicopter excuse me the helicopter i really just want to level this up all the way that's a cool looking helicopter open expedition map where do i go rival species possible loot i'm gonna attack that rival with my man rat wait i get to control this thing oh hot dang what did you do dude no no no no i gotta dodge what you're gonna kill my mad rat man rat i don't like you important mission attack hell i died wow i need a better i need a better critter oh but i leveled up so that's going for us i gotta heal him now that's too bad can i give him more dna points how many times must i do this to achieve victory okay i'm just gonna keep smacking it as best i can oh one more hit and it's dead yes yes i'm the best man rat ever look at him dance i don't even know what's happening right now but i don't like it hello creepy lady i've done it your first genome they're like simultaneously disturbing and fascinating aren't they yeah naturally violent creatures that engage in battle of the sheer instinct wow all right lady the genome's at a hundred percent we mapped the rep you know yep that'll work potential for lucrative business opportunity she just keeps like giving me small amounts of money so i need to give this thing like venomous scratch equip it you equip it and heal it i feel like i need to find a bat and i'm guessing the best area would be a cave because batman loves in a cave with alfred and their like batmobile thing or you know this might be the most boring island ever and i probably should get the helicopter to battle something again hey there we go look a rival species bat oh there's two of them good thing i got my new sparky whoa dude dude chill a little bit how what did i ever do to you i leveled up i got that going for us why do you dance like that we have a different plan this time i like to call to divide and conquer actually just attack mode oh what i can't use my scratchy arms ha oh nice i got ranged no i don't ah oh no i don't have that run away nice nice i'm gonna kill one this time maybe okay i got you never mind i did kill one yes i'm so good at this i have to sell my rat dna now just to be able to afford to go fight in another battle oh don't worry though oh i only hit one and i just about died what a waste run away this feels so wrong just buying human embryos on the black market don't come in here lady we're doing things that shouldn't be done naturally don't mind this little pink thing going on the old incubation station yeah just don't look at that we have to rename you there's only one good name perfect kevin kevin she'll be your name and you will be my squishy hey kevin number two what do you have to uh wait give you these claws can i give you two of them no you can only have one and then man rat which one's better oh kevin's the worst one that's fine and now we can both fight that'll be fun i don't really know how this goes oh i can switch aha oh yeah get get dumped on nerd nice we knocked one out i think kevin died that's okay we didn't need him and we're dancing one of those like wavy hand like whooshy things that's at the used car salesman down the road yeah that's weird oh kevin leveled up good for him i also got like bat juice now so that's fun you give me a bat it's time to decompose your dna and we'll put that in here hey wait no i don't need you i need you and then i have to buy another one okay let's see what a batman looks like and there we go the man bad habit wait hold up we have to have wait wait wait wait cancel that oh no i have to make a man rat bat hi battle makes me stronger i like him what happens if i give you rat parts too i almost feel bad that i don't want that one but we'll make it different yeah there's my man-bat hybrid and we'll put you in here and we'll take out the rat dna and we'll splice it all together hey the thing is completed go put you in here dude feel like it's just chasing after rats to eat it yeah you're weird not as weird as your cousin oh can't even walk right man right back why we wish his no come true oh i get it weird hey more money we've shown that we're capable of spicing and sequencing a wide variety of genomes now we must harness that knowledge in the field of combat defense defeat osaki at sector six okay i can do that i have to give you special powers from kevin venomous fur what kevin wants venomous fur i'm sorry old man rat can i just sell you i'm gonna unequip that we're gonna give that to our bat friend yes so strong right now interesting that it loses its uh its wings when it turns into a half rat holy whiskers on one side that's weird hi i think it likes me it's gonna creep my dreams out tonight if i had a guess too i'm gonna lose this sector two one and you shall die whoa that one's got some big stonks to it yellow oh dirty i know run away run away switch to kevin attack haha get wrecked noob learn to play oh no kevin died this one's not kevin that's a rat bat but we leveled up so that's good excuse me things happen in here that you shouldn't be aware of i'm sorry quit smiling at me hey look i'm doing the batman thing where i steal his genome oh come on 91 do i have to put another poor little bat through this i hope not i wish there was like a little container there probably is in the unlocks y'all there we go genome fully sequenced i like that i like the words behind that oh now i have two more spider bros i like spider bros i don't want to know what these things are in there though possible loot and then oh attack rival i want to do that one but i'll be honest i don't know if kevin can do that kevin's got a higher hit point and better attack than man ratbat but he's also higher leveled up oh but i can take two well that's easy battle is it a 2v1 no it's 2v2 oh they got legs oh my word okay punch up dead yes one down oh this is easy oh yeah get wrecked there's no crouch in this game that's too bad he's so happy that is so weird kevin leveled up so we got that going for us 95 hit points hot dang so now i can put spider boy in here yes bye little spider can i let a spider go i just want to put him down and see what he does ah he runs away i don't like spiders give me you now man rap bat gets venomous bones that's exciting whoa i found a bat on this island i didn't know bats were on this island is there anything else cool here there's a rat oh we got bats all over where'd you guys come from quick let me collect you so i can sell you trust me it hurts a whole lot less than actually being like parted off into genome oh and i could just straight up sell things man we're back you're gone oh we get a a triple a triple dude i like this i don't know if it's gonna work but i really want that fang thing and what a heart yeah that sounds fun okay okay boys i need to change yeah to you aha oh that was a good one a good hit there i'm gonna take this guy out nice no no i died i died oh oh i don't got super moves oh oh oh how dang that spider's nasty so i've got a really bad idea i mean good idea spider genome fully sequenced that means now spiders should be running around on the island bats round i think eventually when it reloads then we'll get spiders here too so the question is what kind of hybrids do we get today um spider yeah we'll just sell the spider dna so i can buy a human i promise fbi agent if you're listening i'm not like this in real in real life okay human embryo goes in here man that sounds so wrong and then we get to do bat i kind of want to do like start off with the spider just to see what spider bro looks like and i realized now that i sold off our good one um but i'm going to sell this guy at the man bat because we don't really need him that was kevin i just sold kevin why did it sell the thing at the top of the list i want to sell the man bat yes i want to sell the man bat well kevin's gone i don't want to know what they're gonna do to poor kevin here let's put this in here quick all right man spider now what kind of other weird creation can we make there's a human embryo in there and if i put like let's do some bat dna first oh it's terrifying oh and it needs to have wings though it needs to have bat wings oh please oh please have bat wings man bat okay we'll put the man bat in here like that and then we'll take out spider so put a spider with man bat i love it now the question is do we take this another step farther what do you want you want to be sold don't you um man spider bat embryo all right we'll try you it's growing it's growing i feel like a mad scientist right now okay hello that's actually not too bad i like it except one of his eyes is weird yeah because it's got like extra eyes oh i'm making another creation too by the way hey bud yeah it's eyes are all derped up i love it you need rat parts in you too so if i take the man spider bat and i take a rat dna and put it together i will create the ultimate creature oh there's so many other species here i don't even know what these things do that's a crab no no no no you got to get out of here bud we made your cousin okay man rat spider bat it's growing it's growing wow it's got whiskers on half of its face oh it looks terrifying it doesn't have wings though hi irene don't mind us i'm just having mad scientist but oh he's horrible i love him venomous bones equip that oh you don't have venomous fur because i must have sold all of that all right so we try this out in battle i don't know can we do that one i feel like we've done everything there so if i come to here we might get new loot so we have the man rad spider bat i'm just gonna take the top three which are these three that could work battle time now i have to make sure to get on my guy first this one right here and i'm gonna go in and attack oh i didn't have that upgrade oh nice one down come on yes yes oh i'm down hey man right spider-man's dead yes well we won we won the battle we seized the day we carped the dm look at those creepy monsters i do not like oh but i got a venom thing oh the arachnid fang oh nice it does 10 attack versus the seven of the other one let me equip that can i upgrade the trait to 800. i totally want to fight in another battle i don't even know this one we can do this one we'll just try it we'll attempt we'll bring all four of our critters this is probably gonna go really bad i don't even know okay i just have to like mash one of them yeah focus fire focus fire bros okay okay we're doing it oh oh oh okay focus fire focus fire oh we did it oh i did it i killed them all all by ourselves and just the derpy little man rat he's like yay we won we did the thing oh what is that nocturnal swipe all 14 wow i'm so excited well i'll tell you what my friends this was a fun little game a unique little adventure and fun demo to play you can check it out yourself on steam and keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time i'd also like to thank ben ellen hagan dickie james autodave eagle arc seraphin x dezbogger maxer zarnoff noah collingwood jason mcfarland dagan paul longstone and rail as well as the rest of the patreon supporters and everyone who has joined the channel as a youtube member
Channel: Blitz
Views: 600,892
Rating: 4.9469271 out of 5
Keywords: blitz, evolution, evolution game, genomon, genomon game, genomon gameplay
Id: hP8W6AgG_vY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 11sec (1151 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 14 2021
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