Human MUTATIONS Are TERRIFYING in The Eternal Cylinder

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oh hey everybody welcome back to the eternal cylinder yeah this weird evolution game i'm excited for it now i did learn that we have to have stomachs like you see in the top left corner there's a stomach mode so i actually have to eat things now um that's just part of oh yeah yeah go back to you cause you got food and then i can just eat there you go yay everyone ate and then our stomach is full so that's neat um also this game is weird like there's a mouth thing i like this one hey bud hey i'm gonna wake him up oh no no no no no don't run away stay away from me yeah get out of here get nasty creature we're gonna scare you away oh look i wonder if he has any cavities i wonder if i run him into the like corral oh really i got too close to the mouth i was thinking if i corralled him to the cylinder you might die oh look there's some bones it's kind of neat can i eat them to gain their strength no we definitely need this guy to be our grocery getter though yep all right perfect good job team good job team let's just you know eat something so we can all get full hey oh you're coming after me now bro not not cool not cool not cool oh no stay away run run circle mode circle mode circle mode is everyone all right everyone's okay i think we're good oh there there's that thing too sound the trumpets stay away oh it just farted that's disgusting what a weird game oh hey what's this over here i want it in my life oh did we get a new person we did we got we got gaudio hey i want you i i might have to feed him i don't have the right mushrooms oh no yeah i do here we go here yes got him now what's that what's that other blue brainy boy thing um we must find it oh look another egg i kind of want that is this the one i need hello would you like to eat this thing i can give it to you there you go hey oh that doesn't go through interesting what is this oh i don't know what it is can i go in it can i touch it i want to jump on it oh we might need square boy here scoreboy oh i am square boy okay square boy go in the hole enter the shrine maybe this is where i get that weird like thing yet okay are you the one i need i'm just gonna eat that felt a great power flowing through this cave that's good but they were not afraid oh my friend familiar work of their ancestors good ancestors oh there's the things so i need that power to get the brain juice got it activate is this a game increases oh oh this is a health upgrade oh dang i like that but i gotta go save my boy unless i don't want him do i need him i kind of want him oh what are those i want it to stop it yeah okay one fell on the floor here what is that it's just a gem i can't eat it can i spray it everyone spray that doesn't spray right okay come into the pool be nice and cool all right so i collected all of the shiny little pebble things in here let's go back outside and i'll go back over to this egg cooker thing and we'll see if we can unlock this guy now that i have enough stuff hey oh tuno why are yours why is your name different now wait hold up why are you a different person is this a different eggy boy no because the other egg's right there ah okay these mushrooms are kind of rare but i found a couple how many was it three oh oh who was that no no no no i didn't want to eat that mushroom run away no no no porn horde mode no vogues died oh man wait why did i get wait what oh he's just destroying everyone oh no what did i do what did i do no what is what is that thing oh no okay you know what um that's terrifying i think i'm just gonna reload and save file oh no no that was the wrong save file stay away from him come on dudes oh good we got out of oh we got out of his life nice no there's another mushroom over here stay away from that guy ready suck that up got it okay now we'll go back and get our friend there's another walkie thing over there i don't like that where's our friend he's over here oh what is this hole i need to explore that hold up all right bud wait what why are you different again do i have those mushrooms okay i don't like this stay away stay away big creepy thing good he doesn't like my horn noise give me that that's just poop i didn't want to eat that anyway all right give me these mushrooms there we go give me that oh no horns up horns up oh it's vomiting gross oh wow so a horn doesn't work i need like attack mechanism away are my friends alive still i think so i need to lead them away no no no no no no no okay come over here yeah stay away what is that thing oh man this game is going to give me nightmares okay it's far enough away maybe from my egg thing please be the right stuff okay fine i five of those i only have three are you kidding all right i can do this now i can do this now oh no no no no no why are you coming after me like this there eat those how do i give them the other things i've got six i don't know how to give it to him though maybe if i go down in the hole it'll teach me things about my people whoa that's a deep drop i was not expecting that deep of a drop oh what is this though dead things down here what is that oh it's a sleepy boy i'm here sleepy boy i can give you these and then you can wake up and i don't need you oh oh yes the new family member wheelie that was a good name i like your name all right give me all this slime on the wall yes this helps my people yeah i don't know how to give that stuff to the other guys so weird what is that oh oh i touched something hey what's in there hey i like that i don't know what it is but i need it come here give me that put it in my belly oh what do these things do looks like they give health and stuff i want that oh hard shell some ingredients cannot be eaten until their edible interiors have been exposed multiple ways to on like try experimenting with throwing them crushing them or feeding them to other creatures no way okay let's try to eat that at the wall oh that did work give me that what is that oh it changes me should i test it who should i test it on should i test it on new guy i think i'm gonna test it on new guy oh this tells what it is okay meteor in order for restorative properties okay so these things are really good what does this thing do the purpose is unknown the purpose is by shoving it in your belly hole all right dude it's time to eat this thing let's see what happens to you oh he's vibrating again yes shiny and sparkly very attractive oh my this will be exciting i like this this is amazing i'm just bouncy i don't know what it does but the shiny attractive thing i mean i like shiny objects so boy out of here oh look at me okay are the rest of the dorks gonna come out how did they how did they do that they're so smart in the ways of being smart look at me i'm attractive now first time anyone's ever said that to me hey dude i wanna i have three of those things i wanna give them to you i don't know how though so we'll just abandon you because i got a different friend now this is looking like a new biome what is this oh i want to feed this to one of the mouth people where's the mouth people at there's a melty boy open that nasty little ma of yours bro i got a present for you oh hey give me that need that in my life thank you run away i think it was literally just an egg yolk yeah it doesn't do anything oh that's a buttload of health yes what did the worm do again it uh changes them into something else yeah please don't be weird oh it's that spinny boy ah i don't like that one that's fine no no no no you can't eat that egg thing bro give me that egg oh i'm turning the egg into water now what is that egg here oh i just i just ate some oh that's the that's the other thing nice come back here guys that's the guy that was uh the round one with the shield on it from before that got cracked i think i can you eat that too and that's a double energy come on it's changing me again what was it changing me into yeah oh with this mutation ceases to have legs it can only roll um that was a bad plan fine rolling it is rolling it is i don't have legs i love it this game is so weird oh i got legs back nope nope nope nope does it fly down here no guys oh there's a cave into the game of secrets and mystery there's food in here oh i'm trapped i'm trapped there's also stuff on the ceiling okay what does this one do then let's see i better hurry up oh food oh hypnotic trunk produces song that causes the click boy to follow them interesting what's that sound like weird there are so many strange things in this game like a giant shell over there and there's this thing what is that thing i don't even know should we give it to our crash test dummy a horrifying mass regurgitated yes please oh no no we go to this guy and then you get to turn whatever that is into you oh wow lots of health come on come on oh wow perpetually furious causing non-stop noise more civilized times the outlawed oh yeah it's just randomly talking how annoying is that no i do see looks like something shiny right there you see that i'm wondering if that's a hatching station which would be nice because i found another egg okay i just have to walk with it and listen to this really really annoying noise all right so here's the deal do you see that right up there oh no the thing's coming there's there's a hatching bay oh no and then a big mouth guy and a big stompy thing with green ball i don't like any of them but if i drop you down here then this could hatch there you go hatch bro hatch bro do your hatching thing oh we gotta go i see the next tower okay good come on need more leadership i don't even know what that means come on run come on everyone i didn't get to name him oh no oh that cylinder i see it coming and this thing is so stupidly annoying i feel like i need a new leader because this one's so annoying i don't see anything cool in this region oh there's something cool something stop being deadly run away oh look at all the little balls they're scared too oh there's something else cool here i can't do it though i can't stop i could plan that out better there's a giant hand in the ground i don't know what's going on right i totally want that giant hand though because this game gets even weirder and weirder and did you like my song i bet you did yes all right dudes get up in here get your bad subs up here i want to see what this hand is what in the world okay everyone's here is that alive would you shut up now please thank you is everyone talking really annoying like that thing is i really need to eat it's just gorgeous on some mushrooms oh look those things made it that's too bad was this strange being what is that our flesh half metal the trebum felt an old distant horror as if they remembered their own destruction weird something about can i just drive it very very wrong yeah you think give me that i can't have my egg oh there's something shiny over there too okay give me these mushrooms we need to eat we're hungry hungry boys perhaps the creature would wake up with a loud noise the creature that creature we have to wake it up i don't think i want to it is i do hear snoring noises all right let's try it they told me to oh oh do it again everyone oh it drove over me why did i want to wake it up to and drive over me i need to heal now what is it doing i got stuck okay trapped on all sides by deep pools of poisonous gas the trevor needed to find a way to escape this monster oh no it's after me perhaps there was a way to use the creature's own weight to lower the bridge there's a bridge oh no no what did that what happened to me now there's a this has got to be the bridge oh oh i'm getting it doesn't i don't like the light i'm freezing with the light come here weird thing if you hit this thing oh it might break it might break it hey weird thing come over here it's driving with its arms no thanks what are you doing hey hey hey come hit this come hit this bro on the trip i'm just climbing it yes yes oh no it hit my friends i'm stuck in a rock run away maybe i can get it to drive off the cliff maybe it's just stuck i think it's stuck i'm gonna go explore maybe exploring is a bad thing what are these i want it oh wait a second that light stripped all of my powers all of my powers are now gone every one of them we got devolved that's not cool oh hey give me that oh you just rolling over my friends okay let's go see if i can get some more evolution things these work give me these um here someone else grab it a couple of them and maybe a mushroom oh no no no no run run run what is that that thing okay here's the bridge again oh what do i do i don't think i can run across here hopefully hey creepy monster i don't like that i got deep by one the yellow light cruelly burned away the trebum's ability i noticed that the elders what kind of creature to avoid yeah anything that moves okay here we go oh okay i made it i need you back oh i don't do i want that one let's try okay i gotta eat this one okay what does this thing do on the tree come here i got it it's just water i think so yeah everyone gets more water juice now okay that's good and we got some shrooms we can just plow down in our mouth perfect i'll just eat it all that's good very good okay so that was weird we don't need uh that light oh that car is still after us i do have a few extra things this one's a different trumpet mouth right yeah i think so and i believe that number two here is the additional storage right yep okay so we sell our storage guy back we don't have the square guy anymore i would like to do something with the snail okay let's see if this does anything no hey that's so weird he came out i didn't know he could come out and i got this thing that i can break against the tree hey oh this was a shiny thing right i want yeah let's go shiny mode i think that was a shiny mode yeah cause the snail is super shiny and maybe you'll be my friend and very attractive you're gonna follow me what's that music why did the music change is something gonna eat me i don't know but there's a giant snow cone in the background it looks fun all right where is the next cylinder i think i've explored this area good enough i need to find the next stopping point oh i don't want to cross it though do i just have to go explore to find it my guess is it's up on that plateau oh yeah i can see it okay so i've got a lot of storage now and if there's anything cool on the way i'm gonna go for it let's do this we're go okay there's something blue and shiny here there's also another snail aha okay what is here what is this can i eat it no can i jump on it i might be able to jump oh i don't have jumpy legs anymore the jumpy leg guy i got they're destroyed of that okay is there more things fighting oh there's two cylinders right next to each other oh no a giant chasm oh egg can't use the egg i can't use the egg right now i don't have enough leadership or something i hear the thing coming behind me i don't want to look there it's hot i didn't want to look i did though okay i'm not seeing too much interesting on the way so i'm kind of excited that i'm not missing things here we'll do that real quick and then i'll just shove a bunch of these in my mouth there we go run no that was a bad idea go oh i hear it i'm blowing red now oh no no no no no no no no no no no no okay i could hatch another guy there but that's not going to do anything for me oh i hear it's crunching trees it's just so close oh so close okay i'm in i'm in i made it we made a voice we made it is that all of us greg glow greg lois died no greg i miss you why did you have to die on me you were the chosen one oh no this is hard i was expecting this to be like a casual little like i can't eat it a casual little game about like evolving things no it turns out there's this deadly cylinder that's trying to destroy me and then weird creatures like like that no what is it doing ah just destroying the thing right no no no no no no no no no no no no no mushrooms i need those give me these two a cylinder roared with fury it was mad i didn't give a voice and their memories spoke with great urgency okay why why do i have to be so careful flash out of the land but it would not let them run too far okay to survive they would have to stay in the eye hey jumpy legs jumping boys what is it doing why is it mad at me give me those give me those give me those give me those hey dark nuggets i need these in my life is it it's not moving though it just looks terrifying with these legs oh yeah the jumpy legs nice hear you i need jumpy legs on you got it four and see okay i'm in the eye of the storm which i think is what i'm supposed to do is this jumpy legs i think it is oh it's moving again run run why is it moving okay so i just have to keep moving it's not super duper mad at me i just have to keep walking oh there's more there's more life here okay just grab one of these quick oh this is so intense there give me my eggs glowing run away oh yeah it's just going super slow but blasting things away in the front it's not so bad i want more of your eggs can i have more of your eggs i like your parts no there's my shiny bro okay yeah this is fine everything's okay everything's okay except we got d involved i'm chased by deadly scary monsters and well there's a cylinder that's rolling after me oh hey that shell looked like it was open do you see that okay do i dare have time maybe it's not open that's just a reflection is there anything else oh what is this thing there's this giant weird structure i like it can i eat whatever that is yeah three eat that i'm almost dead lack of food poisoning i'm gonna eat that fixed poop and these things of course okay can i get into here i can't get into that it's just a weird structure all right that was a waste of time but i did get some food so that's cool and i can't eat when i'm rolling does this shut off the big mean critter does it shut it off it doesn't look like it it might stop it for a little bit so let's go explore some more there's something new fluffy boys does this give me wings can i fly now whoa what was that what's it doing filters toxic fumes oh poisonous gas filters oh oh no producing electric barrier cannot cross oh running the lightning strikes is not possible all right here you have that i'll just give one of these to everyone there we go and then i'll just you can eat directly from here that's pretty cool everyone's vibrating now everyone's like i don't like this feeling then they can all breathe and yes that's cool oh there's big ones too did it stop i want the big dandelion can i jump on it make fluffy things happen please don't blow that up again lightning and surprising as this enormous creature enormous creature the trebum felt a sense of relief that enormous creature from the sky can i go touch it this was a celestial being they'd been told to seek ah perhaps it held an answer to their troubles can i name it carl carl's a good name for his celestial being that thing just got zapped oh oh oh oh oh what it just oh that big thing is gonna get zapped oh the celestial beating is killing him and now it's tripping out can i go eat it i want to eat it do you have fun to approach the colossal creature yes optimism faded wait what it faded i did not seem to like them at all i want this and now they realized what terrible danger they were in oh i'm getting zapped because this creature got stabbed away to some holy place then that place must lie below it i'm getting zapped and being so large the creature most likely could not see what was in front of it or beneath it so perhaps the size of the trebum was an advantage after all oh perhaps they could reach the platform right under the stupid thing okay why did i eat that i didn't want to line his sight too long okay we can do that what is this should i give it to a different guy i think shiny boy needs whatever this is all right shiny boy eat this feels sounds like somebody's an auctioneer please don't be annoying oh spit a thin layer of liquid how do i oh i'm getting zapped i'm gonna get zap quick hide how do i zap wow i know i'm a poisonous liquid boy all right quick go this way i'm going to get zapped i'm going to get zapped i'm going to get zapped i'm going to get zapped get out of line of sight get online inside it's getting faster it's getting faster it's getting faster out of line of sight can't touch me okay i'm going to melt you guys i do like having spitting abilities though maybe something is going to be bad go away oh there's a hole i can go in the hole in the whole cinderella story there's always good upgrades down here my trunk oh i like that noise not the noise that that trebum's making because that's really annoying but i like this noise all right let's see what we got no that's the wrong thing give me that in that um i think the second one is food a plant that plays music should we try giving that to you you can eat it you've not done anything else exciting oh okay we've had that one before oh and an egg yes because we lost greg grogu where does this go there you go there you go hatch new hatchling man get off of him he's trying to hatch thank you vettunu i like that name he looks cool too he looks like a cow and that tunu he's so excited yes welcome to the group we'll have you eat this thing just so you can breathe and guess okay so my objective is to get underneath of the big celestial god being and get underground oh i'm getting zapped guys don't get zapped okay everyone's good everyone's good whoa oh i just teleported away what does this thing need he needs the fuzzies i still don't know how to do that okay we have to get close to get under it thankfully i've played enough mmo games that i know that i can hide in line of sight really good so let's go over here oh it's zapping things and zapping things ooh there's more things i might need to go below it oh wow these are more jumpy legs here eat one of these quick oh it's spinning at me oh whoa good thing i've got toxic gas filtering going on in my life hide away hide away that thing doesn't it's going to get electrocuted oh no i just lost something okay still got that i think i might have lost the legs quick evolved me legs again there you go jumpy boys boo got him okay now i need to get underneath of it i have that i can get under it because of the gas i'm not sure where to go should i just roll down in there i can because i i got the filters on except it's blowing me now what is this nothing there's a platform here can i go inside there's an egg i need three i need three on here yes i open it up you can't find the other i i gotta i've got plenty we made it in we made it in enter the elder cave he's gonna be so proud of me he'd be like bro he's just so shiny right now so dark in here right now give me that okay let's go down i just want to go down oh there's so many shiny things everything's blue tastes great what are these oh i can take them um here i don't know somebody else you grab these oh is an upgrade oh there is other shiny things here there it is so what happens if i eat one of these the guys it's water based what do i get oh bioluminescent skin hot dang that's cool everyone shine like the sun very good i guess that makes sense because they're kind of glowy fruits oh water it's been forever since we got to play in water oh little little charlie oh i can resurrect gutu i don't know should i do that yes come on bud he looks cool i like his skin i found a deep dark staircase with some shiny thing at the end of it hey hey that's cool whoa a different fungus okay you eat this now we're all shiny boys and then i need you oh somebody else needs that who needs the legs you need to learn even with the light the maze was difficult to traverse no not a difficult maze in the structures on the walls well thanks for that path of sand on the ground meant to help them okay others had walked in this place long ago and tried to leave a path for those who would one day follow them there is it is such a maze it's amazing yeah this thing's stuck there's plenty of food on the walls i just want to oh what is that i need it i got it okay what our sparkly boy needs it are you sparkly boy i don't remember who sparkly boy is barkley boy is the one who spits acid not those there he is i got him all right let's see what this does oh there's shiny things on the wall oh yes oh mineral processor i knew there'd be minerals that's why i was collecting them all okay found into inventory spots transforming them into refined material that can be used in various purposes oh okay cool so i have been wow look at that thing it's like a little it's like that car so if i put in the minerals that i've been collecting into this dude then things will happen i guess and by that dude i totally mean the guy who actually looks like a refinery yeah i really want to see what happens with that oh wow so that gives me more of those points okay follow the sand out of z cave yeah i'm totally getting cool things oh nice i thought there would be an elder in here wait this is just the exit isn't there an elder i need to find oh oh oh this could be it i found something maybe what's this can i eat you no so check this out if i jump up on this guy just slightly like that then there's other things i can jump on like this back wall and then there's other things above it oh did i find a secret area i did i did find a secret area with more shiny things to collect only one guy made it up here though give me that so those were health things health and water okay i'm probably not doing this right way but i found a bridge um i don't know where this bridge goes but i'm guessing it goes to the elder yeah that's a seal or is that the snail that's a snail okay i need you you know bud you collect all of this ore and stuff in here there you go there you go look at you you're my mining machine give me all that xp in life oh it's full uh we don't we don't really need those mushrooms does he not walk because he's too slow i wonder if that's it i gotta have a square to get in here my square bro died okay but i see square stuff in here so that means we'll have a new square thing yay oh i get fishy legs again come on yes fishy feet that's good now i can swim there we go there's the square things again all right who gets to be square i don't know who wants to be square oh did i i lost the jumpy legs oh no i didn't want everyone to do that somebody's jumpy legs you need jumpy legs and i think you're gonna have jumpy legs too let's make gurgle there you go let's make you into square there we go square things are so weird in this game and now i can finally fit into the square hole wherever that was is that in this room better be in this room yes right over there yes the door is open oh look at the size of that elder oh mother elder oh my word i want to be that big another okay it was a happy moment perhaps what we need to do is go behind i have discovered a mutation that allows us to rise into the sky is it wings a weeping tree from which grows a special fruit that floats as it becomes ripe ah it is the key to the transformation i have undergone oh that's why he's so big you can use geysers to float well above the cylinders oh i do not want to go behind that cylinder there's creepy things in there i'll tell you what guys that is going to do it for the end of this video hope you enjoyed our adventure today if you did let me know and keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time i'd also like to thank ben ellenhagen dickie james paolo bunny autodave eagle arc whippet good seraphin x dezbogger maxer zarnoff noah callingwood jason mcfarland deegan paul longstone and ralph as well as the rest of the patreon supporters and everyone who has clicked that join button down below and become a channel member
Channel: Blitz
Views: 963,630
Rating: 4.9368548 out of 5
Keywords: blitz, the eternal cylinder, the eternal cylinder game, the eternal cylinder gameplay, evolution, evolving, evolved, eternal cylinder, eternal cylinder game, eternal cylinder gameplay, ep 1, part 1, eternal cylinder part 1, spore, games like spore
Id: eTNm0HQ3Ilc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 22sec (2062 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 07 2021
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