When Evolution Goes Too Fast in The Eternal Cylinder

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so all i've got to do is evolve this beautiful creation while having it not get crushed by that enormous thing not because i don't want it to die i just want to prolong the suffering for it getting crushed by a giant cylinder would be far too quick to death for it poison gas on the other hand might be just the right amount of suffering i do however know there's something good for me down here i just need to find it the problem is it's poison gas so you die fairly quickly but because i'm too lazy to actually figure out what's in the poison gas we're just gonna move along and that's gonna set the cylinder free again and that's kind of bittersweet because now not only do i have to keep moving everything around us is going to get crushed and i really like that part i could kind of just sit here and watch everything die for a while but as we learned last time that thing is deceptively fast we do need to keep moving or we or our friends get crushed and i keep forgetting i need to be using goggles because he can see the secrets that other ones cannot and this is clearly a pretty uh great place to have a poison gas canyon i guess we're just gonna have to go for this and we're dead so this time before releasing this cylinder we're gonna go way over this way so is to go around the big canyon of gas i would assume there's probably lots of cool things to find in these sections when you're supposed to be moving but your chances of finding them are a little bit slim because you're trying to get past it all so quickly while not getting crushed by that i need one of these cylinders and like every game i play i just want to watch it drive over everything anyways here's the next tower which is gonna hold it still while we look for more crap okay so not only do i have to not get crushed by a giant cylinder i need to feed these things they probably also want water too which is completely unreasonable luckily for me i can just feed them pretty much whatever they don't have a choice it's going to go in their mouth they're going to digest it one way or another i think this is trying to tell me if i give it those particular items i get another one of me but i've already got too many mouths to feed so we're not gonna worry about releasing that unless i happen to find the very specific items i need i did also find an egg but that incubator seems full so i'm just gonna carry it around for a bit until i find something amusing to do with it like fire it down this hole and then we're going to follow it down because i can eat some grasshopper things here these make me jump extra high so i'm definitely going to appreciate these just being able to jump means i can explore more places and the more crap i can find the more fun we can have i gave this idiot something and he seems pretty happy about that so now we have yet another follower is this an incubator it doesn't look like an incubator we're just taking this egg for a walk at this point and i know that's probably not what you're supposed to do with the eggs but this probably isn't what you're supposed to do with evolution either but there's a lot of sparkly rocks here and these are kind of like a currency so this is making me sort of rich as i go and then i'm gonna feed my new addition whatever this one was and i think that means it can actually eat minerals yes so if i put some mineral ingredients inside of it it slowly eats them and turns them into something else i don't know what and i don't care not sure what these ones do i just plucked them off that thing hopefully they don't undo some of the hard work okay now we glow in the dark which is i guess kind of amusing but not particularly helpful i really probably should start saving before i start eating things to change my evolution but i'm gonna commit to all of my bad choices this way i'll maybe eventually learn something nothing says safety in a world filled with predators like glowing in the dark also i'm pretty sure i can't get that egg back out of there so that egg's gonna live in the hole for a little while and then we're gonna take our time to just explore around a little bit to see what other kind of things we can put in our mouth i think these ones are new i don't know if this is friendly or not it doesn't seem particularly friendly but maybe just want to shower there you go yeah no we're all better yeah getting the poison that's a better spot for you i think he's actually going to go into the poison okay here we go shower number two get down in there man what's that on the other side looks like it's coming this way oh it's mad okay i didn't really find anything too exciting here so we're gonna head to that blue light and see what happens next one could argue this is a square shape but we're gonna go into the shrine probably means we're gonna have another puzzle on our hands apparently this cave is the work of my ancestors so that means something spent generations evolving into this could you imagine the train wreck it was before it got to this stage then again it was probably all going very well until i got my hands on it i think this is probably just inactivate these in the correct order sort of deal nope these are actually upgrade stones increase the maximum health no thank you increase the size of the stamina wheel i wasn't even aware we had a stamina wheel we can increase the size of our digestive capacity basically a bigger stomach or increase your maximum water storage i don't even know what we use water for i'm just gonna have more idiots follow me around given that we have like a 70 uh mortality rate we are going to need just numbers are going to be on our side and i guess this just takes minerals i don't know how many minerals i have so i'm just going to get as many of these idiots following me as i can that probably means i'm going to have to take better care of the eggs so all right well let's go find more idiots back into the new area the cylinder is going to start rolling i wouldn't mind not finding any more of these poison canyons anymore at least until i can figure out if there's actually a use for them or not i think that's a new one i would very much enjoy watching that get crushed by the cylinder but i don't have time i've got to get to the next safe spot which looks like it might be a little ways away if it's that tower all the way up there kind of starting to understand what that upgraded stamina wheel was good for now i'm not wrong the tower's still a little ways away so i think i might have missed a tower somewhere along the way whatever the case we'll see if i make it if not we'll just do it again i've just been informed that a few of my friends got crushed and i think we're not far behind just a theory like we survived i didn't know we could get hit and survive for a second i think that tower right there was probably more realistically the one i was supposed to be aiming for for some reason i went way around it this one by comparison seems laughably close the one i was going for just now was the one way back there is that a vehicle i think we found a car for some reason i'm not entirely sure what this is but it looks like something i might evolve right it seems to be doing not much of anything the cylinder is going to stop what are you wake up i would love to be a vehicle that way i could just power myself along without having to use my legs okay never mind that thing seems to have woken up uh and i'm not really sure if it's friendly or not i'm gonna go with probably not oh okay that thing's currently crashed over there we're gonna hang out over here i think we need to get this creature to hit this thing that way it's gonna unleash the bridge and knock it down that way we can cross looks like this might work pretty well am i like devolving oh well there we go we got the bridge down so that's important i think we're going to die but at least i had the idea right oh i remember it was these that gave me the horn sound so when you want to wake it up we just go like this then it wakes up and we just gotta lure it over here to hit this while not falling down into the poison gas hole all right that didn't really go as planned but we got the bridge down and oh the yellow lights take away my abilities that's what the problem is well no i'm not a furry ball anymore weren't there three of you a minute ago i don't know it's hard to keep track of all of these things these guys are what i want the jumping ability i just got poisoned by that guy trying to body slam me but i know there's a snail nearby so i'm gonna try and get him to body slam the snail because again a good scientist i need to see what's inside of everything and we're gonna move uh i think he hit the snail uh we might have lost one of our own guys maybe we lost a few of our guys but that's okay sacrifices need to be made sometimes and there's a revival shrine we can actually bring some of these back to life if we want the more mutations they have the more expensive it is to bring them back so want to bring any of these back they're pretty expensive so not really i think we'll just go for a fresh start and i mean i've still got this one for now and that's probably fine the next tower looks to be right there so we're just going to be lined up for that i feel like i'm probably missing so much stuff every time i do this but i just get nervous because that cylinder does not ever stop almost like it's eternal or something well here's the next tower so we're safe here hopefully we'll find some more friends to evolve or some new evolutions oh good you made it don't know what i would have done without you uh i think it broke the tower right away so i'm gonna have to keep moving it's slow but it broke right through the tower so i don't get a safe spot so now i've got kind of a mobile safe zone i can't go beyond the edge of the lightning but i can stay right here and then we're safe ish so basically all we have to do is navigate around the poison holes it's been a little while since i found any eggs and i'm still unsure what to do about all these big creatures like should i be doing something to fight this thing can i eat it can i get an evolution off it oh you might want to run there uh whatever your name is oh it even throws up on me this is new oh dandelion tufts these are gonna be fun i love the discomfort they have to go through to evolve we'll do is toxic fumes oh now we can go in the poison gas areas uh we'll probably feed our friend one of these too and then apparently we've got to talk to that guy who has a really really really long neck oh this is just one of those resurrection stones well we'll take him back because he only costs two and our third helper doesn't have the dandelion tuft so we can't go into the poison yet we gotta go get em one before we go in there now okay mission accomplished for the first time ever we can safely go down here to find out what's been hiding hopefully something because you know something would be better than nothing shiny rocks so far and these are pretty valuable for upgrades pretty sure i accidentally found where to go why do i have a square suddenly whatever egg come with me oh it didn't let me bring my egg with me kind of wish i'd glow in the dark powers again now because it's going to be hard to see in here but i think as you glow in the dark powers below so i'm gonna go grab those otherwise i cannot see anything and i'm gonna make a few of my idiots eat these things uh except for this one because he's not able to do it but we'll make a few of these glow this might be as useful as my friends become but at least they're flashlights that is another mineral processor thing i'm pretty sure so i'm gonna give that to uh maybe the one that doesn't glow in the dark i'm gonna give him extra jumping ability and the ability to process minerals that way he can i don't know what he's gonna do look at those eyes so anytime i'm in a cave now i need to be using this guy to look for minerals because he's constantly going to process them into something else i think i've found my way through the maze and minerals and thanks to my preschool education i know that square goes in square but not before we explore the rest of this cave which is sure to be full of all sorts of treasures i'm not really sure what this secret glowing rock is but that definitely looks like something i want to put in my mouth eat that up okay it's just a mineral it was very hard to get to that though so i think i'm maybe gonna try and hold on to it for now but i've gotta be careful with that because if i put it in the wrong idiot he's going to consume it okay i made it all the way back to this incredible uh shape puzzle so once i figure out how to get in the right idiot we're gonna be moving on to this guy why can't i be this big life would be so much easier if i could eat bigger stuff after some incredible words of wisdom that i'm sure we're riveting i can't help but wonder if there's something hiding in the walls up above me but i'm far too lazy to try and find them right now so we are simply going to exit the cave now because i want to find more eggs we found another snow biome so that might be fun to explore and look at that thing i want to be one of those things that looks way more fun but probably also dangerous i just added the ability to this one to absorb water from ingredients because water seems to be harder harder to come by these days and i think we're gonna have some coldness to go through before we get anywhere else then again it seems like a bit of a short cold zone we're just gonna power on through and get to that next tower i'm sure this worked out just fine that wasn't so bad i heard a sound so it's probably bad news for one of my followers but that's also a problem for one of my followers and their problems are separate from mine where did you get that paint job was it always that color and didn't i have another one i keep losing track of these things but i found another safe zone so the cylinder is going to stop and we're once again going to explore hoping to find something good to put in our mouths definitely a lot more aggressive enemies here though it actually gets kind of hard to survive and i did notice a cave down here so let's explore this and there's another upgrade station and i think what i want to upgrade is the stamina wheel because i get really annoyed when i'm trying to travel around and suddenly run out of stamina and then i get killed by something because everything is super dangerous and i am also going to load up this mineral processor with a bunch of minerals these caves are full of them anyway so he'll be pretty happy about that i'm sure look at this one it's got an egg and an idiot in it all i need is five mushrooms the trick we're trying to gather these mushrooms is my creatures are basically constantly eating so as soon as i pick them up they start consuming them i probably could offset this by uh putting them in the mineral processor guy but i'm too lazy right now because i'm being chased by things yeah that's exactly what i'm gonna do now that i haven't have a second to reorganize myself i'm gonna collect a few more mushrooms so i can bring up that other idiot and then we're also gonna try and hatch this egg as well and you grab the attention of basically anything anywhere and when you're carrying an egg you can't roll so those guys are gonna have to be my buffer they'll take some damage but i'll get to where i'm going plus i'm basically about to hatch their replacement if everything goes to plan okay i brought you the mushrooms uh where'd he go wasn't there another one of those idiots in there was i seeing things the moment the eggs hatch i don't know what i'm doing wrong but the eggs aren't hatching for me anymore i was sure i was allowed to have more followers than that but perhaps that's a mystery we'll solve next time
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 323,521
Rating: 4.9599891 out of 5
Id: 8RpIkw_gorQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 46sec (766 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 13 2021
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