What Your Favorite Video Game Says About You - After Hours

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no I know I know I'm sorry I just got really caught up playing Fallout I know you like video games Michael is the video game one don't it's a big glowing red weak spot on my pop culture knowledge that joke scans right video game bosses still have glowing red weak spot huh I knew it squirt fetch my cross but everything that I don't understand is a strike against my ability to contribute to future hypothetical conversations I must minimize that risk at all costs so you've taken a hobby that millions of people enjoy casually everyday and turned it into a stressful academic exercise I'm almost afraid to ask but what are your findings video games are weird this is just phase one of my studies so I'm just exploring sandbox games right now sandbox games are nonlinear experiences where players are encouraged to explore an open world at their own pace fallout is my favorite a post-apocalyptic radioactive wasteland seems like an odd fit for you you always struck me as a Tetris and glass of milk kind of it is a post-apocalyptic wasteland yes but pretty soon you realize that the real fallout is the friends you make along the way hey no one's ever stuck their neck out for me you're a hell of a friend you know that I helped a girl kick her drug addiction and then she got stronger and then she had sex with me and then I got stronger yeah it can be tough to describe video game exploits without making yourself sound super creepy don't worry though you'll get it the rest of the game is spent mostly a building and defending settlements so that people who live there will finally love me basically there are four factions vying for control of radioactive future Boston and they all love me and then at the end of the game I get to decide which one I agree with and then they live when I beat the game okay I see so it's like a popularity simulator all the cliques in high school want you to be their leader and whoever you end up choosing this draws everyone else with nuclear weapons ah my flesh it's melting off yes that's why I like it plenty of videogames have power fantasies that involve guns or spaceships but the fallout fantasy is that your decisions matter that you matter man I would like what is it that the fantasy of every single video game who would play a video game where nothing you do matters 54 million people that's how many people bought Grand Theft Auto 5 I just happen to be googling it and it like synced up perfectly but in that game you can do anything you could steal birds you can ride bikes you could skydive you can play darts for some weird reason you can get drunk leaving in a fistfight with a cop and there are absolutely no consequences I like my life with fewer strippers and more dead strip you can't really die in that world or cause any permanent damage to the city but you can stack a bunch of yachts and a pyramid on a highway and launch a jetliner through the center and all you get is a slap on the ass on your way out of the police station front door I get it it's like a privilege simulator like a Dionysian ritual a celebration of our baser impulses and a willful ignorance of possible consequences the modern term is collective joy Barbara Ehrenreich dancing in the streets that's right my comment has a bibliography the hardest thing about privilege is knowing when you have it if you log into GTA online you see all the other players driving around it's immediately obvious they're playing by completely different rules than the non player characters around them your character doesn't know that because they lack the perspective see without that omniscient perspective you can't perceive privilege invisible privilege okay so then what's the deal with world Warcraft then that's the biggest sandbox game there is that's got the no consequence thing from GTA but you're also going on these quests for people and don't think they're any jetliners in it there are a lot of trolls maybe you could stay I think World of Warcraft is more about accomplishment I mean you bust your ass killing for after Bor until suddenly you level up and there's a flash a gold light and a burst of weird magic noise and then BAM you're stronger and you can shoot lightning out your nose really makes you feel like you actually did something he's basically right I mean nothing comes out of your nose and actually World of Warcraft is a very noble respectful way to spend ones time but uh yeah there than that binder boys point is technically correct it's a skinner box it's when you put a rat in a box with the lever and when its lever it gets food so it learns to love that lever does make sense at a game whose profit is based on paid monthly subscriptions would use the addiction model jeez videogames are evil yeah maybe I don't need to learn about games maybe this could be one of those weak spots that actually makes me stronger that's a saying right know that which makes you weakest actually makes you strongest whatever makes you weaker video games aren't evil we just look at the best-selling computer game of all time okay below you minecraft see that's the only game we've talked about tonight that is 100% about building things instead of manipulating them or forcing them to be friends with you me even if you haven't played the game you've seen what people have built in it scale models of ancient Greece and New York an actual working computer inside the game every goddamn set from Game of Thrones I mean I understand what you're saying obviously but I also don't exactly so maybe be clear a lot of video games indulge our impulse to kill or to murder or to explode if I like a same thing then a game came along that said here are tools and a possibly infinite amount of things you can build and we made that computer game the highest selling game of all time by buying the ever-loving crap out of it because at the end of the day our deepest desire our greatest impulse is to work together to try and build something that's kind of great right it's probably a bad time to mention I also really like Call of Duty my god the nice yeah you use them for stabbing mostly Jorgen will play video games with me yeah yeah oh no no I'm not for gonna play call of duty okay well Michael and I are gonna play call of duty so you guys yeah and you can settle us a bail right yeah you're gonna hate it it's a bastardization of history Oh No hey everyone thanks for watching whatever video this is we are correct calm and we're excited to tell you that starting this Saturday we're going to be going from five to six videos a week every week from now until the end of time because we've just got so much so stick around every Saturday for more jokes and make them ups for us we are now on the set of our Breakfast Club remake we're very attentive to the source material I like the six of the most videos we'll ever do from now until the end of time is just six we made it there could never be any more than six subscribe subscribe subscribe I was being Ally Sheedy just now
Channel: Cracked
Views: 1,901,719
Rating: 4.8434935 out of 5
Keywords: After Hours, Video Games, Fall Out, Call of Duty, Minecraft, Grand Theft Auto, Grand theft Auto V, Sandbox games, video game culture, online games, X-Box, Playstation, shooters, Online shooters, cracked, cracked.com, sketch, comedy, funny, spoof, humor, parody, satire
Id: 8AStS_5dS2Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 55sec (415 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 20 2016
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