10 Terrifying Implications of the Matrix Universe - After Hours

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crap it was all fun and games until the mentioned Neo's powers in the real..

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/forgotpassword69 📅︎︎ Jun 16 2015 🗫︎ replies

Well, the movies never did explain why Neo could switch off the sentinels in the real world. Even if he was a program, he should be considered a highly sofisticated cyborg, capable of fooling even Trinity (I mean: they had sex, obviously), plus all the food he had to digest.

Logistically the idea that the 'real world' was also a simulation is simpler and thus better than the notion that machines created a living, breathing, digesting cyborg to bring down the downfall of Zion

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/tahunami 📅︎︎ Jun 16 2015 🗫︎ replies

I watched the 1st one last night for the first time in years (loved it as a kid), and it was kinda disappointing. It seemed more action focused rather than on the physiological side (kid me probably thought the fight scenes were leful).

Gonna watch the 2nd and 3rd movies soon to see what I think of them after about 7 years.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/lijkel 📅︎︎ Jun 17 2015 🗫︎ replies
👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/xenotron 📅︎︎ Jun 17 2015 🗫︎ replies
so doctors say it's nothing but I still feel this shooting pain in my blood when I wake up starting from then and then continuing every day or the Matrix trilogy [Music] really that's all it takes in we've got a choice we could either take a red pill and embrace the gritty reality would a certainly a brain tumor in your head skull or we can pop up a blue and linger a while longer in the fantasy realm where everything's fine and Keanu Reeves is kung-fu super Jesus for no good food Plus notice that I already used the matrix themed analogy we really shouldn't change conversation topics mid data stream great okay so the Merovingian that shows up once and you think he's gonna be important and then he just like leaves forever no Roland just trust me okay the Matrix trilogy is like a magic I picture when you first look at it it seems like this revolution your new visual effect that's gonna change everything and then you see two more and it's like this is just a bunch of multi-coloured crap cut out at random I hate this what is that a dolphin stupid oh oh yeah but then if you stare hard enough and look through the movies you see some of the coolest missed opportunities in movie conspiracy history and coolest of all is mine about the Merovingian I'm married terrible this direct case oh the Merovingian isn't just some horny French stereotype wrapped up in a psychic douchebag it's all an act like wiping your ass was kind of obvious he's secretly the most powerful character in the matrix more powerful than me oh then the Oracle then the architect probably the most powerful character in the world outside of that swarm of robot cockroaches that make up the chubby baby face yeah that's the leader of the machines it's name is literally deus ex machina terrible just direct maybe it's the two we're talking but I am intrigued evidence the Merovingian is said to be like neo he was so different he was thank you he's basically a the one that survived one of the Matrix reboots that the architect talks about and he can control the code he even controls the key-maker and the Train major so so many forgettable characters in those movies and don't forget that his henchmen are previous iterations of the agents from a version of the matrix back when the arcades was super into white guy dreads we are getting aggravated it is weird that he's keeping the key-maker prisoner and the architect and the Oracle aren't making shutting down his little Club orgy number one priority yes exactly the key-maker is basically your computers keychain it's the program that has the passwords for all the other programs and the trade man is your computer's electro train plus that bar you mentioned it's literally called hell and his wife's name is Persephone he's basically just a tease god of the underworld I know but the Merovingian has all this unchecked power and all of these supposedly defunct is still totally functioning exiled programs in his employ plus the only people that are everyone concerned or oppose him are the actual rebel humans that's because I think he is secretly the architect he's admin but instead of sitting in a white room all by himself dresses the colonel saying yes I am the one I am the master of all of this he's named himself after a big French dynasty and a god and he hangs out all day in a sex dungeon that he owns sounds to me like that's the guy in charge Wow and the Persephone myth works perfectly I mean in Greek mythology the only reason that there's winter is because in Hades kidnaps Persephone and takes her down into the underworld a couple months out of the year in the Matrix trilogy there's this apocalyptic winter and the turning point only happens when Persephone leaves the Merovingian and then helps the heroes find the key maker I mean in escaping hel Persephone brings bad summer for all of the humans in Zion needs now is the winter of our discontent you know I always assumed that the humans to choose to stay in the matrix at the end of revolutions are the inhabitants of Springfield oh wow not even an attempt at a segue think about it at the very end of matrix Reve most of the humans go live in Zion but some of them choose to stay plugged in and they'll get to choose later on whether they want to get unplugged so the machines would be low on battery power so you'd have to make a new matrix that's lower res fewer figures to animate not a lot of clothing changes just a small town to hold the current inhabitants of the matrix boom Simpsons Universe that explains why Springfield is magically in every state I only stood in five different states long enough no hands how they stay up to speed with the times in terms of Technology and celebrities even though no one ever ages the machines are keeping them acclimated in case they ever do decide to check out I mean there are a lot of matrix likes glitches like plot contradictions and straight-up magic I've done everything the Bible says even the stuff that contradicts the other stuff and also I guess if you are told that you're living in a delusional fantasy world and you choose to stay there then you are the type of crappy person that wouldn't have it Springfield it explains all the Homer's amazing jobs and the adventures everyone's always going on those are incentives to keep people reopen they're the matrix subscription yeah I don't buy it there's just not enough hard evidence that the Simpsons would ever enter the real world mm-hmm nobody keeps Halloween specials aren't canon that's a story within a story oh my god it's so obvious the matrix is nested inception wise and a reverse machine Matrix okay now that's tumor talk hear me out we know that neo is revealed to be a program yeah if the director's cut of Blade Runner taught us anything it's that also origami and we also know that humans would be terrible as batteries right we all saw that Futurama episode when the matrix first came out it seemed like the single creamiest laziest most awful dim-witted idea in the entire history of science fiction plus the problem is that 1% of the people you put in the matrix naturally reject it once you kill them and clone some of the 99% the dull it's not that hard robot right but what is something that we do routinely put to sleep or in screensaver mode something that we're worried would rise up against us something that we would naturally create safeguards against Lamas don't be a dramatic Daniel so computers go to sleep what are you trying to say where are you trying to say that the whole Matrix trilogy is just a simulation that the machines are experiencing yes exactly that it's just what the architect said it was a system where a rogue program will inevitably rise up and reset everything only the whole thing is the matrix Zion Machine City the matrix it's all taking place inside the minds of the machines every frame of that trilogy is taking place inside a matrix that humans built to keep the robots busy it's a heat sink interesting that was quicker than the others so it turns out the Androids Dream of the Matrix trilogy but why to give them something to do something to make them feel dominant so they don't need to rise up match a future where we want to build these super intelligent machines and we want to use them but we fear that they're going to rise up and destroy us because we've been raised on movies that tell us that is definitely going to have this conversation can serve no purpose anymore so what do we do Sheldon the matrix is matrices give them a fictional war to fight against superhumans inside their heads one that allows them to exercise their desire for independence with a fantasy and what better way to make them believe this fantasy than to make them think they came up with it in the first place that's why everything in the matrix has a real-world equivalent in the atom matrix which though which ass Keys wrote the first real robot city was called 0 1 like Zion coincidence or a clue that the makers of the Machine Matrix took pains to borrow from the real world to better sell their ruse deception rules I get it plus in binary 0 1 has no useful meaning it's basically saying that the robots would name their city after something that has a no value this picture he says she's even have their own the one Agent Smith is the avatar of all their unrest and hatred and desire to rebel that gets out of control and forces another reboot just like neo did for the humans oh but they make that deal at the end of revolutions we're not machines just wake up after the war all right the Orville says the peace will last as long as it can just how long do you think this piece is going to last as long as it can implying that it won't forever in the machines minds that small batch of humans that chose to stay in the matrix probably multiplies until they resemble their former numbers and then a whole another war that strangely resembles the last one starts again what is that if not a system reboot it's just like the architect said but reverse and pointed at the robots just so humans of the future can live without the fear that their toasters and self-driving cars and self guided missiles won't get uppity it's all destined fake everything that happens in the matrix and in Zion is all baked and helped with programs like the Merovingian and the Oracle know the actual administrator it's probably some human we never seen in the movies that actually explains why the king of the robots looks like a chubby computer programmer then who is the architect I am the architect maybe he's just a subroutine there to make sure that neo does the right thing Challenge Agent Smith in front of all the machines and the deus ex machina to remind the machines that humans are deserving of life and Noble it's like a little morality play we threw it at the end to further endear ourselves to our blenders there's ample evidence in all the movies to support the idea that Zion is fake there's a kid character in Zion with the real name Michael Karl Popper an obvious reference to Karl Popper the philosopher who famously distanced himself from Descartes by positing that there are three spheres of existence and not two so the matrix the world where Zion takes place and what's the third sphere I say that it is the real world the real real world the world in which the Matrix trilogy exists okay I got one Trinity and other three reference loves Alice in Wonderland and that is a story about a world within a world that is itself a fictive work in our real world okay yeah I've got one too neo is a program that can exist outside of the matrix implying that the outside world is actually a program oh I don't have one but is this guy nation making anyone else worried that this might not be real I'm kind of freaking out you know like what is this diner is a fabricated reality oh the brain and a vet theory what a brain that's scary calm down don't be a dramatic Daniel what if this is all just like a dream or something Oh some kind of web series getting more and more meta by the second row row your boat gently down the stream merrily merrily merrily merrily life is real that's how I remember that song anything to [Music] the Merovingian Oh God shut up the Merovingian oh never mind ah I take it back tumor humor me probably cuz somebody said in the middle of it are we gonna get that the program yeah a system with a road program that will inevitably rise up to the world [Music] yeah no matrix no animated matrix and they called it [Laughter]
Channel: Cracked
Views: 2,395,804
Rating: 4.8820472 out of 5
Keywords: The Matrix, The Matrix Revolutions (Award-Winning Work), The Matrix Reloaded (Award-Winning Work), Neo, The One, Agent Smith (Film Character), Morpheus (Film Character), Trinity, alice in wonderland, The Simpsons, The Merovingian, Wachowski, Oracle, The Architect, Cracked, Cracked.com, sketch, comedy, funny, spoof, humor, parody, After Hours (Film)
Id: kHseZYsrYYg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 11sec (731 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 15 2015
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