What was your "haha... Oh wait, you're serious" moment?

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I'll slash ask reddit what is your Navajo oh wait you're serious moment started a new job in the company where my boss worked in two different offices he wrote himself a note on legal paper he handed it to me and told me to fax it to the other office then he told me to call them and tell them to put it on his desk there so he could have it tomorrow when he arrived I smiled because I thought he was playing a joke on the new guy he was not he loves faxing let the man fax it's the wave of the future document sent anywhere in the world over telephone I asked akka Walker with what his son's name was and he answered legless after two seconds of laughing I realized he wasn't laughing his son is actually named legless same here I met a little boy named melon and keine insulted his parents with my reaction I was walking my dog a few weeks ago and came face to face with a guy with a small toddler and an Afghan hound my dog can be funny with dogs he doesn't know so I grabbed his collar as we approached the guy saw what I'd done and so said loudly Merlyn stopped and grabbed his dog and picked up the toddler as we passed I said that's a great name for a dog he looked insulted and said melon is my son's name when I was in high school I received a message over MSN from a buddy saying mitch is dead thinking he got into trouble I responded with an ax what did he do it turns out he had a brain aneurysm while driving home from school yeah I don't blame you for answering that way who sends an innocent message to break that kind of news found out my best friend died that way from his brother no less not a great experience someone once said to my friend wait you're Chinese I always thought you were Asian I actually have a very similar story one time this girl asked me if I was Chinese or Asian and I was confused so I was just like a patient because it was more general and then she was like oh okay so what part of Europe is Asia we were 15 this is fascinating to me because this person obviously has some kind of global geography set up in their head that they are sure about but it's just so so wrong this was a few years ago I forgot how the topic was brought up but I clearly remember my older sister saying there aren't any modern buildings in Egypt just pyramids well that's why the pyramids are so big they have to house the whole Egyptian population they just live in smaller pyramids inside the bigger pyramids it's a giant pyramid scheme I came into my job and my boss was running a bit late for an unknown reason now my boss is a type of person to joke about anything no matter how serious it is and we'll pull it off with a straight face we never really take him seriously unless it is directly related to work he comes in after being late and after a bit just casually says our clothes Kalka had passed the previous night I literally chuckled and said yeah sure and blew it off he then said that he died from a heart attack before he was set to go out with his buddies during the evening I then said oh wait are you actually serious and he almost started crying right there and said yes I miss that man to this day really chill guy with some cool hobbies and volunteer work I also feel so bad for my boss because they had known each other for years I had a friend whose brother was kidnapped he was with me in my school and he didn't know of it in fact his parents didn't tell him about it because they thought it would be really an appropriate time to do so we were in a boarding school and both far from home we weren't allowed cellphones in the campus either our finals were going on it was a really crucial exam his parents had informed the school principal and the principal had a talk with the teachers somehow a math teacher accidentally told him that his brother was kidnapped my friend was like nice joke but teacher laughed it off and hid his mistake finally he got the news by his parents himself his family was threat to give money or else they would kill his brother they didn't have that much to give my friend failed his Exxon's he changed his career and began preparation to join police department I understand his frustration the police also could not help him with his case back then he is going to graduate this year I'm really going to cry when I see him in the police uniform it's really insane how all things change in fraction of seconds edit nope they have lost all hope of getting him back dang that sounds like a movie plot I know it may seem like a cliche but I can't help but hope he saves a kid from kidnappers one day friend one hey man how come you decided to shave all your hair off friend to the chimo kind of decided for him friend one our free coffee oh no seriously though how come me he's actually not joking funniest crap that ever happened to me edit I'm basically fine now on close monitoring for the next few years but no further treatment thanks for asking hey Bob what's that haircut called Stage four leukemia that joke was actually cancer I once worked with a 50 some year old guy at my first job who also happened to be a former crackhead I added in that detail because his mannerisms and communication were clearly affected by his prior drug use and he would sometimes laugh when he was telling serious stories one day he was telling me a story about him accidentally setting fire to the woods when he was trying to cremate his dead pet frog when he was a little boy I was laughing my ass off strangely so was he until he looked me dead in the eye with a face that's as serious as they get and says I'm still not over it I knew that look and knew he was actually being serious despite being in absolute hysterics with me while telling his story I immediately felt like an [ __ ] he was cool about it though thankfully law so he wasn't am fibbing then this joke is such a stretch it made me pull a muscle an intern of the vet I work at was a very very very sheltered Mormon he came to work one day panicked he had his first kiss the night before asked the girl to marry him and was concerned about his wedding date he was absolutely convinced that he got her pregnant by kissing her absolutely convinced it took me a long time to register what he was panicked about because it sounded so absurd he'd delivered hundreds of kittens and puppies by their I just thought he had also learned about human reproductive anatomy as well as animals by their reminds me of middle school my friends and I grew up sheltered Christians I was the least sheltered as my parents still believed in science and I know source and my slept had talked with them was informative and normal and featured all of the scientifically appropriate names for genitals and warred net they didn't want me to have slept but they did me the decency of explaining how it worked and that it wasn't bad it was for people who had made a strong commitment to one another and was fun when you did it right and were being smart I didn't realize how lucky I was till a friend of mine panicked asked me at lunch if it was true that a guy could get you pregnant through your genes insert my hahaaha wait what moment while she explains that she snuck out last night with a boy and they had a heated makeout sesh which involved some heavy petting her mom had given her the talk and had told her you could get pregnant even if both partners were wearing clothes to this day I don't know if her mom was that sheltered as well or if this was a malicious way to keep her daughter from freaking around but I have never forgotten what seemed to my 14 year old self as a great betrayal of trust between parents and child and anyway that would be why she snuck out if she had a normal mom she could just introduce her to her boyfriend to be fair you can totally have slept with clothes on if the girl is wearing a skirt probably not what the mom meant though when I learned I had totally forgotten to attend almost every single class in one of my college courses I forgot I had enrolled in it a classmate asked me how aware of you've been you're never there when the teachers taking attendance and I was like haha funny so anyway how they wait Frank luckily it was only about a month into the semester and I managed to bring it back up to a low B this is an anxiety dream that tons of people get and you literally live through it that's terrifying it's common interesting I once had a terrifying dream that I was back on campus and one of my friends asked if I was headed to the final of I had completely forgotten that I signed up for that class hadn't been to a single lecture of course and now I had to go take the final woke up in a cold sweat and as I laid there in bed it took several long minutes before I even realized it was a dream finally I thought wait I graduated from that place like five years ago waking up from general anesthesia one of the nurses by my hospital bed gently informs me that my heart had stopped while I was under I thought I was dreaming for a while and didn't take it seriously then my dad showed up and I saw the panic on his face then I phoned my mom and she had obviously been crying her eyes out then I took it seriously damn that's crazy what were you in for and how are you doing now it was a tooth extraction of all things done under GAAP because I have a bad needle phobia and reacting poorly to the laughing gas they tried first it really should have been an in and out sort of thing but a few minutes in my blood pressure tanks and my heart stopped I was given medication and chest compressions and my heart restarted quickly they didn't even have to break my ribs for the compressions though I did have some extremely painful internal bruising I spent most of that day in the hospital initially it seemed that it had be an overpass stay but the cardiologist assigned to me managed to figure out the cause of my heart stopping and also that the odds of it happening again without further anesthesia were basically nil so I got to go home that evening under strict instructions to do nothing strenuous to avoid alcohol and non prescribed drugs and to make sure someone could keep an eye on me I live with my parents so that wasn't hard these days it's mostly just a very interesting note in my medical history whenever new doctors see my medical notes they have a moment of holy frickin crap what when they get to the stopped heart it's fun to watch edit whoops forgot to say the cause it was a really bad combo of biological factors I have low natural blood pressure not dangerously so but still low I'm also on propanolol for migraine prevention so my blood pressure is pretty low this does not play well with anesthesia of course the way it was explained to me the staff decided that the risk was still no enough that it would be safe since it was a short procedure unfortunately this procedure involved my mouth which resulted in accidental vagus nerve stimulation that plus my crappy blood pressure and the anesthesia made me go into Braddock Ardea and then my heart just note the freaked out cow walker was telling me the world was flat I'd never met a real flat earther in the wild before that I had the same reaction when one of my close friends told me she's a flat earther took me a month of listening to her aunt about it for me to realize she was being serious are you in New York City by any chance cause I just distanced myself from a really close friend because she wouldn't shut up about the earth being flat something she discovered not too long ago it's really sad coming from somebody that's otherwise smart a random dude told me I'm jelly because I know how to make scrambled eggs thanks for the gold I guess you don't know how to make scrambled eggs kind stranger I know how to make scrambled eggs that's so gay scrambled eggs I was on a Christian camping week here in the UK there were some Americans with us I found a stone on the beach with some great fossils in it and was showing it to some kids one of the Americans started talking about how God had put fossils in the earth to mislead the vain who trusted their own observations rather than the Bible I naturally thought he was joking and burst out laughing and he was just so offended he complained about me to the people running the camp and they thought he was joking at first and laughed to a friend of mine in high school was a very academically gifted kid but had some questionable religious ideas he told me the devil put fossils in the earth to tempt humans into the leaving science over the Bible however a few years later he saw a speaker and came at me with another gem since lizards never stop growing then it's likely that since everything lived so much longer in the past that lizards would eventually just keep growing into what a freakin t-rex gecko of course I asked him why it didn't happen anymore if you kept them alive long enough now and he said nothing lives that long anymore when I asked why he though everything lived longer in the past he told me because Moses lived to be 500 or something so it was logical logical that all the other animals lived comparatively long lives and Methuselah or someone else lived a long time he was not amused when I pointed out the basis for his argument was an unsourced book I didn't believe in anyway what as sad as he will become a speaker or scientist because people see how smart he is and it gives more validity to his argument I saw it all the time on videos that try to prove the world is 6,000 years old my estranged auntie sending me a message to disinvite me to my sick but alive father's funeral because wait for it I had lunch lunch with my little half-brother and sister and that is disrespectful to my father my father never let me and half-siblings meet before this lunch had occurred and by meeting them he discerned me literally that's it just my fricked up family she have had only one lunch no two lunches now makes them whole siblings are smash seeded for mirth when I came back from lunch at work to find that one of the soft drink vendors because at grocery stores they stock their own product our stalkers don't loaded the pallets wrong in the tower of pallets fell spilling soda /t / glass everywhere the boss store manager just so happened to walk into the back room at the same time looked at me and was like you saw it you're cleaning it up thinking he was joking as he liked to do I laughed it off that's when he looked me dead in the eye and said no I mean you're really cleaning it up because that's your job in certainly spending the rest of my shift cleaning it up and my department head constantly calling me over intercom and getting yelled at and then written up the very next day because I didn't do my duties in addition to cleaning up that epic mess getting fired later that year was one of the best things to happen to me while I would not have acted so chill [ __ ] boss stories really fire me up I wish you got to quit in dramatic fashion for that extra satisfaction nice boss stories hire you up years back I dated a girl who would like compulsively about random things the first big example I went to her place she just got Assassin's Creed for the first time and was really getting into the story like a week later she was telling me how she just discovered her family were related to assassins from Florence I thought it was a joke but turns out she was serious had changed her surname to something Italian on FB and had already spread the lie about on social media in my head I was like I literally watched you play Assassin's Creed last week but she was gorgeous while they out of my league so I put up with this and other crazy crap for another six months before I gave up I want more stories I got a sinus infection once and was prescribed nasal spray was at hearth one night and was like excuse me bTW I have to use this nasal spray thing I got it to my nose and she screamed in oooo slapped it out my hand and was nearly crying said how her mum used it the year before and the spray went straight to her brain and nearly killed her now idk about that one but it seemed to me that nobody ever explained to her that your nostrils aren't a straight passage to the brain as most kids believe another time told me her mom was a famous model in New York in the 70s looked it up and couldn't find any proof also her mum never mentioned it told me once she wrote a novel when she was 8 about fairies and it was nearly published no idea what that means the list goes on man I was so smitten and just surprised that she was into me though I put up with it all like it's fine I don't mind it's ridiculous that Tampa knobs aren't banned the fact they are allowed in public just goes to show that women have too much power this wasn't in response to a particularly graphic ad that pushed any boundaries just a generic type about comfort and reliability took me a while to realize that he wasn't joking there's women in there damned tampon ads there's women in there damned bleeding bags [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Reddify2
Views: 28,007
Rating: 4.9100451 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, reddify, toadfilms
Id: nP6GZkkbl8E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 56sec (1136 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 29 2020
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