What Are You Sick Of Constantly Explaining?

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what are you sick of explaining i'm a programmer i write programs i do not know how to fix your laptop that won't turn on you are lying i saw the mario brothers movie i know that gamers hackers programmers and computer engineers are basically the same thing if i may use your comment as a prompt i find it fascinating how computers have evolved in the same way as the other math and science fields it used to be way back that if you knew math you were a scientist the fields were both small enough that the overlap was vast over time it grew apart and you could specialize within fields in the 1980s through the late 1990s the computer field was small enough that the typical programmer would have to know basics in electrical engineering math physics networking as a field wasn't big enough to be its own specialization yet the boom of the early 2000s and evolution since has caused so much specialization and diversification of skills that i would posit that computers as a field is as descriptive as saying you study science hobby farmer here a chicken is not the female that's the name of the animal the hen is the female no you don't need roosters for hens to lay eggs they've been bred over hundreds to thousands of years to lay a lot of eggs yes an animal needs to become pregnant in order to produce milk just like a person they don't just one day become mature enough and become a perpetual milk factory hay and straw are two different things hey is dried grass or other leafy plants it's what a lot of ruminants and horses eat straw is the dead stems of a crop like barley or wheat it is inedible and usually used for bedding goats don't eat trash but they are the cats of the livestock world and will get into and destroy everything you know and love there is a reason they are associated with the devil today i learned the difference between hay and straw so thanks for educating me hey is for horses straw is for stores allergies for instance against pollen or food pollen is flying around not only in summer and the symptoms are not always red eyes or sneezing so just because you cannot see that someone is not feeling well it still can be the case or food allergies and you are judged as being picky please just accept that some people cannot eat everything probably there are other allergies and explaining at some point is just so tiresome my brother doesn't sneeze or have watery eyes when his allergy season hits he coughs he naturally has a very loud and aggressive sounding cough trying to work in may this year was more than a little bit difficult oh man i get this too it's made this year rally difficult thankfully my allergy meds work pretty well why i don't really talk i'm so sick of being asked why are you so quiet because i just am i can talk to people and understand social cues but i don't speak unless i think i'm adding something i used to think i was an introvert across the board as i grew up i've realized that i'm generally an average talker in different social situations and i'm quite only within my family and i've recently found out why every single time i open my mouth i get interrupted i can't recall a time when i was able to utter a full-time concept without being interrupted many times those interruptions are meant to change the whole subject then i guess my brain went like okay you don't care about what i have to say then i won't say it interrupting is nothing but a dominance game if you get interrupted simple interrupt the interrupting with an even louder excuse me may i finish what i was saying for once people most of the times don't even want anything bad when they interrupt you you somehow gave them the feeling that they can interrupt you being present in a room is something you will have to learn anyway if you do not want to be pushed around that there are things called facts and that they are different from opinions that you can't substitute opinions even ones you really really believe in for empirically grounded facts finally that expertise exists and that opinionizing is not the same thing as having actual expertise in something and all of this might mean that your views might not be as valid as someone else's who possesses actual expertise in a given area don't feel bad or that you have been slighted in those circumstances those times are learning opportunities take advantage of them learn something from someone who is an expert challenge your assumptions and grow a little the issue is you can find all sorts of facts on the internet without knowing anything about the research methods or if there is a bias involved i mean how often do you see factual data coming out that doesn't match seems often nowadays this is true it raises a host of related problems and is why i tend to talk about both facts and expertise except that i'm tired of talking about it like that a clean work environment will even marginally make you wanna be there more i'm constantly the only person at my job that cleans organizes and makes sure things are where they're supposed to be i come in and of course it's dirty but i clean it because the people after me didn't make the mess and i believe we all deserve to have a clean workspace simple concept but if for whatever reason it's not clean at the end of my shift they grumble and groan well help me we can all be sleeply happier at work if you just do like a teeny tiny bit more than the bare minimum i work in a small store we are around six to seven people per shift between manager sales people security guy storage guy and expensive item specialist we have a lunchroom almost fully equipped literally just need the stove we have everything else you can find in a house kitchen and a huge trash can some people can be seated at the table and take the crumbs and throws them to the floor being next to the freaking trash can is just so disencouraging to try to make the place feel nice for a moment i stopped cleaning the microwave or the fridge a while ago i just take care of my space and barely go to the lunchroom for coffee and back to my place so i don't have to clean it not even for me anymore i once had an entry-level job at a large company that had a break room with coffee and a large fridge at each end of each floor in each building so lots and lots of fridges the fridge in our break room was the most disgusting thing i'd ever seen there were spills that had never been cleaned up green stuff growing on the back wall moldy crumbs stuck in stuff that used from containers that had been in the fridge for years every once in a while i'd see someone throw out a bunch of old lunches and containers from the front of the fridge so they could put their lunch box in but nobody wanted to dig into the back or in the drawers this went on and on and it made me sick to put my lunch in there but we had to eat lunch on site so we had no option i'd been killing myself working a side job on the weekends trying to make ends meet one day my supervisor asked if i could come in on the weekend for a few hours and he'd pay me overtime i jumped at the chance and asked while i'm a dick can i get paid for cleaning that disgusting fridge it's a real health hazard he said good idea the custodians say it's not part of their contract and no one else is willing to do it it took me over two hours to completely clean and sanitize that thing one of the grossest things i've ever done but hey i was getting paid time and a half instead of the minimum wage my weekend job paid on monday when people came in to get their morning coffee and put their lunch way they would just stand there in amazement the entire break room smelled clean and fresh and people were so thrilled to see the empty and gleaming fridge word got around and people from other departments asked if i would clean their fridge too and pretty soon i was spending every saturday cleaning fridges they were all just as bad but once i got all of them done it was time to start over again but from then on the work was easy i just had to do a regular cleaning like you do at home and i could have some days off because i got paid enough on saturday don't know why i'm telling this story i just hadn't thought about this in a long time why it's important to actually show that you care and not be that type of person who says it doesn't matter she slash he knows i love her this is why i'm one of those people that tells couples to find out what their love language is a lot of people need words of affirmation and constant affirmation from their partner that they matter and they are loved by them and not just in relationships but in friendships too i always make sure to say it if i remember to even if the other person thinks it's weird in the off chance they appreciate it it's worth it yes this without even realizing it my boyfriend and i had this conversation when we first got together some days he's very affectionate and others he's not and just wants to sit beside me and enjoy my company without getting cuddly i'll learn to be okay with that since he's okay with the fact that i'm very affectionate and sometimes i need that reassurance but either way at the end of the day we always make sure the other knows they are loved and appreciated i'm a pharmacist 1. vaccines don't cause autism 2. the pharmacy doesn't decide your co-pays 3. no i don't just put pills in a bottle 4. flu shots won't give you the flu 5. yes mask mandates help slow the spread of covered 19 a couple of weeks ago my doctor prescribed me a drug that could have interacted with the medication i was already taking and could have caused a potentially serious problem with my heart the pharmacist spotted it straight away and i got prescribed something else i appreciate the work you find people do i'm so glad this was caught we're always happy to help i choose not to drive because it triggers migraines for me something about brake lights and stop lights it's worse in the dark rain traffic and glare i really just wish people would stop telling me i need to buy a car or drive a car or how much easier life would be if i had one i have my license i can drive if i want to but to be honest it's not worth the three days of vomiting in pain and four days in bed after stop asking when i'll buy a car well crap i'm really sorry you have to deal with that migraines are in absolute pain mostly only last a day for me with feeling crappy the next day so three or four is super rough and i hope that your body chemistry just decides to change one day and be fine with it did once have a 336 hour straight migraine not a typo and kept having to explain what a big rain is while feeling like dying it now annoys me an unreasonable degree when people say i have migraine and then just continue doing what they are doing and i'm tired of explaining what migraines actually are now why i don't want kids it's even harder to explain this as a woman so many people make an assumption that you will never find purpose or be happy in the long run without kids i'm in my mid-20s and i can't even move out of my parents house yet what makes you think i can pop out a couple kids soon and be just fine my dad told that because i don't know what to study at uni i should just get married and have children now then have kids later i'm only 21 hate kids but sure suggest going into debt with kids and then later whenever that is again with university sure sure i'm also unemployed and can't move into my own place but baby making yeah cause there's space in the womb i'll totally have unwanted children for the giggles i don't know why he never asks my brother who has a good job and actually wants children like lots maybe it's cause he still sees me as a feeble female and still thinks my only purpose is to be a slave to your husband and a mother if i explain to anyone i don't want kids it'll be you don't know that yes i do karen i know that i don't want to be pregnant if i change my mind i'll just adopt ffs then my old teacher told me to make sure not to do harm my reproductive ability because he knows all about how some job shouldn't be for women i don't have kids because i don't want to and that should be a good enough reason asking someone why they don't have kids should be treated as a sensitive question what if you don't have kids because you had multiple miscarriages or you have fertility problems and even if those aren't true why is not wanting kids such a crime no grandma i don't want to destroy the environment by having 11 kids like you did some people simply just shouldn't be parents too i agree that it's stunningly insensitive to ask why someone has no children there could be some very tragic reasons why on the other hand there are some who will assume that someone deserves pity when in fact they opted out on purpose and are happy with that choice we all need to just let other people's legal lifestyle choices be their own deal unless they ask for our input cashier asks something indistinguishable about my order behind a plastic barrier in a loud room with a mask on so i can't read lips maybe with an accent me sorry i'm hard of hearing i can't hear you cashier repeats question slightly louder me repeating it won't help i'm deaf i still cannot hear you cashier calls coworker over who repeats question in an even louder voice me can you point to a sign write it down do charades i do not understand spoken english right now confused silence note i wear hearing aids and no asl i can mostly understand you if your mask is off because i read lips i have another bird that i carry around with pre-written questions do you have rewards program slash how has your day been slash paper or plastic slash etc there's one particular deaf person that comes specifically to my lane because i do that and no one else does i have two sets of questions one is for self scan and the other is for the registers usually people will point to their ear or verbalize it so i just pull it out of my drawer in that case apparently it's saying to my family and some acquaintances that no i cannot bloody go out you know that family and i can't so please stop insisting slash laying down subtle hints that it's fine you know my dad is in the high risk group you know he's on medication to actively try and get himself out of it so he's in a better place in case you didn't realize there's a pandemic still going on and there's a lot of stupid people out there that simply don't care about anyone else yes being stuck inside the house for six months and maybe more is taking a toll on us all but you know what i'd rather that than even having the smallish remote chance of my dad getting covered and ending up in a morgue so please shut up about it and let us do things the way we want to everything we've done so far has worked we won't be changing it to please others and rant needed to get that out wear a bloody mask people [Music] [Laughter] [Music] you
Channel: AskReddify
Views: 3,232
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Id: A_MVmZqp-y0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 31sec (991 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 27 2020
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