Dealers, Have You Ever Had To Call CPS On A Client? (r/AslReddit)

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serious narcotic sellers of Reddit have you ever called CPS on a client if so what's the story this was a long time ago and I've since gotten clean and started my own family but there was the girl I knew who was homeless with her newborn son on Easter weekend I was walking on this trail to go meet with some people to sell them a sack it started raining and that of course made me mad there's these bridges that cross over the top of the trail and lots of kids gather and smoke or get spun under the bridges and that's where I found her she was passed out drunk with some random guy under the bridge while her newborn baby SAS straps in his car seat in the rain he wasn't under the bridge he was crying and he looked dirty I didn't have any children at this point but I panicked seeing the little guy I grabbed him dropped all the crap I was supposed to be selling and walked off the trail and up the couple blocks to the police station I told them what happened and where I'd found him CPS took him and he ended up getting adopted you did good that child may never know just how much your panic decision changed his life but it did good for you for turning your life around - when I was selling to her a lady shook her crying baby in front of me i wigged out took the baby dumped 500 worth of coke and h and called 9-1-1 from my car she didn't put up a fight until the cops came to arrest her she tried to sue me for kidnapping definitely not the best strategy for me I was 18 and addicted pretty bad but when the baby saw the doctor under state care he was covered in bruises a couple of burns and had two broken ribs already I'm convinced she would have killed him he's 10 now and happy and thriving the whole experience and legal battle when she tried to have me charged with kidnapping is how I got sober I think you and that baby both saved each other I used a deal way back when I was a hot mess in an extremely abusive relationship I called CPS on not only one person but six the one that sticks with me most though not only because of the severity but because I called twice was this couple who used to pick up from me at a laundromat and we ended up seeing each other often enough I felt okay to go to their place I was so frickin floored when I stepped through that door I kid you not they had taken up all the carpeting in the house and had torn down the walls to get at the copper wiring and pipes they had no electricity or running water there was nothing in that house except for some sleeping bags in what used to be the living room and then I noticed him nest rock blankets with bright blue eyes peering at me over the pile and realized that there was a toddler and a small child no more than five until this point I had never seen nor heard them talk about having kids the poor kids were filthy and obviously malnourished the house stunk of em so badly i gagged I couldn't believe it I guess the look of shock was super apparent on my face because the dad said they were squatting and introduced me to their kids I made some small talk and then left the phone was ringing for CPS before I closed my car door I gave them the address and let them know the conditions of the home and they were squatting with two small children gave the names of the parents as I knew them and the names of the kids they ended up going to jail for the squatting and the kids went to live with a relative they ended up contacting me back to sell to them after they were bailed out of jail and I never responded however the guy I was with at the time ended up selling to them and they were living in a field in a tent with the kids I got into a huge fight with my boyfriend over it and was so disgusted he still sold to them I ended up calling CPS on them again from what I heard from other people that knew them the kids were taken permanently after that and about a year later the mom ended up going to prison for attempted murder and the dad went to prison for check fraud sin weeks after that I guess back when I was younger maybe 17 I got my first job at Domino's Pizza one of my managers was a really scummy 24 year old guy that looked like a troll had astoundingly bad hygiene and also a crappy attitude but soul good weed and bought me cigarettes but this was my first experience having older friends able to get me good stuff on demand like that one day he hooked me up with a friend of his that was selling mushrooms so I met with that guy and bought an ounce and then walked to my managers house to sell him some and also get some weed so turns out him and his similarly age sister who has a one-year-old baby both live in makeshift bed sheet bedrooms in the basement of the tiny house they smoked inside windows closed cats everywhere bugs everywhere weird growth sour smells coming from all areas everything gross their mom was home but she was senile and addicted to painkillers as well as a sister so we did the trade downstairs and when I go back upstairs I go to the kitchen to throw some stuff away and I see the baby in a highchair eating a pack of cigarettes he's just sitting there tearing them open and putting in his mouth and spitting it out I ran downstairs and told the sister and she just started yelling mom mom get the baby a couple times lazily then gives up and goes back to just sitting there it was surreal I hadn't ever experienced such neglect and disgust from people I left and waited two days to call CPS because I didn't want my manager to know it was me who called I know the kids got taken away and she went to live with a different family member or at least that's what I was told how anyone could have a child to just neglect them like that it really makes my heart ache former dealer here it's been many years now but I sold crack H and pills as a teenager I once had a lady come in the Trap House with a newborn she was literally selling herself and/or her baby for a few rocks when I saw the newborn in crappy diapers and dirty as freak I knew I had to give her a few rocks I let her smoke and leave I also called bcw bureau of children's welfare on her as soon as she walked out she lived on my street I couldn't let her try to sell her baby I couldn't let her keep it either I just couldn't call the police the baby was in a foster home less than a week later the lady disappeared shortly after I never saw her again I hope she never got the baby back she was a real piece of crap some people should never get their children back lots of addicts try to sell kids for drugs it's awful I know CPS tries to keep families together but sometimes the kid is just better off without a parent twice left anonymous tips which I know were hard to follow up for such a strange Child Protection Agency but as a pot dealer it was all I felt I could do I found out later one of the kids was put into foster care adopted by the foster parents and recently graduated a trade school I have no idea about the other kids siblings but I hope they made it - kids should be protected humans only get one childhood let's let kids enjoy it and grow too happy adults don't hurt them intentionally or by your own stupidity real short and simple yes a friend of my girlfriend introduced us to her neighbors who were like 50 - 60 year old hippies that looked like a bad acid trip but bought weed regularly for full price couple months down the road they start being more friendly with my girlfriend and I and start talking more when we'd go drop off the crap the topic began with her telling us ow she has custody of her daughter's oldest born because her daughter was sitting time at a women's prison back story on the kid looks 15 but clearly has the mind capacity of a six or seven year old not sure what was wrong with her specifically but you could tell there were issues near the end of the conversation about her daughter as she brought up the fact that her granddaughter was prescribed a Darrel 30 XR and whenever they got her prescription they dumped all the little bees into a bowl to use whenever they couldn't find em or whatever they needed and instead Phill via Darrel with benadryl to make the kids sleep till this day I'll never forget the emotions I felt after getting out of there and sitting in my car my hands were shaking so bad it was hard to Google information about CPS much less type information in I felt goose ax bumps in every pore of my scalp as a father of two I never knew such evil existed obviously in movies and crap that never experienced something firsthand like that one of my friends used children's medicine to make her daughter sleep whenever she didn't want to deal with her when the grandma took the baby in there was a few months where she cried a lot she was going through withdrawals because her mother had been giving her this pain medication for so long yes I was a stupid teenager and thought I was a hotshot from selling coke to my peers the money was nice but at the time it was more for social standing eventually it got so out of hand that I was selling to people's uncles fathers aunts and cousins it was pretty daunting as a teenager but like I said the money way good and so was the social standing eventually I start moving H and one day a buddy calls me up and asks me if I'm good to go I tell him yes and ask him how much he informs me that it's for his mom that he doesn't live with and we go through the whole dance of him calling her then calling me then calling her again to set up the deal eventually the amount and price gets set and I hop in my crappy old car to the next town over to make the deal now I'm used to crappy houses I live on the cusp of suburbs city and rural say you see all sorts of folks in your daily life but this one was a special little crap hole the best way I can set the scene up is the scene in Breaking Bad when Jesse goes into those M heads house but they weren't on em I've seen my fair share of dope heads but least took the cake it took about 30 minutes for them to let me in and when they did the stench was like a punch in the face you couldn't even see the floor all sorts of trash covering the carpet of the crappy apartment honestly at this point it didn't even faze me I made the deal and took the money but during the awkward small talk I heard a little COO from the room over I'm not the most confrontational person but they were so strung out that I wasn't threatened at all I asked them what that sound was and they said it was their baby I asked how old they said seven months I immediately took stock of the room around me rotting food cat crap garbage bags everywhere I left that apartment complex and sat in my car debating whether I would get busted if I called the police eventually I googled CPS and made an anonymous claim nothing happened to me and the kid got taken away neither of them know it was me that called and I stopped selling that crap went through rehab in 2016 clean ever since judging by their Facebook's they're still trying to get that kid back I really hope they don't back in college I went over to a single mother's house to drop off some bunt the kid was three years old I walk in and notice it is extremely smoky and I immediately have a hard time breathing it smelled like rotting crap trash and cigarettes I was there for about three minutes and went to use the bathroom where I noticed fresh and dried blood on the toilet and crap smeared all over the floors and up the walls the crap was old and hardened and dead bugs were in the corners of the bathroom and piled on top of the fesses but that isn't the only icing on the cake once I left the bathroom I went back out to the living room area and saw a big-ass rat run right across the floor looked like he came right out of matter to II then the mother asked me if I wanted to take opioids so I got the Frick out of the house and called CPS I used to sell a smorgasbord of narcotics mainly h-beam clean since 2014 went to drop off to an acquaintance who phoned me new location so I went in with caution trash and scum everywhere smell was frickin foul kids running around crap I had seen before until I focused on the aquarium it was full of used needles some kept some not I mean this was a 55-gallon tank with no lid and it was over halfway full called DHS next day I'll never forget that I pulled up to this woman's house I was 19 at the time she was a regular and often asked if I had any coke I was strictly a marijuana dealer when I walked into her house she had two babies twins female dealer here when I asked to use the bathroom she said she didn't have running water due to money issues there was a five-gallon bucket in the bathroom to pee and poop in this bucket was extremely full not to mention the overflowing trash cans and tied off trash bags in the living room couldn't believe how gross her house was I panicked I called CPS and told them I was a family friend I drove my car down the road a little and waited for the cops to show up I watched them pull the woman out of the house in cuffs she turned out to have H in her house I still wonder about those twins today I honestly think I know her my cousin had twins and was on all three a little over a year ago maybe two at this point someone called she lost the kids went to rehab and is trying to get her life together if it is the same person first thank you that was the kick in the butt she needed secondly it appears to have saved four people's lives I had a dealer who I thought was alright at first came on a little strong asking to play destiny with me as we both had ps4 eventually I started going round to his house for a joint before going home with my bag this was fine at first but it gradually became a bit of a living hack he started screaming at his kids they must have been three and six for anything for walking into the room for playing in another room for making a loud noise for asking a question even when they want a hug he is shouting at them and even when he gave one he told them to stop being stupid and stopped crying this abuse extended to his partner she was half his size and thin as heck not unhealthy thin but thin it was just verbal but calling her an idiot screaming at her and the slow angry tone he took with his kids talking through his teeth and exploding at the end of the sentence she hated it you could tell but she put up with a cause she didn't work and needed to support the kids who she loved one day he got so mad he held her against the wall and started choking her I stood up and shouted what the Frick are you doing he caught himself and backed away she slumped to the floor crying and he tried a pathetic attempt at damage control telling her he's sorry but it's a fault and telling me the same I left there and then never went back called social services and gave them the address I knew they had been before but they won't have seen it happening not too long after the police were there arresting him for something I assumed that SS saw the wheel or something and called there but I am glad they did I feel like I should have done something as soon as the red flags began to raise but there were unfortunately two things holding me back one I was the only person that came round for joints so he would now who cooled them into I really wanted but I was so bad for it and I really spiraled knowing I was a slave to the addiction ultimately that helped me kick it been clean for years now I am really proud of you I am proud of the fact that you called social services and I am immensely proud of the fact that you have been clean for years I used to work at a chain restaurant about four years ago when I was around 21 there was a girl who started after me call her Ashley Ashley and I became best friends almost immediately she was almost 10 years older than me at a time but you could not tell especially by the way she acted but at 21 that didn't really much matter to me we used to sneak nips into work leave work to get drunk and try to sneak back drank together out of work all the time I knew she had a son that lived on the other side of the country that the father had custody of she gave me some story about him lying saying she was crazy and getting her child taken away and nothing she did could get him back because her ex was manipulative I bought it eventually I found a better job and that's about where our hanging out friendship ended we always stayed in touch on FB I got pregnant with my son around 23 and she had had two daughters in that time so we agreed to get together and let each other meet our kids I get her house and I see her walking up the street towards the house without her girls the oldest was - I believe waving to me I get up with my son and I ask her where are your daughters Oh Thea inside she says she left her baby daughter's home alone locked inside her bedroom to walk a mile up the road to get cigs okay flicked up but I went inside anyway kept my son in his car seat next to me on the couch I can touch sab solutely wasted already but she pours herself - root beer Smirnoff nips into a cup and lets the daughters out of the room and turns the TV on for them the house was clean that is what really threw me off like it looked like a great environment she sits next to me on the couch and places her cup in the drink holder attached to the couch and we just start catching up about 10 minutes later her daughter says she's hungry Ashley yells I just freaking fed you watch your trolls I was stunned then the little girl climbs up on the couch and grabs the cup of vodka I say no no honey that's not for babies but Ashley stops me and says oh it's fine it will probably help her sleep better tonight and lets her two-year-old daughter take a sip of her 100-proof alcohol now I am about to leave getting my shoes on and her husband comes in who I also knew from the same restaurant where he still worked at the time he flips he says Ashley have these girls eating there nothing all day she said yes she gave them grapes and cottage cheese it was 7:00 p.m. she had given her daughter's only a few grapes and a bowl of cottage cheese all day I was done I called as soon as I got in my car the father has custody of em now I believe he moved out of state somewhere thank God because who knows how they would have ended up I'm glad her babies had the fortune of having caring father to keep them safe from her in the late 1990s I used to sell reefer part-time while I was in college one of my regular customers turned his sister onto me she called for a delivery no big deal I went there one time she had three little kids like a couple toddlers and an infant her house was full of cockroaches I was disgusted I called CPS not because of the drugs and babies but because of how frickin filthy that house was it caused a lot of problems for her and her boyfriend they were in the system for a long time not sure how it all turned out but freak that woman I used to sell weed x and k around 20 years back and I had a regular that would come to see me like clockwork every weekend he seemed like an okay guy excluding the drugs of course but I can't really criticize here because I was a dealer and after a while his pickups turned into five-minute chats and then two 30-minute stays during a conversion let slip that he had a son a toddler and that he looked after him every week and that when he was at my joint picking up his kid was in the car the kid was in the backseat he had a high ace minivan windowless the whole time and not only that but because he didn't want to share his single bed with his kid'll and risk getting it urinated and he made his kids sleep in the van outside but it's okay because it was locked and parked in the backyard so the kid was safe as soon as he lettered slip he was done as a customer I told him to get pho and never come back on the threat of a severe beating he threatened to rat me to the cops I told him that my supplier saw me as a decent source of income and wouldn't take it very well he left it rocked me so hard I felt almost concussed I honestly couldn't process how sterile and casual he was about it all and I knew I had to tell CPS so I called anonymously and said I lived on his street and could hear the kid crying from the van at night every weekend and that I had seen him incoherent and smelling of weed during the day I never saw him again and I don't know what happened to either him or his son but it has stuck with me all this time and I feel responsible for his actions in part because he did these things in pursuit of his drugs I eventually stopped dealing and got my crap together and the way I felt about this and the realization that my actions affected people far further from me than I thought was a huge part of it nothing changes the fact that I contributed to that child's neglect and abuse though willingly or not it makes no difference and it's only one of the crappy ugly things I've done that I have to live with I have never officially called Child and Family Services but I had this one mother who used to constantly call me for EM and I had never been to her house before I was a bit of a sketch bag and didn't trust anybody but after a few months I built a relationship with her where I felt at ease going to her house when I went to go drops him off it was child tax day I never knew she was a mother normally not an issue for me I could not care less I walked into the house and the smell was unbelievable cigarettes sweat crap and pee there was broken glass on the floor 12 inch burn circles on the floor goop on the floors the TV was smashed the bathroom door was literally torn off and in the hallway I has seen a little toddler that was walking around with no diaper on he had his own poop all over him he was so malnourished he was gray the mother came to give me her money and I took the bag of em I had put it in my pocket and I told her to buy some diapers for her kid I told her that she would have to find her dope somewhere else and walked away a good friend of mine who had always tried to help me out was a social worker and I told her who she was and where she lived and gave her some details so she could make a final decision I'll always remember that kid the last I heard he had been taken away and the mother was in jail I wish him the best of luck in this cruel world you probably saved that kid's life that day you should be proud of that when I was working out there's one trap house the owner of the house was this lazy giant woman that wouldn't do crap but smoke em this was tongue and [ __ ] territory some of them dudes would be in and out all the time this was also after a war with the Nautilus a long time after so a lot of people were coming home from prison after constant shootings bodies the gang task force shut that crap down and sent all the hitters to prison but they were coming home and that house was humming the gangs were present in name only each side United over shooting him anyways this chick was always high in the house was full of cigarettes and em smoked 24 stroked seven and her son would be in his room playing alone every time he would come out she would just scream at him to get back in his room when she wasn't smoking him cigarettes she would just fall out snoring it was a Trap House so people come and go one time it was a slow day she was sleeping I was bagging up on this tongue and couple rolled up I serve em I am not sure what happened but just like that he cracked her right into the ground she popped and put a knife to his throat at first I tried to defuse the situation but there was nothing getting in so I went into the kid's room and was like hey you wanna go to the park I had taken him here and there because he would ask his mom and she would just say shut up get in your room so when I had downtime and needed a break to walk down to the store get cigarettes or I would be like I dude you wanna roll to the park and I would buy him some candy and I would take him out there this time I was like you got her back put some clothes in there anything for school today we are going out the window meanwhile all you hear is just crazy screaming and crashing I got him out quick I ended up putting him up with his grandma when I got back the Tongan couple was cuddling on the couch then homegirl was like where you been I was just like at the park a while later she was bothered to check on his son and she was like where he at she gets an allowance and extra food stamps or whatever by having him around the only reason she wanted him around I was just like he wanted to see his grandma her mom so I took him there I got screamed at in all that crap told to leave so I was like at I'll be taking my crap with me - y'all can cause someone else I barely got down the driveway before the phone call came begging me to come back so CPS now I don't know how that crap works but crap was outta hand and he was like seven and she was using him to get government assistance that was no environment for a child and I don't judge people in that world it's best not to get into people's business that crap was too much though I grew up in a house like this but thankfully was a teenager when it got bad I remember so much of that experience and this little dude will - I often wonder what would have happened had someone intervened yes she was shooting up while driving with her 18 month old kid in the back unbuckled found out she was leaving him alone for hours to go out she threatened to stab me because I bought diapers and opened the box so she couldn't sell them last I checked she's still a squid and she's on her two hundred and thirty seven thousand five hundred and sixty seventh chance with CPS I was around 15-16 in high school selling mostly acid and ecstasy to save up money for a car and in the future college there was this one girl I would never sell to because she was pregnant she was one of those girls that got pregnant with an older dude and he left the picture she didn't want the baby but her parents made her keep it finally not long after she gave birth she was trying to buy some ecstasy she was in my car and I was giving her I think around two or three pills that's around forty fifty five dollars and she says I'm going to be honest I don't have money but I know you have a girlfriend you really love so I was thinking about giving you my baby I didn't say anything for a little I couldn't tell if she was serious then after a long pause I told her to get out of my car later in the day I had my parents call CPS for obvious reasons I came up with a story that me and the girl were friends and that she was telling me how she would trade the baby for drugs I'm not sure but I think the baby ended up going with the family member and is living a completely normal life I did many years ago when I pushed I did not deal in hard drugs only THC MDMA psychedelics I was at this woman's house because she was not only a client but also a girlfriend of one of my best friends so I was there often enough to see him I consistently found myself and anyone else at the house left alone with a child it seemed if anyone showed up she would sneak out come to find out she was doing methadone with the upstairs neighbors and who the heck knows what else I hate to know who that child was ever left alone with she had been an on-again off-again drug addict pills h-m echt many times I witnessed that she would watch her toddler put cigarettes in her mouth from the ground I would take them away from the baby and she would laugh and say that it's not a big deal I rode in her car a few times I was a smoker at that time as well as her I would get out of the car to light up and she would tell me that I could smoke in the car but I refused because of the child in the backseat when I was around I would try my best to kind of steer her away from the child when she wanted to have a cigarette it is something very specific that began to steer me clear of any tobacco use she had a blood problem in her house and she would spray blood color on every single one of her daughter's toys to keep the bugs off ah then I explained to her that her baby chews on her toys and Bugzilla can seriously harm her and she again told me that it's not a big deal she has seen her baby put worse things in her mouth and that it will toughen her up I had enough I am the eldest of nine kids and I need for several families for over a decade aside from mothering my own siblings I know that a child can handle a lot but there are so many things that she was doing that kept ringing off the danger bells in my head I knew that if that child got sick or even died because of her carelessness I would feel directly responsible for not doing anything about it if you see something say something especially when it involves a child my goal was not to have her child taken from her and she never did but for someone with authority to keep tabs on the child I could not stand to be around her anymore and it is within my nature to take on a caretaker role but that relationship I had with those people were seriously damaging my mental state I had nothing but fear and sorrow for that little girl I lost her best friend by doing this but the kid was worth more than a friend who could not see what his woman doing right in front of him had one try to sell her child's body to me nuff said called the cops to anonymously in my younger stupider days I dealt em em is a strange force we'll start there I of course was also a huge junkie and just trying to fuel my need but there was this one house I would go to all the time mum and dad just fully in the throes of addiction but they had two sweet little girls there during the time I was dealing I got pregnant and stopped using but I continued to deal because it's the only way I could save up money for my new baby I ended up staying at this house sleeping on the couch ding and day out there were junkies coming in fights breaking out guns drawn these two girls saw every bit of it eventually the water was shut off the gas was shut off we were burning old furniture in the fireplace for heat we were dumping water in the toilet to flush this was normal for these girls as I woke up from my drug-induced stupor I looked at these sweet girls just victims in this heck hole they bathed in water boiled over a fire and cool enough to get in heard their parents fight over dope heard worse at night I started to have a routine with them to shelter them from their everyday horror I did their homework with them walk them to the park made dinner for them gave them baths and brushed their hair put them to bed with a story I remember staying up with them while they were sick rubbing their backs as they threw up and cried but they screamed and cried as I moved out my heart was broken when I left that house I thought of the life they would go back to I had my own baby to take care of now and I couldn't imagine her in that mess I called CPS the first day in my new house they were taken to their grandparents I've never touched drugs since those days it was enough to show me that true evil exists I think of those girls a lot I hope their life is good they kept me clean when it was hard to be they showed me what I wanted to be like as a mom they played a role in saving my life I was selling a variety of drugs a few years ago I had one friend let's call him Chris he stayed at his end head uncle's house with his uncle his name's Rick Frick him I'll use his real name his cousin and his cousin's kids around 4-6 I hated going to this house because all they did was cook em inside literally feet away from these children these kids lacked clothes they barely ate I'm pretty sure they were never enrolled in school either well eventually I get fed up and decide to make a call to CPS they go in and what they found was horrifying the Uncle Rick had a hard drive with thousands of naked photos of the children they also found out he was prostituting the kids for M & H when I found this out I was absolutely appalled he's in jail and honestly I hope he doesn't make it I went to this disabled woman's house to bring the goods it had been awhile since I had seen her I think her son was 13 the last time I had been there and now he was 15 I asked her how he was doing she began telling me he had been giving her a lot of trouble and I couldn't imagine that cause he was such a good kid I wish I could explain the no big deal tone she had when she told me this calm a kid's name said he has had enough and Natalie he was going to kill himself he went to the bathroom and got a razor blade and cut his set down to the bone I begged him to let me take him to the ER but he wouldn't ungrateful crap I know she saw the look of horror on my face I told her I wanted to go and went to talk with him he told me she had a new boyfriend and all they do is drink shoot up and fight he said he wanted to live with his dad but he had a new family I told him about telling someone at school about it and he didn't want his mom to be in trouble as an adult my dad had put me on 72 hours holds in the crazy house several times I told him how a 72-hour hold could give him time to think about what to do next have three meals a day and someone to talk to I know that's not great advice but I was still using at the time and wasn't my best self the good intention was there though I ended up getting in a fight with her before I left my son was a little younger than hers and I couldn't imagine telling that story the way she did I waited a week and call CPS hoping she won't know it was me she did nothing ever came of it and I still think about that boy all the time I have used sold and middleman xanax we didn't blow for a long time when money is tight the only time I've called CPS was when this chick who was a regular four blow asked me to deliver a ball 3.5 G to her house I walk in kid is asking for food I think nothing of it four hours later she calls me asking for a front on a gram I go back to do it kid is ornery and still asking for food 6-7 years old three hours later at 8 a.m. she calls me asking for another front on a gram I go back to do it she always paid eventually and kid is worse off still hungry and now crying at that point I refused affront go home and call CPS I want my profit but not when I can tell you're ruining your life if I see people getting out of hand asking for France neglecting kids bills etc I tell them I'm dry or I drop contact entirely I'm doing what I need to provide for me and my own not trying to ruin someone else's life in high school I remember my friend put me on and I started pushing part-time there was the client who frequently picked up Molly and weed she never gave us trouble and was always good on payment she never asked for aid sure coke so I figured she probably just recreationally smoked and rolled up parties I say no problem swing by her place imagine my surprise when I get there and she lets me in asking if I want a line I politely refuse taking a look around at how filthy the place was there was cigarette burns and butts all over the place cockroaches ran rampant and needles strewn around the table it was gross I could barely breathe due to the smell of pee and fesses double my surprise when a toddler just waddles in and the child looks dirty malnourished and hungry I asked Claire's kid that is and she gives me a strange look saying that's hers turns out that she got kicked out by her mother for being pregnant and ended up living by herself later on she tells me her mother had deep regrets for her dismissal and offered to take her back and help raise a baby unfortunately for some odd reason she refused her mother's assistance and foolishly decided to do things on her own I have no clue how she afforded her drug habits I would take an educated guess that she would sell her body to reach that goal I remember telling a close friend of mine that was a few years older than me what happened and she got in touch with CPS cops came she was arrested and the mother took custody of the child I don't know what happened to her after that but I hope she has sobered up and the child is okay I'll never forget the last fleeting image I had of the woman right before I left she was wrapping up her arm to inject herself with H yes like six years ago I sold em one time for like a month sold to a co-worker who had two kids but only had custody of one I went to her apartment and it was a mess trash everywhere EM pipes just laying around on her living room table which was covered in cigarette butts and empty baggies her kid was just walking around a living room not even wearing a diaper apartment smelled like cigarettes weed and pee she to buy $1,000 worth of dope from me it only had $500 cash so she ended up adding a brand new 55 inch HDTV and wall mount after she used rubbing alcohol to rub off the name and address of the rental in place she had just got the TV from a few days before after leaving I told my then pregnant wife about it and she called CPS she lost custody of her kid and her sister who was actually the nurse we saw at all our baby appointments got custody of him she also has custody of her other child as well last I heard she went to jail for trying to run her boyfriend off the highway my wife is Facebook friends with her sister who constantly posts pictures of the kids who look happy this was over 20 years ago but yet I was selling pot sometimes a few other things but I was pretty minor messed around with a girl who had just started buying from me went to sleep in the next morning around 10:00 I get up to this completely naked little three years old running around okay fine she's a kid but you'd imagine a diaper would get on her but by 1030 right now I left at 1:00 with the naked baby running all over the house the mom and her BF in the living room passed out on what I now know was H and wouldn't move at all girl I had hung out with thought the whole thing was normal I couldn't shake it it's not like she was just naked that's not a huge deal it's that she was filthy nobody was taking care of her other than to make sure she had food I guess maybe she was potty-trained already it's not like the house was filled with lakes off P called and reported it to CPS the same day she called me a day or two later telling me she was pregnant and needed to come stay with me that's not how that crap works never heard from her again I hope that kid had a good life a mother wanted to buy seventy perks at once before a family trip she had a nine-year-old in the car called CPS on the B never will I ever deal you drugs in front of your kids Frick drop them off this was a long time ago but yes I lived that typical urban trope and grew up in a very bad neighborhood growing up as teens the drug gain was just something that you were into since everyone sold but I was around 17 late 90s and had been serving this one super fiend we all called baby to work she had a dude and she'd take his money his car and would trick on the side for cash and would literally page us every two three hours around the clock she was loyal and we used to dime her to death a rule be typically adhered to is that you never go to the heads house or domicile as it's usually being watched by the po9 or you could be tried by your customer which would force you to react but this one particular Saturday night my friend and I were sitting around playing n64 and wanted to buy another rumble pack for the second controller when baby twerk hit us up it was storming very bad outside and she had her kids and couldn't walk to the gas station to meet so we decided to do what we said we wouldn't and pulled up to her house mind you this was back when pegas and payphones were a thing so there was no I'm here texts anyway we waited and waited but she didn't come outside as most know most houses in the hood don't have gutters or porches so when you pull up in a lightning storm you either get absolutely dumped on or you go inside a bra we walked in and it was just as we pictured she had five kids the oldest being like seven but there was trash no carpet and a hole in the middle of the kitchen floor from which you could see the crawl space there were two other dudes we regularly served in the house also we could hear the sound of some in a room away trying to light up as her four-year-old walked up to my friend and asked to go by all of a sudden old boy walked around the corner and we hear the unmistakable sound of sizzling bass approaching we had a thing about smelling crack and being within 50 feet of it as that was a selling charge if police happened to pull up so we did a 180 ran out stumbling over each other comically fast and bounced we had to wait until that Monday but the look on her daughter's face stuck with us all weekend and flicked us up it made us rethink what we were doing but CPS got involved they took the kids put them with family thankfully and arrested her but after that in all the dust settled we continued serving babies work and ended up getting our second rumblepack guilt free I guess I'm not a dealer I said I happen to have a lot of connections and has such high middleman for folks fairly often had a guy ask me if I could get acid I hit up a few people and we went through the dance of figuring out how much he wanted how much I was going to get paid where and when we were meeting etc so I went and got a guy attend strip for like $100 and he said he'd give me 125 dollars to bring it to his house cool worth it I show up and he lets me in apartment is clean he and his GF are just chillin on the couch I give him his taps and get my money and ask him if I can use his bathroom he says no prob and tells me where it is I get in the bathroom and start doing my business nothing feels better than taking a huge pee after driving for forever I swear I wish they could put that feeling in a drug anyway I'm finishing up and I hear a baby stop crying I didn't think a ton of it until I hear the dude start screaming at the baby to shut the Frick up the guy's GS start screaming at him and the baby just sounds terrified some of the most horrible sounds I've ever heard a child make they screamed for a second and I'm debating on what to do when I hear a thud and the GF starts screaming and crying I decide I've gotta do something and I walk out and into the living room he's standing over her with his fists balled up and screaming she's clutching the left side of her face crying and the baby is still in some other room going frickin nuts I yell hey dude what the Frick at a guy and he turns around and tells me I should go he looks freaking evil in that moment I'd have shot him if I could have done so with no repercussions but I thought better of it so I left I went outside made an anonymous 9-1-1 call on my burner and said I was a concerned neighbor told then they needed to hurry because someone's life was in danger gave them the address and hung I pulled out of the complex and down the street a bit saw two cars with blue lights going use their sirens to beep through the complexes gate I have no idea what wound up happening but I hope that girl and baby are okay I'll never forget what I saw and heard that day frit people like that dude for Gaston in 1999 we had a person we will call her Carrie she would party with us for days on end I mean doing everything and everyone one night my home he said we gotta take her home because her sister might call her in as a missing person and we didn't want to have her send the cops over to where we work Larkin when we got to Dennis Sept we found out for the first time that she had a kid at home now let me first tell you this Tara wasn't the kind of dude that would cry the house was the nastiest thing I had seen yeah it was Watts car but dang and the room the kid was and had no furniture and the door was blocked with plywood about three feet high and the baby girl was left in there crawling on the dudas stained floor the kid was crawling through its own pee and crap like a dog the place smelled worse than the EM house in the valley we went to tear I was yelling at Carrie who flopped down drunk on her filthy couch they didn't have electricity only an extension cord from next door to power the fridge and a desk lamp tea Roy who was not a snitch type on the way home threw his gun down on the counter at my place and was mad that we didn't just take the kid with us she ranks someone's page of trying to get a fix she was told she could pick up from us any more tea Roy was trying to get someone to call DPSS to pick up the kid no one wanted to do that Carrie was blowing up someone's pager cause she was going though withdrawals and all of that didn't hear from her till we saw that she had through her kid out the sixth story window and she jumped out to they Newton division called it murder-suicide but it was something everyone thought about very sad people take care of your kids my brother-in-law's dealer recently pulled out of the game he was dropping off some painkillers weed acid shrooms or something like that and the woman who was buying offered her three children as payment instead not one all three he told my bill my husband and I that they couldn't be over ten this guide taught her a new one and who called the cops he's not her only dealer and it flicked with him to know that someone else could have taken her up on the offer he's been chilling for now trying to keep to himself after that he is being smoking his weed stash and slowly liquidating everything else he only sold mild drugs and weed and this woman was willingly selling her kids to get her fix I was delivering large amounts of pot at 16-18 had met a new client referred to me by a friend at the time I always made it a point to come inside and scale out I hate parking lot meats they are unnecessary this guy insisted on meeting in his apartment parking lot every time I let it slide because he would purchase at least a quarter pound every time in hindsight that was dumb the fifth or sixth time we meet he finally invites me in he had two boys one infant and 1 toddler no more than 4 years old there was a woman strung out at 2 p.m. on the couch couple boxes of nasal narcan next to some cookers on a coffee table one of the boxes was opened each of those boxes have two doses one had already been used the toddler was just running around the 500-600 sqft apartment playing and the guy would threaten him to settle down there were nothing but stacked boxes in a couple corners an air mattress for the toddler a crib in another corner a couch coffee table and a foldable chair copyed had massive charred burned areas the guy catches my glances and tells me irritatedly it's fine they're familiar with all of this just scale the bud I asked him you sure he looked at me like I was dumb so I scaled his bud meanwhile his kid started acting up again and he said sternly I swear to God he settled down immediately with a look of shameful terror I understand that being a parent it's difficult to make ends meet I didn't want to interfere with his life it wasn't my place but when I left I closed the door and immediately heard from the other side next time if you don't stay in your room when I have company I'll break your smackhead mother's freaking face you hear me I got in my car park down the street and called the Texas abuse hotline I don't know what happened to any of them after that haven't thought about that for yours I just hope that they're all doing better I hope I didn't just ruin several people's lives probably about a decade ago now I used to sell weed to this one couple in town they seemed like decent enough people until I found out woman was pregnant and still getting high not even just on weed but doing psychedelics and pills I stopped freaking with them for a long time and one day get a call she just had the baby and said she was having a party to celebrate she was going to have acid shrooms weed and alcohol I was like you got a babysitter to which she said now we're just gonna leave her in the room there was going to be like 40 people all freaked up and tripping while she just locked her newborn in the room needless to say I'm like mentally fricking screaming at this point but keep my composure I'm like you already got everything now I was gonna see if I could have you front me some weed I already got everything else Bette what time she tells me the time and I hang up told my wife about it and asked her what to do cause that's freaked we called CPS and told them what time the party was supposed to be and what their plan was turned out by the time they got there the couple was already passed out there was way more people and hard drugs as well people were knotted out into the baby's room last I heard a couple lost the baby and never got it back they are both pretty hard on H which I think they started freaking with during the time I stopped coming around while she was still pregnant yah man selling crap makes you like reassess your life on character sometimes moved cog for a bit money is wicked but then you realize who is doing it your home is that a parents or are married or both and you realize all the problems you hear about with them ended up being related to the crap you have been selling girls you thought were solid will ditch their man and blow you for a line it's bad enough that she would do that to a random but they will do that knowing that her man is your good friend but it's so freaked out one time I did have to call CPS on a friend who called me four blow he was at his new girlfriend's place I had never met her I get where in the house is overflowing from smoke and he tells me to come in as I am walking in I am like dang bro wTF is all this smoke from he says smokes bit of green and crack and M so I obviously was like who WTF cause now I am breathing this crap and as I am telling him to Frick off in that I am NOT gonna chill and breathe this I hear a baby crying and lose it left immediately and called CPS my buddy took off she got arrested I don't talk to him anymore somehow they thought that crap was okay ended up cutting off a lot of people when I stopped chopping blow those people no matter how shallow good or cool they are normally the crap will change the Frick out of them when they run out and want more 20-plus years ago when I was in that world of drugs I reported this woman who was running a daycare out of her house and using em I just could not let it go in Britain we have social services now we're talking the mid-nineties during the rave scene I was a dolmen working some really dodgy clubs you proper dens of coke and every now and then we'd catch idea that weren't supposed to be dealing and confiscated their pills and cash my boss got the dough but we split e's so i get old to go down the sticks to look after this warehouse rave not so much stopping the punters knocking the Frick out of each other but to stop her chance robbing the door money 20 quid on the door about 2500 people in off their heads crap I was tempted to do the place myself anyway while I was there this bird came up to us and asked us the bouncers to watch a car we thought nothing of it until about 3:00 in the morning when we made spots a little kid staring out the window this frickin pillhead useless see had gone raving with her kids needless to say we took the kids into the warm edge obviously the social services got involved from that the rape finished at noon Sunday and my shift ended at 5:00 a.m. so I couldn't tell you what happened but I hope those kids went to someone that actually gives a crap I wasn't a drug dealer but a user back in the day clean for ten plus years now quit as soon as I got pregnant with my oldest but I went to the person's house with a couple friends and when they answered the door the girl was dressed in a cheap maids lingerie outfit like 2:00 p.m. in the afternoon and the other girl wasn't much better they had four or five kids in the house that I saw upon entering they were probably three - eight years old and filthy just damn it they screamed at the kids to go play in the room and we all sat in the living room I was ready to leave at this point my friend was selling them some weed so he was dealing with that I heard crying coming from the back room newborn crying and everyone ignored it for a good 10 minutes until my friend told the woman to go get her dang baby so she comes out with this two month old who is filthy in a dirty diaper and I think she made him a bottle but I am not even sure she held him for like five minutes and then went and put him back in the back room where he cried continuously it was seriously heartbreaking the guy I was with started berating her from not dealing with her kid and we left I made a report right after that between the neglect of the newborn and older kids state of the house and physically watching these moms not give two shoots it was too much turns out that baby died shortly after from neglect and supposed abuse it still makes my stomach hurt even today I still follow her trashy busts on social media because she's a mess she's had her other kids taken away and given back she constantly posts about everybody being against her in the world being racist because she's American Indian and her husband is no better but fear constantly trying to get the state in trouble or businesses for freaking them over like a perennial trash people mine is actually reverse by a calling on dealer this was about a decade ago and I was addicted very badly to opiates mainly H I used to buy from this woman who had really good crap at very low cost from her for about a year and literally watched her transform from a semi habitual user to a full-blown junk head right before I called on her she got robbed and was trying to make up a money by selling makeup that looked like dope it's a good thing I had the common sense to not try it god only knows what would have happened if I shot that anyway after that I got super peed and went to her house she used to always meet me in the backyard so I never went in before well when I barged in I found she had a toddler never made any mention of a kid this kid looked like he had been rolling around in dirt for the last three months without ever taking a shower they looked like he hadn't eaten in a month the house was filthy stains everywhere torn up disgusting clothes all over the place a rank smell coming from the kitchen et Cie etc it was literally like that episode of Breaking Bad where Jesse goes to the EM heads house to get his money back and finds the kid I saw the kid saw the house and walked right out to call CPS somehow he ended back up with her after a few weeks but a month or so after that she was caught with some guy she knew using counterfeit money all over town feds raided the place she got a nice long sentence and the kid lives with a relative from what I heard as bad of an addict as I was I truly don't understand how anyone could be so bad as to not only live like that but to neglect an innocent child so badly you have been visited by the happy baby pygmy murder cow back away slowly and subscribe quickly to ensure your safety like and subscribe you magnificent person [Music]
Channel: Updoot
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Keywords: call cps, call cps on, call cps on someone, cps, clients, bad clients, bad client storytime, bad client stories, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub
Id: OiULXmQhI5w
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Length: 55min 45sec (3345 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 22 2020
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