[Serious] What is the most unexplainable thing you've ever witnessed?

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serious what is the most unexplainable thing you've ever witnessed after my cat of 10 years died in December I would hear him meowing usually I could just pass it off as thinking too much about him we used to have a thing where we talked back and forth to each other he'd meow and I'd call back Clyde he'd call again I'd say Clyde then he'd run up to me and we'd cuddle one day I walked outside and I heard him as if he was sitting 10 feet away following right after I heard my own voice calling from far off Clyde the meow and my voice repeated a few more times it was extremely nerve-racking when it stopped I just turned around and went back inside I don't hear him meowing much anymore my friends and I had just been to a few nightclubs last year and we were walking home past the shop it was about 5:00 a.m. and the Sun was coming up by the shop we could see a man sitting against the wall with what looked like a white bag of chips we've oh nothing off it and kept walking then suddenly the bag of chips started moving and started flying away it turns out this super drunk guy was just sitting there casually stroking a mathur freaking seagull how he done that I will never know seagull whisperer the house I grew up in was built by my great grandmother who died in the house no one in my family including me really believes in ghosts but this one had a scratching our heads when I was about eight my mom randomly lost her wedding ring she had no memory of taking it off but lo and behold it was just gone I remember searching for it with her for months after a while she just sort of gave up and figured it was gone forever a year later I brought up the missing ring again and jokingly said what if great-grandma took it my mom then looked up to the sky and half-kidding said you'd better give it back about an hour later my dad comes home from work and says look what I found in the driveway boom wedding ring a few years ago I was on a road trip driving from Florida to Kentucky we were driving straight through so it was around 3 a.m. and we were getting close to Atlanta there was a group of four box trucks and one van you could tell that these five vehicles were traveling together driving them were these five skis working men what caught our attention first was the fact that they were all driving pretty erratically swerving and hard correcting themselves constantly tapping their brakes etc what was weird was that the box trucks wouldn't let anyone on either side or directly in front of the van this ended up making it pretty difficult to pass them plus it's 3 a.m. and we're just trying to stay awake so this was relatively entertaining so we kept pace with them for a while the weirdest part to me was their braking it was like all five of them had Parkinson's and didn't realize their foot was hovering over the brake it was a goddamn light show they knew when cops were going to be on the side of the road and they would slow soirée down below the speed limit when passing them eventually their crazy driving started getting a little too dangerous we knew what was up by this point we had been driving near them for at least an hour or so but the closer we got to Atlanta the more cars were on the road and they almost ran a few off the road so I called the cops since we were on the interstate they had to keep switching us to the next county over every few minutes while I was on the phone with him though one of the drivers saw me on the phone and looking in their direction it was almost as if he knew what I was doing I was legitimately scared at that moment Frick this crazy motherfrakker is going to drive us off the road for breaking up their sketchy but box truck motor pool and this is how I died no cops ever came we averted their crazy driving we never saw what was in that van and they all five got off at the same exit in the middle of nowhere I definitely wish I would have followed them solely out of curiosity it may not seem that sketchy to you but it was freaking weird in real life when I was in high school my grandmother succumbed to cancer at the funeral my cousin and aunt sang temporary home by Carrie Underwood it was my first time hearing the song because I never really enjoyed country music well that night I was sitting around a campfire with my brother and best friend when my girlfriend called to tell me she had arrived her first words to me were why is your ring back tone temporary home by Carrie Underwood I had her repeated again and then just up the phone my ring back tone at the time was no sleep by Wiz Khalifa which I had not changed for months I do not really believe in the supernatural nor do I wholeheartedly believe in coincidence it has been something I could never explain my deceased friend claimed his house was on an Indian burial ground and was haunted I stayed over one night we all three of us and the dog slept in the living room and nobody know nothing nor no more animals were in the house I woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of someone loudly running up and down the basement stairs I look over and my two friends are passed out I look for the dog and it's right beside my friend looking terrified as Crabbe I was convinced his house is haunted after that me and my little brother were home alone playing super smash and we heard my little sister say hey we're over here from the closet but we were freaking home alone we went and checked it out and you we were still alone still freaks us out and we have no explanation don't worry it was probably just a demon I've heard they take on the voice appearance of family members or small children nothing to worry about mate I was driving home from work one night at around 2 3 o clock in the morning I live on on a peninsula so there is only one main road it's kind of a typical suburban area with small stores and churches as I'm coming up on the Baptist Church I see something all over the steeple it was a very large airship with a light on top that blinked red green and blue the light was flashing at irregular intervals and was probably about 100 feet above the church it was long with vents protruding off the site where spotlights illuminated the grass below the airship made no discernable sound I slowed my car to a dead stop staring at this thing I immediately thought to take a picture but my crappy blackberry only had like a 5mp camera and no flash I had a nice DSLR in the trunk so I got out of my car to get it still stopped in the middle of the road but as soon as I opened my car door the thing flew off with incredible speed I jumped back into my car and did a u-turn to follow it but it vanished into the night sky I have no explanation to what it was I didn't have when like a plane it wasn't a helicopter it wasn't a blimp the only logical conclusion I could draw was that I hallucinated the thing I had not been drinking and I don't do drugs and I haven't had any hallucinations before after this this isn't even a case of me seeing something weird in the night sky and trying to figure out what it was this thing was right in front of me barely 200 feet in the air massive and in my face I spent weeks after my sighting googling UFO my area in as many iterations as I could think of but never found anyone else who saw it one day my parents decide to trace a family name we visit a village we knew ancestors came from while visiting the graveyard we find one nobody is around one second the next this old man appears apparently he is related to tells us we should come for a cup of tea at his house gives us directions and name of place my dad asks if the local manor house is still open to the public he said yes has been since he remembers all of the directions he gives us used landmarks that haven't existed for decades the manor house is private has been for years owner told us he has no idea way his dudes houses ghosts or random senile ninja I was house-sitting for my aunt and uncle about eight years ago and their house is in a big subdivision but at the time it was one of the only houses in the new phase so it was a good mile from the other parts of the development anyway it was a typical newish home 3 bedrooms garage screened-in pool in the back skylights etc I slept on the pull-out couch in the living room so I could watch the big TV while I was going to bed anyway on the second night I hear this thudding sound coming from what sounded like the garage so I went in to check it out and make sure nothing had fallen over or anything anyway I didn't find anything I go my back down and eventually fall asleep I wake up to a silver polish infomercial like two hours later and I roll over to grab the remote and as I roll over I glanced up at the skylight that's right above me and I see this outline of a figure staring down at me and like two seconds later panic sets in I run into my aunt and uncle's bedroom grabbed his gun from the top of his closet and call the police around ten minutes seemed like an hours later the police arrive and find my uncle's Ladder set up on the side of the house but no signs of whoever was on the roof not really paranormal or anything but we never found out who was up there or why well crossing off skylight from my list of future home dream features I was sitting in the room nearest the backyard on my laptop heard a knock on the sliding glass door and looked up to see who was there I saw very long hand pull away the fingers must have been about a foot long dark purplish gray in color I got up from the couch and saw a short figure running away it disappeared before my eyes what in the almighty Frick very shortly after breaking up with my then-girlfriend I attended by myself a college basketball game at a major d1 university because I was feeling a bit bummed out and wanted to get my mind off things I told exactly zero people I would be attending this game because I decided to do it on a whim the opponent was not very good so there were many empty seats I decided to sit in the upper deck in an arena that holds nearly 16,000 people there were at most 20 other people in the upper deck and plenty of open seats in the lower barrel as the game is starting a random man approaches me and says you're in my seat okay that's weird I'm literally the only person in this section and there are thousands of empty seats up here but whatever buddy have your seat as I'm getting up to choose some other random seat to sit in the PA announcer comes on and says that a car in the parking lot has left its lights on tits my car this is pretty strange this is not some rinky-dink high-school basketball game this is a game in front of several thousand people that are very large prominent school in the many hundreds of games I have attended here never have I heard the PA announcer come on to tell someone they left their lights on so I walk out to my car and my lights are not on maybe the battery died nope starts right up as I'm getting out of my car I get a text from a phone number that I do not know that says I'm watching you the zookeeper did that guy ask me to move from that seat there was no way he bought that ticket there were infinitely many better seats available why did the PA announcer come on at the exact moment the guy approached me who told them my lights were on when they weren't who the Frick is that a zookeeper what the heck is going on here strangest thing that has ever happened in my lifetime when I was in college we rented an apartment that was built in the 1700s Salem MA for the record I don't believe in ghosts at all but I can't explain how this or a few other things that took place there occurred the apartment had one bathroom that had two entrances one off the hall stairs and one off my bedroom at one night we were having a small party with maybe 10 to 15 guests someone went up to use the bathroom and came back saying it was locked and there was no response to knocking we all looked around and no one was missing curious I went up and started pounding on the hall door nothing I went around through my room and that entrance was also locked and further knocking produced nothing but silence but starting to freak out a little my roommates and I had a quick discussion and decided to kick down the door being an old house it wasn't that hard and we poured into the bathroom expecting to find someone pass out but it was completely empty locked from the inside with two dead bolts the one window had long been painted shut the hair on my arms is standing straight up right now typing this as it was then how do not one mid to slight dead bolts lock themselves from inside an empty room a ton of other bizarre things happened there and we finally moved after a mysterious fire that the fire marshals were completely unable to determine a cause a kupe of years ago I was listening to music on my ipod in my bedroom I got up to use the toilet and left the iPod on my bed I returned to my room a couple of minutes later to find my ipod gone I searched my entire room for it and couldn't find it anywhere I went down to the kitchen which is at the other side of the house to find my iPod standing perfectly upright in the center of the kitchen table no freaking clue how it got there or even how it was standing up it was the 2nd gen iPod touch nobody had been home all the doors were locked and I hadn't gone to the kitchen before that to this day it still amazes me how the heck it got there back in high school I was always going to concerts I was at a Metallica concert and went out to smoke a cigarette and these two guys my age walked up to me and said they knew me that we went to the same school and then proceeded to rattle off the last six or seven concerts I had gone to saying that they had seen me at them I had never seen these guys before ever but they knew my name first and last next day I walk into school and these two guys are sitting in the hall across from the door I said hi as I walked by and the bell rang and they just sat there went to class and never saw either one of them ever again I asked around if anyone knew these two and everyone said no they weren't in the yearbook either I broke physics once in college we were doing a liquid liquid separation in a huge car : ok it's just a really tall tube with two outlet ports at the top on top of each other we pumped too much water into the column and it started spewing out of one of the outlets like you'd expect except the water was coming out of the top hole not the bottom one so we had water going up a tube passing right by an open hole going an additional 5 cm or so then shooting out the other hole we had no idea what was happening and just started at it while it flooded the room couldn't repeat it again damnedest fing nerdy as heck but there you go makes you wonder if anomalies like that occur all the time but a too mundane to be noticed by us we were doing some set decorating in an old abandoned Hospital fourth feature film we were shooting the me in the second AC were walking through the building's upper floors most of the hallway emergency exit doors at the end of each hallway were locked so you had to walk back to the main elevator or stairwell although the rooms were open we were looking for air conditioning units left behind since it was getting really warm at the end of one of the hallways in the long-term patient care wing we distinctly heard Keys jingling on a chain that could have had a million other keys on it I stopped my friend and asked him if those were his keys and we both checked our pockets but had definitely left everything hours on the main floor of our set suddenly we heard a door at the end of the hall swing shut and allowed bang reverberated through the empty corridor we checked every room and found nothing not even air-conditioning units I'm pretty sure my house has a Friendly Ghost in it when we first moved in the chimney would randomly blow in soot when there was no fire or wind we got an infestation of bugs that no one could identify and other assorted weird crap now it's mostly settled down mid lights will occasionally shut off after I've left a room my dog will bark adair doors are left open will be closed and vice versa I think they are just living peacefully alongside us sharing the house I consider them invisible friends when I was a teenager my house used to occasionally do weird things it has since stopped but every once in a while it would act up the most unusual thing that occurred happened when my mom and I were standing in the kitchen the door to my room was open nearby but nobody was inside while we were talking all of a sudden a piece of jewelry came flying out of my room and skirted along the floor but to this day we have no idea how that happened ironically neither one of us was freaked out about it we were sorting some boxes in the living room of my old house before moving out we had brought our new puppy who was very docile and a bit clingy she was at my feet the entire time we were there so it was just me my mom my brother and the puppy sitting in a circle going through boxes and no one got up during this time we were only there about 30 minutes as we were finishing up and getting ready to leave I noticed the dog was missing the house was a basic ranch layout open living room and kitchen dining room long hallway with two bedrooms and a master and a bathroom so she couldn't have gone far we searched the entire house for the dog and could not find her we searched every room at least three times and all three of us were calling for her there was no barking whimpering scratching nothing on our third round in the master my brother just desperately opened up the walk-in closet and out comes my dog shaking and with her airs down we left quickly after that because that door opens out into the room someone would have had to have coax the dog into the empty closet and then closed the door behind her or pulled it closed from the inside there were no vents near the door and the heating and air had been shut off for months strange things occurred in that house while we live there and intensified as we were moving out so I don't know really what to chalk it up to you have been visited by the Pete's off sleepiness good dreams and rest will come to you but only if you comment sleep tight pizza if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people [Music]
Channel: Updoot Studios
Views: 155,579
Rating: 4.905129 out of 5
Keywords: #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub, caught on camera, most mysterious, reddit scary, true scary stories reddit, scary story, scary horror story
Id: KukzZuaOQps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 27sec (1107 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 24 2019
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