What Was Your "Well That Happened" Classroom Moment?

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students of Reddit what's your well that happened moment in the classroom at my school we sometimes have drug dogs come and check the lockers they always announce it like teachers please do not let students leave the classroom for the next bit of time everyone knows what it means and one kid in my class grabbed his bag and jumped over three desks and ran out the classroom turns out he was an entrepreneur of sorts he was merely holding inventory for his small business a physics class in Community College professor was explaining conservation of angular momentum and had a kid sit on a tall chair that spins he then had the kid hold two books out with extended arms and then spin as fast as he can before telling the kid to pull the books in close to his chest think of a figure skater and how they spin really fast the kid immediately turns into a blur and the steel chair starts to tip slightly until it Rockets from under him like it was shot from a slingshot the kid slams into the floor as if he got choked slammed and his head hit the floor in a way that sounded like someone dropped an overly ripe melon the look on the professor's face said well that was a good run I guess I have to find a new career now kid turned out okay and everyone got a laugh but it genuinely looked like I had just witness in death the teacher probably thought I'm so getting sued this wasn't my class but was the talk of the school for a while a well-liked teacher gave her class a free workday and offered to play some music upon opening her iTunes she found a file named transformers mp4 curious she opened it it turned out to be hard copy that blasted through the entire class at full volume panicking she couldn't figure out how to shut it off so she ran the laptop open and still blasting at full volume down the hallway to the office to reduce exposure to students it turns out the superintendent's son used one of the shared servers to browse and download the video so it was accessible by every computer connected to the school network the superintendent resigned a couple years later at least it wasn't a Michael Bay movie there was a guy who sat in the front row at one of my classes when I was in Community College he would just bring in fresh vegetable and just eat like squash and cauliflower raw during class not in classroom but kid fell out of the restroom ceiling and broke the whole ceiling and in a classroom someone got thrown across the room into a wall hey wrong guy with anger issues started yelling at the teacher and then slapped her across the face keep in mind this fat kid was huge and the teacher was this old tiny Asian woman the nicest guy in the class smokes a guy with a sucker right hand and just puts the guy out cold I would pay to see that when my teacher brought his samurai sword and started yelling random samurai cries whilst trying to teach us about ancient Japan quite a period we had that day all I'm hearing in my head right now is Jen teased out had a teacher have a little bit of a mental meltdown in class when she realized that no one really cared about doing the homework and such she was really sad and I wish I was a better student for her and I hope her life is going better nowadays two things you need to know first there was this guy at my school whom I've now known for 25 years his thing is to scream flippy at everything he's done it since I've known him anytime someone mentions Matt someone always adds Africa he is huge and very loud when he comes in the body announces his presence with an exuberant freakier if he calls you you say hello and he yells freakier you get the picture second my senior year it was a thing to sneak vodka into school and Cinnabon mugs for some inexplicable reason plastic Cinnabon mugs were like a huge thing sashay around flaunting your Cinnabon mug rolls eyes anyway I'm in a post-lunch class one day and one of the cinnamon vodka girls up and starts puking bright hot pink fruity vomit out the window behind her then she stood up and screamed wh-o-o-o-oa appeared at the top of her lungs with her face covered in puke trip yeah dude is also in this class so he immediately screams freaky attack then she yells freaky again and they go back and forth yelling freakier getting progressively louder with each one until the teacher gets to her and Usher's her out of the room the rest of us just sat there like WTF was that all about then she yells Fripp yet again and they go back and forth yelling freakier getting progressively louder with each one until the teacher gets to her and Usher's her out of the room rookie mistake you accidentally created a positive feedback loop not a student anymore but we had a supply English teacher that had the good old habit of liking a little drink in the classroom he used to pull a small bottle of vodka out of the drawer and take a small sip every few minutes while trying to be sly about it well after a while one of the students told a teacher about it and then the supply teacher was found on his lunch break watching Netflix and drinking a glass of wine in the classroom funny thing is he stayed on as a teacher for another three months before being totally kicked out for a similar thing back in eighth grade middle school we had this really cool and chill us history teacher he never raised his voice and he was pretty laid-back about class and work he taught in a storytelling kind of manner and I don't ever remember in annotating any document in his class well we had that one kid in this story I'm gonna call him Jim jim was always late to class and never turned stuff in he was that one really cringey kid that everyone either hated or pity my teacher never got really fed up with him but would always show his distaste for him in his facial expressions as my teacher normally would pull him aside to talk to him about his tardiness or missing assignments Jim would say he would be earlier do the assignments but he of course never did one day Jim walks in late again my teacher is about to start teaching and when he turns and sees Jim walking in well this time my teacher wasn't so happy about it it was the middle of the school year towards the end and my teacher must have gotten so fed up with Jim at that point my teacher yells Jim's name at the top of his lungs he normally had a boomy voice but when he yelled it amplified a hundred times over the ground literally shook when he yelled and I'm sure they could hear him from downstairs at the other end of the school our school wasn't that small either for the rest of the class period about 30 minutes literally it was dead silent everyone was still kind of shocked from it go into the bathroom and opened the door the professor is there crapping we make eye contact and I freeze he slowly reaches for handle to close the door so naturally I shake his hand because I'm [ __ ] perfect recovery when I fell asleep in the first row and the professor and the other students started clapping to wake me up and when I woke up I also started clapping like a [ __ ] fight took business English my senior year of high school we had to do a presentation on a made-up business to kids did a presentation on a frozen yogurt place that was like a make your own yogurt thing you would squeeze the flavors and stuff out of fake counters straight from the teat was the name of their business it was a long day I'm interested in franchising someone asked him can we cook it in chemistry another person asked our math teacher who was going home to Canada over break if she could go threaten to kill his friend who lives there same person told the same teacher that he couldn't do the work because he has 100 extra chromosomes he doesn't she responded by saying that explains why you look like that in a graduate level optics course final exam professor leaves the room for a minute instantly the majority of Chinese students start conferring frantically in Chinese everyone's like WTF the Chinese kids at my university are renowned for cheating ninth grade for reference everyone was being super loud so we were pretty much unable to discern anything short of our own table just as the teacher is coming in and everyone is quieting down this one kid is just loudly talking and telling this one girl who looks really freaking uncomfortable it's four inches with the most proud voice ever not in the classroom but it's still something that happened at school at the last day of school the entire high school goes into the theater for assembly then the entire grade presents the students that are leaving and for every person that is leaving a friend of theirs will walk up with a microphone and state why they will miss them their achievements etc in our school year this kid let's call him John was a complete butthole he treated everyone badly and smoked in school etc rumors have it that he was asked to leave at the end of the year and that he was pretty much expelled but he was still presented by his friend in front of the whole high school when his friend finished talking he grabbed the microphone pointed to our principal and shouted in it and glad that I am leaving this school as I'll never ever have to see your freaking face again then he gave the mic to his friend and left via backstage everyone was at this assembly from grade 9 to grade 12 every teacher counselor even the principal and the director of the school was there there was a huge gasp and everyone was completely silent for the next 30 seconds then the next people which are leaving walked up to the stage so yep that happened I went to a small college and our classroom sizes were very small 15 - 25 people so we got to know everyone pretty well there was this one guy who came in so stoned that he fell off his chair thankfully the prof was relatively chill so she let him go home not my story but my friend told me how the first day of class during introductions and icebreakers this girl got up and ran toward the door she didn't make it in threw up all over the place looked around her and completely horrified left the class she came back for her stuff later also another time my professor knew I was turning 21 the night before and when I came in the next morning completely hungover and dead he and the whole class applauded me it was nice I have the same reaction to icebreakers tell us one fun fact about yourself blue 11th grade ap bio class one of my classmates was locally renowned for his nonsense one day he decided he was gonna leave and so he walked to the back of the classroom and hopped out the first story window and left in the middle of class same guy same class brought his banjo in one day and had a banjo jam session before class started we had one sub who was very popular because he could freakin ripple a harmonica he always had one handy I would love to see a harp off between him and John popper in the largest lecture hall on campus there's a large reproduction of George Washington Crossing the Delaware hanging above a door but one afternoon during my class in said room some guy dressed entirely in red white and blue with an eagle mask walked in saluted the painting and exited two girls in a fight one of them German sup lux the other into a table I know that sounds like wrestling but my teacher in eighth grade had an old wooden table next to her desk to hold extra books and stuff girls walked over a dude I think and after the slapping and hair pulling it happened was in a math class where a random student fell into the classroom and simply yelled you pushed me too hard [ __ ] he got up and left as if nothing happened the class laughed their asses off including my math teacher it's something I only see in cartoons I remember being maybe in second grade on this one kid in our class kept yelling crap through the window at some 10th 11th grader that was outside our window was easy to climb in and out off as it was placed at a higher level from the ground the dude that was standing outside got annoyed with him I guess and just jumped on the windows stool which was pretty wide and said something along the lines of you kid should not be saying things like this I am older and won't do anything but someone in this life will at some point if you keep this behavior then went back to his friends or whatever like nothing out of the ordinary happened our whole class off second graders were shocked I know it would have been more interesting if I remember the details that had happened a long time ago I thought you were about to tell me you're 11 grader beat up a 2-cd grader I was standing outside the classroom before class Tim was a popular pothead who played a guitar Gary was an upperclassman who'd been in some troubles before Tim had hurt himself somehow and so he was on crutches we're standing there Gary comes walking by with a group of dudes and just Yanks one of the crutches away from Tim oh thanks Tim says Gary and the dudes walk off in the bell rang so I walked in and Tim hobbled on one crutch the teacher saw but I guess she thought Gary was supposed to take the crutch for some reason class was ending and Tim complained because he couldn't get to his next class unless he got his crutch back the teacher apologized for her misunderstanding the situation and phoned the vice-principal so that he could try to locate Gary in this crutch if this was not a hard job for the vice-principal because Gary had gotten in trouble with him earlier in the day so he'd stolen the crutch from Tim and promptly burst into the vice principal's office and threatened him with it story from the dude standing outside the office was that Gary was swinging crutch around he knocked over a trash can and was pounding on the desk with the crutch the vice-principal stood across the desk from him with his arms in the air he kept saying think about what you're doing Gary you don't want to be doing this now I guess that by the time the teacher called Gary had been de-escalated and disarmed and it was all over except for figuring out where the crutch had come from it would have been great if she could have warned in ahead of time fat kid comes in to science class in the morning not looking too good substitute teacher doesn't care even when we tell her that he is literally going blue eventually he throws up on the floor and the teacher goes to him to help he covers his mouth with his coat so he doesn't throw up on her he throws up and his vomit goes down his jacket sleeve and gets dumped on her shoes substitute teacher walks out of schools with a trail of vomit footprints and says nothing freshman year of college I had one professor who would randomly call on students in class and if they didn't answer correctly he would proceed to give them a roast in front of the whole class for their lack of knowledge on the subject material I was in the class with a few of my good friends as it was a prerequisite that we all needed to have even though we got our fair share of roasting from him as well we all thought it was funny and knew it was his way of making sure the students are engaged in the lecture about halfway through the semester he called on one person and after she incorrectly answered he started to casually roast a student at this point another girl raised her hand to get the profs attention after he called on her she proceeded to vocally berate him about how he was treating us all like children as well as call him every vulgar word she could think of at this point he's shouting back at or to complete with all the same vulgarities that she used on him and me and my friends are just sitting in the back laughing under our breath while simultaneously being completely dumbfounded that this kind of stuff actually happens in college finally he yells at her to leave lecture she obliges and as soon as she is out of the room he proceeds to roast her even more to the class it was so odd to see something like this especially since I had just come from High School a few months before man college is wild I was sitting in my physics class trying to stay awake because that class is one of the first classes of the day and I didn't get much sleep the night before I sit at a table in the back of the class by myself the table to my left has two of my friends and one other student sitting at it I forget exactly what was being taught that day but I remember my friends suddenly saying things like oh my god are you all right and maybe you should go to the nurse I looked over to see my friends grabbing tissues and giving them to the other student whose nose was bleeding which wouldn't be such a problem if there wasn't so much blood pouring out from this guy's nose it was concerning to say the least our teacher told him to go and see the nurse he nodded stood up and then he lied out of the room it was probably the weirdest thing I have seen in a while when I was a sophomore in HS there was this one day in my French class where we were going over the homework from the day before the homework that comes from the book is divided into different sections by letter so section a section B and so forth at one point going over the assignment no one was paying any attention to the teacher and we were just talking to the people around us she wanted someone to read their answers from the next section and no one was listening to her she was getting frustrated at this point so she raised her voice and said I want the D there was two seconds of silence followed by everyone busting out laughing one of those moments that I'll never forget I walked into school after being gone for a day and I saw the front desk broken perfectly into apparently the biggest kid in my grade a kid named Fisher had sat on the desk and broken it classic Fisher had a professor gets herb divorce papers in the middle of a lecture luckily there was only 20 others in the classroom and not hundreds in a lecture hall freshman year I made the horrible mistake of taking psych 101 at 8 a.m. so of course hangover made it to class sat down opened my notebook and promptly fell asleep woke to the professor asking me a question I answered it accurately I had taken a similar class in high school he glared at me and moved on then I looked down at my notebook to find page after page of little notes and cartoons from the whole class mostly themes on you snore loudly and you look like an idiot with your mouth hanging open the shame was strong with me that day I once decided to take a history class at 7 a.m. one semester never made that mistake again to make it worse our professor had a monotone speaking voice probably one of the most embarrassing moments of my life right here it was 7th grade English class and my crush in the first girl I ever made out with was in the class I don't remember if we kissed before or after this happened maybe after anyway I let one rip silent but deadly literally by definition it smelled so bad that the kids around me started freaking out and obviously my whole body is turning it caused such a distraction in the class from people laughing that the teacher made me go in the hall while the stench dissipated after five minutes I was allowed back in and had to perform the walk of shame past my crush back to my desk fat was drowning in February's ex student here this was long ago we sent whispers around the classroom to all drop our books on the ground pretending it was by accident when the clock on the wall hit an exact time when it happened our teacher was in the middle of writing on the chalkboard and she turned around shocked to find us all picking up our books she cried after that and we all started to feel really bad learned later she had just had a miscarriage sorry teach we didn't know and we all liked you in first grade this kid climbed on top of a bookshelf and screamed the Superman famous song before declaring he was Superman the then precedes to jump off the bookshelf and collides with another kid we were all doing some like test thing then a student got up ripped it up screamed freak this then threw a chair as a teacher proceeded to them say the teacher bullied her for the whole year not really a classroom but one day after pay me and my friends were changing out into our regular clothes when suddenly we hear a commotion in the restroom our section of lockers had an almost direct view into the restrooms so we make our way over there to see two of the six sinks and they were ripped out of the walls by this one football player this happened in a February and for the longest time until I graduated I was a junior at the time the sinks were still ripped out of the wall one of the janitors must have gotten lazy because the next time we went into the locker room the sink was haphazardly put back into the wall only to be ripped out again the guy who did this has major issues as another friend said he played Gore videos on a classroom projector everyone has a school issued laptop and I saw him chase the freshmen around the team locker room like a spider monkey naked I don't blame the janitorial I had the entire student body treating everything like shot and was responsible for repair and cleaning I wouldn't try if you want to trash the nice things you deserve to get only trash to use I wasn't involved but a couple of weeks ago the freakin head boy of my secondary school legitimately swallowed a key apparently he had placed it in his mouth to prove something and it had slipped down his throat he had to go down to the medical room to get laxatives and get gloves so he could fish the key out of his poop by the time he got it clean the bloody thing had rusted black from stomach acid I have another one which is quite infamous in my school so we have this substitute teacher names mr. Mann Dean who can lose his temper quite easily usually he's okay but it seems this time he had zoned out so two years ago a school started practicing lockdown procedures after a teacher was stabbed to death in the same County the unlikely situation of an actual lockdown occurred one day during cheetah time when a couple of guys walked into the school carrying knives during these lockdown procedures the door is locked in the lights are turned off and we are meant to stay as quiet as possible in the tutor group 9 b6 mr. Mann Dean had replaced the usual teacher who was absent becoming sick of one of the students constant chatter he actually sent the guide to stand outside the room now bear in mind that in this building which got demolished the next year as we all moved to a new building that room was inside one of the maths blocks which only contained two rooms each and was situated directly next to the main path through the school the guy was fine and the intruders were cleared off the site and now we all have a good laugh about it when I was in college I was sitting in a geology lecture center when someone dressed in a banana costume crashes in does a lap around the room then gets chased out of the room by a guy in a gorilla suit who came in after him I think there is videos of this online one of my classmates was bunking class and for some reason decided to call someone who was in class at the time we're not allowed to use phones in class our professor then snatches the phone and begins talking over it only to find out who's on the other end needless to say the kid who bunk class was made to come back and attend class after a few minutes of arguing with a teacher over homework that wasn't done things settled down and everyone went back to their spot until the student proceeds to throw his math book at one of the windows where a whole chunk of glass just fell out it didn't shatter or anything no one was expecting it and it made the loudest of noises day before the exam at the review session of a class with two sections both present the instructors got into an argument over the tested topics they disagreed academically about whether something was X or Y and guessed fricking wort it was on the exam I was in fifth grade and we had a lockdown because of a suspicious person on campus since we were fifth graders everyone freaked out and basically dove under the desks except for three kids who were just in the middle of the classroom on bean bags being loud as crap and playing 0:07 at least they might get their names put on a plaque this was in my anthropology class my freshman year about seven years ago we had just watched a video about the schooling system in Japan in some of the clips the school children had nametags on their shirts after the video ended the professor asked if there were any questions this guy who sat next to me who by the way was always late and usually smells strongly of weed raised his hand and asked so like do the little Japanese kids have to wear name tags because you can't tell them apart as it turns out the professor's wife is Japanese and his children half Japanese no longer a student but when I was a freshman in high school there was this guy I knew since middle school who would always get into trouble well one day he told our math teacher that he needed to go to the restroom already familiar with his behavior and using the restroom excuse to ditch class she refused to let him go he insisted that he had to go but she refused yet again minutes passed and told the teacher that if she didn't let him use the restroom that he was going to pee on the trashcan trying to call his bluff she told him go for it on the trashcan some of the students didn't think he'd do it and egged him on to do it he got up from his desk and approached the trashcan which was at the corner right to the classroom door he was in the corner for a minute then Lee actually peed in the trash can the teacher just sat there as it happened nonchalant like I can't remember if he left the class after he pulled it off since it was years ago but yet cracks me up thinking about that moment a bonus I should add about the guy my best friend knew him as well and were even good friends he once told me that during our sophomore year the guy got expelled for breaking the door window of the Security office they chased him and caught up to him at a nearby mall so in primary school I was around 11 and we had the system of classes visiting the school's library for about an hour to stimulate you to read books it worked really well once a class is finished a member of that class could go warn the next class appointed by the teacher to go to the library I was appointed to go do that and pretty proud of it I knocked the door opened it and wanted to say hey it's your turn to go to the library but suddenly I was distracted by what was on the blackboard the word Mediterranean Sea and huge letters this class was being taught about it so yeah hey it's your turn to go to the Mediterranean Sea is what actually came out of my mouth bonus no one of my own class found out extra bonus the word in our language for library is bibliothek but in dialect in those times another word was Bo courage which translates to Booker II and I think Booker II would be a nice word for library if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot
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Keywords: well that happened, school, school stories, student, students, students stories, high school, college, classroom, teacher, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub
Id: QUrsIkVXbZg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 48sec (1668 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 23 2020
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